Once again, one of the biggest stories of the week has been widely ignored by the official political reporters, who are not interested in politics.
This is the disclosure, by a New Labour apparatchik, Andrew Neather, of the real purpose of his party’s immigration policy.
The Blairites’ aim was to undermine and get rid of traditional conservative British culture. They really did want to turn Britain into a foreign land.
This Government (Labour) thinks Britain would be alright if only we had a different people.
I think Britain would be alright, if only we had a different Government. A Conservative Government that speaks with the voice of the British people. A Conservative Government never embarrassed or ashamed of the British people.
Foreign Secretary Robin Cook has accused William Hague of exploiting fear and prejudice against foreigners in the Tory leader’s controversial ‘foreign lands’ speech.
Mr Cook launched his attack at Labour’s Scottish conference in Inverness where he also accused the Tory leader of ignoring traditional British values of tolerance.
‘I have an appeal to William Hague in the forthcoming election,’ said Mr Cook. ‘Don’t try and fight that election by exploiting the worst instincts of fear and prejudice.
Peter Oborne in the Telegraph spells out exactly what is wrong with the BBC:
‘….an institution that stands for everything that is best about Britain – integrity, fairness, and generosity. Above all, the BBC represents a common sphere of British public life which is not part of the marketplace, and yet not controlled by the state. Alongside Parliament, the NHS, the Army, the monarchy and the rule of law, it is one of our great national institutions.
It is deeply unfortunate that, over the past few decades, the corporation has been colonised and captured by a narrow, greedy, self-interested and self-perpetuating liberal elite, ignorant of ordinary people and contemptuous of ordinary morality – hence, in part, the Savile affair. The unprincipled and arrogant conduct of that elite has provided a great deal of ammunition to the broadcaster’s enemies, such as the Murdoch press, and thus placed the BBC’s future in jeopardy.’
They hounded Howard for the same thing. The media helped.
While at the same time made fun of him for being ‘weird-looking’, as he is a Romanian Jew.
I’ve never heard even Nick Griffin make a joke about Asians, but hey – the BBC are good ol’ Left-Wingers, and racism is the Right’s preserve, right?
Very true about Howard! And yet not a word about Milliband’s appearance. I wonder why?
And he’s a Belgian Jew. Or at least his parents are/were.
Actually his mother was from the wealthy Polish Jewish employer class, who managed to escape their town where 40K Jews were rounded up, by hiding in a Convent (undoubtedly for a substantial bribe), its Millibands father who was from a poorer belgian jewish background.
The Sunday Times has an interesting piece about Golden Dawn doubling its support since the last Geeek election.
Who would’ve thought that when times got tough native populations would object to being overrun by third-world savages?
Mr. Mason is doing his bit on the barricades to counter this.
Admirable to any with free choice to pursue their personal beliefs maybe, but for a BBC editor, on company time… no, it isn’t.
You only have to watch BBC the Breakfast agenda and the pro Labour anti conservative attack dogs Naughtie,Davis,Humphreys, Montagu etc on Radio 4.
Breakfast I have renamed (the pains and pullovers mob) which serves up a daily diet of middle class, talking shop, lefty liberal slop to start the day whilst on Radio 4(Labour’s propaganda Unit) cuts, soft shadow cabinet interviews and the latest molehill (Osborne buys railway ticket) are balanced by feral attacks on anyone or anything that emanates from the government.
The bias is so overwhelming I cannot believe that anyone in authority has not done something about it.
p.s. Don’t get me started on Radio 5.
When you say ‘anyone in authority’ do you mean within the BBC or the government?
If the former this will never happen because the BBC top brass are part of the ‘project’.
If the latter I share your amazement that the government let the BBC carry on in such a pro Labour/ anti Conservative way.
There must be some deep reason why the BBC has such a hold on the Conservatives because their lack of action will probably lose them the next election and doom us to more crackpot Labour policies which have already damaged the country almost beyond repair.
” probably lose them”
Double, that’s the understatement of the century.
This hopeless bunch of useless tories ( I know it’s a Hitchens phrase) couldn’t even manage an outright majority following on from Gordon Macdoom and the complete shambles of 13 years of Liebor disaster!
They have still not grasped the importance of the EU or immigration as vital policy areas, and I reckon they never will under the present leadership. Here I go again: Don’t forget Dopey Dave wants 80 million Turks in a borderless EU FFS!
I despair.
An outright majority in 2010 was never on the cards. The boundary changes and sheer scale of the victory required made it next to impossible.
