Paul Mason’s latest report for Newsnight was a classic out of his bottom lefthand drawer of student politics.
Heavy on symptoms, light on cause.
Just as my early 1980s leftie student mates had an exaggerated interest in the activities of extreme right groups, so Mason focuses on the scary right in Greece.
And if there is one thing that gets Mason’s dander up almost as much as hanging out with young European commies then it is getting all anxious about the racist right.
‘It’s like the conditions in the Wiemar Republic!’
No chance of Mason’s report being spiked by his BBC boses. No need for Georgie Porgie to have a quick side bar with Hugs Boaden.
‘So Helen, what’s in Brer Mason’s report on Greece?’
‘George! You know you don’t ask what’s in Newsnight reports’.
‘Well, so long as he doesn’t say anything that goes against the grain of the rest of our output. So long as he doesn’t question Greece staying in the Euro or question the inevitability of immigration’.
‘George! This is Paul Mason we are talking about!’
Paul ‘Just For Men Autostop’ Mason is the worst of the BBC riot-groupies.
Riots are no fun if you’re running a furniture shop in Croydon or an electrics shop/ barbers/ off-licence/ any shop/ resident in Tottenham.
But if you’re a superannuated Citizen Smith who believes that even as the last building in the country burns down that that BBC paycheck will keep coming in, then anarchy… what’s not to like.
A truly vile creature whom (in the month he’s got left as DG of the BBC) Entwhistle should sack.
When the guy from Golden Dawn described immigrants as invaders, Mason just had to correct him and call them immigrants. In truth, they are invaders but Mason and his ilk just won’t accept it.
Do you think when Golden Dawn happens in this country Comrade Mason will defend the immigrants from them.
Personally I don’t think he will. He will be hiding under his bed at his house in Islington.
I bet he can’t wait to get back amongst those nice, moderate Anarcho-Communists that he admires so much. The harmless little darlings rarely do anything more extreme than set buildings on fire and throw petrol bombs at police officers.
Creative destruction, comrade. Fine if you’re destroying some else’s livelihood or neighbourhood, with no threat to your own. He’s a proper scumbag, that one.
I have enjoyed the Great British Bake Off. But we were given the impression that John was the weakest contestant and of course his Mum pointed out that he had never won anything. Were the producers playing games with their viewers?
Had the Savile “controversy” (as some in the BBC are calling it) occured within any private news organisation or a right wing organisation, the army of BBC funded, left-wing tax-dodging “edgy” comedians would have opened up a barage of their cutting humour and the airwaves would be full of jokes at that organisations expense.
Strange how all these lefty comedians are silent about the BBC being exposed as an institutionally perverted, systematically corrupt enabler of paedophiles.
Which is the most evil, Phone hacking or pedofilia? It seems that the BBC has decided the former. The Leverson inquiry had the BBC giving over one channel continuously to reporting on the evil Murdoch empire. But The Jimmy Savile story now barely gets a mention and the inquiry is just going on within the BBC. The Russian broadcasters would be impressed.
the bBC should’nt be allowed to conduct and internal inquiry as “scene of crime” evidence could be hushed up or shredded. I don’t buy the “that was then, this is now” argument either. High time the state broadcaster was gone through with a fine tooth nit comb.
Seems to me Rupert Murdoch would be the best man to lead an enquiry into the BBC. He has no history of kiddyfiddling and understands only too well the complexity of broadcasting. I’m sure he’s as capable of impartiality as the BBC.
Please, please, please, don’t mention the f***ing Leverson inquiry. I’m just glad that interminable bore-fest has seemed to peter out. God help us if they remember about it again… How many endless hours on BBC News, Newsnight and QT were dedicated to something that the majority of the British public barely gave a damn about. And what did they conclude in the end? Does anyone remember? Doeas anybody care!!?They gave Cameron’s LOL text to Rebekah Brooks more friggin air time than Saville’s crimes. RIP Leverson inquiry you can Royally fuck off. (Excuse my language please)
Milburn and Montague discussed “social mobility” on Today. They agreed that, whatever its effects (Milburn lied claimed that it was incredibly effective), the Labour Party prescription is still the best ie giving taxpayers’ money to 16-18 year olds so they could stay on in school to learn, well, not a lot. Milburn’s new recipe includes having universities do much more “contextual” recruitment of students (ie it doesn’t matter how badly educated – or thick – they are, if they’re Labour Party fodder “socially disadvantaged” they’ll be awarded a university place).
At no point was it noted, certainly not by the “impartial” Montague, that if the state schools did their job – educational job that is, not baby-sitting and propagandising – as they did until the mid-60s there’d be no need for the universities to involve themselves (or, worse, spend their money) remedying the failures of the primary and secondary systems. This item was just another instance of allowing the listening public to eavesdrop on a Labour Party private conversation.
So true – ‘if there’s a problem, throw a shedload of money at it’ was Labour’s modus operandi as soon as it (Brown) threw off the evil shackles of Ken Clarke’s budgetary regime. Funny how it took him 2 years – his golden era as the ‘Iron Chancellor (stop giggling at the back) . So it was always a case of putting in a temporary fix rather than getting to the many root causes of the problem – in this case shite socialist education system, disinterested parents, self-interested teachers.
So no surprise we ended up £1,000,000,000,000 in debt, with £2,000,000,000 alone wasted on trying to fix the truancy problem.
As for the greatest enabler of social mobility the country has ever seen – grammar schools – ever get a mention in these discussions on the BBC? Do they bollocks.
Nice to see the excavation crews gaining new recruits. Of course, it was a different time, er, today. They speak for the nation, you know. Ask Shirley.
Select Committee grillings are very invasive. They dig deep and hold the most powerful to public account. They are rightly feared by our less than honest elite bankers and media moguls.
Now, if David Cameron was a Conservative, THIS is the ideal time to haul the BBC over the public coals. Bring in Thompson along with hundreds of other BBC employees. Humiliate and disgrace them before the eyes of the unaware British public. And not just over Savile; if you were covering up the paedophilia Mr Thompson, what else were you covering up? Israel? Palestinian promotion? Obama? global warming? Muslim terrorism/rape?? etc etc. If not now, then when? What better time is there?
But Cameron, despite knowing the BBC hate everything about him and his party, will do nothing. At least the degenerate BBC children have an excuse in that they see themselves as revolutionaries, but what is Cameron’s excuse for going along with them rather than attacking and exposing them for what they are?
Because the BBC and Labour would close ranks and go into full propaganda mode, accusing him of political interference. If we think the BBC/Lab pact is bad now, it would pale into insignificance….
Being of the somewhat older variety of citizen I can remember well the 60’s and 70’s and the culture back then. The freedom we had as teenagers, having a car and using them for various parking duties. However I do not remember it being OK to interfere with or rape children, nor would we have wanted to. To think that there was an organisation that we all trusted as much as the BBC that was infested at the top with paedophiles, which was not even a word we knew back then by the way, was unthinkable but now we know, they were perverts pure and simple.
The BBC has been allowed to promote and impose a way of life upon the British people over the last 60 years that when I look back is unbelievable. It started after the war when there was such a sense of relief that Hilter and his gang were defeated. The exuberance spread to the youth of the world with flower power, Top of the Pops and then The Pill allowing a sexual freedom never seen before and the BBC wanted to be at the sharp end of this progress. And oh boy weren’t they?
There were those that tried to stop the excesses of our glorious broadcaster but they were ridiculed and derided into silence. As a previous commenter has said the power of billions of pounds of hard cash is hard to cross.
So now it is all out in the open, or is it? The sickly and insidious way the BBC and their paid sycophants are now trying to spin the “oh it was different back then” is baloney, it’s crap, it’s absolute bloody bollocks. They knew then and they know now IT WAS WRONG morally and legally.
And Milliband wants an enquiry? Someone please put him on the naughty step and tell him to keep quiet. FFS Cameron get those politically correct coppers of their backside, tell them to stop worrying about who insulted who on a football pitch, get their pinkies out of their backsides and get in those BBC perverts houses with the 3 am morning call. You know the ones; two dozen beefy chaps with balaclavas, armed to the teeth and enthusiastically breaking the door down. They wouldn’t hesitate if it were a council estate in Luton or Bradford. And don’t forget to invite the press along to get some nice pictures for the News of the World. Oops!
A few days back, the BBC reporting on the arrest at Heathrow of certain Dr employed by the NHS in connection with the abduction and detention of a Dutch and British journalist in Syria, introduced the old terrorist construct.
He and many other British citizens had joined a group of “freedom fighters”. Nice nuanced term granting the members of these gangs the honour of demonstrating their support for democracy and human rights.
These are the same people who; stone women to death for adultery; shoot young girls in the head for demanding the right to education; deny women the right to education, property and the vote; kill anyone that is of a different religion or belief.
. . . and another Chomskyan item on Today: Stephen Fitzpatrick of Ovo Energy and Anne Robinson, director of Consumer Policy and were invited to discuss whether the proposed energy tariff legislation will bring down household bills. Robinson said it wouldn’t, Fitzpatrick – whose company would benefit enormously from a one-price regime – said it would. At no point did anyone mention that the grossest interference in the energy market (and one of the main drivers of energy cost increases) is the green agenda.
To put what’s happening in perspective, I received this week an invitation from a financial outfit to invest in its new “renewable energy” EIS fund. As I read the quasi-prospectus it’s apparent that there is, effectively, no risk in the fund*. Virtually all the profits of the investee companies will come through being beneficiaries of “feed in tarriffs”, “renewable heat incentives” and “renewable obligation certificates”. In other words, taxpayers and energy company customers are compelled to cough up so that, essentially, fake companies are enabled to privatise such taxes and payments for the benefit of their investors (who also receive the EIS tax breaks on top). Of course, one effect of these structures is to push up energy bills.
Cameron – whose financial illiteracy (or worse, populist vote-grubbing) is now exposed in all its revolting glory – will not admit the existence of this legal fraud but seeks rather to demonise the “Big Six” energy companies and to impose de facto price controls. The discussion on Today ignored – as it always does – the existing manipulation of the energy market and sought, rather, to concentrate on its further manipulation which aims to nullify the effects of the original manipulation. To discuss the present manipulation without explaining the original one is not just simply dishonest, it is – if the BBC is seeking to create an informed electorate/audience – counterproductive. But, there again, when was the BBC honest where so-called green issues are concerned? And how interested is the BBC in allowing its audience to hear wide-ranging informed opinions on subjects where, as a matter of policy, it has chosen to present a skewed narrative?
* the only (non-boiler plate) risk worth highlighting in the documentation was that a future government might rescind the legislation which hoses taxpayers’ money over renewable energy projects thus confirming (if one needed it) that the whole renewables fraud is a political not an economic construct.
I’m just installing secondary double glazing in (one of 😉 ) my bathroom(s). Seventy quid all in.
Tonight I will jog past a house with solar panels on the roof which cost £ks to install and through the taxpayer bung we will be paying out say £1000p.a. for the next 25 years.
I think when it comes to saving the planet my seventy quid is doing more than his solar panels.
Of course, double glazing, loft insulation, bit of draft-proofing round your front door is nowhere near as ‘sexy’ as windmills sorry turbines and solar panels.
The good news is that future generations will see windmills as monuments to the rank folly of our political classes. Just a shame the current generation can’t see it.
And the other thing that wasn’t mentioned was Shale Gas.
Gas prices have plumeted in the US and are now only a quarter of ours. The are huge reserves in the US, Central Europe and Russia. It’s time we started extracting ours.
the great carbon scam suits both the governments and the energy cartels, its poor bloody Joe Soap that gets to foot the bills in the end. The shale gas is there in abundance around the UK, lets get it out the ground and stop fannying around.
Yes, it was interesting that, according to Naughtie, none of the Big Six was available for comment. Obviously they couldn’t come on and admit that they’d love it if their unofficial cartel (“legalised” pro tem by the regulatory beard of OfGem) was formalised by, effectively, a single tariff system. As I commented, Ovo Energy (which did turn up in the studio) would, by becoming a part of the cartel, gain enormous benefits.
BTW, as I forgot to comment originally, in the best tradition of BBC impartiality, among the carefully selected vox pop crapola (all in favour natch) was an unchallenged encomium to the lie that green energy will “create jobs”: it will but at the cost of destroying many more than it creates.
They put up gas and electricity prices then everyone goes out and gets a wood burner installed. The local air quality is now terrible in our area during the winter, it’s worse than in a pub before the smoking ban . Council not interested. This is a situation coming to your area in the next few years. All thanks to the global warming scam.
Didn’t see it, but the number the Tories seem to be bandying about is 1 million new private sector jobs since they came to power.
