Via Guido….BBC don’t seem to check the film they broadcast for authenticity…..
Pallywood…Lazarus is alive and well.
Pallywood has a long history, the most famous probably being the Al Dura footage. filmed by a Palestinian cameraman, Abu Rahma, which led to many consequences….
‘The footage of the father and son acquired what one writer called the power of a battle flag. For many Palestinians, it confirmed their view of Israel’s brutality toward them, while for sections of the Israeli and Jewish communities the allegations were a modern blood libel, the ancient antisemitic association of Jews with child sacrifice.[9] The scene was evoked in other deaths. It was blamed for the October 2000 lynching of two Israeli army reservists in Ramallah, and was seen in the background when Daniel Pearl, a Jewish-American journalist, was beheaded by al-Qaeda in 2002.[10] James Fallows writes that no version of the truth about the footage will ever emerge that all sides consider believable.’
But here’s a selection to choose from.
Guido has this from the BBC:
To the best of our knowledge the pictures do not show any kind of ‘staged’ event – and were run in good faith. The footage shown by BBC News was edited from a longer sequence provided by the Reuters news agency in which the man in question is shown being lifted from the ground. He is then given attention at the roadside, before appearing later having recovered.
Who could doubt that.
Pallywood yes, and now the very own BBCs Arabic picture editor is in the news, so they will get some good photos no doubt, according to the Independent:
“For his inconsolable father, the gates of hell have been opened.”
11-month-old son of BBC picture editor is killed in air strike on Gaza City
Tough shit, his name is Jihad? Stop firing missiles at Israel you boneheads, it really is simple, but then again, the residents of Gaza are a bit simple.Go Israel, finish the job.
I’ve just sent the IDF some donuts. Guido Fawkes blog has a link and you can use Paypal.
AND – al bbc continues, this mornings phone in 5live your call has an attempt
at the world speaking without drawing breath record, as panto nikki has abbas s right hand man, and his 10min rant,
oh the calls … well 20 mins in i think they may start … hmmm let the bias begin eh! …
the phone calls ruthlessly impartial, i m sure 😀 … NOT!
AND – al bbc continues
Looking at Guido’s latest, with the Graun in full complement.
Meanwhile, in other ‘news’…
Old scores being settled… just what you need and expect from a professional, balanced, trusted national treasure you are forced to fund.
And all those cameras just happened to be there to witness this er uhm ‘tragedy’ a reporter on the scene offering condolences on behalf of all ‘Palestinians’. How very convenient eh? A BBC reporter by the name of Jihad, how apt and I for one do not believe any of it, it was just too choreographed to be real. The ‘Palestinians have become world renowned experts in faked footage of casualties, from slicing the scalps of the own kids to forcing their kids to attack IDF soldiers in order to get shots of brutal IDF brutally doing nothing more than standing around. How about the BBC airing of the ‘peace protester’ being hit with the gun of an IDF soldier, the camera didnt show the ‘peace protester’ hitting the soldier on the nose to provoke a reaction. The BBC didnt care that the shot was framed they ran it like the good little terror collaborators they are. Fake victims, perfect material for the BBC.
Can we launch some form of joint complaint about the BBC putting this fake footage to air?
I rather suspect it will be a matter of getting in line.
Between bad pension shortfalls that can only go up as well as up, abuse victim compo, inept market rate 4xmore than needed silence-buying, not sure there will be much left of the uniquely funded £4Bpa for any, as such, original broadcast.
Unless you count the ‘special stuff’ from those 3rd party production houses they seem to like, here, and over there. Worth a ‘Downfall’?
Just a management cock-up, man. Once the reporting structure is reformed and another BBC editor is shifted into place, all will be well and this won’t happen again.
Agreed, but I’d still make whoever filmed this step aside on a full salary for a while.
Oh, will lessons be learnt? That’s nice.
BBC don’t seem to check the film they broadcast for authenticity
Presumably it’s again ‘cuts-related’?
One of their apparently many ‘staff’ there (too – the cuts don’t seem to be biting in the bums on seats area) are entrusted with vetting duty as things seem to happen right where they are, and they just zap it over with a ‘good stuff’ sticker to go straight to air?
“War is deceit” – Mohammed (the one we mustn’t draw cartoons of or make scurrilous films about).
You may wish to post this story from Harrys Place (complete with Youtube video of the offending bBC video) where an injured Pal who is carried off screaming is seen walking around with nothing wrong with him later on in the clip.
Damn I really should read and follow all the links on the post. the video I posted is the reason for this thread. Duh!
Also from Guido , send the IDF a pizza > , he says its kosher.
could we not all club together and send enough for a section or a platoon?
But,,,,al bowen said it was kosher !
