Right folks, here is new OPEN THREAD for you to take us into the wide blue yonder of the weekend. Also to let you know that I will be appearing on BBC Sunday Morning Live tomorrow morning discussing whether Prisons are too tough/not tough enough.
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In the week when I (well, all of us excluding Bridger, Huntely and suchlike) won the Nobel Prize For Peace as an EU “subject”…can I nominate Lord John Prescott to do that “independent enquiry” into abuse of kids as condoned by the BBC?
He`d be a bull in a china shop and we`d all get some fun out of it…he`s got an Equity card after that brilliant performance in “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist” of his…and if we tell him not to pester Tracey Temple should he find her lolling about, then we should be OK!
Now-where`s my incense and prayer shawl?….Om shanti!
Name and shame the person(s) who will argue that prisons are too tough. Expect the programme to morph in to another episode of We Shouldn’t Be Sending People To Prison At All.
I’ll try to tune in tomorrow.
I’d prefer shorter sentences doing hard labour from dawn till dusk than longer sentences in a holiday camp with TV, computer games and DVD’s.
In my anarchist days in the early eighties I had a ‘gentleman’s disagreement’ with the Sussex Constabulary and resided at one of Her Majesty’s Hotels for nearly two years.
The only prisoners who advocated for prisoners rights were those with every intention of continuing a life of crime after release. They wanted prison conditions to be as cushy for themselves as they could make them. The ‘prisoners rights’ canard of ‘people are sent to prison as punishment, not for punishment’ was a common refrain.
Prisoners who wanted to go straight when they got out never talked about prisoners rights, just how soft the justicie system is, how it would have sorted them out before it it got tougher with them earlier.
I’d say that 90% of crime is weakness and 10% wickedness. The prospect of punishment is a real deterrence to people succumbing to temptation.
Fair’s fair – given recent revelations, it’s no surprise that more than a few senior staffers at the Bureau for Buggering Children are suddenly taking an interest in conditions in the joint.
Isn’t it nice to see the high and mighty of the BBC having to crawl before the cameras and apologise for allowing the predatory Saville monster to use their premises as a home for attacking young girls? The Saville monster has gone but the monster organisation that allowed it carries on.
Have the BBC apologised yet for illegally paying 25,000 people’s salaries “off the books” to avoid tax and National Insurance? Any small business playing that game would soon be heavily fined by HMR&C, sent to the courts and the principals of the company locked up. The BBC however sails on like an unsinkable Titanic, it seems no massive iceberg of criminality can sink it.
The BBC is far more than a politically biased left wing cesspit.
It is much more than an advocate for spurious claims of global warming or climate change, the consequences of which are hiking energy bills through the roof and killing off our old folk through hyperthermia.
It is far more than an organisation that cannot or will not see that the policies of irresponsible state spending will ruin us as they have the countries of the mafia run countries of the EU.
It is far more than a hot bed of sneering comedians that despise everything this country has ever achieved and stood for.
It is much more than a Corporation that has dumbed down our children for years with its progressive urban rubbish and idolisation of uneducated drug fuelled celebrities.
It is much more than a supporter of foreigners who prey upon our children, sneer at our soldiers, plot to destroy our way of life and blow us up.
It is much more than a pink palace full of Mr and Mr darlings.
It is more than a nasty bully that makes you pay for something you do not want on pain of prosecution..
It is simply an organisation that is no longer fit for purpose.
It was all going so well til you used that John Reid (out of some w*nky Management Consultancy) management-speak phrase ‘fit for purpose’.
Keep up the good work otherwise.
I think you’ve cheated here. You’ve hacked the BBC’s mission statement and just added a sentence at the end.
Excellent stuff.
Thank you Johnnythefish and uncle bup.
You raise a couple of interesting points.
‘Fit For Purpose’ does have a legal meaning under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, in that goods must be:
1. ‘as described’,
2. ‘of satisfactory quality’, and
3. ‘fit for purpose’ – this means both their everyday purpose, and also any specific purpose that you agreed with the seller.
Unfortunately I have not been able to agree any specific terms with the BBC as they will not supply a contract for me to look at when they insist I buy their license, even if I do not want their services, but they do of course have a charter (a sort of mission statement?) and a number of important changes were made in the latest one.
Sustaining citizenship and civil society;
Promoting education and learning;
Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence;
Representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities;
Bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK;
The BBC must display at least one of the following characteristics in all content: high quality, originality, innovation, to be challenging and to be engaging.
The BBC must demonstrate that it provides public value in all of its major activities.
I therefore still contend that for the reasons I have outlined in my first comment that they fail most of the points listed in their charter/mission statement and therefore under The Sale of Goods Act the BBC is not fit for purpose.
However if you still do not like the phrase ‘fit for purpose’ then may I amend it to: “Shut the bloody BBC, sack the f…ing lot and ship ‘em out to Mars on the next leaky boat!”
Here we go folks, here’s last night’s offending article, HIGNFY, wherein the BBC stop the proceedings for about 5 mins, to attack all and sundry with a ferocious left-wing spurt of propaganda… That vile communist Red Ken is so hard to bear!
I’ve uploaded the relevant clip to YouTube
Excellent post. While valid points were raised, it really was a BBC propaganda spot.
