Only of tangential relevance, I know, so apologies for this :
Tomorrow, 11th November, is what we term in England and the rest of the UK, Remembrance Sunday. Every year, many people, particularly those representing the armed forces, are on the streets selling poppies. It’s a national tradition that both demonstrates a degree of respect for those of our forefathers who gave their lives for us, and provides some money for those organisations that give support to our service men and women. That’s in way of background for those who are not familiar with our tradition. My point is this : Lord Norman Tebbit some years ago used the term ‘the cricket test’ to express his concerns about the loyalty of immigrants to our country. Mainly because most of the pakistanis still support the pakistan cricket team rather than the English team. He was and is spot on about where their loyalty lies. However, I propose that there is an even more apparent sign of where the immigrants (not just restricted to muslims by the way) loyalties lie because on my walks through shopping centres near to me, I can honestly say that I didn’t see one immigrant wearing a poppy. Now, I also saw many white (possibly indigenous people) not wearing a poppy, but I would have expected to have seen at least a noticeable percentage of the incomers demonstrating their assimilation/integration into our society be recognising the importance of such a symbol at this time of year. There was not one.
John in C.
As you say, not really BBC related, except perhaps for their silence on the matter.
Poppy sellers in Bradford need minders following attacks by Asian gangs. Perhaps people are fearful of wearing them too.
Interesting one, Cosmo, and it comes back to the ‘ask not what your country can do for you…’ argument. A couple of years ago I heard an item on the shortage of blood donors, and concern being expressed that ‘ethnic communities’ were under-represented. So whilst they formed 10% of the population, they only formed 2% of blood donors. I don’t know what the current figure is, though.
Regards the blood and organs angle.
I give blood as I am B+ and while rare in the UK one group has it in abundance.
Apparently they are taught in mosques not to give blood.
The sorry sight of the BBC dissecting and investigating itself is lamentably pathetic; a desperate clutching at straws aimed at salvaging what little credibility it has left within the public sphere. However, its very existence (funded by us through coercion), for me, makes void any possibility of credibility. If this blundering calamity of a professional cock-up were to have taken place within any other media organization the sanctimonious, smug and politically correct BBC would be the first in-line to call for resignation. This has to stop and I pray, now, that we have turned a corner in the road ahead of uncovering the lies and corruptness of an imposed indoctrination machine that has done more than most to destroy the social fabric of this nation.
I, for one, will not be mourning the passing of this urban, trendy behemoth.
WHAT? There is no need for an ALTERNATIVE or if you insist – how about nothing. BBC broken up and sold off, receipts to the treasury to pay down some of the debt burden. Slack in the market taken up by the vibrant private sector. I can live, I want to live, without an agenda driven monopoly that represents a tiny pseudo intellectual and self congratulatory elite thank you very much.
Scapegoat number one. What a shock: a former Newsnight editor. He’s been part of the problem all along. Nothing will change. After all, who thought he was fit for purpose?
Cripes, that was indecently fast. The situation must be catastrophic beyond redemption at the BBC for him to go so quickly. But we know that. Instead of the crap about loose canons running a story without proper oversight (I thought that it was “watertight”)lets hope that now we find out WHY the BBC decided that this story was to be the mainstay of the news arc, what – if any – influence political influences there were at work, and how they are going to root out the institutional and systemic bias that is apparent to us on this blog site.
As I have said on other threads, I can only hold my breath for about 90 seconds….. so I guess I won’t be holding my breath waiting for any real answers….
Amid all the current drama (and I confess to feeling sorry for George Entwistle) please note that there’s a petition just issued for the BBC to release the Balen Report:
Just seen a repeat of Lord Patten’s interview this morning with Andrew Marr – at one point Patten said: “Our credibility depends on telling the truth about ourselves … no matter how horrible it may be”. All the more reason to demand they release the Balen Report – and to remind the BBC of this quotation from Patten in giving a reason for signing the petition.
I’ve already signed and commented, but hopefully someone else will use this Patten quote when they sign…
Entwhistle and Patten had the luxury of the “We will NOT be taking questions. Whereas Mitchell, guilty of a far lesser offense of a profanity, was hounded for two weeks with shouty media types shoving microphones in his face. And every BBC political interview was riddled with questions about his position. Yet all involved are publically appointed and paid and therefore accountable.
I hope this is the beginning of a reform of pushy reporting and a return to some common respect and decency in politics and the media. Otherwise I fear the abyss beck
Paxman’s stement even includes the line ‘I shall not be issuing any further statements or doing any interviews’. Would he accept a ‘no more questions’ statement from an interviewee on Newsnight? Michael Howard for example.
To paraphrase the recently deceased Clive Dunn – “The BBC don’t like it up ’em.
Will be satisfying at least, to watch them turn on each other, covering their own backsides to impress the new headmaster. THAT interview on R4 was transparently self-serving by Humphrys. All these years of softly softly on anything to do with the Labour/BBC axis and now all of a sudden he in fiery truth-seeker mode against one of their own? Plain to see why.
Cynical question — did Entwistle and Patten schedule the announcement of Entwistle’s resignation for 9pm tonight so that there won’t be time for it to feature heavily in Sunday morning’s newspapers? Or do any of the Sundays go to press sufficiently late that this sorry story will appear?
love the way BBC News24 get Steve Hewlett to comment on Entwhistle’s resignation….it’s like the BBC is in an endless circle of lefties interviewing other lefties
Entwistle’s resignation is a distraction. No spotlight is being brought on the bBC for it’s political collusion. For instance all allegations mention ‘Tory’; ‘Minister’; ‘Thatcher’. Yet abuses took part under Wilson and Callaghan, no mention of that; also Twat-son makes his announcement in Parliament, just at the right time for a Newsnight story. The political collusion of the bBC is out of the headlines, that is not right!
