The arrogance is stunning. The BBC Trust cannot be trusted!
Failed director general George Entwistle’s ‘obscene’ £450,000 pay-off was signed off by a BBC Trust boss as she watched Strictly Come Dancing, it has been revealed.
Lord Patten telephoned his deputy Diana Coyle during the hit show on Saturday evening and they agreed that Entwistle should get double what he was entitled to if he did the ‘honourable’ thing and quit. After the £1.3m deal was done, which also included a £877,000 pension pot, Ms Coyle went back to watching dancers like Denise Van Outen, Fern Britton, Kimberley Walsh, Michael Vaughan and Louis Smith, the BBC Trust confirmed to MailOnline.
Why has Patten not been sacked!!
it was also reported that she was drinking wine at the time, she must have run out of champagne
If scientific Investigative Journalism at the BBC was replaced by Editorial Guidelines
set by a six year secret seminar of none-scientists and activists. Will it need the governments science committee to intervene to force the BBC to allow Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers to dominate Climate Policy.
Fear not everyone. Diana gets a nice fat pay cheque for all her hard work, not as much as mine of course, but high enough to reflect the love and trust the nation has in it’s cherished public broadcaster.
Thanks Chris but did Entwistle really have to go anyway? Couldn’t he just have stepped aside on his full salary for a year or two? Seems a shame we’re losing his talent to the pays-for-itself sector.
Since 1946 the BBC has largely been funded by a license fee paid by every Brit with a TV set. In 2012 the fee was £145.50 ($231) for color and £49.00 ($77) for black and white. This amounts to 70 percent of its income, according to Businessweek. This license fee system was set up by Clement Atlee’s post-war Labour government — the same government that began to create a “state socialism” system by nationalizing heavy industry and creating the National Health Service.
For decades, this state-run news organization ran with little controversy, even when the government slowly allowed commercial competitors on television and radio. This was partly because of what many felt were the BBC’s high-standards (the broadcaster is affectionately referred to as “Auntie” in the British media). The resources at its disposal gave the BBC scope and a mandate that leaned towards quality — even today, it is the largest broadcaster in the world (with 23,000 employees), and one of the largest journalism entities.
Labour, Atlee, NHS & BBC…how cozy.
23,000 employed, yet had to use an outside agency to smear a former Tory MP (And confidant of Margret Thatcher)
“Why has Patten not been sacked?”
Incompetence will not get him sacked.
He would need to accused of a thought crime to get sacked by Cast Iron Dave.
…or perhaps say a naughy word like Golli***
‘…or perhaps say a naughy word’
In a private BBC room, if in front of high-ethical standard paid BBC employees (if, doubtless via a shelf company).
The kind who used to think slightly more illegal actual actions were more worthy of not seeing, hearing or mentioning as it was ‘another time’.
I bet she wasn’t watching Strictly at all, only saying she was to appear a prole.
Her day job is as a member of the government’s Migration Advisory Committee which used to want ever more immigration.
Now she wants more targeted, yet increased migration.
My parochial, puritan United Statesian brain can’t wrap itself around the idea of Strictly being a prime example of public service broadcasting. Unless maybe in some updated version of “Brave New World”.
If only all the output of the BBC was as harmless as Strictly I would rest easy.Its all their liberal/left propaganda that is undermining Britain and they seem invulnerable. The Timid Tories seem scared to deal with them even when presented with an open goal.
So, as suggested elsewhere, only direct action by a significant % of the population will unseat them as our natural political party seems unwilling or unable to act.
Deep despair.
More likely, given Patten’s links with Cameron-Llewellyn at No 10,
Patten will end up with more power and money.
And Patten’s anti-News International political stance appeal to Beeboids.
I can assure you I am the unique prole.
Thank God there’s only one of you…
No there’s a lot like him at the BBC who thought the grooming, molesting and raping of children was quite acceptable.
“BBC crisis: George Entwistle pay-off is beyond reach of auditors.”
From the Telegraph article:
“Lord Patten, the chairman of the BBC, admitted that he gave Mr Entwistle a payoff worth twice as much as he was entitled to to so he would go quietly.”
Two cockups by the Trust just there – frittering away a hell of a lot of money, and getting Entwistle to go quietly.
We didn’t want him to go quietly, we wanted him to go whilst yelling about all the other vastly overpaid incompetents still at the BBC.
“”But I do believe we have to let the chairman of the Trust get on with the process, including the first step, hiring a new director general.”
What is the point of that when the Trust has clearly ‘gone native’ and is now on the side of the BBC incompetents, rather than looking out for the interests of the British public? This Trust will only set the same sort of Beeboids back into the unrepaired distorted shambolic system.
“The vice chairman [Diane Coyle, an economist] of the BBC Trust admitted that she authorised Mr Entwistle’s £450,000 pay-off after she had been drank wine and watching Strictly Come Dancing…She insisted she stopped watching the programme when she took the call about Mr Entwistle’s compensation.”
That instantly negated the effects of the wine, did it? Or maybe that is a measure of how seriously she takes the BBC Trust?
At least the EU accounts get carried out, even if the auditors have never signed off on them.
Given the EU’s status in oversight over our lives, where does the BBC’s latest exemption place them?
Do they really rule the world?
I expect to see Patten give his next interview from a Volcano stroking a white cat.
And maybe a nice glass of Chianti with a side order of Fava beans?
The silent message to the left in that photo of Chris Parren and George Entwistle in that Mail link speaks for itself.
Both wearing bold red ties and standing “shoulder to shoulder or in other words, “Comrades, the ground is still red and we will get through this”……
Oops, sorry for typo – can it be fixed?.
“Pressure mounts on BBC boss Lord Patten as he is accused of ‘taking his eye off the ball’ while holding TEN other jobs”
By Larisa Brown.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Lord Patten is facing mounting pressure to resign today after it was revealed he has ten other jobs earning him up to £200,000 a year.
“Despite earning £110,000 a year as BBC Trust chairman, the former-Tory Cabinet minister is only expected to be performing ‘Trust duties’ three or four days a week – but in reality does only three.
“The rest of the time he is occupying himself with five other paid roles and five voluntary roles.”
Of course, we should ideally give her the courtesy of using her full title: former adviser to Labour MP Chukka Uppa, Ms Diane Coyle.
The BBC cannot be trusted morally to do the right thing, for those who want to see it scrapped, here is the e-petition:
Duly signed.
“So how would media bosses shake up BBC?”
(-with comment at the end by Kelvin Mackenzie).
Good old Kelvin!
“Lord Patten – those 13 jobs in full”
It would have been funnier if she had been watching Got To Dance on Sky.
“Oxford students: Chris Patten needs to devote time to being our Chancellor.”
By Grace Goddard and Barbara Speed.
“The middle classes are panicking about losing Newsnight. Now they know how News of the World readers felt.”
By Brendan O’Neill .
If she was home on a Saturday night, why wouldn’t she be watching Strictly? The papers just love to include Strictly in a story somewhere.
Who would you suggest sack Patten?