‘I’m more of a spin doctor than a real doctor…’
[Alastair Campbell]
Interesting admission this morning by the Labour man as clan Campbell gathers on BBC 5 Live to big up Ed Miliband’s latest witterings and to whinge about so-called NHS cuts. There was me thinking the health budget was ring fenced and that it was the New Labour PFI schemes that have gone pear shaped.
BBC: Radio Labour
With hindsight, ‘Hello hello, it’s good to be back’ has a particularly nasty and telling lyric, and coincidentally ends with one of Jimmy Savile’s catchphrases ‘Goodness Gracious’.
Can’t make it up
The BBC’s line on labour from 1997 – 2010 is that they have learned lessons, drawn a line under it and moved on. So there is no point in comparing current evil coalition plans with the benevolent labour parties frustrated attempts to improve this country for the benefit of every single person who lives here.
BBC Bastards! I really hate them with a passion. They are vile and evil and hell bent on destroying this country of ours.
When Miliband speaks to us all about the need for more Prozac and more “understanding of mental `elf ishoos”…we know now that this is the balloon going up for Alistair Campbell to come out on a day pass and tell us all whatever is on his mind.
Dr Hook…now that was real doctor Al….now is that Alistair, or Alan(as in Partridge)?
Nowt to do with the BBC but when the LibDums ran out of wars to say no to they had to stop being a single issue party and try and rustle up some policies from somewhere, anywhere.
They had the perfectly sensible policy of cutting the NHS budget but seem to have gone a bit quiet on that and replaced it with howling for a ridiculous mansion tax.
Beeboids have conveniently forgotten that it was little Nicky Clegg who coined the term ‘savage cuts’ at his party’s 2009 autumn conference – but it’s always entirely about ‘Torycutz’ at the BBC.
Tuned in to R4 yesterday at the back end of a little discussion piece on Andrew Marr’s programme. From what I could gather it was about Britains security services, our role in ‘extraordinary rendition’ etc etc, – the usual open and frank debate of like minds we have all come to expect from the BBC.
But then this geezer – I think he was an author – said he’d heard from some sources that young Muslims in this country have gone missing, and even suggested with a bit of a conspiratorial snigger that they are even ‘killed’. Needless to say this completely uncorroborated and highly inflammatory statement passed by without comment or challenge from Marr. Irresponsible, reckless broadcasting, but totally in tune with the BBC’s victimhood Muslims, pro-Islamic agenda.
…. but they’ll bend over backwards not to mention the folks who were convicted in a curtof law of operating paedophile rings, ’cause that would be inflammoty, doncha’know?
Homosexuals are being used by the Cultural Marxists to destroy society so they can get their Marxists world government.
Once the Cultural Marxists don’t need the Homosexuals anymore they will be pushed under the bus.
Do you know any personally? I have a feeling they are getting on with their lives and not hurting anyone. I’m all but certain they care more about Richard Marx (sic) than Karl. You are a paranoid bigot.
Too easy. Mr Court. I will just leave that hanging there. Unless of course you want to tell me that you have no problem with the gay community? Nah. Sleep tight.
£1,175 !!!!! Even if it’s not on allowances, it’s still a clear sign of the kind of money sloshing around the BBC’s ‘market rate’ talent. Perhaps someone will remind them of this and the many other examples of corporate extravagance at the public’s expense next time one of their journalists sneers at the “we’re all in this together” slogan…but no Tory would have the guts.
I just hope they’ve fumigated those now infamous dressing rooms – wouldn’t want any of that filth contaminating those designer frocks.
Golly, a grotesque plastic entity the BBC foists on us in a usually blatant, never-ending social engineering attempt to destroy British civilisation as we know it, and now Emily Maitless gets compared to this poor Sontaran?
Sheesh, and next another compo claim for licence fee payers to uniquely fund in the offing once Shami gets her dander up decrying such mental abuse of poor out-of-planeters merely excercising their alien right to kill and maim around obscure parts of Cardiff.
More evidence that the Guardian/BBC are defenders of the indefensible (ie each other) and still have it in for the Murdoch Devil…
Patrick Wintour @patrickwintour
A greater sin to harbour phone hacker or serial child rapist, Times columnists asks. Depends if you employed them to commit these sins.
Right wing rags still the only ones keeping the ever-unfolding news-that’s-not-fit-for-the-BBC-to-broadcast going… http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/former-bbc-governor-sir-roger-jones-shock-confession-we-wouldnt-let-jimmy-savile-near-children-in-need-8231198.html ‘”It wouldn’t have happened in my day because the guy would have been at a governors’ meeting and he would have been asked by people like me ‘Why?'”
I am a bit confused as to the definition of ‘days’ in BBC Governor world, though.
This appears to have been an era when folk didn’t know anything because that was just what went on, but folk still asked questions?
Or are we to presume that Lord Patten’s ‘Only ve ask ze qwestions’ edict applies also to Governors?
How very…unique.
As it appears from the Register story the ‘old boy’ ‘independent’ QC judge-led inquiry route is as bent as the BBC internal systems, my faith in the UK politico-media establishment is now in minus figures.
Perhaps they could use some of the funds raised by this year’s telethon to provide some CEOPs out-reach officers to patrol the corridors of the BBC. It’s obvious that children are an ‘at risk’ group when within the corporation’s sphere, and apparently they cannot be trusted to police themselves.
I wonder how many would give to Children in Need if they saw where the money was going? Forget starving kids in Africa and start thinking politically-correct causes in the UK, usually involving the purchase of hundreds of quids worth of hi-tech equipment.
Menawhile, a paper with a readership somewhat in excess of the New Statesman says (actually quotes, on record)… http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4616593/A-creepy-guy-in-a-string-vestwe-didnt-want-him-anywhere-near-Children-In-Need.html ‘He said he found it bizarre that when the BBC’s director of news Helen Boaden told Entwistle how Newsnight was conducting a probe into Savile — which was later shelved — he never asked for details of it. Sir Roger declared: “I find that extraordinary.
That’s the Helen Boaden fighting holding to account like this….
ttp://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/10/29/boaden_tribunal_information_refusal/ ‘The BBC disagreed and, at great expense, continues to refuse to disclose the names of the participants. All we know is that in Boaden’s words, the 28 “external invitees” were “representatives from business, campaigners, NGOs, communications experts, people from the ‘front line’, scientists with contrasting views and academics”.
And… ‘Boaden explained that she had approved of the 2006 meeting in order to broaden the experience of Beeb hacks so that “journalists remain curious and are up-to-date“.
Except, presumably, when they are suddenly all afflicted by mass Alzheimers or warned what cuts short careers. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/aboutthebbc/posts/helen-boaden-director-of-bbc-news-at-the-lse
That Helen Boaden.
I particularly liked this bit from The Register;
“The second witness on the stand was another BBC executive. After she had finished, I asked her for the correct spelling of her name. She reeled and stepped back a pace, then emitted the universal signal of distress for Beeb bosses in trouble: rapid eye blinking. A member of the legal team rushed over asking if they could help me. I repeated that I hadn’t caught her name, and would like to spell it correctly. The flunky provided it as the executive looked on. Phew.”
Not quite, with its own ‘spin’ of course the Guardian today published an horrific story of explopitation my gangmasters of Lithuanian workers. Pity the guardian fails to show the links between the inevitability of this kind of abuse and Open Borders policies which allow for mass immigration.
This does sound an awful like some phony CYA effort:
The former governor criticised the current Director-General George Entwistle for failing to ascertain details of a Newsnight investigation into allegations of child abuse by Savile before giving the go-ahead to broadcast tribute programmes to the presenter last year. “He didn’t ask the question ‘Why?’ I find that extraordinary,” said Sir Roger.
“It wouldn’t have happened in my day because the guy would have been at a governors’ meeting and he would have been asked by people like me ‘Why?’
No, it wouldn’t have happened in your day because nobody was investigating Savile at the time, and instead everyone at the BBC preferred to turn a blind eye.
Ah… but, it’s so that “journalists remain curious and are up-to-date“.
A bit uni-directionally, perhaps, but a reflection of the dogs/flea saying within the echo chamber they deem ‘news gathering’ at the BBC… and that’s before it hits the edit suite filter for broadcast.
Who paid for this lunch? The answer doesn’t really matter because the taxpayer pays both of these entities. So, as usual we are paying for people to conspire against us (yes, I’m concluding that they were up to no good). How on earth do we stop this?
What James “If we (Labour) win the election” Naughtie. If a BBC journalist let slip their support for the Conservatives, or heaven forbid UKIP, that would be it for their career – can’t allow obviously biased journalists to present the news and interview politicians but it was supporting Labour so that’s fine and dandy.
We know that when honorary wimmin Dame Nikki Campbell found out that (gasp, shriek) there were no women among last years SPOTY finalists he pushed his dial to maximum howl and as a penance, dressed in sackcloth and ashes, he crawled on his hands and knees the 1500 miles from his thinkpod in BBC Salford Palace to Santiago de Compostela, while being thrashed by thorns every inch of the way.
Strange, no, that this ’empathy to wimmin’ he parades like it’s just won the Derby was absent when he came out with…
‘Jimmy Savile hoodwinked Thatcher’.
That would be former PrimeMinister
of the United Kingdom, Baroness Thatcher, Order of the Garter, Order of Merit, Privy Councillor, and Fellow of the Royal Society.
But to Gameshow and his tawdry bruvvas in ‘the labour movement’ – Thatcher.
Learn a bit of respect you snivelling Scots ****.
Anyhoo when I play the Glasgow halls I always zing out
‘What’s the difference between Nicky Campbell and a bucket o’ shite?’.
Heartwarming indeed to have three thousand voices coming back to me as one with,
*sigh* If the ill informed nastiness in that post requires clarification then I am not qualified. You cannot ask for respect for anyone while making childish jibes about others. That is clear to me. Maybe I am on something if that is not obvious.
Note he’s not the Dalai Lama but the Dali Llama – in other words a surrealist breed of a domesticated South American animal which normally looks like a cross between a camel and a sheep.
I thought his sig was from the Daily Llama, South America’s largest circulation daily on all aspects of tylopodian life. Hence his journolistic triumphs.
The BBC included an editorial from the NEW YORK TIMES (!) in the R4 6:10am review of the papers this morning. It was, of course, an anti-Romney screed. Mark Thompson’s new organ claims that Mitt’s plan to use local authorities to deal with emergencies like hurricanes rather that the federal government was a bad one. Remember, this was a review of the British (?) newspapers.
Perhaps this is a new departure for the BBC. Instead of allowing Mardell to channel the US MSM, the Beeb is now cutting out the middle man.