The Irish comedian was particularly ridiculous in claiming the alleged child abuse was used by the Mail as a pretext to attack state institutions.
The reports are that within the hospitals and children’s homes Jimmy Savile had unfettered access to it was general knowledge amongst staff that he was a sexual predator but he was still permitted that access. Yet to this person if these reports are true it is not a legitimate cause for concern and outrage, it is ‘a politically motivated attack on state institutions’.
Truly incredible. Orwellian.
Today the Mail has contrasted how the BBC has said sorry and the other institutions haven’t.
I’d have to add, that with such Orwellian propaganda from this Irish comedian, you have to wonder if his purported abhorrence at child abuse carries the same weight as Savile’s warnings over ‘stranger danger’.
He seems to have more abhorrence at the Daily Mail being a conservative newspaper that criticises the left wing bias of the BBC than children getting nonced.
The Daily Mail warrants a lot of criticism but none of their staff abused under age boys and girls in their offices whilst the paper’s management ignored or covered up any allegations that it was going on.
That episode of HIGNFY will come back to haunt the BBC and all those on it.
Watching that clip I felt like a fly on the wall at a BBC script meeting, except there was no moderating voice saying ‘we can’t possibly twist it that far just to have pop at Thatcher, the Tories and The Mail’.
They certainly ticked all the boxes in that clip…
-Thatcher! – tick
-The Cameron-Murdoch nexus – tick
-Leveson/Hacking – tick
-The Daily Mail/Sun (boo-hiss) – tick
-Tabloid hysteria/hypocrisy – tick
-Defense of state institutions (BBC/NHS) – tick
-Metropolitan superiority* – tick
-Obligatory sneer* at Unsophisticated white, working class bigots..ie tabloid readers as skin heads – tick
-Mail Online (again..and again…and again) – tick
It’s fascinating that these people are slavishly rallying round the state broadcaster to defend it’s honour, and by extension their comfy, well paid appointments, but still exude an air of self-assured, anti-establishment independence . This programme has long been incredibly predictable in it’s choice of easy targets, whilst continuing to assume an entirely false air of subversiveness. It’s now merely an exercise in lazy, snide conformism. Bore.
It’s funny, though… they never seem to have a go at Muslims… I wonder why?
Dara Ó Briain – Why don’t I joke about Muslims – YouTube
Presumably hes an expert on the ‘christian right’ though
Re: Mock the week .Funniest thing I ever saw .
Hugh Dennis makes Chris Langham joke,not very funny in its self but whereas the same joke about Gary Glitter would have had the audience of guardianisters rolling in the aisles, this time Intake of breath and the sound of pins hitting floor. But funniest of all .look on Andy Parsons face, even more like ,bulldog chewing wasp
Hopefully, quite soon….. Tick – tick – tick – tick …………..BOOM! The end of the BBC!
Jihad’ll fix it! LOL!!!!
I meant it metaphorically, not an actual explosion. More likely to be an implosion! Thought I’d better make that clear, for obvious reasons!
INBBC was politically euphoric in Tahrir Square, 2011.
Update: Tahrir Square, 2012:
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:
“Egypt: 110 injured as secularists and Islamic supremacists clash in Cairo.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The disagreement over the constitutions centers on whether or not it will transform Egypt into an Islamic state. If these ‘clashes’ escalate, it will be interesting to see which side will get the backing of the American Left, which has fully supported the Islamic supremacists. But it’s not likely they will break with their Islamic supremacist friends — to do so would be ‘Islamophobic.'”
2.) INBBC:
“Egypt tensions spark clashes in Cairo’s Tahrir Square”
3.)’Daily Mail’:
“Our coverage of the Arab Spring was over-excited, admits BBC”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2164536/BBCs-coverage-Arab-Spring-sporadic-ignoring-uprisings-failed-favour-big-stories-Libya-Egypt.html#ixzz29B5bdt00
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It makes good telly to have an utter right wing loon on the box. Ever think you’re being used by the Biased BBC as comedy relief?
? who? when? …
Methinks prole has been at the cooking sherry!
Aww bless the lights are on but no ones home is back ! hi troll soz? prole how’s your’ Sat ? any good cover up’s in beeble land ?
Prole has really achieved something, he has made Dez look relatively intelligent. I never thought that possible.
“Mock The Week star Dara O’Briain has revealed that BBC big wigs won’t allow him to make jokes about Jimmy Savile on the show, after the late TV presenter was accused of sexually abusing children.” (Metro, 13th October 2012)
Jimmy Savile joins Barrack Obama on the BBC’s ‘no-jokes’ list ?
Mock the Week, has become a genuinely funny programme, the comedians come up with humorous and clever comments, Milton Jones is a gem (have listened to his radio shows for years) The programme has, for the moment, moved away from insults and sneering, unlike The News Quiz which is diabolical.
When Tosspig introduces the panellists, ‘’On my left are and on my right’ I have to ask shouldn’t it be ‘’On my left are- and on the other left’
If their gratuitous unfunny rancid comments about Tory politicians were directed at policeman on the gate at Downing Street they would be locked up. When Tosspig commented about Osborne that she felt vomit in the back of her throat at the mention of his name, I have to wonder whether or not someone so deranged and unpleasant should be allowed to broadcast at all.
Or someone so biased. At least she does her tiny bit for justifying this website.