I agree, as I have said elsewhere I suspect Entwhistle is the scapegoat and maybe even Newsnight to ‘show’ how they are cleaning house.
yesterday everyone (including here) was praising Humphrys for his interview with EG (was it the Today John Humphrys? everyone seemingly forgetting the years of blatant bias that Toady has always shown, he is part of the problem and cannot be allowed now to sidle across to the ‘good side’ by turning on his own kind.
It was Humphrys’ way of distancing himself so he doesn’t get contaminated. He knew Entwhistle was a dead man walking, so nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Be interesting to find how many times ‘senior Tory politician from the Thatcher era’ was heard on the Today programme last week, including any news bulletins, and the prominence the story was given.
‘It was Humphrys’ way of distancing himself’
There appears a trend in some quarters to view an 11th hour Moussa Koussa job as a reason to reach out.
Again, while mending fences is a nice notion, make sure it’s not with the same wood the other guys have assembled a horse.
I note that Harriet Harman will be on the BBC Sunday Politics today. Will BBC ask her (whilst she’s there) how she sqaures her current anti-paedophilia stance with her work as legal officer of NCCL when Paedophile Information Exchange was affiliated to NCCL? The BBC would ask such a question of a Conservative politician so why not Labour?
Brave Sir John kicks Mr Lah di dah Gunner Graham round the mess hall for five minutes, and we`re supposed to credit the BBC for “sticking it to the bosses”?
No sorry-make that, it was only a blancmange with fatigues on it…not Mr L-d-D-G-G!
Look out now for the
1) For Gods sake take the heat off us(or a call for an overriding public enquiry, as the BBC are wont to call it)
2) FFS, won`t somebody please think of the children-no, not you Sir Jimmy( or let us all not lose sight of who the REAL victims are in all this-not the public bodies that let them down…er, that mean us at the BBC?)
Good times…popcorn,and a good seat for me at the tumbrils please!
bbc – news … still peddling the tired and obvious fakery
of this sad circus …
bbc – Gmail probe led FBI to CIA chief David Petraeus’s affair?
with added military erm “profiles” ? … even old “lard” mardell and his … “view”? even a “word” from john simpson?
“just a coincidence that Petraeus resigned on Thursday, the very same day that Fox News reported that the Foreign Affairs Committee was planning to call him to testify at their Benghazi hearings, along with Director of National Intelligence James “Clueless” Clapper and Matt Olsen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Centre”
now there IS a news story newsnight … even obamedia are ignoring it in the US (apart from fox).
how about real investigative journo?,
can you remember what that is?
so i repeat, bbc, when was libya/benghazi last mentioned in connection with obama?
They were given the the story on a plate by Michael Schearer, ex CIA officer and lecturer in security at Georgetown University, in a phone interview with Andy Verity, standing in for Nolan, on R5, just after midnight on Friday morning. Verity moved on so swiftly after the interview that even Shouty Jones felt he had to remark on his under-reaction to the American security services calling the president a liar. You could almost hear the boys in the control room putting Schearer on their blacklist of people never to be called again.
Oh dear-a week is a,long time in Beebland isn`t it?
Still-at least the ferret filching in the BBCs big sack has got them from crowing on about the essential loveliness of blacks and Hispanics in the US elections that gave us four more years of St Barry.
Can only imagine the crowing likes of Trevelyan, Paxo and Dimbleby having to clear the cocktail lounges at the BBC, so Mason and the comrades plan the putsch.
And we were all so looking forward to guest speaker/honorary Beeber Jon Snow telling us all about the time he caught a waft of fragrance from Obamas cravat as he went through Business class over Wisconsin…oh, the whiff of power, my dears!
just driving back … about 10 minutes before the remembrance broadcast, 5live, begins to instill we must not forget the “multicultural aspect” of our remembrance,
i thought well of course not … but the crone continued hmm
i thought oh no … please not today … not at this time ….
… but … of course, this is the bbc –
we have a spokesman for the muslim soldiers association
…………………… normally …. off switch.
but not today …….. ever feel you ve been conned eh!
how about the sikhs … the gurkhas (of course) or any, ANY! other bloody community.
The BBC renowned for its journalism? The BBC restoring trust….ha ha ha. I’ve just been listening to Sunday radio “Inspirit with Jumoke Fashola, BBC London”
As the photo shows a Camila Batmanghelidjh look alike “Debating the week’s big religious, moral and ethical issues”. Cue from studio to the Cenotaph, and a BBC journalist colleague called “Anna”, who quickly raised the subject of the controversy of wearing poppies today with a woman from the British Legion (as you do on remembrance Sunday)…. a lot of people, apparently, think that it is worn only to remember the First and Second World War dead, but some wear it to remember the recent wars as well ,and those who are not in agreement with some of the latest wars don’t like to wear the poppy for that reason.(I’m paraphrasing)
Excuse me, alluding to what sort of controversy? And what sort of people don’t want to wear poppies? Does this “controversy” have something to with Islam and the war in Afghanistan, people like Captain Hook and his ilk who all refused to wear poppies? Not happy with remembering those who gave their lives for this country against “the brothers”. As if this wasn’t enough from the BBCs “Anna” her parting remarks to a spokesman from the British Legion, were: “enjoy yourself”, adding because of the weather “people can take lots of nice photographs…”puke!
