The Huffington Post has an exclusive scoop revealing that the Coalition Government has a cunning plan for solving the social mobility problem (if it really exists):
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg was out on the streets of Britain today launching the government’s new range of Social Mobility scooters.
The scooters are designed to take people from less privileged backgrounds to universities and workplaces that would previously have been out of reach.
Each scooter has 17 indicators and carries a choice of two SatNavs: one giving directions to Oxford and Cambridge, or one giving the best route to the BBC and Houses Of Parliament.
Early trials show that it takes on average approximately 25 years – also known as ‘a generation’ – to get anywhere on them.
Clegg attacked those who say that, given his own background, he shouldn’t be using the scooters. “I couldn’t disagree more,” he said. “If privileged people don’t ride these things, we will never get anywhere. Now – thanks to the scooters – everyone can get everywhere!”
The BBC doesn’t think much of that plan and prefers Labour’s EMA but it is very concerned about ‘social mobility’…or the apparent lack of it in society today.
If you’re poor, you’ll die poor…or your more likely than ever to do so. Apparently. Of course if you’re from an ethnic minority then this must radically increase such iniquities and generate even greater divides between classes and communities.
Which is why of course Dr Benjamin Obadiah Iqbal Zephaniah, Poet, and Righteous Dude, gets a headline on the BBC Frontpage when he comments on the state of education today.
You or I couldn’t get on the Frontpage, but he can….he is black, dreadlocked and ‘radicalised’….the BBC loves him….especially when he says stuff like this:
Africans around the world are still suffering from slavery today and, one day Britain will have to wake up and face the nightmare it induced. We are not going away.
The day will come when we move from the margins and come to the centre; I just want it to be today.
I mean no justice, no peace.
When I say ‘Black’ it means more than skin colour, I include Romany, Iraqi, Indians, Kurds, Palestinians, all those that are treated Black by the united white states. I can hear cries of ‘What?’ already, but I have to say the suffering I have witnessed means that my conscience allows me to include the battered White woman, the tree dwellers and the Irish, the Irish after all they are the largest immigrant group in Britain and I still remember the notices that said ‘No Blacks, No Irish, No dogs.’
My Black is profound.
On the other hand I also feel concerned that in the country of my birth my rights are ignored. In this multicultural, multiracial country, its prisons, its courts, even its hospitals don’t recognise my religion or cultural heritage.
The world is staying silent as the Palestinians are being annihilated.
Britain should be the last place on earth where you should find racism. But the reality is that many people are suffering from what I call the ‘last of the boat syndrome’. They conveniently forget their journey here and now live in the fear that Britain will be flooded by penniless asylum seekers who would then drain our precious society of everything they hold dear.
That pretty much covers the BBC’s main concerns in the world.
Zephaniah is the Rasputin of our times, the plaything of the white, Liberal Establishment….he denounces others for being ‘coconuts’ and ‘Uncle Toms’ but the reality is that it is he, himself, who is the closest to being such a creature….he puts on the face of the radical black agitator but the reality is that he is only putting on the performance his white paymasters demand to assuage their own guilt about Empire and colonialism. Feted and lauded by the likes of the BBC he receives their thanks and their pieces of gold whilst all the time betraying the people he tells us he is working to defend from the incessant racism he claims is set deep in the White Man’s heart and that is holding back his ‘people’….he tries to whip them up into a frenzy of angered disenchantment and a sense of embitterment about their place in life….all caused by the White man….and what is his answer? ‘No Justice, No peace!’
Isn’t that the Muslim Jihadist’s justification for violence too?
The BBC is ever ready to give him a platform but he is a dinosaur that has been left in the 70’s when racism was very much more apparent and a real problem. Things have changed, Zephaniah hasn’t….but the BBC still supports him and in doing so helps to generate anger and fear about a racism that doesn’t exist in the form that Zephaniah rants about.
Zephaniah’s work is almost a self fulfilling prophecy…he generates anger and discontent, and it gives him even more to write about….keeping the flames burning, driving a wedge between communities based on a lie.
But as I said Zephaniah is the BBC ‘social engineering’ project…it is the BBC, and other such progressive organisations, working to facilitate ‘social mobility’ by giving him opportunities that he couldn’t hope to get elsewhere…and no one else is given….as he says himself…..’On one hand I think it my duty to travel the world for The British Council and other organisations, speaking my mind as I go, ranting, praising and criticising everything that makes me who I am, but this is what Britain can do. It is probably one of the only places that can take an angry, illiterate, uneducated, ex-hustler, rebellious Rastafarian and give him the opportunity to represent the country.’
