“The parents of a seven-year-old boy have appeared at Cardiff Crown Court in connection with his death.
His mother, Sara Ege, 33, denies beating Yaseen Ali Ege to death at their home in Pontcanna, Cardiff, in July 2010 and setting fire to his body.”
Read the BBC report and there is no context, no insight and very little… well…journalism. It is simply a stipped down report. NUJ approved no doubt. But many of the facts already in the public domain or established in open court are avoided by the BBC.
secretary of state “disturbed” – reports of Islamic extremists entering Syria taking advantage of the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad
obama “shocked” ๐ … shocked i tell you
even later to the party …
bbc – Clinton warns Syria rebels to resist extremism
wait a minute! … i thought these were all rebel freedom fighters so beloved of al bbc? – worthy of any half assed reports trumpeted as if real factual news … fighting for the flowering of pleuralism?, stuffed to the gunnels with arab springyness? …. “carnival atmosphere” anybody?
bbc wrong again – anyone see a pattern emerging ๐
Oops. Who could have imagined, eh? Jeremy Bowen’s freedom fighters not riding unicorns after all? Silly me: it’s only wrong when George Bush engages in regime change in spite of warnings from the Left that it will leave a power vacuum which will inevitably be filled by the worst sort of people.
I seriously hope the rumors about the CIA and the President doing a contemporary version of Iran-Contra are not true.
I don’t know about this one, George. The BBC news brief says he attended jihadist training camp. As long as they don’t call him a “lone” Islamist gunman, what’s wrong with calling him an Islamist gunman?
Although I agree with you that it must come as a bit of a shock to BBC audiences to read that Hollande sees anti-Semitism as a national problem in France, seeing as how they’d have no idea about it until now, and in fact were initially led to be more concerned about white supremacists.
The use of the word ‘gunman’ in this context does, misleadingly, suggest that Metah acted alone; his international jihadist links are omitted.
One lesson which INBBC should be learning by now, and communicating in the security interest of its British audience, is that the ideology of Islamic jihad is global in its practice, organisation and implementation.
Remember last month when the BBC was trumpeting the September jobs report in the US as proof that the President’s economy was on the mend, great news for Him? Yeah, yeah, there’s a more sober “analysis” inset reminding us that we’re by no means out of the woods yet, but the point isn’t about just how much the BBC was bigging up the figures. This is the point:
Surprise! The numbers from the Administration were wrong and – once again – have now been revised down. Way, way down, cut nearly in half:
Revisions to the way payroll data firm ADP counts private sector job creation have resulted in a sharp drop in the September employment count.
ADP’s new calculations put the monthly job creation at just 88,200, down from the 162,000 the firm originally reported earlier this month.
The firm recently has entered into a partnership with Moody’s Analytics that will change the way the private payroll count is calculated.
The new private payroll count now is actually under Labor’s September job creation household survey net total of 114,000, 104,000 of which came from the private sector.
These aren’t good numbers at all, more like we’re barely treading water and not growing at all.
And it appears that the Administration has been fudging the numbers all along.
BBC: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It’s not newsworthy.
But wait, there’s more:
Economists expect Friday’s report to show 125,000 new jobs and the jobless rate to hold steady.
When the Labor Department revealed its September job count, it sparked criticism from some quarters that the numbers were being manipulated for political purposes as the November presidential election drew near.
The soft ADP count could add credence to those who believe the pace of job creation is slower than the government’s numbers indicate.
“It’s huge, no doubt about it,” said Todd Schoenberger, managing principal at the BlackBay Group in New York. “Their changing the methodology tells me that if the number is cut in half with that revision, then the revision we’re going to see Friday is going to be a disaster.”
The next jobs report comes out Friday, and will probably be equally bogus. The BBC will most likely trumpet this as well, and won’t bother reporting next month when these figures, too, are revised down.
US jobs figures revised down. Yes, again. To nearly half the official government figures. Again. The BBC trumpets them when they come out (yeah, yeah, with a more sober inset “analysis” reminding us that we’re not out of the woods yet, but still…), then looks the other way when the figures turn out to be as trustworthy as a BBC internal inquiry.
