Gordon Brown’s secret army could defeat the Coalition’s welfare and education reforms
Britain’s charities and quangos are now stuffed to the gunwales with Labour placemen
I think anyone listening to the BBC will know that this is true….the government announces a new policy and the Today programme and 5Live are awash with the sound of charities and interest groups wailing that children are being ‘punished’, disabled people will become prisoners in their own homes and the old will die an early death.
The BBC rarely challenges such assertions.
Of course the BBC itself is the biggest culprit being chock-a-block with labour supporters…champagne swilling ones at that.
Cameron is unfortunately a soft touch…too weak to really be ‘political’ in the way that Labour is…..look at the appointment of Tory wet, Patten, to the BBC Trust……he was never going to be ‘impartial’…he was always going to be ‘Left’ of centre in his thinking…he was in fact the man the BBC would have chosen themselves.
Yes, and BBC-NUJ-Labour is acting as eager propagandist for ex-Labour PM ‘Macavity’* Brown who, though rarely seen in Parliament, has emerged as head of a UN quango.
He’s diverting the plight of a specific Pakistani girl, Malala (still being treated in a Birmingham hospital), who was shot in the head by the murderous Islamic jihad Taliban. Brown is attempting to turn this personal tragedy into a U.N campaign about global education.
No doubt Brown will be in Pakistan soon promising British taxpayers’ money be spent on setting up more Islamic dogma institutions that are madrassas, and are part of the problem of Islamic fanaticism.
It’s unfortunate that Brown let into Britain, supporters of the Taliban from Pakistan/Afghanistan, via his and Labour’s open-door, mass immigration ‘policy.’
But then lots of things about Brown’s policies were unfortunate for the British people. And we hoped we’d got rid of him, but-
*’Macavity – The Mystery Cat’
This is a bit off topic.
I’ve finished watching Question Time. One of the panellists was the Muslim Mehdi Hasan.
These are the kind of people that are invited to Question Time:
BBC Question Time Panellist Mehdi Hasan Calls Non-Muslims Animals
He and the rest of his Huffington/Guardian liberal haters want to see traditional Britain destroyed because under traditional conservative Britain your average Liberal would be working as an underwater ceramics operator or baking sausage rolls in Greggs. Their motto is simple and their foul aim is true: flood Britain with millions more immigrants who hate the British, get rid of Christianity, get rid of the family unit, get rid of smoking and alcohol and rock ‘n’ roll music… etc.
I think if Liebour get back I’m moving to Outer Mongolia!
If Labour wins the next election it will be RIP Great Britian.
At least one thing when the SHTF Labour, BBC and rest of the left-wing/liberal establishment will died ASAP.
Baking sausage rolls in Greggs is useful and honourable calling compred with being a paedophile-complicit Beeboid slimeball.
I used to work in a chip van until daddy got me a job at the Guardian.
I could care less about his religion, but of course his beliefs in association with this are germane to his selection to speak on behalf of the nation.
A bit like the Graun and its staff being offered a lifeline via any means the BBC can provide, Mr. Hasan does seem to be relying very much on our trusted national broadcaster to prop up a less than impressive career path elsewhere.
He used to write for a publication with a circulation of about a dozen; now it is half that.
One presumes that when he has no one interested in paying for what he has to say the BBC will step in and give him his own programme.
And Hasan had the gall to excoriate the Tories about not caring about human rights., and about “healing”. I’m surprised none of the other panelists (excluding the Labour dope) never challenge him on what they really should know about him. There can’t be any fear of libel or whatever from the BBC who might warn them against this, because otherwise that Nick Griffin gang-bang wouldn’t have happened.
Also, a rare challenge from Dimbleby to the Labour dope about her lie that the Tories were supposedly telling people how many children they can have. Problem with his doing this is that it’s so highly selective that every time he’s leaving himself open to charges of bias one way or the other. He’s not there to interview the panelists himself.
Of course, virtually all such quangos, charities, NGOs, are pressure groups for increasing public spending, and so are pro-Labour, anti-Tory.
And BBC-NUJ proves itself as being only too willing to propagandise for such organisations.
In every town, village and city there are floods of third sector PC lazy layabout workers (usually those rich-kids who weren’t bright enough to get a decent degree). And it’s getting worse; the quango/third sector is becoming a clearing house for lazy, useless and opinionated lefties.
