Further to David’s post below, here is a chance to share your views on the BBC coverage of the US election aka the Obama win the State Broadcaster yearns for! I’ll be commenting on it tomorrow morning on BBC Radio London at 8.05am
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I have the feeling this will not even be close. People out here are really pissed off.
…and it’s also a chance for users or admins of this site to distance themselves from Arthur Strebe-Greebling’s link to a site which advocates eugenics. Yes, I defend his right to free speech. But I’m damned if he’s going to post such a vile thing without criticism.
Just like with BBC Tweets and RTing, linking does not connotate endorsement unless otherwise stated.
That’s a cop-out and you know it.
You are a fool. I bet most commentators on here didn’t follow that link, after your hysterics on several threads I now bet EVERY commentator (and visitor) has linked.
It speaks volumes that you’re prepared to abuse me, but not to utter a syllable of distaste for a white supremacist.
LOL, do your homework Willy.
Mr Tell, why are you getting your panties in such a bunch? You’ve every right to critizise the gentleman for the link he provided but inviting the rest of us to throw rotten fruit at him too is just a bit silly. It’s typical leftie behaviour- you don’t agree with someone’s point of view so you try to bully them into submission. Grow up.
The Left are famously supporters of eugenics.
The Labour Party still carry on such a policy….as revealed by Andrew Neather…..in essence a kind of ethnic cleansing…of the hideously white Brits…..Neather admitted that the Labour immigration policy was designed to ‘brown’ Britain and rub the Right’s nose in diversity.
Labour wants to encourage ‘interbreeding’ so we have a lovely lightbrown population….and very few whites……and as the BBC tells us….mixed race people are so much more beautiful, intelligent and emotionally, psychologically stable.
I would say that comes pretty close to being eugenics.
Nice to be asked.
I don’t provide a link to the Labour Party….it might offend.
I haven’t criticised it because I haven’t watched it. I have no desire to follow the link as I see no reason to go out of my way to be offended and generally don’t comment on something I haven’t seen.
I did not see it and cannot be bothered to find it so criticise away. We might all learn something.. Does not seem to have much to do with the US election.
Two threads back, not hard to find. Maybe, but failure to condemn unconscionable behaviour is as bad as the act itself.
I agree 100% I won’t get into this after getting barracked yesterday but if sites such as these are to be taken seriously then people who display racism must be either agreed with so we know where we stand or challenged for the same reason. Whistling to oneself and walking by, serves only to muddy the water. Whichever side you lean towards at least have the courage of your convictions.
You lost me at “but if sites such as these are to be taken seriously”
This site has been going for 10 years. At no point in its history has it been taken seriously. But it keeps them off the street.
Yeah, right.
Biased BBC blog in the BBC’s Ariel newspaper
The BBC’s Skirmishes With The Biased BBC Blog
In addition, at least four BBC employees regularly engaged with us here, either under their own name (Nick Reynolds and David Gregory) or under aliases (John Reith and Sarah Jane).
Once the old comments and proper author attributes to archived posts have been restored, people will be able to see for themselves just what this blog is capable of.
I take it all back. Five years ago the in house journal of the BBC ran one article about a blog that criticises the BBC. And that article was then picked up on another blog.
You are clearly media gods.
“see for themselves just what this blog is capable of.”
Yes. Absolutely nothing bar topping up David Vance’s holiday fund, for which I am sure that Mrs Vance and the Vancettes thank you.
But as I have said many a time, please keep it coming. This is the funniest site on the web. All power to you – and never, ever stop. I just wish more people had posting rights. I vote for Earls Court, Guest Who and I think his name is Pounce. They are my favourites.
Nicked, the fact that you spend any energy at all here stoking your own ego and posing as a fighter for truth and justice instead of focusing on actual hate sites or even the uglier commenters at Guido or the Spectator or the Guardian or jihadi YouTube videos or Free Republic says a lot more about you than it does about us.
