Anyone catch BBC Scottish political correspondent Brian Taylor offering his analysis of the forthcoming Scottish referendum? His terminology was LOADED with implied pro SNP bias. BBC seem very excited at possible break up of UK. Plus ca change?
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An independent Scotland with no MPs at Westminster = permanent Tory majority for the rest of us. I’m not sure that the Beeb know what it is they are rooting for.
The sooner Labour disaapears the better for the whole of Britian.
The BEEB do know what they are rooting for. The break-up of the UK so the EU can destroy this nation easier.
The uk is already broken up, what we need now is an English Parliament.
Islington and Hampstead should become Sharia micro state.
One way to get rid of BBC cokeheads and Sodomites.
Exactly right. Once we have Labour as a permanent minority the Conservatives might find it easier to deal with the BBC and begin to reverse some of the wrong headed Labour and liberal elite backed policies that have so damaged the country, England I mean. So we should keep our fingers crossed and hope the Scots vote for independence and take their permanent labour seats with them.
Scotland’s Labour MPs have only contributed to a Labour majority in Westminster at 2 elections in the last 67 years, the most recent 38 years ago (1974, giving Lab a majority of 3) and the other in 1964 (giving a majority of 4).
Its a myth that Labour relies on Scottish MPs. The rest of the UK have and could elect a Labour Government if they want one.
C’mon auntie, come clean about your EU funding, or will it be the lighted cigarette under your fingernails, seeing as FoI requests never seem to work properly?
DV, you should try living up here! But, I suppose you get the same insufferable nonsense with Sinn Pein (in the backside). As an Englishman who’s trapped up here for work reasons I despair with the appalling SNP bias of the BBC… it’s beyond belief; that Stepford Wives extra lookalike, Isobel Fraser (Sunday Politics Scotland/Newsnight Scotland) gets away with the most incredible pro-SNP drivel. I’m sick of it! If that little smug fascist, El Presidente Salmondo Big Bumbo, gets his way I will be doing an immediate Mo Farah South whilst singing, “Like a bat outta hell I’ll be gone when the morning comes… ”
I just hope I will be able to get a job down South! In fact, if Bias BBC are looking for a young, eager and intelligent news reporter give me a call!
What I find most disgusting in this debate is that the bloody English haven’t had one say in all of this. We constantly have to listen to the Scottish Nose Pickers saying “we’ll keep the pound”, and “we’ll take devo-max but retain the elements of the UK which serve us” etc BUT what about the English? Yet again the English have been dumped upon and defranchized. Who the hell do the SNP think they are? Who says that we’ll allow them to keep the pound? Who says that the English will give the Scots more powers?
It’s about time that we English were given a say in all of this… I think if the Scots say no to independence then we English should be given a vote. And we all know what the answer would be! It’s funny all the polls suggest that two thirds of Scots don’t want independence and yet they get their referendum. Two thirds in England want out of Europe and Cameron ignores us! Tells you all you need to know, really.
We should have a say that is in whether the Scottish region of Britain is allowed to leave the Union. If Cornwall wanted independenc would we let that go too? How about London? Maybe it would like to become a City State ruled by immigrants?
Alex, As a Scot who has spent much of the last three decades in England, I have absolutely no desire to see an ‘independent’ Scotland. I would add that those 2/3 of Scots you mention, who are like-minded, do not want to be in the EUSSR either. Cameron, like so many politicians before him, is allowing a referendum on a subject in which the perceived result will suit him, i.e. no to independence. There will be no referendum re. the EU until the politicians can guarantee a NO vote and as that is very unlikely there will be no referendum.
Hmm. I fear that 2/3 figure is rather optimistic, although I wish it were not. I live in Edinburgh and would suggest that most simply do not care. The years of carping by Labour in opposition and then the SNP, aided and abetted by the BBC, have had their effect and most only seem to care that, somehow, Westminster is to blame for everything that is wrong. The EU doesn’t get a look in.
DV, did you have to put that picture of Brian Taylor up there? He makes Mark Mardell look like Twiggy.
