Following David’s indepth and well-founded post about the BBC’s very own ‘Stepford Wife’, Justin Webb, I looked at Webb’s article and noted his loud praise for the melting pot, the common unity of a nation that can be forged by the media helping to create common references and bonds:
‘And of course a media market brings with it a sense of fellow-feeling: folks watch the same TV and advertisements and talk about them on social networks and on the phone. E pluribus Unum.’
All of which makes you wonder why the BBC has the ghetto radio of the ‘Asian Network’.
Must be hard to feel the need to ‘integrate’ when the host country makes you feel right at home….home being ‘Pakistan’.
What an utterly ill informed comment. Nothing like exhibiting your ignorance with every post. You know nothing about the BBC or its Asian Network. You further compound your ignorance by assuming everyone from the Indian sub continent has Pakistani roots. Must be news to the Sikhs, Hindus and many Asian Christians from the rest of the area.
Please continue! Despite David Vance becoming a very high profile figure in recent weeks, anyone drawn to his blogs will be sorely dismayed by Alan’s racist rants. Two already today!
What’s racist about questioning the need for the public broadcaster to provide a radio channel for a specific element in our country; and primarily an immigrant element? If these people are so integrated, then there is no need for an Asian Network station. And if they want their own radio station, let them pay for it themselves.
Let’s get rid of the Welsh and Scottish languages as well…
BBC is a public service broadcaster. Public is not just middle aged white men with chips on their shoulder.
” Let’s get rid of the Welsh and Scottish languages as well…”
uffern dan! peidiwch a gwneud dim byd fel na achan!
Dyn ni’n hoffi pyst Alan bob tro! fy hoff ysgrifennwr yw e.
Welsh and Scottish Languages are indigenous to this country, Asian languages aren’t!
English isn’t either…language of immigrants.
I thought English evolved domestically from the languages of both indigenous people and invaders. Truly the melting pot of languages.
Try telling that to the Celts. Especially in Ireland. English supplanted the celtic tongue.
OK, I now fully support the…
Irish… Broadcasting Corporation?
Think these things through.
English has so many words introduced into it by the Normans that Anthony Burgess maintained we really speak pidgin French.
Normans and Vikings: knife, fiend. And thanks to the Norman invasion, English has “paternal” while also keeping “fatherly”. “House” and “domicile”. Lingering Celtic words would be things like “town”, and “whiskey”.
Nick nocky nick nack, nicky-nocky-noo.
You’re the one with a chip on his shoulder. Slavery guilt, is it?
Go away
Good post again Alan.
I see Prole has already pressed the ‘like’ button on his post. He has to since it will be the one and only.
I kept hearing in the last few days how b-bbc managers are the ‘media elite’
Aw diddums, and here was me thinking they were just scum.
How wrong can you be!
Prole – can you fight your way through the empty champagne bottles and ask your bosses when are we going to hear about the phone hacking scandal that went on at the Mirror group.
I think the last sentence of that video should be translated as ‘gizza job?’
Ears and eyes closed to that one, Old Slippery Moron will get hooked up in it one day soon I hope.
I`m not sure what the problem is, prole.
What I do know is that the likes of Martin Jacques get 15 minutes of BBC time to tell me that China is doing so well because it is , in effect, monocultural and racist.
I`m not going to tell you any more-look up the whole back story for yourself.
Then you can tell me why Jacques is being allowed to give China the benefit of all doubts in how it treats ITS minorities-in the Communitarian cause-but a Tommy Robinson is being so persecuted in Berlin etc.
I call it double standards prole-and Jacques is the BBCs kind of goto guy(do check why); whereas Robinson(in a far less racist way) is regarded as white chav scum.
I don`t need to bother my arse about what Webb says or not-he`s a Beeb stiffie through and through, and will be just Peter Woods had he read Little Miss Sunshine too!
Don`t play the man either if you can help it too-I`m not being fleeced for Alans views, and he`s as right/wrong as the rest of us…and I have to say, likely to be more right than you more, often than not!
It’s us one legged, ginger haired, hermaphrodite, vegan, meat eating males that doesn’t get a fair hearing. Where is our dedicated BBC radio station.
Womens hour, more like PMT hour. Asian network. WHY ? Market forces would level the playing field.