I’m sorry BBC this is not a day when you have your journalists at the Cenotaph telling people interviewed on the radio “to enjoy yourself”! Surely the editor of BBC London would have known that he was sending a half-wit along, clearly like George Entwhistle they don’t care to involve themselves these days, no sound directional advice, such as””….make sure that you remain solemn and respectful Anna when you interview people….”
At the same time Jumoke was asking listeners to phone in “Have you lost faith in the BBC”?, there was no take up after 10 minutes, no phone calls to report, so I turned back to Radio 3. But even Marr on BBC 1, in his interview with army top brass, mentioned an existential war against evil in the Second World War, but in Afghanistan we have “ambiguity.”
So really Marr like his colleague at BBC London is actually rehearsing the same journalistic line. I’m surprised Marr didn’t raise the subject of wearing the poppy as well, like his colleague (sic). Personally, I don’t think there is any ambiguity at all between fighting fascism in the Second World War and fighting Islamic fascism today, but for the BBC TV historian this is clearly not the case.
In short, Anna and Jumoke will be there next week batting for BBC standards in the same manner-puke! There is indeed something rotten at the core.
I wonder what Marr finds ambiguous about a terror organisation with its base in Afghanistan which was responsible for the biggest single terrorist atrocity the world has ever seen as well as its promotion of the suicide bomber cult, the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Muslims, the slaughter of Christians across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, and the persecution of women and gays.
What’s that, he’s also made a subliminal link between British ‘concentration camps’ and the Holocaust?
Whilst this site has been (rightly) dominated recently by the McAlpine story, one of the clearest examples of BBC bias and involvement with the shadowy networks of socialist subverters of the world political system was unearthed by Old Goat in the earlier Harrabin thread (Roger the Dodger).
We need to come back to this because, to my mind, it’s potentially far bigger than anything we’ve seen this week.
Bulgarian & Romanian mass immigration influx to UK is imminent, as consequence of UK political class (Tories, Lib Dems, Labour, TUC , inc BBC-NUJ) and its continuing support for UK membership of E.U.
“30m Bulgarians and Romanians are set to gain unrestricted access to UK as EU regulations are lifted”
Note how this BBC-NUJ report does not question the comment from E.U. enthusiast Labour Party, suggesting that somehow Labour would do something about such mass immigration but which, like BBC-NUJ it really endorses.
See Fat Pang has just emailed the whole of the BBC staff inferring that Savile is guilty – so I suppose the cops can now call off their Savile investigation, as the chosen one has spoken. Perhaps Patten could pre-judge all alleged criminal activity in the UK, then we could do away with the legal system altogether.
I have noted that due process seems variable across the political & media establishment already. It seems to rather depend on what results they want. That’s bad enough.
When the legal profession joins in it’s a route to anarchy.
Not going well in the comments.
How long before what they say gets ‘addressed’ more by argument based on the paper they read?
One commenter has already noted that the arrival of twitter support is in the BBC’s favour.
Twitter being such a reliable tool on their behalf.
I wonder from what quarters this support on twitter is coming, or more importantly – who is orchestrating it?
Is it in the form of #welovetheBBC – in the same vein as Labour’s juvenile #welovetheNHS ?
Plus the IPCC, Guardian, the New York Times, everyone at EU headquarters, the UN, Obama and his cronies, the UAF, the CRU – in fact, the entire worldwide socialist network. You gotta hand it to ’em, they’re darned well-organised!
Of course their well organised, the have all the resources they need and all the time they need to use them.
Courtesy of the public purse
That’s the whole point of entryism
Hannan has on occasion commented on the Left-wing bias at the BBC. But when it comes to his own behavior, he’s all over the map. He’s a Warmist, and supported The Obamessiah in 2008, but he claims to want fiscal responsibility and to resist non-democratic government. He said that Britain needs a grassroots organization like the Tea Party, but then tried to start his own even though he’s a sitting politician, thus missing the whole point.
He’s more of a Jeremy Clarkson-type reactionary, only without the humor, than anything else.
“But it does raise a question. Is the Bureau of Investigative Journalism really an entity devoted to exposing the truth? Or is it just a network of old hacks who cover each other’s backs to stop stories reaching the public domain? We will leave it there and let readers decide for themselves.”
The bBC and you couldn’t make it up in a million years. UK will not extend Romania and Bulgaria migration curbs
Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the unrestricted right to live and work in the UK from December 2013, Home Secretary Theresa May has confirmed.But some experts predict a large number of immigrants from Eastern Europe, which Labour has warned could put pressure on British jobs and wages.
Excuse me, Labour has warned what? Are you having a bloody giraffe bBC? Now I bet you a million pounds that if Labour were in power and a Tory said that, the bBC would be playing the ‘Racist’ card.
Christopher BOOKER, ‘Sunday Telegraph’, scroll down to section:
“BBC allowed to keep its dirty little secret.”
[ Opening excerpt]:-
“A remarkable legal drama has been unfolding recently in London’s Camden Town, pitting a lone pensioner from Wales against all the might of the BBC, represented by an array of highly-paid lawyers. It has been a battle fought to determine the BBC’s right, under the Freedom of Information Act, to keep secret how it arrived at a major policy decision which, for six years, has allowed it to operate in breach of its legal obligations under its Charter.