” Two thirds in England want out of Europe and Cameron ignores us! ”
Oh dearie me no sir! Dopey Dave rationalises that as knowing that a majority dont actually want to leave the EU, they are just not happy with the present relationship. Something which he of course is able to “fix” for us all. (and , no “fix is nothing to do with St Jimmy).
The poor deluded sod thinks he can march into Europe and renegotiate everything from CAP, rebates, fisheries, borders, social contracts, etc.
Well, I must rephrase that, he of course may be Dopey, but even he knows he can’t pull off all of that. However he is dopey enough to think he can fool enough of the people enough of the time come the next GE. Huge fall on its way I’m afraid for dave and his party.
And just don’t ever forget he wants 80 million Turks in the EU.
Leaders? I sh*t ’em!
More jobs due to lots (& lots) of Scots being sent back up north if they don’t already have work permits (the new independent Scotland not being part of the EU or the UK).
i cant wait for the shackles to be released and england can get its freedom from scotland. wonder how much the telly tax will be reduced by
Reduced? This is the 900-pound BBC gorilla you’re talking about.
I’m not paying that much
They clearly consider a temporary Tory majority is a price worth paying to weaken Britain by destroying us as a country. No doubt they’ll then start encouraging Welsh discontent in the hope that yet another slice of our homeland can be hived off as the next project. Of course theyre not worried about the future because we’ll simply be a region of an EU superstate eventually.
The plan is for several overlapping regions, each overlapping old national borders, so these different regions of England are merged administratively into regions run from Holland, Denmark, France and Spain.
What makes this worse, is that each different administrative area of competence (fishing, education, agriculture, energy etc….) will have different shaped regions run from different areas.
So, you may physically live in one place, but you will live in different administrative regions, run from different “former” nations. This will make it impossible for any area of the EU to become independent and every area of Europe will be utterly and completely dependent on other parts of Europe.
And to add to the barroiers against nationalism people ar ebeing encouraged to move out of their ancestral countries so that all the various ethnic groups of Europe are diluted by foreigners with no local national interest, in fact, likely to be strongly opposed to any nationalism that may not favour them.
Whatever the outcome of the referendum, Scotland will continue to get more devolved powers, more are on their way already, because the SNP whether in government or not will continue to pressure and blackmail. The present parliamentary structure in Westminster is British, not English, and will continue to appease them.
There can be no solution to this without a parliament for England. Until it is established again, England will continue to be denied and abused by those in Westminster. There are many hypocrites among them, they support a Scottish parliament, but not an English one. Why? Because with change many will lose their jobs for good.
We the English must demand change, join the Campaign for an English parliament, or the English Democrat party, or both, question your present MP, Where does he stand on the principle?
Well said, mate… Look, I didn’t mean to offend my Scottish unionist friends as I do have many, so i want to clear that up. I am more than proud to stand by my Unionist friends from Ulster, Scotland and Wales (And America, David!)…. They are so proud to be of this nation and we should never turn our back on them! My dad use say this to me when we first moved up to Scotland: “You’ll never find a nicer bloke than a unionist Scot. But, you’ll never find a bigger a£$hole than an SNPer.” Very true!
My current MP, like many others has no principles other than to fill his boots with our money. Oh yes, he loves the EU, b’stard!
A parliament for England is no protection against the EU.
The IBC and the SNP make perfect bedfellows with their shared hatred of Israel and Christianity but I can understand Cameron being worried as he knows that from the treasuries own figures and despite the hatefest towards Scotland from the media Scotland has actually being subsidising England for 39 out of the last 40 years.
In fact Scotland was the only part of the UK to have a surplus for these 39 years whilst England had a deficit for the same period.
I have no wish to see an independent Scotland under Allah Salmond but I find this ‘subsidy junkie’ myth getting rather boring and nauseating.
