Close, but no cigar (‘They did not not have biased reporting… with that story! Send them to the dry cleaners, slightly lower market-rate peons!’)
Nothing like the stench of another establishment ‘inquiry’ in the morning.
Seems OFCOM is as confident in its ability to get ‘it’ (now I wonder what ‘it’ is to them vs. any others?) right as the BBC usually is.
Questions asked, power held to account, lessons learned and… until next time folks… ‘unacceptable’!
Disciplinary action has been taken, behind FoI’d doors. ‘You are a very naughty broadcaster. Naughty.. naughty. How naughty? Very! And you must be punished…… more tea vicar?’
The BBC and the British media and their tame puppets in quangos and Parliament… taking the Great out of Britain one cynical step at a time. ‘Mr. Richards, what was it about the politically skewed BBC that first attracted you to being DG of the BBC?
Bent Britain’s Comrades
They will focus on specific output – report or artical or programme and agree it was wrong. They will not however look at the underlying cause – which is bias
Three people have been killed in southern Israel by rockets fired from Gaza. It marks the first Israeli fatalities since militants fired into Israel after it killed a Hamas chief yesterday. Eleven Palestinians – mainly militants, but also children – have been killed in the ensuing Israeli operation.
From BBC reporter Yolande Knell today. So the militants only fired rockets after the Israelis killed the Hamas chief.
The BBC position is that the violence began with the assassination and not the hundreds of rockets in the week before or the attack with anti tank weapons (also described as a shoulder launched anti aircraft rocket) on an Israeli army jeep.
They will of course be happy to go back to 1948 for justification of the Palestinian violence.
“The footage shown by BBC News was edited from a longer sequence provided by the Reuters news agency in which the man in question is shown being lifted from the ground. He is then given attention at the roadside, before appearing later having recovered.”
I’d sure like to see the Reuters uncut footage. Any ideas where I can get it?
The BBC Charter is up for renewal in 2016 just a year after the next General Election must have taken place by. We would have expected the BBC to go all out to win Labour the election as they have done for the past several decades. However, with the Charter negotiations coming so soon after we will see the BBC mounting its biggest ever effort to ensure a Labour win.
One more reason why the Timid Tories should be using the leverage that the McAlpine scandal has given them to make some changes at the BBC to address the bias issue.
There seems little hope that the Timid Tories will do anything other than meekly accept the status quo. So everyone who is opposed to the current way the BBC operates needs to lobby hard for the next three years so that all parties know what a substantial section of the British people think about the future of the BBC.
“You and Yours” today lunch-time had some poor woman from Devon or Cornwall on, who is likely to have the area around her house blighted with acres of solar panels, can’t sell her house, and will receive zero compensation. Enquiries of the local council and planners more or less poo-pooed any possibility of that eventuality, because, didn’t she know, it’s environmentally preferable to have square miles of sparkling blue panels everywhere in the name of eradicating the burning of fossil fuels, and she should be grateful.
There were a couple of other blokes interviewed, one of which I think was a consultant, and the other a sales person for the same dreaded panels. Not much sympathy – would they pay compensation? Not likely.
The argument they made was pretty weak, and more or less that solar panels everywhere wouldn’t make much difference to anything. Anyway, they were cheaper than before (being made in China), and speculators could make a killing because of the subsidies. Interestingly, one of ’em made the point that the panels were a sort of “grey-blue” colour and hidden from view by the hedges, and that a field of oilseed rape was bright yellow, and therefore a much greater eyesore…
Which, really, is what it’s all about. Nothing to do with the environment, carbon dioxide, or anything else for that matter. Just pocket lining on a grand scale.
I thought turbines were bad enough, but combined with a sea of equally useless blue solar panels, the Former UK should be a joy to live in in the future.
Wind supply mainly. Plus profit to land area.
A city will take out most useful power.
See the PM’s funky chimbly windmill in Notting Hill.
Pity, as that is where the consumption is, and where they are sited means a huge loss getting from where it is (erratically) produced.