Thanks God the BBC keep asking how many of those were taken by immigrants over the same period, perhaps leaving us nicely back at square one and the jobless total largely static.
Can’t recall too many Unionist headlines saying the opposite (that two thirds of people consistently speak out against separation. Oh well, I suppose the BBC never let a little thing like reality get in the way.
Don’t worry Alex.
There’s been a recent awakening in Scotland as people are finding out more and more about the SNP’s support for Islamic terrorist groups and their fervent anti Semitism. People whom I know who were once dyed in the wool nationalists are now exposing them for what they really are.
A recent example was a speech last week in George Square in Glasgow by deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon where she defended the murders and violence emanating from the Mohammed You Tube clip and actually said that freedom of expression and freedom of speech would not be tolerated under the SNP.
Also the cost to women of having to change their wardrobes to tartan hijabs and tartan burquas and the men to tartan sacks and tartan funny hats is puting a lot of people off.
I notice that Andrew Neil in an unguarded moment quipped just before PMQ’s that he thought that the interview by the BBC’s Chief Political Correspondent was a “love in”.
No wonder Neil is sidelined by the BBC to late night and early afternoon television.
Having said that he was allowed to present Newsnight once. That makes up for the other 20 years of left-wing crap then doesn’t it.
The next time Stephanie Flanders moans about youth unemployment, perhaps she should acknowledge the news from Barchester Healthcare, unreported by the bBBC. The company has had 450 youth apprenticeship places open since February but so far has only managed to recruit 72 under-25s onto the scheme, taking up fewer than a fifth of the available posts.
Elsewhere the company, which runs 240 care homes across the UK, is struggling to find young people willing to join its work placement programme, with almost 1,000 positions left unfilled.
Of the 960 placements available – each lasting up to six weeks with a strong chance of a paid job at the end of the scheme – only 50 young people have taken up the challenge.
Terry Tucker, director of learning at Barchester Healthcare, told The Sunday Telegraph: “We’ve had so much bad luck. Some young people just don’t seem keen on work. Many are not turning up or turning up late, some are swearing, they’re just not interested. Jobcentre Plus is really embarrassed, they’ve rung us apologising.
“The ones that do turn up have been sent by the job centre and are just going through the motions or they won’t get their benefits.”
Since when has the Left let truth get in the way of their narrative. The BBC these days is nothing more that a propaganda platform for the middle class left – who earn a fat and lazy living out of their socialism. Although “earn” is the wrong word here. They “extract” a fat and lazy living from the serfs because they believe that their hatred of life entitles them to a public subsidy.
I don’t know if I’d be too excited to do an unpaid “apprenticeship” for six weeks with my only hope at the end of it being a job cleaning bed pans and disinfecting sheets for a paycheck that’s smaller than the free money for no work I’d get if I didn’t. I worked in a couple nursing homes in my youth. Training course for chefs, my arse!
But that sounds like you’re making false assumptions, just like the kids who didn’t bother to find out what the jobs were. There is a longer article in The Times yesterday (behind Murdoch paywall) where the company explains that, as well as those who work directly with care-home residents, they employ hundreds of chefs, gardeners, receptionists and administrative staff.
And you’re jumbling the two schemes. The apprenticeships are paid, last one or two years and give the youngsters qualifications and transferable skills as well as work.
The six-week work placements pay £4 an hour on top of the unemployment benefits (job-seekers’ allowance) and about 90% of the youngsters get a job at the end of their six weeks.
I’m not jumbling anything, I don’t think. I’m going by what the article said: unpaid. If they got it wrong I can’t be held responsible.
I did mention that I worked in these places. I know what the jobs are and what pay was then, and it’s unlikely to have changed, for all practical purposes, much. Although maybe it’s true that the likelihood of getting a nice dinner lady position is higher than ending up as an orderly.
It doesn’t matter how many of them get a job at the end of the six weeks if it’s not better money than benefits.
A friend of my daughter’s works in the NHS and has been trying to recruit clerical staff. They had 6 people lined up for interview for a particular day and rang them all the day before to double check they would be attending – all replied in the affirmative.
Guess what – none of the precious little princes and princesses bothered to turn up.
A story you hear repeated all too often, I’m afraid. Either that or they jack the job in after a couple of days. Gives the impression there’s a hard core of young people who want a glamorous job handed to them on a plate, and stuff anything that’s ‘beneath’ them.
Despite the public worshipping the NHS (they don’t know any better) it is an apalling employer, It is a Nationalised Industry. Impossible constant demands and not enough to do the job. Apart from the career medics no-one wants to work for it. It is a conspiracy between politicians and voters, at the expense of the staff.
Turns out that some captain of a cruise ship only had to meet Savile once, before confining him to his cabin-and refusing him permission to meet anybody else on board short of a shipwreck near Gibraltar.
What exactly did this Captain spot in five minutes with Shifty Savlon, that the BBC itself failed to spot in fifty years of fellow cruising with its “eccentric old charity pass”.
This Captain needs to be begged to lead the BBC-and maybe one day we`ll get a flagship out of the seedy pirate ship of perverts and leftyscum that currently cruises the shallows of the Guardian mindset.
One creepy pedalo boys-forever sailing towards the “Inclusion zone”-and in need of a Sam Salt to scuttle the f***ers.
I`ll not ask about the log book either-why would I?
“The parents, who were not travelling first class, were very decent, ordinary people who were scandalised by Savile’s unwanted attention to their daughter.
“I told him he disgusted me and I wanted him off my ship when we reached Gibraltar.”
“He was a shifty sort of chap whose eyes darted all over the place.
“The parents, who were not travelling first class, were very decent, ordinary people who were scandalised by Savile’s unwanted attention to their daughter.
“I told an officer to make sure he remained in his cabin until we reached the Rock.
“He was to take all his meals in his cabin and was not allowed to leave it under any circumstances short of shipwreck.
hmm looks like a true captain … took control of the situation … ensured safety for everyone … immediately locked him up.
now al bbc s actions? … yes where were we?
So did that ship come from a different time period, just popped in through a wrinkle in the space-time continuum, picked up Savile, for a short cruise, then back into the progressive future where his actions are considered unacceptable, or was that captain simply more progressive and a more decent human being than those at the BBC at a time when it was massively Left-wing?
The BBC today are trying to rubbish Cameron’s statement in PMQs that the Government is to force Energy companies to charge the consumer the lowest rate. They are devoting the whole morning on 5 live to try to put forward opposition to this measure and further the Labour party’s assertions that Cameron made it up on the hoof.
How could it be a bad thing to ensure the companies put forward their lowest rate in a form which is easily understood ? They of course do not want the customer to be able to easily calculate what they are paying. If you paid for the number of units displayed on your meter at a certain rate that could reduce after a certain number of units are used, they anybody could easily work it out. What they do however is convert it into thermal units and then charge by the number of thermal units they claim you have used. I have many times queried my bill and it has taken the British Gas accounts dept. several days to work it out. What chance does the ordinary consumer have? Why should Labour object to Cameron’s attempt to simplify things and why should the BBC so vocal in assisting them?
Could not possibly be that the BBC bias is so intense that even the Government’s attempts to help the ordinary person rather than just millionaires, are to be challenged.
Cameron has taken a Soviet approach to regulating the energy market-not thought out, but populist-and hopefully popular if and when it works.
Had Labour done this, the BBC would be ecstatic!
had Labour presided over more job creation and more freedom for schools, wouldn`t the BBC normally be pleased?
Well yes, but these are Tory ideas and not steeped in Ed Balls codpiec juices-and so are heresy and untimely.
Any news on that tax disc the buggers of New Labour lost for me in 2007?….until I get it back, you can`t trust Labour with anything. If people are fool enough to vote for them, we`ll deserve the Greek basket case Labour will guarantee we shall become.
Agree on all but the ‘freedom for schools’. The last thing the BBC want is for their/Labour’s incubators for Little Red Greenies to be given a good rogering.
Quite right sir!
The whole liberal elite want the plebs learning “condom studies” for our kids-but Homeric analysis for their own(and not the Simpsons, lest we confuse the two).
Freedom for schools is for the private sector-the State get Blunketts commode and what his blind dogs chose to leave in the bowl.
But they will assault other kids for Childline apppeals or for Sir Jimmys dry cleaning!…ah bless!
Yes we have had quite a bit of what should have been good news for the government in the last few days but the BBC has trampled all over it with the help of every labour spokesman they can find. Also noticed that the government was not invited to take part in the pantomime.
Need I even say that Savile creeped around the First Class section of the ship?Typical Beeboid!
Class warfare you see-one in the arse for Allah and for Marx!
Maybe if Savile had abused in Harley St or BUPA cases, his “legacy” would now be betting burnished, not burned!
BBC-class creeps `til they die…not long now P.G!
Good God, with British education already plummeting due to the whole-scale Left-wing interference we have this Stalinist nonsense coming from political dinosaur, Milburn. As a teacher who has chosen to move into special needs work to escape the left-wing destruction of our once-great mainstream education system, I utterly despair at the feminization and politically correct indoctrination of our schools.
University should be for those from all backgrounds who possess impeccable maths, science and literacy skills. I think classical music and the classic arts should have a separate route wherein there is a combination of study, business enterprise and apprenticeship in performing/exhibitions. Imposing social quotas on institutions is blatant socialism.
I like how all these champange socialists go on about how great state education is, but send their children to private schools.
Polly toynbee, Fatty Diane Abbott etc
All must have prizes. Where is the BBC report examining whether or not improving grades results (in a proper sense, not by dumbing down tests, I mean) might be a better option than lowering standards? Or do we assume that’s just not possible these days? The inset “Analysis” by the BBC education correspondent moans that not enough of these poorer children are getting the grades required for interviews, but this is really just supporting the cause for lowering interview (and, the next logical step, admission) standards.
This isn’t about equality of opportunity: it’s about equality of outcome. Oh, wait, some people will no longer get that equal opportunity:
Certain groups in society that might previously have expected places at the university would now find competition fiercer, he said, adding that students who may have been admitted 10 to 20 years ago probably would not be admitted now.
“Certain groups”, eh? Weak. And notice how this denial of equal opportunity is presented as merely taking away an undeserved privilege these “certain groups” took for granted. I don’t think the Beeboid who wrote this understands the proper meaning of “competition”. I do hope this doesn’t affect any hopeful Beeboid offspring.
Where’s the astute BBC analysis about what happens to under-prepared students when they hit real life? A university education in and of itself isn’t social mobility. That comes only from a resulting job/career. And it certainly is not very likely to come from a degree in a strictly academic discipline with finite job opportunites. How does dumbing down admission standards possibly help social mobility? No reports backing up that assertion on offer, I see.
So much for the BBC’s “independent” investigation into Newsnight dropping the Jimmy Saville expose.
The man appointed, Nick Pollard, was touted as the “former Head of Sky News”. Great, sounds good, doesn’t it? I mean, Sky is part of the evil Murdoch empire and a competitor of the BBC. A good choice, right?
Well….. Pollard left Sky News 6 years ago, so that post is not exactly recent. Why highlight that past job of his, instead of going further back into his career and letting us know that, for example, in 1973 he was “a Scriptwriter/producer for BBC Radio News based at Broadcasting House. Writing news stories and scripts for Radios 1,2,3 and 4 and local radio service GNS”.
So he’s a BBC old boy.
But that’s not all.
From 1977 – 1980 he was a television news scriptwriter/producer for BBC news and “Worked in the newsroom as a scriptwriter/producer/chief sub editor and occasional news editor. ”
Oh, and he “Also worked on launch of BBC2’s ‘Newsnight'”
Fancy that then. The chap appointed by the BBC to review the BBC’s conduct in pulling an embarrasing Newsnight piece about a BBC icon is himself a former BBC news man was involved in the launch of Newsnight.
Now why do you suppose the BBC chose to describe him as “former Head of Sky News” when announcing his appointment rather than, say, “former BBC insider who worked on the launch of Newsnight”????
You know, there’s a general rule of law that a court or tribunal must not only be free from bias, but also free from the appearance of bias. There is no way that Pollard could be described as such with his very …………………… PARTICULAR background.
Note – all of the descriptions in quotations marks of Pollard’s earlier career are taken directly from his LinkedIn profile which is publicly accessible and easily found by googling Nick Pollard Sky.
Absolute classic caller on 5 Live just now. Geordie accented chap says he used to live in Belarus and the nationalised energy system there was much more fair!
I begin to see a pattern. I sense that the BBC is keen on nationalised industry. Could this be a slight bias that I have discovered here?
Has anybody noticed the fawning from the left towards the Cuban missile crisis. All week we have heard how Cuba was the winner and the bullying Americans the losers.
