Biased BBC reader Alex asks;
“Here’s a little analytical activity. Compare the Islamic and Judaism entries within the “War and Peace” sections:
Please take special note of the very last paragraph in the Judaism entry.
Do these entries offer a fair representation of both religions’ tenets on war? Discuss.”
Lucky the old mullahs don’t go to the BBC for their instruction! Otherwise who would be left to destroy the Jews and wipe them from the face of the earth? Also when they realise the Jews will defend themselves, that could be a bit of a shocker!!
They have already had a taste of how the Jews will defend themselves. Try the 6 days war?
They were good Jews in that war. They fought for 6 days and had the 7th off for the sabbeth.
Unbelievable! So, Islam is all peace and harmony and Judaism is a nation prone to war and fighting. What a load of left-wing anti-jewish indoctrination.
But look at the last sentence:
“So, although Judaism is not a purely pacifist religion… ”
That is a disgraceful and wholly distorted comment!
Agree, though having the full comment would not have hurt.
‘So, although Judaism is not a purely pacifist religion, it does believe that peace is the highest good.
I then popped over to the Islam section as invited, in contrast…
‘The idea of Jihad is often misunderstood by non-Muslims who then see Islam as not being a pacifist religion.’
As opposed to the BBC’s clear factual statement that Judasim is not? That really doesn’t compute even given their usual semantics.
‘Muslims may fight in self-defence but are forbidden to begin a fight.’
Yes, actions of late have clearly shown this.
‘The aim of fighting is to create a situation where Muslims are free to worship Allah and live in peace.’
Just look at Libya and Syria.
There’s a whole HIGNFY script waiting, but I suspect Ian Hislop is getting his script written by that Lady from BBC ‘Affairs and Head’ for tonight.
‘One aim of Holy War may be to create a democracy where people are free to live their lives without beliefs and politics being imposed on them.’
Oooook. And while ‘imposition’ gives an out, how does this equate with ‘only in self-defence’?
‘There must be no hatred or vengeance in the fighting.
That’s the kind of jihad we can get our teeth into.
Mind you, some of those tapes and cassettes and online doo-dads may be a bit off-message.
‘As soon as peace is offered, fighting must stop.’
Ask Col. Gaddhafi.
Once peace has been restored the differences between people must be resolved.
Ask Borg Queen Patten.
I have given up on HIGNFY. This used be the funniest programme on TV by a country mile but like the rest of the squalid output from BBC has descended into propaganda and ridicule. All the hosts are lefty luvvies these days and the token guests are pre-briefed with whatever is the BBC’s line of the week. The episode of two weeks ago was shocking in it’s blatant defence of the Savile affair and I hope will come back to haunt the participants. And while Merton was always of a leftward leaner I am appalled that Hislop has been captured too. The lure of the BBC shilling for his endless documentaries no doubt!
Agreed. I like Conrad Black, because he ran the Telegraph when it was a proper conservative paper, he doesn’t take any shit from the self-righteous, and anyone who tells Paxman to stick it goes up a step in my estimation! Also, he is a man totally devoted to his wife, as much as the media mocks him for it, at least you won’t find him with kids in Jimmy’s changing room – another reason for the BBC to dislike him.
BUT I can see today is going to be “mock the middle-aged white guy” and if happened to anyone else it would be called bullying. Perhaps CB will lose his rag and start punching like he threatened, blood will be spilt, that would be excellent. I can dream – pity it is not a live show!
‘I have given up on HIGNFY.’
May have to join you.
It seems to have decided to give up being funny to trot out indoctrination via sneer.
Got back from the pub in the middle of the show to witness Ian Hislop deriding someone’s hairstyle, which was brave. But he got away with it. The others know where the butter that coats their bread comes from.
He then went on to a diatribe on how anyone of the calibre of The One should not be subjected to questions, ever, by lesser beings.
Mr. Patten would doubtless approve.
Must be nice to control the edit suite.