But also, a drop in house prices around Primose Hill (where the number of pylons may power Helen Boaden’s shredding machine if the wind does blow) may be met with resistance who prefer their renewable energy in other’s back yards.
Prof Brian Cox has told us in a advert for “infinite monkey cage” on Radio 4 that his show might not go to air on Monday as science can’t guarantee we will exist then. So much for the science being settled on man made climate change.
“BBC bias in the run-up to Police and Crime Commissioner elections?”
“Ed Miliband’s appearance on BBC West Midlands (WM) Radio has sparked controversy over his discussion of Labour Police and Crime Commissioner candidate, Bob Jones.”
Heard the Ken Bruce show on R2 today (soooo boring) but the monotony of the old farts voice was broken by the chirpy Jeremy Vine. He wanted people to ring in if they thought it was a good idea for BBC presenters to go into state schools and be role models for da yoot.
My first thought was that it was a little too soon for the BBC to placing any employee anywhere near a school …
Amazing, I was just about to comment that I picked up this missus from Gloucester just now and in the 90″ trip there and back enjoyed a radio programme with nothing but music, educated idents, informed background chat and a news break that offered… well.. news.
There were a couple of daft commercials, but can live with that vs. the unending skewed BS and self-absorption that appears to comprise 90% of any BBC channel.
At last, somebody gets it. No more smokescreens about management cock-ups. Lawson still doesn’t discuss why the shoddy journalism was done in the first place, and simply installing yet another Beeboid isn’t going to change anything. But it’s nice to hear someone not named James Delingpole say there’s a problem.
As for all the rest of it about the BBC not needing to have all those “low culture” shows, Lawson might not be aware that the last Charter revision more or less allowed the BBC to claim that ratings equals public service value. With that metric entrenched in the minds of management, there’s no way they’ll stop.
Pretty repulsed by the BBC in regard of its treatment of Lord MacAlpine.
Heard the poor old bloke on the radio this morning-he sounds weak and fragile-and for the BBC to put an old bloke through all this a la Andrew Sachs is pretty disgusting really.
Yet the Beeb poppet sent along to interview him(Beccy Milligan was it?) seemed to think that the old cove could-should-have rung the BBC himself, as opposed to letting Newsnight go a long with its “story”.
MacAlpine was in southern Italy, sounding very ill to me-but only a Milligan or an Owen would think that we should wonder about MacAlpines “letting the story run”.
Sheesh-these are young, venal creepy typea at the BBC aren`t they?..hope Sachs and MacAlpine add “ageism” to that chargesheet against the evil weevil Beeb!
The BBC dutifully repeat the police statement that the arrest of former Radio 1 DJ, Dave Lee Travers, on suspicion of sexual offences, is unrelated to the Jimmy Savile case. I suppose that they shared the same employer for years is too tenuous – or obvious – a connection to be worth mentioning.
I’m glad to see the BBC finally catching up with reality on the Benghazi scandal and how tens of thousands of people are still without power and have had their lives ruined by Hurricane Sandy. The BBC’s reporting so far really has not done justice to just how many people are still suffering and have lost everything.
Of course, the report about the President’s “fiery” defense of Amb. Rice for lying to the public leaves out the fact that Sec. Clinton and the President Himself also lied, and Gen. Petraeus lied to Congress about it. Yes, I know the story is about McCain and Graham talking about Rice because she’s up for replacing Clinton (sounds about like how the BBC works), but sometimes the BBC provides background context to reports. Sometimes, they don’t.
Also, the story about Clinton agreeing to testify (very generous of her) makes the curious assertion that Republican anger over the incident “has been reignited” by Petraeus’ resignation. As if Republican anger was waning? I don’t think so, BBC.
Future reporting on the lingering effects of Sandy will not be mentioning the serious failures of FEMA, as George Bush is no longer President. After all, the President is comingfor a photo opto visit the area and show deep concern and discuss relief money with Gov. Cuomo.