Yes, except that’s bollo Jimmy. 50% of Scottish GDP is consumed by the state, 1 in 4 Scots works for the UK government, and only 12% of the Scottish population are net contributors to the UK. And who’s gonna buy all that erratic unreliable electricity from the industrial wind turbines carpetting the glens? Not a UKIP-run climate sceptic England mate, that’s for sure. If England pulls out of Scotland it’ll leave one hell of a hole.
‘50% of Scottish GDP is consumed by the state’
I find this argument incredible. We’ve had succesive Labour and Conservative governments DELIBERATELY destroying Scotlands industries, DELIBERATELY creating a poverty state in the hope that Scots would be enslaved, relying on Westminster to put alms in the begging bowl.
Westminster deliberately turned Scotland into the most deprived region in Western Europe despite knowing that an independent Scotland would be the 7th. richest country on the planet and then they have the gall to tell us how good the union is to Scotland.
As I said, I have no wish to see an independent Scotland under the SNP but I also don’t like watching my country being deliberately and systematically destroyed by alien governments at Westminster for their own political ends.
once england gets its freedom, scotland will be on parr with countries like albania, bulgaria, romania, croatia, latvia etc
you’ve got a tiny population. youre going to be living on EU aid for survival
If that’s the case why aren’t English politicians clambering to get rid of Scotland?
Because they have access to treasury data and they know it’s England that would be the basket case if they had to stop raping Scotland of it’s vast wealth resources.
Look, guys, come on, let’s not go there… We are all British on this site, English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish (and one American, lol) I’m sorry if I got this all going but my problem is with the SNP and the nationalists NOT UNIONIST SCOTS who are the salt of the earth and have given much to the Union; some of the best soldiers, scientists and mathematicians in the Empire and thus the world. Salmond and the BBC want this type of division to take place. We must fight it!
try telling umbongo?
oops, shit! not umbongo, the white dragon of england, sod, sod sod!
away to watch family guy !!!!! dyna ddigon!
I do not think that you know your history. Scotland signed the Act of Union because they were broke. Following it the Scots were prominent in the Industrial Revolution and carried it’s benefits over the world. they also contributed in no small way to our defence. But then that changed with the rise of the SNP and the EU. They have become lazy now too dependant on government. AS hopes to get his Independance and join the EU. However after the shambles of Greece, Spain and Italy, the EU may be a bit choosy who they let in, they may not assist with cooking the books for another nonentity!
I think you will find Scotland is already in the EU and will not have to apply to join.
France and Germany will welcome an independant Scotland with open arms as it will mean the destruction of the UK – one of their long term aims.
Strange, I seem to recall quite a few rabble rousers with Scottish accents in the 1960s and 70s.
Try Googling: John Brown QE2 unions farce
Surely that should be spelt “Bolleaux” as in Gateaux. 😉
That was in reply to Chilli.
Whether or not Scotland is – according to the Highland Rebel – a treasure trove raped by the English is a moot point. What natural resources Scotland now has left might not even be coming to a “free” Scotland. If the Shetlands is given a separatist vote of its own, its resources (arguably a substantial slug of Scotland’s “wealth”) could go to England or Norway. Either way, enormous – or now slightly less than enormous – oil resources would be lost to Scotland.
If I were Highland Rebel I’d rely on the sheer incompetence of English politicians as they “negotiate” a financial settlement with Wee ‘Eck in the event of secession: he’ll eat them for breakfast. Even now Cameron has got what exactly what out of Salmond: a “yes or no” commitment to a question we don’t yet know in return for access to a vote from the idiocracy of 16/17 year olds. You’d think that Cameron would know that “adult” Scottish voters have been bribed for years by taxpayers’ money and have honed a sense of grievance vis-a-vis the English until they’re on the point of cutting themselves with it (cf Highland Rebel): adding in the juvenilia vote just adds to Wee ‘Eck’s fun.
On reflection though, maybe we’re underestimating Cameron (difficult I know). Maybe he actually wants the Scots to commit nationalist suicide. If so, he’s going the right way about it. FWIW I’ve lost interest in keeping Scotland on board the good ship UK. OTOH Scots I have a lot of time for: the contribution of individual Scots to the wealth and culture of the UK is incalculable although it seems to me that the Scottish devotion to grievance-mongering is something we could do without. As long as Scottish independence means that its benefiterati and public sector drones stay north of the border it can only do England a world of good: if only we could dump Wales as well!