No wonder all the Beeboids firmly believe that the President has saved the country and His economic plans have been stellar.
Have you noticed Americans being asked to give accounts of the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy on the BBC and how they dutifully describe the scene using meters?
You can tell by the tone of voice that they have been primed to avoid feet and yards – which we British would perfectly well understand. The BBC have a directive that insists on the use of the meteric system. We British may not like it or want it but our liberal elite masters think it is best for us.
Metric systems have been taught in school since the mid 70s, possibly earlier. For a large amount of the population feet and inches are not what they were taught.
Since metric is taught in schools and is used throughout industry and in organisations like the armed forces I think you are rather over-egging it to suggest that this is yet another BBC conspiracy
“The Daily Telegraph states: “Use common British weights and measures even in foreign stories unless the context dictates otherwise. Metric weights and measures should be followed by British equivalents in brackets”
“The Guardian prefers metric units in most circumstances, however, the examples it gives for personal heights and weights put metric measures first. It prefers both hectares to acres and square kilometres over square miles but it retains the preference for miles over kilometres”
‘The Daily Telegraph has more readers over 80 than under 35. That may explain its attachment to imperial measurements.’
Stats, darn stats, and those that only the BBC and its glee club could love.
As David suggests, the word ‘readership’ certainly precludes many who have passed through an education system likely to lead to broadsheets in the last 15 years or so.
There is also that oddly dropped segment, for narrative purposes one supposes, below the 80 mark.
I also wonder, in terms of representation how, say, the over 35 Telegraph readership compares to the entire New Statesman, or even Graun?
Next time I watch a US cop show I will listen out for APB’s being put out for 1.9metre persons of unspecified colour wearing garb that cannot be identified on the basis of cultural sensitivities.
I think the ROP grievance brigade may be out of luck as OBL was not an issue, but persons of reduced height and/or those ‘easy to see’ may still be in with chance.
Are you actually seeing people easily talking in meters? Who in the US casually uses the metric system like this? I learned the metric system in school, as did we all. But nobody actually uses it in casual conversation. We’d all have to stop and think for a minute if we know how to convert it. Except the young men selling dime bags on the corner, that is. They’re quite conversant in grams-to-ounces.
I don’t personally know anyone who would normally use the metric system when describing distances or events. Alternatively, they could just being friendly and trying to cater to the foreigner, using terms they’d understand. Are they speaking loudly and slowly as well? ๐
A lot of artisans use Imperial measures and I spend a good deal of my day translating between the two. So the idea that Imperial has disappeared is fanciful.
The metric system was one of the first pushes towards standardisation across the EU, as with decimal coinage so I imagine that is why the BBC loves it so much.
One of the small side-effect benefits of getting out of the E.U is that Britain can choose to get back to ‘British imperial’ weights and measures, if the British people so wish.
Note how BBC-NUJ opportunistically avoids criticising opportunistic Labour Party on European Union vote.
The Labour Party, and, of course, TUC, (inc BBC-NUJ), supports UK membership of the federalising European Union, and destroyer of British national sovereignty, and has done for decades.
And, proving its lack of principle on this, when the Labour Party sees the chance to assist in defeating the Coalition Government on a Parliamentary vote in the Commons, Labour opportunistically joins with the worthy critics of the E.U on this!
And BBC-NUJ is largely opportunistically uncritical of Miliband and the Labour Party on this, of course.
tuned in to QT 1st question should obama get 4 more years?
millibland, chakibatty, (shakes head)
even j springer? who says yes he should??
the room erupts into cheers???
not biased at all then … off switch
A good article in The Spectator by Miles Goslett, examines whether the Leveson inquiry had scared other major media to want to pursue the Savile abuse story, and the reasons for the BBC to drop its Newsnight exposee when he first became aware of it, last December.
My comment to him, and others: I’m just looking at the base elements that led to the evolution of Leveson, and wondering if it might be necessary to examine these to see the cause for the media ‘not to want to get into Savile and Newsnight.