But rather than visiting white people on Long Island, the BBC editor in charge really should have sent Conway to Far Rockaway or Coney Island or Staten Island where poverty-stricken black folks are being made to live in their own filth, or talk about how ordinary New Yorkers have been gathering food and clothing and blankets and sending it over. Lots of restaurants and bars and organizations have had campaigns going. Even the Occupiers – darlings of the BBC – have been getting involved. Surely the BBC will show some interest there. Instead, there are lots more new “bespoke” video magazine pieces for our amusement.
‘Climategate 2.0 email 4894.txt shows just what Alex Kirby of BBC thinks of climate skeptics as he conveys it to Dr. Phil Jones. Clearly, there an incestuous relationship between climate science and the BBC.’
and being the objective impartial (ho ho) BBC that we are, there is an expectation in some quarters that we will every now and then let them say something. I hope though that the weight of our coverage makes it clear that we think they are talking through their hats.
Some of them really hate that impartial thing, don’t they? But I like how the “you must consider our coverage as a whole over time” defense is fairly applied to all customers.
it should be pointed out the “(ho ho)” is part of Kirby’s original email – some people get the impression it is added as a comment by the person posting.
That old attention-seeking drama queen, Al Gore, is at it again, trying to revive the glory days of his Nobel Prize and ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ blockbuster which broke box office records at schools all around the globe. For effortless put-downs of his latest climate hysterics from – unvelievably, as the BBC tell us they don’t exist – some well-qualified sceptical scientists:
This is unusual for the Beeb – they usually bury these things on the South Yorkshire webpages or wherever:
’13th Nov
Muslim gang ‘white rape’ claim prompts row:
Tory MP Kris Hopkins has sparked a row in the Commons by claiming gangs of Muslim men are raping white “kids”.’
That’s not much money for such a smear, trauma to family, and permanent damage to reputation. And to think other media outlets have paid far more for publishing things that were actually true.
BBC One Show features a teenage schoolgirl having her hair shaved off live on air.
Lightweight Matt Baker and his screenmate (the airhead with a Welsh accent) were encouraging this unpleasantness (which had all sorts of strange and inappropriate resonances) in aid of the BBC’s Children in Need.
Surely it was not just me who found this a rather extreme manifestation of support for dear old Pudsey?
I almost hope the poor thing chnages her mind tomorrow and sues the Beeb for damages as a result of the psychological distress caused.
For heavens sake, Blue Peter appeals only used to ask kids to collect milk bottle tops.
Mind you, we’re only gradually discovering what went on behind the scenes in 1970s BBC light entertainment.
BBC news reporting of the Eurozone dipping back into recession was quick to inform us that if it wasn’t for countries such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy etc. there would actually have been growth because – wait for it – Germany and France’s economies had both grown by 0.2%.
Now 0.2% growth in the UK would be treated how, exactly, by the BBC I wonder?
“Lord McAlpine, the peer who was smeared as a paedophile by Newsnight, believes that Lord Patten of Barnes, the chairman of the BBC Trust, should resign after his failure to get to grips with the scandal.”
Good grief. The New Statesman took the BBC to task for poor journalism relating to abuse in North Wales children’s homes, with Steven Messham mentioned. No, not about the Newsnight film, but about a documentary made in 1999!
BBC are taking an alarming line on the election of Police Commissioners. They are encouraging the theme that people don’t know about the candidates – so it is all a waste of time.
What a pity this is not a straight forward tribal vote!
Of course it is Labour Party policy to attack Government efforts in this area (despite the fact it was actually their own policy until recently) and the Beeb naturally take their lead from Labour.
By the way, I really don’t recall the BBC attacking Labour’s failed policy for English regional assemblies.
So now we have the BBC message: Democracy is an expensive waste of time.