My father, after he retired from 40 years as an accountant for a large drinks, firm worked in a few charity-type quangos (to alleviate retirement boredom and help the community out etc) and ever since he’s regarded the mindset of the third sector worker in utter contempt; my old man had to work with aggressive feminists, gay rights campaigners, and wet PC liberals who made everyone respect the rights of ethnic minorities whilst not caring about British rights and so on. They are full of upper class ‘save the world’ types who do not understand basic economics: because they’ve never had a real job they just chuck (other people’s) money at useless project after useless project. And as George rightly states above, they are all Liebour supporters because they know socialists will continue to chuck money at anything to do with diversity, equality and general uselessness.
Except that these deranged lefties who preach diversity and tolerance are the most intolerant and stale, identical clones of each other.
Their diversity never reaches as far as anyone with a different opinion to themselves, and when presented with a different opinion, they cannot cope and want the holder of that opinion jailed or executed, such is their hatred of anything “different” from their own narrow, closed minded, hate filled, delusional worldview.
Diversity? They haven’t a clue!
When they talk about ‘diversity’ they actually only mean:
‘Diverse’ skin colour
‘Diverse’ sexual preferences
‘Diverse’ restaurants,
And for many ‘diverse’ drugs.
They certainly do not mean ‘diverse’ political opinions.
When the sh*te really hits the fan there won’t be enough money left to keep the parasites in the bureaucracy, the human rights industry, the parties, the unions, the EU or the charities going. There won’t even be enough money left to pay for TV licenses. But we can always have a whip-round for some piano wire.
Mehdi Hasan is one angry little man with a huge resentful chip on his shoulder. His rants could be amusing if they were not so spiteful.
Hasan wasn’t even good enough to hold down a job at The New Statesman, pseudo-mag of the Socialist elite. He’s slid down the greasy pole to HuffPo and still the BBC think he has something worthwhile to say. Perhaps his next career move will be on Newsnight. They’ll be looking for some new people soon.
I was left shaking my head in disbelief, as always, when watching Statement Time last night.
Mehdi ‘I wish I could grow a beard but I’m stuck with the bum-fluff of a 14 year old’ Hassan and that fat Labour sow couldn’t even grasp the idea that you have children if/when you can afford to.
The posh boys of the Tory Party are indeed the problem.
They are guilty of having too much by way of manners, and their privilege lets them be way too civil and honourable to their opponents.
The likes of Labour are true power-crazed sickos who just want power…and won`t know what they want it for, apart from to feed their sick pals, and foist themselves upon the rest of us-with us paying for it.
The likes of Damien MacBride at least WANT power-and we ought to be smart enough to know the type of scum that he represents….shameless, but honest in his plans to mug us yet again.
The blood lusting creeps of Labour crave power-and the useless fig leaf of the Tories won`t save us…which is why we`ll have to do it ourselves in the end.
I pine for Tebbit and the like-self made Tories with brains, drive and history….so unlike the politically dim poseurs and empty suits like May, Mitchell and Osborne.
Anyone hear Christine Blowhard of the NUT on Today this morning.
The news led with the “threat” of teachers having to pass some maths and English tests that their fifteen year olds might be expected to get a B grade in…and the NUT reckon that this will ruin the lambs we`re sending into schools.
That Humphrys and Blower were so ignorant of maths and English themselves was truly chilling…that they`d even MAKE this an issue to lead their bulletins says a lot about the dumbed down culture-and the fact that education is just a dumping ground for third rate no-hopers that need a salary for life…which is where the NUT come in.
As for this “aspirational” aspect of a teachers calling-might be nice if they could even spell the word!
A dreadful Labour puff pastry piece-surely it`s not asking too much for a teacher to know more than the kids-but Blower says no!
If the Labour Trolls are about-yes, I should have put a question mark in(1st sentence).
I`ve missed out a few commas too perhaps!….oh God, I hear the tumbrils rolling.
The NUT are brillyant!
Problem is Fraser Nelson starts his (very true) article with “Only now”…this is pants, i and many (including most on here!) have known this for ages and know it started well before Brown as PM.
If Cameron had any gumption he’d seize the initiative that the BBC paedo scandal permits and ensure:
– all quangos reduced to just three people experienced in the relevant business, who are not allowed on any other quangos;
– quango salaries to be no more than the UK average salary (pro rata, expenses likewise, so no £1000 per hour parasites);
– regular checks of quango personnel by police officers specialising in vice and fraud;
– money from very generous quango salaries, expenses, pensions and other funding is instead used for productive purposes;
– details of quango meeting and accounts made available on the web;
– all quango out-goings and disbursements to be made available on the web at least two months before payments are made (to allow for objections that quangos are funding propaganda in their own interest);
– limit all pensions from the public purse (including BBC) to no more than 80% of the UK average wage;
– the nominal pension saving to be applied to the UK debt mountain.
But he won’t because he’s simply one more gutless EU creature.
Don’t forget Common purpose