Leveson happened because of an intense amount of pressure mounted by the BBC into the phone hacking scandle.
For the BBC it was the excuse to neutralize what would have been a direct threat against their own power from Murdoch.
We see time and time again that the BBC will spare no effort or expense to serve its own agenda, which has nothing to do with the purpose it was set up for, or adhering to its charter.
It is clear today that Savile performed his abuse, with the ‘tacit consent’ of many in the BBC who were aware of his behaviour. It doesn’t take an Einstein to realise that if the BBC would have run the Newsnight story about Savile, they were also going to be incriminating themselves. So they chose to shelve it, under the excuse that it was for ‘editorial reasons’. As for it conflicting with any tributes to Savile they had scheduled, they could just as easily cancelled those. Difference is one puts the BBC into good light, and the other a negative one.
But for ITV, they would have been happy to let it remain hidden, but since it was revealed what has been their actions?
First all the bosses either denied knowledge of it, or reiterated the ‘editorial reasons’ as the excuse. Even the head of BBC Trust at first parroted this line, and claimed that any further inquiry was unnecessary.
Is there really any doubt about what is going on here? Just the fact that Patton himself, without any further ‘investigation’, just repeats the ‘everything is above board’ mantra, shows the real intent of the BBC and those who helped try to perpetrate this insidious cover-up under the label of TRUST. Only when MP’s got into the fray did they do an about turn, and declare there would be an inquiry.
The investigation of the BBC should now not be about what happened 40 years ago and since with their condescension and enabling, but about how they knowingly tried to present fiction as the truth, because it suited their agenda, with no department within its walls representing the public who are forced to pay for these bloated self-serving propagandists.
Let the rest of the media and government not forget these issues and keep pushing for this cancer within our society to be cut out.The power the BBC has, which yourself Miles, has observed first hand, was able to bring Leveson about, and got away so far with crimes far worse than what Leveson investigates.
Please, for the good of this country, keep hammering away.
I give you an instant translation of Mardell’s statement: “They like Mr Romney’s business background but are less impressed with his more conservative beliefs not related to economics. Mayor Bloomberg might make a difference for some of them.”
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – All together now, let’s all bash the President of the USA UK general (sorry, name forgotten)…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van Thanks for responding . I do value it . Im particularly interested because in those moments after the nuclear…
Van HelsingMar 4, 19:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, The Russian economy is in a mess – the ruble’s value has plummeted, interest rates are high and (most…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The picture on X where he isnโt wearing a Lone Ranger mask has a more pronounced dusky miffed eastern hue…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 18:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 As India has both a space program and a nuclear program I donโt see why any country would send money…
It must be Halloween. BBC jounalists have taken fright.
There are certain stories where you just know the BBC are censoring.
In fact it is pretty obvious that Beeb journalists are reluctant to have to cover this story at all.
Tucked away somewhere in some dark corner of BBC News for Wales.
“The parents of a seven-year-old boy have appeared at Cardiff Crown Court in connection with his death.
His mother, Sara Ege, 33, denies beating Yaseen Ali Ege to death at their home in Pontcanna, Cardiff, in July 2010 and setting fire to his body.”
Read the BBC report and there is no context, no insight and very little… well…journalism. It is simply a stipped down report. NUJ approved no doubt. But many of the facts already in the public domain or established in open court are avoided by the BBC.
“Today she told a Cardiff Crown Court jury her home was filled with evil spirits called Jinn, and the Devil still spoke to her.
But she insisted that she “loved to bits” her son and claimed she was forced to confess to murder after a beating and threats from her brother-in-law.
Ege, a practising Muslim, was a bride from India in an arranged marriage originally conceived and carried out over just five days.
As a maths graduate she claims she expected a well educated and successful husband but found he was a postman and part-time taxi driver.”
“She agreed that she believed that evil spirits called Jinn, which are mentioned in the Koran, live at her Cardiff address.”
Scary stuff. No wonder the BBC are afraid to mention these Jinn.
