So in light of how the bBC is more than happy to promote this view that the situation inside Gaza (what 15 dead) is much more demanding of attention than Syria (20,000 dead?) they continue with their POV that the Jews are evil Egypt PM decries Gaza ‘disaster’ Gaza crisis: Israel steps up aerial attack
and my fav this video interview inside Gaza with one of the locals whom I keep on been told by the bBC are scared, weary due to a lack of sleep and apparently dropping like flies . Here have a look Gaza Israeli violence: ‘Everybody fears another war’
Ok, in light of how the bBC informs the world the Pals are scared of walking outside, that they fear getting hit from above. Can somebody explain why that square is packed with smiley happy people, why isn’t the bBC reporter wearing body armour (like the bBC love to do) and why is there no sound of conflict during the entire video.
Remember people according to the bBC not all Muslims are evil due to the actions of Millions but all Jews are for the actions of a few.
The bBC, the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK
‘Can somebody explain why that square is packed with smiley happy people
Maybe they were taking 5 between scenes as set, makeup & costumes were touched up?
Lastly, without bunkers, an air-raid system or even an anti-missile screen like the Israelis have. With over 160 airstrikes carried out by the IDF on one of the most densely populated areas of the world and they have only managed to kill 20 people.
Either the IDF aren’t as good as the bBC makes out or they are actually targeting the terrorists who are launching rocket attacks against Israel.
So with those facts on the ground the bBC promotes this view that Gaza has been knocked into the stone age.
I wonder what SKY’s excuse is… A Libertarian Rebel @A_Liberty_Rebel
@SkyNews presenter: “How do you know it’s #Hamas firing the rockets from #Gaza?” Nothing to do with the fact they run the place, obviously
Though a person here recently did mention a certain amount of funding that may have a unique bearing on their ME ‘views’.
I am already fed-up with hearing the Labour/bBBC line ‘low turnout in PCC elections’. They have been talking it down for weeks, but now that the elections have been held, their ‘news’ stories are more about the turnout than the results.
There is no bBBC headline ‘low turnout in Manchester Central by-election’ because the 18% turnout there resulted in a Labour win.
This. 13:10 BBC News 24 just going on and on AND ON about the low turn out and lack of legitimacy. The BBC really don’t like democracy do they? It’s clear they would prefer all decisions to be made by an unelected politburo of EU commissioners – hence their respectful fact-free reporting of the recent Chinese leadership handover charade. Sickening.
And people at least GOT a vote!…used or not.
As opposed to the EU…the BBC…and all manner of other beloved “progressive causes”…which we`re not really “fit to judge”.
on bbc station bbc 5live
yesterday all day … the pallywood appreciation society with drip drip guest appearances, always appearing to be “activists” right up until the afternoon resident chimp bacon and the Hamas! press conference? … charming.
AND – al bbc continues, this mornings phone in 5live your call has an attempt at the world speaking without drawing breath record, as panto nikki has abbas s right hand man, and his 10min rant,
oh the calls … well 20 mins in i think they may start … hmmm let the bias begin eh! …
the phone calls ruthlessly impartial?, no sorry folks …
this is the bbc after all.
on into the afternoon the drone of bias continues as bowen turns up on sheeeela foglegity … with interspersed bulletins of more israelli strikes 😀
they are asking for your views 😀 … but ………
don t bother, as the inquisition will probably be just like mine, where you can give 3 salient points straight off … not interested, and you then hear someone who can hardly string a sentence together put straight on air.
(ah! the power of the mic fairy eh!) …
couldn t have anything to do with support for israells position? and genuine knowledge of the situation …. could it? 😀
i m afraid the parade of pallywood celebs continues on 5live, as some incomprehensible dr from somewhereistan shouts something about aggressors, followed only about 15 mins later with a rep from the LSE, (london school of extremists) .and a drone about angering the wider region – the whole “muslim” ?? world, and (cue dr evil stylee) – one point yada yada billion mohamheads etc .
I don’t know if this is just me looking back with rose tinted specs but didn’t Pallywood propaganda used to be better than what we are seeing now ? You know 10 years ago they used to put a bit of effort and a bit of showbiz into it but now it all seems to be organised by a 16 year old with ADHD and its not like they have anything else to do 🙂
INBBC reporting widely today that dear danny Boyle is launching a huge campaign to have these dreaded cutz to his precious arts causes stopped!