Presumably the Obama and Romney camps agreed on Candy Crowley as moderator in advance. Her record was known, if not to the candidates but certainly to to their media advisors.
What does that say about the Romney camp’s judgement and about Romney as President?
Had the poor kid been old enough to have a mobile phone account, you can bet that the BBC and Guardian would already be looking for News Corps on the list of numbers.
If Saviles number , on the other hand, appears on any list of mobile numbers, the BBC will be quick to get them deleted asap.
No wonder there`s no tiresome 60s/70s retrospective crap on as there usually is on BBC3/4…and , of course NO chance of seeing Savile linking the pop acts any more. You`ll have more chance of seeing him next to Brezhnev at the Red Army parades from now on!
File under Glitter/King/Denning/Peel….t.b.a
Now that the BBC’s “serious arts channel” BBC4 has increasingly become a 70s nostalgia channel, this is very inconvenient.
I just flicked on the TV and, as luck would have it, TOTP 77 was on, with Dave Lee Travis being flanked by a couple of pubescent girls. I’m wondering if the BBC will retrospectively start pixilating their faces ‘just in case’?
Three words eh?…redaction, redaction, redaction!
DLT is being marinaded in the stew of public opinion as we speak…and he`ll not be the last: Aung San Suu Kyi or not!
Great comedy as the BBC reverse slowly over their old archive stuff, ensuring that the likes of Savile and Travis don`t have their paws all over teenage girls.
Be fun to see the “editorial reasons” for why they`ll show Noel Edmonds, but not DLT.
Can`t get enough of that lovey dovey stuff…
Your morning laugh-out-loud moment. From the blurb accompanying this video of an interview with the NY Times Democrat strategist…sorry….most-trusted statistician, former JournoLista and current media darling, Nate Silver:
As humans develop science and mathematics, our ability to predict events gets much better – for example, we keep improving our ability to predict the weather.
But even with more data there is a danger of becoming too confident in our capabilities.
BBC Daily Politics @daily_politics
In case you missed, here’s Lord Howard claim #bbcdp viewers are “bored” of the Andrew Mitchell police comments debate …
Well, as the BBC keeps claiming it’s never about the ratings, it must be that agenda of theirs, then. Certainly must explain the oddly muted Savile mentions but preponderance of BBC-behoven luvvies chipping in on why it’s nothing to do with their paymasters.
Must also be nice to control the edit to every home in the land, 24/7.
But wait – heart of gold David Cameron is pissing away your taxes to these workshy soapdodgers: “The Government is also providing £60m of funding to help support authorised pitches for travellers…”
Everywhere else in the UK there is growth in the private sector… but in Scotland the unemployment rate is rocketing . This, simply, is a reflection of the SNP’s obsession, at all costs, for independence at the cost of the economy. They also fail to mention how they would, as an independent country, finance a Scottish defense force, cyber intelligence and anti-terror measures and how the country would pay for its huge welfare bill. AND YET BBC Scotland has the nerve to post this fawning coverage of the SNP’s conference in Perth:
This terribly biased article has Brian Taylor written all over it. NOT ONE oppositional voice is given in the piece. Pure SNP propaganda! Salmond is painting a picture of a nirvana-land where everything is free… I can’t believe the Scots are taking him seriously. Apart from oil (which would be swallowed up by Scotland’s share of the deficit and its mammoth welfare bill) I don’t see where all this wealth, mil and honey is coming from. Mind you, the Braveheart wannabes will jump off a cliff if Salmondella clicked his fingers.
INBBC censorship of ‘British’ Islamic jihadists in SYRIA?
Both ‘The Times’ and the ‘Daily Telegraph’ have reports on this today:
“British gang of Muslims waging war in Syria ‘pose threat to UK’.
“A British jihadi has been identified as a key ringleader of a gang of Muslims who have gone to fight against the Assad regime in Syria, it has been reported.”
Is INBBC reluctant to report these jihadists because it would involve speading information which INBBC regards as politically detrimental?:
E.g –
1.) it would reflect negatively on Bangladesh Muslims in Britain;
2.) it would indicate that violent jihad is an integral part of Islam;
3.) it would reflect critically on INBBC’s tacit support for Islamic jihad opponents of Assad regime.
The BBC defined this man as a “freedom fighter” when reporting his arrest earlier this week.
So we have the security services concerned about their violent Muslim fundamentalist objectives whilst our honest, trustworthy, publicly funded broadcaster sees them as heroes fighting for democracy.
Katty Kay tweets that the White House believes the last Presidential debate “stopped the bleeding”. Straight from the horse’s mouth, folks. If you want to know what the White House thinks just ask our Katty. She has impeccable sources.
Problem for Katty and her personal friend is that the media keeps talking about Candy Crowley’s serious breach of integrity, which keeps the President’s Benghazi BS in the news. Not what they’d hoped for.
Candy Crowley THE “moderator” KNEW that Obama and his people nspent 2 weeks trying to tie the Benghazi killings to the YouTube video, claiming it all arose out of a demo.
I have seen it suggested that Romney deliberately asked Obama to repeat that he tried to call it terrorism on Day 2 in the Rose Garden – lining him up for the chop on Monday when the debate focusses on foreign affairs and national security. Whatever. Bottom line is that Benghazigate is still running.
I know she knew that, hence the stuttering attempt at clarification as soon as she realized what she’d said. She obviously didn’t know exactly what the President said in that first statement, or had bought the White House spin and thought she did, hence her error and blithering when trying to clarify (Mardell fell for it hook, line, and sinker, until he found out about it afterwards and rewatched the clip). Either way, it was a serious breach of integrity for her to interject like that, correct on the facts or not. Imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if she had corrected the President like that. This wasn’t an interview setting where that would have been appropriate. But that’s had the effect of keeping the subject in the news more than it might have been otherwise.
The last two debates have made Jim Lehrer look more and more like the epitome of professionalism that he mostly was. I notice not a single Beeboid has dared criticize Crowley. Maybe the usual Radio 5 suspects have and nobody’s mentioned it here yet?
You may have seen the hilarious internal CNN memo trying to defend Candy Crowley’s allocation of more time to Obama than Romney. (This happened in the VP debate as well)
CNN claims that Crowley judged that Romney had spoken quicker than Obama – so she balanced the “word-count”. So Obama stumbles and bumbles a lot – and this wins him extra time ?
Yes, I read about that. Somebody’s probably working right now on a dopey football analogy about possession time versus scoring.
I agree that the President doesn’t so much speak slower than Romney than He does pause an awful lot and stumble over words. Never mind how many times He repeated certain talking points (Green jobs) regardless of the question.
Although, during His response to the first question, He was talking a mile-a-minute and appeared a bit too hyper. He calmed it down quite well pretty quickly.
I watched shout “Your an idiot then” at the television the other night, probably better known as Watchdog. This now seems to be where news round (“hey u guys) reporters seem to go after ..well newsround. On the menu last time a story about mortgage arrangment fees, the conclusion being add up the offset against lower rates. Eer isn’t what most people do..calculate the best overall deal? Then shock no spare tyre on new cars horror shock. So ex-newsround presenter in a lay-by to show how a flat repair kit works-ooh look he’s got a North face jacket just like the others. He looks completely terrified..of getting his hands dirty they even took the wheel off for him. Well I’ve used tyre repair foam on more than one occassion and it’s only not worked once and then the tyre was completely trashed. To round off a boiler / plumbing repair company who sent round a Hungarian repair man who could only just speak English (it would appear). Would he have got into chez Dave? I think not. Shock shock horror.
” entry into E.U with its 80 million Muslims Turks. ”
Reminder: Don’t ever forget Dopy Dave thinks that is a wonderful idea!
It’s a “multi-culti ain’t working so what do we need? Why more multi-culti of course!” kind of idea, that only treacherous fools like him could believe!
Once he has regionalised the UK he can surrender to the EU at last, and jump on the EU gravy train along with the Kinnocks et al.
Traitors to the last.
This is an illustration of how wide and deep is the political campaign of British political class for entry of Turkey’s 80 million Muslims into the E.U:-
Interesting piece on Naomi Klein, who seems to have been selected by the BBC for her considered views on the life, universe and globalisation quite a few times.
See the BBC are now laying into the Tories for trying to be on consumers’ sides in their pledge to legislate for energy companies to ensure low tariffs for customers. The BBC are ripping into this saying it is unplanned, unrealistic and a gimmick. Couldn’t the same be said for every single labour policy over the last 13 years? It’s OK for Liebour to be on the side of the public, but when the Tories try they are ripped to shreds.
PS. I see the BBC reported the victory of the gay couple who were refused lodgings by a Christian. Will they be reporting the well-known and open hostility of Muslims to Christians as well? I wonder what would happen if Adam and Steve went looking for a room in Bradford?
Adam and Steve would find out what a kebab is used for.
If they tried to bitch about it like they did about the Christian couple they would find out no left-wing people would help them.
Seeing Islam is higher up the minority food than homosexuals and lefty’s are cowards when the SHTF.
BBC Breakfast are on a roll again First of all school kids visit Austwich. Then the story about Griffin – (do you see the connection)-The MEP is alleged to have published the address of Michael Black and John Morgan on the social networking site and called for a demonstration to be held outside their home.
Then “We have all been inspired humbled and amazed” by our athletes. AAAAARGGGH to put it bluntly no I f**king hav not. I couldn’t give a toss if someone can run round a track faster than me I stopped doing that when I left school.
Would that include all Muslim faith schools then, I wonder?
And isn`t Griffin due an apology from Channel 4 and the police for being wrongly accused of those Islamic sex rings he warned us all of, way back?
He was right and right again-but, as yet, no Investigative Reporte of the Year Award from Jon Snow(other fey milksop are available).
Let`s hope the gays get some Sharia lads wanting to bunk up at their B&B, seeing as they now know how to run one “without due prejudice”
Maybe a reality TV show, lads?
One Show bigging up the fact that by getting malaala to make her blog for them she was put in the front line!
cause celebre for the INBBC to crow.
warsi is now saying that there’s no basis in islam for denying education to women. Oh Yes?
Facts say otherwise.
Her theory doesnt fit the widely observed facts.
The BBC is directly responsible for creating this girls’ public activism and thus for her nearly getting killed over it. Are they bigging this up or patting themselves on the back for a job well done advancing the cause of women’s rights?
It was as much an opportunity for Warsi to peddle her misinformation about what is attributable to islam in terms of “wimmin” issues as anything else. IOW to show it in a better light than us mere mortals percieve it to be apropos their women oppression. Naturally the girls attackers were described as taliban or militants. Funny how Warsi cut straight to Islam when it wasn’t mentioned in the report.
i wonder when they will have George Clooney on The One Show, they could do a segment on ‘straight’ acting gay men with a behind the scene review on Rock Hudson
No, this is so misinformed it’s untrue. They hid her identity, her family let her come out and enjoy the fame. Another example of misinformation, presumptions and idiocy.
Not so, Phlegm. Without the initial encouragement and support from the BBC, the girl never would have gotten as far as she did. To think that this could have been kept secret forever is sheer fantasy, and irresponsible behavior by the BBC. They created her, they are now responsible for her.
Apart from it being so, David. You would pin anything on the BBC and it’s disgraceful to use something as tragic as this to attack the BBC with. Sheer sickening opportunism.
Whoopi was worried that she might become “a slave again” under McCain, so let’s be fair: She’s evolved from being a 24-carat loon into an 18-carat one. A little applause for that character development if you please, ladies and gents.
(Linky for anyone who didn’t see Whoopi making a humungous tit of herself four years ago:
Same Whoopi who said that what Polanski did to that 13 year-old girl “wasn’t rape rape”. Class act. She’s a big charity celeb as well, oddly enough. She’d fit right in at the BBC.
The faux hand wringing over l’affaire Saville looks especially suspicious when you remember the number of celeb “true-believers” who were all over the airwaves to defend The Pocket Pole Paedophile when the US was trying to have him extradited.
Was Whoopi Goldberg affirmative action.
Because she has no talent. I remember her in Star Trek next generation. Her ‘acting’ was as wooden as the Star trek sets.
No, she was a legitimate Star Trek fan who spent a long time convincing the producers that she really did want to be on the show because she was a fan and not just for exposure. The result was a travesty, of course. Poorly developed character, and it’s possible she, like many actors, influenced that after a while. Instead of a character all I ever saw was Whoopi in a big hat doing her “Don’t Do Drugs, Kids” public service announcement voice.
There’s no reason for affirmative action because they already had two main non-white actors. A diverse cast – in domestic ethnicity and in species – has been a rule from Day 1, from Rodenberry himself, long before quotas or affirmative action existed.