“The BBC Trust does not hide the fact that a ‘high-level seminar’ in 2006, attended by ‘expert scientists, led to the decision that the BBC should take a highly proactive line in pushing alarm over global warming, while ignoring or ridiculing anyone who dares question it. This was done in full knowledge that it ran counter to the BBC’s Charter commitment that its coverage of controversial issues must be impartial.
“Everything about this seminar, held in secret at TV Centre and attended by the BBC’s top brass, was odd. It was organised by a little lobby group set up by the BBC journalist Roger Harrabin to promote the global-warming scare in the media, financed by public money and other climate pressure groups.”
The bBC. its hatred of the jews and love of Islam. Israel fires warning shots ‘after Syria mortar strike’
So I’m reading the news about how the nasty jews have lobbed a shell into Syria after coming under attack from the peaceful Muslims who across the border when I noticed how much time and effort the bBC went into informing everybody that the Golan heights are stolen. (Have a look at the Map) and that got me thinking about silent the bBC is when the guilty are…Muslims. So I went to the bBC page about Kashmir. You know that land which Pakistan invaded in 1947 and to this day still occupies half of it.
Kashmir profile
And here is what the bBC has to say about events in 1947: In October 1947 tribesmen from Pakistan invaded Kashmir, spurred by reports of attacks on Muslims and frustrated by Hari Singh’s delaying tactics.The Maharaja asked for Indian military assistance. India’s governor-general, Lord Mountbatten, believed peace would best be served by Kashmir’s joining India on a temporary basis, pending a vote on its ultimate status. Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession that month, ceding control over foreign and defence policy to India.
So the Pakis invaded Kashmire and annexed half of kashmir, now have a look at the bBC map in which they quote the Pakistanis of ‘administrating’ their half of the Kashmir. which in the bBCs own words they stole by invading. The bBC, the anti-Semites in our midst
Now here is where I find Muslims and their bum boys guilty of telling half a story.
Everybody knows about the league of nations mandate which gave Britain, Palestine to look after. But how many people know that France was given Syria at the same time. In fact Lebanon didn’t exist until 1920. It was carved out of Syria. Well until 1937 Syria owned a state called Hatay, 2/3 thirds arab.1/3 Turks. Well the French handed it over to Turkey and in 1938 the Turkish army moved in and kicked out all the Arabs. Its still a bone of contention with Syria. But have you ever heard the liberals (or Muslims) mention this actual ethnic cleansing. Nah. The bBC ,the traitors in our Midst
The Beeb is unlikely to mention why the Pakistanis only siezed half of Kashmir:
from: Francis HB Ingall – ‘The Last of the Bengal lancers’ concerning invasion of Kashmir in 1947.
“The massed tribesmen surged into Kashmir and could have reached the capital, Srinagar, with virtually no opposition; but they paused to sack the town of Baramulla and rape and kill the nuns in a convent there.”
On ‘countryfile’ this evening – they had a couple of articles on the ‘lumberjills’ – female ‘lumberjacks’ who felled trees during WW2. There was also an article on scouts and dads army preparing to repel invaders.
The remarkable achievement was that they managed to do this all without once referring to ‘Germans’, ‘Germany’ or any mention of the enemy. All in the interest of furthering our relationship with the biggest player in the EU, no doubt!
Since Lord Patten is on record as saying that G Entwhistle was the best candidate for the job, and since that has proven not to be the case, shouldn’t Lord Patten resign together with all the members of the BBC trust who chose Mr. Entwhistle for the job?
If not, what guarantee is there they won ‘t select unwisely again?
Search Biased BBC
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Only of tangential relevance, I know, so apologies for this :
Tomorrow, 11th November, is what we term in England and the rest of the UK, Remembrance Sunday. Every year, many people, particularly those representing the armed forces, are on the streets selling poppies. It’s a national tradition that both demonstrates a degree of respect for those of our forefathers who gave their lives for us, and provides some money for those organisations that give support to our service men and women. That’s in way of background for those who are not familiar with our tradition. My point is this : Lord Norman Tebbit some years ago used the term ‘the cricket test’ to express his concerns about the loyalty of immigrants to our country. Mainly because most of the pakistanis still support the pakistan cricket team rather than the English team. He was and is spot on about where their loyalty lies. However, I propose that there is an even more apparent sign of where the immigrants (not just restricted to muslims by the way) loyalties lie because on my walks through shopping centres near to me, I can honestly say that I didn’t see one immigrant wearing a poppy. Now, I also saw many white (possibly indigenous people) not wearing a poppy, but I would have expected to have seen at least a noticeable percentage of the incomers demonstrating their assimilation/integration into our society be recognising the importance of such a symbol at this time of year. There was not one.
John in C.
As you say, not really BBC related, except perhaps for their silence on the matter.
Poppy sellers in Bradford need minders following attacks by Asian gangs. Perhaps people are fearful of wearing them too.
The thing is when do you see Muslims supporting any cause other than jihad against the kuffer.
And there is a big shortage of blood and organ donors. Similar issue.
and a shotage of fosterers and adopters and a shortage of just about everything you volunteer for.
Interesting one, Cosmo, and it comes back to the ‘ask not what your country can do for you…’ argument. A couple of years ago I heard an item on the shortage of blood donors, and concern being expressed that ‘ethnic communities’ were under-represented. So whilst they formed 10% of the population, they only formed 2% of blood donors. I don’t know what the current figure is, though.
Regards the blood and organs angle.
I give blood as I am B+ and while rare in the UK one group has it in abundance.
Apparently they are taught in mosques not to give blood.