How very dare they starve the arts? If they want arts events let the buggers pay for them all, dont spend my taxes!
Donisson reported from the smoking ruins of the Hamas Interior Ministry building, on Today, this morning, remarked that there was a United Nations school nearby – luckily unhit. Of course, he did not add “What a coincidence!”
If there was any sort of BBC/Socialist international brigade they would do all their fighting from their mansions in Islington and Hampstead.
It would be safer for most of them seeing they are gay and being gay in Palestine will get you killed.
Ah you see, the libby-wibbies say, it’s all about ‘proportionality’. The IDF versus at the very worst a few hundred hopeless ragheads with katyusha missileswhichlandharmlesslyinfields.
Of course they conveniently forget the ‘proportionality’ argument when it’s katyusha missileswhichlandharmlesslyinfields versus a man, his wife, a couple of kids, and perhaps a crowbar under dad’s bed, ye know, in case of need.
And was it proportionality that was employed by the arab muslims who massacred the Fogle family in their beds? I don’t recall the impartiality gene of the sodding bbc kicking in to report on that atrocity by muslims.
QT last night. Q –should we boycott stores and businesses that do use tax aviodance devices to avoid paying UK tax? I texted… BBC should boycott Guardian and stop all G journalists from appearing any BBC programme or discussions as G uses offshore coys for tax avoidance. Didn’t get aired, I wonder why not?
Farage gave both parties a swift kick to the doodahs on that one though didn’t he? Harman whittled on about her principled standpoint only to have Farage snigger and point out that these firms had only taken advantage of an EU wide agreement that allows them to choose in which EU nation they pay their tax in. As Farage pointed out that’s why so many of them have holed up in in Luxembourg and Ireland.
Cue the disningenuous bit from the Lib Dem who then talked about us lowering our corporation tax rate in 2 years that would give us the lowest corporation tax in the G7 as though that was going to solve the issue. Shame Farage didn’t point out that neither Luxemburg or Ireland where in the G7.
Farage was hardly allowed a voice c/f Harman. When he was given the chance his views were informed and concise; unlike the lady on the right of the screen who was incoherent at times but still got more air time than Nigel
Anyone else notice how Lord Sacks was asked about the Gazza situation this morning, (after thought for the day). As soon as he said the word “Iran” he was cut off and told he still was on air. Some thoughts must be better than others as he changed tack hoping for peace.
LEVESON: an excellent, extensive ‘Daily Mail’ investigation today.
Of course, investigative journalism is not BBC-NUJ’s strong point, to say the least, but ‘Daily Mail’ does an effective job in exposing the composition and interests (inc political ) of Leveson Inquiry today.
“What a very small world: Why are so many figures in the Leveson Inquiry connected to New Labour’s favourite media quango Ofcom?”
George R is correct – this Mail investigation probably won’t come as news to citizens of the blogosphere but it is, at last, sunlight being shone on the evil influence of Common Purpose and other organisations set-up by the Left to subvert democracy.
It is very specifically relevant to BBC in the light of Saville and 28Gate.
Naturally, the Mail’s comments section has been hijacked by outraged leftists, whose squirming reminds you of what happens when stones are lifted in a dank, airless thicket.
The Mail deserves our support for this, however awful a rag it may be at times.
Don’t play to the left wing agenda. The Mail isn’t an “awful rag” and it’s read by a lot of people. It’s also often the only paper that promotes a right of centre point of view. Nothing to be ashamed of.
The only thing consistent with the DM is its inconsistency. This is the “newspaper” which hates all things European but has a readership that slags off Tesco and loves Aldi and Lidl!!!
No, anti-EU articles – you know, along the lines of an unelected socialist bureaucracy whose bloated accounts have not been approved by its own auditors for 14 years.
But then I suspect the EU and Europe are one and the same to you.
Common Purpose has been known about and warned about on the web for several years; and consequently ignored. The Mail has now brought this sinister organisation to the attention of a larger proportion of the general public. I just hope that now it has been taken up in the newspapers those who are in a position to do so wake up to the insidious nature of the Common Purpose indoctrination. One only needs to google Common Purpose, and its connections with all levers of power in our country including the bbc to gain an understanding of communists/marxists who are behind it and the socialist/communist/fascist principles they are using. How can the term ‘Leading beyond Authority’ be anything other than seditious. If I employ a bin collector that’s all he is authorised to do; I don’t want him spying on my lifestyle too. Minor example but that’s what the Common Purpose entity is training people to do on a grand scale.