Of course the BBC has other, more plausible, people to press the case for ‘social mobility’ than a 70’s throwback.
Last Thursday on the Today programme we had Labour’s Alan Milburn (2 hrs 32 mins) pressing the right buttons….EMA must come back, universities must help the ‘disadvantaged’, social mobility is the key to everything.
He was given a pretty free hand to say his piece and fed some leading questions by Sarah Montague who seemed pretty keen on EMA returning and social background of potential university students being taken into account when applying for entry….needless to say no other voices were brought on to gainsay anything Milburn spouted.
Dominic Lawson in the Sunday Times (no link as paywalled) also noticed the BBC’s lack of rigour in challenging Milburn’s assertions…..
‘Above all, what is regarded as the BBC’s most rigorous and even iconoclastic current affairs programme did not begin to ask the most basic question of all: is it really true that we are a country with unusually low levels of social mobility, and that we have become ever more ossified as a society?’
He himself answers this by referring to the work of John Goldthorpe, emeritus fellow of sociology at Nuffield College, Oxford who is ‘withering in his contempt for the unthinking orthodoxy on this topic….”A remarkable consensus has emerged in political and also media circles that social mobility is in decline and has reached an exceptionally low level…or has even ‘ground to a halt’.’…….he continues….‘ no decline in mobility, absolute or relative, occurred in the late 20th century – contrary to the widely accepted ‘factoid’...rates remained much the same for decades previously….this alternative view is grounded in a number of quite independent studies that have produced highly consistent findings.” ‘.
Montague insists that there is a remarkable gap between the performance of state schools and private schools in relation to gaining entry to universities…is that true? The Sutton Trust suggests not…..that state grammar schools do just as well as private schools….the conclusion being that it is the mindset of pupils and their parents as well as teaching quality that determines success or failure in gaining a university place…..not the fact of being at a state school.
Here the Sutton Trust shows the importance of good teaching for disadvantaged children…..
This summary describes the interim findings of a project commissioned by the Sutton Trust to develop policy proposals for improving the effectiveness of teachers in England, with a particular focus on teachers serving disadvantaged pupils. The research evidence shows that improving the effectiveness of teachers would have a major impact on the performance of the country’s schools; this work aims to develop specific, evidence-based proposals to achieve this.
Teacher impacts
The difference between a very effective teacher and a poorly performing teacher is large. For example during one year with a very effective maths teacher, pupils gain 40% more in their learning than they would with a poorly performing maths teacher.
The effects of high-quality teaching are especially significant for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds: over a school year, these pupils gain 1.5 years’ worth of learning with very effective teachers, compared with 0.5 years with poorly performing teachers. In other words, for poor pupils the difference between a good teacher and a bad teacher is a whole year’s learning.
Improving the effectiveness of teachers would have a major impact on the performance of the country’s schools, increasing the attainment of children across the education system.
The effect of having a very effective teacher as opposed to an average teacher is the same as the effect of reducing class size by ten students in Year 5 (ages 9-10) and thirteen or more students in Year 6(ages 10-11)
I don’t think the BBC have ever bothered to look at either of those Sutton Trust reports…and yet the Trust is regularly used as a prop for the BBC’s other educational ideologies when the message is on side.
Maybe it is inconvenient to find out that grammar schools, and good comprehensives can compete with private schools…..and that it is teacher quality that might be lacking…not a thing the BBC would like to promote perhaps when it is said that 60% of Labour Party members are in fact teachers.
The BBC when it wants to, when a subject is naturally indicating an approach, philosophy or idea antagonistic to the BBC’s own ideology, will do the research and delve into a subject in great depth to ensure it finds some snippet of information or obscure research that will get its point across…however when the BBC’s own narrative is being voiced by a willing stooge it sees no need to do the leg work and look into the matter further…because of course this is ‘right’…it is the correct way of viewing a certain subject and so there is no need to question its veracity.
For your education and delight here is some of benjamin’s quality work:
The Race Industry
The coconuts have got the jobs.
The race industry is a growth industry.
We despairing, they careering.
We want more peace they want more police.
The Uncle Toms are getting paid.