‘The BBC cannot verify the authenticity of this footage’
Its all they have to say clearly before any footage not proven to be accurate, the fact that most ‘victim footage’ is faked and fabricated and set up escapes the BBC. Oh the irony of the BBC employing a man called ‘Jihad’ who just happens to have his own infant killed and there just happens to be a veritable media circus just outside waiting and ready to do the interview, how fortunate eh?
You could say that it is incredible timing OR you could say the whole thing was faked, I suspect that because the BBC relies on footage from people like their own friendly helpful Jihad he helped create some exclusive footage just for his employers. This is the reality of the BBC reduced to peddling fake footage of fake victims and playing the useful idiot collaborators for a bunch of terrorists.
If only Newsnight had put up that disclaimer….
If they can’t verify it, then they damn well should not be using it.
Heck at this rate they might even be using made up scientists to define policy… oh wait!
A made up story to smear Thatcher, the Tories, and others… oh wait!
Not reporting people killed by Hamas… oh wait.
Not reporting 100’ds of rockets fired at Israel in the past year… oh wait”
Hiding reports commissioned as they might show bias… oh wait!
And on and on and on….
Poor show, although I note there was a disclaimer.
You want to see what @medialens are saying about the BBC’s coverage.
Damn ideologues and extremists.
Yes, Jim, we know that the BBC gets complaints from both sides. Calling an accidental civilian casualty during a war “murder” is okay by you? Medhi Hasan, Warmist groups, and FAIR not ideologues? Noted.
Do the BBC reporters who are embedded within the various terrorist groups in the region not realise that if the IDF decide to carry out a full scale offensive to create a buffer zone as they did in Lebanon, that they will be taken as hostages and may not live to regret it??? The Arabs are expecting that the Western powers will make Isreal stop short of full mobilisation…. They don`t realise that NATO needs Isreal as a counter balance to the Russian influenced Syrian regime…. Russia will not let the Iranian supported revolts in Syria oust Bashar, as it would give Iran direct access to the entrance of the Suez Canal… Israel knows that Syria, Jordan and Lebanon will not get involved as for Egypt… If they get involved they will end up wishing they hadn`t… In 1967 Israel wiped out thier airforce in about four hours… What pisses me off more than anything is how the BBC has become a platform for terrorists and extremist Islamic viewpoints… Just about every piece of video footage they use is supplied by so called `activists` using mobile phones… Anytime actual BBC video is shown it is staged for the cameras… If the Hitler was alive it wouldn`t surprise me at all to see Mien Kampf being lauded as `Book Of The Month`… it makes me sick!!!!
No, the BBC will, though, treat the Communist Manifesto that way.
There was another regular news report being a bit loose with the facts and presenting Marx’s book as being a big seller in Germany back in 2008, with the implication that it was due to the recent financial crisis, proof that Capitalism was over, but I can’t find it now.
I watched with increasing disgust the BBC reporter talking about is colleague having lost his 11 moth old son to an Israeli attack on Gaza. The reporter, I forget his name, spoke about how the death of a child is a terrible thing and g that one of a close ‘colleague is worst. I could not agree with him more. The death of a 11 month old child, who ever his or her parents are or have done is a monstrous event. Morally abhorrent.
What is was I left thinking was that this news clip covering this tragedy y was so uncompromising
A child is innocent? But wait a minute, when two Palestinian boys entered a Jewish home and murdered two children the BBC asked us to understand them and their motives? When 11 month old child is killed by an Israeli military action to protect its citizens, it is ‘murder’.
Sorry this is all nonsense. the real issue is do the Jewish people have a right to defend their state. And my answer is YES.
I looked at the rocket attack on the Israeli town that resulted in 2 women and one man death. Why are their lives of less value than that of a 11 month old?
Because Israel as a first world country has invested in a sophisticated protection system for its southern towns , resulting in a low level of deaths and injuries, does not indicate ‘malevolence’ I found a photo of the Jewish baby injured in the Israeli counter attack on Gaza.
The reporter is Jon Donnison, and Wyre Davies has since followed him. Donnison first reported the death of the colleague’s baby son Omar (a very beautiful child in his subsequently shown photograph) on the BBC News at One (I seem to recall the studio anchor prompting him to tell viewers about it): I thought immediately of the impact that the death of Bowen’s Palestinian driver had in reinforcing Bowen’s bias against Israel and hoped that Donnison’s would not be affected similarly. Of course, Donnison is biased enough already…
The BBC values lives according to who kills them. Also, it is a tragedy that children are killed at all, or even have to live in fear and anger all the time, but it’s war, not simply a series of premeditated murders. The BBC really needs to focus a little more on the relevance of the Hamas Charter without being so damn afraid all the time of getting accused of being Zionist shills.