Moronic. It’s local authorities that actually do the work. What did they think Nanny Bloomberg has been doing for the last three days? Or Chris Christie? Or Dan Malloy in Connecticut? You don’t need FEMA and a massive, permanent bureaucracy just to release some Federal cash to States when they need it once or twice a year.
More Big Government fantasy from the Left-leaning NY Times, and no wonder it was seized on to read out on the BBC. They’re pretending there’s a properly functioning federal agency, LOL.
Of course, this is the paper that just “enthusiastically” endorsed the President for four more years. Did they mention that?
Mark Mardel, the BBC’s Obamtron, writes: “This is exactly what politics, what being a president, is really all about and, in a country haunted by the spectre of Hurricane Katrina, this is a moment of huge importance for the president.”
Can there be any greater evidence of Mardell’s failure as a journalist?
Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking.
Ezekiel 1:28
Seriously, though, what could the President possibly actually do here that could make or break His presidency? Not give the right kind of inspirational speech?
Presumably Bengazi is being buried by the MSM. It is possible to find out about it but certainly not from the BBC or C4.
It does look as if the US power structure and military failed completely to look after it’s own people and then tried to cover it up. I suspect total incompetence but there are other theories.
Benghazi is definitely being suppressed by the US MSM. Which, according to Jim Dandy and Nicked emus and Scott, gives the BBC a free pass to ignore it as well. Like I keep saying, there’s very little reason why the entire US division can’t be shut down and replaced with a news aggregator.
In the way the electorate of the US might expect, given its significance. After all, the BBC seems to poke its nose into every other aspect of the election, including the one that just runs and runs: the racism amongst white voters – especially in the bible-belt of the south – towards the ‘black’ (in actual fact, half-white) president.
Utter crap, Jim. You know perfectly well I’m talking about the growing scandal over the lies and the security failures and the apparent cover-up attempts. Or do you think that’s all a load of partisan nonsense and the BBC doesn’t need to report it?
Oh, he knows. He knows it’s more than his job is worth to even think about actually doing his job and reporting on it.
You have to wonder how we ever find out anything about what’s going on in the world, with the amount of reporters that don’t report the news out there right now
Sometimes when I watch BBC news or radio I’m reminded of the scene from Good Morning Vietnam, when Robin Wiliams character says; “Here’s the news, new and approved by the US Army” only with the BBC it’s “Here’s the news new and approved by the BBC / NUJ / EU / Labour / et al” and any bit of truth or fact is left out or played down, unless it advances the cause of the BBC and its allies.
As long as there’s some good old ultra-violence against the “establishment”, Mason will be satisfied. The BBC will be there to report it, so the Greeks themselves don’t need anything so mundane as their own free press.
Last weeks was on the question of immigration, this week:
“… Professor Sandel is at Harvard, his home university in the intellectual heartland of New England. Much of the debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama has been about welfare policy, social security and healthcare.”
These are beginning to fall into a pattern of Sandel *assisting* audience members who take the Obama line, while while deliberately limiting the time of those more articulate anti Obama supporters and selecting the less informed to challenge and display as in the wrong.
Do they mention Sandel’s Left-wing credentials or that Harvard is one of the most predominantly Left-wing universities in the country?
Okay, defenders of the indefensible, show me a Right-wing “philosopher” or anybody else with non-Left credentials not named Andrew Neil with their own show on the BBC.
You`ll know that Roger Scruton is and was the original pioneering philospher who put Malmesbury on the map.
Imagine my delight when the BBC decided to do a programme on Malmesbury, public philosophy to be found there-and, the Malmesbury philosophers that were to be found there.
Now-only ONE Malmesbury philosopher failed to make the cut…and was not even name checked throughout-despite being the only philosopher there until a few years back.
Any idea who it might have been Jim?…here`s a clue-he`s “right wing”, and a philosopher who thinks for himself…as opposed to veggies like Sandel rooting for Obama?
Jim-thanks for reminding me about the disgracefully biased BBC, and those useful dupes of theirs who can`t help but remind the rest of us why the BBC has GOT to go.
“subscribes to a certain version of communitarianism (although he is uncomfortable with the label)”
Sandel on Obama:
“He is trying to articulate a politics of the common good and, unlike a lot of politicians, particularly those to the left of centre, he does not shy away from engaging with moral and spiritual language. He has brought moral and religious sensibilities back into politics, against a background in which such themes have been monopolised by the Christian right.”
…in other words – it’s cool when Obama brings religiosity into politics, but it displays ignorance and prejudice when practiced by those unsophisticated, non-metropolitan, right-wing bigots. M’kay.
It being the Moral Maze tomorrow night, thought I`d get my dilemma in by way of an option.
Savile, Patten, Thompson…all are self-proclaimed Catholics.
How will God rank them when theyall have to face Him?
(no jokes about “ranking Patten” being an indictable offence in Hong Kong either please!…a political crime, I`d imagine).
Watched to see how they’d send the Roundhead message. Clip of Ann Widdecombe (anti Cromwell)ostensibly being hypocritical – comment on snobbery and privilege alongside photo of Cameron. Any clips on modernday political Puritans (Livingstone, Geoffrey Robinson ) being hypocritical/privileged? Guess
A question any journalist worth their pay might ask, or even dare to draw the contrast between the handling of the two situations. Alas, we have to make do with Mardell & Co. The rest aren’t much better, either.
INBBC’s tactical, not moral, view of Jordan’s Islamic jihadists in Syria.
There is no INBBC Arabic* moral criticism of these violent Islamic jihadists and their actions in Syria:-
“Jordan’s jihadists drawn to Syria conflict”
By Murad Batal al-Shishani,
Islamic Groups Analyst, BBC Arabic*.
* Note: BBC Arabic, based at Broadcasting House, John Peel Wing, London is currently paid for by British taxpayers, but within a year or so will be publicly financed directly by licence-payers.
Of course, INBBC/INBBC Arabic/NUJ ensures that a pro-Islam, pro-Ummah global political view is propagandised at all times.
And we pay for it.
INBBC rivals its chum Al Jazeera TV in the scale and depth of the Islamic propaganda put out by the publicly financed INBBC global broadcasting empire.
2 ahem “attackers” … shoot imam dead – he often made appeals for peace? but … but , but …
bombing buddhists? no!
hysterical hindus maybe? no …
jihadi jians then? no
pistol toting presbyterians? no
islamophobes? no
third one this year!!*?
‘Only the mentally-challenged lefties can think that ‘Cameron attacks NHS’ is the same as ‘Cameron attacks Labour’s handling of the NHS’.
Given Mr. Miliband’s recent foray into this febrile area I will avoid taking your logic to a place that may get me into trouble with whatever grievance body that will doubtless exists to yell about such comparisons.
What worries me… more.. is that they knew exactly how daft such a defence was, yet stuck with it up to and including ECU director level, and only when the Trust had it nailed to their foreheads with a stapler, did some at the £200kpa plus pay grade actually realise it was not going away as it should, and they were going to get slaughtered on matters of simple fact.
The funny part is that, though the finding record will exist, all references are going to be expunged.
Which does smack of an early time and place as well… a day in May, the Kremlin; a photographer snaps a general waving, both little knowing that…
Lord knows how many letters were exchanged between the BBC and the original complainant before he was finally vindicated – he must have supreme patience.
But very much a pyrrhic victory I suspect. The BBC still don’t seem to admit any error, the trust’s ruling against them will have no long-term impact. Guidelines will not be changed, biases will not be addressed, staff won’t be disciplined. The damage from the original headline is done and it stands.
IIRC on the BBC consumer programme “Watchdog” a few years ago one of the presenters asked a independent PR consultancy about the worst organisations when it came to responding to complaints; the BBC was his answer.
Lord knows how many letters were exchanged
It will be a lot.
They operate as much on attrition as they do arrogance.
So you will need to navigate at least a couple that are no more than default rejections where they won’t even read the complaint. Then it will move to a director who will get comfy in belief… and maybe answer a question that wasn’t posed. The BBC still don’t seem to admit any error
Of course not. the trust’s ruling against them will have no long-term impact.
But, though small, it has. It is read here. Press Gazette picked up on it.
Others will read it and ponder. Guidelines will not be changed, biases will not be addressed, staff won’t be disciplined. The damage from the original headline is done and it stands.
All, sadly true.
Not reasons enough to give up.
Especially now, as their unique service attitude and its consequences are starting to filter into the public awareness.
On last night’s 6 o’clock radio 4 news the newsreader (whoever she was) referred to ‘the west coast line fiasco’.
Fiasco it may well be, and the proper subject for an investigative programme in due course, but these are hardly the words you expect to hear on an ‘impartial’ news broadcast.
I suspect that they don’t even realise that they’re doing it.
For all their faults , you can’t really hold a fear of bible based christianity against the BBC or the Marxists. Just like all other religions bible based christianity is terrifying. That book is one of the most horrific in all of world wide fiction.
I would keep Murder and theft, ditch the others. Would also add new ones about rape and child fiddling (Jimmy savile and christian priest style). In fact never mind that lets just ditch the whole book and use the Law.
Unless of course you think its a good idea to stone someone to death because they done a sunday shift at work
Overgrown lefty minor public schoolboy Richard Bacon is a brown noser of the first water. Today his hand suddenly shoots up and he shrieks out for some attention from his former master
‘Ooooh Sir! Ask….me….me ..me!’
And what does Dickie want to share with the class?
Ooo…Ooo..my favourite American newspaper is the New York Times.
Ah, so that would be the rather liberal organ with a new CEO who just happens to be Bacon’s former boss Mark Thompson.
Oh yes. And our Dickie just loves to download the NYT every day on his App thingy. He bleats that that is how he gets all the very best news about the US elections.
A guest on Bacon’s show points out the rather Democrat leaning nature of this source.
Oh I don’t read the editorials. Bacon lamely attempts to cover his arse. I just read the geeky bits of poll data by Nat Silver. It’s like reading a maths paper. Factual innit?
Well – to coin a favoured BBC phrase – some people might say otherwise….
“Nate Silver is partisan and wrong. The voters will decide Romney v Obama, not The New York Times ”
Richard Bacon is living in a left liberal bubble of non reality. We pay for him to reside there. And why did the headmaster not exclude him for good when he got caught with the illegal substances?
My only surprise was that fellow (most wussy ever) Blue Peter presenter, Konnie Huq, wasn’t also given her own show, especially as she had the added plus of being a Muslim woman. Even the ‘positively’ discriminating BBC must have thought her just too hopeless.
BBC approved arts commentators like to keep us abreast of world cinema. Mark Kermode, for instance, has insisted that we British ought to get used to watching our movies with at least two different sets of sub-titles – afterall, he argues, that’s what they have in Asia.
