On Thursday the latest GDP figures will be released and it is widely expected that they will show a rise.
Whilst GDP was falling, however slightly, and employment rising, the BBC was constantly questioning how employment could go up in a recession…..they concluded that Britain’s industry was failing….productivity must be falling….and therefore government industrial policy was failing….we need a Plan B.
Many others suggested that the GDP figures were wrong…the BBC disimissed this out of hand.
One thing the BBC never did was to ask the businesses themselves that were employing these new recruits just exactly why they were recruiting in a ‘recession’….the BBC preferred to speculate because it could put its own, doom laden, interpretation upon the figures.
It will be interesting to see how they react if the GDP figures do go up….will the BBC start to suggest the figures are not accurate after all…..just as Flanders removed her seal of approval from the OECD when they backed up George Osborne’s plans?
5Live has been advertising its intentions for Thurday….investigating the economy and the businesses and the workers….I’m sure I don’t have to listen to know their conclusions….the economy might look like it is showing some green shoots but it is all a bit of a mirage….keep your bags packed and passports handy…you might have to flee the country in search of a better life…or you could just vote Labour!
Ask any accountant and I bet they will tell you that most (if not ALL) of their clients are having a good to very good year. This is a generalisation but I know 4 (different backgrounds, different political outlook, different areas of expertise and different parts of the country!) and all say the same.
Apologies for being OT but I like my “experts” to be just that and I don’t particularly care if they are male or female so long as they know what they are talking about. Ridiculous lefty organisation.
No sexual discrimination there, then.