So many people have been moaning recently about how the worst outcome from the Newsnight scandals is that the BBC would become too timid for fear of criticism. Well, with the exception of their decision (after much hand-wringing and internal wrestling) not to show that Gaza propaganda film and some cold honesty by some Beeboids about what actually happened on the Mavi Marmara (they couldn’t deny the facts, and stood up to activist pressure), the BBC’s coverage of the Israel/Gaza situation generally shows them to be very timid indeed.
INBBC reports:-
“Hamas: ‘More determined to follow path of jihad'”
(-and INBBC could add: INBBC is more determined to continue support for Hamas’ jihad.)
“Netanyahu: ‘Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others are deliberately harming our citizens, while intentionally hiding behind their citizens.'”
There has been barely a word said about the constant barrage of rockets that have been flying into Israel, yet when a mediaeval terror group leader is taken out the BBC is in uproar. I’m sure that if these bum hole reporters homes were under constant rocket attack they would be siding with the monsters firing them?. Time for a reality check but it isn’t going to happen. By the way i’m sure the footage they’re showing is all authentic, knob jockey swivel eyed lefties fall for it every time.
Bearing the above story in mind
The BBC is also reporting that the 11 month old son of one of their BBC Arabic picture editors based in Gaza was killed in an Israeli air strike. The man brings his child wrapped in a shroud out on to the street where he is surrounded by a crowd, and conveniently, a reporter with cameras and microphone to get his story. His response is dramatically <a href=‘What did my son do to die like this?’ Which the BBC use as the emotive headline.
The interview can be seen on that link.
1. Is this what a father does just after his child has been killed?
2. Where’s the mother?
3. Since Israel drops warning leaflets before airstrikes on civilian areas where rocket bases are located, why was he and his son still there?
Could he be ‘editing pictures’ for the effect he wants to produce?
A man who takes his job to heart. He must have heard about Entwistle getting the boot for not doing his job well and he decided he’d better pull up his socks.
Another facet to consider – here’s one picture of the grieving father with the ‘dead child’ in his hand.
and here’s another
Spot the difference?
‘Spot the difference?’
Yes. The ‘father’ is wearing a different jumper in each of these pictures.
Obviously, two different ‘takes’ of the same scene, at different times.
one picture is from AP, the other from Reuters. This reinforces the chances that the scene was staged repeatedly, for different cameramen.
The female chattel obviously wouldn’t be allowed in the room. By the way, these are two different rooms, could be in a different area altogether, not merely two different takes. I suppose there’s a chance he changed into a clean shirt after leaving the area of the explosion. Do we have evidence that the explosion was caused by an Israeli missile and wasn’t something else blowing up? Israel did destroy a number of weapons caches in the area.
Forgot to insert link – it’s here
How typical of the BBC-led British media to portray terrorists and the journos they pose for as victims.
It reminds me of Bloody Sunday, when McGuinness was carrying a sub-machine gun for self-defence (sic) as his civil rights (sic) demonstrators were throwing nail and acid bombs at our (note, not “British”) troops.
Good job Cameron isn’t the Israeli PM or he’d arraign the IDF for murder, same as he’s doing for our boys. That’s how powerful the media is, stirring up terrorists and the left alike and scaring wimp politicians into sacrificing the innocent.
Jihad the journo’s son looked like a pudding in an oversized cloth to me. I hope lefty wimmin attend the pudding’s funeral, trying to forgive misunderstood Gaza rapists and making oi larf as they did last time.
For balance, on SKY just now, anchor Stephen Nixon just quoted ME expert Alex Crawford on the Syrian conflict as saying that if the West does not help the rebels (there was a slight nod to the fact there seem a few score factions and no one knows who’s in charge; a common issue in this benighted region), said rebels ‘may’ become anti-Western.
BBC Radio 4 Today @BBCr4today
Coming up: #Israel’s airstrikes (0709/0810) the new police and crime commissioners (0730) the Mary Rose’s crew that drowned (0718) #r4today
In the spirit of ‘the narrative’ and historical revisionism, one presumes the BBC Today team will be blaming the Mary Rose crew for splashing the French attacking up the Solent as they sunk?
As to what aspect of the ‘Israel airstrikes’ they will cover… who knows?
Don’t lose your shirt on this Aunty.
But then, there’s always a change in props.
From the Indy…
‘Three Israelis die as Palestinians launch attacks after Hamas commander killed in air strike’
One presumes this is the kind of proportionality the box-ticking MSM feels more ‘appropriate’ in such exchanges?
Invoking Godwin, a wee while ago, by the conclusion the ratio between the guys who kicked it off and the guys they took out from one, very specific group, was about ‘split’, which one appreciates is the ideal of BBC balance (though it can range from 50:50 to 100:1, depending).
But then, it was a different time.
Then again, from the reporting of some, maybe not as much as some may think.
BBC news this morning, and ad infinitum – Israel ‘escalates’ but never ‘retaliates’.
Amazing how one little word can set the tone.