A Biased BBC reader brings this to my attention;
“Here’s a classic BBC headline from the website – building up a non-entity of an organisation that is by its very nature racist; denying as it does membership on the basis of skin colour.
“How a leading human rights lawyer put football under the spotlight.“
How about starting a White players association, nope it racist ???
yep! looks like islam is teaching them well 😀
the black football union, goes to the black police association that gets represented by the black lawyers association
….. erm then …. black “judges”? association??
before long goodness … better hope that no one watches some tv, where someone thinks they may have seen, or heard something from someone, who stood by someone in the crowd, that could be construed as possibly a racist. word eh!
…AND if that person happens to be “white”? … would he get fair and just treatment?? …
better ask the “hideously” white bbc eh!
Mr Herbert is a prime example of a racialiser – someone who seeks to introduce race into an issue whenever possible and, if necessary, invent the issue in the first place (classic Marxist “Solution > Problem” approach). Racialisers are the natural complement to racialists and should be considered in the same manner.
This (I think first posted here) may assist with how views may be ‘split’…
Same guy?
I rather leave the BBC’s unique ‘take’ on things out, too.
Sadly, no option currently.
Same guy. I can’t stand him, he’s a useless commentater but I agree with his comment in the Belfast paper.
Here’s something for the Soc. of Black Control Freaks to digest fully before it sticks its well-shod foot into its cavernous mouth, once again:
I think they’d be better employed investigating the continued use of that taboo word “nigga” by black people 😉
That’s what has perplexed me in all this. Why should ‘nigga’ be acceptable amongst black people but not ‘Yid’ amongst Jewish people? What right has The Society of Black Lawyers got to interfere in what is ostensibly a Jewish cultural issue?
is it cos they is black?
Wait until the SBL discovers that West Ham fans affectionately refer to their club as ‘The Irons’. Then we’ll have Herbert & the Homosexual Militant Tendency on the warpath…I’m forever blowing bubbles…You can’t say that! Bubble & Squeak – Greek…that’s Anti-Hellenism. Call the cops. PC? There’s no end to it. Not until they’ve got you bound & gagged, slumped in a silent football stadium, from which all life & vitality has been drained.
Well I’m a Fulham fan and they call us “the Cottagers”….
Oh, Jeff! What can I say, but try to avoid the night games.
Priceless, just priceless!
I can’t see the “Monkey hangers” of Hartlepool FC changing their nickname. The locals hanged a monkey in the Napoleonic wars thinking it was a Frenchman, but I expect the SBL see the team as a local chapter of the Klan.
A balanced article. There’s no hintof support for the body. But it’s in the public interest to report it given the prominence of the clattenberg affair.
Yeah, dead balanced when you look at the overwhelming evidence presented in the article for Herbert being ‘on the right side’.
Or maybe it’s just the BBC being faithful to its charter declaration on Internationalism – sorry, ‘bringing the world to the UK’.
He was sure on the right side in the murder of little Victoria Climbie – he represented one of the don’t-give-a-damn social workers, according to the BBC link.
(BBC likes social workers, unlike young abuse victims).
of course it’s a racistbody,but it’s the correct type of racism for the bbc dontcha know
As disingenuous as ever, JD. The BBC could have chosen to ignore it, rather than fan it with publicity.
You know, like they’ve ignored 28Gate and the Benghazi murder and….. (continue till fade)
Quite. What is so alarming is that he is “one of a very small number of black judges”. Such an overt trouble-maker should be nowhere near a judge’s seat and I’d suspect his skin colour is the only reason he is one.
How many police hours have been wasted by this bumped-up, holier-than-thou twerp making an allegation for which he had absolutely zero evidence? And what a sorry pass we have come to when the police couldn’t simply tell him to p*ss off until he did have some evidence.
Yet here is the BBC going out of its way to give him publicity. Although, to give him his due, the sports editor David Bond did allude to the waste of time on no evidence in his report on the News at Ten the other night.
Why ignore it. This has been a big news issue. And it’s useful to know who was behind the groundless accusation.
Not good enough. Why give it so much prominence? It’s a ‘big news issue’ because the BBC and its fellow travellers chose to make it one.
Bias by selectivity – the oldest trick in the game.