Eddy BoothMar 1, 12:59 Weekend 1st March 2025 Epstein files release [img]×507-pad-600×600-f8f8f8.jpg[/img] “The “Declassified” Document Debacle is Part of Bigger Cover-Up Conservative Influencers Won’t Touch ” Mike Dice…
ZephirMar 1, 12:26 Weekend 1st March 2025 They wre asking for any suggestions for new adhesives. I suggested cornflakes and ceriel bowls after 10 minutes. That’st where…
GMar 1, 12:24 Weekend 1st March 2025 Even bigger than that, in my humble view. The obsequious Trump has joined the club now alongside Putin and Beijing…
MarkyMarkMar 1, 12:20 Weekend 1st March 2025 Actual footage …. “just one out of 228” [img][/img]
vladMar 1, 12:18 Weekend 1st March 2025 Here’s a headline in the Indy worthy of the BBC by it’s bias and irrelevance: “Just 1 voter backed AfD…
ZephirMar 1, 12:09 Weekend 1st March 2025 Never mind, NASA can be fun, I spent a year at the European space agency and the poor girl next…
GMar 1, 12:07 Weekend 1st March 2025 They’re all ‘dodgy’ again and its mostly all to do with the manipulations of the Gold “market” and in particular…
MarkyMarkMar 1, 12:07 Weekend 1st March 2025 [img][/img] [img][/img]
Close, but no cigar (‘They did not not have biased reporting… with that story! Send them to the dry cleaners, slightly lower market-rate peons!’)
Nothing like the stench of another establishment ‘inquiry’ in the morning.
Seems OFCOM is as confident in its ability to get ‘it’ (now I wonder what ‘it’ is to them vs. any others?) right as the BBC usually is.
Questions asked, power held to account, lessons learned and… until next time folks… ‘unacceptable’!
Disciplinary action has been taken, behind FoI’d doors.
‘You are a very naughty broadcaster. Naughty.. naughty. How naughty? Very! And you must be punished…… more tea vicar?’
The BBC and the British media and their tame puppets in quangos and Parliament… taking the Great out of Britain one cynical step at a time.
‘Mr. Richards, what was it about the politically skewed BBC that first attracted you to being DG of the BBC?
Bent Britain’s Comrades
They will focus on specific output – report or artical or programme and agree it was wrong. They will not however look at the underlying cause – which is bias
Three people have been killed in southern Israel by rockets fired from Gaza. It marks the first Israeli fatalities since militants fired into Israel after it killed a Hamas chief yesterday. Eleven Palestinians – mainly militants, but also children – have been killed in the ensuing Israeli operation.
From BBC reporter Yolande Knell today. So the militants only fired rockets after the Israelis killed the Hamas chief.
The BBC position is that the violence began with the assassination and not the hundreds of rockets in the week before or the attack with anti tank weapons (also described as a shoulder launched anti aircraft rocket) on an Israeli army jeep.
They will of course be happy to go back to 1948 for justification of the Palestinian violence.
From Guido, unbelievable, shurley shome mistake!!
There is now a reply from BBc on
“To the best of our knowledge the pictures do not show any kind of ‘staged’ event – and were run in good faith.”
for a minute there i thought I was reading en excuse-sorry explanation- of the newsnight slur
“The footage shown by BBC News was edited from a longer sequence provided by the Reuters news agency in which the man in question is shown being lifted from the ground. He is then given attention at the roadside, before appearing later having recovered.”
I’d sure like to see the Reuters uncut footage. Any ideas where I can get it?
The BBC Charter is up for renewal in 2016 just a year after the next General Election must have taken place by. We would have expected the BBC to go all out to win Labour the election as they have done for the past several decades. However, with the Charter negotiations coming so soon after we will see the BBC mounting its biggest ever effort to ensure a Labour win.
One more reason why the Timid Tories should be using the leverage that the McAlpine scandal has given them to make some changes at the BBC to address the bias issue.
There seems little hope that the Timid Tories will do anything other than meekly accept the status quo. So everyone who is opposed to the current way the BBC operates needs to lobby hard for the next three years so that all parties know what a substantial section of the British people think about the future of the BBC.
Charter? They don’t give a toss about any charter- as we’ve seen, the terms and conditions within are meaningless and there to be ignored.
“You and Yours” today lunch-time had some poor woman from Devon or Cornwall on, who is likely to have the area around her house blighted with acres of solar panels, can’t sell her house, and will receive zero compensation. Enquiries of the local council and planners more or less poo-pooed any possibility of that eventuality, because, didn’t she know, it’s environmentally preferable to have square miles of sparkling blue panels everywhere in the name of eradicating the burning of fossil fuels, and she should be grateful.
