Bad Timing or what!!! The BBC’s Martin Plaut opens up…..Guido has the low down
Who or what do you hate and why?
Tories. As Aneurin Bevan said: ‘No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.’
Ich Bin Kentishtowner: Martin Plaut, BBC Journalist & Author
Martin Plaut was born and raised in Cape Town. He left South Africa after the Soweto uprising of 1976, planning to return. But he met and married a British girl and has lived in the UK ever since. He has worked on Africa for the Labour Party and the BBC, writing widely on the subject. His latest book is ‘Who Rules South Africa?’ with Paul Holden. He is also the proud author of the Hamster of Hampstead Heath – available from Daunt books, Hampstead.
I hate the Tories as well. That is why I support the BBC.
You’re Chris Patten and I claim my £5.
Do you accept PayPal?
That’ll do nicely
There you have it “impartiality” in their DNA.
Don’t know why, but this made me think of poor Hugs…
BBC news chief pleads with staff not to Tweet about ‘our problems’ @Telegraph
Yup, that’s worked, and well, in the past, as I recall.
Deja vu all over again?
It didn’t work for Greg Dyke and now Mark Thompson’s new employees are at it as well.
Here we go, this site jumping to conclusions again. For all we know it’s perfectly possible that he hates the Tories because he feels that they should adopt a stronger stance on non-integration into the EU and have not taken a tougher line with the Liberal Democrats on their deficit reduction strategy. And in any event it’s not as if their private opinions spill into their reporting – the charter makes it absolutely clear that they’ve got to be impartial at all times. And even if they do get it wrong sometimes 12 million people watched Strictly Come Dancing on Saturday, which rather stuffs the arguments of most people here.
I think it is for the same socialist reason that Hitler hated the Jews.
(1) Jews were richer than Germans because they have the highest IQ of any race.
(2) Tories are richer than Labour voters because in a meritocracy, intelligent people are richer.
In short, everyone who is not a socialist is better than a socialist.
That is why
(1) Socialists love people that they fell superior too, and call them intelligent.
(2) Socialist do not like people that make them feel inferior, and they therefore call them thick.
Chuckle……reminds me of when ‘Lady’ Toynbee asserted that’ people of the Left are more intelligent’. This coming from an 11plus failure and no mark at university, she was kicked out, not good enough. Intelligent? Sure,……sure….
This is not news to me, I’ve watched Question Time.
It’s just unbelievable.
Well, the BBC is contractually obliged by its charter to be impartial. I am contractually obliged to pay for it.
The BBC is breaking its side of the bargain so I am perfectly entitled to break mine by not paying for it.
The BBC is breaking its side of the bargain so I am perfectly entitled to break mine by not paying for it.
That’s quite a lot of likes.
Maybe my sons will not have to do without SKY as part of our protest if a coherent campaign of civil disobedience is engaged by enough people.
Pols with green agendas supporting judges rigging trials crushing folk simply seeking to ask questions about lies and being cheated may find the public less keen on them throwing the legal book in fines and jail at poll tax protestors when also letting free rather more dangerous threats to society based on their ‘rights’.
Hasn’t Mr Plaut committed a hate crime?
No. He has nothing to do with Premiership Football.
As a matter of interest can anyone name a single BBC employee that has described Labour as lower than vermin (or a similarly offensive description).
Just One. 1922 to 2012.
PS: He also co wrote a book with Denis MacShame in 1984 called:
Power! : Black Workers, Their Unions and the Struggle for Freedom in South Africa.
Available at for £6.
“May be unread” it says in the desription.
No kidding.
…cheaper to just buy a proper door-stopper.
Coming soon to a bookshop near you:
‘A Rotherham MP, the Parliamentary expenses system, and his struggle to make ends meet’.
I think I have just found my next Director General. Mr Plaut represents the fairness and impartiality for which the BBC is so famous.
So presumably while he was at the BBC his work was informed by his hatred of conservative values. Yes. This seems to be about it. Impartial by the standards of the modern left.
Of course there is balance at the BBC. For all the uncritical coverage of labour’s agenda, there is an equal amount of disdain and criticism of the tory’s agenda. See, total balance!
Don`t imagine the BBC are doing much world class investigative journalism at the moment…which may account for why Hodge, her family fortunes and the offshore tax arrangements she (and her significant others) engage in are not getting an airing.
If only she was a Tory eh?
Now though…do I hear that there is gas price rigging?