Except during the Iran Iraq war when there were reports of one side; the iranians, I think; exsanguinating their Iraqi prisoners.
Agreed. I have noticed the same.
The sorry sight of the BBC dissecting and investigating itself is lamentably pathetic; a desperate clutching at straws aimed at salvaging what little credibility it has left within the public sphere. However, its very existence (funded by us through coercion), for me, makes void any possibility of credibility. If this blundering calamity of a professional cock-up were to have taken place within any other media organization the sanctimonious, smug and politically correct BBC would be the first in-line to call for resignation. This has to stop and I pray, now, that we have turned a corner in the road ahead of uncovering the lies and corruptness of an imposed indoctrination machine that has done more than most to destroy the social fabric of this nation.
I, for one, will not be mourning the passing of this urban, trendy behemoth.
And what, might one ask, dost thou consider an alternative to the BBC? Pray enlighten.
WHAT? There is no need for an ALTERNATIVE or if you insist – how about nothing. BBC broken up and sold off, receipts to the treasury to pay down some of the debt burden. Slack in the market taken up by the vibrant private sector. I can live, I want to live, without an agenda driven monopoly that represents a tiny pseudo intellectual and self congratulatory elite thank you very much.
i second that!!
And a boost to the economy by reducing every household’s tax burden by £145 a year.
Making Freeview, FREE.
A similar question is often put to us atheists…”If you don’t have faith as part of your life, what do you replace it with?”
Nothing. That’s the point.
DG Entwistle resigns.
Scapegoat number one. What a shock: a former Newsnight editor. He’s been part of the problem all along. Nothing will change. After all, who thought he was fit for purpose?
Cripes, that was indecently fast. The situation must be catastrophic beyond redemption at the BBC for him to go so quickly. But we know that. Instead of the crap about loose canons running a story without proper oversight (I thought that it was “watertight”)lets hope that now we find out WHY the BBC decided that this story was to be the mainstay of the news arc, what – if any – influence political influences there were at work, and how they are going to root out the institutional and systemic bias that is apparent to us on this blog site.
As I have said on other threads, I can only hold my breath for about 90 seconds….. so I guess I won’t be holding my breath waiting for any real answers….
Let’s see who they appoint, next. Some other rabid lefty liberal traitor?
The perverted, lying BBC is not fit to hold a broadcast license and should be shut down.
Amid all the current drama (and I confess to feeling sorry for George Entwistle) please note that there’s a petition just issued for the BBC to release the Balen Report:
It needs all the signatures it deserves!
on my way 🙂
that link needs posting all over the place
Go for it! Let’s help make Jeremy Bowen’s day!
Might be an idea to try to get it highlighted on Guido’s site too (if you haven’t already)
Kick the buggers while they are down I say, it’s no more than they would do to a rival.
Thanks for publicising this Daphne – I’ve signed it.
I’ve sent the link to the NI Friends of Israel,so it will circulate around that group and their friends
Sent an e-mail to Guido’s and The Commentator.
The more requests they get the more likely they’ll notice…
Just seen a repeat of Lord Patten’s interview this morning with Andrew Marr – at one point Patten said: “Our credibility depends on telling the truth about ourselves … no matter how horrible it may be”. All the more reason to demand they release the Balen Report – and to remind the BBC of this quotation from Patten in giving a reason for signing the petition.
I’ve already signed and commented, but hopefully someone else will use this Patten quote when they sign…
Entwhistle and Patten had the luxury of the “We will NOT be taking questions. Whereas Mitchell, guilty of a far lesser offense of a profanity, was hounded for two weeks with shouty media types shoving microphones in his face. And every BBC political interview was riddled with questions about his position. Yet all involved are publically appointed and paid and therefore accountable.
I hope this is the beginning of a reform of pushy reporting and a return to some common respect and decency in politics and the media. Otherwise I fear the abyss beck
Paxman’s stement even includes the line ‘I shall not be issuing any further statements or doing any interviews’. Would he accept a ‘no more questions’ statement from an interviewee on Newsnight? Michael Howard for example.
To paraphrase the recently deceased Clive Dunn – “The BBC don’t like it up ’em.
Sorry pilot error. The last word is of course beckons.
I thought that you were writing “back” with a South African accent.
LOL. no that’s ‘blick’.
Will be satisfying at least, to watch them turn on each other, covering their own backsides to impress the new headmaster. THAT interview on R4 was transparently self-serving by Humphrys. All these years of softly softly on anything to do with the Labour/BBC axis and now all of a sudden he in fiery truth-seeker mode against one of their own? Plain to see why.
Cynical question — did Entwistle and Patten schedule the announcement of Entwistle’s resignation for 9pm tonight so that there won’t be time for it to feature heavily in Sunday morning’s newspapers? Or do any of the Sundays go to press sufficiently late that this sorry story will appear?
Tim Davie…is he another lefty?
“is he another lefty?”
Is the pope a catholic?!
love the way BBC News24 get Steve Hewlett to comment on Entwhistle’s resignation….it’s like the BBC is in an endless circle of lefties interviewing other lefties
The One Show should be interesting on Monday…if The One Show can be interesting that is
now they’ve got Ben Bradshaw on BBC News24…..ohh god
Interesting reading-
‘The fee is contradictory to the stated right in the European Convention on Human Rights’
Maybe Ed should call for an inquiry?
whoever writes the BBC News24 ‘ticker tape’ is incapable of substituting Tory with Conservative
…must be hard for them to resist following it with ‘scum’.