There were a couple of other blokes interviewed, one of which I think was a consultant, and the other a sales person for the same dreaded panels. Not much sympathy – would they pay compensation? Not likely.
The argument they made was pretty weak, and more or less that solar panels everywhere wouldn’t make much difference to anything. Anyway, they were cheaper than before (being made in China), and speculators could make a killing because of the subsidies. Interestingly, one of ’em made the point that the panels were a sort of “grey-blue” colour and hidden from view by the hedges, and that a field of oilseed rape was bright yellow, and therefore a much greater eyesore…
Which, really, is what it’s all about. Nothing to do with the environment, carbon dioxide, or anything else for that matter. Just pocket lining on a grand scale.
I thought turbines were bad enough, but combined with a sea of equally useless blue solar panels, the Former UK should be a joy to live in in the future.
The BBC: They don’t like us, do they?
Why do you never see massive wind turbines cities? Primrose Hill for example. If wind turbines are so good why not put them where people are?
Wind supply mainly. Plus profit to land area.
A city will take out most useful power.
See the PM’s funky chimbly windmill in Notting Hill.
Pity, as that is where the consumption is, and where they are sited means a huge loss getting from where it is (erratically) produced.
But also, a drop in house prices around Primose Hill (where the number of pylons may power Helen Boaden’s shredding machine if the wind does blow) may be met with resistance who prefer their renewable energy in other’s back yards.
Prof Brian Cox has told us in a advert for “infinite monkey cage” on Radio 4 that his show might not go to air on Monday as science can’t guarantee we will exist then. So much for the science being settled on man made climate change.
Title of article:-
“BBC bias in the run-up to Police and Crime Commissioner elections?”
“Ed Miliband’s appearance on BBC West Midlands (WM) Radio has sparked controversy over his discussion of Labour Police and Crime Commissioner candidate, Bob Jones.”
by Natalie Glanvill.
Heard the Ken Bruce show on R2 today (soooo boring) but the monotony of the old farts voice was broken by the chirpy Jeremy Vine. He wanted people to ring in if they thought it was a good idea for BBC presenters to go into state schools and be role models for da yoot.
My first thought was that it was a little too soon for the BBC to placing any employee anywhere near a school …
Oh the irony!
ah now come on
ken bruce is ok
have you ever tried listening when he’s off on holiday and they wheel in that bucketheaded muppet zoe ball to fill in?
drives me batty
May I recommend Classic FM? Refreshingly different, with little obvious bias.
Amazing, I was just about to comment that I picked up this missus from Gloucester just now and in the 90″ trip there and back enjoyed a radio programme with nothing but music, educated idents, informed background chat and a news break that offered… well.. news.
There were a couple of daft commercials, but can live with that vs. the unending skewed BS and self-absorption that appears to comprise 90% of any BBC channel.
Internet radio every time. No boring waffle, just music that satisfies (well, an old prog-head like me anyway).
I only listen to radio 2 when Mike Harding is on (and now no longer) or when I am forced to by other occupants of the vehicle …
Now Zoe Ball I can watch, but only with the sound turned down …. [/DoM]
anyone tries to put the likes of marcus cockhead near my wee lad gets to look for a new head of his own
By Fergus Kelly.
“Jeremy Paxman is wrong: Newsnight’s errors were the product of shoddy journalism, not budget cuts”
By Dominic Lawson.
At last, somebody gets it. No more smokescreens about management cock-ups. Lawson still doesn’t discuss why the shoddy journalism was done in the first place, and simply installing yet another Beeboid isn’t going to change anything. But it’s nice to hear someone not named James Delingpole say there’s a problem.
As for all the rest of it about the BBC not needing to have all those “low culture” shows, Lawson might not be aware that the last Charter revision more or less allowed the BBC to claim that ratings equals public service value. With that metric entrenched in the minds of management, there’s no way they’ll stop.