Well I thought that IH and CB earned an honorable draw. Many of IH’s blows were countered in transit by CB, I doubt they’ll invite CB back anytime soon. He wqas put up as an easy target, and any that saw his interview with steven sackur on hard-talk will know that CB is no pushover. A couple of years as a guest of a US gaol is a good grounding in self defence (verbally).
I think this has been raised before. I assumed it had been amended. Obviously the BBC is still more concerned with distorting reality than attending to it’s own problems.
Islam is a religion of peace 😀
in which fighting and war are seen only as a last resorts
ha ha ha ha ROFL
nearly 20,000 terrorist atrocities since 9/11 and counting
“The idea of Jihad is often misunderstood by non-Muslims who then see Islam as not being a pacifist religion.”
Knew it…we misunderstand them!
Trouble is, most of the followers of islam also misunderstand it.
I did the tests on the bite-size website – how could I tick ‘true’ to ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ and get it right?
If any cherry vulture now tries to claim that the BBC is not institutionally-anti-semitic then we all have permission to point our fingers and laugh at them.
“Survey exposes French anxieties over Islam”
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) echoes Obama’s political line on Islam:-
“Obama’s Greatest Foreign Policy Error”
By Daniel Greenfield.
It is only “an error” if you believe that Barak Hussein Obama is a Christian. If you believe (against not very much evidence), that he is a Muslim, then it is called a ‘coup’.
Enjoy –
“In Gods eyes the man stands high who makes peace between fathers and children, between masters and servants, between neighbour and neighbour.”
So not only do they censor the word “G-d’s” they can’t even get the quote correct, although I’ll allow some leeway for translation and the fact that the left hate F**hers and its not pollitically correct as it should say, in this day and age, “between non gender specific adults and ???” fuck it, cant be arsed to continue as pc is so stupid!
Not using the name of God is traditional Jewish teaching. I was also taught to spell it G–d. It is a continuation of the practise of saying Hashem rather than Adonai when reading or refering to the name of God except in the course of prayers. Rather esoteric I know but it strongly suggests that whoever wrote this piece had an Orthodox Jewish background.
I didn’t know that… I guess even though it was a quotation from a prayer, from what I can tell after a web search, as it was not said as a prayer it would be appropriate to use the term G-d and I have learnt something new today 🙂
You have understood the principle exactly.
You might be interested in an explanation as to why one religious Jew writes G-d. Be aware that substituting G-d for God in correspondence is fairly common but not universal.
… whoever wrote this piece had an Orthodox Jewish background
That or they had recently had a very nice piece of halibut … 😉
Are there any women here?
I’m a woman penis oppressor.
I never liked that tradition. I always felt that “God” was not a name but a job description.
Right. The followers of Mohammed conquered and converted the Fertile Crescent, North Africa and Iran and played conquistador in Spain and India purely to secure the ‘peaceful practice’ of their religion. Give. Me. A. Break!
It’s intriguing that wars involving Christian nations are named but none involving Islam.
Here is a partial list of recent or current conflicts where one of both combatants are Muslim:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Cyprus, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Israel/Palestine, Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kurdistan, Macedonia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Sudan, Russia/Chechnya, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uganda and Uzbekistan.
Any place Christainity has gone it has improved it in the long run.
Islam when it started destroyed classical greek/roman civilisation in the areas it took over in the mediterrean. It destroyed Egypts ancient civilisation. It destroyed persian civilisation. Same with anywhere else it has gone.
Lord, that is creepy stuff if our kids ever get to think it worth reading.
Maybe the Geography Department(well, humanities…save the rainforests!) should show these kids a map where all the worlds hotspots are.
All those faultlines-all those wars…and even a cursory glance shows that the worlds troubles are either Muslim/Muslim…or at any border of where Islam meets Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity or Hindus…add Han Chinese and Sikhs if you like-the song will be remaining the same pretty much.
The common factor here would appear to be the Religion of Peace…a hornet in a butterfly colony, every time!
Not forgetting the biggie – the Iran/Iraq war. Remember the use of chemical weapons, aka ‘weapons of mass destruction’? Nope, neither do the BBC, especially if your name’s Saddam.
yes didnt they achieve it at the point of a sword?