We used to have comments from ‘Atlas Shrugged’ on this site warning of Common Purpose – trouble was it sounded so far fetched that he used to receive flack from other posters – but if you read through his long comments there was always a degree of Common Sense.
Yes, it’s sad that the subject of CP has been tainted by the tin foil hat brigade. I was taken in for some time by that smearing until I started to do some of my own research.
It is clearly a subversive organisation, far more dangerous than the obvious likes of the Masons, SWP and dear old Mlitant Tendency.. It needs exposing for the creepy, anti-democratic, authoritarian conspiracy that it is.
Others also mentioned CP, but more coherently and without mixing in the Bilderbergs and lizard people or whatever the hell he was on about half the time, and without CAPS LOCK.
It would be sad for the children who would otherwise benefit, but wouldn’t it be nice if there were a massive drop in support for Children in Need, just to let the bBBC know what the public think of its hypocrisy?
I heard a short piece they did the other day on how charitable donations were falling in these hard times – no doubt, it was in part to prepare us for news of a disappointing total – but nothing to do with Savile, of course.
‘Ah… never… knowingly… diverted funds from that kids’ fund… to my.. that already bloated pot.’
Just as Jezza was forced… forced we tell you, to embrace a tax regime that paid him more?
Maybe they should rename it the BBC College of Semanticists?
Instead of a “pantomime” response why don’t you consider the factual evidence which refutes your argument. Is stating something founded on fact considered as “bias” here?
Seems no one is taking any fees (except the lawyers.. by all accounts).
However ‘staff costs’ are £887,000?
Now, given the BBC’s often interesting ways with staff, 3rd party costs, people as companies, there may be more detail?
p46 of course shows a bit more on how much but not who, other than the CEO, on £100k.
Just asking.
More from ‘Daily Mail’ investigation into Leveson Inquiry:-
“A coup by the Left’s old boy network: The Leveson Inquiry has momentous implications for free speech. But this Mail dossier raises disturbing questions about the influence of a quasi-masonic nexus of the ‘people who know best’.”
Special Investigation by RICHARD PENDLEBURY.
More excellent investigative work from ‘Daily Mail’ on Leveson, etc:-
“A nuclear bomb that dropped on the press – and the motley crew who seized their chance.
“Cameron’s appointment of Andy Coulson and Blair’s hatred of Fleet Street gave perfect forum for media regulation.
“Questionable ‘independent review group’ favoured those campaigning to loosen media grip.
“Unsubstantiated allegations about Milly Dowler’s phone being hacked pushed ‘Hacked Off’ into forefront.”
Checking on the BBC world service news about the Gaza situation this morning from my home on the green line in Israel, I was intrigued to hear a BBC correspondent in Gaza commenting sadly about the destruction in Gaza of new apartment buildings that have gone up in recent years and how the increasing affluence as shown by new cars and supermarkets are being endangered by the Israeli rocket attacks. Whilst the destruction of property and loss of life in Gaza is very unfortunate indeed, I have to ask, has the BBC ever in the past few years run a programme on this increasing affluence- and if not why not. The standard BBC view that one hears is that Gaza is blockaded and under siege, so an alternative take might be of interest one would think.
Gaza is a cause dear to the heart of the liberal European left. About the only cause they have got left that excites them. Shopping and car showrooms hardly fit the narrative. It would make them too like the rest of us and not the permananently suffering masses of the Europeans’ desires.
One of the real driving forces of anti Israeli propaganda from our benighted left is the knowledge that Israel is a first world country created by brains and hard work. The example to the rest of the ME is something the liberal cannot stomach.
Peter Hitchens refers to Gaza’s increasing affluence in this article- from a few years ago. The prison camp element of the headline should probably be in speech marks. He also mentions that the Christians of the West Bank prefer the rule of the Joos to the rule of the Pallys. That’s something you won’t hear on the BBC.