Pretty repulsed by the BBC in regard of its treatment of Lord MacAlpine.
Heard the poor old bloke on the radio this morning-he sounds weak and fragile-and for the BBC to put an old bloke through all this a la Andrew Sachs is pretty disgusting really.
Yet the Beeb poppet sent along to interview him(Beccy Milligan was it?) seemed to think that the old cove could-should-have rung the BBC himself, as opposed to letting Newsnight go a long with its “story”.
MacAlpine was in southern Italy, sounding very ill to me-but only a Milligan or an Owen would think that we should wonder about MacAlpines “letting the story run”.
Sheesh-these are young, venal creepy typea at the BBC aren`t they?..hope Sachs and MacAlpine add “ageism” to that chargesheet against the evil weevil Beeb!
The BBC dutifully repeat the police statement that the arrest of former Radio 1 DJ, Dave Lee Travers, on suspicion of sexual offences, is unrelated to the Jimmy Savile case. I suppose that they shared the same employer for years is too tenuous – or obvious – a connection to be worth mentioning.
BBC: silent on E.U’s coninuing mass immigration policy.
By Macer Hall.
While BBC-NUJ highlights effects of E.U economic problems, it ignores causes, such as mass immigration.
Because Internationalism – sorry, ‘bringing the world to the UK’ – is now enshrined in its charter?
I’m glad to see the BBC finally catching up with reality on the Benghazi scandal and how tens of thousands of people are still without power and have had their lives ruined by Hurricane Sandy. The BBC’s reporting so far really has not done justice to just how many people are still suffering and have lost everything.
Of course, the report about the President’s “fiery” defense of Amb. Rice for lying to the public leaves out the fact that Sec. Clinton and the President Himself also lied, and Gen. Petraeus lied to Congress about it. Yes, I know the story is about McCain and Graham talking about Rice because she’s up for replacing Clinton (sounds about like how the BBC works), but sometimes the BBC provides background context to reports. Sometimes, they don’t.
Also, the story about Clinton agreeing to testify (very generous of her) makes the curious assertion that Republican anger over the incident “has been reignited” by Petraeus’ resignation. As if Republican anger was waning? I don’t think so, BBC.
Future reporting on the lingering effects of Sandy will not be mentioning the serious failures of FEMA, as George Bush is no longer President. After all, the President is coming
for a photo opto visit the area and show deep concern and discuss relief money with Gov. Cuomo.But rather than visiting white people on Long Island, the BBC editor in charge really should have sent Conway to Far Rockaway or Coney Island or Staten Island where poverty-stricken black folks are being made to live in their own filth, or talk about how ordinary New Yorkers have been gathering food and clothing and blankets and sending it over. Lots of restaurants and bars and organizations have had campaigns going. Even the Occupiers – darlings of the BBC – have been getting involved. Surely the BBC will show some interest there. Instead, there are lots more new “bespoke” video magazine pieces for our amusement.
‘Climategate 2.0 email 4894.txt shows just what Alex Kirby of BBC thinks of climate skeptics as he conveys it to Dr. Phil Jones. Clearly, there an incestuous relationship between climate science and the BBC.’
and being the objective impartial (ho ho) BBC that we are, there is an expectation in some quarters that we will every now and then let them say something. I hope though that the weight of our coverage makes it clear that we think they are talking through their hats.
Some of them really hate that impartial thing, don’t they? But I like how the “you must consider our coverage as a whole over time” defense is fairly applied to all customers.
it should be pointed out the “(ho ho)” is part of Kirby’s original email – some people get the impression it is added as a comment by the person posting.
I bolded it but did not add it. Anyone clicking through the original link will see that.
Sandy Spurs Jump in Jobless Claims; Inflation Nudges Up
BBC: ZZZzzzzzzz
They’re missing a chance to shift blame here.
That old attention-seeking drama queen, Al Gore, is at it again, trying to revive the glory days of his Nobel Prize and ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ blockbuster which broke box office records at schools all around the globe. For effortless put-downs of his latest climate hysterics from – unvelievably, as the BBC tell us they don’t exist – some well-qualified sceptical scientists:
All paid by the oil industry or Koch Bros., no doubt. Isn’t that right, BBC?
