BBC going large on thepro- immigration offensive….
Stacey Dooley will examine border control in the US in the final episode of her three-part series.
Every year, thousands of people risk their lives to get to the US from Mexico, facing 70 degree temperatures, rattlesnakes and a five-day trek across the Sonoran Desert.
Once they reach the US, in Texas, they come across border guards whose job it is to keep them out.
After looking into young men taking part in gay conversion therapy, Dooley meets people who are prepared to risk their lives for the American dream.
According to Amnesty International, migrants face shocking dangers to get to the US. Many are kidnapped, tortured and held hostage until their families in the US send money to release them.
The human rights group says six in ten female migrants are likely to be raped. In July, 2011, 41 people were killed in one day during attacks in Monterrey, north east Mexico.
In 2010, 72 potential illegal immigrants from Mexico were executed on a remote ranch 90 miles from the US border.
The drug gang that murdered them, Los Zetas, captured them as they made their way to the US and killed them when they refused to work for them.
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement continues to deport Mexican nationals to Chihuahua, despite it being the deadliest city in the country in 2009.
During the BBC3 documentary, Dooley meets Maria, a 19-year-old who wants to get to the US to support her two young children. As a woman travelling alone, she is extremely vulnerable.
She also witnesses the rescue of a young Guatemalan girl you is seven months pregnant.
Finally, she meets Manuela and Jorge, a couple who borrowed thousands of dollars to get to the US. However, the smuggler taking them refuses to take them and they have few options for how to repay the money.
It is estimated that 12.7 million Mexican immigrants lived in the US in 2008, accounting for 32 per cent of all immigrants living there. Pew Research says 55 per cent of the Mexican immigrants are unauthorised.
Next week Stacey Dooley meets the family of Romanians who have moved into her house whilst she is working abroad. Now that would be an interesting film….just how would a good liberal girl react to that?
Stacey Dooley has to be just about the most annoying person on television. I cannot endure watching her stupid facial expressions as she listens to whoever she is talking to. The stupidity of her questions and the even more stupid conclusions she comes out with…. F8ck!!! I cannot sit through her documentaries in one sitting, it usually takes me about three attempts of 15 minutes each….. Surely nobody is really as thick as she seems to be???
…she may not have any professional abilities or competence at all, but she has all the emotional prowess and weepy eyes that ‘feel your pain’ that make her perfect for a modern, trendy yoof presenter. The BBC continually underestimate young people.
Not thick, just an internationalist agenda, based on ‘social justice’, set in stone.
And the Narrative continues to spread across the spectrum of BBC broadcasting. Yet another report about this issue done from the exact same angle as all the rest of them. But remember, kids, there is no groupthink or institutional bias.
They are so blatant with this agenda now, you just get the impression they think they’re on an unstoppable roll (which they probably are).
How is this meant to be left-wing or in some way biased?
Because it’s clearly a case for open borders and a free pass for illegal immigration, which is a Left-wing shibboleth. It’s a laundry list of activist excuses for ending immigration law by giving it the Prohibition treatment: all this crime and killing because of a situation which exists purely because of laws restricting something. The obvious next logical step in this argument is that ending the law will also end all this horrible violence.
Pure propaganda.
David ….. When I saw the comment by Jonathan, I actually thought “Maybe he is just trying to be ironic or was playing Devils` Advocate…. Yet his comment garnered two likes…. Perhaps they are the `BBC 3` heh…
Jonathan: you are either a leftie wind-up troll, or a brainwashed product of the education system/state broadcaster.
In case it’s the latter, look up ‘internationalism’ and the political leanings of those behind it, and ‘social justice’ (ditto).
Mexico is enjoying an economic boom, if sneaking into the US is so dangerous one really has to wonder why they do it. It can’t be, can it?
Those two words – Stacey and Dooley – are enough to make me avoid this as much as Nadine in the jungle. I’ve seen some of her previous output – high on empathy and emotion, low on facts and reality. Pass.
Reed don`t you just hate that expression she always has when listening to people ??? I always think that she looks like she is trying to take a massive rectum stretching sh*t…..
…yep – temporary emotional constipation – waiting for her subject move on so that she can unload her compassion direct to camera. Oh the humanity!!!
She has also picked on a US Christian group who try to turn gays straight – a subject she didn’t bring up when talking to islamist nutters in Luton.
“A Battle Ends, a War Continues.”
Daniel Greenfield:-
“If you take away two salient points from this lost battle
[Presidential election], let it be these
“1. Either we will end immigration, or immigration will end us
“2. Either we will end the welfare state, or the welfare state will end us.”
NGO campaigner for the world’s legal and illegal immigrants into USA and into UK.
Apparently, BBC-NUJ presumes that erstwhile predominantly white indigenous populations of those two countries should, for some ‘leftist’ political feeling, be superseded by predominantly non-white people, (in unlimited numbers, without qualifications) from Asia, Africa and Latin America.
How the Left love those hotbeds of intellectual thinking, scientific innovation and industrial development that have done so much for the world’s prosperity.
Think lowest common denominator unless you live in Notting Hill, Hampstead or Islington, which will, of course, forever remain the wealthy Marxist reservations collectively known as Toynbeeland.
Imagine spending a whole day in the 110 degree desert with Stacey while she complains about how ugly her boots are and knowing the BBC is about to do a hit piece on you. Believe me, I know. . .