Do I hear Angela Knight on to bat for the gas rigging community?
And was she not also sent in to bat for the banks when LIBOR was the problem?
And was she not a Tory MP once(albeit not a well known one)?
Come on Beeb…join those dots!
She made a killing on the property market during the boom:
“My best investment remains housing—I hope! Ten years ago I bought my eighth house and when I sold it in 2006 I doubled my money.”
He doesn’t explain ‘why’ he hates Tories. Hatred is a funny thing, irrational and it would probably be hard for the man to explain; but he will probably keep it to the end of his life.
Paging Nicked Emus, paging Nicked Emus….
Mr Emus urgently required in casualty where the BBC is bleeding to death.
OT: How dare the BBC interview Liebour’s Yvette Cooper wherein she bemoaned “the Government’s total failure in deporting Abu Quatada” when it was as a result of Labour’s intentional unfettered immigration policies, aimed at diluting the indigenous voting base, that this scum-bag uses up our oxygen.
Which scumbag would that be? A rhetorical question since she’s just one of far too many.
The discovery of the names of the 28 “top scientific experts” at the climate change seminar has opened up a new can of worms.
The International Broadcasting Trust, which organised the event, has, it turns out, organised several other similar events for the BBC.
It even claims “We have continued to work in partnership with Channel 4 and the BBC, holding regular meetings to discuss how they plan to implement the international aspects of their remits. We have also worked with other broadcasters including Sky News. ”
Why the hell is an outside body allowed into meetings to influence editorial policy?
And just look at who funds them. The usual suspects like WWF, Oxfam and Unicef.
Jon Plowman, “Head of Comedy” (top expert I’m sure)
As I have pointed out elsewhere this propaganda appears even in “entertainment” programmes such as the Now Show & Have I got News For You. Goebbels would have been proud of this level of thoroughness & “integrated” programming. They ARE “top experts” at their job as they see it.
I think you will find he BBC funds them…..
Those whom the gods would destroy….
Link already made. You could call it a viciuos circle.
Islamic Relief and Muslim Aid feature amongst IBT membership. Now everything is falling into place.
A political view one doesn’t get from BBC-NUJ-Labour:-
“Going Wrong”
What my Black brothers and sisters have done in South Africa to the whites is what will happen soon in this country.
When that happens I will be dictator for life of this country.
Vermin. Does that mean that the Tories should be sent to the Gas Chambers.
Good job I now vote UKIP, but I still do not feel safe. I used to vote Tory, have an Irish ancestor and a suspiciously Jewish sounding surname in the Victorian marriage certificate of another ancestor.
Listen mate, voting UKIP wont save you from the re-education camps!
If I were an adolescent, I might say, I hate all white South Africans. But I’m 50 now.
Isn’t it funny how so many of those people who fled South Africa in the 70’s and 80’s for “political reasons” never returned even after Mandela was released and the place became a multi coloured paradise.
From BBC (2006):-
“Fears over South Africa’s exodus”
Does he have a small mustache and fierce eyes?
In my book there’s not a lot of difference between hating someone for the colour of their skin and hating someone because they vote Tory and/or went to an english public school.
But there’s the rank hypocrisy of the (pretendy) left for you.
Anyway time for an early lunch, all this talk of South Africa has given me a good apartheid.
BBC World Service (inc BBC Arabic) must go.
From 2014, public funding of it switches from British taxpayers to BBC licence payers.
As we see daily, BBC World Service (interlocked as it is with rest of BBC), provides global political propaganda daily, at our expense, for various political causes such as those of ANC in South Africa, Hamas, E.U, increasing UK foreign aid, etc., etc.
Here is a BBC World Service insider (and, of course, political advocate for it):-
“Bush House blues”
Note how BBC’s South African journalist, Martin PLAUT, (living in London) omits reference to South Africa’s ANC and its corruption, and omits reference to the repressive Islamic regimes of North Africa and elsewhere on the African continent.
Africa, seen through rainbow tinted glasses indeed:-
“Africa’s bright future.”
By Martin Plaut
BBC World Service.
Africa has a bright future until the west stops sending aid and the oil runs out.
Plaut is either thick as shite or plain evil, or both.
He says at the end of that World Service article The old illusions I had from my student days are gone.
Apart from his illusion about Tories, apparently.
The BBC, shamelessly arrogant in their bias.
Looks like Jim and Nicked have overlooked this thread, by some strange chance.
Another one to add to a very long list.