I read that the new iPhone 5 is going down a storm in the Gaza strip, and at very rich prices, even by our standards. No starving, dirt poor, downtrodden ‘palestinian’ – so called – refugee/jihadist should be seen without one….
‘Champagne Socalists In Need’ may even be beyond the adoring public’s tolerance levels.
Though that is, essentially, what the licence fee seems now to be covering (in need of garden leave per diems, in need of hush money, in need of FoI lawyers… or… in Mr. Bowen’s latest epic… in need of help, fast).
I’m thinking of starting BeeboidBunkerCollection as a lot more will probably need some to retreat to as yet more unique examples of the professional, objective broadcaster’s art are unveiled.
I would be interested to know how much of the chilren in needs funds rasised is passed to ‘caridees’ who use to fund their media offensive to lobby the BBC to adopt a more socialist approach in ALL of its output. Just like 28 Gate.
Having recently visited Auschwitz I can understand why the modern Jewish nation robustly stands up for itself, perhaps sometimes more so than necessary. On the other hand I can’t understand why anti-Semitism is tolerated by the modern chattering classes while they disapprove so strongly of other forms of racism.
Because on the victim totem pole, Jews are near the bottom, just above the white working class (I say this because Jews can criticise the white working class, but not the other way around).
In fact the white working class is so low, it’s probably below ground level.
Not difficult to figure out which victim groups occupy the top two or three places.
1) On BBC news Jon Donnison is reporting what “Hamas health officials” are saying, I’m astonished that a terror organisation is credited by the BBC with such an ‘impartial’ sounding title, it’s as if they were talking about the NHS.
2) According to the Guardian story about Dave Lee Travis
“Ex-BBC Radio 1 presenter says ‘this is nothing to do with kids’ following arrest and bailing on suspicion of sexual offences” They report:
“The BBC responded swiftly to the arrest by pulling a Top of the Pops repeat from 1977, hosted by Travis, from its BBC4 schedule on Thursday night.”
I wonder if the BBC said that they were actually “pulling it” because of his arrest? ‘Pulling’, this is now BBC newspeak:
”… to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed…” (1984, Pt 2, ch.9)
“Disturbing questions over Leveson’s key adviser: Special Investigation into a central figure in the McAlpine scandal and judicial inquiry into the press.
“Sir David Bell’s suitability as senior adviser to Leveson Inquiry under scrutiny.
“Sir David is a trustee of the tarnished Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
“BIJ behind the disgraced Newsnight probe that implicated Lord McAlpine.”
More from excellent ‘Daily Mail investigation into Leveson, BIJ, Bell, Hari, BBC, etc.
“A prestige award for a liar and the McAlpine debacle: Offences against the integrity of the British Press.
“Independent journalist Johann Hari received the Orwell Prize for his writing.
“It then emerged he had fabricated ‘eyewitness’ accounts, and he returned it.
“The Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s managing editor, Iain Overton, leaked details of classified documents while preparing a WikiLeaks release.
“He later tweeted about the paedophile scandal and ‘helped to feed inaccurate speculation about the identity of a political figure.’”
Of couse, the fallacious argument a la Paxman is that ‘Newsnight’ journalism would not be so atrocious were it not for spending cuts; the inconceivable counter-argument to Beeboids, is that if there were no public spending on BBC, there would be no atrociously biased Beeboid journalism.
Got to this via a link on the BBC FaceBook page: ‘Joe Lynam reports on the growing problem of unwanted Capita* calls and house visits* and what can be done.’
Reading this piece the author asks a lot of questions, but also seems to join his colleagues in, if not answering them, assisting the reader to some conclusions…
‘’ ‘He died eight years ago, and now they’re digging up his body to see if he was poisoned by the Israelis.
While factually hard to argue with, if on a ‘critics are claiming’ basis, I do wonder in the febrile atmosphere pervading, it is really wise for an Editor of a most trusted worldwide ‘news’ broadcaster to state what is currently no more than supposition in such terms?
“Yesterday Lord McAlpine, his frail voice crackling with anguish, described how BBC Newsnight’s false child abuse allegations against him had created a ‘legacy that can’t be repaired’.
“‘It gets into your bones,’ the Tory peer said. ‘It makes you angry … and it gets into your soul and you just think there’s something wrong with the world.’
“Unsurprisingly, this terrible slur – based on misinformation supplied to the BBC by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism – has had tumultuous consequences.”