Webb doesn’t say it out loud, but he means Univision, which has become a sort of Hispanic trans-national broadcaster. Spanish-speaking people watch that instead of the news and entertainment the rest of the country watches. He’s okay with it because it’s not like, you know, Fox News or anything, where it’s wrong for people to watch just that and no other news.
He’s celebrating Balkanization, not the wonders of diversity, which makes his vision of Miami the opposite of how most in the US understand the concept of “melting pot”. He wouldn’t similarly celebrate a white equivalent.
Diversity, perversity! Re: the comments on the Asian network, we recently had in football the threat that a black players union was to be set up. There is I think a black policemans’ union. I don’t mind these in principle, because many of us prefer share our time with people of like minds and backgrounds for all sorts of reasons, but why can we not all enjoy these benefits? I don’t think I would be able to set up a white kite flyers club, or would I? Could there be an English Peoples Network?
If we are meant have equal rights, it should be for everyone and not a case of some more equal than others. Funny how history repeats itself.
Comment above in Welsh for you white dragon, knowing, as I do, your love of the folk in Wales.
pob hwyl i chi!
There are many charities for ethnic minorities, including a few for the indigenous people of these islands – but as far as I am aware, only one for the English – and that had to struggle against accusations of racism to get registered with the Charity Commission.
So at the same time he’s influencing BBC journalism and the public on business and the financial industry, he’s working outside the BBC to directly influence public policy. I guess it’s no different than Evan Davis working for a Left-wing think tank and writing Left-wing economic papers, and people like Richard Black chairing Warmist fora, and trying to influence how people report on “climate change” and the environment (which he did during his tenure as a BBC journalist – I know he’s leaving).a
I don’t think anyone from Fox News does it in quite this way.
Presumably there are a roughly equal number of senior BBC journalists working for right-wing think tanks and writing right-wing economic papers. Oddly I can’t think of any, maybe Dez, Prole or similar could provide a list…
And now we join Paul Merton for the return of Room 101.
With me in the studio tonight selecting the items he would like to consign to the dustbin of mystery is the well known wit, raconteur and sometime resident of Biased BBC – Mister As I See It.
So to start, we have here the BBC logo. Tell us, what does this represent?
Well Paul, if I may call you that? The BBC logo stands for one of my great pet hates – Liberal Self Loathing. The idea that the English are the only nationality, race or ethnicity on earth that should have constant questions raised as to the validity of their own culture and history; and according to this liberal ideology who ought to happily waive their sovereignty.
Just to qualify that statement – the Jews are also shabbily treated by the Beeb.
I suspect that, apart from hating us, the socialists think that if they can break us English, then the rest of Western civilisation will be a walk-over. Just like Israelis, we are quite a tenacious bunch and don’t succumb to marxist and islamic indoctrination too easily, unlike the rest of Europe (not just the EU). So, if they can destroy us, the rest will be easy.
Breaking the English is what it has always been about. The EU is terrified of us. If we leave the EU is finished and they know it.
Hard to rule we are and harder to break. Forget the liberal elite. It’s day is ending.
We don’t know our strength but will soon learn to use it and end this farce in this land.
Sadly for you you cannot depend on the Scots bailing you out this time as Allah Salmond’s Islamification of Scotland is driving the indigenous population abroad in ever increasing numbers.
Er, I know it was a long time ago but I thought we bailed you out which was why you joined the union.
I agree totally.
Sadly at this stage some traitors are propping up the EU with money stolen from the British taxpayers – a tough one to swallow!
Hmmm only afew days ago I heard them dissing the notion of Spanishness, caliming someone had said the Spanish, like the British were made of various constituent parts , but three times as many – so another ‘mongrel nation’, or ‘nation of immigrants’ in the BBCs eyes, clearly not worthy of respect as an ‘ethnic group’.
Oh no! The BBC quoted something that someone said about the word “Spanish”.
This sort of thing really shouldn’t be allowed.
Not a case of “shouldnt be allowed”, but another example of the BBC promoting the theory that European nations are not *real* ethnic groups, that we’re an artifical invention or just “mongrels”.
I suspect that, apart from hating us, the socialists think that if they can break us English, then the rest of Western civilisation will be a walk-over. Just like Israelis, we are quite a tenacious bunch and don’t succumb to marxist and islamic indoctrination too easily, unlike the rest of Europe (not just the EU). So, if they can destroy us, the rest will be easy. As it was so shall it always be.