…and unlike Mitchell’s ‘pleb’ comment, we’re expected to find these people’s insults amusing. You’d have to be a particularly smug kind of dullard to find her repetitive, relentlessly partisan schtick entertaining.
BBC comedy is an insult to the viewers intelligence, on top of the absence of genuine humour. Charmless.
What’s this? I was told that the BBC was too big and too disorganized for there to be any memos handed down from on high telling the on-air talent what they can and cannot say like this. Why, one might begin to suspect that there’s some sort of conspiracy going on to keep the audience on side….
‘ I was told that the BBC was too big and too disorganized for there to be any memos handed down from on high telling the on-air talent what they can and cannot say like this.’
You weren’t told this by the BBC were you? They might have got away with but for the internet and its darn facts.
The commenter is rather funny in a rather familiar hole-digging way. One of the cherry vultures moonlighting?
And listen to the fearless Sandi Toksvigs cover up of same on the truly useless lefty “News Quiz”-Fri 12/10/12.
Typical quisling spineless cowardy custard prep school rebels…as if we`d expect anything else.
Trouble with all the talking heads and metropolitan saddle sniffers of the media, arts and ents is that they are ALL to a man/woman/significantly othered BBC creatures of the left…and rely on the BBC to groom them for their “sleb spending monies”-usually by a circuitous route!
No wonder therefore do we get any truly independent comedy, let alone research or science…the Beeb gives, the BBC takes away.
But at least O`Briana has said so….where`s Steel, Hardy, Thomas,Brigstocke now then?…we know Toksvig is up the BBCs arse at least!…but she`ll be pooped out for next Fridays hilarious and unpredictable NewZkwizz!
The laughing Vice President.
1.) ‘Fox News’
“Will Paul Ryan have the last laugh”
(12 min video clip)
“US running mates clash in debate”
“This was a serious, substantive debate between two men who were well briefed and on their game”
states lard mardell
eerrr! Right … just don t ever say “don t play the laughing boy” to jovial Joe Biden, who put down the laughing gas just long enough to state that “thats just a bunch of malarkey and not a single thing he said is accurate” to finish the debate
Actually, would like to nominate him as the new replacement ambassador for Libya, oops! No security detail needed (of course). After all, ahem “crazy” Joe says no one at the Benghazi embassy needed or asked for a single thing … hmm which could get him in line for a future nobel peace prize … posthumously of course
I think Joseph “Joe” Biden is to be commended for his sterling performance on last week’s VP debate. He accurately represented the average liberal: interrupting, over-bearing, blustering, condescending; willing to smirk and snigger at any opinion other than his own and bully a younger and nicer man.
Imagine criticizing Ryan for sending the US to war in Iraq and Afghanistan when he himself voted for the military action himself.
I hear that the assembled hacks in the press room greeted his comment: ”my Catholic faith is the center of my life” with a guffaw.
150 years ago they’d have both been in the same Irish swamp fighting over the last rotten potato. Now the winner will be VP of the greatest country on earth. I suppose that’s progress.
Reference prisons….as far as I’m concerned they are for punishment and keeping crime off the streets…..any character reformation is just something you could hope for but not think of it as the primary reason for putting someone in prison.
And ‘prison doesn’t work’? Well just close down all the prisons, and see crime go up. Yes, hardened criminals aren’t scared of prison….but ‘normal’ people are and don’t want to do the time…so they don’t do the crime.
The peerless Theodore Dalrymple observed that prison isn’t supposed to ‘work’ for the criminal; it’s supposed to ‘work’ for the general public, because if the criminal is locked up in prison he’s not on the streets or in your home committing crime.
I look forward to this hypothesis being presented, analysed and evaluated on the BBC.
I’m reminded of an episode of Question Time from a few years back, during the New Labour years, in which the standard ‘does prison work’ question was asked. At the time, (massaged) stats showed that many categories of crime were falling. The LibDem panelist asked, with absolute credulity, “why, if crime figures are so low, are we locking up such a large number of people”. It apparently hadn’t occurred to this twit that crime levels might have been lower because many of those normally responsible were under incarceration.
We’re now ruled by professional halfwits.
Talking of Limp Dems and QT, a certain Simon Hughes ( you know, the one who modelled for the holiday camp boss in hi-di-hi, geoffrey fairbrother), well he claimed that Savile got away with it because no-one had actually complained to the police. He seems unaware that Sir Jimmy was interviewed under caution by the plod in 2007.
Whata doughnut.
To the annoyance of Uncle Bup, I might suggest that they’re ‘not fit for purpose’, but…really…ascribing any intentional purpose to the LibDems…snort.
…and, here’s how they try to NOT persuade non-Libdems to NOT switch to their party…so many self-defeating negatives it’s a wonder they get through the day without beating themselves to a pulp…
“Dear Jim, I’ve recently started to learn how to play the violin. Please could you fix it for me to spend the day with a fiddler.”
Apparently, Susan Boyle has leapt to Jimmy Saviles defence saying, “I was on’Jim’ll Fix It’ when I was 13 and he never touched me.”
Well there’s a surprise!!!!!
Savile investigation: BBC website correctly says: The BBC said it would not be able to comment on the claims while the police investigation was ongoing.