“The Daily Mail has gone to town this morning on Sir David Bell, one of Lord Justice Leveson’s assessors.
“For all the fun some have had today mocking the paper’s conspiracist tone, there is a real story here – some of it first exposed by me more than a year ago. As I revealed, and the Mail repeats today, Bell – the high-minded defender of privacy – was at that time chairman of a charity which was itself censured by the regulator under the Data Protection Act for multiple probable breaches of individuals’ privacy.
“The charity concerned, Common Purpose, is the subject of far too much conspiracist chatter on the Internet. But its essential aim is to train a network of “future leaders” – to help create a new, broadly left-liberal, establishment, if you like – and it has done this with vast amounts of public funding.”
The BBC made complete and utter fools of themselves over their pathetically incompetent and cynical Newsnight ‘investigation’ wrongly accusing the Tory peer of child abuse… and yet they choose to cover-up and ignore the real sex abuse which we all know is happening up and down the land. The following article leads me to believe that there is, at least, still one reason left for voting Tory over Ukip:
They actually reported his in their politics section a couple of days ago (along with a couple of denunciations for encouraging prejudice). I was surprised as they usually bury these things in the local pages – even when a Conservative Dewsbury MP asked questions in the house about voter fraud and intimidation in a neighbouring constituency, earlier this year, they reported it on the South Yorkshire webpage.
I know that I refer to Craig every so often, whenever I see the need for a quantitative basis to assess bias at the BBC.
Compare and contrast Tim Whewell and Gavin Esler talking about the “Hamas crisis” on Newsnight (Wed) with Sarah Montagues ignorant shrewing at William Hague this morning(Today ,Fri).
How come Whewell seemed relatively fair and informed; whereas Montague had merely skimmed her Guardian before talking tosh, and displaying her reflex anti-Israel stance. Visceral lefty unthinking drivel.
Sacks should have stayed on air-and not to puff up Children In Need when his own country needs him!
Hague handled it well enough-but surely the likes of Montague need telling of their fatuous comparisons and lazy double standards.
Who`ll do it?…
Gives me little pleasure to kid Pudsey in the nads but…
‘Remember ever penny you give goes to one of our supported charities.’
Well apart from the fifteen pence in the pound or so in admin costs we hoover up. All of which could have been saved had the BBC not set up its own charity but just wrote a cheque out to an existing charity.
And the Chief Executive’s salary?
Oh the public sector bog standard six figures + pension + sundry other perks.
Newsround Bigs Up shite4c a channel that even shite 4c admits that sometimes nobody is watching.
Before anyone thinks I’m anti Welsh my partner is Welsh and her parents are Welsh speakers and they don’t watch shite4c either.
Hello Dave, I know some folk who are Welsh speakers who watch nothing but S4C.
I’m sure there are many who only watch English channel programmes too.
It is nice to have the choice. I spent 58 years in Wales thinking their language was a waste of time.
Then I began to learn it. Eyes opened, I strongly recommend your partner begins to learn.
I promise you that partner will love it.
pob hwyl i chi!
Deputy children’s commissioner, Sue Berelowitz, publishes her report on grooming next week. Guess which vulnerable minority will be considered much more in need of protection than early adolescent females in care homes?
I am struck by the BBC report on the 11 month old son of a BBC employee having been killed in a Israeli Gaza air attack. The BBC reporter spoke of how the death of any child is distressing, but more so when you know the ‘father’. Now there was no such concern about the Fogel family. One can only assume that it is because BBC journal list have no relationships with Israeli’s? There is a kind of obscenity in the BBC’s interest in the death of Palestinian children as a result of the Israeli’s defensive action and total lack of concern about the Israeli children who have to live in constant fear of rockets fired from Gaza day in day out. They did not focus on the baby hurt by the Hamas rocket attack on a building in a small Israeli town near the Gaza border.
The piece about the 11 moth old, and I must state that harm suffered by any child is abhorrent to me, emphasised that the BBC World Service employs Arab journalist for is Arab section and that the BBC has an ‘Arab’ television service. Nothing about the BBC having an Israeli section of the World Service or an Israeli TV service employing Israeli journalist. Once again it is clear where this organisation spends our licence fee.