Dr Beverly WAS a simpering wretch, which was why Wesley didn’t stand a chance of being a non-irritant: all her fault.
Criticise Tasty Diane all you want, you’re obviously free to do so. But mind that I also am free, free to bring back my avatar from the old incarnation of this site as I’ve mentioned once or twice before…………
Well spoken jonsuk!
Heard Justin Webb on the Toady show today(Fri19/10/12).
I lost count of the number of times “people think/are saying/will want to know” was stated by Webb…followed by a personal sneery or slimy question that was obviously the set up for the anti-Tory soundbite for the upcoming news at 9.
Abortion, homeopathy…dog whistle issues for Dawkins, for Black/Harrabin, for Goldacre.
The BBC cannot be accused of lacking transparency-they are as unsubtly stupid as you could hope for a monopoly with a death wish. The BBC are as predictable ,as nasty and as cliched as they say that we all are.
“People say”-that`ll be the cleaner, nanny, taxi driver, rent boy, dealer or their editors boyfriend…who knows this darling Montessori teacher.
The likes of Webb are media poppets with no links to the real world, hence those weird, perverted views of theirs….hence a Savile…who actually IS the true face of the BBC.
May I re-post something I had entered on another thread ?
BBC reporting on US politics has been atrocious for years now. It is a mixture of bias by commission, bias by omission. A lot of it is frankly pig-ignorant. Or way out of date. All augmented this side of the pond by dumb presenters on the Today programme, 5Live etc.
People who follow stuff posted here by David Preiser, Louis Robinson and others probably get for free a better and more timely overview of what is happening than they can get from the entire and very expensive BBC US operation.
Why not shut the whole damn operation down ?
I think David has suggested before that in the Internet age all we need from the BBC is a news-aggregation service with links to all the important video-clips and political articles. Can I expand this a little ?
For BALANCE – an aggregation service could post links to the RealClearPolitics poll page for how US voters are trending. Plus say the top 10 stories on the Web each day from the Dem side and the Repub side. Plus the top 10 video clips for each side. Easy-peasy.
NO insertion of opinions from BBC hacks. Mardell is bad enough, and Frei and Webb before him were also useless. Stir in Katty Kay, Jonny Diamond and the other clowns and the BBC service is truly atrocious.
Alastair Cooke must be spinning in his grave.
Let’s just here what THE AMERICANS themselves are saying – the politicians and the pundits. And what the polls are indicating.
You could run this sort of operation on a shoestring. From here in London. It would need a very small team of middle-grade staff for 24-hour rolling service. Maybe with an editor in charge – but under strict instructions to draw an equal amount of stuff from each side.
I think you would get a far more complete and balanced overview of US politics for peanuts than we are getting from all the overpaid BBC hacks.
I use the internet and look at the mainstream and the alternative news sites. The mainstream push mostly the same agenda as the BBC. The alternative media has it’s own agenda which I ignore and I look at the raw data they link to and I make up my own mind on the balance of all the the evidence before me.
I stopped relying on the BBC for objective, impartial news many many years ago.
Yes – but although you stopped relying on the BBC for news you and all of us are still being forced to pay for it. The biggest news operation in the world.
Even their US operation costs us millions a year counting exes and overheads for all those staff , plus transmission costs – for what ?
‘The Times’ are reporting that an internal BBC e-mail has come to light that casts doubt on the Corporation’s defence of the Savile story.
They say that the e-mail reveals that Newsnight journalists had been “focusing on allegations of abuse” and not, as subsequently claimed by the BBC, on an alleged failure by police to investigate Savile properly.
A senior BBC News press officer wrote the e-mail, which also reveals that the Newsnight investigation WAS SO WELL ADVANCED by December 7 that the press office was preparing “lines to take” to respond to questions after its planned broadcast.
The Times says that the e-mail shows that the BBC was aware of the risk that the report would raise questions about why it had failed to expose Savile as a paedophile while he was alive.
If this is true, it seems that someone in the BBC has had enough of the cover-up and is prepared to spill the beans.
It also means that their complacent Director of Editorial Standards and Ethics, David Jordan may have been less than factual in his defence of the BBC, in his interview earlier this month. If so, he should resign.
Also, Entwistle (by his (in)action) and Patten (in his knee-jerk support, instead of regulating) should immediately consider their positions
‘If this is true, it seems that someone in the BBC has had enough of the cover-up and is prepared to spill the beans.’
They do say it is often not the initial offence that offers the fatal blow, but if there’s an attempt at cover up.
As any experience with CECUTT has shown, they are institutionally incapable of dealing with any concern over BBC activity without default cover-up from the outset.
I already have then bang to rights on this, in writing, with a massive howler awaiting a Trust ruling. That the facts are not in doubt mean it can only go one way, and if it doesn’t by a now too familiar resort to semantics, dissembling and navel-gazing internal ‘beliefs’, the whole thing will explode in their faces even further.
What this case has managed to do is propel matters beyond their comfort zone, where their 110% rectitude record can’t be ‘managed’ in the way they are used to being allowed to get away with.
The BBC is an out of control power being held itself to account, and seems to be imploding step by sorry step.
Perhaps we will have a situation where things become so hot in the kitchen that the team fragments and everyone starts to become more concerned for their own safety than the safety of the institution. At this point maybe the truth will emerge
When the plods begin to proceed with what they have now declared is a criminal investigation, which inevitably involves people that still live, many at the INBBC will realise they could be in the frame.
That’s when the proverbial will hit the fan and they’ll be queueing up to drop anyone in the crap so long as it’s not them. A 6 am raid on one or two homes will wake them all up to reality and they won’t want to be next.
None of them will have any principles, and by now the great and the good will be plotting to sacrifice a few minnows to the plod for self preservation.
The leaks will continue.
Christopher Booker must be in two minds about this because his book is not out until may of next year. This probably is the reason that rumours at wadham collage oxford about the leak of climate change emails from the BBC is being delayed until the same month. I wonder if anyone at the BBC has read the “ GWPF Report 5 ”
The bBC and how it is trying to divert attention from DJ rapists by playing the slavery card. A tipping point in the fight against slavery?
The bbC write an article about how today there are more people under slavery than when the Atlantic slave trade was in full swing. The thing is the article is somewhere sparse on just where all these slaves are and instead revels in how the British empire didn’t actually get rid of slavery they just renamed it and that in America there are more slaves than homicides.
And the elephant in the room the bBC doesn’t mention is?
It seems more African slaves went east in the Arabic slave trade – make a guess why they don’t seem to have lots of descendants! (Ouchy!) We don’t hear too much about that when the slave trade is discussed.
Following the link from ‘tipping point”:
1 – “…how many Africans were forcibly transported across the Atlantic during the next four centuries. A comprehensive database compiled in the late 1990s puts the figure at just over 11 million people”
2 – “The total number of Africans taken from the continent’s east coast and enslaved in the Arab world is estimated to be somewhere between 9.4 million and 14 million. These figures are imprecise due to the absence of written records.”
Can’t believe the PM has got positive front-pages out of his back of match-box energy pre-announcement… Reckon he won’t believe it either
So – you’re likely to give it a fair hearing then, having pre-judged it already – negatively, of course. Better hurry up and get a ̶f̶e̶l̶l̶o̶w̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶r̶a̶d̶e̶ Labour MP to disparage the whole thing…or perhaps a Monbiot/Mason tag-team effort.
‘Can’t believe the PM has got positive front-pages’
As my experiences with CECUTT have shown, ‘belief’ forms a major part of the entire BBC product offering.
Doesn’t inspire much confidence on impartial reporting based on objective analysis and fact.
One is sure the BBC will do its best to ensure that what its staff believes is what the public they speak for…to… at… come to believe too.
£4Bpa 24/7 can do that quite well.
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Paul Mason’s latest report for Newsnight was a classic out of his bottom lefthand drawer of student politics.
Heavy on symptoms, light on cause.
Just as my early 1980s leftie student mates had an exaggerated interest in the activities of extreme right groups, so Mason focuses on the scary right in Greece.
And if there is one thing that gets Mason’s dander up almost as much as hanging out with young European commies then it is getting all anxious about the racist right.
‘It’s like the conditions in the Wiemar Republic!’
No chance of Mason’s report being spiked by his BBC boses. No need for Georgie Porgie to have a quick side bar with Hugs Boaden.
‘So Helen, what’s in Brer Mason’s report on Greece?’
‘George! You know you don’t ask what’s in Newsnight reports’.
‘Well, so long as he doesn’t say anything that goes against the grain of the rest of our output. So long as he doesn’t question Greece staying in the Euro or question the inevitability of immigration’.
‘George! This is Paul Mason we are talking about!’
Paul ‘Just For Men Autostop’ Mason is the worst of the BBC riot-groupies.
Riots are no fun if you’re running a furniture shop in Croydon or an electrics shop/ barbers/ off-licence/ any shop/ resident in Tottenham.
But if you’re a superannuated Citizen Smith who believes that even as the last building in the country burns down that that BBC paycheck will keep coming in, then anarchy… what’s not to like.
A truly vile creature whom (in the month he’s got left as DG of the BBC) Entwhistle should sack.
When the guy from Golden Dawn described immigrants as invaders, Mason just had to correct him and call them immigrants. In truth, they are invaders but Mason and his ilk just won’t accept it.
Do you think when Golden Dawn happens in this country Comrade Mason will defend the immigrants from them.
Personally I don’t think he will. He will be hiding under his bed at his house in Islington.
‘‘George! You know you don’t ask what’s in Newsnight reports’.’
First rule of fright club.
I bet he can’t wait to get back amongst those nice, moderate Anarcho-Communists that he admires so much. The harmless little darlings rarely do anything more extreme than set buildings on fire and throw petrol bombs at police officers.
Creative destruction, comrade. Fine if you’re destroying some else’s livelihood or neighbourhood, with no threat to your own. He’s a proper scumbag, that one.
Now Wilfred Bramble is accused, the dirty old man…
It might be an idea for the BBC to give us a list of all it’s stars who AREN’T kiddie fiddlers. Certainly shorter, it would seem!
I suppose there will be no more repeats of Steptoe and Son.
By the time this lot is finished the only thing they will be able to show is the Test card.
(hang on didn’t that have an underage girl on it)
I even understand “Uncle Mac” was a nonce.
Uncle Mac aka Larry the Lamb!
Are you prescient or did you get your latest Private Eye before me?
The cover has … the bBBC Test card!
Ah! Move over Hislop…..
Well, normal courtyard exercise can be a pain…
You dirty old man!!!!
He always was – no secret about that.
Funny, Sir Paul McCartney was of the opposite opinion:
How low has my trust in the BBC fallen?
I have enjoyed the Great British Bake Off. But we were given the impression that John was the weakest contestant and of course his Mum pointed out that he had never won anything. Were the producers playing games with their viewers?
No trust even in the most innocent of programmes.
Had the Savile “controversy” (as some in the BBC are calling it) occured within any private news organisation or a right wing organisation, the army of BBC funded, left-wing tax-dodging “edgy” comedians would have opened up a barage of their cutting humour and the airwaves would be full of jokes at that organisations expense.
Strange how all these lefty comedians are silent about the BBC being exposed as an institutionally perverted, systematically corrupt enabler of paedophiles.
Come on, you “edgy” comics – that includes you, Carr, Brand, Izzard and Gervais !
Which is the most evil, Phone hacking or pedofilia? It seems that the BBC has decided the former. The Leverson inquiry had the BBC giving over one channel continuously to reporting on the evil Murdoch empire. But The Jimmy Savile story now barely gets a mention and the inquiry is just going on within the BBC. The Russian broadcasters would be impressed.
the bBC should’nt be allowed to conduct and internal inquiry as “scene of crime” evidence could be hushed up or shredded. I don’t buy the “that was then, this is now” argument either. High time the state broadcaster was gone through with a fine tooth nit comb.
Seems to me Rupert Murdoch would be the best man to lead an enquiry into the BBC. He has no history of kiddyfiddling and understands only too well the complexity of broadcasting. I’m sure he’s as capable of impartiality as the BBC.
I detected a deep, deep sense of relief they other day when the BBC News could report on another inquiry into Hillsborough.
Anything to keep Savile in the shadows.
No Fred. he word ‘pleb’ is the most evil thing on the planet and it’s quite right for the BBC to expose the criminal use of this word.
The word ‘pleb’ is reprehensible and it’s users are more vile than any paedophile or tax dodger.
So I assume the BBC has replaced “B*lgium” was worst, most vile swear word in the universe since Fry minors little episode !
Maybe someone should have hacked Savile, collected evidence and stopped him.