I agree with 99.99% of what you said mate. Personally, the only thing I would change is “if only we could get rid of the Welsh nationalists as well!”. I went to Wales to visit a friend in Cardiff and they were staunch supporters of the Union!
Wales is an interesting element in this argument about nationhood and independence. Now please, I’m going to mention something which won’t go down well in some quarters, but Wales is constitutionally part of England and has been since 1525 I think. It still is, even though it has an Assembly for local government. What will happen to Wales. It isn’t a country and I’m not sure it ever has been. It has ethnic inhabitants who call themselves ‘Welsh’ but does that make a nation? It’s a puzzle as to how it sees its future. Either it tries to go it alone like Scotland, or it accepts reality and stays part of England and co-operates with it, and doesn’t try to alienate us all by re-naming everything in a ‘new-Welsh’.
In my experience, the people of south Wales were always friendly, the people of North Wales were nasty hostile. Let’s not forget Monmouthshire was in England until 1974 and I would hope it would wish to return. There should be a referendum.
And my position? I was a happy Unionist until the nationalists in Scotland and North Wales started souding off way back about how much they were ‘victims’ of the English. Tosh. We didn’t burn any houses a few years back but they did don’t forget. Now I support the English nationalist cause and I campaign for a new English parliament. The Scots and Welsh have set about trying to destroy the Union, if they do it was they who opened Pandora’s box, they will have to take the consequences.
” It isn’t a country and I’m not sure it ever has been. It has ethnic inhabitants who call themselves ‘Welsh’”
Wel shw mae achan! dyna’r rheswm bo ni’n tro i siarad Cymraeg pan bobl fel chi yn ymddangos yn ein gwald.
Pobl sy ddim yn ddealus, pobl sy’n dwp, Pobl heb feddwl.
Hwyl am y tro achan a phob hwyl i chi.
Mae ‘na lot o ddarllenwyr y safle yma yng nghymru y dyddiau ‘ma ond yn y dyfodol bydd na lai ohonon ni ar ol i wancyrs fel chi’n dweud cymaint o lol.
No reply umbongo? Oh yes of course, you expect everyone in the world to speak your language dont you. Silly me!
And they do, don’t they.
As demon wrote, everyone in the world does speak my language and it doesn’t require public subsidy and quasi-racist legislation to keep it alive.
BTW I was careful to distinguish between “Scotland” and the “Scots”. Analogously, AFAIAC, as long as the Welsh leave their benefiterati and public sector drones at home and divest themselves of the chips on their shoulders vis-a-vis the English, they’re welcome in England.
I admit I don’t understand a word of the above, although there will be many hundreds of millions around the world who do, of course.
The point I made about anti-English hostiles in north Wales is made for me. I’m going back a few years but I’ve walked into pubs there with English being spoken all around, only to hear groups switching immediately to Welsh when they saw I was English.
It may not happen now, of course.
You may have answered my valid questions about the status of Wales, but I suspect not.
oh chi Cymraeg – sut yr ydych yn gwneud i mi chwerthin. Cenwch i ni a Boyo gân! 😉
Wyt ti wedi ysgrifennu hynny ar dy ben dy hunan cattleprod? neu ddefnyddio google translate?
Beth bynnag da iawn ti achan, a phob hwyl.
Mae’r Gymraeg yn hardd!
Fel hardd ac mor anodd fel Zeta-Jones.
“If the Shetlands is given a separatist vote of its own, its resources (arguably a substantial slug of Scotland’s “wealth”) could go to England or Norway. Either way, enormous – or now slightly less than enormous – oil resources would be lost to Scotland.”
Something Salmond would have no moral authority to deny. Islanders do not consider themselves ‘Scottish’, they are Orkadians or Shetlanders.
The Uk government could make the Shetland Islands crown dependency’s like the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are.