The great thing about this site is that when you submit a comment it goes up. Straight away. All posts can be commented on. Freely. Not vetted,categorised as “Editor’s Pick” or otherwise censored by the host as the BBC website is. There you get one side of the argument as approved by their editors and researchers, according to the mornings “line for today” email.
All in all I prefer this one. It lets all opinions on, even yours.
You clearly take it seriously, though.
Nah, he comes on here for a larf, as he keeps telling us.
Which is all the more surprising when he ‘loses it’ on occasion.
Hi Cleo.
I`d not worry too much unless you know it to be racist, and it`s not just an excuse not to engage with righteous anger as it were.
Believe you me, and it causes offence to me (say anti-Israeli, anti-Poland) then I`ll bite back…but if it is perceived to be racist about how (say) Muslim, black crimes are somehow seen as “more justifiable” than the same crimes as committed by white people: then that`ll be every bit as racist-and I really resent the authorities(BBC, Guardian of course, but schools and police as well!) trying to maintain an agenda….for such people are trying to soften up the nation for its “vision of the future” that`ll finish us off.
I find a few daft hotheads here too, but I get angry too. I may be a hothead too at times, but posting here does not make for racism or what have you. Most of us are well schooled, educated and know the rules…and the BBC and Guardian types often made us comply way back…even now in my case.
Stay encouraged Cleo…always room for healthy discussion here. I`ve never felt barracked and sorry that you did…most of this is a bit of fun, until the BBC is laughed off the stage.
Maybe an openness to making sure that racism and racialism are not seen as one and the same thing…maybe Powell could be racialist at his worst, but Dianne Abbott or MacPherson are racist?
You’re the timewaster who deliberately caricatured my observation that a significant group of gays may well regard Islamic societies as not all bad, by claiming I said all gays love Muslims. At some point it becomes you who, in their obsessive wish to discredit this site, are directing everybody to a webpage that we have to take your word for as being vile since nobody bothered to visit it. It’s clear you’re here to play the censorious PC Mrs Grundy looking for signs of moral turpitude in every corner, although you no doubt see yourself as the heroic champion of every group that has achieved victimhood status, in the entire universe.
Cripes_even as I typed two two more trolls pile in, like they were storming the breach at Badajoz or something.
Trolls? You mean three people willing to challenge white supremacist propaganda? All you’ve got to do is say you disapprove of Arthur’s post.
Cleo and Nicked, thanks, glad it’s not just me.
You made some grossly unsubtle generalisations about gay people, which were well worthy of comment. However, since you can’t be bothered to click on a single link, let me quote some of the delightful sentiments your fellow poster seems to be happy to approve:
“Our formerly all White lands are being invaded by non-White genetic codes. These non-White genetic codes, as does our White genetic code, are programmed to replace all other genetic codes so that they are the winners and fully occupy every land….I say that we White ones need to awaken and realize the reality of this gene war so that we live consciously, and actively work to expand our White genetic code by having as many White children as possible.”
There is no legal compulsion as yet for broad generalisations about a sub-group of gays, based on personal anecdotal evidence, to pass a subtlety test- why not pop over to Guido’s if you want to censure some real unsubtlety on the subject.
As regards the site that you’re outraged at us all not having visited, sometimes pieces of prose are so patently absurd that it’s difficult to take them seriously enough to call them evil. Strebe-Greebling was obviously having an off day, or didn’t bother to examine the site closely enough, if he directed anybody to such nonsense. I’d say you were deliberately playing the drama queen over this issue but then thought of the lightening speed with which you would grab the wrong end of the stick and decided I’ve already wasted enough time.
Why is this blog filled with people saying they never clicked on some link or another?.
I clicked on it and well, fascinating or what?
see what I found right here:
“Our formerly all White lands are being invaded by non-White genetic codes. These non-White genetic codes, as does our White genetic code, are programmed to replace all other genetic codes so that they are the winners and fully occupy every land….I say that we White ones need to awaken and realize the reality of this gene war so that we live consciously, and actively work to expand our White genetic code by having as many White children as possible.”