It seems moreover that BBC journalists are unwilling or unable to report facts that reveal an economic immigrant to be:
1. Ecomically motivated
2. Culturally backward
But the really really scary thing that BBC jounalist are so very very afraid of is…….the ‘M’ word and the ‘I’ word.
“what about your comments on twiter?” “I’ve never been on twitter in my life” – “never mind that”
yeah right, never mind that, bBC journalism at its best.
misplaced, sorry
shucks! hows it feel to be last one to hear about a party?
U.S. yanks support for Syrian opposition group, warns of extremist takeover of uprising
secretary of state “disturbed” – reports of Islamic extremists entering Syria taking advantage of the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad
obama “shocked” ๐ … shocked i tell you
even later to the party …
bbc – Clinton warns Syria rebels to resist extremism
wait a minute! … i thought these were all rebel freedom fighters so beloved of al bbc? – worthy of any half assed reports trumpeted as if real factual news … fighting for the flowering of pleuralism?, stuffed to the gunnels with arab springyness? …. “carnival atmosphere” anybody?
bbc wrong again – anyone see a pattern emerging ๐
Oops. Who could have imagined, eh? Jeremy Bowen’s freedom fighters not riding unicorns after all? Silly me: it’s only wrong when George Bush engages in regime change in spite of warnings from the Left that it will leave a power vacuum which will inevitably be filled by the worst sort of people.
I seriously hope the rumors about the CIA and the President doing a contemporary version of Iran-Contra are not true.
INBBC, France, Muslim murderer Mohamed Merah, and anti-semitism.
INBBC misleads and censors on this today by:-
1.) cryptically and wrongly describing Merah as an ‘Islamist gunman’.
Merah was an Islamic jihadist with connections to jihadist organisations internationally:-
“France: Jihad mass murderer Mohamed Merah part of global jihad network”
2.) under-reporting the growth and scale of anti-semitism among Muslims in France.
A corrective here:
-recent ‘Jihadwatch’ reports on anti-semitism in France-
INBBC today:-
“Toulouse killings: Benjamin Netanyahu attends memorial”
I don’t know about this one, George. The BBC news brief says he attended jihadist training camp. As long as they don’t call him a “lone” Islamist gunman, what’s wrong with calling him an Islamist gunman?
Although I agree with you that it must come as a bit of a shock to BBC audiences to read that Hollande sees anti-Semitism as a national problem in France, seeing as how they’d have no idea about it until now, and in fact were initially led to be more concerned about white supremacists.
The use of the word ‘gunman’ in this context does, misleadingly, suggest that Metah acted alone; his international jihadist links are omitted.
One lesson which INBBC should be learning by now, and communicating in the security interest of its British audience, is that the ideology of Islamic jihad is global in its practice, organisation and implementation.
The gruesome person’s name is Mohamed Merah.
BBC-NUJ: permanently supporting ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, this time, and gratuitously, on British people’s licencepayer money, in Holland:
“Iraqi illegal immigrants in Dutch limbo”
By Anna Holligan
BBC News, The Hague.
P.S. -because BBC-NUJ would only tell us differently, if at all –
“Geert Wilders Still Going Strong”
Remember last month when the BBC was trumpeting the September jobs report in the US as proof that the President’s economy was on the mend, great news for Him? Yeah, yeah, there’s a more sober “analysis” inset reminding us that we’re by no means out of the woods yet, but the point isn’t about just how much the BBC was bigging up the figures. This is the point:
Surprise! The numbers from the Administration were wrong and – once again – have now been revised down. Way, way down, cut nearly in half:
New ADP Count Slashes Job Creation for September
Revisions to the way payroll data firm ADP counts private sector job creation have resulted in a sharp drop in the September employment count.
ADP’s new calculations put the monthly job creation at just 88,200, down from the 162,000 the firm originally reported earlier this month.
The firm recently has entered into a partnership with Moody’s Analytics that will change the way the private payroll count is calculated.
The new private payroll count now is actually under Labor’s September job creation household survey net total of 114,000, 104,000 of which came from the private sector.
These aren’t good numbers at all, more like we’re barely treading water and not growing at all.
And it appears that the Administration has been fudging the numbers all along.