The race industry is a growth industry.
We say sisters and brothers don’t fear.
They will do anything for the Mayor.
The coconuts have got the jobs.
The race industry is a growth industry.
They’re looking for victims and poets to rent.
They represent me without my consent.
The Uncle Toms are getting paid.
The race industry is a growth industry.
In suits they dither in fear of anarchy.
They take our sufferings and earn a salary.
Steal our souls and make their documentaries.
Inform daily on our community.
Without Black suffering they’d have no jobs.
Without our dead they’d have no office.
Without our tears they’d have no drink.
If they stopped sucking we could get justice.
The coconuts are getting paid.
Men, women and Brixton are being betrayed
White Comedy
I waz whitemailed
By a white witch,
Wid white magic
An white lies,
Branded by a white sheep
I slaved as a whitesmith
Near a white spot
Where I suffered whitewater fever.
Whitelisted as a whiteleg
I waz in de white book
As a master of white art,
It waz like white death.
People called me white jack
Some hailed me as a white wog,
So I joined de white watch
Trained as a white guard
Lived off the white economy.
Caught and beaten by de whiteshirts
I waz condemned to a white mass,
Don’t worry,
I shall be writing to de Black House.
You would think that the blacks would want to return to Africa, so that they could thrive in a country free of white people holding back their natural abilities.
Social mobility is a two way flow, it also means that the middle-class arts and humanities Guardianista/BBC types should replace the Black community on the bottom rung.
Just think if we had a country free of Guardianista/BBC/Left-wing types, it would be the garden of eden.
Exactly, very little has changed in ‘da Muddaland’ since ‘dem wuz stolen’. They could surely start off from where their ancestors left.
I turn black as a sheet
When I hear politicians
Telling black lies in Blackhall
Bout multiculturalism
and de bbc at black city
is still too hideously black
According to Black Knights
Like Dyke and Entwhistle.
Is it coz I’s white?
The “poet” seems to forget that slave traders didn’t nab blacks from the bush, they bought them from other blacks. And in the middle ages blacks used to sell other blacks to Arabs at a slave trading fort, the ruins of which are called “zimbabwe” by the Shona, presented as evidence of black “civilisation” to the ignorant, and after which the post-Rhodesian hellhole of black majority rule is named. Finally can the “poet” admit that the Royal Navy ended the slave trade in the nineteenth century by intercepting slavers, thus ending a thousand year old source of income for blacks? Maybe he can – but the BBC would never broadcast him saying it.
thus ending a thousand year old source of income for blacks?
Maybe that’s what he’s complaining about?
Hey, some of us would just like to know where *exactly* he ‘s remembers signs saying ‘No blacks, No Irish, No Dogs’ from…..
But, more to the point, we’d like to know why the BBC is OK airing references to utterly debunked racial atrocity myths, even while it refuses to tell us who these mysterious ‘men’ in northern paedo rings are, claiming that a simple statement of fact would apparently be ‘inflammatory’.
*One* sign, in *one* window – the same picture appears every time. I accept there were a few more signs around saying ‘No blacks’ OR ‘No Irish’ as appropriate to the area, but the equating of these groups with ‘dogs’ as implied by that unfortunate one off, is an urban myth that the BBC is still perpetuating sixty years later, and which wouldnt have appeared even ten years later.
Didn’t this stuff used to be called doggerel?
Now it gets you the offer of an OBE.
Talentless buffoon.
Nauseating ‘interview’ between Dame Nicky and George Galloway just now. I call it an interview but don’t think of a Paxo-style dog-with-a-bone battle for the truth. There was in fact a surprising amount of agreement between the Bradford MP and the impartial BBC presenter. And a certain amount of mutual back slapping.
Galloway: ‘I’m surprised someone as cool as you would be so impressed by Savile’
They agreed ‘the red tops’ were to blame for the failure to have outed evil BBC employee Jimmy Savile.
But back up a moment. Why was Galloway on air? Oh yes it was actually about his mate Tom Watson’s ramblings about some scandal involving someone close to a former PM. Gorgeous George is hoping it will be as big as ‘Profumo’. (Good luck with that George, it’s about the BBC and you and Nicky both know it).
Funny how a hard left warrior like Galloway so happily rallys to the defence of the BBC.
Another fact similarly overlooked, is that at the height of the slave trade in the USA, there were more white European slaves, than black slaves. Though it is not politically correct to mention it for some strange reason.