Earlier the DG came up with this crap: “That is a profound and heartfelt apology – on behalf of the BBC – to every victim. It is the victims, these women who were subject to criminal actions, who must be central in our thoughts.” So he thinks he dun it – before there’s an investigation. Come on luvvies get your act together – or just disband quietly.
Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness.
The alarm goes off, you wake up, you hear the swallows twittering in the garden as they rustle up a crew to migrate, you turn on the radio and …
‘…calls for the sacking of Andrew Mitchell continue…’
Day in day out and day back in again.
The BBC are so corrupt, so corrupt, that they think they are there not to report in an unbiased fashion the news, but to try and dismantle the government at the behest of their union friends and their Labour Party masters.
And on the subject of Keats…
In his army days Spike Milligan had a Major who was always keen to improve the education of his men.
Battery Sergeant Major: TEN SHUN. Tonight the Major will be lecturing you on keats.
I bet none of you higgorant bastards knows what a keat is.
The vacuous “Any Answers” this afternoon had our Anita saying that Mitchell had used the “p-word”!
My God…is this how bad it`s got?
Is this now to be yet another hate crime, liable to years in the gulag…or Saviles old caravan anyway?
This is the level of crap on our airwaves these days.
Oh, and by the way-Mitchell will be well advised to sue the BBC for constructive dismissal…join the Childrens Entrance(oo er) at the BBC eh and queue up with the rest of us.
Mitchell is a dead man tossing-and deserves to go, but not because the Brum plod think he`s offended a union member…Christ this is ludicrous.
Desperate depths being plummeted these days…but squits like Mitchell are here today, gone tomorrow….John Nott was a giant compared to these pygmies wasn`t he?
there we go chris, the slippery slope of the offence industry,
some guys got jailed for wearing some anti police t shirt too –
is that an “offensive” tweet i read, fine him get him to court –
did someone think they heard someone, who stood by someone, who may have uttered a “racist” comment somewhere in that football crowd eh! …
AND what if you happen to be looking for permanent offence, like an ideology i could mention …. are we to criminalise someone for bad manners next, for poor taste?
Hacking phones. Being rude to rozzers… these are the real issues that must be highlighted and pursued until the perps, their employers and whoever was in charge of government at the time (er.. make that when it blew up in case of hacking).
Child abuse on premises and institutional cover-ups?
That’s just the BBC being the BBC.
So farewell “Sir” Stuart Bell!
The laziest MP in Paliament, oiled grease gun who desperately tried to keep that useless florid Mr Speaker in his job in the dog days of the Dung Parliament under Blair and Brown.
Pedlar of French porn, and a man who spent his few waking hours trying to keep MPe expenses out of the FoI Act.
In short-one of the worst MPs in our lifetimes…and Labour to his very espadrilles.
No matter though…he`ll be a Great Paliamentarian”( what they always call lobby fooder when they peg out)…he`ll be a fine man, and assured of a Beeb hagiography on Last Word….to Hosbawm is the verb.
Stuart Bell is assured of his worthless place in the decline of the Labour Partys history.
‘The Dung Parliament’ 🙂
Anyone just hear Stephen Nolen on 5 Dead just now?
Asking a conservative MP what he would do if he heard a rumor about a conservative colleague along the lines of those that were going around about Savile, trying his best to get the MP to drop himself in it and say something along the lines of he’s say nothing and when the MP wouldn’t play his game he sounded well huffed
Will the BBC report this ?
Will the BBC report this ?
They may claim they know nothing about it, as that is popular in the world’s most trusted and professional ‘news’ broadcaster.
I can see they may pretend they don’t read the country’s most popular newspaper, but given the BBC’s relationship with the Met office they may struggle to distance themselves from there.
I’d suggest investing in makers of shredders would be a smart play within the M25 and Salford.
i think the when the BBC does QT in London, they should broadcast it from a gay sauna and have a muslim panelist
Wonderful Idea!
the BBC should do a ‘documentary’ on why praying to mecca fucks up everything
god, the BBC’s new is a load of bollocks especially Reporters on BBC News 24
Nick Robinson, in ‘The Telegraph’:-
“Winston Churchill’s bitter battle with the BBC”
Not perhaps the best time to share that George, Helen, Sir. Mucky Muck Bland, Peter & the rest of the gang may have wished for at this current time.
Comments going well too though.
“The way Churchill was handled is a powerful warning of the dangers of the BBC believing it is being balanced by excluding the voices of those who do not represent conventional wisdom.
In the early years of the BBC, Reith’s main way of steering clear of controversy was to aim for political balance. Reith did this by subcontracting the choice of political speakers heard on the BBC”
choice of political speakers …
excluding certain voices …
what … didn t churchill know,
they “get the balance just about right”
just ask hitler 😀
For INBBC to censor?:-
“NHS boss faces death penalty over charges of torture and 18 murders in Bangladesh”
“One of Britain’s most important Muslim leaders – who has a senior role in the NHS – is to be charged with 18 murders by a war crimes tribunal in his native Bangladesh, investigators have told The Mail on Sunday.
“Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, who is director of Muslim Spiritual Care Provision in the NHS and is also a chairman of the Multi-Faith Group for Healthcare Chaplaincy, is accused of abducting, torturing and killing 18 journalists, academics and doctors during the bloody war of independence in Bangladesh in 1971.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2217367/NHS-boss-faces-death-penalty-charges-torture-18-murders.html#ixzz29G3kBtiS
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Will these knobs at the INBBC never learn? The newsreader on News 24 is interviewing the Lawyer about St Jimmy and has just announced that these things may be criminal today, but they weren’t back then, and after all what was poor Mr chinnery to do ! A huge star and just what COULD he have done.
He also used the defence that things were so much different “back then”.
Total basket cases, they are in a hole and KEEP digging!
You couldn’t make it up.
…and now…
…they can run a constant stream of news stories so persistent that one can only assume they are engaged in a campaign to get a government minister sacked for saying a naughty word, but…
…a predatory pedophile in their midst, know to many of their employees for decades, is just too troublesome and sensitive an issue to deal with…’cos who are we to judge the lifestyles of others…
This makes me sick – f*ck these people.
Had this happened in any other large organisation, especially a private one, the BBC would be crawling all over the story – “Is this a symptom of a cultural sickness that runs throughout the body of the corporation?”
The BBC have not a leg to stand on.
Forget the swinging sixties, leave aside the sexist seventies.
If ITV could break the story how come Newsnight spiked it?
And the BBC excuse for ditching the story “There was no Police investigation”
When all else fails….
The BBC: Best Blame the Cops.
‘The BBC: Best Blame the Cops.”
Might see a bit of a dilemma in editorial spiking quarters on which to quietly ditch via a no-paper-trail ‘word’… the new meme being spun on Sir Jim’s alleged noncing of children as per here, or running the PR-as-news for the Police Federation on alleged nasty words being used.
One clearly being the bigger crime, the BBC’s only course is clear…
Nice video too.. noting ‘the smear campaign than ran afoul’
On Marr, here we go, claire balding drags Lance armstrong into savilgate. So there you go then, nothing to see here move along. David aronovitch continues the argument. Knobs
Will she mention her disgusting HIGNFY performance? I wonder.
A Beeboid rushed out to talk on a beedboid’s show on the BBC about things the BBC would prefer talked about?
Shocked I tell you… shocked!
Sir. Bland not around to invoke their awesome integrity and reputation for trust clearly still being enough?
the newspapers are full of it, buts lets not forget, they have no reason to like the bbc.
is that called framing the debate?
hmmm … al bbc logic, just like with islam
blame those reporting on it, not the perpetrators
“blame those reporting on it, not the perpetrators”
That definitely seems to be the pattern emerging, doesn’t it.
Is it coordinated? Another question for a public inquiry to ask.
Another day, another completely random screw-up in support of no agenda whatsoever (plus extra revolving door goodness):
I see that the people who think prisons are to tough are usualy middle class women who seem to judge conditions as an opposite to their own comfortable up bringing. They don’t seem to understand that it could be seen as a clean well heated place with hot meals to someone who lives in self imposed squallor.
BBC Radio 5 this morning.
Double Talk “A second look at the big stories of the week, exploring the truth behind the headlines and putting key players in the news to the test. With Anita Anand and Sam Walker.”
They also look forward to the week ahead. So a big shout out for the latest upcoming Union/Labour sponsored Tory Cutz demo.
The spokesbod is given an openmike to promote the BBC/Ed Balls favoured ‘Plan B’.
BBC Balance? One of our presenters (I can’t tell whether it was Kermit or Miss Piggie) does put a question (other than to request the time and place of the demo).
“But will it change anything?”
In other words the assumptions and policies endorsed by the demo organisers are assumed to be correct.
A banner spotted at a march in Rotherham yesterday, to highlight the rape of young English girls by Muslim predators, read: “Jimmy Savile would’ve loved Sharia Law”
Perhaps it’s not just the BBC’s love of Islam that prevented them from reporting the Muslim child grooming story for so many years? Not that their reporting of it now is exactly truthful and prominent.
I guess a young girl being drugged, raped, murdered and then turned in to kebab meat isn’t as serious or newsworthy as an MP allegedly calling a policeman a ‘pleb’.
Justice for Charlene Downes!
More for Islam Not BBC (INBBC) to censor?:-
[This item is supplementary to ‘Daily Mail’ referred to at 9:06 am above]-
“Mueen Uddin:
“The Mass Murderer at the Heart of Britain’s Islamist Establishment.”
I was reading whilst the TV was on News24 the other evening, but could’ve sworn the newsreader referred to the Egyptian government as “Moderate Islamist”!?
Must’ve been between the stories about the Catholic Atheist and the one about the vegetarian carnivore . . .
…and the BBC conservative.
Compare and contrast ‘Daily Mail’ and INBBC reports on two news items: 1.) allegations of UK murder of Afghan;
2.) UK Muslim Bangaladeshi’s 18 murder allegations.
a.) ‘Daily Mail’
“Support grows for seven Royal Marines arrested in Afghanistan over ‘execution of Taliban prisoner after police found video on laptop’”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2216471/Royal-Marines-arrested-Support-grows-seven-Afghanistan-execution-Taliban-prisoner.html#ixzz29GzFLdMK
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b.) INBBC:
“Five marines charged with murder after Afghanistan ‘incident'”
a.) ‘Daily Mail’:
“NHS boss faces death penalty over charges of torture and 18 murders in Bangladesh”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2217367/NHS-boss-faces-death-penalty-charges-torture-18-murders.html#ixzz29H0OuaUn
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b.) INBBC:
no report.