BBC: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It’s not newsworthy.
But wait, there’s more:
Economists expect Friday’s report to show 125,000 new jobs and the jobless rate to hold steady.
When the Labor Department revealed its September job count, it sparked criticism from some quarters that the numbers were being manipulated for political purposes as the November presidential election drew near.
The soft ADP count could add credence to those who believe the pace of job creation is slower than the government’s numbers indicate.
“It’s huge, no doubt about it,” said Todd Schoenberger, managing principal at the BlackBay Group in New York. “Their changing the methodology tells me that if the number is cut in half with that revision, then the revision we’re going to see Friday is going to be a disaster.”
The next jobs report comes out Friday, and will probably be equally bogus. The BBC will most likely trumpet this as well, and won’t bother reporting next month when these figures, too, are revised down.
US jobs figures revised down. Yes, again. To nearly half the official government figures. Again. The BBC trumpets them when they come out (yeah, yeah, with a more sober inset “analysis” reminding us that we’re not out of the woods yet, but still…), then looks the other way when the figures turn out to be as trustworthy as a BBC internal inquiry.
No wonder all the Beeboids firmly believe that the President has saved the country and His economic plans have been stellar.
It’s the little things that show we love EU
Have you noticed Americans being asked to give accounts of the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy on the BBC and how they dutifully describe the scene using meters?
You can tell by the tone of voice that they have been primed to avoid feet and yards – which we British would perfectly well understand. The BBC have a directive that insists on the use of the meteric system. We British may not like it or want it but our liberal elite masters think it is best for us.
Metric systems have been taught in school since the mid 70s, possibly earlier. For a large amount of the population feet and inches are not what they were taught.
Since metric is taught in schools and is used throughout industry and in organisations like the armed forces I think you are rather over-egging it to suggest that this is yet another BBC conspiracy
Ordinary common everyday popular speech. Inches, feet, yards and miles will do nicely thank you.
Depends how old you are. Anyone under say 50 or 45 is perfectly happy using metres/kilos
Newspaper styles vary.
“The Daily Telegraph states: “Use common British weights and measures even in foreign stories unless the context dictates otherwise. Metric weights and measures should be followed by British equivalents in brackets”
“The Guardian prefers metric units in most circumstances, however, the examples it gives for personal heights and weights put metric measures first. It prefers both hectares to acres and square kilometres over square miles but it retains the preference for miles over kilometres”
I think we guess which way the BBC leans.
The Daily Telegraph has more readers over 80 than under 35. That may explain its attachment to imperial measurements.
You could be right. Young people today certainly seem to be largely innumerate.
‘The Daily Telegraph has more readers over 80 than under 35. That may explain its attachment to imperial measurements.’
Stats, darn stats, and those that only the BBC and its glee club could love.
As David suggests, the word ‘readership’ certainly precludes many who have passed through an education system likely to lead to broadsheets in the last 15 years or so.
There is also that oddly dropped segment, for narrative purposes one supposes, below the 80 mark.
I also wonder, in terms of representation how, say, the over 35 Telegraph readership compares to the entire New Statesman, or even Graun?
Next time I watch a US cop show I will listen out for APB’s being put out for 1.9metre persons of unspecified colour wearing garb that cannot be identified on the basis of cultural sensitivities.
I think the ROP grievance brigade may be out of luck as OBL was not an issue, but persons of reduced height and/or those ‘easy to see’ may still be in with chance.
The metric system is the work of the devil.
While the imperial system is from god.
Are you actually seeing people easily talking in meters? Who in the US casually uses the metric system like this? I learned the metric system in school, as did we all. But nobody actually uses it in casual conversation. We’d all have to stop and think for a minute if we know how to convert it. Except the young men selling dime bags on the corner, that is. They’re quite conversant in grams-to-ounces.
I don’t personally know anyone who would normally use the metric system when describing distances or events. Alternatively, they could just being friendly and trying to cater to the foreigner, using terms they’d understand. Are they speaking loudly and slowly as well? ๐
A lot of artisans use Imperial measures and I spend a good deal of my day translating between the two. So the idea that Imperial has disappeared is fanciful.