Maybe the BBC history team could make an interesting documentary out of the following subject…still, I won’t hold my breath!
White European slaves in the US? Evidence, please.
I saw this sketch (it was written by a black guy, before all you leftards go crying ‘waycist’) and it reminded me of a certain self-righteous poet, with a huge chip on his shoulder, flying off the handle simply because a member of the audience referred to him as ‘sunshine’ on Nickie Campbells sunday morning show.
Zebedee Whatsisname is a professional black person. His skin is his trade, his passport to office and publication. It is his advantage not disadvantage.
Why all this bleating about the poor? Don’t people have a right to be poor? Who are these politicians that want to take away from them the natural and proper condition of those that make and do nothing. Ah I forgot – the poor have got votes. Their votes are effectively for sale to the highest bidder. That used always to be the Great Redistributor Labour but maybe the coalition of the Wet think they can buy a few poor votes too.
Exactly! The likes of Zephaniah, Lee Jasper etc. make a living by making blacks feel like they’re downtrodden, thus maintaining this feeling of victimhood and entitlement within them. They don’t want blacks to succeed, they’d be out of a job otherwise. The same goes for the Labour Party. Once someone becomes succesful, they no longer vote for them.
UAF are the same, they need someone to patronise to make themselves feel better.
The attitude problem that this creates amongst many blacks is holding them back.
The likes of Condalisa Rice, Colin Powell etc. didn’t get where they are by sitting around blaming all their problems on what the white man did hundreds of years ago.
The left-wing are the biggest racists ever.
People like diane abbott are just the left-wing establishment in this countries pet negros.
They say the right things at the right times for the white leftists in this country.
All this does is make blacks worser off more and more.
Look at what socialism has done to blacks in places like Detroit etc.
Will Mr Zephaniah be writing a poem about this and reading it on the BBC, I wonder?
Victoria station killing: commuters shocked by knives, bars and batons
Note that The Guardian, that notoriously right wing rag, says “The court has heard that 18 of the 20 arrested and charged with the murder of Sofyen Belamouadden were A-level students at St Charles Catholic sixth-form college, west London.”
Makes the usual “deprivation” argument a little harder to support, doesn’t it?
Last night’s Palin programme on Brazil dropped a little factoid into the aether. Apparently 40% of the Africans shipped to the Americas (from the 16th century onwards) as slaves ended up in Brazil. Far more Africans were shipped to Brazil (I think Palin said twice as many but I stand to be corrected on that) than to the North American colonies/USA. Which prompts the question of why the BBC – presumably in the sacred cause of portraying our history as solely comprised of exploiting people with black or brown skins – singles out the British and their descendants in the US as the particular villains of this episode in human history: surely the Portuguese (and Spaniards while we’re apportioning blame) are just as culpable. Oh, and as Palin added, slavery was abolished in Brazil only in 1888. (It was abolished in the US in 1865 and in the Imperial Caribbean in the 1830s.) I’m amazed that this info was actually transmitted. I wonder if the personnel in the BBC editing suite had other things on their minds . . .
On the whole I thought Palin was a shadow of his former self – no spark, just a mouthpiece for the BBC narrative – slavery (at least 3 times), the downtrodden but heroic poor (he was ‘moved’ by some bizarre dance celebrations), even the one and only question a local radio statio asked him as their guest was about gay marriage (he approved, of course).
Next week it’s about the Amazon, so cue global warming script….
BBC documentaries are becoming parodies of Eastern Bloc public service propaganda films, and all the more laughably predictable for it.
That bespectacled market rate talent and political wonk Nick R is at his PR supporting games again..
… and getting pwned even by the home crowd.
I think they have given up even the pretence of speaking for anyone but their narrow little cliques.
“I still remember the notices that said ‘No Blacks, No Irish, No dogs.”
Funny, AFAIAA no-one has been able to produce cast-iron evidence that any such notice was ever displayed although I’m sure there were many landlords whose mindset this was. I’ve certainly seen such notices in “art” exhibits and in the odd agit-prop play on TV or in the theatre.