I`m taking the afternoon off!
Mr Emus seems rattled elsewhere-so if he`s about saying that the Savile case “raises significant issues for the BBC”….I know that the BBC is f***ed…well, Savile`d anyway. Let them stew in their own filthy bath water-let Esther club Anita in the girls dorm with a pillow or a sandbag(who cares?)…I know that Savile may not have cared a stuff for his legacy(commendable compared to the sickos like Blair and Clinton), but if he brings the BBC crashing down, and ever so-silent on scouts, Catholics etc…then we may yet put up some creepy monument to him by Salford docks some day!
The BBC in funk overdrive…let them do skids, slip and slide and otherwise twist and self-combust and perjure themselves.
Have the afternoon off I`d suggest…we`ll need our eyes,ears and energies for the next Phase of Operation Newsnight Nonce!
Switch and compare the beeb rat.
An attack which kills 20 people inside a mosque in Nigeria gleans the Al-Beeb headlines:
Deadly attack in Nigeria’s Kaduna state kills at least 20
Now compare that headline with the many headliens from the bBC where Christians have been murdered in Nigeria.
Nigeria church attack in Kogi state ‘kills 19’
Nigeria: Dozens dead in church bombings and riotingAt least 36 people have been killed in multiple blasts at at least three churches in the northern Nigerian state of Kaduna, and in subsequent reprisals.
Nigeria’s Potiskum cattle market raid ‘kills dozens’At least 34 people have been killed in an attack on a cattle market in north-eastern Nigeria,
Nigeria violence: Scores dead after Kano blasts
Co-ordinated attacks by Islamist militants in the northern Nigerian city of Kano on Friday killed about 150 people
Strange how when Christians are murdered to the utterance of ‘Allah akba the bBc just reports the news.
When Mosques are attacked it becomes ‘deadly’
The bBC, the Jimmy Saville of the media world where they just love to fuck you over
This morning I had to go out early but on looking at the news I noticed the bBC was flying the Islamic flag of victim status in which to try and take the heat off them and onto somebody else. (hence the rash of military stories)
Well at the top of the tree the bBC are flying the story about how 5 bootnecks have been charged with murder.
Have a look at the different size in front and headlines between the Uk page
Five marines charged with murder
and the Asia page:
UK charges Marines with Afghan murder
While the bBC is more than happy to wind up the jundies with another story aimed direct in which to wind them up. (Hey don’t get me wrong if these guys have done wrong throw the book at them) But hang on while the bBC talks murder the Daily Telegraph reports this:
The servicemen are understood to have been arrested after a video was discovered on a laptop belonging to a Royal Marine. The clip appears to show members of a Royal Marine patrol standing around a Taliban fighter as he lay injured on the ground in a compound. They were apparently discussing what to do with him and whether to administer first aid but the film is said to cut out before anything happens. The Royal Military Police have confirmed the man died, sources told The Daily Telegraph.
The bBC instead report this:
The marines were arrested by the Royal Military Police after suspicious video footage was found on a serviceman’s laptop by civilian police in the UK.
Yeah, the bBC which is so slow in which to expose paedophiles and such within its own ranks (Including the bBC mosque) doesn’t waste a moment when the people in the spotlight are.British service men.
The bBC the traitors in our midst
The bBC continues to hide rapists from the spotlight
Prosecutors in France appeal over Creteil rape verdicts
So the bbC reports on the story of gang rapes in paris after the verdict was delivered and then goes out of its way in which to water down the article. But from reading the bBC just who were these 14 men who raped young girls in Paris. Have a look at Bishop Crammer to find the answer.
The bBC, apologists for rapists, the world over
Sorry the link:
Script for QI
Stephen: Can you tell me the biggest joke ever to come out of Alaska?
All: Sarah Palin
My how we laughed.
Nice to see them blooding fresh meat – Susan Calman – (pretrendy) leftie stand-up (aka self-employed business-woman) and about as funny as the ebola virus.
And before anyone asks – no I wasn’t. Never have – never will. I was setting up the VCR to record The Thick Of It.
At present, QI is virtually un-watchable anyway. If your idea of entertainment is to listen to four people shouting over one another then you’ll be in for a treat. Having two women ‘comedians’ on the panel is a bad idea too especially when (a) they’re not funny and (b) they sound like a thousand clucking chickens – all that squawking is most head-ache inducing. Anyway, has anyone noticed that these Scots lasses seem to all look the same – short, dumpy, overweight … with a whiff of lavender. It must be the water.
INBBC will extend its pro-Islam propaganda tonight via Marr ‘history’ episode 4, BBC 1, 9:30 pm, touching on the myth of the ‘golden age’ while censoring out the phrase, Islamic Imperialism.
Alternative reading:
1.) Andrew Bostom ‘The Legacy of Jihad’
(‘Look inside’ : see page 24, for example.)
‘The Legend of the Middle Ages’
Hysteria! Don’t panic.
Remember when Mark Mardell said after Romney’s debate triumph that if the polls showed him gaining ground we’d have to take notice?
Gallup has Romney leading nationwide among registered voters 49%-47%.