Entwistle’s resignation is a distraction. No spotlight is being brought on the bBC for it’s political collusion. For instance all allegations mention ‘Tory’; ‘Minister’; ‘Thatcher’. Yet abuses took part under Wilson and Callaghan, no mention of that; also Twat-son makes his announcement in Parliament, just at the right time for a Newsnight story. The political collusion of the bBC is out of the headlines, that is not right!
I agree, as I have said elsewhere I suspect Entwhistle is the scapegoat and maybe even Newsnight to ‘show’ how they are cleaning house.
yesterday everyone (including here) was praising Humphrys for his interview with EG (was it the Today John Humphrys? everyone seemingly forgetting the years of blatant bias that Toady has always shown, he is part of the problem and cannot be allowed now to sidle across to the ‘good side’ by turning on his own kind.
It was Humphrys’ way of distancing himself so he doesn’t get contaminated. He knew Entwhistle was a dead man walking, so nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Be interesting to find how many times ‘senior Tory politician from the Thatcher era’ was heard on the Today programme last week, including any news bulletins, and the prominence the story was given.
‘It was Humphrys’ way of distancing himself’
There appears a trend in some quarters to view an 11th hour Moussa Koussa job as a reason to reach out.
Again, while mending fences is a nice notion, make sure it’s not with the same wood the other guys have assembled a horse.
Who could have seen this coming?
readers of the bBBC website well ahead of the DM thanks to the relevant posters
I note that Harriet Harman will be on the BBC Sunday Politics today. Will BBC ask her (whilst she’s there) how she sqaures her current anti-paedophilia stance with her work as legal officer of NCCL when Paedophile Information Exchange was affiliated to NCCL? The BBC would ask such a question of a Conservative politician so why not Labour?
” . Will BBC ask her”
In a word NO
Next Q?
And he didn’t!
Brave Sir John kicks Mr Lah di dah Gunner Graham round the mess hall for five minutes, and we`re supposed to credit the BBC for “sticking it to the bosses”?
No sorry-make that, it was only a blancmange with fatigues on it…not Mr L-d-D-G-G!
Look out now for the
1) For Gods sake take the heat off us(or a call for an overriding public enquiry, as the BBC are wont to call it)
2) FFS, won`t somebody please think of the children-no, not you Sir Jimmy( or let us all not lose sight of who the REAL victims are in all this-not the public bodies that let them down…er, that mean us at the BBC?)
Good times…popcorn,and a good seat for me at the tumbrils please!
bbc – news … still peddling the tired and obvious fakery
of this sad circus …
bbc – Gmail probe led FBI to CIA chief David Petraeus’s affair?
with added military erm “profiles” ? … even old “lard” mardell and his … “view”? even a “word” from john simpson?
“just a coincidence that Petraeus resigned on Thursday, the very same day that Fox News reported that the Foreign Affairs Committee was planning to call him to testify at their Benghazi hearings, along with Director of National Intelligence James “Clueless” Clapper and Matt Olsen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Centre”
now there IS a news story newsnight … even obamedia are ignoring it in the US (apart from fox).
how about real investigative journo?,
can you remember what that is?
so i repeat, bbc, when was libya/benghazi last mentioned in connection with obama?
They were given the the story on a plate by Michael Schearer, ex CIA officer and lecturer in security at Georgetown University, in a phone interview with Andy Verity, standing in for Nolan, on R5, just after midnight on Friday morning. Verity moved on so swiftly after the interview that even Shouty Jones felt he had to remark on his under-reaction to the American security services calling the president a liar. You could almost hear the boys in the control room putting Schearer on their blacklist of people never to be called again.
at 2hrs 6mins in:
Oh dear-a week is a,long time in Beebland isn`t it?
Still-at least the ferret filching in the BBCs big sack has got them from crowing on about the essential loveliness of blacks and Hispanics in the US elections that gave us four more years of St Barry.
Can only imagine the crowing likes of Trevelyan, Paxo and Dimbleby having to clear the cocktail lounges at the BBC, so Mason and the comrades plan the putsch.
And we were all so looking forward to guest speaker/honorary Beeber Jon Snow telling us all about the time he caught a waft of fragrance from Obamas cravat as he went through Business class over Wisconsin…oh, the whiff of power, my dears!
Lord Tebbit seems to have summed up the Beeboids on his Telegraph blog.
Sorry Number 7, I posted this on the Paxman thread before I saw yours.
No apology required – keep up the good work DP
just driving back … about 10 minutes before the remembrance broadcast, 5live, begins to instill we must not forget the “multicultural aspect” of our remembrance,
i thought well of course not … but the crone continued hmm
i thought oh no … please not today … not at this time ….
… but … of course, this is the bbc –
we have a spokesman for the muslim soldiers association
…………………… normally …. off switch.
but not today …….. ever feel you ve been conned eh!
how about the sikhs … the gurkhas (of course) or any, ANY! other bloody community.
The BBC renowned for its journalism? The BBC restoring trust….ha ha ha. I’ve just been listening to Sunday radio “Inspirit with Jumoke Fashola, BBC London”
As the photo shows a Camila Batmanghelidjh look alike “Debating the week’s big religious, moral and ethical issues”. Cue from studio to the Cenotaph, and a BBC journalist colleague called “Anna”, who quickly raised the subject of the controversy of wearing poppies today with a woman from the British Legion (as you do on remembrance Sunday)…. a lot of people, apparently, think that it is worn only to remember the First and Second World War dead, but some wear it to remember the recent wars as well ,and those who are not in agreement with some of the latest wars don’t like to wear the poppy for that reason.(I’m paraphrasing)
Excuse me, alluding to what sort of controversy? And what sort of people don’t want to wear poppies? Does this “controversy” have something to with Islam and the war in Afghanistan, people like Captain Hook and his ilk who all refused to wear poppies? Not happy with remembering those who gave their lives for this country against “the brothers”. As if this wasn’t enough from the BBCs “Anna” her parting remarks to a spokesman from the British Legion, were: “enjoy yourself”, adding because of the weather “people can take lots of nice photographs…”puke!