I watch BBC world in Israel not once has tel-aviv or Jerusalem ever been shown in its weather reports for the region and i have never see one program about Israel its society and innovations it has acheived for such a small country,lots about all the other ME countrys.
How come I had to find out on Guido Fawkes that Prescott failed in his bid to be Police Commisioner? Tim Iredale the local BBC politics editor (and Labour luvvie) slow to report.
“Paul Waugh, editor of News tweets: It’s official: @johnprescott has been beaten in Humberside #PCC by Matthew Grove. Prezza looks like he’s swallowed a wasp”
“A punch in the nose for Prezza: Prescott loses police commissioner poll in his own back yard of Hull to a TORY.
“Former Deputy Prime Minister fails in bid for one last big political job.
“Conservative Matthew Grove beat his Labour rival by 42,164 to 39,933.
“74-year-old earlier told reporters to ‘b***** off’ when they asked if he was feeling confident.”
“Labour peer vows not to stand for election again.”
Deborah, I reported that Matthew Grove had beaten John Prescott before any other journalist. Please do not describe me as a “Labour luvvie”. Whatever you may think of the BBC – you will find my reporting is always fair and balanced to all parties concerned. Tim Iredale
Did anyone hear Edward Stourton interviewing the three main party chairmen over the police commissioner and by-election results on The World at One? It’s about 25 minutes in:
Prime example of impartiality-free, we’re-only-hear-to-facilitate-the-Labour-message BBC ‘journalism’ (you know, the envy of the world and all that.)
But then, if you’ve just spent a week giving yourself a massive vote of confidence, why should you be denied a little bit of party political indulgence?
‘I spent most of last weekend thinking about the future of Europe with economists, politicians and senior policy makers at a two-day seminar organised by the Centre for European Reform’
‘The Centre for European Reform (CER) is a thinktank devoted to improving the quality of the debate on the future of the European Union. The CER aims to promote new ideas and policies for reforming the EU. As an independent organisation, the CER has published work by contributors from all the main political parties*. Those involved in its activities are well placed to ensure that its ideas are fed into the policy-making process. The CER also provides advice to governments in several European countries, as well as to EU institutions.The CER organises seminars, conferences and speaker meetings with figures such as Kenneth Clarke, Jacques Delors, Patricia Hewitt, Neil Kinnock, Pascal Lamy, Anna Lindh, Mario Monti, Gerhard Schröder, Javier Solana, Jack Straw and Margot Wallström. The CER publishes pamphlets, essays, working papers and the bi-monthly CER Bulletin. Its website offers access to its publications and up-to-date news on CER meetings and research. ‘
* all the main political parties – but not, I would imagine, the one that polled 3rd place in yesterday’s by election.
The top echelons of the Tory party bear littlle relationship to the grass roots. The same managerial patronising attitude common to all our politicians. It has been like this for a long time now in all parties. Which is probably why politicians today are so insipid and so disliked.
If the “top echelons of the Tory party bear littlle relationship to the grass roots” perhaps you could explain who voted for them and who appointed them into the “top echelons”.
“The BBC’s Thea Rogers appointed Osbourne’s spad. So that’s the two top comms people in the Government ex BBC”.
Yes, strange how no one on this blog ever wants to talk about Craig Oliver or Ruth Davidson.
It’s the other direction of flow that is the problem – people who’ve previously been (or are still) involved in party politics joining the BBC.
If these two return to the BBC in years to come, after stints with the Tory party, then we should concern ourselves with whether or not their previous loyalties are being carried over into their media careers.
A few people heading of to work for the nasty Toriez doesn’t detract from the fact that the BBC seems to be permanently stocked full of former Labour types.
I’ve mostly had quite a bit of respect for Nigel Farage until now. But on last night’s Question Time, I’m afraid he lost it with me.
Appears he’s now willing to get more into line with the desired BBC view to perhaps get more appearances and mention.
On the question at 51:07 Who’s wrong – Hamas or Israel
NF – In all arguments there’s faults on both sides, isn’t there?
I’ve always tried to defend Israel, to defend their right to have their nation, and I sympathize with them because they’re surrounded by countries, in some cases, that want to obliterate them off the face of the earth.
But if they respond to whatever pro…(splutter)..provocation they get, effectively assassinating a leading figure on the other side, they simply can’t be surprised if rockets appear on their territory.