Romney’s up in Florida, 51%-44%
Depending on which poll we’re talking about, Romney is either tied with or just barely trailing the President in Ohio.
Romney leads by one percentage point in Colorado now, and is currently just three points shy in Wisconsin.
BBC: ZZZzzzzzzzz
Funny how they used to be pretty regular with waving poll figures in your faces.
I have realised that things cannot be exactly going Obama’s way by the lack of information on the BBC. Funny how at the last POTUS election Obama was never off our screens.
So any read the bBC article on those 4 dykes who have dressed themselves in white togas and chained themselves up inside Saint Pauls during a service. Which if I recollect correctly is a crime in the Uk.
Do you think they were hoping to get arrested,jailed and them becoming worldwide martyrs in which to boost their flagging membership.
Unfortunately for them the church isn’t pressing charges and I just love this from the Dean:
“Dean Ison said he and a member of Occupy Faith, the group’s religious wing, were leading a prayer when the women came up and started shouting. The women have said they have “thrown away the keys” to their padlocks.
“It will be a long cold night if they want to stay there,” Dean Ison said. “I don’t know what they want to do.
You’d think the bBC could have explained the reasons why these dykes tied themselves to a rock. Instead they parrot the mindset of a 16 year old student who feels the worlds needs saving from those who pay their way.
I hope Romney wins, if he does a large dark cloud will loom over the BBC….Here’s hoping.
If I were you, I`d begin to look into the legality of supporting the BBC, given that the licence fee is used(or certainly has been) to pay for nonces, paedos and sex rings in one way or another.
Operation Ore didn`t spare Pete Townshend for “splashing out”(oo er) for child porn…so are we not culpable for funding the likes of Savile?
I suggest that we all divvy up our licence fees for Sky subscriptions, for Premier Christian Radio and gor local hospital radio in your area.
Better to be safe that sorry-I`d trust my £145,50 with gentle grandad Uncle Rupert and his multicultural model family…as opposed to the likes of Graham Norton and Russell Brand.
Maybe we should all have a Buy Rupert Day-the Sun, Times, Times Ed etc, etc…and refuse 1/365 of the licence fee to make that clear.
Say no to nonces-clunk clicking or otherwise!
Tonight Andrew Marr typifies rather neatly for us that left liberal self loathing so beloved of the BBC.
“….only by learning from others and profiting from the misfortunes of others was it that Europe grew”
Don’t forget all the inventions and discoveries of the Islamic world that we stole as well. And then, we rather cleverly erased all the work they did to make those discoveries and inventions so it would look like we’d done it and not them. We’re such useless bastards. We’ve never done anything.
Marr, with a book to sell, now likes to think of himself as an historian; he’s not.
Incidentally, like most of the political left, he’s an apologist for the Islamophila version of history.
Islamophilia, INBBC and Marr.
Being left-wing/liberal in 2012 is a mental illness.
All those great genine left-wing/liberal people from the past must be turning over in their graves everytime they see people like Andrew Marr.
Cartoon – BBC’s smokescreen over the Savile issue…
sorry – better one here…
Muslims campaign against free speech in UK and globally.
INBBC sees to miss the broader issue of Islamic campaigning against free speech.
‘Jihadwatch’ has this:
“The Islamic war on the freedom of speech and quest to compel the West to adopt Sharia blasphemy laws continue. Will the West stand up for the freedom of speech, or capitulate? Smart money is on the latter, but some of us will never, ever give up.”
INBBC restricts itself to:
if the BBC is meant to be balanced and impartial, and overseen by the BBC Trust, surely the BBC Trust is not fit for purpose
The BBC Trust (oxymoron) represents only the interests of Patten and Beeboids, paid for by licencepayers.
The BBC needs to be culled. It doesn’t represent the vast majority of people in this country. It only represents guardian readers and their self-loathing mental illness.
Contrast these 2 articles about the same incident, and see for yourself how the BBC underplays the significance of what Israel has done, against whom, and why.
This is the opening part of the AP report:
Israeli airstrike kills senior Gaza militant
By IBRAHIM BARZAK | Associated Press – 2 hrs 44 mins ago
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israel claimed a significant blow against al-Qaida-inspired militants in the Gaza Strip Sunday, killing one of the most influential leaders from an extreme branch of Islam that has targeted Egypt and Gaza’s Hamas rulers as well as Israel.
Hisham Saidani was killed alongside another top militant in the northern Gaza Strip in an airstrike late Saturday, Israel’s military said. He was one of the main ideological guides for the violent, ultra-conservative Islamic movements in Gaza known as Salafi jihadis.
The Israeli military said Saidani, 43, was suspected of carrying out attacks against Egyptian and Israeli targets, but they would not provide further information.
Militants on jihadi websites identified the other dead man as Ashraf Sabah, 37. They said he was the leader of another al-Qaida inspired group, Ansar al-Sunnah.
Pretty clear, and succinctly put.
Here’s the complete BBC article to see the difference:
Israel Gaza: Air strikes leave four dead in 24 hours
Three Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip have left four people dead, including at least three militants.
One Palestinian was killed and three injured near Deir al-Balah on Sunday, Palestinian medical sources confirmed.
Israel’s military said they had targeted a “terrorist rocket squad”.
On Saturday evening an air strike killed a Salafist Islamist leader and another militant in Jabalia and, a few hours later, another militant was killed in Khan Yunis.