Please, please, please, don’t mention the f***ing Leverson inquiry. I’m just glad that interminable bore-fest has seemed to peter out. God help us if they remember about it again… How many endless hours on BBC News, Newsnight and QT were dedicated to something that the majority of the British public barely gave a damn about. And what did they conclude in the end? Does anyone remember? Doeas anybody care!!?They gave Cameron’s LOL text to Rebekah Brooks more friggin air time than Saville’s crimes. RIP Leverson inquiry you can Royally fuck off. (Excuse my language please)
Language excused – I feel exactly the same.
Milburn and Montague discussed “social mobility” on Today. They agreed that, whatever its effects (Milburn
liedclaimed that it was incredibly effective), the Labour Party prescription is still the best ie giving taxpayers’ money to 16-18 year olds so they could stay on in school to learn, well, not a lot. Milburn’s new recipe includes having universities do much more “contextual” recruitment of students (ie it doesn’t matter how badly educated – or thick – they are, if they’reLabour Party fodder“socially disadvantaged” they’ll be awarded a university place).At no point was it noted, certainly not by the “impartial” Montague, that if the state schools did their job – educational job that is, not baby-sitting and propagandising – as they did until the mid-60s there’d be no need for the universities to involve themselves (or, worse, spend their money) remedying the failures of the primary and secondary systems. This item was just another instance of allowing the listening public to eavesdrop on a Labour Party private conversation.
So true – ‘if there’s a problem, throw a shedload of money at it’ was Labour’s modus operandi as soon as it (Brown) threw off the evil shackles of Ken Clarke’s budgetary regime. Funny how it took him 2 years – his golden era as the ‘Iron Chancellor (stop giggling at the back) . So it was always a case of putting in a temporary fix rather than getting to the many root causes of the problem – in this case shite socialist education system, disinterested parents, self-interested teachers.
So no surprise we ended up £1,000,000,000,000 in debt, with £2,000,000,000 alone wasted on trying to fix the truancy problem.
As for the greatest enabler of social mobility the country has ever seen – grammar schools – ever get a mention in these discussions on the BBC? Do they bollocks.
Maybe Humphrys should have been tougher with Harman?
BBC’s John Humphrys calls some of Savile’s alleged abuse ‘banter’ to the fury of child protection campaigners
Read more:
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Nice to see the excavation crews gaining new recruits. Of course, it was a different time, er, today. They speak for the nation, you know. Ask Shirley.
Select Committee grillings are very invasive. They dig deep and hold the most powerful to public account. They are rightly feared by our less than honest elite bankers and media moguls.
Now, if David Cameron was a Conservative, THIS is the ideal time to haul the BBC over the public coals. Bring in Thompson along with hundreds of other BBC employees. Humiliate and disgrace them before the eyes of the unaware British public. And not just over Savile; if you were covering up the paedophilia Mr Thompson, what else were you covering up? Israel? Palestinian promotion? Obama? global warming? Muslim terrorism/rape?? etc etc. If not now, then when? What better time is there?
But Cameron, despite knowing the BBC hate everything about him and his party, will do nothing. At least the degenerate BBC children have an excuse in that they see themselves as revolutionaries, but what is Cameron’s excuse for going along with them rather than attacking and exposing them for what they are?
but what is Cameron’s excuse for going along with them rather than attacking and exposing them for what they are?
He’s frit.
Because the BBC and Labour would close ranks and go into full propaganda mode, accusing him of political interference. If we think the BBC/Lab pact is bad now, it would pale into insignificance….
Too true. The BBC is currently the official Opposition Party. Cameron is to frightened to poke the Leftist wasp’s nest with the Savile stick.
Being of the somewhat older variety of citizen I can remember well the 60’s and 70’s and the culture back then. The freedom we had as teenagers, having a car and using them for various parking duties. However I do not remember it being OK to interfere with or rape children, nor would we have wanted to. To think that there was an organisation that we all trusted as much as the BBC that was infested at the top with paedophiles, which was not even a word we knew back then by the way, was unthinkable but now we know, they were perverts pure and simple.
The BBC has been allowed to promote and impose a way of life upon the British people over the last 60 years that when I look back is unbelievable. It started after the war when there was such a sense of relief that Hilter and his gang were defeated. The exuberance spread to the youth of the world with flower power, Top of the Pops and then The Pill allowing a sexual freedom never seen before and the BBC wanted to be at the sharp end of this progress. And oh boy weren’t they?
There were those that tried to stop the excesses of our glorious broadcaster but they were ridiculed and derided into silence. As a previous commenter has said the power of billions of pounds of hard cash is hard to cross.
So now it is all out in the open, or is it? The sickly and insidious way the BBC and their paid sycophants are now trying to spin the “oh it was different back then” is baloney, it’s crap, it’s absolute bloody bollocks. They knew then and they know now IT WAS WRONG morally and legally.
And Milliband wants an enquiry? Someone please put him on the naughty step and tell him to keep quiet. FFS Cameron get those politically correct coppers of their backside, tell them to stop worrying about who insulted who on a football pitch, get their pinkies out of their backsides and get in those BBC perverts houses with the 3 am morning call. You know the ones; two dozen beefy chaps with balaclavas, armed to the teeth and enthusiastically breaking the door down. They wouldn’t hesitate if it were a council estate in Luton or Bradford. And don’t forget to invite the press along to get some nice pictures for the News of the World. Oops!
A few days back, the BBC reporting on the arrest at Heathrow of certain Dr employed by the NHS in connection with the abduction and detention of a Dutch and British journalist in Syria, introduced the old terrorist construct.
He and many other British citizens had joined a group of “freedom fighters”. Nice nuanced term granting the members of these gangs the honour of demonstrating their support for democracy and human rights.
These are the same people who; stone women to death for adultery; shoot young girls in the head for demanding the right to education; deny women the right to education, property and the vote; kill anyone that is of a different religion or belief.
What great Democracy is this then?
. . . and another Chomskyan item on Today: Stephen Fitzpatrick of Ovo Energy and Anne Robinson, director of Consumer Policy and were invited to discuss whether the proposed energy tariff legislation will bring down household bills. Robinson said it wouldn’t, Fitzpatrick – whose company would benefit enormously from a one-price regime – said it would. At no point did anyone mention that the grossest interference in the energy market (and one of the main drivers of energy cost increases) is the green agenda.
To put what’s happening in perspective, I received this week an invitation from a financial outfit to invest in its new “renewable energy” EIS fund. As I read the quasi-prospectus it’s apparent that there is, effectively, no risk in the fund*. Virtually all the profits of the investee companies will come through being beneficiaries of “feed in tarriffs”, “renewable heat incentives” and “renewable obligation certificates”. In other words, taxpayers and energy company customers are compelled to cough up so that, essentially, fake companies are enabled to privatise such taxes and payments for the benefit of their investors (who also receive the EIS tax breaks on top). Of course, one effect of these structures is to push up energy bills.
Cameron – whose financial illiteracy (or worse, populist vote-grubbing) is now exposed in all its revolting glory – will not admit the existence of this legal fraud but seeks rather to demonise the “Big Six” energy companies and to impose de facto price controls. The discussion on Today ignored – as it always does – the existing manipulation of the energy market and sought, rather, to concentrate on its further manipulation which aims to nullify the effects of the original manipulation. To discuss the present manipulation without explaining the original one is not just simply dishonest, it is – if the BBC is seeking to create an informed electorate/audience – counterproductive. But, there again, when was the BBC honest where so-called green issues are concerned? And how interested is the BBC in allowing its audience to hear wide-ranging informed opinions on subjects where, as a matter of policy, it has chosen to present a skewed narrative?
* the only (non-boiler plate) risk worth highlighting in the documentation was that a future government might rescind the legislation which hoses taxpayers’ money over renewable energy projects thus confirming (if one needed it) that the whole renewables fraud is a political not an economic construct.
“tariffs”, of course, not “tarriffs”
of course.
I’m just installing secondary double glazing in (one of 😉 ) my bathroom(s). Seventy quid all in.
Tonight I will jog past a house with solar panels on the roof which cost £ks to install and through the taxpayer bung we will be paying out say £1000p.a. for the next 25 years.
I think when it comes to saving the planet my seventy quid is doing more than his solar panels.
Of course, double glazing, loft insulation, bit of draft-proofing round your front door is nowhere near as ‘sexy’ as windmills sorry turbines and solar panels.
The good news is that future generations will see windmills as monuments to the rank folly of our political classes. Just a shame the current generation can’t see it.
Nothing to do with the BBC – rant over.
And the other thing that wasn’t mentioned was Shale Gas.
Gas prices have plumeted in the US and are now only a quarter of ours. The are huge reserves in the US, Central Europe and Russia. It’s time we started extracting ours.
Didn’t David ‘CINO’ Cameron announce expansion of shale gas extraction in his speech to conference? Will LibDems let him go ahead?
the great carbon scam suits both the governments and the energy cartels, its poor bloody Joe Soap that gets to foot the bills in the end. The shale gas is there in abundance around the UK, lets get it out the ground and stop fannying around.
Yes, it was interesting that, according to Naughtie, none of the Big Six was available for comment. Obviously they couldn’t come on and admit that they’d love it if their unofficial cartel (“legalised” pro tem by the regulatory beard of OfGem) was formalised by, effectively, a single tariff system. As I commented, Ovo Energy (which did turn up in the studio) would, by becoming a part of the cartel, gain enormous benefits.
BTW, as I forgot to comment originally, in the best tradition of BBC impartiality, among the carefully selected vox pop crapola (all in favour natch) was an unchallenged encomium to the lie that green energy will “create jobs”: it will but at the cost of destroying many more than it creates.
They put up gas and electricity prices then everyone goes out and gets a wood burner installed. The local air quality is now terrible in our area during the winter, it’s worse than in a pub before the smoking ban . Council not interested. This is a situation coming to your area in the next few years. All thanks to the global warming scam.
Anyone see Newsnight, last night? Kirsty and her comrades just couldn’t bear the fact that there has, at least, been some job growth under Tory watch.
And created by —- GASP!!! — the private sector!!!
Didn’t see it, but the number the Tories seem to be bandying about is 1 million new private sector jobs since they came to power.
Thanks God the BBC keep asking how many of those were taken by immigrants over the same period, perhaps leaving us nicely back at square one and the jobless total largely static.
Oh, hang on a minute….
Yet another BBC advertisement for El Presidente Salmondo…
Can’t recall too many Unionist headlines saying the opposite (that two thirds of people consistently speak out against separation. Oh well, I suppose the BBC never let a little thing like reality get in the way.
Don’t worry Alex.
There’s been a recent awakening in Scotland as people are finding out more and more about the SNP’s support for Islamic terrorist groups and their fervent anti Semitism. People whom I know who were once dyed in the wool nationalists are now exposing them for what they really are.
A recent example was a speech last week in George Square in Glasgow by deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon where she defended the murders and violence emanating from the Mohammed You Tube clip and actually said that freedom of expression and freedom of speech would not be tolerated under the SNP.
Also the cost to women of having to change their wardrobes to tartan hijabs and tartan burquas and the men to tartan sacks and tartan funny hats is puting a lot of people off.
I notice that Andrew Neil in an unguarded moment quipped just before PMQ’s that he thought that the interview by the BBC’s Chief Political Correspondent was a “love in”.
No wonder Neil is sidelined by the BBC to late night and early afternoon television.
Having said that he was allowed to present Newsnight once. That makes up for the other 20 years of left-wing crap then doesn’t it.
Sorry, I missed out that the sycophantic BBC interview that Andrew Neil was disparaging was with El Presidente Salmondo.
It’s good to know that the bBBC has its priorities right, using our money to investigate the price of pies at every football ground in the country!
The next time Stephanie Flanders moans about youth unemployment, perhaps she should acknowledge the news from Barchester Healthcare, unreported by the bBBC.
The company has had 450 youth apprenticeship places open since February but so far has only managed to recruit 72 under-25s onto the scheme, taking up fewer than a fifth of the available posts.
Elsewhere the company, which runs 240 care homes across the UK, is struggling to find young people willing to join its work placement programme, with almost 1,000 positions left unfilled.
Of the 960 placements available – each lasting up to six weeks with a strong chance of a paid job at the end of the scheme – only 50 young people have taken up the challenge.
Terry Tucker, director of learning at Barchester Healthcare, told The Sunday Telegraph: “We’ve had so much bad luck. Some young people just don’t seem keen on work. Many are not turning up or turning up late, some are swearing, they’re just not interested. Jobcentre Plus is really embarrassed, they’ve rung us apologising.
“The ones that do turn up have been sent by the job centre and are just going through the motions or they won’t get their benefits.”
