I was having a browse through the BBC’s “Health” section and for some inexplicable reason the world class BEEB seem to have missed this story. I wonder why? Let’s face it, the NHS is as much of an anachronism as the BBC and that helps to explain why the BBC presents a very unbalanced and biased
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Maybe if we tell the BBC that BUPA hospitals deliberately waste old scalpel blades by leaving them in their patients( so they don`t need to bin them), then they might take an interest.
This dumping of clinical waste in the patient might account for the size of John Prescott anyway.
What? It’s the envy of the world I tells ya!
“France Has the Best Healthcare System in the World.”
By Sheila Guilloton.
“The French share the same distaste for restrictions on patient choice as American do. The French system relies on autonomous private practitioners rather than a British-style national health service. The French are very dismissive of the British system which they call ‘socialized medicine.’ Virtually all physicians in France participate in the nation’s public health insurance, Sécurité Sociale.
“Perhaps it’s time for us to take a closer look at French ideas about health care reform.”
Because mistakes like this don’t happen outside the NHS right?
According to the BBC, they only ever happen outside the NHS. Keep up, son.
Plus I hear just the second item on Today is about unnecessary cancer ops.
So your accusation the BBC covers up NHS mistakes is refuted.
If the BBC was any good at investigative journalism (and impartial, to boot) then given the endless controversy over the NHS it would have done some comparisons with health systems in other countries – France certainly being one due to the countless stories of superior service experienced by Brits when taken ill there.
But, of course, the only one the Beeb ever mention is the US, for reasons we all know about.
“Junior doctors and midwives blamed for £3bn payout to mothers and babies damaged by NHS care”