The Salafist leader killed in Jabalia, Hisham al-Saedni, was hit on a motorcycle. Israel said it was responding to a rocket attack on southern Israel.
Aged 43, Saedni is said to have headed the Mujahedeen Shura Council group.
On Friday, a rocket apparently fired by the same group landed in the courtyard of a residential building in the southern Israeli town of Netivot. No-one was injured.
There has been a flare-up in violence across the border recently, with Palestinian militant groups firing rockets into Israel and Israel carrying out a series of air strikes against targets across the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli military have reported at least five air strikes over the weekend.
I was quite surprised to see they didn’t include the standard: ‘children injured or killed by the Israeli strikes according to the Palestinian medics’.
Good old Andrew Marr!
There was me thinking that Islam gave us the arid Sahara where once the Romans had vineyards.
That Islam gave us the ultimate African slave trade.
That Muslims piled up Christian bodies for fun as they slashed and burned their way through S.E Europe until the Christians saw sense and dealt with them.
That Islam turned European women and kids into harem fodder, long before Savile had got the idea.
That Islam screwed up every economic and trading system that it inherited, and attempted to burn all books that it found that weren`t the Qu`ran in Arabic.
Silly me-they gave us algebra and alcohol…but little else!
But not at the BBC….the foolish fundamentalists of Vienna or Poitiers refused the friendly hand of Islam and sent them sadly back to the stone age…where all their bodged up states happily remain.
Goves history review cannot begin quickly enough.
Marr is a PC ass on a Foreign office camel…and after Regensburg, cartoons, Youtube, 9/11, Bigley, Pearl, Qatada, Hamza, 7/7, ricin, underpants nutters…you`d have thought that Marr might get out of Club Class/fondling colleagues and give us some truth…didn`t Lennon demand the same?
What a Toby Jug!
I see that young Pakistani Girl who wrote a blog for the bBC and got shot in the ehad for it is now coming to the Uk . Without wanting to sound cold and heartless, why? You know all her extended family will come over and claim asylum, and we will have another bunch of free loaders living off our backs. The bBC yet again runing the life of another young girl and getting the tax man to pick up the pieces.
(Note how in the latest about the young girl the bBC fails to mention their connection)
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
I strongly dislike the BBC, but I dislike your post far more. She represents free speech and the right to be educated. In their own ways the BBC and the Taliban don’t. We should welcome and support her.
hmmm! free speech ….
people in the UK better wake up …
Muslims protest ‘age of mockery’ as thousands descend on Google HQ,”
The Telegraph, Oct 14. (just to show that threat/violence works)
maybe a couple of them should nip over for tea and cakes to al bbc hq with aquil ahmed to discuss the best strategy on the “offence” eh!
maybe warsi s buddy the old chip shop baron himself, could chip 😀 in with his 10, 000 men ….
this should be a turning point, but with media like the bbc … it won t be
You’re suggesting that she’s the same as the bigots demonstrating outside Google. I’d say they would go down well with the same people who shot her.
Please feel free to disagree with my post. The fact remains her immediate family will all come across and we will all end up funding them. As for her representing free speech and the need to protect her. I totally agree. However and a big however the only way to combat religious bigotry at home is to fight it at home. In otherwords the only people who can do anything about Pakistan are Pakistani people. At the moment Pakistani people are more than happy to flirt with radical Islam. (Have a look at how Imram Khan is in trouble with Afghanistan by claiming that the Taliban are fighting a just war. Yes that Imran Khan who also refuses to condemn the Taliban for shooting this girl. He is (so I am told) the voice of reason in Pakistani politics , yet he represents people who are not only refusing to stand up for free speech but they give succour to Islamic terrorists.
But hang on here’s a little snippet about Pakistan , they have more nuclear warheads than the UK, they have more front line fighter jets than the Uk and they have more front line tanks than the Uk. We give them £1 billion in Aid every year and yet they cannot build a hospital which deals with head wounds. Maybe there lies the reason so many Pakistan muslims come to the Uk for medical treatment and good minding people like yourself say we should take them in.
Err Pakistan has made its bed with China, how about the Pakistani people start migrating to…China.
She is a spirit that enriches this society, I only hope she chooses to stay and becomes an MP. She puts many indigenous residents, including those populating the BBC, of this land to shame.
Thank you Malala for your courage and welcome. May you enlighten many with your spirit.
I do wonder whether the Today preparation team-the ones that put those Guardian editorials into the mouths of John, Evan etc-are either short of sleep or taking too much strong `erb of worse.
Do listen to Sarah Montyguew and her incoherent babbling brook of a meander through …er..”drugs policy”.
She had two “opposing views”…but were they?
Do her script scribblers want drugs “legalised”, “decriminalised” or just available with a helpline card and a duty solicitor on standby?
Of course they all want “more education”-and more “independent charity funding” to do this.
Because the bloody Tories actually want to teach kids to read and write…sorry bub, schools are NOT the places for that.
Seems that Labour were doing a grand job until the funding slowed and the publicity for Frank got less.
No-I know the BBC regard drugs as no more than horse riding….but even their double sided duct tape could not make this “piece” anything but a rushed , incoherent shambles?
Why-it`s as if they`ve partaken of their “shit” a bit too early …again…