I’m sorry BBC this is not a day when you have your journalists at the Cenotaph telling people interviewed on the radio “to enjoy yourself”! Surely the editor of BBC London would have known that he was sending a half-wit along, clearly like George Entwhistle they don’t care to involve themselves these days, no sound directional advice, such as””….make sure that you remain solemn and respectful Anna when you interview people….”
At the same time Jumoke was asking listeners to phone in “Have you lost faith in the BBC”?, there was no take up after 10 minutes, no phone calls to report, so I turned back to Radio 3. But even Marr on BBC 1, in his interview with army top brass, mentioned an existential war against evil in the Second World War, but in Afghanistan we have “ambiguity.”
So really Marr like his colleague at BBC London is actually rehearsing the same journalistic line. I’m surprised Marr didn’t raise the subject of wearing the poppy as well, like his colleague (sic). Personally, I don’t think there is any ambiguity at all between fighting fascism in the Second World War and fighting Islamic fascism today, but for the BBC TV historian this is clearly not the case.
In short, Anna and Jumoke will be there next week batting for BBC standards in the same manner-puke! There is indeed something rotten at the core.
I wonder what Marr finds ambiguous about a terror organisation with its base in Afghanistan which was responsible for the biggest single terrorist atrocity the world has ever seen as well as its promotion of the suicide bomber cult, the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Muslims, the slaughter of Christians across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, and the persecution of women and gays.
What’s that, he’s also made a subliminal link between British ‘concentration camps’ and the Holocaust?
Oh, I understand, sorry……..
They really crap on everything important to ordinary people, don’t they! Bastards.
Whilst this site has been (rightly) dominated recently by the McAlpine story, one of the clearest examples of BBC bias and involvement with the shadowy networks of socialist subverters of the world political system was unearthed by Old Goat in the earlier Harrabin thread (Roger the Dodger).
We need to come back to this because, to my mind, it’s potentially far bigger than anything we’ve seen this week.
Here’s the link:
My sources say we have to wait a bit. I think this means after the results of the freedom of information debacle.
Bulgarian & Romanian mass immigration influx to UK is imminent, as consequence of UK political class (Tories, Lib Dems, Labour, TUC , inc BBC-NUJ) and its continuing support for UK membership of E.U.
“30m Bulgarians and Romanians are set to gain unrestricted access to UK as EU regulations are lifted”
“UK will not extend Romania and Bulgaria migration curbs”
[As BBC-NUJ knows, by E.U law, members cannot ‘curb’ such immigration.]
Note how this BBC-NUJ report does not question the comment from E.U. enthusiast Labour Party, suggesting that somehow Labour would do something about such mass immigration but which, like BBC-NUJ it really endorses.
And soon to follow, the conseqences for British society of British political class’s campaign to get 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
Yes, don’t ever forget Dopey dave thinks it’s a great idea!
And dysgwr is always happy to remind those who will be sick of hearing it.
See Fat Pang has just emailed the whole of the BBC staff inferring that Savile is guilty – so I suppose the cops can now call off their Savile investigation, as the chosen one has spoken. Perhaps Patten could pre-judge all alleged criminal activity in the UK, then we could do away with the legal system altogether.
I have noted that due process seems variable across the political & media establishment already. It seems to rather depend on what results they want. That’s bad enough.
When the legal profession joins in it’s a route to anarchy.
after entwhistle …
more “hong kong phooey” from fat pat
he s going to be so busy putting the bbc right
hes got no time to … erm …… resign himself
“BBC in crisis: live.”
Not going well in the comments.
How long before what they say gets ‘addressed’ more by argument based on the paper they read?
One commenter has already noted that the arrival of twitter support is in the BBC’s favour.
Twitter being such a reliable tool on their behalf.
…it would seem, in terms of loyal support for the corporation, the BBC is full of reliable tools.
I wonder from what quarters this support on twitter is coming, or more importantly – who is orchestrating it?
Is it in the form of #welovetheBBC – in the same vein as Labour’s juvenile #welovetheNHS ?
I suspect a Labour solidarity operation here.
Plus the IPCC, Guardian, the New York Times, everyone at EU headquarters, the UN, Obama and his cronies, the UAF, the CRU – in fact, the entire worldwide socialist network. You gotta hand it to ’em, they’re darned well-organised!
Of course their well organised, the have all the resources they need and all the time they need to use them.
Courtesy of the public purse
That’s the whole point of entryism
Tory MEP Daniel Hannan wants the next BBC boss to be chosen by MPs.
Idiot. The more I hear from Hannan, the less I like him.
I don’t quite get Hanan…he is supposedly “Anti-Europe”, and, on watching some of his speeches, the tag would appear justified.
Yet, at the same time, he appears to be a suck up to the BBC, an organization that is feverishly Pro-Europe.
Can’t work him out…at least with Farage, you know where he stands.