So sublimely peaceful, gentle & respectful of women is Islam that the UK can now boast 17 NHS specialist clinics devoted to the victims of Female Genital Mutilation. From the BBC’s own back pages:
Why won’t the penny drop? Barbarism now begins at home. Muslim paedo gangs, 7/7, countless genocidal plots thwarted, heroin traffickers, no-go areas, demonstrators proclaiming ‘Death to Democracy’, vandalised war memorials, abused poppy sellers, pack attacks on white teenagers…Blow me down, surely Islam couldn’t get more pacific?
Don’t forget that’s not just the BBC bias, this is the rubbish that is taught to our kids in school.
The Crusades are cited as an example of Christian aggression, but no mention that they were mere self-defence after the 400 years of attacks (yes 400!) by Islam.
No mention that in every country where Islam dominates it was imposed by force, and is maintained by force and threats of the death penalty for apostasy.
The articles on Christianity and Islam are written in totally different styles. Islam is assessed from a purely theoretical/academic point of view, the words of the Koran are accepted as the face and reality of Islam without question.
The Bible is quoted liberally, but then rubbished time and time again with examples of Christians behaving badly.
No one is credited with writing these study guides so it is not beyond possibility that they were all written by different people. The Muslim ‘researcher’ was very careful to show Islam in a favourable light. The Jew was concerned with the ‘truth’ warts and all. It’s not clear what the Christian was concerned with.
A Jewish man was riding on the subway reading an Arab newspaper. A friend of his, who happened to be riding in the same subway car, noticed this strange phenomenon. Very upset, he approached the newspaper reader:
“Moshe, have you lost your mind? Why are you reading an Arab newspaper?” Moshe replied:
“I used to read the Jewish newspaper, but what did I find? Jews being persecuted, Israel being attacked, Jews disappearing through assimilation and intermarriage, Jews living in poverty. So I switched to the Arab newspaper. Now, what do I find? Jews own all the banks, Jews control the media, Jews are all rich and powerful, Jews rule the world. The news is so much better… ”
The joke is pertinent to a recent debate which included ex BBC correspondent Tim Llewellyn, and was covered
Former BBC Middle East correspondent Tim Llewellyn: “Zionists are scattered at strategic points throughout British business.”
With Melanie Phillips also adding her sagely viewpoint
If only it were halfway true…
(cynical>But of course, being the professional that he was, he never let his viewpoint interfere with the way he recorded events in the region(/cynical>
Any wonder BBC reporting on the Middle East is so completely twisted?
Quote 1: ‘A pre-emptive war can only be fought when an attack upon Israel is imminent. This happened in 1967, when Israel attacked the airfields of Egypt and Syria in the Six-day War to prevent a siege’.
Presumably ‘the religion of peace’ needed to impose such a siege, or even wipe Israel off the map because (Quote 2): ‘The aim of fighting is to create a situation where Muslims are free to worship Allah and live in peace.’
The BBC – numpties educating your children.
Nothing will happen until after the US election.
Afghanistan mosque suicide bomb attack kills at least 41
‘The aim of fighting is to create a situation where Muslims are free to worship Allah and live in peace.’ I guess the perpetrators of this attrocity were not privileged to study the BBC about the true nature of their religion before strapping on the bomb.
Quote 1: ‘A pre-emptive war can only be fought when an attack upon Israel is imminent. This happened in 1967, when Israel attacked the airfields of Egypt and Syria in the Six-day War to prevent a siege’.
And yet not a word about how when Israel was formed in 1948 5 different arab armies invaded. (Or as the bBC used to report “marched in”)
Then there was the Ramadan war of 1973…Yom Kippur.
In fact if you look into the state of play days before the six day war, you will find that actually Eygpt and not Israel was going to launch the first strike. This was only stopped (with Egyptian pilots strapped into their planes) when the Russian ambassador to Egypt woke Nasser up and told him the US knew and that if they knew the jews knew. Kind of explains why an Iraqi Tank brigade was in the West Bank ,why Kuwaiti troops were in the Sinai and why Libyan and Algerian, aircraft were already in Egypt and Syria.