“The idea that the English are the only nationality, race or ethnicity on earth that should have constant questions raised as to the validity of their own culture and history…”
They’d no doubt save this for the celebratory ‘St’ George’s Day Special’ episode.
They like to spoil us. They spoil just about everything worthwhile.
The bBBC recently had a public consultation reviewing the Asian Network. Not surprisingly, they decided they are getting it ‘about right’. The first line of the report tells us all we need to know: they assume that its purpose is racist.
Our review has found that BBC Asian Network is performing well and that it helps to deliver the BBC’s public purposes to a diverse range of listeners within the British Asian community …
Yup, really impartial – “Our review has found that Savile’s network is performing well …”
a diverse range of listeners within the British Asian community
Now is that the perfect BBC statement or what? I* bet they have both types of music: country and western.
My favourite is ‘Stand by Your Imam’.
And, by the way, what does the bBBC’s ‘Asian’ Network do for the more than 1 million people in the UK who were born in China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand or Burma?
Yes, and much of BBC ‘local’ radio is handed over to BBC staff of the Indian subcontinent origin (be it Pakistan, Bangladesh or India) every evening, to keep going the BBC apartheid system designed to perpetuate and advance the languages and cultures of the Indian subcontinent in Britain.
Talking of “ghetto radio” how about Woman’s Hour on Radio 4?
An hour every weekday is given over to a cast of middleclass, highly paid, leftwing women.
A few days ago I listened to Jenni Murray berating a young lad about sexism at universities. The irony of the situation didn’t occur to the young chap, but he could have asked, “How about the pc sexism and institutionalised anti white racism at the Beeb?”
BBC are bigging up the East coast storm to divert attention from Obama’s increasing desperation and the news of the other three Benghazi families’ anger at his failures and Clinton’s remarks.
It gives them the chance to show an Obama clip of him looking all concerned telling people that they mustn’t ignore the storm. That’s worth something.
Hello — I am sure you have all missed me. En route between assignments so thought I would drop by to say hello.
How are you all? Still the happy cheery lot I see. How’s the lake of fire coming along Earls? And how is my true favourite Guest Who? Is that chap who never fails to mention Mensa in his posts still about? How I miss you all. I feel like we are family now.
On this one, of course the BBC are reporting Sandy to deflect attention from Obama. What other conceivable reason could there be to write about a teeny bit of wind and rain otherwise? It is all a conspiracy. Probably global warming wil be in there somewhere, and if you work really, really hard I am sure you can blame the Muslims.
Toodle pip — off again now. Play nicely and see you in a few days.
Hey, Nicked, any thoughts on the BBC’s blanket of coverage of Benghazi? By which I mean they’ve helped cover it up so their audience doesn’t know about it. Not by making a big fuss about the storm, of course. That’s events, dear boy, of course it’s the top story for now. I’m talking about how they’ve followed the lead of the New York Times and Washington Post and censored all news of it even before the storm. Is that quality journalism in your view?
If that doesn’t interest you, do you have any thoughts on the BBC’s failure to put Romney’s poll leads on the front page, like they used to do when the President had a healthy lead? At least they’ve finally updated that poll-tracker page. Baby steps!
They seem to have missed Israel’s kick in the nuts to Sudan. Cannot bare to see Israel in a good light.
“Alleged” kick in the nuts. The only proof I’ve seen offered by the BBC is that Sudan has previously accused Israel of doing this sort of thing.
Nice to see you back Nicked. Certainly a convenient time for you to be away – I might even be inclined to call it “Savile’s Travels”.
I notice Dezzie is back from his trip too. There are still some absentees, and the replacement DotI (aka Dotties) were remarkably sub-standard, even by the low marks previously set by you all.
Poor, poor Nicked. Bashing impotently at his keyboard with one hand, desperately running short of insults, whilst chewing his nails down to the bone on the other. Quietly shitting himself in his little corner of Broadcasting House whilst he helplessly watches the socialist edifice he has lovingly helped to construct come crashing about his ears. EU, Euro, Global Warming, Obamamessiah, Cuba, Communism – and many more – nothing but dust settling on his ergonomically-designed desk, slowly engulfing the painstakingly-constructed expense claim from his latest assignment.
You’ve got to feel for the lad.
To the person who tracked down my phone no. I am unbowded. Threats mean little. Say what you want but use a name that is yours. I am @fionngm on Twitter if you have nothing to hide.