However, as to Zephania’s particular claim: he was born in 1958 but (according to his wikipedia biography and this article in the Observer) he left school at 13 (in 1971) unable to read or write. Far be it from me to call him a liar but by 1971 the display of any such notices – if they ever existed – was illegal. The Race Relations Act 1968 forbade discrimination in housing on the basis of race. If discrimination still existed in 1971 – and I’m sure it did (and does) – it is unlikely that any landlord with an IQ over 35 would have invited prosecution by displaying such a notice.
Let’s be charitable and allow that Zephania’s fertile imagination has obscured any accurate memory of his past. OTOH it may just be that he has channelled from his enablers at the BBC the principle of “false but true” in an approved cause.
If Ben couldn`t read and write-too busy taking herb perhaps?…how does he know it said “no blacks, Irish or dogs”?
No matter-his accountants no doubt do his maths for him, and the BBC are always happy to tell him his colour, should that prove to be beyond him!
Zeph, Younge, Alibiah Browne, Henry, Jaspers, Kwesi-Johnson , Howe…these “Chase the race” card sharpies have done rather well out of the rest of us haven`t they?..hell we even need more , hence the Hampstead berth for Bonnie Greer…who`d rather lie over here, than over the ocean!…arf arf!
Is there any other country that has fallen hook, line and sinker for the Mobility scooter scam?
1. Why no insurance?
2. Why no driving test?
3. Why do get ahead dynamic economies like Hong Kong and China not allow these grief chariots to clog up their shopping malls and high streets-as opposed to moribund, public sektor sucking leech towns like Barrow and Ebbw Vale…where they are compulsory near as dammit.
These are Unreliant Robins all too often doled out to the fat, the stupid and the “victims”…around my neck of the woods, they have races in them-well their dependents do after a few drinks/drugs before rolling back into town for last orders or shags.
I want them reduced by 80% and only given to the deserving , genuine who would help the economy grow…they should be heavily taxed and made to carry insurance, given the feeble mindset of so many of the “drivers”.
I mean-if it prevents just one child from getting crushed toes or worse…I make no apologies for it.
Let`s hope that Britain gets the gold medal for its F1 Mobility Scooter drivers…no other country surely can compete!
Now…tell me honestly…would “In Touch with Peter White” run with this idea of mine to shaft the Mobility Scooter Scam.
By the way Alan-the ones I know need satnav for the off licence, the chip shop, the betting shops and-au naturellement…the local BBC radio car from the nearest local hub of horrors that is the BBCs “local output”.
Who`s wiv me?…yeah!
Strange how you never hear of the Islamic slave trade which went on at the same time, especially the castration to produce eunuchs, 90% of whom didn’t survive the ‘operation’, or the enslavement and conscription of conquered European peoples by the Romans, or any other kind of slavery going back to the year dot. Nope, all invented and monopolised by the evil English, and the victims could only ever be black.
So where’s the ‘balance’? Wherever do you find an antidote to the likes of Zepahania, Owen Jones, Polly Toynbee, Billy Bragg, George Monbiot et al i.e. their right-wing equivalents? Where is the other point of view?
Unfashionable though it may be to say, was it not for slavery, 50 million Afro-Americans would be still back in Africa, enjoying living standards one tenth of what they have today, living in mud huts with unreliable power and poor sanitation, plus the delights of inter-tribal warfare, rape, and a high probablility of AIDS.
Ask these professional race-mongers to raise their hand and say they wish slavery had never happened. They would disappear in a puff of logic.
No, what they want is to live in wealth-generating white western Capitalism and play the grievance card all day, like the self-serving hypocrites they are.
Bah, it was a different time. Attitudes were different then. Lessons have been learned and policies have been put into place since then.
If the current crop of Beeboids aren’t responsible for allowing the molestation and grope-fest during the 70s and 80s, surely contemporary Britain should not be held responsible for something that happened 200 years ago.
“If the current crop of Beeboids aren’t responsible for allowing the molestation and grope-fest during the 70s and 80s, surely contemporary Britain should not be held responsible for something that happened 200 years ago. ”
Indeed! Good point.
However even if the Beeboids do take responsibilty, then five generations down the line should still not be blamed for acts of our ancestors which, at that time, were not even considered wrong – an excuse which Saville did not have.
The answer, Zippy-dee-doo-dah, is go somewhere else if you don’t like it here. Don’t stay and whinge. I am sure the grass is much greener elsewhere, for example, throughout Africa, people are really nice and kind and society is really fair, I am sure you will like it there! I could recommend Sudan or Ethiopia, for example….