The bBC. the traitors in our Midst
Most impressed that the bBC promotes this view that Islam is a religion of peace to the ill-informed, I mean lets look at the state of affairs around the Islamic world:
Algeria- Islamic holy war
Morroco- War against the Muslims of the South
Tunisa- War against themselves and now Jews
Eygpt_ War against Israel
Libya-War against themselves
Mali -War against themselves
Niger-war against themselves
Nigeria-War against themselves and Christians
Kenya-War against Christians
Sudan-war against Non Muslims
Somalia- Who not against.
Yemen-Who not against
Iran-Sunni Muslims
Saudi_Arabia-Shia Muslims
The West-Our way of life
It seems that contrary to the bBCs view of the world, Islam is anything but an religion of peace.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
‘Once peace has been restored the differences between people must be resolved.’
A fact doubtless currently truly appreciated by children on both sides celebrating the Eid ceasefire in Syria, which lasted all of the time it took to reload.
This seems worth raising with BBC CECUTT who, despite appeal processes that find people guilty until found guilty over a period of years will cheerfully advise that you can still raise concerns, but they won’t reply.
Mr. Patten will approve. No, really, he will literally approve.
The BorgBC – you must comply; resistance is futile
In his seminal work ‘The Clash of Civilzations’ Samuel Huntingdon had a chapter called ‘Islam’s Bloody Borders’. The point he made is proving to be incredibly robust, 10+ years later.
Would recommend David Pawson and his “challenge of Islam” series of lecturers.
He`s an evangelical Christian, but demolishes this Giles Fraser tendency prevalent in churches.
It simply is not in the “DNA of Islam” to allow Israel to exist-to allow Andalucia to stay in “Christian Europe”-and you`re either submitting to Islam( in the House of Islam) or you`re to be improved or removed in effect(the House of war/Jihad etc).
It`s that seemples…but trust the liberal fainthearts to forever see the Taliban as hurt friends and relatives of Marley or Lennon.
An excuse for cowardice and self-serving quislings…and the Biblical prophets won`t be allowing Rowan of Giles any excuses for not knowing we`re in a spiritual war….it`ll be physical within our lifetimes likely as not!
Rowan and Giles on judgement day are in for a big suprise.
We’ve gone over this before, haven’t we?
Article: “War – What is it good for?” (
Nethertheless, if there’s one thing the BBC should be brought up on, (in terms of Religion & the Middle East), it’s got to be this.
Dez, Scott, Nicked, Jim and the rest of them will be sniggering away at that!
Posting on the same subject twice. That’s all of us, completely undermined in every respect… for perpetuity!
Good title this “Compare and Contrast”.
On the Guardian website, there`s a lot of fun to be had if you choose to compare the BBC to the Catholic Church-Jonathan Freedland runs up a kite, but many of us who`d like to explore the parallels further are getting run out of town.
Great fun.
Let`s hope we DO get a citizens arrest attempted on Mark Thompson when he comes back sacked from the NYT!
Just a bit of fun…
Any news of how many candles will be resulting from the melting of dear Jimmy in Madame Tussauds then?…All Saints Day a-coming, don`t think Jimmys among the ones we`ll be praying for at the BBC eh?
Oh…whilst I`m here-can I put in a bid for £3.50 for Saviles personalised Roller that was sold for £160,000 last year?…I reckon that this ones a buyers market.
Plate is SAVILE 247…reckon it`ll be BEEBJIM666 once I get it!
Apologies if this has already been posted but I couldn’t resist it. 🙂
Sometimes the BBC is just unbelieveable!
Oops, sorry, wrong thread. I really should start drinking again.
I can’t believe that one of the questions on Islam is “Is Islam a religion of peace?” Even following th BBC’s highly biased interpretation about only fighting in defence etc the answer to this question cannot possibly be yes. It is the only religion for which such a vague and wooly question is made and is one of the crudest pieces of indoctrination I’ve seen.