No, the next one will be more interesting, especially if it is in 2015 after Scotland goes feral. Will Scottish votes count (it will take at least 2 years for independance to be achieved after the 2014 vote)? If they do how will Labour rig the next election to ensure a win – more MPs , smaller constituancies? If Labour lose how long before the barricades go up?
Interesting times?
Jerry mander:
The date of the next GE is fixed:
under the fixed term parliament act 2011.
The Bill fixes the date of the next General Election at 7 May 2015, and provides for five-year fixed terms. It includes provisions to allow the Prime Minister to alter the date by up to two months by Order. There are also two ways in which an election could be triggered before the end of the five-year term:
if a motion of no confidence is passed and no alternative government is found
or if a motion for an early general election is agreed either by at least two-thirds of the House or without division.
Any yes vote for Scottish Independence will not see the Scottish MP’s swept away immediately I regret.
Therefore, it will indeed be interesting.
I suspect the tories are marching to oblivion, but time will tell.
Perhaps there’s a “common purpose” to it all.
Martha Kearney on the World at One is offering them very stiff competition. Does Labour HQ offer prizes, I wonder?
You would think there would be enough stories on the BBC to run without running Yellow Peril nonsense blaming the BBC for stories it never ran.
“Mass Immigration Equals Fraud and Bankruptcy”
Posted by: Paul Weston.
Immigration and the EU? I am what is called long term unemployed. I used to be an officer worker in a well paid job, but I would happily do anything. Around here there a lot of distribution centres but I can’t get work. Every other week I go to an EU funded Back to Work Centre where people who I wouldn’t employ lecture me about my CV. My appointment times mean I share the bus to town with loads of Poles and other Eastern Europeans going to work in those distribution centres. They wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the EU. 16 years or so paying a lot of tax, never being in debt, and I am the one who is made to feel like a leech on my own country.
Been there done it Anon. And when I finally did get another job, on my own efforts, didn’t the back to work centre BEG me for the details so they could claim all the credit and their fees.
Keep on in there Anon, someone will recognise your worth soon.
What annoys me is that it is also so false. I fall outside there normal warehouse, care home, and cleaner clientèle. Nothing wrong with those jobs and nothing wrong with you if you do those jobs. But because I don’t fit their easy fix profile they don’t put me forward for openings because they will loose out if I don’t stop in the job.
Anon last year we interviewed for a IT post at work. One of the applicants while a nice enough guy was a recent immigrant from Africa with a degree from a Egyptian University in something IT related. This was odd since the guy didn’t know a hard drive from a sandwich. After being interviewed he was passed on to HR who check if a person can legally be employed. Word soon came to us the guy was an asylum seeker with no right to work here.
A month later I am contacted by one of these return to work firms who want to know if I interviewed him and if so for me to confirm this so they can claim their government cash. So we are paying firms like that to train people for jobs they can’t take.
Are we mad ?
Our new hospital has gangs of African lads working there supplied by a local agency. If I go for a job I have to provide all manner of proof about who I am and references too. It makes me wonder how they get work, who checks them out, and why it isn’t questioned.
Immigration is all about kickbacks to politicians from cheap labour employers. It’s the left’s job to suppress the anger – they’ve been bought off too. I include the BBC.
Yes, next question.
Asylum seekers are not legally allowed to work whilst their claims are being processed. So it’s doubtful “the word” that came to you was completely accurate.
“So we are paying firms like that to train people for jobs they can’t take”
Return to work firms (such as A4e) only get paid if they get people off the unemployment register. They don’t provide training.
If they contacted you it would just be to find out if one of their ‘clients’ was doing as they were told; or if you gave them a job (money for the firm).
“The word” was totally correct Dez. He didn’t have the right to work in the UK as he was an asylum seeker. For some reason my employer checks if someone has the right to work after they have been interviewed which I admit is a bit daft.
As for the training firms who knows. In past years family have worked for them and I have ceased to be amazed.
Well anon, do you remember the estimate that liebor came up with for the expected influx of eastern europeans? a few thousand they said ROFLMAO. They of course knew it was nonsense, but it got repeated by the MSM sufficiently and served their purpose of obfuscation.
I fully sympathise with your plight.
A few years or so back I signed up for a full time college course which I funded my self. One day I got on the bus the people in front were Poles, the people behind me were Poles, and when I got to the front of queue to pay my fare the bus driver was Polish too! It was at that point I realised that perhaps things had gone too far.
The Polish are the good ones – Christian upbringing, hard working. Huge support during the second world war, particularly in code-breaking and flying, notably Spitfires, then Poland was brutally left to the USSR for 40 years of communism.
Lifeboat Britain.
“Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor”
by Garrett Hardin (1974).