Since when has the Left let truth get in the way of their narrative. The BBC these days is nothing more that a propaganda platform for the middle class left – who earn a fat and lazy living out of their socialism. Although “earn” is the wrong word here. They “extract” a fat and lazy living from the serfs because they believe that their hatred of life entitles them to a public subsidy.
I don’t know if I’d be too excited to do an unpaid “apprenticeship” for six weeks with my only hope at the end of it being a job cleaning bed pans and disinfecting sheets for a paycheck that’s smaller than the free money for no work I’d get if I didn’t. I worked in a couple nursing homes in my youth. Training course for chefs, my arse!
But that sounds like you’re making false assumptions, just like the kids who didn’t bother to find out what the jobs were. There is a longer article in The Times yesterday (behind Murdoch paywall) where the company explains that, as well as those who work directly with care-home residents, they employ hundreds of chefs, gardeners, receptionists and administrative staff.
And you’re jumbling the two schemes. The apprenticeships are paid, last one or two years and give the youngsters qualifications and transferable skills as well as work.
The six-week work placements pay £4 an hour on top of the unemployment benefits (job-seekers’ allowance) and about 90% of the youngsters get a job at the end of their six weeks.
I’m not jumbling anything, I don’t think. I’m going by what the article said: unpaid. If they got it wrong I can’t be held responsible.
I did mention that I worked in these places. I know what the jobs are and what pay was then, and it’s unlikely to have changed, for all practical purposes, much. Although maybe it’s true that the likelihood of getting a nice dinner lady position is higher than ending up as an orderly.
It doesn’t matter how many of them get a job at the end of the six weeks if it’s not better money than benefits.
A friend of my daughter’s works in the NHS and has been trying to recruit clerical staff. They had 6 people lined up for interview for a particular day and rang them all the day before to double check they would be attending – all replied in the affirmative.
Guess what – none of the precious little princes and princesses bothered to turn up.
A story you hear repeated all too often, I’m afraid. Either that or they jack the job in after a couple of days. Gives the impression there’s a hard core of young people who want a glamorous job handed to them on a plate, and stuff anything that’s ‘beneath’ them.
Despite the public worshipping the NHS (they don’t know any better) it is an apalling employer, It is a Nationalised Industry. Impossible constant demands and not enough to do the job. Apart from the career medics no-one wants to work for it. It is a conspiracy between politicians and voters, at the expense of the staff.
Turns out that some captain of a cruise ship only had to meet Savile once, before confining him to his cabin-and refusing him permission to meet anybody else on board short of a shipwreck near Gibraltar.
What exactly did this Captain spot in five minutes with Shifty Savlon, that the BBC itself failed to spot in fifty years of fellow cruising with its “eccentric old charity pass”.
This Captain needs to be begged to lead the BBC-and maybe one day we`ll get a flagship out of the seedy pirate ship of perverts and leftyscum that currently cruises the shallows of the Guardian mindset.
One creepy pedalo boys-forever sailing towards the “Inclusion zone”-and in need of a Sam Salt to scuttle the f***ers.
I`ll not ask about the log book either-why would I?
“The parents, who were not travelling first class, were very decent, ordinary people who were scandalised by Savile’s unwanted attention to their daughter.
“I told him he disgusted me and I wanted him off my ship when we reached Gibraltar.”
“He was a shifty sort of chap whose eyes darted all over the place.
“The parents, who were not travelling first class, were very decent, ordinary people who were scandalised by Savile’s unwanted attention to their daughter.
“I told an officer to make sure he remained in his cabin until we reached the Rock.
“He was to take all his meals in his cabin and was not allowed to leave it under any circumstances short of shipwreck.
hmm looks like a true captain … took control of the situation … ensured safety for everyone … immediately locked him up.
now al bbc s actions? … yes where were we?
The captain sounds like a decent sort – the sort BBC leftists hate with a passion.
So did that ship come from a different time period, just popped in through a wrinkle in the space-time continuum, picked up Savile, for a short cruise, then back into the progressive future where his actions are considered unacceptable, or was that captain simply more progressive and a more decent human being than those at the BBC at a time when it was massively Left-wing?
A keelhauling for old Jimmy wouldn’t have gone amiss.
It wouldn’t have stopped his perversions though; better to hang him from the yardarm. Problem solved.
The BBC today are trying to rubbish Cameron’s statement in PMQs that the Government is to force Energy companies to charge the consumer the lowest rate. They are devoting the whole morning on 5 live to try to put forward opposition to this measure and further the Labour party’s assertions that Cameron made it up on the hoof.
How could it be a bad thing to ensure the companies put forward their lowest rate in a form which is easily understood ? They of course do not want the customer to be able to easily calculate what they are paying. If you paid for the number of units displayed on your meter at a certain rate that could reduce after a certain number of units are used, they anybody could easily work it out. What they do however is convert it into thermal units and then charge by the number of thermal units they claim you have used. I have many times queried my bill and it has taken the British Gas accounts dept. several days to work it out. What chance does the ordinary consumer have? Why should Labour object to Cameron’s attempt to simplify things and why should the BBC so vocal in assisting them?
Could not possibly be that the BBC bias is so intense that even the Government’s attempts to help the ordinary person rather than just millionaires, are to be challenged.
Cameron has taken a Soviet approach to regulating the energy market-not thought out, but populist-and hopefully popular if and when it works.
Had Labour done this, the BBC would be ecstatic!
had Labour presided over more job creation and more freedom for schools, wouldn`t the BBC normally be pleased?
Well yes, but these are Tory ideas and not steeped in Ed Balls codpiec juices-and so are heresy and untimely.
Any news on that tax disc the buggers of New Labour lost for me in 2007?….until I get it back, you can`t trust Labour with anything. If people are fool enough to vote for them, we`ll deserve the Greek basket case Labour will guarantee we shall become.
Agree on all but the ‘freedom for schools’. The last thing the BBC want is for their/Labour’s incubators for Little Red Greenies to be given a good rogering.
Quite right sir!
The whole liberal elite want the plebs learning “condom studies” for our kids-but Homeric analysis for their own(and not the Simpsons, lest we confuse the two).
Freedom for schools is for the private sector-the State get Blunketts commode and what his blind dogs chose to leave in the bowl.
But they will assault other kids for Childline apppeals or for Sir Jimmys dry cleaning!…ah bless!
Yes we have had quite a bit of what should have been good news for the government in the last few days but the BBC has trampled all over it with the help of every labour spokesman they can find. Also noticed that the government was not invited to take part in the pantomime.
Need I even say that Savile creeped around the First Class section of the ship?Typical Beeboid!
Class warfare you see-one in the arse for Allah and for Marx!
Maybe if Savile had abused in Harley St or BUPA cases, his “legacy” would now be betting burnished, not burned!
BBC-class creeps `til they die…not long now P.G!
More socialist tampering and meddling from the communist integration that is the BBC and Liebour party:
Good God, with British education already plummeting due to the whole-scale Left-wing interference we have this Stalinist nonsense coming from political dinosaur, Milburn. As a teacher who has chosen to move into special needs work to escape the left-wing destruction of our once-great mainstream education system, I utterly despair at the feminization and politically correct indoctrination of our schools.
University should be for those from all backgrounds who possess impeccable maths, science and literacy skills. I think classical music and the classic arts should have a separate route wherein there is a combination of study, business enterprise and apprenticeship in performing/exhibitions. Imposing social quotas on institutions is blatant socialism.
I like how all these champange socialists go on about how great state education is, but send their children to private schools.
Polly toynbee, Fatty Diane Abbott etc
Well if you are part of the Leftist elite you can afford it. In their eyes it is their reward for being class war hustlers.
Son: Who paid for my school fees Mummy?
D.A. I did.
Son: But you never did a days work in your life.
D.A.: Hey, blaming everything on white people is my career and don’t you forget it. Who do you think fills out that pile of claim forms.
Son: Your PA?
D.A. Maybe sending you to a private school was not such a good idea.
All must have prizes. Where is the BBC report examining whether or not improving grades results (in a proper sense, not by dumbing down tests, I mean) might be a better option than lowering standards? Or do we assume that’s just not possible these days? The inset “Analysis” by the BBC education correspondent moans that not enough of these poorer children are getting the grades required for interviews, but this is really just supporting the cause for lowering interview (and, the next logical step, admission) standards.
This isn’t about equality of opportunity: it’s about equality of outcome. Oh, wait, some people will no longer get that equal opportunity:
Certain groups in society that might previously have expected places at the university would now find competition fiercer, he said, adding that students who may have been admitted 10 to 20 years ago probably would not be admitted now.
“Certain groups”, eh? Weak. And notice how this denial of equal opportunity is presented as merely taking away an undeserved privilege these “certain groups” took for granted. I don’t think the Beeboid who wrote this understands the proper meaning of “competition”. I do hope this doesn’t affect any hopeful Beeboid offspring.
Where’s the astute BBC analysis about what happens to under-prepared students when they hit real life? A university education in and of itself isn’t social mobility. That comes only from a resulting job/career. And it certainly is not very likely to come from a degree in a strictly academic discipline with finite job opportunites. How does dumbing down admission standards possibly help social mobility? No reports backing up that assertion on offer, I see.
Beeboids don’t do “real life”.
Too messy and does not fit the narrative.
Well-said, David! Couldn’t agree more.
“Where’s the astute BBC analysis about what happens to under-prepared students when they hit real life?”
To be fair, they did give us plenty of coverage of the Occupy movement.
When I was at University, the same one John Prescott went most of the students were unemployable semi-illterate losers.
100% true.
Heh. Yes they did. And even that was mostly fawning, wrong, and occasionally dishonest.
Apologies if this has already been mentioned.
So much for the BBC’s “independent” investigation into Newsnight dropping the Jimmy Saville expose.
The man appointed, Nick Pollard, was touted as the “former Head of Sky News”. Great, sounds good, doesn’t it? I mean, Sky is part of the evil Murdoch empire and a competitor of the BBC. A good choice, right?
Well….. Pollard left Sky News 6 years ago, so that post is not exactly recent. Why highlight that past job of his, instead of going further back into his career and letting us know that, for example, in 1973 he was “a Scriptwriter/producer for BBC Radio News based at Broadcasting House. Writing news stories and scripts for Radios 1,2,3 and 4 and local radio service GNS”.
So he’s a BBC old boy.
But that’s not all.
From 1977 – 1980 he was a television news scriptwriter/producer for BBC news and “Worked in the newsroom as a scriptwriter/producer/chief sub editor and occasional news editor. ”
Oh, and he “Also worked on launch of BBC2’s ‘Newsnight'”
Fancy that then. The chap appointed by the BBC to review the BBC’s conduct in pulling an embarrasing Newsnight piece about a BBC icon is himself a former BBC news man was involved in the launch of Newsnight.
Now why do you suppose the BBC chose to describe him as “former Head of Sky News” when announcing his appointment rather than, say, “former BBC insider who worked on the launch of Newsnight”????
You know, there’s a general rule of law that a court or tribunal must not only be free from bias, but also free from the appearance of bias. There is no way that Pollard could be described as such with his very …………………… PARTICULAR background.
Note – all of the descriptions in quotations marks of Pollard’s earlier career are taken directly from his LinkedIn profile which is publicly accessible and easily found by googling Nick Pollard Sky.
‘A good choice, right?”
From what you have shared, it would appear so.
For the BBC.
So this guy was working at the BBC during the time he’s supposed to be impartially investigating? Classic.
Nice one, Angus, another BBC half-truth (well, not even half, as it happens) reeking of ill-disguised deceit and cover-up.
So now it’s over to scottnickdez…..
Absolute classic caller on 5 Live just now. Geordie accented chap says he used to live in Belarus and the nationalised energy system there was much more fair!
I begin to see a pattern. I sense that the BBC is keen on nationalised industry. Could this be a slight bias that I have discovered here?
Has anybody noticed the fawning from the left towards the Cuban missile crisis. All week we have heard how Cuba was the winner and the bullying Americans the losers.
The bBC have aired numerous articles about how Cuba beat the US by allowing the Russians to base nukes inside concrete bunkers.
Yet when the bBC talks about Greenham common they talk about how Women wearing comfortable shoes saved the day by protesting against cruise missiles.
Yet in Cuba, they report how the Cubans were let down when Russia removed those nukes.
Seems to the left that communist nukes good, Capitalist nukes bad.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
And Muslim nukes good Israeli bad.
I expect Nick Pollard is hoping to get another nice job from the BBC if he writes up the report in the “correct” way.
The chances of the BBC writing a truthful report about itself is zero.
The Leftist corruption of our public institutions is absolute.
Another non-story of synthetic outrage about the loony lefties’ favourite diversion, ‘racism’.
To a beeboid this is as serious as virtually anything short of nuclear war.
Good, old fashioned, knockabout, blacked-up fun!
