You might remember the Guardian attempting to interfere in a US election and being rudely rebuffed and told to mind its own business…it looks like the BBC hasn’t learnt that lesson……..
A just-out BBC World Service poll surveying 22,000 people in 21 countries found a wide preference for President Obama in the presidential race, who scored 50 percent favorable among all respondents to Mitt Romney’s 9 percent. Almost a quarter, 24 percent, gave some variation of an answer that it made no difference. Only 16 percent said they didn’t know, a reminder of how closely the world follows American politics.
The poll surveyed many of the world’s most populous countries. It emphasized famously Obama-friendly Western Europe but skipped Russia and the Arab Middle East. Here are the results from Globescan’s report:
BBC poll: Rest of world favours Obama
The BBC, just before the US elections runs a poll to see which presidential candidate is more ‘popular’ world wide….well nearly world wide…avoiding all those countries in which Obama’s foreign policy has led to disaster (the one exception being Pakistan…the result of which illustrates why the BBC avoids all other such countries).
You have to ask…has anyone in those countries heard of Mitt Romney…and if so what exactly have they heard and who told them…if they rely on the likes of the BBC World Service would there have been any doubt about the outcome….QED the actual result.
Not saying the BBC are in anyway trying to influence the result in the US election but , well, they are aren’t they…the quote above being from the US Washington Post…you can be sure the message has been plugged relentlessly by Obama friendly media.
The ‘rest of the world’ should have no say in who rules America anyway, that should be the choice of Americans alone.
These polls crop up before every US election and they are invariably anti Republican pro Democrat. I’m not sure what the purpose is although they (the beeb and their left wing allies) might be trying to influence US voters outside the USA, particularly in Europe. Remember, if the rest of the world had a vote in the US elections they’d have elected Gore and Kerry but here’s the thing- they don’t.
What if “the rest of da’ world” said that the BBC is crap and the license fee should be aborted?
Will the beeb hold the position this is a British-ony issue? Judging by their “poll”, probably not. 😆
The BBC shouldn’t be trying to interfere with elections in this country, their job is only to report, let alone interfere in another sovereign, democratic state.
The BBC; you’ve got to hold them in contempt really. If not you must be a left-wing zombie.
Such a poll of 20,000 people with an inevitable result must have cost the BBC about £50,000, sorry cost you and me £50,000.
What total squanderage.
Anyone trying an FOI on this pointless poll and its price or is the information exempt for journalistic reasons?
Try this, just for fun:
Pick your celebrity president
I just voted for Andy Garcia!
Pat Boone here!
I want to vote for this former Democrat!
Sorry, don’t know how to embed!
Here’s the link
Just why should UK license payers be paying for the BBC to be putting on the web…pick your celebrity President… ?
If I select “Yes, eye candy, please” it eliminates Hillary Duff from contention for some reason.
(Though if Ms Duff does actually fit “brains over brawn” even more than “eye candy” then I pronounce her to be the whole package and suggest very strongly that she should be inaugrated forthwith (and stuff the election)).
“Inaugurated”, obviously.
‘My Tram Experience’, African American style:
Sort of blue on blue..ish.
Only a shade darker.
‘You want to be a man… I’m gonna treat you like a man.’
The man got a point.
Could catch on.
Maybe not here.
For now.
And it’s not surprising that they can call each other nigger but us white people aren’t allowed that word any more.
Does no one understand the point of David Vance’s post from last week?
“Does no one understand the point of David Vance’s post from last week?”
You quite obviously don’t David.
What was David Vance’s last but one post; “Compare the Islamic and Judaism entries…”?
It was actually about the Judaism entry; he could have compared it to the Christianity entry, or the Hindu, or the Sikh, or none of them.
Instead he turned it into something about Islam; how utterly unpredictable.
It’s typical Mr Vance – throw the performing seals a few scraps; enjoy the show; and then make a very public statement about how terrible it all is.
You seem to be under the illusion that David Vance cares about something other than David Vance.
Are you stupid or what?