Using the metaphor of a lifeboat for e.g. British society, and following Hardin, we get this analysis:-
“First, we must recognize the limited capacity of any lifeboat. For example, a nation’s land has a limited capacity to support a population and as the current energy crisis has shown us, in some ways we have already exceeded the carrying capacity of our land.
“Adrift in a Moral Sea.
“So here we sit, say 50 people in our lifeboat. To be generous, let us assume it has room for 10 more, making a total capacity of 60. Suppose the 50 of us in the lifeboat see 100 others swimming in the water outside, begging for admission to our boat or for handouts. We have several options: we may be tempted to try to live by the Christian ideal of being ‘our brother’s keeper,’ or by the Marxist ideal of ‘to each according to his needs.’ Since the needs of all in the water are the same, and since they can all be seen as ‘our brothers,’ we could take them all into our boat, making a total of 150 in a boat designed for 60. The boat swamps, everyone drowns. Complete justice, complete catastrophe.
“Since the boat has an unused excess capacity of 10 more passengers, we could admit just 10 more to it. But which 10 do we let in? How do we choose? Do we pick the best 10, ‘first come, first served’? And what do we say to the 90 we exclude? If we do let an extra 10 into our lifeboat, we will have lost our ‘safety factor,’ an engineering principle of critical importance. For example, if we don’t leave room for excess capacity as a safety factor in our country’s agriculture, a new plant disease or a bad change in the weather could have disastrous consequences.
“Suppose we decide to preserve our small safety factor and admit no more to the lifeboat. Our survival is then possible although we shall have to be constantly on guard against boarding parties.”
It’s a false analogy and rather unpleasant.
The consequences of mass immigration on British society are arguably ‘rather unpleasant’.
So Mike Fowle, what would you do if you were in charge of that lifeboat?
I think you should provide an explanation of why it is a false analogy rather than just stating that it is.
Maybe you believe most immigrants will work very hard, increase the nation’s GDP, pay more taxes and in general improve the population’s living standards? Maybe you think this process has no practical limits? Maybe you do not believe that many immigrants will bring unpleasant customs and ways of thinking?
I am not sure that these views are entirely supported by recent experience.
‘provide an explanation of why … rather than just stating that it is.’
Good luck with that.
From Patrician Patronising Patten or Hugs Boaden, through ECU directors to Editors to the lowest minion… for decades that has been all deemed necessary.
Of course, this may change.
Fowle, you are one of those evil, nasty, bigoted, hypocritical, lying socialists!
You make a ridiculously stupid point and when asked to justify it you do a McAvity-Brown and are nowhere to be seen. Answer the above points!
It’s the “unpleasant” ad hom that’s a clue, let me guess: Guardian-reading white middle class left wing prick. Points out of five?
On the contrary it’s an imperfect
analogy, but still a very useful one.
This is one of the most disgusting and treacherous aspects of the BBC: their whole-hearted support for the unfettered mass immigration which has ripped apart traditional communities up and down the land, and which has caused the type of racism and cultural tensions that these socialist eggheads say they are out to eradicate. I have huge sympathy for the likes of anon whose post above demonstrates the Left’s complete and utter dereliction of duty to put the people of this country first. The BBC, as is Liebour, are ideologically obsessed by ethnic minorities and give them constant coverage: one just need to witness the huge increase in ethnic minorities in current affairs clips to understand that the Left are on an all-assault to change the ethnic make-up of this country or give the impression that multiculturalism is OK and is what everybody wants.
All of their BBC News reports that have had to deal with the problem of immigration always begin with PC nonsense groupspeak terms like “Now, it’s a sensitive topic in which politicians tread carefully … ” etc, which would give the impression that we, the whole country, deemed it sensitive… but we didn’t and don’t. The only people who found it sensitive were the Left, because they knew and know that had this country been given a choice we would have voted against mass immigration – so they shut down all debate by calling everyone who opposed immigration, racist.
As we can see in the SaVILE scandal, the BBC cannot be trusted and all the emerging evidence suggests that there may have been a huge cover-up from top down. Now, if they be this corrupt concerning a sex scandal, you consider how corrupt the Corporation is regards politics and ideology. Most of its journalists are quite happy to openly flout their lefty/socialist views on Twitter, so one can imagine the coffee table chats within its foul walls.
Excellent post.
Thank you for finally mentioning the BBC. I was starting to wonder if anyone ever would.
Alan mentions the BBC on line 2 of para 2.
I meant in the comments.
When there is a need to apologise for posting on here it will be a sad day!
And now, the Voice of America…
It’s not just the BBC, it’s the entire left-liberal establishment. Check out Channel 4 news, on some nights Bishop Jon Snow is the only white man, on other the entire programme seems to be fronted by Asians. They even have one reporter who wears the headscarf. I’m waiting for the first one to wear a niqab, it’s only a matter of time.