The metric system was one of the first pushes towards standardisation across the EU, as with decimal coinage so I imagine that is why the BBC loves it so much.
Personally I’m happy with either …
What makes you think the BBC “loves it”? Maybe they just use it?
One of the small side-effect benefits of getting out of the E.U is that Britain can choose to get back to ‘British imperial’ weights and measures, if the British people so wish.
Note how BBC-NUJ opportunistically avoids criticising opportunistic Labour Party on European Union vote.
The Labour Party, and, of course, TUC, (inc BBC-NUJ), supports UK membership of the federalising European Union, and destroyer of British national sovereignty, and has done for decades.
And, proving its lack of principle on this, when the Labour Party sees the chance to assist in defeating the Coalition Government on a Parliamentary vote in the Commons, Labour opportunistically joins with the worthy critics of the E.U on this!
And BBC-NUJ is largely opportunistically uncritical of Miliband and the Labour Party on this, of course.
tried watching QT tonight, the left wing bias again is so obvious. Are the BBC taking the piss or what?
tuned in to QT 1st question should obama get 4 more years?
millibland, chakibatty, (shakes head)
even j springer? who says yes he should??
the room erupts into cheers???
not biased at all then … off switch
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/special_report/1999/09/99/conference_99/442930.stm just thought this might be interesting to some
A good article in The Spectator by Miles Goslett, examines whether the Leveson inquiry had scared other major media to want to pursue the Savile abuse story, and the reasons for the BBC to drop its Newsnight exposee when he first became aware of it, last December.
My comment to him, and others:
I’m just looking at the base elements that led to the evolution of Leveson, and wondering if it might be necessary to examine these to see the cause for the media ‘not to want to get into Savile and Newsnight.
Leveson happened because of an intense amount of pressure mounted by the BBC into the phone hacking scandle.
For the BBC it was the excuse to neutralize what would have been a direct threat against their own power from Murdoch.
We see time and time again that the BBC will spare no effort or expense to serve its own agenda, which has nothing to do with the purpose it was set up for, or adhering to its charter.
It is clear today that Savile performed his abuse, with the ‘tacit consent’ of many in the BBC who were aware of his behaviour. It doesn’t take an Einstein to realise that if the BBC would have run the Newsnight story about Savile, they were also going to be incriminating themselves. So they chose to shelve it, under the excuse that it was for ‘editorial reasons’. As for it conflicting with any tributes to Savile they had scheduled, they could just as easily cancelled those. Difference is one puts the BBC into good light, and the other a negative one.
But for ITV, they would have been happy to let it remain hidden, but since it was revealed what has been their actions?
First all the bosses either denied knowledge of it, or reiterated the ‘editorial reasons’ as the excuse. Even the head of BBC Trust at first parroted this line, and claimed that any further inquiry was unnecessary.
Is there really any doubt about what is going on here? Just the fact that Patton himself, without any further ‘investigation’, just repeats the ‘everything is above board’ mantra, shows the real intent of the BBC and those who helped try to perpetrate this insidious cover-up under the label of TRUST. Only when MP’s got into the fray did they do an about turn, and declare there would be an inquiry.
The investigation of the BBC should now not be about what happened 40 years ago and since with their condescension and enabling, but about how they knowingly tried to present fiction as the truth, because it suited their agenda, with no department within its walls representing the public who are forced to pay for these bloated self-serving propagandists.
Let the rest of the media and government not forget these issues and keep pushing for this cancer within our society to be cut out.The power the BBC has, which yourself Miles, has observed first hand, was able to bring Leveson about, and got away so far with crimes far worse than what Leveson investigates.
Please, for the good of this country, keep hammering away.
I give you an instant translation of Mardell’s statement: “They like Mr Romney’s business background but are less impressed with his more conservative beliefs not related to economics. Mayor Bloomberg might make a difference for some of them.”
In English this means; “I LIKE Mr Romney’s business background but am less impressed with his more conservative beliefs not related to economics.”
Simple really. Beats asking other people.