Oh Dear what can the matter be? Was it all Tim Davie’s fault?
Kevin Marsh, ex Today Ed. explains……
Remember, George Entwistle told John Humphrys in the fatal Today interview that the Newsnight McAlpine film had been signed off “at management board level” – normally it would have been what’s known in the BBC as the News Board, usually chaired by the Head of News, Helen Boaden. The BBC Trust Chairman, Lord Patten, told Andrew Marr something similar.
Now, the line of command upwards from Newsnight prior to the Savile row was: Editor of Newsnight (Peter Rippon) – Head of News Programmes (Steve Mitchell) – Head of News (Helen Boaden) – Director General (George Entwistle)
Once Rippon had “stepped aside” and other News executives ‘recused’ themselves, that line of command on ‘recused’ matters became: acting Editor of Newsnight (??) – Head of Newsgathering (Fran Unsworth) – Director of World Service (Peter Horrocks … replaced during Horrocks’s annual leave by Adrian van Klaveren, the controller of R5Live) – Director of Audio and Music (Tim Davie). That meant Davie was effectively editor-in-chief on ‘recused’ matters.
It appears from what I learnt this morning that the Newsnight McAlpine film was judged to fall within the ‘recused’ area … and that, therefore, it was dealt with by the temporary management structure and not the regular one.
If that’s the case, then many of the questions over the McAlpine film that John Humphrys fired so effectively at George Entwistle – who declined to raise the complications of ‘recusation’ as any defence – might just as properly be put to the new acting Director General, Tim Davie.
Alan / David. The ‘climate debate is settled by panel of eminent scientists’ , story is potentially massive.
An insider on Guido mentions that in reality, an internal jolly at licence fee payers expense, to get everyone, including comedy and drama departments, singing from the same sheet, was trotted out a serious scientific conference as a brush off excuse to a persistent blogger.
It doesn’t come more misleading than that, as a stated reason for abandoning the rules of your charter !!!!
Its the cover up that gets them in the end !
‘Dodgey Geezer’ didn’t reveal himself as an insider but his account certainly meets the Occam’s razor test. If it can be made to stick the BBC will be blown out of the water.
‘an internal jolly at licence fee payers expense,’
Quick, to the Welsh Retreat for a group hug on how to make the nasty people go away!
The McQuade report clearly doesn’t include him so this is a pointless red herring.
I was forgetting you have the ‘insider’s insight’ into everything BBC…unlike Kevin Marsh.
You can tweet him to let him know he’s wrong….
Tweets by kjmarsh
I’d best delve into the taxpayer’s money again and arrange another massive pay off with bonuses and all the trimmings and move on to my next cronie.
If only they had gone along with Davie’s plan to axe Radio 6, they might have had some more money for the Newsnight budget and wouldn’t have had to farm work out, eh?
Never mind Radio 6, they should have gone along with his proposal to get rid of the Racist Network.
one wheel on my wagon, but I am still rolling along, them booby traps are still there to cripple me but I will survive.
The acting DG, Tim Davie is currently Trustee and Vice Chairman of Children in Need. What do we all say in unison: “Tim I’ll Fix it.”, He looks a bit like a younger Malcom Tucker from the Thick of It.
Entwistle eat your heart out. Don’t you love those bowel- vowel moves of our Tim. Dermot Murnaghan did a great hatchet job on him in the Sky interview yesterday, in less than 24 hrs like his predecessor Entwistle, he has been mauled, not by own of his own but by one of Murdoch’s hybrids, and shown himself to be very “wet behind the ears”. Tim Davie is clearly not an egghead.
A most embarrassing interview, the BBC will stay in crisis(“Crisis in the BBC”, breaking News) if they keep him at the helm, what was it Marr said to Patten that he was on “the poop deck”? Davie was put in charge of the BBC’s entire radio output despite having no previous radio experience (Wiki), his debacle on Radio 6 and Asian Network, show his true entrepreneurial colours, but the BBC (and Sarah Millar in Parliament yesterday) are clearly impressed by their marketing boy wonder, their very own mythical Rodney character from Only Fools and Horses is now the current acting DG. But Tim doesn’t live at Mandela House he’s a Selwyn College boy with A levels. He has big ideas like the gadgetry “Radio +”. The BBCs marketing guru is in a league of his own, he is living the pepsi max, only Lord Petain, “move aside now” has an insight, or does he?
Loved those Tory bank benchers yesterday, heroes one and all. Note how the impartial BBC passed over all their comments in the news on the justification of the TV licence in the wake of the child abuse and paedophile ring scandals at the BBC. No news here then, “move aside!” But this is the news it’s all about the BBC covering up child abuse.
Paging Mr TIM DAVIE.
Who was in charge of BBC Radio and Music while the following was going on, Mr Davie? Oh, YOU!
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Classic FM goes to war on Radio 3 ‘copycats’: Station accuses BBC of stealing string of ideas following rival network’s revamp.”
By John Stevens.