Just what I was seeking !
oh…..errr……hang on…damnit!
William, the link you complain about is on a previous thread so you should keep your complaints on that thread. Charging about all ever the site making your complaints only draws even more attention to it and make people who would never have found it search it out.
I think I will start searching out you constant complaints on totally unconnected threads amd moan and moan about them demandiung they should be the subject of sensorship.
You have made your objections clear on the thread in question and people are able to make up their own minds. Just because you, or any other person, objects to a particular link does not give you the right to demand it be removed any more than I expect my whining about your constant moans will cause their removal. You’ve had your moan and no amount of your nagging will force people to give you your own way.
It’s just a typical leftie diversionary tactic blowing up one isolated post out of all logical proportion, at the same time trying to smear us all with the ‘white supremacist’ tag.
Ignore him, he’ll grow up eventually.
Bullying rubbish and you know it
But greebling doesn’t link to that or anything like it does he
I originally took you on your word and posted with a view to pulling the cork out of some self appointed holier than thou knight of the liberal Inquisition.
Since then I have actually bothered to follow greeblings link and could find no mention of eugenics however you might choose to define it or of a forward link to the north west nationals whoever they are
My only conclusion is that you engaged on some personal vendetta or this is some elaborate double bluff
The one thing I am sorry about is that I didn’t check the link to the ‘white rabbit’video.When I first stumbled across that months ago it did not contain the tin foil hat jewish new world order nonsense (as much loved by the new left as the old right)
For that and that alone I repent
Wow! I am loath to divert more discussion but in the last 24 hours, whilst I’ve been busy elsewhere, it seems that one poster has gone mad, spamming almost every thread with lies about me. So, please allow me to post the facts instead.
Yesterday, on a thread about the downsides of immigration to the UK, I posted a tongue-in-cheek comment ‘The UK has obviously been enriched by unfettered immigration. Some of the benefits are shown here’ with a link to ‘UK Enrichment News’. This is a website that reprints media stories about convicted criminals from the immigrant ‘communities’, the sort of news that the bBBC never tells us about. On the front page there are examples of crimes committed in the UK by Poles, Romanians, Ugandans, Nigerians and ‘Asians’.
It is difficult to reconstruct the chain of events but it seems that Willam Tell discovered that the ‘Enrichment News’ website is also linked to another to which he objects, although he doesn’t tell us which it is so we have to guess: I didn’t know this and neither, I suspect, did anyone else reading Enrichment News.
William Tell then spent much of the day spamming this board, falsely stating that I had posted a link to this other website. I don’t know how many times he has repeated, and intensified, his lies, but he seems to have extended this ‘guilt by association’ not just to me, but to everyone reading or posting on biased-BBC.com.
One of the worst aspects of the takeover by the thought-Police is that some people think they only have to shout ‘racist’ to bring an end to any discussion, like Mornington Crescent in I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue. It seems that William Tell imagines, if he throws enough mud and repeats his lies enough, that is how biased-BBC.com should also work. I am pleased to see that he is wrong and I hope we can now continue exposing the biased BBC reporting, including about the ‘benefits’ of immigration.
I trust that your criticisms of the BBC’s anti-white, anti-English, anti-semitic, anti-capitalist, anti-straight, anti-Christian, anti-male bigotry are published on the BBC website soon.
Perhaps you think we should just take it with a smile. If so, bad luck – people get angry and often fly to the opposite point of view to that of the corporation.
It is not for you to criticise them for that – your target should be the source of their anger.
And perhaps you should question your complacency too, so easily disturbed by adverse commentary. Anyone would think that the BBC’s guiltmongering had got to you.
Just heard the Romney is up in Ohio…Interesting
I’m not watching the BBC, I’m keeping track on the bullshit coming out of MSNBC. This really is the motherlode of global leftism in the media. Not for the weak hearted! By the end of the night, though, it will look and smell like a cross between an abattoir and a public toilet.