But of course the impression given by BBC commentators is that world cinema is all either happy dappy Bollywood or something achingly liberal lovey-dovey artsy-fartsy.
Now when was the last time your saw a British film, drama or documentary about the First World War that didn’t heavily emphasise the waste, suffering and futility of war?
But what about Turkish film makers? What are they serving up for the mass market in Turkey.
“With a large number of films on Turkey’s Battle of Çanakkale coming out this year — for some odd reason that still escapes me — director Yeşim Sezgin’s newest “Çanakkale 1915” might actually outdo Sinan Çetin’s “Çanakkale Çocukları” in terms of its aggression, opportunism and crooked reductionism.
Honestly, when did everyone become so patriotic and ready to provoke the masses into absolutist valor?
If you’re wondering whether there is a narrative to this 128-minute-long pastiche of historical sketches that have been directly transported from a high school textbook word by word, you are very mistaken. For there are no individuals in this story, no characters, no plot points and no valid complex human emotions. The only valid emotion here is a larger-than-life calling for sacrifice and protecting the country.”
There is the full review here (read it and worry).
I have a question. Could someone please remind me how it was that the legendary Helen Boaden / George Entwistle conversation about Newsnight’s Savile report and how that might impact on the Xmas Savile specials became public?
Was it Hugs Boaden who leaked it? It certainly served to cover her position as head of news somewhat – although it caused Incurious George to have to perform some spectacular mental gymnastics of not asking the obvious and all done behind his supposed BBC Chinese Wall.
Afterall what could Savile have done? It had to be either underage sex or finacial wrongdoing in connection with his charity work. Pick one, any one, and it puts a right dampner on the tribute shows.
The point being our blessed Helen appears to save some face by at least tipping George the wink. So what do we reckon, did she leak something and George then had to desperately censor and minimize what was said? Or did the two of them cook the whole idea up between them?
What’s that? No warming for 15 years? What a travesty!
Quick, better call it ‘climate change’ – better still, make that ‘global weirding’, then we can blame any extreme weather event on global warming, I mean climate change. Sorry, where were we?
“NYT writer accuses Mark Thompson of ‘wilful ignorance’ over Jimmy Savile.
“Joe Nocera asks why ex-BBC director general did not order inquiry after learning of Newsnight programme on presenter.”
Lucky for Joe, BBC culture under Mr. Thompson and beyond in no way reflects ongoing pettiness, back-stabbing, position-jockeying and grudge-holding, so when the new CEO arrives one is sure his position is safe.
Ask Liz McKean.
Last night I sat down to watch Chris Packham go on an expedition to discover more about glaciers (in Greenland). There was nothing else on. But as I started to watch I began to think, “how long before they mention climate change” and began to enjoy the programme less. I suppose they did quite well – forty minutes in before they had one of the expedition musing that if all the ice (not sure whether he said Greenland or just that glacier) melted due to climate change then sea levels would rise 2-3 metres world wide. Chris didn’t ask him about the growing ice in the southern hemisphere. Fortunately after that little interlude they got back to investigating the glacier. I noticed that some of the scientific equipment had a BBC logo on it – I presume that the BBC therefore contributed to the expedition on the basis that some element contained a warning on climate change. Why oh why does every programme about nature have to have wormed into it a diatribe about climate change? It is getting predictable and spoils some good programmes.
The alarmists – led by one of their most notable proponents, NASA man James Hansen (still there) – were predicting 20 years ago that by now Manhattan would be under 20 feet of water.
You just know the connection will be made, don’t you….?
The Savile story this morning is about how he used to turn up at Leeds General Infirmary late at night with “teenage girls”. In the Toady interview this morning at c6:35, the chap at LGI talks about him turning up with “women”.
OK, it might be a difference without a distinction, but why did the Beeb not use his own word? Why did the “women” morph into “teenage girls”? One wonders whether the Beeb is now in dungspreader mode, trying to spread the blame about a bit, even when it involves the nation’s most popular institution (it says here) the NHS?
The fact that Savile worked as a volunteer at LGI while the BBC paid him shed-loads over decades has nothing to do with anything, of course.
Of course such things can slip by across such a vast online estate, but of all the DJ’s to have up front, eh?
And if any outfit Auntie had a grudge against did not respond immediately and sensitively (as opposed to not at all, after weeks) by purging all references… there would have been hell to pay. At the very least the Breakfast sofa would have been bedecked by Deputy Directors of Charities earning their hundred k – http://jobs.guardian.co.uk/job/4532782/deputy-chief-executive/? – by having a fit of the vapours on behalf of their traumatised charges
As it is, I think I am offended.
Where’s Carter Ruck’s number?
I know fine well it was all untrue, etc., etc. Have you never heard of satire? Did you really think “The Daily Mash” wos a reel paper, like? Did you really think that *I* thought the Daily Mash wos a reel paper? Blimey….
p.s. Sorry to reply again – I just thought “The Daily Mash” had a very direct hit and aptly demonstrated just how our “Daily Papers” operate. I went to the other “DM” tonight and was rather disgusted to see that the very, most important, headline story of the day was a woman killed by dogs. As I commented (no hope of being published): It is sad, yes. It is tragic, yes! But it is not stuff of which headlines are made. Just which dumbed down school of journalism did your “reporters” go to? *AND* your editors come to that?
Thanks for this Tom.
Thankfully the admirable Crichton(Michael) is posted by Reed on a thread nearby-and so we need not worry about lefties hissing about anything “under threat”.
Let the BBC talk their old games-let`s just not pay for it in case they`re still subbing Savile…can`t be too careful, and would hate to be “Townshended”.
Good old Crichton-good old Reed!
STILL THE BBC IS SILENT ON BENGAZI! I am angry, dismayed and ashamed. Now a further question: do US news networks (and others?) have White House emails telling rescuers to stand down?
They all know about it, Louis. So far, only local news outlets have brought this up. One even challenged Him on it in what was supposed to be a softball interview.
Whatever has replaced the JournoList has kept this well under wraps by rationalizing it as a desire not to politicize the deaths of the Ambassador and others. Unfortunately, the Washington Post has broken radio silence on this, although they’re trying to spin it in a way that will allow the President to run out the clock.
Jay Leno brought it up last night, though, so the cat is out of the bag at last. It’s probably too late in the game to have any real effect, especially with the President currently being portrayed as the most heroic President in a crisis ever. The Beltway is all abuzz about Chris Christie praising His actions, trying to figure out how to use that to tell the public that the Romney surrogate has turned against the Republican.
p. herbert of the ahem! black law society? … i know … why?? one of the instigators of the black football union … hmmm is on the erm “met hate forum”
didn t go to the chelsea match,(re the ref) or like football – but read something in a newspaper or watched sky … and obviously saw a moneymaking opportunity,
as it … “may have the appearance of a racial incident” he bleats … he doesn t have confidence in the FA, but of course does in the met hate forum :-D. (and in himself
to profit).
i can t even be bothered to mention it any more, you just HAVE … to hear it,
so here goes the slippery slope … of the offence and “wacism” industry … yep! once the door is opened
Interesting that the police take a complaint from people who have not actually witnessed, even in replay, what they are complaining about, accurate or not.
I guess it was because he was a judge… so they’ll accept any old thing he fancies trotting out.
The fuzz should employ some of the gatekeepers from BBC CECUTT who, it appears, can be of the view that if you hear of a transgression (say… here) and seek it out to verify before complaining, then that’s just not cricket.
So many uniques in this country’s establishment… so little common flippin’ sense.
I don’t care if he is PC Untouchable, since when do you move on what a bloke who can’t be arsed to check has heard about and fancies winding up a notch?
The guy sounds like he knows just how immune from any consequences he is.
But credit the anchor for trying to get him – a judge – to admit that he was stretching the semantic interpretation of the law, to if not beyond the limit.
This bozo appears to have missed the point that a person is innocent until proven guilty (not via ‘some evidence… around’), which for a judge is a bit of a worry.
The Macpherson Definition, that ‘anybody.. can mean anybody’… sounds like a total justice Horlicks that serves only cocky hustlers like this…. Herbert.
Who the heck placed this person in a position of authority over the liberty of individuals when he is clearly motivated by a lot more than justice?
I actually thought that Phil Williams – ‘in for Victoria’ (aren’t we all?) – handled that pretty well.
But he should have asked for a comment from the Society of White Lawyers or the National White Police Association.
“whites have a union its called the bnp”
was this intellectually damaged individuals
reply last week when asked just that type of question.
that this money orientated, and yes … racist political activist, whose only interest is in creating a protected class,(in and of itself discriminatory), is deemed fit to judge anything is beyond words.
met “hate” forum?, another lucrative little earner, this shill is able to use HIS “colour” to abuse
Using ‘Viewpoint’ guise-
-INBBC propagandises for Erdogan/AKP, and virtually ignores Islamisation there , and impact of 80 million Muslim Turks on E.U. entry (which INBBC approves).
How the bBC writes up the bad news when its leftwing agenda suffers a set back (Can anybody find the below story by not following the link?) Yunus Rahmatullah: Supreme Court rules on detainee The UK Supreme Court has ruled against a legal charity which argued a Pakistani national in US custody should be handed over to the UK.
In the case of Yunus Rahmatullah the court upheld an ancient right requiring authorities to produce prisoners. But the court agreed with the UK government that it was unable to enforce his return. He was captured by UK forces in Iraq in 2004 and later handed over to US forces at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan. Mr Rahmatullah, a suspected insurgent who the US authorities believed had links with al-Qaeda, remains in US custody, without charge. Last year the Court of Appeal ordered Mr Rahmatullah’s return to UK authorities under the law of habeas corpus, an ancient tenet of English law. But that release order was cancelled in February by Court of Appeal judges after they were told the US authorities were not going to co-operate. A panel of seven Supreme Court judges has decided, by a 5-2 majority, to dismiss legal charity Reprieve’s appeal against that decision.
Did anybody get the full jist of what just transpired above. On reading the full bBC article i was left in the mind that this man is innocent, that he is somehow British (yeah right)
Here is what the bBC don’t tell you about so called British victim Yunus
1) A Pakistani citizen who at 22 years of age found himself arrested by British forces patrolling in an American held area inside Iraq in 2004. His family didn’t even know he was in Iraq until the Americans allowed the Red Cross to visit him.
2) Here is how the Independent relate the same story:
Human right campaigners have failed to persuade the UK’s highest court to come to the aid of a 30-year-old Pakistani held without trial for more than eight years after being captured following the allied invasion of Iraq.
British-based human rights lawyers asked the Supreme Court to help free Yunus Rahmatullah after appeals to the High Court and the Court of Appeal ended in disappointment. But a panel of seven Supreme Court justices dismissed their latest appeal – by a 5-2 majority – after a hearing in London.
