Shame the BBC can’t tell us what will happen if we don’t get borrowing under control…what would happen then? Greece?
Never mind they can tell us, in ‘intimate detail’ the ‘cost’ of the spending restrictions, or is that savings?, on people’s lives… least we get one side of the story!
…and remember children….if you have no food on the table and the bailiffs are knocking and the dog’s got fleas don’t vote BNP….vote for the man who submits to the will of Allah….who believes in not making friends with the Kufar, in fact his holy book says ‘kill the unbeliever’, whose religion treats women as possessions, whose religion demands the killing of apostates and homosexuals, the stoning or lashing of adulterers, and the marriage of very young girls.
But heck, you know what, live and let live…..just don’t vote for the horrible, nasty BNP guy…his own family hate him!
Anyway, here’s the BBC/Labour Party propaganda….
Documentary series telling the story of how the city of Stoke-on-Trent struggles to cope with the impact of the largest funding cuts to local government ever imposed by central government.
The depth of the cuts forces not just the council to reconsider what they do and how they do it, but the people of Stoke to ask themselves what they expect their local authority to do for them. This is not just the story of Stoke, it is the story of us all as it goes behind the rhetoric of whether we are all in it together in this age of austerity, or whether it is right to take tough choices because we have become over-dependent on services that we can simply no longer afford.
With in-depth access to the council and its decision makers and following the human consequences of decisions taken in the town hall and Whitehall, this is a gripping and moving tale of power, competing priorities and the intimate human costs of cuts recorded over the course of a year.
With 700 jobs and £36m in spending slashed by their Stoke City Council, the cuts are beginning to bite – swimming pools, public toilets, libraries and the city farm are all being closed. But now the politicians have to answer for the decisions they have made.
The May local elections are looming. It’s judgement time. Who will voters blame? Council leader Mohammed Pervez or the government who ordered the cuts? Are they about to turn their back on conventional politics and look to a new voice – the BNP? The BNP gained a foothold in Stoke in the previous local elections and are now defending more seats there than on any other council in the UK. 33-year-old unemployed dad Mickey White is new to the party and standing for the first time. His outspoken party leader is Councillor Michael Coleman, ostracised by his family for joining the far right. He claims Islam is the most immediate threat to the people of Stoke.
Stoke is the key battleground for the BNP and they choose to launch their national campaign manifesto in the city. They have to fight off a grass roots offensive from anti-fascist groups who unite to try and see off the BNP for good.
As politicians try to win heads or hearts, the human cost of the cuts plays out alongside the election. After 30 years, Heathside House care home is closing. To make a saving of £500,000 a year, the 30 residents are to be moved out. Most of them suffer from dementia and staff worry that the distress caused by closing the home could seriously damage their health.
Their carers – along with hundreds of other council workers – don’t know themselves whether they will have a job in a month’s time.
Mohammed Pervez! LOL! Perfect.
Anyone know how many frontline staff and how many middle and senior managers were dismissed?
More of the former than the latter I would bet. (Hint – the managers decide who loses their jobs)
Click to access dcp171766_263808.pdf
Just for the state pension, 4,700 billion has been hidden off the books. See page 4 for the number
In fact his holy book says …So he is a Christian then?
“whose religion demands the killing of apostates and homosexuals” — Romans 1:24-32
“religion treats women as possessions” — 1 Timothy 2:12
“the stoning or lashing of adulterers” — Deut. 22:23-24
“the marriage of very young girls” — Exodus 21:7-11 (actually not quite, but instead it allows fathers to sell their daughters as slaves. So that’s ok)
Nicked, the question isn’t what anyone’s holy book says, so much as it is how many of which group obeys (or would like to make it legal to do so) that sort of stuff and wants to make it the law of the land.
Oh — thank you for clearing that up. I was under the impression that the bible was the word of god and had to be taken seriously. Didn’t realise Christians could just pick and chose the bits they like and could ignore the rest. So what you are saying is that by being crap at your religion it is ok, but if you follow your religion tells you to do, that is a bad thing? Or to put it another way, religion is fine as long as you don’ do what it tells you to do?
Now I am quite happy to sign up to that (get rid of every single one of them I say) but I am not sure Earls is going to be behind you on that one (but there again i am never entirely certain what that chap is talking about anyway)
Personally I think if you belive in Christianity or not you should support it. Our whole civilisation for 2000 years is based on it. if it wasn’t for Christianity we wouldn’t have the life we have today.
Our society is falling because we have turned away from Christianity.
I wouldn’t be worried about Islam at all.
I’d be worried about a one world religion that is in the bible.
This is be promoted by Tony Blair and people such as Nicky Grubble from the Alpha course. A one world religion is from Satan.
Nicked are you being deliberately obtuse or did you completely miss my point?
If you do a 30 second theology course you too could enjoy such wisdom….
Nicked, there is also ‘old’ vs ‘new’ testament. The old testament has all the harsh laws, rules, etc. Jesus came and changed the way things were done – the ‘new’ testament is full of forgiveness, turning the other cheek, etc. Christians are intelligent, mature and confident enough to understand how the book evolved and to apply the teachings as they are meant, dealing with contradictions etc. unlike other ‘religions’
So, where amputations and stonings are not at all uncommon in Sharia areas of the world, I think you will find the “stoning of adulterers” to be very uncommon in a Christian country. Google for examples if you don’t believe me.
Mathew 5:17
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
very much in the New Testament
Have you forgotten what Paul said to the Gentiles at the synagogue in Antioch? It’s not so clean cut as that.
It never is, wouldn’t a proper holy book be clear at all times to all people?
compare exodus 24: 9 to 24:11 against first Tmothy 6:16.
Nicked emus, you are a liar for deliberately misquoting the New Testament.
My religion demands nothing of the kind, you blockhead!
“If you live under the Spirit(of Christ, lest you think it`s Randy California), then you are not under law”(Gal5.18).
No-not even equalities legislation. or obligation to buy a licence, you nana!
Now-don`t show such biblical ignorance again, if you`d be so kind!
I also noted that the BBC favourably interviewed and provided lengthy coverage of that unbearable woman Margaret Hodge grilling tax evading companies, today, despite failing to ask why her family company pays just 0.01pc tax on £2.1bn of business generated in the UK
Absolutely, I was waiting for the mention but it never came. Either the BBC journalists don’t care, or they “don’t want to spoil the message”.
You don’t bite the hand that feeds you!
Yesterday there was a BBC news item that Birmingham city council is facing a bill of circa £750 million for unequal pay claims covering the last six years.
‘Britain’s biggest local authority faces the prospect of being sued by thousands of women who, for years, were denied hefty bonuses paid to male workers, including refuse collectors, street cleaners, road workers and grave diggers.’
That’s right – hefty bonuses amounting to £750 million over 6 years, which in reality should have been £1,500,000,000.
The council, apparently, have assured everybody this won’t necessitate a cut in services or an increase in council tax.
So time, I thought, for a good old dose of that investigative journalism that is the envy of the world – only to be found at the BBC, of course – which might just have a couple of searching, if not bleedingly obvious, questions to ask:
– What is Birmingham council doing hosing £750,000,000 of hard-earned taxpayers’ money over its employees courtesy of a spurious bonus scheme?
– How come £750m can suddenly be found without cutting services or increasing council tax when all we’ve heard from councils, Labour and the BBC since the savagetorycutz were announced has been how ‘vital’ services will have to be slashed?
Somehow, for some reason, I don’t think the BBC will have the inclination to do it.