I’ve never met a black person who found it racist. They all found this real strange white people dressing up like this.
It has racist origins, though. However, I don’t think anyone’s going to start banning performances of Othello any time soon.
Short item on media in the US after the 2nd debate farce:
Presumably the Obama and Romney camps agreed on Candy Crowley as moderator in advance. Her record was known, if not to the candidates but certainly to to their media advisors.
What does that say about the Romney camp’s judgement and about Romney as President?
Hard to believe that it was a month ago now that Mitchell gave it some to one of the plebs.
Well done to the Labour Party, the bruvvas, and their BBC lackies for ensuring this is still leading every news item.
April Jones.
Remember her?
The BBC doesn’t.
‘Remember her?’
Those used, and then dropped, by some in pursuit of their ambitions is as long as it is ignoble.
Had the poor kid been old enough to have a mobile phone account, you can bet that the BBC and Guardian would already be looking for News Corps on the list of numbers.
If Saviles number , on the other hand, appears on any list of mobile numbers, the BBC will be quick to get them deleted asap.
No wonder there`s no tiresome 60s/70s retrospective crap on as there usually is on BBC3/4…and , of course NO chance of seeing Savile linking the pop acts any more. You`ll have more chance of seeing him next to Brezhnev at the Red Army parades from now on!
File under Glitter/King/Denning/Peel….t.b.a
Now that the BBC’s “serious arts channel” BBC4 has increasingly become a 70s nostalgia channel, this is very inconvenient.
I just flicked on the TV and, as luck would have it, TOTP 77 was on, with Dave Lee Travis being flanked by a couple of pubescent girls. I’m wondering if the BBC will retrospectively start pixilating their faces ‘just in case’?
Three words eh?…redaction, redaction, redaction!
DLT is being marinaded in the stew of public opinion as we speak…and he`ll not be the last: Aung San Suu Kyi or not!
Great comedy as the BBC reverse slowly over their old archive stuff, ensuring that the likes of Savile and Travis don`t have their paws all over teenage girls.
Be fun to see the “editorial reasons” for why they`ll show Noel Edmonds, but not DLT.
Can`t get enough of that lovey dovey stuff…
Your morning laugh-out-loud moment. From the blurb accompanying this video of an interview with the NY Times Democrat strategist…sorry….most-trusted statistician, former JournoLista and current media darling, Nate Silver:
As humans develop science and mathematics, our ability to predict events gets much better – for example, we keep improving our ability to predict the weather.
But even with more data there is a danger of becoming too confident in our capabilities.
Come see the bias inherent in the system.
And they think they’re being subtle.
BBC Daily Politics @daily_politics
In case you missed, here’s Lord Howard claim #bbcdp viewers are “bored” of the Andrew Mitchell police comments debate …
Well, as the BBC keeps claiming it’s never about the ratings, it must be that agenda of theirs, then. Certainly must explain the oddly muted Savile mentions but preponderance of BBC-behoven luvvies chipping in on why it’s nothing to do with their paymasters.
Must also be nice to control the edit to every home in the land, 24/7.
’12 months on from the Dale Park evictions we (at the BBC) ask, ‘What has changed?’
Meanwhile we outside the pretrendy leftie weepy bubble ask. ‘Who gives a toss?’
If the BBC was so worried about those gypsy’s at Dale farm why didn’t they let them live in there houses in Islington and Hampstead with them?
It would lower the values of the NIMBY champagne socialists’ houses too much !
If I had my way the NIMBY champagne socialists would be evicted and their houses given to people like the dale farm NIMBYS.
Gypsys I mean.
But wait – heart of gold David Cameron is pissing away your taxes to these workshy soapdodgers: “The Government is also providing £60m of funding to help support authorised pitches for travellers…”
Everywhere else in the UK there is growth in the private sector… but in Scotland the unemployment rate is rocketing . This, simply, is a reflection of the SNP’s obsession, at all costs, for independence at the cost of the economy. They also fail to mention how they would, as an independent country, finance a Scottish defense force, cyber intelligence and anti-terror measures and how the country would pay for its huge welfare bill. AND YET BBC Scotland has the nerve to post this fawning coverage of the SNP’s conference in Perth:
This terribly biased article has Brian Taylor written all over it. NOT ONE oppositional voice is given in the piece. Pure SNP propaganda! Salmond is painting a picture of a nirvana-land where everything is free… I can’t believe the Scots are taking him seriously. Apart from oil (which would be swallowed up by Scotland’s share of the deficit and its mammoth welfare bill) I don’t see where all this wealth, mil and honey is coming from. Mind you, the Braveheart wannabes will jump off a cliff if Salmondella clicked his fingers.
INBBC censorship of ‘British’ Islamic jihadists in SYRIA?
Both ‘The Times’ and the ‘Daily Telegraph’ have reports on this today:
“British gang of Muslims waging war in Syria ‘pose threat to UK’.
“A British jihadi has been identified as a key ringleader of a gang of Muslims who have gone to fight against the Assad regime in Syria, it has been reported.”
Is INBBC reluctant to report these jihadists because it would involve speading information which INBBC regards as politically detrimental?:
E.g –
1.) it would reflect negatively on Bangladesh Muslims in Britain;
2.) it would indicate that violent jihad is an integral part of Islam;
3.) it would reflect critically on INBBC’s tacit support for Islamic jihad opponents of Assad regime.
More importantly, should the little feckers come home they will be combat experienced.
That’ll make future EDL marches somewhat interesting don’t you think?
If they could the Islamists would do nasty things to the UAF and all the other marxists soap-dodgers not the EDL.
EDL first, useful idiots second.
You know this is true.
“NHS doctor accused of Syria terror kidnapping appears in court as it’s revealed 15 British Nationals are at Islamic training camp in country.”
The BBC defined this man as a “freedom fighter” when reporting his arrest earlier this week.
So we have the security services concerned about their violent Muslim fundamentalist objectives whilst our honest, trustworthy, publicly funded broadcaster sees them as heroes fighting for democracy.
Katty Kay tweets that the White House believes the last Presidential debate “stopped the bleeding”. Straight from the horse’s mouth, folks. If you want to know what the White House thinks just ask our Katty. She has impeccable sources.
Problem for Katty and her personal friend is that the media keeps talking about Candy Crowley’s serious breach of integrity, which keeps the President’s Benghazi BS in the news. Not what they’d hoped for.
Candy Crowley THE “moderator” KNEW that Obama and his people nspent 2 weeks trying to tie the Benghazi killings to the YouTube video, claiming it all arose out of a demo.
I have seen it suggested that Romney deliberately asked Obama to repeat that he tried to call it terrorism on Day 2 in the Rose Garden – lining him up for the chop on Monday when the debate focusses on foreign affairs and national security. Whatever. Bottom line is that Benghazigate is still running.
I know she knew that, hence the stuttering attempt at clarification as soon as she realized what she’d said. She obviously didn’t know exactly what the President said in that first statement, or had bought the White House spin and thought she did, hence her error and blithering when trying to clarify (Mardell fell for it hook, line, and sinker, until he found out about it afterwards and rewatched the clip). Either way, it was a serious breach of integrity for her to interject like that, correct on the facts or not. Imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if she had corrected the President like that. This wasn’t an interview setting where that would have been appropriate. But that’s had the effect of keeping the subject in the news more than it might have been otherwise.
The last two debates have made Jim Lehrer look more and more like the epitome of professionalism that he mostly was. I notice not a single Beeboid has dared criticize Crowley. Maybe the usual Radio 5 suspects have and nobody’s mentioned it here yet?
You may have seen the hilarious internal CNN memo trying to defend Candy Crowley’s allocation of more time to Obama than Romney. (This happened in the VP debate as well)
CNN claims that Crowley judged that Romney had spoken quicker than Obama – so she balanced the “word-count”. So Obama stumbles and bumbles a lot – and this wins him extra time ?
Yes, I read about that. Somebody’s probably working right now on a dopey football analogy about possession time versus scoring.
I agree that the President doesn’t so much speak slower than Romney than He does pause an awful lot and stumble over words. Never mind how many times He repeated certain talking points (Green jobs) regardless of the question.
Although, during His response to the first question, He was talking a mile-a-minute and appeared a bit too hyper. He calmed it down quite well pretty quickly.
I watched shout “Your an idiot then” at the television the other night, probably better known as Watchdog. This now seems to be where news round (“hey u guys) reporters seem to go after ..well newsround. On the menu last time a story about mortgage arrangment fees, the conclusion being add up the offset against lower rates. Eer isn’t what most people do..calculate the best overall deal? Then shock no spare tyre on new cars horror shock. So ex-newsround presenter in a lay-by to show how a flat repair kit works-ooh look he’s got a North face jacket just like the others. He looks completely terrified..of getting his hands dirty they even took the wheel off for him. Well I’ve used tyre repair foam on more than one occassion and it’s only not worked once and then the tyre was completely trashed. To round off a boiler / plumbing repair company who sent round a Hungarian repair man who could only just speak English (it would appear). Would he have got into chez Dave? I think not. Shock shock horror.
New cars aren’t coming with spare wheels? Since when? Those pesky cheapskates.
Is there going to be room for a spare if you want to one as an extra?
I’ll be all those batteries and extra LPG tanks taking up the room …
Given the National Geographic Channel-BBC co-productions,
where is the Beeboid reporting of this?:-
“Muslims bombard National Geographic Channel with jihad terror threats over bin Laden raid movie”
“Modern, moderate, secular Turkey: Pianist goes on trial for offending Muslims and insulting Islam”
“This is the kind of law that Islamic supremacists want to bring West, and an increasing chorus of Western Leftists is joining them in the call to criminalize criticism of Islam.”
Despite this, INBBC political support (along with that of UK political class) will not lessen for Turkey’s:
1.) Islamising role inside Turkey, and in E.U, notably in Germany:
2.) military action, and arming jihadists in Syria;
3.) entry into E.U with its 80 million Muslims Turks.
” entry into E.U with its 80 million Muslims Turks. ”
Reminder: Don’t ever forget Dopy Dave thinks that is a wonderful idea!
It’s a “multi-culti ain’t working so what do we need? Why more multi-culti of course!” kind of idea, that only treacherous fools like him could believe!
Once he has regionalised the UK he can surrender to the EU at last, and jump on the EU gravy train along with the Kinnocks et al.
Traitors to the last.
Yes, Cameron’s on board, as is Daniel Hannon; they’s all part of the Turkey lobby.
“Daniel Hannan”
This is an illustration of how wide and deep is the political campaign of British political class for entry of Turkey’s 80 million Muslims into the E.U:-
Interesting piece on Naomi Klein, who seems to have been selected by the BBC for her considered views on the life, universe and globalisation quite a few times.
I don’t think the word ‘odious’ does justice to her views on Israel and Jews in general.
Another useful Jew. Klein’s an Occupy enthusiast these days. Shockingly.
See the BBC are now laying into the Tories for trying to be on consumers’ sides in their pledge to legislate for energy companies to ensure low tariffs for customers. The BBC are ripping into this saying it is unplanned, unrealistic and a gimmick. Couldn’t the same be said for every single labour policy over the last 13 years? It’s OK for Liebour to be on the side of the public, but when the Tories try they are ripped to shreds.
PS. I see the BBC reported the victory of the gay couple who were refused lodgings by a Christian. Will they be reporting the well-known and open hostility of Muslims to Christians as well? I wonder what would happen if Adam and Steve went looking for a room in Bradford?
Sorry for the above typo, that is meant to say ‘the well-known and open hostility to gays as well?’
Adam and Steve would find out what a kebab is used for.
If they tried to bitch about it like they did about the Christian couple they would find out no left-wing people would help them.
Seeing Islam is higher up the minority food than homosexuals and lefty’s are cowards when the SHTF.
” higher up”
No, not just higher up but right at the top, and it trumps everything!
BBC Breakfast are on a roll again First of all school kids visit Austwich. Then the story about Griffin – (do you see the connection)-The MEP is alleged to have published the address of Michael Black and John Morgan on the social networking site and called for a demonstration to be held outside their home.
Then “We have all been inspired humbled and amazed” by our athletes. AAAAARGGGH to put it bluntly no I f**king hav not. I couldn’t give a toss if someone can run round a track faster than me I stopped doing that when I left school.
Would that include all Muslim faith schools then, I wonder?
And isn`t Griffin due an apology from Channel 4 and the police for being wrongly accused of those Islamic sex rings he warned us all of, way back?
He was right and right again-but, as yet, no Investigative Reporte of the Year Award from Jon Snow(other fey milksop are available).
Let`s hope the gays get some Sharia lads wanting to bunk up at their B&B, seeing as they now know how to run one “without due prejudice”
Maybe a reality TV show, lads?