Why does the bBC, go well out of its way in which to confuse the reader when one of its blood sucking Islamic Terrorists doesn’t get released into the custody of the British authorities.
The bBC, the mouth piece for radical Islam and traitors to the British taxpayer
And further to my last isn’t it amazing what a little trawling finds out. Something I must add the billion pound strong bbC couldn’t serch out: The Divisional Court refused an application made on Mr Rahmatullah’s behalf for a writ of habeas corpus requiring his release. On appeal, the Court of Appeal allowed Mr Rahmatullah’s appeal and issued a writ of habeas corpus requiring the UK to seek his return or at least demonstrate why it could not. The Secretary of State requested the US authorities to return Mr Rahmatullah. A letter was received in response from the US deputy assistant Secretary of State for Defense. The US authorities did not agree to return Mr Rahmatullah to the UK. The letter stated that the US had already received a request from the Government of Pakistan for Mr Rahmatullah’s repatriation, and that they considered it to be more appropriate to discuss the conditions of transfer directly with the Government of Pakistan. The Court of Appeal found that this letter was a sufficient response to the writ of habeas corpus and that was the end of the matter.
i think the BBC should do a ‘documentary’ on how many of their employees have private health care, shares in companies and private school education (themselves or their offspring)
BBC’s 5LiveDrive and and Drive programme on Radio 4 were in full Climate Alarmist mode yesterday.
For example, “Drive” said it requested an interview with both Hayes and Davey, neither of whom “were available” for comment. Instead, the BBC played a 30 sec clip of a breeze playing softly over some wind chimes.
I imagine this sounds nothing like the percussive thump of a wind turbine next to your house, but, hey ho, this is the BBC
Why oh why is the BBc (and others ) refering to the American Storm as “Superstorm” Sandy every time.
Note how The Tory defeat is promoted to first story. the spectre of John Major rises blah blah. Not Liebour opprtunists jump on bandwagon. When I went to see my Liebour Mp about the Lisbon treaty. A- he didn’t understand what I was talking about. B- Basically told me I had a snowballs chance in Hell of getting a referendum on EU.
The BBc breakfast dullness contunues on Tories in crisis blah blah.
Had to like this one back: The Big Fella @BigFatBaldGuy1
@BBCMarkMardell In the US maybe. Story not so good around Jimmy Savile…
Un-named source off record I notice. BBC News? You pass on what you think we should hear!
I wonder if solo trumpeter Mr. Mardell will pull a Vine and block Big Fella. Or a BBC CECUTT and expedite him. Or a Lord Patten and warn him off or else.
Which would be ironic on so many levels.
You’re talking about Democrat-voting union members here who’re angry at Gov. Christie for telling them their state-funded gold-plated pensions are unsustainable. It’s like crowing over a group of Carmelite nuns who think the Gospels are telling it like it is, unfiltered.
Seems odd to hear a BBC employee start near each question with statement on an industry they know near zippy about, and being corrected by an industry leader (woman says he was on twitter; he says he wasn’t… moving on). Which is it BBC, education and information or yet more skewed gossip? Yes, let’s talk about him as if he’s not here… some people would say.
Now accepting Mr. Leary has a drum to bash, why is it one only gets only presented with a direct counter extreme… from a supposedly objective broadcaster?
Must be nice to own the edit suite… uniquely funded no matter what, and offer your paying customers zero refunds too.
Didn’t really think the whole customer service thing through too well, did they, especially Lord Patten when he warned any off even asking questions of them.
“…this remorseless expansion of your business and other airlines…”
Big business! – boo-hiss, uncaring, evil capitalist exploiters, despoilers of mother nature blah blah blah. (see Anthony Jay’s quote at the bottom of the site – it all continues to this day).
It also sounds remarkably like one of those value judgements that the BBC is normally reluctant to indulge in – selectively, of course.
I once read in Private Eye that Radio 5, when it became all news and sport, was intended to appeal to the manual working class, who , it was believed, would give no credibility to squeaky voiced women talking about football. They therefore (a la Thatcher) trained all the woman presenters to speak one octave lower than they normally would. I have trouble telling them apart myself. The old Grauniad radio critic, whose name I’ve forgotten but who was partial to a bit of skunk, once wrote that the Radio 5 women had the sexiest female voices on radio!
‘….if you’re on Radio 5 Lite you’re not a journalist you’re a glorified Pontins Yellowcoat’
Before some Beeb-minded cherrypicker points this out: Pontins were famous for their blue coats. The yellowcoats worked at the fictional Maplins – Hi-di-hi!
Anyway those 5 Live so-called journalists are in fact much more in the mould of the purple suited Gamesmakers.
“London 2012 Chairman Lord Coe said this week the volunteers had cultivated one of the country’s biggest fan clubs”
[yep that sounds like the Beeb] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19512993
Of course the Beeb are sad that the Oympics are over.
“No more pink foam-handed high-fives for the children; no more cheerily megaphoned messages to queues at venues; no more high-chair jollity outside Tube stations.”
[yep that sounds exactly like 5 Live]
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
‘I’m more of a spin doctor than a real doctor…’
[Alastair Campbell]
Interesting admission this morning by the Labour man as clan Campbell gathers on BBC 5 Live to big up Ed Miliband’s latest witterings and to whinge about so-called NHS cuts. There was me thinking the health budget was ring fenced and that it was the New Labour PFI schemes that have gone pear shaped.
BBC: Radio Labour
Nauseating. Nicky and Alastair are holding hands and doing a duo of ‘I Love You Love Me’ (Gary Glitter 1973).
…no need to ask “Do you want to be in my gang” – we know they’re all joined up already.
Perhaps more “Do You Wanna Touch Me? (Oh Yeah)“.
On second thoughts, let’s not go there.
With hindsight, ‘Hello hello, it’s good to be back’ has a particularly nasty and telling lyric, and coincidentally ends with one of Jimmy Savile’s catchphrases ‘Goodness Gracious’.
Can’t make it up
So Labour weren’t planning to reduce the NHS budget, then, whilst they were still in power? Bet the BBC didn’t raise that one.
The BBC’s line on labour from 1997 – 2010 is that they have learned lessons, drawn a line under it and moved on. So there is no point in comparing current evil coalition plans with the benevolent labour parties frustrated attempts to improve this country for the benefit of every single person who lives here.
BBC Bastards! I really hate them with a passion. They are vile and evil and hell bent on destroying this country of ours.
When Miliband speaks to us all about the need for more Prozac and more “understanding of mental `elf ishoos”…we know now that this is the balloon going up for Alistair Campbell to come out on a day pass and tell us all whatever is on his mind.
Dr Hook…now that was real doctor Al….now is that Alistair, or Alan(as in Partridge)?
Nowt to do with the BBC but when the LibDums ran out of wars to say no to they had to stop being a single issue party and try and rustle up some policies from somewhere, anywhere.
They had the perfectly sensible policy of cutting the NHS budget but seem to have gone a bit quiet on that and replaced it with howling for a ridiculous mansion tax.
These are our principles.
If you don’t like them we have others.
Beeboids have conveniently forgotten that it was little Nicky Clegg who coined the term ‘savage cuts’ at his party’s 2009 autumn conference – but it’s always entirely about ‘Torycutz’ at the BBC.
Tuned in to R4 yesterday at the back end of a little discussion piece on Andrew Marr’s programme. From what I could gather it was about Britains security services, our role in ‘extraordinary rendition’ etc etc, – the usual open and frank debate of like minds we have all come to expect from the BBC.
But then this geezer – I think he was an author – said he’d heard from some sources that young Muslims in this country have gone missing, and even suggested with a bit of a conspiratorial snigger that they are even ‘killed’. Needless to say this completely uncorroborated and highly inflammatory statement passed by without comment or challenge from Marr. Irresponsible, reckless broadcasting, but totally in tune with the BBC’s victimhood Muslims, pro-Islamic agenda.
…. but they’ll bend over backwards not to mention the folks who were convicted in a curtof law of operating paedophile rings, ’cause that would be inflammoty, doncha’know?
They do a lot of bending at the BBC, and not necessarily backwards, either…
12 likes for blatant homophobia. Mmmmmm.
Homosexuals are being used by the Cultural Marxists to destroy society so they can get their Marxists world government.
Once the Cultural Marxists don’t need the Homosexuals anymore they will be pushed under the bus.
Do you know any personally? I have a feeling they are getting on with their lives and not hurting anyone. I’m all but certain they care more about Richard Marx (sic) than Karl. You are a paranoid bigot.
Why am I a bigot I have not said anything bad about Homosexuals.
Typical Lefty can’t win an argument so resorts to used infantile insults.
Too easy. Mr Court. I will just leave that hanging there. Unless of course you want to tell me that you have no problem with the gay community? Nah. Sleep tight.
I have no problem with Homosexuals.
Do you suffer from projection?
I see what you are doing and it is cute but your post history says you have. Give me a kiss, let’s make up.
Get a room, ladies.
21 and rising!
Oo-er Missus!
Young Muslims in this country going missing and being killed?
I presume he wasn’t talking about teenage girls who refuse to marry the men that their parents have very kindly arranged for them?
Because of course that’s the wrong sort of ‘going missing and being killed’…
Not to mention those that have gone to Syria/Afganistan to attend various weddings/funerals etc.
Missing and Killed? So their bodies are turning up then? Where?
Seems like a lie to me.
I’m just hoping that the BBC didn’t give in to Jane Hill’s demands for a ‘dress allowance’ if this is the kind of money they spend on clothing…
£1,175 !!!!! Even if it’s not on allowances, it’s still a clear sign of the kind of money sloshing around the BBC’s ‘market rate’ talent. Perhaps someone will remind them of this and the many other examples of corporate extravagance at the public’s expense next time one of their journalists sneers at the “we’re all in this together” slogan…but no Tory would have the guts.
I just hope they’ve fumigated those now infamous dressing rooms – wouldn’t want any of that filth contaminating those designer frocks.
Golly, a grotesque plastic entity the BBC foists on us in a usually blatant, never-ending social engineering attempt to destroy British civilisation as we know it, and now Emily Maitless gets compared to this poor Sontaran?
Sheesh, and next another compo claim for licence fee payers to uniquely fund in the offing once Shami gets her dander up decrying such mental abuse of poor out-of-planeters merely excercising their alien right to kill and maim around obscure parts of Cardiff.
She’s just a stage performer, so it’s only appropriate that the BBC is dressing her up as a show pony.
Emily Maitlis – socialist bias exposed on here countless times – chooses exclusive £1175 cocktail dress to wear for reading the news?
BBC out of touch with hard-working licence fee-payers? Move along there, nothing to see….