I’m going to be laughing all day at this one:
Foreign election officials amazed by trust-based U.S. voting system
For the head of Libya’s national election commission, the method by which Americans vote is startling in that it depends so much on trust and the good faith of election officials and voters alike.
Do tell.
Here’s how the BBC live text feed has sarcastically reported the presence of racist anti-Semitic New Black Panther party reps at polling stations in Philadelphia:
What are the chance they’d go with a “holding the doors open” angle if the KKK were doing it? I’ve been asking BBC journos all day why they’re not reporting the fact that official GOP observers have been kicked out of polling stations in Pennsylvania. Jonny Dymond claims they’re looking into but still nothing.
Is that THE Jonny Diamond?
Time was when getting busted for cannabis would have had you prohibited from entry to the USA.
Hey, it’s not like he said “golliwog” in private or anything.
Holding doors open for white grannies? Isn’t that sweet. I hear the BBC also saw all those Obamessiah murals and posters at the polling stations and declared them to be random acts of God, nothing illegal at all.
The election is the big news today . Once the results are in we have two months until inauguration of whoever. In the meantime for me the big news today is the prospect of a far reaching inquiry into child abuse. Savile has lifted a stone on some horrendous possibilities. The BBC, Welsh Conservatives misdeeds, buried events involving Scottish links to Labour, who knows what else will be revealed. I hope nobody is trying to make political capital in the circumstances. It will backfire if they do, unless there is some form of suppression applied again.
Romney has taken Indiana. Unless I’ve missed one, that the first State so far that has suddenly turned racist since 2008. The more of this that happens, the less the BBC can cry racism. Well, they still will, but it will be provably false.
Heh, both Fox News and the NY Times have New York going for the President, with zero precincts reporting so far.
I’m sure it wasn’t that close, but if it was, I would have a claim that my vote was cancelled by the guy I overheard on the phone earlier walking down 86th St. bragging to his friend about being able to vote twice due to a registration glitch.
Unfortunately, I think it’s over, and the President has won. Florida and Pennsylvania, so that’s it. Fortunately I have plenty of beer on hand.
Tomorrow, the BBC will resemble the disciples when Jesus re-appeared to them.
I’m trying to follow it on Fox and BBC websites but I’m not clear about what are actual results and what are exit poll results.
The interactive map thing at Fox is pretty good – I can see how much faith they are putting in the exit polls when they have NY down as Obama win but with only 3% of the vote counted. The exit polls must be infallible
Interestingly, the BBC – on air, haven’t checked the website – has already called Wisconsin and Virginia for the President, while the NY Times has them leaning Romney.
Oops, real results just made the BBC show Romney ahead in Virginia. LOL.
I’m following the Wisconsin results and Romney is consistently ahead with 20% of the votes reported, so not sure how that has already ended up as a Obama win, gleefully reported by the BBC.
But I’m new to this US election thing….
Very little is actual results just yet, but more and more calls are being based on 80% of actual reporting in some States. In another hour it will be mostly real results, I think.
If exit polls were totally accurate, Kerry would have won in 2004.
But the media covering for the President for 4 years, plus Benghazi, has kept the public in the dark enough that they just don’t think there’s any reason to change Presidents.
Looks like you are right, the predictions have Obama within spitting distance of a victory. The corridors of broadcasting house will be strewn with champagne bottles tonight.
The BBC as a whole will be ecstatic, but the halls of BH will mostly empty because they’re all over here.
Wow, Katty Kay just said that the Tea Party movement was at first all about fiscal conservatism and little else. Why the hell didn’t she say so three years ago? Why did she allow her colleagues to slander all of us from the start?
Stage Performer Maitlis just threw in a little dig at Romney for having a home on a lake in New Hampshire and acting as if it was a home.
It is interesting to see what tweets the BBC select for their timeline. They just had this one:
The JournoList lives on in spirit if not in name.
Amusing to see the BBC have on a black man as the Republican representative. What an obvious attempt to deflect charges that they’ve been calling all opponents of the President racist for the last four years. This doesn’t make up for it for a second.