Then they keep all thier wealth and Scotland doesn’t get any.
Salmond is a politician. Accordingly “moral authority” is something to be used if it’s (plausibly) in his favour and to be ignored when it’s an obstacle to getting what he wants – and he wants the Shetlands oil.
Independence for Scotland (aka west albania) would be the best thing for it.
1. Get indepencence.
2. Try to ‘re-industrialise’ Scotland by (snigger) selling wind (and sunshine).
3. Fail.
4. Go bust.
5. Surrender ‘sovereignty’ to the IMF who would then be the first institution for 60 years to try and ensure that Scotland lived within its means.
Or, taking its share of the national debt and the welfare burden, go straight to 4 without passing go.
Useless Donald Dewar left us with this steamer in the jacuzzi before he pegged it way back.
The SNP Referendum is 6th form debating society stuff, and a liberal elite were as screwed up over “Braveheart”as butchers were ruined by “Babe”. But it`s the easy rebellion of the 68 lamebrained class in the public pay.
No surprise then that the BBC, SNP and Labour/Green etc will love it-more victims, more -isms and lots of state sluxh to pony up between them.
Scotland is a fantastic country and I`m happy for it to go-as long as we get our money back, they stay out of sterling and are made to pay their own “free perks” to its students ,sick and old.
And not one f***in Labour MP allowed to be Scottish and have a job at the BBC or in Parliament…that`s a must.
Oh-BBC and Labour not happyabout Garry MacKinnon are they?…Daily Mail cause, white lad, Former Labour Home Secretaries wanting him gone.
If only he`d been a Muslim terrorist bomber eh?..only when would Labor, the BBC and Greens wanted him not to be extradited.
Bunch of charmers at the BBC and at Labours Dignitas Clinic for the terminally nasty like Clarke and Johnson.
Couldn`r we send Prescott to the States in Garrys place?….
Since MPs can be any nationality then to victimise just Scots in this way would be ridiculous, they are at least ethnic British, and Id sooner have a Scottish MP than a Polish or Pakistani one.
Ideally I would like to say all MPs should be born in Britain and hold only British citizenship – no dual nationality.
Which MP’s hold dual-nationalities?
That is disgraceful !
name them here please!
Given Salmond’s ecomomic policies if the Scots do decide to go it alone I can see the headlines on the BBC News circa 2030; ” Riot in Newcastle as EDL demonstrates against Scottish economic migration”
Getting back to the BBC though, it is interesting to speculate if Scottish independence will mean a reduction in funding from ooop north for good old Auntie?
Might BBC Scotland expect a proportional slice of licence fee money to produce the vital and required “ethnically diverse” programming? ie. a Glasgow soap (Easterhouse-enders?) Maybe Claire Balding will have to brush up on tossing the caber to present the extensive coverage of the Highland games? The Bond film on Christmas Day will naturally be one featuring Sean Connery.
The BBC would love to think that most of us Scots are beating a pathway to independence when it is the opposite. Most of us realise that the old adage ” United we stand, divided we fall” should be given credence.
Brian Taylor certainly isn’t pro-SNP or pro-Scottish Independence that’s a fact.
He does occasionally manage to be reasonably impartial – which I suppose is what you really mean, and how the BBC is supposed to cover the news.
But no, he wasn’t calling the First Minister ” El Presidente Salmondo Big Bumbo” or the SNP as “Scottish Nose Pickers” … I guess yeah that makes him a closet Nat.
Time for some people to grow up methinks.
The notion that England would be left with a “permanent Tory majority” should Scotland decide to go its own way, is an utter myth.
If you actually bothered to check the outcomes of previous elections, the comparatively low number of Scottish seats at Westminster has influenced a grand total of 3 general elections since World War Two…On the whole, Scotland gets the government England votes for, whether Scotland likes it or not.
If you’re so concerned about the consequences of Tory governments, then imagine how Scots feel about it when they didn’t even elect them!
The lesson ought to be clear enough by now for English voters; Stop bloody well voting Tory!