More evidence that the Guardian/BBC are defenders of the indefensible (ie each other) and still have it in for the Murdoch Devil…
Patrick Wintour @patrickwintour
A greater sin to harbour phone hacker or serial child rapist, Times columnists asks. Depends if you employed them to commit these sins.
Moral relativism 101.
Not all are taking it so seriously as Mr. Wintour..
Right wing rags still the only ones keeping the ever-unfolding news-that’s-not-fit-for-the-BBC-to-broadcast going…
‘”It wouldn’t have happened in my day because the guy would have been at a governors’ meeting and he would have been asked by people like me ‘Why?'”
I am a bit confused as to the definition of ‘days’ in BBC Governor world, though.
This appears to have been an era when folk didn’t know anything because that was just what went on, but folk still asked questions?
Or are we to presume that Lord Patten’s ‘Only ve ask ze qwestions’ edict applies also to Governors?
How very…unique.
As it appears from the Register story the ‘old boy’ ‘independent’ QC judge-led inquiry route is as bent as the BBC internal systems, my faith in the UK politico-media establishment is now in minus figures.
Perhaps they could use some of the funds raised by this year’s telethon to provide some CEOPs out-reach officers to patrol the corridors of the BBC. It’s obvious that children are an ‘at risk’ group when within the corporation’s sphere, and apparently they cannot be trusted to police themselves.
What money? Who’s going to give cash to Children in Need?
I wonder how many would give to Children in Need if they saw where the money was going? Forget starving kids in Africa and start thinking politically-correct causes in the UK, usually involving the purchase of hundreds of quids worth of hi-tech equipment.
……….or certain book shop owners planning the next Guy Fawks in an underground station near you.
Menawhile, a paper with a readership somewhat in excess of the New Statesman says (actually quotes, on record)…
‘He said he found it bizarre that when the BBC’s director of news Helen Boaden told Entwistle how Newsnight was conducting a probe into Savile — which was later shelved — he never asked for details of it. Sir Roger declared: “I find that extraordinary.
That’s the Helen Boaden fighting holding to account like this….
‘The BBC disagreed and, at great expense, continues to refuse to disclose the names of the participants. All we know is that in Boaden’s words, the 28 “external invitees” were “representatives from business, campaigners, NGOs, communications experts, people from the ‘front line’, scientists with contrasting views and academics”.
‘Boaden explained that she had approved of the 2006 meeting in order to broaden the experience of Beeb hacks so that “journalists remain curious and are up-to-date“.
Except, presumably, when they are suddenly all afflicted by mass Alzheimers or warned what cuts short careers.
That Helen Boaden.
I particularly liked this bit from The Register;
“The second witness on the stand was another BBC executive. After she had finished, I asked her for the correct spelling of her name. She reeled and stepped back a pace, then emitted the universal signal of distress for Beeb bosses in trouble: rapid eye blinking. A member of the legal team rushed over asking if they could help me. I repeated that I hadn’t caught her name, and would like to spell it correctly. The flunky provided it as the executive looked on. Phew.”
Not quite, with its own ‘spin’ of course the Guardian today published an horrific story of explopitation my gangmasters of Lithuanian workers. Pity the guardian fails to show the links between the inevitability of this kind of abuse and Open Borders policies which allow for mass immigration.
I do not even see this story on the BBC.
Don’t forget the main driving force behind the need for immigrant labour – the minimum wage.
That great policy triumph of
the EULabour.This does sound an awful like some phony CYA effort:
The former governor criticised the current Director-General George Entwistle for failing to ascertain details of a Newsnight investigation into allegations of child abuse by Savile before giving the go-ahead to broadcast tribute programmes to the presenter last year. “He didn’t ask the question ‘Why?’ I find that extraordinary,” said Sir Roger.
“It wouldn’t have happened in my day because the guy would have been at a governors’ meeting and he would have been asked by people like me ‘Why?’
No, it wouldn’t have happened in your day because nobody was investigating Savile at the time, and instead everyone at the BBC preferred to turn a blind eye.
BBC Radio Grievance are hitting some lows this morning.
Nicky Campbell is making a reality of Ed Miliband’s siren call for campaigning fruitcakes everywhere to stand proud and claim their rights.
A typical caller:
‘When I made my posters for my group, the doctors wouldn’t let me put them up…’
Step up, name your own illness, form a support group, demand funding, storm the barricades!
Its that old NHS bottomless money pit again.
Someday I will learn how to post tweets properly!
From eye spy MP
Naughtie slagging of David Cameron, Balls agreeing. The table opposite loudly accuse Balls of “Economic Jihad”.
Expand Reply
2hEye Spy MP@eyespymp
Y’day lunchtime – Ed Balls at Les Deux Salons, having lunch with BBC’s Jim Naughty.
Par for the course for Labour’s Naughtie!
Ah… but, it’s so that “journalists remain curious and are up-to-date“.
A bit uni-directionally, perhaps, but a reflection of the dogs/flea saying within the echo chamber they deem ‘news gathering’ at the BBC… and that’s before it hits the edit suite filter for broadcast.
Who paid for this lunch? The answer doesn’t really matter because the taxpayer pays both of these entities. So, as usual we are paying for people to conspire against us (yes, I’m concluding that they were up to no good). How on earth do we stop this?
Close the BBC.
What James “If we (Labour) win the election” Naughtie. If a BBC journalist let slip their support for the Conservatives, or heaven forbid UKIP, that would be it for their career – can’t allow obviously biased journalists to present the news and interview politicians but it was supporting Labour so that’s fine and dandy.
Interesting tweets from Eye Spy MP, Balls and Jim Nauchtie having lunch together. Nice to see there is no favouritism from the bBC.
We know that when honorary wimmin Dame Nikki Campbell found out that (gasp, shriek) there were no women among last years SPOTY finalists he pushed his dial to maximum howl and as a penance, dressed in sackcloth and ashes, he crawled on his hands and knees the 1500 miles from his thinkpod in BBC Salford Palace to Santiago de Compostela, while being thrashed by thorns every inch of the way.
Strange, no, that this ’empathy to wimmin’ he parades like it’s just won the Derby was absent when he came out with…
‘Jimmy Savile hoodwinked Thatcher’.
That would be former PrimeMinister
of the United Kingdom, Baroness Thatcher, Order of the Garter, Order of Merit, Privy Councillor, and Fellow of the Royal Society.
But to Gameshow and his tawdry bruvvas in ‘the labour movement’ – Thatcher.
Learn a bit of respect you snivelling Scots ****.
Anyhoo when I play the Glasgow halls I always zing out
‘What’s the difference between Nicky Campbell and a bucket o’ shite?’.
Heartwarming indeed to have three thousand voices coming back to me as one with,
A question I’ve often wanted to ask Gameshow Nicky – “Would you like to buy a vowel?”
Blatant disrespect and ignorance about Scotland. Nicky Campbell has changed gender? Subtext asking for respect. Mmmmmm
What ARE you on about?
…or – what are you on?
*sigh* If the ill informed nastiness in that post requires clarification then I am not qualified. You cannot ask for respect for anyone while making childish jibes about others. That is clear to me. Maybe I am on something if that is not obvious.
The Libtardness is strong in him.
Note he’s not the Dalai Lama but the Dali Llama – in other words a surrealist breed of a domesticated South American animal which normally looks like a cross between a camel and a sheep.
I thought his sig was from the Daily Llama, South America’s largest circulation daily on all aspects of tylopodian life. Hence his journolistic triumphs.
The BBC included an editorial from the NEW YORK TIMES (!) in the R4 6:10am review of the papers this morning. It was, of course, an anti-Romney screed. Mark Thompson’s new organ claims that Mitt’s plan to use local authorities to deal with emergencies like hurricanes rather that the federal government was a bad one. Remember, this was a review of the British (?) newspapers.
Perhaps this is a new departure for the BBC. Instead of allowing Mardell to channel the US MSM, the Beeb is now cutting out the middle man.
Moronic. It’s local authorities that actually do the work. What did they think Nanny Bloomberg has been doing for the last three days? Or Chris Christie? Or Dan Malloy in Connecticut? You don’t need FEMA and a massive, permanent bureaucracy just to release some Federal cash to States when they need it once or twice a year.
More Big Government fantasy from the Left-leaning NY Times, and no wonder it was seized on to read out on the BBC. They’re pretending there’s a properly functioning federal agency, LOL.
Of course, this is the paper that just “enthusiastically” endorsed the President for four more years. Did they mention that?
Mark Mardel, the BBC’s Obamtron, writes: “This is exactly what politics, what being a president, is really all about and, in a country haunted by the spectre of Hurricane Katrina, this is a moment of huge importance for the president.”
No, Mark. The moment of huge importance for the president was Bengazi. But then, you haven’t heard about that, have you?
Can there be any greater evidence of Mardell’s failure as a journalist?
Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking.
Ezekiel 1:28
Seriously, though, what could the President possibly actually do here that could make or break His presidency? Not give the right kind of inspirational speech?
Presumably Bengazi is being buried by the MSM. It is possible to find out about it but certainly not from the BBC or C4.
It does look as if the US power structure and military failed completely to look after it’s own people and then tried to cover it up. I suspect total incompetence but there are other theories.
Benghazi is definitely being suppressed by the US MSM. Which, according to Jim Dandy and Nicked emus and Scott, gives the BBC a free pass to ignore it as well. Like I keep saying, there’s very little reason why the entire US division can’t be shut down and replaced with a news aggregator.
BBC hasn’t ignored it; lots of coverage. Do you mean they’ve not continued to cover it in the way you’d like?
In the way the electorate of the US might expect, given its significance. After all, the BBC seems to poke its nose into every other aspect of the election, including the one that just runs and runs: the racism amongst white voters – especially in the bible-belt of the south – towards the ‘black’ (in actual fact, half-white) president.
Utter crap, Jim. You know perfectly well I’m talking about the growing scandal over the lies and the security failures and the apparent cover-up attempts. Or do you think that’s all a load of partisan nonsense and the BBC doesn’t need to report it?
Hurricane emergency? State and local responsibility.
Overseas mission emergency? Presidential responsibility.
Oh, he knows. He knows it’s more than his job is worth to even think about actually doing his job and reporting on it.
You have to wonder how we ever find out anything about what’s going on in the world, with the amount of reporters that don’t report the news out there right now
Sometimes when I watch BBC news or radio I’m reminded of the scene from Good Morning Vietnam, when Robin Wiliams character says; “Here’s the news, new and approved by the US Army” only with the BBC it’s “Here’s the news new and approved by the BBC / NUJ / EU / Labour / et al” and any bit of truth or fact is left out or played down, unless it advances the cause of the BBC and its allies.
This is ment to be in reply to Louis Robinson on Mark Mardel above.