More of the ‘visceral hatred’ of Obama by ‘some Republicans’ by Jonny Diamond this morning. The narrative drones on.
Dimbleby talking to some woman from Time mag right now who, in response to DD’s question about a win for the President simply means four more years of the same thing, went on about how fixing the economy after such a crisis usually takes at least eight years. It’s not His fault, you see.
I fully expect the BBC to apply this logic to David Cameron. Just after Victoria Derbyshire moves to Salford.
Romeny’s plan, she says, is only cutting taxes for the rich and little else.
but…they just posted this fanmail….
Now you know why I laugh at people like Nicked emus who have know idea why I’m concerned about BBC bias. Everyone on Dimbleby’s panel is a pundit, FFS, including Katty Kay.
Fox News has Wisconsin won by Romney, and the NY Times has them leaning that way. The BBC has it called for the President already. That would be another State turned racist.
Fox also has Michigan called for Romney, while the Times and BBC have it for the President. Weird.
Yep….I’m still confused about Wisconsin…
BBC website has this:
yet, as I type actual results show Romney with a 3% lead….
North Carolina is projected to return to its racist past. The BBC was earlier telling us it wasn’t looking good for Romney, but no longer. Fox hasn’t called it for either, and they don’t show leaning indicators.
So far I’ve heard an endless stream of scorn about why Romney was a horrible candidate and a lengthy rap sheet on what he actually did or said to alienate everyone, but not a single word about why Indiana switched. Has the President done nothing wrong?
If any more States switch sides, there had better be some discussion of what happened besides Stage Performer Maitlis saying that North Carolina is an “easy” win for Romney and everyone expected it. That’s not analysis.
Re: Venal Vine snarking that Ryan couldn’t even win his home State of Wisconsin (a BBC exclusive, apparently), Ryan is a Rep, not a Senator. Reps are local pols, representing one section of 500k voters within a State. Senators represent the entire State, and are far more likely (when not named Al Gore) to win a State that doesn’t normally lean their Party’s way than a Rep.
It’s not an indictment of Ryan that he can’t swing one of the most Democrat States in the country.
Oh God, please no recount in Florida.
The BBC just called North Carolina for Romney. It was always in the bag for him anyway, says Maitlis, as was Indiana, so no reason to go into any analysis as to why it switched sides this time. No reason at all to even think about offering up criticism of The Obamessiah.
Dimbleby just said that two Republican Senator candidates “deserved to go” because of their non-PC remarks about rape an abortion.
Bias. Opinion.
Katty Kay moaning about how the US is “ungovernable” and “split”. The Congress is split from the President, she says. Liar. The Senate is controlled by the Democrats, and will be again, and only the House of Reps is controlled by the Republicans and “split’ from the President. “Congress” = both chambers.
Why hasn’t Harry Reid and the Senate passed your beloved Obamessiah’s budget, ever?
This is the kind of dishonesty from the BBC that should concern even the most ardent defenders of the indefensible.
The President has just declared victory. The BBC is freaking out.
The impartiality shines through!
Fox News also showing the President essentially winning. The media has won another election for the Democrats.
the voters have won it for Obama.
Voters largely misled or kept in the dark by the media. Or are we still pretending there’s no Benghazi scandal and no Fast & Furious scandal?
Both hyped for partisan political purposes. Quit the whining. Suck up the result. And support your president!
Hyped up? A US ambassador was murdered while Obama and Clinton stood by and did nothing. That seems like quite an important issue, worth some “impartial” investigation but has received less coverage by the BBC than a story about a government minister allegedly calling someone a pleb.
Jim, do you honestly believe that there’s nothing untoward about either issue? I’d love to know how you’ve reached that conclusion.