This is unusual for the Beeb – they usually bury these things on the South Yorkshire webpages or wherever:
’13th Nov
Muslim gang ‘white rape’ claim prompts row:
Tory MP Kris Hopkins has sparked a row in the Commons by claiming gangs of Muslim men are raping white “kids”.’
‘But Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi warned about “playing into the hands” of far right groups with such accusations’.
Straight out of the Leftist book of ‘Censorhip by Mantras’ (Multicultural/BNP Section).
i wonder if the BBC will interview any Jewish celebrities about what is going on with the Israel/Gaza conflict?
Well they just ambushed the Chief Rabbi after TFTD by asking him about the current Gaza skirmish and not telling him he was still air!
Well they just ambushed the Chief Rabbi after TFTD by not telling him he was still on air.
Does that count?
That was clearly a mistake not an ambush. But fascinating response. I like Sachs.
i wonder if the BBC will interview any of Jewish celebrities about what is going on with the Israel/Gaza conflict?
BBC News at 10 tells me how they have just spent 185 grand of our money (plus legal costs) in settlement with Lord McAlpine’s lawyers.
Earlier today BBC reporters were claiming that they expected the damages to be in the regoin of £50k.
Typical BBC.
When the Beeb talk about money I am usually reminded of a fish riding a bicycle.
That’s not much money for such a smear, trauma to family, and permanent damage to reputation. And to think other media outlets have paid far more for publishing things that were actually true.
He should have rogered them for couple of mill then donated it to the Global Warming Policy Foundation.
Apropo of…. well, you decide:
BBC One Show features a teenage schoolgirl having her hair shaved off live on air.
Lightweight Matt Baker and his screenmate (the airhead with a Welsh accent) were encouraging this unpleasantness (which had all sorts of strange and inappropriate resonances) in aid of the BBC’s Children in Need.
Surely it was not just me who found this a rather extreme manifestation of support for dear old Pudsey?
I almost hope the poor thing chnages her mind tomorrow and sues the Beeb for damages as a result of the psychological distress caused.
For heavens sake, Blue Peter appeals only used to ask kids to collect milk bottle tops.
Mind you, we’re only gradually discovering what went on behind the scenes in 1970s BBC light entertainment.
BBC news reporting of the Eurozone dipping back into recession was quick to inform us that if it wasn’t for countries such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy etc. there would actually have been growth because – wait for it – Germany and France’s economies had both grown by 0.2%.
Now 0.2% growth in the UK would be treated how, exactly, by the BBC I wonder?
I do hope for Labour’s sake that their supporters voted early in Corby today.
Because the BBC Question Time audience tonight sounds as though it is absolutely stuffed with them.
In case you missed it, John Steward wrapped up the BBC scandals:
Ouch. The Beeboids love him, so it must be killing them to see this. When you’ve lost St. Jon….
“Lord McAlpine: Head of BBC Trust should resign.
“Lord McAlpine, the peer who was smeared as a paedophile by Newsnight, believes that Lord Patten of Barnes, the chairman of the BBC Trust, should resign after his failure to get to grips with the scandal.”
Good grief. The New Statesman took the BBC to task for poor journalism relating to abuse in North Wales children’s homes, with Steven Messham mentioned. No, not about the Newsnight film, but about a documentary made in 1999!
The NS special report – What the BBC did not tell us
BBC are taking an alarming line on the election of Police Commissioners. They are encouraging the theme that people don’t know about the candidates – so it is all a waste of time.
What a pity this is not a straight forward tribal vote!
Of course it is Labour Party policy to attack Government efforts in this area (despite the fact it was actually their own policy until recently) and the Beeb naturally take their lead from Labour.
By the way, I really don’t recall the BBC attacking Labour’s failed policy for English regional assemblies.
So now we have the BBC message: Democracy is an expensive waste of time.
The BBC are at it again, have they not learn’t anything!
Another Schofield moment…