Still banned then I see ? oh and off topic thread bating again! nice to see you are still as boring/predictable as ever !!
Notice you didn’t participate in that thread at the time.
Why not?
First link appears down?
Otherwise, ‘Operation Clarke County 2, the Empire Just Bites’, keeps oozing on, uniquely funded by… us.
With no offense to such as David P, etc, who are noble exceptions, having worked there in my youth and with many around the globe, my experience is that most (not all) Americans more the 50 miles in from either coast could give a Flying Airforce The One for what anyone outside their 3,000 mile wide airspace thinks.
I actually was quoted once whilst working at a summer camp in the 70’s as saying that if WW3 broke out it would make page 6 on the Detroit Free Press, possibly lower if there was a Giants game.
The BBC only harms itself further in such pointless, partisan, rigged obsession.
Actually, GW, I’m not really an exception to that. I’m not in the habit of respecting the opinion of people who wail about human rights violations in far-flung places but ignore it when it happens in their own back yard. Even so, can anyone here name a country where it’s actually important to the inhabitants what other countries think of them?
We were told over and over in 2008 that one reason we must elect The Obamessiah is because it would restore our international esteem. And look where it’s gotten us. The first thing He did was go out and apologize to the Muslim world, and bow to undemocratic rules and embrace Hugo Chavez. That plays well in Greenwich Village and Hollywood and the Mission District, but not in flyover country.
Fretting over how other countries think of us is a Left-wing, BBC mentality, not reality. It’s the kind of blinkered thinking that made Huw Edwards remark on air that it was not a good idea to extradite someone to the US where he might not be treated with kid gloves because it would harm Britain’s international reputation. It turns out that not even the Queen was worried about that.
‘can anyone here name a country where it’s actually important to the inhabitants what other countries think of them?’
Fair point.
Our recent successes in Eurovision do not seem to have gone to our heads, and Christina Kirchner does not seem to have really worried too many, even when she aligned a few other tinpots up to make the eventual chances of more foreign aid look less likely (are half of Labour’s MP strength back from their ‘fact-finding jolly yet?).
And when Cameron took a rare moment away from the mirror or watching wasserface’s ‘you love me, you all really love me’ Oscar acceptance to tell the EU what the country actually thought, most of us for once nodded along.
Of course the BBC told us that this was ‘us’ throwing our toys out of the pram.
I think asking BBC CECUTT to ask Paul Mason to justify that statement was the first step on Expediting Road as they then felt ‘because we say so’ was enough.
I suspect… hope… not much longer.
Maybe even Madge might agree.
Parochial, that’s us or should that be US? And NOTHING gets our backs up quicker than some furriner telling us who we should choose for our president. Basically Beeb – you are NOT helping here.
A couple of weeks ago I was speaking with an ex-pat American; originally from Idaho; and on discussing the upcoming election, I asked him if he still votes. Yes, he said, but for all the good it does. When I questioned that statement, he replied that as a Republican voter, his vote is virtually worthless because the state is predominantly Democrat. For me, though, it produced; to put on my faux bbc tone; a sense of exhilaration in encountering a true American who still has the sense not to vote for the socialists who are ruining his country. I could have kissed him. There, now, that’s not biased is it?
Idaho has voted Republican in every election since 1964 – you must mean somewhere else.
Sorry Doyle, you are probably correct; my memory isn’t that great these days. I’m almost positive it was a state beginning with “I”. I hadn’t thought it was Illinois because I’d have associated it with Mr Obama. I suppose the key issue that there are still a lot of Americans who don’t vote for socialism.
If the guy said he was “originally” from Idaho, wouldn’t that mean he’s currently living somewhere else, and that’s what he was complaining about?
David, I met him at a function here in Manchester, England.
In a funny way the person most likely to be impressed with this poll is Obama himself. The consistent note is his foreign policy has always been do what (his opinion, of courseI is best for the world even if it is not best for America.
bah, tried to embed the video, sorry. Oh well, link seems to work.