Hates the E.U
Hates the Beeb. (Or rather, the culture within)
Hannan has on occasion commented on the Left-wing bias at the BBC. But when it comes to his own behavior, he’s all over the map. He’s a Warmist, and supported The Obamessiah in 2008, but he claims to want fiscal responsibility and to resist non-democratic government. He said that Britain needs a grassroots organization like the Tea Party, but then tried to start his own even though he’s a sitting politician, thus missing the whole point.
He’s more of a Jeremy Clarkson-type reactionary, only without the humor, than anything else.
“But it does raise a question. Is the Bureau of Investigative Journalism really an entity devoted to exposing the truth? Or is it just a network of old hacks who cover each other’s backs to stop stories reaching the public domain? We will leave it there and let readers decide for themselves.”
The bBC and you couldn’t make it up in a million years.
UK will not extend Romania and Bulgaria migration curbs
Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the unrestricted right to live and work in the UK from December 2013, Home Secretary Theresa May has confirmed.But some experts predict a large number of immigrants from Eastern Europe, which Labour has warned could put pressure on British jobs and wages.
Excuse me, Labour has warned what? Are you having a bloody giraffe bBC? Now I bet you a million pounds that if Labour were in power and a Tory said that, the bBC would be playing the ‘Racist’ card.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
BBC, Harrabin, climate, censorship and the law.
Christopher BOOKER, ‘Sunday Telegraph’, scroll down to section:
“BBC allowed to keep its dirty little secret.”
[ Opening excerpt]:-
“A remarkable legal drama has been unfolding recently in London’s Camden Town, pitting a lone pensioner from Wales against all the might of the BBC, represented by an array of highly-paid lawyers. It has been a battle fought to determine the BBC’s right, under the Freedom of Information Act, to keep secret how it arrived at a major policy decision which, for six years, has allowed it to operate in breach of its legal obligations under its Charter.
“The BBC Trust does not hide the fact that a ‘high-level seminar’ in 2006, attended by ‘expert scientists, led to the decision that the BBC should take a highly proactive line in pushing alarm over global warming, while ignoring or ridiculing anyone who dares question it. This was done in full knowledge that it ran counter to the BBC’s Charter commitment that its coverage of controversial issues must be impartial.
“Everything about this seminar, held in secret at TV Centre and attended by the BBC’s top brass, was odd. It was organised by a little lobby group set up by the BBC journalist Roger Harrabin to promote the global-warming scare in the media, financed by public money and other climate pressure groups.”
The bBC. its hatred of the jews and love of Islam.
Israel fires warning shots ‘after Syria mortar strike’
So I’m reading the news about how the nasty jews have lobbed a shell into Syria after coming under attack from the peaceful Muslims who across the border when I noticed how much time and effort the bBC went into informing everybody that the Golan heights are stolen. (Have a look at the Map) and that got me thinking about silent the bBC is when the guilty are…Muslims. So I went to the bBC page about Kashmir. You know that land which Pakistan invaded in 1947 and to this day still occupies half of it.
Kashmir profile
And here is what the bBC has to say about events in 1947:
In October 1947 tribesmen from Pakistan invaded Kashmir, spurred by reports of attacks on Muslims and frustrated by Hari Singh’s delaying tactics.The Maharaja asked for Indian military assistance. India’s governor-general, Lord Mountbatten, believed peace would best be served by Kashmir’s joining India on a temporary basis, pending a vote on its ultimate status. Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession that month, ceding control over foreign and defence policy to India.
So the Pakis invaded Kashmire and annexed half of kashmir, now have a look at the bBC map in which they quote the Pakistanis of ‘administrating’ their half of the Kashmir. which in the bBCs own words they stole by invading.
The bBC, the anti-Semites in our midst
Now here is where I find Muslims and their bum boys guilty of telling half a story.
Everybody knows about the league of nations mandate which gave Britain, Palestine to look after. But how many people know that France was given Syria at the same time. In fact Lebanon didn’t exist until 1920. It was carved out of Syria. Well until 1937 Syria owned a state called Hatay, 2/3 thirds arab.1/3 Turks. Well the French handed it over to Turkey and in 1938 the Turkish army moved in and kicked out all the Arabs. Its still a bone of contention with Syria. But have you ever heard the liberals (or Muslims) mention this actual ethnic cleansing. Nah.
The bBC ,the traitors in our Midst
The Beeb is unlikely to mention why the Pakistanis only siezed half of Kashmir:
from: Francis HB Ingall – ‘The Last of the Bengal lancers’ concerning invasion of Kashmir in 1947.
“The massed tribesmen surged into Kashmir and could have reached the capital, Srinagar, with virtually no opposition; but they paused to sack the town of Baramulla and rape and kill the nuns in a convent there.”
‘Telegraph’ – Adams comment cartoon –
On ‘countryfile’ this evening – they had a couple of articles on the ‘lumberjills’ – female ‘lumberjacks’ who felled trees during WW2. There was also an article on scouts and dads army preparing to repel invaders.
The remarkable achievement was that they managed to do this all without once referring to ‘Germans’, ‘Germany’ or any mention of the enemy. All in the interest of furthering our relationship with the biggest player in the EU, no doubt!
They really know how to get the vote out in Florida!
141% turnout – not bad! Guess who won this one…
I hear the same about Philadelphia.
Since Lord Patten is on record as saying that G Entwhistle was the best candidate for the job, and since that has proven not to be the case, shouldn’t Lord Patten resign together with all the members of the BBC trust who chose Mr. Entwhistle for the job?
If not, what guarantee is there they won ‘t select unwisely again?