Hopefully that will be Julia Somerville.
Funnily enough, their joint child, with the BBC: S4C had its own version of a Jimmy Savile – a guy called John Owen, who wrote a series that was really big with Welsh speaking teenagers called ‘Pam fi, Dwy?’ (Why me, God?’). He committed suicide back in 2001 and it came out he had been raping and abusing pupils at the school where he was a teacher, for years.
“Pam fi Duw” perhaps? and yes you are correct. It was indeed a national scandal.
‘…the Left’s complete and utter dereliction of duty to put the people of this country first’.
Their duty is to Internationalism and re-distribution of wealth.
Leading without authority or legitimacy…..yep that’s the BBC…deciding what’s good for you without bothering to actually ask you…or indeed knowing you don’t want their prescription, but carrying on anyway…because…once you are ‘educated’ you will learn to love what they force upon you…..remember …just as Evan Davis meant when he was was talking about new infrastructure projects and ‘nimby’s’ in his last bit of Keynesian propaganda on the BBC?
Thanks for these Mr Court.
There was me thinking nlp was transatlantic BS from the 90s that would never catch on in sensible old Britain.
Yogic Flying and Eckenkar next then….no wonder David Icke won`t leave us…he was a BBC man too.
This woman could not lead an old dog to its bowl…yet presumes to speak as if she knows something.
Give her a TV show-most charisma free empty hat since Michael Checkland…and, boy the BBC have porduced most of the candidates…Jay Hunt, Caroline Thomson, Mark Thompson and now dear old George.
Hi-di-hi…if that`s alright with you!
The one people like Julia Middleton CEO of common purpose and Robert Preston hate is this stuff being public.
Common Purpose is a 2012 version of the Frankfurt school.
“Julia is linking ‘Tom’ with the palm of her hand and implying ‘Tom’ is the viewer so that ‘You’ get linked with the palm.”
Yup, that’s me convinced.
Thank the Lord I’m much more cleverest to be brainwashed by the neo lickwistic videoishing.
Comrade Dez have you ever done common purpose as part of the BBC.
Yes Earls court,
And I am sending you secret sausages message which will enter your subconscious sausages mind and affect what you want to have for lunch sausages tomorrow. On a sandwich, at 12.30 sausages pm.
Earls Court, beware dez’s sausages.
God damn it, I’ve been exposed.
Dez, have you ever thought to ask yourself how the sausages FEEL? Its all me me me with you.
Sausages is that BBC code for gay sex?
It depends where you put your sausage.
Is English your 3rd language. Try being an arse with something we can all understand.
3rd language?
Are you suggesting I am an immigrant?
Apologies Earl, we must have posted at the same time. My reply was aimed at Dez the Dick.
The Toady show the other day(Fri 26.10.12) had some piece of guff that allowed for collective hand-wringing by a Guardian reporter , and “Professor” Gus John…serial race hustler who inhabits education from ILEA days.
The agonising concerned the horrific murder of a 15 year old at rush hour at Victoria Station in March 2010..by another gang of kids from a rival school regarding “turf n rispek”…that kind of thing.
John blamed it on schools not teaching right from wrong any more, and a lack of platforms for childrens self-esteem to be realised.
Our Guardian lady told us that Facebook and Twitter are not always used for good things…
Anybody willing to tell John that right from wrong USED to be taught, but the likes of him, of ILEA/Livingston and Dawkins/BBC rather poo-pooh the notion(and actively prevent it)?
And isn`t the Guardian/BBC usually perfectly happy to enable our young people to be fully conversant with the latest gizmos…indeed Strasbourg would step in,should we try to prevent our vulnerable young students the “opportunity” to co-ordinate their activities in school time and on school premises?
Yet poor Humph seemed oblivious to these developments-thank Sanderson we have the likes of Gus John and Guardain hacks to tell us the brand of hinge used on that stable door eh?
Took up a few minutes though…so the lad didn`t die in vain then.
Call me old-fashioned, but I always thought it was parents’ responsibility to teach their kids right from wrong.
Funny how the BBC never seem to bring parents into the debate, especially where black gang crime is concerned. Wonder why?
Parent – singular. Daddy ran off to impregnate other women leaving the child rearing to mothers unable to install any discipline in their wayward sons and who far too often fall under the spell of criminals. Then one day they shank someone and end up doing porridge for twenty years. A sad tale doomed to be repeated and all because of the fucking liberals (of whom I count the BBC) who’ve done their best for the last fifty years to ruin this once great country.