The picture my Uk friends have of the president (as mirrored in the article you quote) is not an accurate one. The question of O’s narcissism is never mentioned. Frankly even I didn’t buy Charles Krauthamer’s claim that O was a narcissist for a year or two. But Krauthamer is the trained psychiatrist not me – and Krauthamer was right.
Over the years evidence has mounted about Preisser’s “Obamamessiah” – and ignored by Mardell and co. For instance, not since Louis XIV (“I am the state”) have we heard this uttered by Himself in the last debate: “One thing I think Americans should be proud of: when Tunisians began to protest, this nation, me, my administration, stood with them earlier than just about any other country.”
More on the subject in this splendid blog:
PS The new ad which likens voting for O to losing one’s virginity is gross. I guess what he’s done to the country he is now doing to first time voters?
You can bet this is making the rounds of the BBC, and they love it.
‘The new ad which likens voting for O to losing one’s virginity’
[smiley face]
I guess this will eventually be one of those ‘different times’ that one hears about, and she’ll be gunning for compo having been done over by the the political equivalent of our Jimmy, or at least His ‘people’. And the actors in that Mo epic that got everyone killed are upset about the script they had to read?
When she’s older, that tat is likely not the only thing our Lena will be desperate to erase.
Here’s a link to another anti-Romney video, illustrative of the sickness coming from the Left. Yet Mardell and the rest of the BBC will never tell you about it, and instead blame the Tea Party and racism for how vicious this campaign cycle has become.
Pro-Obama Ad Features Children Singing About America Where ‘Sick People Just Die’
These children are singing about an imaginary world where Romney won the election.
Imagine an America
Where strip mines are fun and free
Where gays can be fixed
And sick people just die
And oil fills the sea
We don’t have to pay for freeways!
Our schools are good enough
Give us endless wars
On foreign shores
And lots of Chinese stuff
It gets worse.
Here’s a parody of that awful Obama ad – as if wasn’t ridiculous enough already…
The Beeboids probably realize that all these countries endorsing Him is just another reason for us awful United Statesians to vote against Him. This just tells us that the rest of the world likes the weakened version of the US we’ve got right now. To the BBC, though, it’s a plus.
I posted here on August 31 another example of the egregious Obama worship that the bBBC pretends is world-wide.
I happened to be out early this morning and heard the World Service on Radio 4 at about 5.05 a.m.. The bBBC said words to the effect of “now that Mitt Romney has been nominated as Republican candidate, let’s see how he is viewed around the world. So, let’s go to … Kenya!”
The Kenyan stooge started with “He’s the man who’s criticising President Obama.”
I didn’t bother listening to any more. Out of more than 200 countries in the world that they could have chosen, the bBBC just happened to pick the one where his father lived and where Obama has had the highest approval ratings. What a coincidence.
For BBC-Democrat : Obama’s Benghazi infamy –
(inc 4 min video)
BBC-Democrat ears burning?:-
“Mainstream media watchdogs are toothless covering Obama and Libya scandal”
By Richard Benedetto
“Hume blasts media for Benghazi coverage: Fox News did ‘all the heavy lifting’”
(3 min video)
I don’t believe it. Obama was either fund raising or on the golf course.
The BBC is trying to subvert “right wing” values at home AND abroad. (Given its receipt of EU money over the years this is not surprising.)
Just getting a FEW voters to switch to Labour/the Democrats/etc can make all the difference in an election.
Subliminal propaganda is now what nearly all the corporation’s programming is about.
For BBC-Democrat:
“Ohio papers report dead heat between Obama and Romney”
The polls are skewed, Romney has a good chance of a Bush like win in 2004.
What upsets me as a right-winger is Russell Crowe coming out of the closet.
Read “Et Tu Brute” at:
One might have thought that Crowe would have learnt to pick the lesser of two evils:-
(2 min:30 sec video clip)-
I hope this is the right clip:-
Thing is the world doesn’t get a vote. We know the Euroweenies love Obama and believe me it does him no favor with those folks who actually DO get to vote for the President of the United States.