Paul Mason, BBC Anger & Protest Editor, has been excited about Greece to near exception of anything else of late.
I wonder if he’ll cover this?:
As the EU is looking pretty iffy here, I can see the BBC having one of those ‘he said/I didn’t hear’ ‘independent’ editorial manager meetings in the loos on this one before deciding to ‘move on’:
As long as there’s some good old ultra-violence against the “establishment”, Mason will be satisfied. The BBC will be there to report it, so the Greeks themselves don’t need anything so mundane as their own free press.
The philosphical debate from the US continued this morning at nine on radio 4.
Last weeks was on the question of immigration, this week:
“… Professor Sandel is at Harvard, his home university in the intellectual heartland of New England. Much of the debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama has been about welfare policy, social security and healthcare.”
These are beginning to fall into a pattern of Sandel *assisting* audience members who take the Obama line, while while deliberately limiting the time of those more articulate anti Obama supporters and selecting the less informed to challenge and display as in the wrong.
Do they mention Sandel’s Left-wing credentials or that Harvard is one of the most predominantly Left-wing universities in the country?
Okay, defenders of the indefensible, show me a Right-wing “philosopher” or anybody else with non-Left credentials not named Andrew Neil with their own show on the BBC.
What a silly question that is to Dez and the disciples, you aint gonna get an answer.
I can answer it for him if you like though…
Roger Scruton, why beauty matters.
You`ll know that Roger Scruton is and was the original pioneering philospher who put Malmesbury on the map.
Imagine my delight when the BBC decided to do a programme on Malmesbury, public philosophy to be found there-and, the Malmesbury philosophers that were to be found there.
Now-only ONE Malmesbury philosopher failed to make the cut…and was not even name checked throughout-despite being the only philosopher there until a few years back.
Any idea who it might have been Jim?…here`s a clue-he`s “right wing”, and a philosopher who thinks for himself…as opposed to veggies like Sandel rooting for Obama?
Jim-thanks for reminding me about the disgracefully biased BBC, and those useful dupes of theirs who can`t help but remind the rest of us why the BBC has GOT to go.
Is Sandel particularly left wing? Your link doesn’t prove it. He’s an old style liberal far as I can tell.
“subscribes to a certain version of communitarianism (although he is uncomfortable with the label)”
Sandel on Obama:
“He is trying to articulate a politics of the common good and, unlike a lot of politicians, particularly those to the left of centre, he does not shy away from engaging with moral and spiritual language. He has brought moral and religious sensibilities back into politics, against a background in which such themes have been monopolised by the Christian right.”
Clear whose side he’s on then.
…in other words – it’s cool when Obama brings religiosity into politics, but it displays ignorance and prejudice when practiced by those unsophisticated, non-metropolitan, right-wing bigots. M’kay.
It being the Moral Maze tomorrow night, thought I`d get my dilemma in by way of an option.
Savile, Patten, Thompson…all are self-proclaimed Catholics.
How will God rank them when theyall have to face Him?
(no jokes about “ranking Patten” being an indictable offence in Hong Kong either please!…a political crime, I`d imagine).
BBC4 last night – Roundheads/Cavaliers.
Watched to see how they’d send the Roundhead message. Clip of Ann Widdecombe (anti Cromwell)ostensibly being hypocritical – comment on snobbery and privilege alongside photo of Cameron. Any clips on modernday political Puritans (Livingstone, Geoffrey Robinson ) being hypocritical/privileged? Guess
I understand the BBC sources much of its news from twitter.
There also seem many BBC staff who hail from North of the border, along with Labour MPs and Union leaders.
I am sure there is no connection, though.
…and from the same site…
A question any journalist worth their pay might ask, or even dare to draw the contrast between the handling of the two situations. Alas, we have to make do with Mardell & Co. The rest aren’t much better, either.
INBBC’s tactical position re-Islamic jihadists.
INBBC’s tactical, not moral, view of Jordan’s Islamic jihadists in Syria.
There is no INBBC Arabic* moral criticism of these violent Islamic jihadists and their actions in Syria:-
“Jordan’s jihadists drawn to Syria conflict”
By Murad Batal al-Shishani,
Islamic Groups Analyst, BBC Arabic*.
* Note: BBC Arabic, based at Broadcasting House, John Peel Wing, London is currently paid for by British taxpayers, but within a year or so will be publicly financed directly by licence-payers.
Of course, INBBC/INBBC Arabic/NUJ ensures that a pro-Islam, pro-Ummah global political view is propagandised at all times.
And we pay for it.
INBBC rivals its chum Al Jazeera TV in the scale and depth of the Islamic propaganda put out by the publicly financed INBBC global broadcasting empire.
2 ahem “attackers” … shoot imam dead – he often made appeals for peace? but … but , but …
bombing buddhists? no!
hysterical hindus maybe? no …
jihadi jians then? no
pistol toting presbyterians? no
islamophobes? no
third one this year!!*?
where were all those “moderate” muslims eh!
I hope no Korans were damaged in the attack, otherwise they’ll be kicking off from Nouakchott to Jakarta again after prayers tomorrow…
One for any who have entered the labyrinth that is BBC CECUTT and, maybe, those who feel there is no value in chipping away, ant-bite by ant-bite…
It’s when good people trying to do something, anything, get to find other good people in support that those who rule by fear start to worry.
I think also of the Register story today, where a man and his wife had to face Helen Boaden and her full, and fully-funded legal team, simply because they had the audacity to ask the BBC they pay… a question.
The really worrying thing about http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/trust-upholds-complaint-against-bbc-news-over-inaccurate-tweet is that the bBBC defended their mistake by claiming it was accurate.
Only the mentally-challenged lefties can think that ‘Cameron attacks NHS’ is the same as ‘Cameron attacks Labour’s handling of the NHS’.
It’s in their DNA.
Indeed but the same thing occurs online (and among the Tweet feeds if they were all monitored) to some extent EVERY DAY.
‘Only the mentally-challenged lefties can think that ‘Cameron attacks NHS’ is the same as ‘Cameron attacks Labour’s handling of the NHS’.
Given Mr. Miliband’s recent foray into this febrile area I will avoid taking your logic to a place that may get me into trouble with whatever grievance body that will doubtless exists to yell about such comparisons.
What worries me… more.. is that they knew exactly how daft such a defence was, yet stuck with it up to and including ECU director level, and only when the Trust had it nailed to their foreheads with a stapler, did some at the £200kpa plus pay grade actually realise it was not going away as it should, and they were going to get slaughtered on matters of simple fact.
The funny part is that, though the finding record will exist, all references are going to be expunged.
Which does smack of an early time and place as well… a day in May, the Kremlin; a photographer snaps a general waving, both little knowing that…
Lord knows how many letters were exchanged between the BBC and the original complainant before he was finally vindicated – he must have supreme patience.
But very much a pyrrhic victory I suspect. The BBC still don’t seem to admit any error, the trust’s ruling against them will have no long-term impact. Guidelines will not be changed, biases will not be addressed, staff won’t be disciplined. The damage from the original headline is done and it stands.
IIRC on the BBC consumer programme “Watchdog” a few years ago one of the presenters asked a independent PR consultancy about the worst organisations when it came to responding to complaints; the BBC was his answer.
Lord knows how many letters were exchanged
It will be a lot.
They operate as much on attrition as they do arrogance.
So you will need to navigate at least a couple that are no more than default rejections where they won’t even read the complaint. Then it will move to a director who will get comfy in belief… and maybe answer a question that wasn’t posed.
The BBC still don’t seem to admit any error
Of course not.
the trust’s ruling against them will have no long-term impact.
But, though small, it has. It is read here. Press Gazette picked up on it.
Others will read it and ponder.
Guidelines will not be changed, biases will not be addressed, staff won’t be disciplined. The damage from the original headline is done and it stands.
All, sadly true.
Not reasons enough to give up.
Especially now, as their unique service attitude and its consequences are starting to filter into the public awareness.
“Has Dave the guts to take on Patten?”
Wrong question. Should be: Has Dave a clue that there’s even a problem?
…on any subject.
The answer would be a resounding NO!
Dopey dave!
A bit late but …
On last night’s 6 o’clock radio 4 news the newsreader (whoever she was) referred to ‘the west coast line fiasco’.
Fiasco it may well be, and the proper subject for an investigative programme in due course, but these are hardly the words you expect to hear on an ‘impartial’ news broadcast.
I suspect that they don’t even realise that they’re doing it.
“Christians persecuted throughout the world.
“The latest bombing in Nigeria shows how Christians are increasingly suffering for their faith – and how their plight is being ignored.”
By Rupert Shortt.
-This will come as news to INBBC: but such news will be no reason for INBBC not to continue its censorship of the issue.
“Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2012”
by Raymond Ibrahim .
The thing the BBC and their marxist comrades fear most of all is bible based christianity.
For all their faults , you can’t really hold a fear of bible based christianity against the BBC or the Marxists. Just like all other religions bible based christianity is terrifying. That book is one of the most horrific in all of world wide fiction.
OK then, which of the Ten Commandments would you ditch? Theft? Murder? Adultery?
I would keep Murder and theft, ditch the others. Would also add new ones about rape and child fiddling (Jimmy savile and christian priest style). In fact never mind that lets just ditch the whole book and use the Law.
Unless of course you think its a good idea to stone someone to death because they done a sunday shift at work
Perhaps Nicked can help us understand why the BBC is reluctant to report on this? (Holds breath…..)
bBC 5dead news
“A man dressed in an Afghan police uniform shot and killed 2 British soldiers”
That’ll be an afghan policeman then……..
Overgrown lefty minor public schoolboy Richard Bacon is a brown noser of the first water. Today his hand suddenly shoots up and he shrieks out for some attention from his former master
‘Ooooh Sir! Ask….me….me ..me!’
And what does Dickie want to share with the class?
Ooo…Ooo..my favourite American newspaper is the New York Times.
Ah, so that would be the rather liberal organ with a new CEO who just happens to be Bacon’s former boss Mark Thompson.
Oh yes. And our Dickie just loves to download the NYT every day on his App thingy. He bleats that that is how he gets all the very best news about the US elections.
A guest on Bacon’s show points out the rather Democrat leaning nature of this source.
Oh I don’t read the editorials. Bacon lamely attempts to cover his arse. I just read the geeky bits of poll data by Nat Silver. It’s like reading a maths paper. Factual innit?
Well – to coin a favoured BBC phrase – some people might say otherwise….
“Nate Silver is partisan and wrong. The voters will decide Romney v Obama, not The New York Times ”
Richard Bacon is living in a left liberal bubble of non reality. We pay for him to reside there. And why did the headmaster not exclude him for good when he got caught with the illegal substances?