Dave Lee Travis arrested as part of Jimmy Savile sex abuse probe
It is wrong to criticise this organisation. We all know that white people love to play divide and rule, so we must unquestionably support all such organisations. If you don’t, you are a racist darlings.
Here’s a little something to get you through the day:
Pies by post
How dare you accuse me of being a racist. Why, some of my best eyebrows are black.
The BBC won’t be happy until football, like everything else, fits with their agenda. One of my favourite biased BBC moments of the year so far was when Shaun Ley was on The World at One indulging in a hand-wringing discussion on why there was such a difference between what men and women footballers are paid. When Steve Claridge pointed out that it just reflected that people wanted to watch men’s football more than women’s football Shaun Ley came out with one of those amazing lines which would be a perfect motto for the modern BBC and the politically correct mindset it feels it has the duty to enforce on the nation – “So how can we change what people want?”
Claridge said something sensible? I think I’m going to have to lie down . .
“So how can we change what people want?”
Isn’t that the step that comes after ‘Now we’ve changed what people think’?
Some of our trolls have given us a clue: you nobble the youth -then wait for the old men to die.
Some people need to keep fermenting divisions in society because that is where they derive their power from.
Divide and rule.
“The only mixed-race child at his school, the teenage Herbert was the victim of merciless verbal and physical racial abuse, an ordeal that helps to explain his subsequent determination to speak out against discrimination at every opportunity. “
If he really wants to work against discrimination on the grounds of race or skin colour, then why is he doing the opposite to create a society in which membership is entirely discriminatory and selection is based on the colour of skin?
‘the teenage Herbert’
In the interests of balance, anyone trying to write or say that with a straight face at my school would have been gently ribbed.
But it was a different time.
‘course, the swirly was the precursor to waterboarding.
Maybe send Abu Q to Eton… he can afford it.
the teenage Herbert was no doubt the same pompous little twat that he still is today…………….
This is from Guido fawkes website > http://order-order.com/2012/11/15/bbc-news-runs-fake-palestinian-casualty-spin-footage/ think its right up your street 🙂
loved these comments-
“Aloha snackbar I keel you for this!”
“More lies and spin from the out of control Buggering Boys Corp.”
These ones made me chuckle:
“It’s because he’s lost his shoes, Stupid!”
“Being hit by shoes is the greatest insult in the Muslim world. Obviously the Israelis have invented a de-shoeing fatty whacker to heap insult upon injury.”
I see Newsnight-style sloppy journalism at play here. Do the BBC actually vet these films before screening them? The whole thing, not just the Lazarus incident, looked like a put up job. Or maybe those BBC heads get so dizzy with partizanship they just don’t stop to think.
Another propaganda trick is to find any ruined building, stick a few battered hospital beds in it, and then show the news crews round the place.
Pity the Palestinians don’t go on diets, must be all that western aid that makes them fat. Has the same effect in Africa.
I posted this earlier in the open thread….
The BBC’s defense is the standard boilerplate: you must consider coverage as a whole over a period of time. Other candidates got air time elsewhere, so there’s no bias in giving Miliband all that time to promote the Labour guy right before the election. So all someone needs to do is show that the other candidates did or did not get a six-minute free party platform at some point.
Had me wondering if Schofield had handed over a list of racists to the PM that he had picked up on the internet would he be in as much trouble as he is now? It seems the Black (police/lawyers/unions) are all over the BBC and fawned over with their tales of what they see as racism without showing a shred of evidence…double standards?
Astonishing article that…
“why so many think it so wrong for Chelsea to complain to the FA once one of their players has come to them with an allegation of racial abuse (does the fact that it involves a referee mean it should just be swept under the carpet?);”
Because it was clearly done in spite, on the basis of no evidence after a tense match where emotions among players, who didn’t speak English as a first language were running very high.
Or is this now an admission that false claims based on no evidence against Tory Lords on child abuse is fair game…?
Echoes of the Suarez/Evra affair, which was a clash of foreign cultures on British soil.
Ahhh, the joys of multiculturalism.
It’s about time we had a black players union. My brother was racially abused, and that choc ice Ashley Cole didn’t help matters acting all white inside. I’m sick of racism in football.