One Show bigging up the fact that by getting malaala to make her blog for them she was put in the front line!
cause celebre for the INBBC to crow.
warsi is now saying that there’s no basis in islam for denying education to women. Oh Yes?
Facts say otherwise.
Her theory doesnt fit the widely observed facts.
The BBC is directly responsible for creating this girls’ public activism and thus for her nearly getting killed over it. Are they bigging this up or patting themselves on the back for a job well done advancing the cause of women’s rights?
It was as much an opportunity for Warsi to peddle her misinformation about what is attributable to islam in terms of “wimmin” issues as anything else. IOW to show it in a better light than us mere mortals percieve it to be apropos their women oppression. Naturally the girls attackers were described as taliban or militants. Funny how Warsi cut straight to Islam when it wasn’t mentioned in the report.
the pathetic presenters on The One Show may as well hold up placards saying ‘Vote Labour’ for half an hour
i wonder when they will have George Clooney on The One Show, they could do a segment on ‘straight’ acting gay men with a behind the scene review on Rock Hudson
In the golden age of Hollywood George Clooney wouldn’t of be able to get a job in Hollywood cleaning toilets.
except the glory hole
No, this is so misinformed it’s untrue. They hid her identity, her family let her come out and enjoy the fame. Another example of misinformation, presumptions and idiocy.
Not so, Phlegm. Without the initial encouragement and support from the BBC, the girl never would have gotten as far as she did. To think that this could have been kept secret forever is sheer fantasy, and irresponsible behavior by the BBC. They created her, they are now responsible for her.
Apart from it being so, David. You would pin anything on the BBC and it’s disgraceful to use something as tragic as this to attack the BBC with. Sheer sickening opportunism.
Meanwhile – Gallup’s rolling poll shows Romney 52 against Obama 45 – that’s Romney up a point since yesterday’s “outlier” showing a 6-point lead.
Obama is now having to spend time and money is states his campaign formerly regarded as in the bag.
Whoopi Goldberg shows her class by attacking Romney’s religion. Down in the gutter with the BBC.
Whoopi was worried that she might become “a slave again” under McCain, so let’s be fair: She’s evolved from being a 24-carat loon into an 18-carat one. A little applause for that character development if you please, ladies and gents.
(Linky for anyone who didn’t see Whoopi making a humungous tit of herself four years ago:
Same Whoopi who said that what Polanski did to that 13 year-old girl “wasn’t rape rape”. Class act. She’s a big charity celeb as well, oddly enough. She’d fit right in at the BBC.
The faux hand wringing over l’affaire Saville looks especially suspicious when you remember the number of celeb “true-believers” who were all over the airwaves to defend The Pocket Pole Paedophile when the US was trying to have him extradited.
I wonder if Whoopi’s a Yankee fan? Hope so.
Oh, and she wrecked Star Trek TNG, too.
Even worse than that simpering wretch Dr Beverly Crusher, which one would hardly have believed possible.
Whoopi Goldberg is she jewish?
Haven’t they suffered enough ?
Anyway, apparently she’s not. Here’s a site you couldn’t make up with the skinny:
Was Whoopi Goldberg affirmative action.
Because she has no talent. I remember her in Star Trek next generation. Her ‘acting’ was as wooden as the Star trek sets.
No, she was a legitimate Star Trek fan who spent a long time convincing the producers that she really did want to be on the show because she was a fan and not just for exposure. The result was a travesty, of course. Poorly developed character, and it’s possible she, like many actors, influenced that after a while. Instead of a character all I ever saw was Whoopi in a big hat doing her “Don’t Do Drugs, Kids” public service announcement voice.
There’s no reason for affirmative action because they already had two main non-white actors. A diverse cast – in domestic ethnicity and in species – has been a rule from Day 1, from Rodenberry himself, long before quotas or affirmative action existed.
Please don’t get me started on that travesty.
No harsh words about Dr. Crusher if you don’t tolerate any about the Queen of Hackney.
Can we be rude about Wesley then? Irritating smartarse that he was.
Dr Beverly WAS a simpering wretch, which was why Wesley didn’t stand a chance of being a non-irritant: all her fault.
Criticise Tasty Diane all you want, you’re obviously free to do so. But mind that I also am free, free to bring back my avatar from the old incarnation of this site as I’ve mentioned once or twice before…………
Need an “unlike” button here…..
Anne Romney was too kind. She could have mentioned that one of the victims of Major Hasan at Fort Hood was a Morman,
Pfc. Aaron Thomas Nemelka
Has Whoopi’s mate Obama tried Mr Hasan yet?
Interesting blog on Harriet Harman’s hypocrisy re. Savile inquiry and peadophilia
the choir shit on BBC2 what a load of crap
I’ll wager a shiny guinea that it was better than ‘Wartime Farm’ though: weaving bloody pigeon baskets this week !
the biased BBC News at 10, i wish they’d all fuck off, fucking left wing twats
King Arthurs Way, Andover
scientists believe…..who are these ‘scientists’ ?
Well spoken jonsuk!
Heard Justin Webb on the Toady show today(Fri19/10/12).
I lost count of the number of times “people think/are saying/will want to know” was stated by Webb…followed by a personal sneery or slimy question that was obviously the set up for the anti-Tory soundbite for the upcoming news at 9.
Abortion, homeopathy…dog whistle issues for Dawkins, for Black/Harrabin, for Goldacre.
The BBC cannot be accused of lacking transparency-they are as unsubtly stupid as you could hope for a monopoly with a death wish. The BBC are as predictable ,as nasty and as cliched as they say that we all are.
“People say”-that`ll be the cleaner, nanny, taxi driver, rent boy, dealer or their editors boyfriend…who knows this darling Montessori teacher.
The likes of Webb are media poppets with no links to the real world, hence those weird, perverted views of theirs….hence a Savile…who actually IS the true face of the BBC.
I was trained to look for facts. So …..who are these ‘believers’?
May I re-post something I had entered on another thread ?
BBC reporting on US politics has been atrocious for years now. It is a mixture of bias by commission, bias by omission. A lot of it is frankly pig-ignorant. Or way out of date. All augmented this side of the pond by dumb presenters on the Today programme, 5Live etc.
People who follow stuff posted here by David Preiser, Louis Robinson and others probably get for free a better and more timely overview of what is happening than they can get from the entire and very expensive BBC US operation.
Why not shut the whole damn operation down ?
I think David has suggested before that in the Internet age all we need from the BBC is a news-aggregation service with links to all the important video-clips and political articles. Can I expand this a little ?
For BALANCE – an aggregation service could post links to the RealClearPolitics poll page for how US voters are trending. Plus say the top 10 stories on the Web each day from the Dem side and the Repub side. Plus the top 10 video clips for each side. Easy-peasy.
NO insertion of opinions from BBC hacks. Mardell is bad enough, and Frei and Webb before him were also useless. Stir in Katty Kay, Jonny Diamond and the other clowns and the BBC service is truly atrocious.
Alastair Cooke must be spinning in his grave.
Let’s just here what THE AMERICANS themselves are saying – the politicians and the pundits. And what the polls are indicating.
You could run this sort of operation on a shoestring. From here in London. It would need a very small team of middle-grade staff for 24-hour rolling service. Maybe with an editor in charge – but under strict instructions to draw an equal amount of stuff from each side.
I think you would get a far more complete and balanced overview of US politics for peanuts than we are getting from all the overpaid BBC hacks.
I use the internet and look at the mainstream and the alternative news sites. The mainstream push mostly the same agenda as the BBC. The alternative media has it’s own agenda which I ignore and I look at the raw data they link to and I make up my own mind on the balance of all the the evidence before me.
I stopped relying on the BBC for objective, impartial news many many years ago.
Yes – but although you stopped relying on the BBC for news you and all of us are still being forced to pay for it. The biggest news operation in the world.
Even their US operation costs us millions a year counting exes and overheads for all those staff , plus transmission costs – for what ?
‘The Times’ are reporting that an internal BBC e-mail has come to light that casts doubt on the Corporation’s defence of the Savile story.
They say that the e-mail reveals that Newsnight journalists had been “focusing on allegations of abuse” and not, as subsequently claimed by the BBC, on an alleged failure by police to investigate Savile properly.
A senior BBC News press officer wrote the e-mail, which also reveals that the Newsnight investigation WAS SO WELL ADVANCED by December 7 that the press office was preparing “lines to take” to respond to questions after its planned broadcast.
The Times says that the e-mail shows that the BBC was aware of the risk that the report would raise questions about why it had failed to expose Savile as a paedophile while he was alive.
If this is true, it seems that someone in the BBC has had enough of the cover-up and is prepared to spill the beans.
It also means that their complacent Director of Editorial Standards and Ethics, David Jordan may have been less than factual in his defence of the BBC, in his interview earlier this month. If so, he should resign.
Also, Entwistle (by his (in)action) and Patten (in his knee-jerk support, instead of regulating) should immediately consider their positions
‘If this is true, it seems that someone in the BBC has had enough of the cover-up and is prepared to spill the beans.’
They do say it is often not the initial offence that offers the fatal blow, but if there’s an attempt at cover up.
As any experience with CECUTT has shown, they are institutionally incapable of dealing with any concern over BBC activity without default cover-up from the outset.
I already have then bang to rights on this, in writing, with a massive howler awaiting a Trust ruling. That the facts are not in doubt mean it can only go one way, and if it doesn’t by a now too familiar resort to semantics, dissembling and navel-gazing internal ‘beliefs’, the whole thing will explode in their faces even further.
What this case has managed to do is propel matters beyond their comfort zone, where their 110% rectitude record can’t be ‘managed’ in the way they are used to being allowed to get away with.
The BBC is an out of control power being held itself to account, and seems to be imploding step by sorry step.
Perhaps we will have a situation where things become so hot in the kitchen that the team fragments and everyone starts to become more concerned for their own safety than the safety of the institution. At this point maybe the truth will emerge
When the plods begin to proceed with what they have now declared is a criminal investigation, which inevitably involves people that still live, many at the INBBC will realise they could be in the frame.
That’s when the proverbial will hit the fan and they’ll be queueing up to drop anyone in the crap so long as it’s not them. A 6 am raid on one or two homes will wake them all up to reality and they won’t want to be next.
None of them will have any principles, and by now the great and the good will be plotting to sacrifice a few minnows to the plod for self preservation.
The leaks will continue.
Christopher Booker must be in two minds about this because his book is not out until may of next year. This probably is the reason that rumours at wadham collage oxford about the leak of climate change emails from the BBC is being delayed until the same month. I wonder if anyone at the BBC has read the “ GWPF Report 5 ”
still DC and the tories wont put the boot in about to the beeb,then we as voters should put the boot in DC and the Tories. tell them fist thou
The bBC and how it is trying to divert attention from DJ rapists by playing the slavery card.
A tipping point in the fight against slavery?
The bbC write an article about how today there are more people under slavery than when the Atlantic slave trade was in full swing. The thing is the article is somewhere sparse on just where all these slaves are and instead revels in how the British empire didn’t actually get rid of slavery they just renamed it and that in America there are more slaves than homicides.
And the elephant in the room the bBC doesn’t mention is?
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
It seems more African slaves went east in the Arabic slave trade – make a guess why they don’t seem to have lots of descendants! (Ouchy!) We don’t hear too much about that when the slave trade is discussed.
Following the link from ‘tipping point”:
1 – “…how many Africans were forcibly transported across the Atlantic during the next four centuries. A comprehensive database compiled in the late 1990s puts the figure at just over 11 million people”
2 – “The total number of Africans taken from the continent’s east coast and enslaved in the Arab world is estimated to be somewhere between 9.4 million and 14 million. These figures are imprecise due to the absence of written records.”
“Islam In Africa”
Very interesting link.
Allegra Stratton @BBCAllegra
Can’t believe the PM has got positive front-pages out of his back of match-box energy pre-announcement… Reckon he won’t believe it either
So – you’re likely to give it a fair hearing then, having pre-judged it already – negatively, of course. Better hurry up and get a ̶f̶e̶l̶l̶o̶w̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶r̶a̶d̶e̶ Labour MP to disparage the whole thing…or perhaps a Monbiot/Mason tag-team effort.
(how to embed these damn tweets?)
‘Can’t believe the PM has got positive front-pages’
As my experiences with CECUTT have shown, ‘belief’ forms a major part of the entire BBC product offering.
Doesn’t inspire much confidence on impartial reporting based on objective analysis and fact.
One is sure the BBC will do its best to ensure that what its staff believes is what the public they speak for…to… at… come to believe too.
£4Bpa 24/7 can do that quite well.