“October ’98: Blue Peter presenter Richard Bacon was sacked from the popular children’s television show after he admitted taking cocaine”.
Tim Stanley is finally catching up with the rest of us, and sees Nate Silver as the Cpl. Jones to the liberal media’s Capt. Mainwaring.
My only surprise was that fellow (most wussy ever) Blue Peter presenter, Konnie Huq, wasn’t also given her own show, especially as she had the added plus of being a Muslim woman. Even the ‘positively’ discriminating BBC must have thought her just too hopeless.
BBC presenter Konnie Huq?
What political party does she support, again?
BBC approved arts commentators like to keep us abreast of world cinema. Mark Kermode, for instance, has insisted that we British ought to get used to watching our movies with at least two different sets of sub-titles – afterall, he argues, that’s what they have in Asia.
But of course the impression given by BBC commentators is that world cinema is all either happy dappy Bollywood or something achingly liberal lovey-dovey artsy-fartsy.
Now when was the last time your saw a British film, drama or documentary about the First World War that didn’t heavily emphasise the waste, suffering and futility of war?
But what about Turkish film makers? What are they serving up for the mass market in Turkey.
Let me introduce ‘Çanakkale 1915’
Here is a trailer
And here is part of a critical review
“With a large number of films on Turkey’s Battle of Çanakkale coming out this year — for some odd reason that still escapes me — director Yeşim Sezgin’s newest “Çanakkale 1915” might actually outdo Sinan Çetin’s “Çanakkale Çocukları” in terms of its aggression, opportunism and crooked reductionism.
Honestly, when did everyone become so patriotic and ready to provoke the masses into absolutist valor?
If you’re wondering whether there is a narrative to this 128-minute-long pastiche of historical sketches that have been directly transported from a high school textbook word by word, you are very mistaken. For there are no individuals in this story, no characters, no plot points and no valid complex human emotions. The only valid emotion here is a larger-than-life calling for sacrifice and protecting the country.”
There is the full review here (read it and worry).
I have a question. Could someone please remind me how it was that the legendary Helen Boaden / George Entwistle conversation about Newsnight’s Savile report and how that might impact on the Xmas Savile specials became public?
Was it Hugs Boaden who leaked it? It certainly served to cover her position as head of news somewhat – although it caused Incurious George to have to perform some spectacular mental gymnastics of not asking the obvious and all done behind his supposed BBC Chinese Wall.
Afterall what could Savile have done? It had to be either underage sex or finacial wrongdoing in connection with his charity work. Pick one, any one, and it puts a right dampner on the tribute shows.
The point being our blessed Helen appears to save some face by at least tipping George the wink. So what do we reckon, did she leak something and George then had to desperately censor and minimize what was said? Or did the two of them cook the whole idea up between them?
Bananas could replace potatoes in warming world
By Matt McGrath, Science reporter, BBC World Service
No warming for 15 years, but they never give up.
One for the ‘could files’ then?
…undoing all of McBrown’s efforts to save the world.
Hot, dry summers. Warm wet winters. Mediterranean climate blah blah blah.
What’s that? No warming for 15 years? What a travesty!
Quick, better call it ‘climate change’ – better still, make that ‘global weirding’, then we can blame any extreme weather event on global warming, I mean climate change. Sorry, where were we?
“NYT writer accuses Mark Thompson of ‘wilful ignorance’ over Jimmy Savile.
“Joe Nocera asks why ex-BBC director general did not order inquiry after learning of Newsnight programme on presenter.”
By Lisa O’Carroll.
Lucky for Joe, BBC culture under Mr. Thompson and beyond in no way reflects ongoing pettiness, back-stabbing, position-jockeying and grudge-holding, so when the new CEO arrives one is sure his position is safe.
Ask Liz McKean.
After years of high-cost greenie propaganda for windfarms:-
“Ten years too late, it’s good riddance to wind farms – one of the most dangerous delusions of our age”
“Wind farms could be curbed by government”
Ed Davey appears to have a different view.
Cue…. coalition splits.
All nicely joined up.
ps – I think the server clock is still summer time.
Last night I sat down to watch Chris Packham go on an expedition to discover more about glaciers (in Greenland). There was nothing else on. But as I started to watch I began to think, “how long before they mention climate change” and began to enjoy the programme less. I suppose they did quite well – forty minutes in before they had one of the expedition musing that if all the ice (not sure whether he said Greenland or just that glacier) melted due to climate change then sea levels would rise 2-3 metres world wide. Chris didn’t ask him about the growing ice in the southern hemisphere. Fortunately after that little interlude they got back to investigating the glacier. I noticed that some of the scientific equipment had a BBC logo on it – I presume that the BBC therefore contributed to the expedition on the basis that some element contained a warning on climate change. Why oh why does every programme about nature have to have wormed into it a diatribe about climate change? It is getting predictable and spoils some good programmes.
This Chris Packham?
Such advocacy may see the world-renowned BBC independent editorial experiencing another flurry of in-corridor off-books ‘meetings’ no one can remember if certain segments of society they are being unfairly targeted by such comments.
The alarmists – led by one of their most notable proponents, NASA man James Hansen (still there) – were predicting 20 years ago that by now Manhattan would be under 20 feet of water.
You just know the connection will be made, don’t you….?
The Savile story this morning is about how he used to turn up at Leeds General Infirmary late at night with “teenage girls”. In the Toady interview this morning at c6:35, the chap at LGI talks about him turning up with “women”.
OK, it might be a difference without a distinction, but why did the Beeb not use his own word? Why did the “women” morph into “teenage girls”? One wonders whether the Beeb is now in dungspreader mode, trying to spread the blame about a bit, even when it involves the nation’s most popular institution (it says here) the NHS?
The fact that Savile worked as a volunteer at LGI while the BBC paid him shed-loads over decades has nothing to do with anything, of course.
If the BBC reall cared they’d remove him from their Top of the Pops web page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/totp/history
Of course such things can slip by across such a vast online estate, but of all the DJ’s to have up front, eh?
And if any outfit Auntie had a grudge against did not respond immediately and sensitively (as opposed to not at all, after weeks) by purging all references… there would have been hell to pay. At the very least the Breakfast sofa would have been bedecked by Deputy Directors of Charities earning their hundred k – http://jobs.guardian.co.uk/job/4532782/deputy-chief-executive/? – by having a fit of the vapours on behalf of their traumatised charges
As it is, I think I am offended.
Where’s Carter Ruck’s number?
Nice to hear Ryanair’s Gobshite O’ Leary destroying Andy ‘Wake Ahp To Manny’ Verrity (sp) this morning on windmills.
‘So Mr O’Leary worrabout the scientific consensus’, howled Verrity.
‘It’s not a scientific consensus it’s a scientific debate’ came back O’Leary.
‘So you’d call yourself a climate change denier’, Verrity howled shrieked and wailed as the studio went into shock.
To which O’Leary gave the best possible answer -laughed at him.
They really are an embarrassment.
News just in – windmills are a 16th century technology.
We’ve split the atom since then.
Given the medieval mentality of the global warming religion, I think ‘windmills’ is very apt.
They had a windmill in Yorkshire in the 12th century, tha knows. ‘Ow’s about that then?
Er, on second thoughts…
I enjoyed that this morning, they also labelled him a racist, he took the bunch of 5live fannies to the cleaners – priceless 😀
“Remorseless expansion”. No bias there, then. Attack, attack, attack.
This raised a smile
“BBC to investigate Pugwash rumours”
A nation of schoolboys, and their sons, mourn… http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/369482
I know fine well it was all untrue, etc., etc. Have you never heard of satire? Did you really think “The Daily Mash” wos a reel paper, like? Did you really think that *I* thought the Daily Mash wos a reel paper? Blimey….
p.s. Sorry to reply again – I just thought “The Daily Mash” had a very direct hit and aptly demonstrated just how our “Daily Papers” operate. I went to the other “DM” tonight and was rather disgusted to see that the very, most important, headline story of the day was a woman killed by dogs. As I commented (no hope of being published): It is sad, yes. It is tragic, yes! But it is not stuff of which headlines are made. Just which dumbed down school of journalism did your “reporters” go to? *AND* your editors come to that?
The search for Richard Black’s “I do science I do” replacement is over…
So Jim fixed it to milk a cow blindfolded. Not biased but gullible BBC.
“Equal time? Wot’s that?” Said the Beeboid, as he typed up what he found in 8 dance companies’ press releases.
Thanks for this Tom.
Thankfully the admirable Crichton(Michael) is posted by Reed on a thread nearby-and so we need not worry about lefties hissing about anything “under threat”.
Let the BBC talk their old games-let`s just not pay for it in case they`re still subbing Savile…can`t be too careful, and would hate to be “Townshended”.
Good old Crichton-good old Reed!
STILL THE BBC IS SILENT ON BENGAZI! I am angry, dismayed and ashamed. Now a further question: do US news networks (and others?) have White House emails telling rescuers to stand down?
louis there is no excuse
They all know about it, Louis. So far, only local news outlets have brought this up. One even challenged Him on it in what was supposed to be a softball interview.
Whatever has replaced the JournoList has kept this well under wraps by rationalizing it as a desire not to politicize the deaths of the Ambassador and others. Unfortunately, the Washington Post has broken radio silence on this, although they’re trying to spin it in a way that will allow the President to run out the clock.
Jay Leno brought it up last night, though, so the cat is out of the bag at last. It’s probably too late in the game to have any real effect, especially with the President currently being portrayed as the most heroic President in a crisis ever. The Beltway is all abuzz about Chris Christie praising His actions, trying to figure out how to use that to tell the public that the Romney surrogate has turned against the Republican.
p. herbert of the ahem! black law society? … i know … why?? one of the instigators of the black football union … hmmm is on the erm “met hate forum”
didn t go to the chelsea match,(re the ref) or like football – but read something in a newspaper or watched sky … and obviously saw a moneymaking opportunity,
as it … “may have the appearance of a racial incident” he bleats … he doesn t have confidence in the FA, but of course does in the met hate forum :-D. (and in himself
to profit).
i can t even be bothered to mention it any more, you just HAVE … to hear it,
so here goes the slippery slope … of the offence and “wacism” industry … yep! once the door is opened
even the pc al bbc pusher on mike was dumbfounded
give it a listen.
Interesting that the police take a complaint from people who have not actually witnessed, even in replay, what they are complaining about, accurate or not.
I guess it was because he was a judge… so they’ll accept any old thing he fancies trotting out.
The fuzz should employ some of the gatekeepers from BBC CECUTT who, it appears, can be of the view that if you hear of a transgression (say… here) and seek it out to verify before complaining, then that’s just not cricket.
So many uniques in this country’s establishment… so little common flippin’ sense.