Care to elucidate? That would be very serious if true, but how do you know it’s someone from here? Rather than a pal you told about posting here who thought it might be funny after staying up late with a few bottles.
I’d go to the Police if I were you. Such behaviour is beyond the pale.
Naturally you would need to prove such allegations and be sure you won’t be sued for libel. You do have evidence I take it; surely you wouldn’t be foolish enough to post the above without it?
There is software available that hides your IP information when you are online.
Every time you post on the net even when you think it’s anonymous your posts can reveal your internet provider, your name etc.
I use Hide IP Platinum which is paid for but there are free ones available like Peer Guardian.
May we have a new board please?
Is the heat in the kitchen getting too much Pounce?
Are you rattled that people are no longer fooled by the kindly Aunty Beeb image they like to portray?
Are you worried that so many people are now calling for the abolition of the licence fee?
Are you worried about the prospect of having to find a new career where you have to earn a living instead of living off the immoral earnings of a blanket tax?
Or are you just worried about looking foolish in trying to defend a corrupt, bigoted and vile organisation?
Good post that Pounce.
I’ve even clicked the like button to join your own.
What’s this about? Pounce isn’t a defender of the BBC.
Are you confusing him with Prole?
Sorry, my mistake.
Head hanging in shame.
Pounce is one of the best on BBBC – knows what he’s on about.
Ta, all. Sarcastic or nay. Yes I have saved the voicemail to .wav Of course this site was not mentioned but it being my work no. and the fact that I have never gotten a message like it before. I have good grounds to speculate. I am not pointing the finger at anyone. I am not daft.
Stay safe you ‘Merkins on the east and vicinity. Sounds a little scary.
Apologies to the OP for driving this, off topic.
Hi DL, Any chance you could upload the message onto the net. Maybe somebody out there will recognise the person behind the call.
How could anyone here track down your work number? And why are you special? There have been quite a few defenders of the indefensible, past and present, who make far more noise and are far more vicious than you’ve been, and would presumably anger someone enough to engage in bad behavior much more than you could. What sets you above them?
If you’re accusing someone of tracking your IP or email, then you’re specifically accusing someone with editor privileges. Defamation comes to mind, which is, I assume, why you haven’t named names.
You couldn’t possibly be active on any other website anywhere in the world where someone might have noticed you?
Does Biased BBC collect information on posters/visiters and if so what is it?
Yes. There is an elaborate algorithm based on IP address, stated email address and use of English. It has deduced that you are John Prescott.
Does Biased BBC collect information on posters/visitors and if so what is it?
The (serious… but nice one RD) answer would appear to be no, to a question based on no more than a claim.
However, there is clear written evidence that the BBC does monitor and collate information on posters outside communications with it directly.
As to why and with what purpose, questions posed appear so far to be subject to Lord Patten’s unique views on which powers get to be held to account.
I’d suggest such activity by a public sector broadcaster in paranoid abuse of its powers is of greater concern than any activity by a free blog that would serve no purpose beyond being impossible to do.
It was a simple request for clarification and not based on any ‘claim’ so RDs misplaced (yet again) sarky reply can be stuck where the sun don’t shine.
If Biased BBC wants to be treated seriously it needs to be open and honest and not try to deflect honest questions with ad homs. That just makes them look guilty.
Biased BBC does plant a cookie and that cookie contains encrypted info (that’s encrypted in the IT sense not the spy sense JiC). If this is merely to keep the reply form populated then no foul play can be suspected can it? The Daily Llama’s somewhat fanciful accusation can thus be easily assigned to the rubbish bin where it belongs.
However if Biased BBC is tracking locations then to what purpose could they be putting that info to? I am still not convinced BTW that a telephone number can be traced from an IP address unless both pieces of data appear together elsewhere. So why would one want that info?
Again for clarity, I’m not accusing Biased BBC of doing wrong; I’m just asking for clarification. Just what is wrong with that?
I only post here and on my Twitter account but I understand your scepticism. The caller was from N. Ireland and before you start frothing I know it is not DV’s style in a million years and as much as I dislike his rhetoric, that is not a concern.
The word fenian was used. So it could be just a lurking reader rather than a contributer.
I dislike a lot of what is said on here but do not wish to speculate on the decency of the posters.
Perhaps it’s someone with a grudge against surrealist South American domesticated animals which look like a cross between a camel and a sheep.
I expect it’s the Chinese keeping tabs on campaigners for Tibetan independence.