I’ll blindly support my President just as soon as you start blindly supporting your Prime Minister. I’d love for the President to do well, but I’m not obligated to support Him if He does wrong. That’s a terrible thing for you to say.
just…less than 1.5%
Katty Kay just declared that the President now has a “mandate”. The BBC’s coverage is going to go absolutely mad now. Now more than ever, any opposition to Him will be considered the lowest form of life.
I never thought the Republicans were going to take the Senate. Never bought into that for a moment. But now neither he nor the BBC should be allowed to continue to claim that “Congress” is stopping the President.
Ian Pannell just described Fox News as “the pro-Republican network”. I fully expect Jim Dandy and Nicked Emus and all the rest of you to demand that the BBC now refer to MSNBC as “the pro-Democrat network”, and the NY Times and Washington Post as “pro-Democrat”.
If you don’t, you are hypocrites.
Some moronic US woman on DD’s panel just said that “Americans like divided government” because it’s “checks and balances”. Idiot. That’s about the three branches of government, not partisan antagonism.
Is there anyone in a BBC studio who has a clue?
Latest from BBC news
Those gunshots must be from disappointed republicans….surely no Obama voter would own a gun?
The do in my neighborhood. Plenty of gunshots a little while ago down the block.
FFS!! how the hell did Obama get a second term??? Don`t the U.S. public pay any attention to the instability his Middle East policies have caused?? I honestly don`t believe that the non white voters actually looked at any of his politic aims… They just voted for him becouse he is black… I am not a racist by any stretch, but to me Obama has done nothing to justify a second term and his committment to spending money the USA cannot afford is surely going to cause financial chaos… I suppose he will now get another Nobel Prize just for being black, Like he did four years ago when he was given the award even though Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson were the ones who placed him in the Whitehouse… The liberal bias in the media has a lot to answer for… I am now dreading the next UK elections…
Sky’s coverage is awful. Just watched five minutes of a camera panning over the Obama rally, ‘and the beat goes on’ ringing out and no commentary. BBC’s coverage is not bad, but they should have invited Bolton back on. Dimbleby and Mardell cautioning against early ‘calls’.
I hear Fix is comedy gold at the moment, with Rove railing against its own analysts.
Let’s hear you make a crack about MSNBC’s bias now, Jim. How honest are you?
Can’t get either on my tv. But am hearing Rove is in serious meltdown. It’s being described as brother against brother, blond on blond.
Maybe Rove has a point….as I type, Romney is 20000 votes ahead of Obama in Ohio. Seems quite “close”.
Sorry ‘Fox’
Nice dodge.
Oh No!!!
Jonny Dymond @JonnyDymond
@TopToffee I think it was because her channel had the temerity to call the race for Obama #corr
Words fail me.
I am worried for the Isrealis right now, Obama is no friend of them… And the way things are going in Syria right now it is only a matter of time before an Iranian backed faction will come out on top. Leaving the Isreali Government no option but to ensure its own survival by taking out the Iranian Nuclear program itself…. When will the Western World finally see that the `Palestinians` and thier statehood is being used by the Arab League? Let`s face it, if the iranians get a nuke they will use it on Isreal and the fallout will make Isreal AND the West Bank And Gaza a wasteland where nobody can survive… not that there will be any `Palestinians` left as they will be wiped out along with the Isrealis…. The west will only realise that they were used when it is too late…..
I think I’ll be avoiding the BBC for the next 48 hrs or so…
wait till that old terrorist Nissan Maindealer bites the dust in s Africa
at least a month’s black armbands for the market rate talent there!!
“I’ll be commenting on it tomorrow morning on BBC Radio London at 8.05am”
No you didn’t. Some other Telegraph blogger.
GREASY simon schama wheeled on to the bbc to talk crap
I wondered why i had difficulty making out what he was saying until I realised he had his tongue inserted in obama’s rectum
I wondered how long it would be before that creep turned up on the BBC.
Horrid, gesticulating, pompous, insufferable, obstinate…and he talks over everyone else – must have the last word – “I’m a Professor! My opinion is definitive!”
You just described most lefties. Right-wing commentators are far too polite for their own good, as a rule.