I don’t care if he is PC Untouchable, since when do you move on what a bloke who can’t be arsed to check has heard about and fancies winding up a notch?
The guy sounds like he knows just how immune from any consequences he is.
But credit the anchor for trying to get him – a judge – to admit that he was stretching the semantic interpretation of the law, to if not beyond the limit.
This bozo appears to have missed the point that a person is innocent until proven guilty (not via ‘some evidence… around’), which for a judge is a bit of a worry.
The Macpherson Definition, that ‘anybody.. can mean anybody’… sounds like a total justice Horlicks that serves only cocky hustlers like this…. Herbert.
Who the heck placed this person in a position of authority over the liberty of individuals when he is clearly motivated by a lot more than justice?
Actually, I am still laughing at the picture caption, which Mr. Herbert’s companion, if of a like mind, grievance-wise (which seems a possible), could probably spin up into a massive affront.
She’s the one not called Peter Herbert, on the left, BTW.
I actually thought that Phil Williams – ‘in for Victoria’ (aren’t we all?) – handled that pretty well.
But he should have asked for a comment from the Society of White Lawyers or the National White Police Association.
“whites have a union its called the bnp”
was this intellectually damaged individuals
reply last week when asked just that type of question.
that this money orientated, and yes … racist political activist, whose only interest is in creating a protected class,(in and of itself discriminatory), is deemed fit to judge anything is beyond words.
met “hate” forum?, another lucrative little earner, this shill is able to use HIS “colour” to abuse
“Impressive integrity from two New York Times writers over BBC scandal.
“Margaret Sullivan and Joe Nocera raise troubling questions about their own paper’s incoming president and CEO, Mark Thompson.”
By Glenn Greenwald.
For… ‘ow you British say… balance?
Using ‘Viewpoint’ guise-
-INBBC propagandises for Erdogan/AKP, and virtually ignores Islamisation there , and impact of 80 million Muslim Turks on E.U. entry (which INBBC approves).
In contrast, Peter Hitchens has this (2010):-
“As David Cameron calls for Turkey to join the EU,
PETER HITCHENS on the disturbing picture of growing repression
at the heart of ‘Eurabia'”
How the bBC writes up the bad news when its leftwing agenda suffers a set back (Can anybody find the below story by not following the link?)
Yunus Rahmatullah: Supreme Court rules on detainee
The UK Supreme Court has ruled against a legal charity which argued a Pakistani national in US custody should be handed over to the UK.
In the case of Yunus Rahmatullah the court upheld an ancient right requiring authorities to produce prisoners. But the court agreed with the UK government that it was unable to enforce his return. He was captured by UK forces in Iraq in 2004 and later handed over to US forces at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan. Mr Rahmatullah, a suspected insurgent who the US authorities believed had links with al-Qaeda, remains in US custody, without charge. Last year the Court of Appeal ordered Mr Rahmatullah’s return to UK authorities under the law of habeas corpus, an ancient tenet of English law. But that release order was cancelled in February by Court of Appeal judges after they were told the US authorities were not going to co-operate. A panel of seven Supreme Court judges has decided, by a 5-2 majority, to dismiss legal charity Reprieve’s appeal against that decision.
Did anybody get the full jist of what just transpired above. On reading the full bBC article i was left in the mind that this man is innocent, that he is somehow British (yeah right)
Here is what the bBC don’t tell you about so called British victim Yunus
1) A Pakistani citizen who at 22 years of age found himself arrested by British forces patrolling in an American held area inside Iraq in 2004. His family didn’t even know he was in Iraq until the Americans allowed the Red Cross to visit him.
2) Here is how the Independent relate the same story:
Human right campaigners have failed to persuade the UK’s highest court to come to the aid of a 30-year-old Pakistani held without trial for more than eight years after being captured following the allied invasion of Iraq.
British-based human rights lawyers asked the Supreme Court to help free Yunus Rahmatullah after appeals to the High Court and the Court of Appeal ended in disappointment. But a panel of seven Supreme Court justices dismissed their latest appeal – by a 5-2 majority – after a hearing in London.
Why does the bBC, go well out of its way in which to confuse the reader when one of its blood sucking Islamic Terrorists doesn’t get released into the custody of the British authorities.
The bBC, the mouth piece for radical Islam and traitors to the British taxpayer
And further to my last isn’t it amazing what a little trawling finds out. Something I must add the billion pound strong bbC couldn’t serch out:
The Divisional Court refused an application made on Mr Rahmatullah’s behalf for a writ of habeas corpus requiring his release. On appeal, the Court of Appeal allowed Mr Rahmatullah’s appeal and issued a writ of habeas corpus requiring the UK to seek his return or at least demonstrate why it could not. The Secretary of State requested the US authorities to return Mr Rahmatullah. A letter was received in response from the US deputy assistant Secretary of State for Defense. The US authorities did not agree to return Mr Rahmatullah to the UK. The letter stated that the US had already received a request from the Government of Pakistan for Mr Rahmatullah’s repatriation, and that they considered it to be more appropriate to discuss the conditions of transfer directly with the Government of Pakistan. The Court of Appeal found that this letter was a sufficient response to the writ of habeas corpus and that was the end of the matter.
Click to access UKSC_2012_0033_PressSummary.pdf
The bBC, the mouth piece for Islamic terrorism
BBC2 right now: How safe are britain’s roads?
analysing a 7 death shunt on the M5 last Nov, guess what is preventing imroved safety measures?
yes you guessed it: CUTZ !!!
i think the BBC should do a ‘documentary’ on how many of their employees have private health care, shares in companies and private school education (themselves or their offspring)
INBBC: serving the Ummah.
This is a typically biased ‘report’ involving Islamic Somalis, in this case by one Secunder Kermani.
He provides no context to the interconnected problem to British people of Somali Islamic jihadists in both Britain and Somalia.
And, of course, the ‘report’ is largely written from the viewpoint of the Muslims, not the British authorities.
By the way, INBBC, how’s the English Defence League’s Tommy Robinson getting on? Is he still in jail?
BBC’s 5LiveDrive and and Drive programme on Radio 4 were in full Climate Alarmist mode yesterday.
For example, “Drive” said it requested an interview with both Hayes and Davey, neither of whom “were available” for comment. Instead, the BBC played a 30 sec clip of a breeze playing softly over some wind chimes.
I imagine this sounds nothing like the percussive thump of a wind turbine next to your house, but, hey ho, this is the BBC
Half the story all the time
Why oh why is the BBc (and others ) refering to the American Storm as “Superstorm” Sandy every time.
Note how The Tory defeat is promoted to first story. the spectre of John Major rises blah blah. Not Liebour opprtunists jump on bandwagon. When I went to see my Liebour Mp about the Lisbon treaty. A- he didn’t understand what I was talking about. B- Basically told me I had a snowballs chance in Hell of getting a referendum on EU.
The BBc breakfast dullness contunues on Tories in crisis blah blah.
Endorsement from NJ state troopers, driving into Atlantic City – “BBC news ? You guys tell it like it is, unfiltered”
US news must be really bad if the BBC is considered ‘unfiltered’. #lostforwords
Had to like this one back:
The Big Fella @BigFatBaldGuy1
@BBCMarkMardell In the US maybe. Story not so good around Jimmy Savile…
Un-named source off record I notice. BBC News? You pass on what you think we should hear!
I wonder if solo trumpeter Mr. Mardell will pull a Vine and block Big Fella. Or a BBC CECUTT and expedite him. Or a Lord Patten and warn him off or else.
Which would be ironic on so many levels.
Unfiltered tips to US coppers… don’t believe all the BBC tells you too.
It’s a bit silly if you think about it.
You’re talking about Democrat-voting union members here who’re angry at Gov. Christie for telling them their state-funded gold-plated pensions are unsustainable. It’s like crowing over a group of Carmelite nuns who think the Gospels are telling it like it is, unfiltered.
Michael O’leary on 5dead – enjoy
Seems odd to hear a BBC employee start near each question with statement on an industry they know near zippy about, and being corrected by an industry leader (woman says he was on twitter; he says he wasn’t… moving on). Which is it BBC, education and information or yet more skewed gossip? Yes, let’s talk about him as if he’s not here… some people would say.
Now accepting Mr. Leary has a drum to bash, why is it one only gets only presented with a direct counter extreme… from a supposedly objective broadcaster?
Must be nice to own the edit suite… uniquely funded no matter what, and offer your paying customers zero refunds too.
Didn’t really think the whole customer service thing through too well, did they, especially Lord Patten when he warned any off even asking questions of them.
“…this remorseless expansion of your business and other airlines…”
Big business! – boo-hiss, uncaring, evil capitalist exploiters, despoilers of mother nature blah blah blah. (see Anthony Jay’s quote at the bottom of the site – it all continues to this day).
It also sounds remarkably like one of those value judgements that the BBC is normally reluctant to indulge in – selectively, of course.
“…this remorseless expansion of your business and other airlines…”
or to put it another way –
this remorseless expansion of people going on nice holidays, visiting loved ones, and traveling for business.
Burden truly is shockingly obvious – she’s just not smart enough to even try and conceal it. Nice voice for the radio though.
yeah, on a late night show flipping records maybe.
I once read in Private Eye that Radio 5, when it became all news and sport, was intended to appeal to the manual working class, who , it was believed, would give no credibility to squeaky voiced women talking about football. They therefore (a la Thatcher) trained all the woman presenters to speak one octave lower than they normally would. I have trouble telling them apart myself. The old Grauniad radio critic, whose name I’ve forgotten but who was partial to a bit of skunk, once wrote that the Radio 5 women had the sexiest female voices on radio!
Always nice to see someone from the real world slottering the ‘withering ninnies’ and the ‘idiots’.
Let’s face it if you’re on Radio 5 Lite you’re not a journalist you’re a glorified Pontins Yellowcoat.
No interest in your subject. And, what’s worse, not expected to have any interest in your subject.
Still it must be fun sitting there all (half) day cackling and reading your tweets (on our dollar).
‘….if you’re on Radio 5 Lite you’re not a journalist you’re a glorified Pontins Yellowcoat’
Before some Beeb-minded cherrypicker points this out: Pontins were famous for their blue coats. The yellowcoats worked at the fictional Maplins – Hi-di-hi!
Anyway those 5 Live so-called journalists are in fact much more in the mould of the purple suited Gamesmakers.
“London 2012 Chairman Lord Coe said this week the volunteers had cultivated one of the country’s biggest fan clubs”
[yep that sounds like the Beeb]
Of course the Beeb are sad that the Oympics are over.
“No more pink foam-handed high-fives for the children; no more cheerily megaphoned messages to queues at venues; no more high-chair jollity outside Tube stations.”
[yep that sounds exactly like 5 Live]
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