RD – So you differ from the Foreign Secretary who says Hamas bears principle responsibility?
NF – I do on this, I do on this, and there’s always fault on both sides in a fight like this – (then a little dig on Tony Blair)
Even Harriet Harman knew enough to tell that Hamas were firing rockets before Israel targeted this terrorist.
If you want to get on in this country – sacrifice the Jews, we’ve seen it throughout history.
I turned it on, unusually, but then turned it off again deciding that suffering ten minutes of drivel just to get a decent zinger from Farage was not ‘proportionate’. I mean was the LibDum granny on drugs or what. She kept answering questions that no-one had asked, least no-one on this planet.
Still the Farage zinger gave us when it eventually turned up was a doozy as he bitch-slapped the programme’s Chair, Harriet Harman, with,
Doubly hilarious because she is of course a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON and accustomed to being taken VERY VERY SERIOUSLY.
BBC News coverage is so narrow and limited. Thanks to the BBC’s obsession with a narrow list of pet subjects, you will not know that Russia has sent aid to New York after hurricane Sandy.
I hate “Children In Need”so much. There is so much propaganda in Schools that I’m forced to have it on by my kids.
Are these people being paid to make this TV? The make-up artists, Cameramen, Producers, Presenters? To beg money from my Children?
Brucie just came on and my mask slipped – I made them turn it off saying that it was all BBC propaganda.
Much gnashing of teeth and an intervention by the Mrs means that its back on and I’m banished to the office.
Think of me when I’m denounced to the Thought Police first thing Monday morning BY ALL 5 of my kids.
There used to be a website you could go to which showed where the Children in Need money was being spent, region by region.
I had a look a couple of years ago after the CEO of the charity had appeared on Jeremy Vine and been challenged by a woman running a charity which helped with the education of ‘traveller’ children which, for the first time in some years, had failed in their bid for some of the dosh.
The CEO expressed great surprise as the ‘traveller community’, apparently, was one of their biggest causes.
So…….visit to aforementioned website and everything becomes clear. It was obvious that, to get an award, your charity would have to jump through every PC hoop imaginable. I lost count of the number of successful bids for video and sound equipment ‘to help young people come to terms with their sexual identity through the creative medium of music and film’ (paraphrased).
And there was I thinking it was all about helping starving kids in Africa.
It is not, and never has been about ” helping starving kids in Africa.” If you managed to research where the money raised was being spent it should have been obvious that all money raised is spent in the UK.
‘where the money raised was being spent’ Sir Terry Wogan KBE – inaugurated as Life President in November 2010
Chairman: Stevie Spring Danny Cohen was appointed Controller of BBC One
Tim Davie is Director of BBC Audio and Music.
Susan is now a freelance consultant,
Phil Hodkinson is a non-executive director of HM Revenue & Customs, BT, Resolution and Travelex.
Professor Peter McBride is the Chief Executive of NIAMH (The Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health). Niamh is the largest specialist mental health and wellbeing charity in Northern Ireland Donalda MacKinnon is Head of Programmes and Services, BBC Scotland.
Luke Mayhew has worked in customer service businesses for over 30 years. He is currently a Non Executive Director of InterContinental Hotel Group Ralph Rivera is the Director of BBC Future Media.
Bob Shennan is Controller of BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 6Music and the BBC Asian Network.
Beverley Tew is the BBC’s Group Finance Director.
It may be somewhere, but how the money is dispersed I could not easily locate, nor what proportion of that donated reaches the children and what (Money spent in the UK) is used getting it to them.
As with many things BBC now, there interesting parts may be in areas they prefer to slap FoI exclusions upon, or at the very least get all coy about editting in.
What We Do:
We provide grants to projects in the UK which focus on children and young people who are disadvantaged. We are local to people in all corners of the UK and support small and large organisations which empower children and extend their life choices.
Where Your Money Goes:
Every penny from the money you raise or donate will go towards helping disadvantaged children and young people right here in the UK. We are able to make this promise because we use investment income and Gift Aid to cover all running costs, meaning that you can be sure your money makes a real difference.
If you want more detail you should read the annual report:
It also goes to pay for Common Purpose “Matrix” courses at £5,000+ a pop, as for Harriet Stranks, a children in need Regional Co ordinator in Manchester.
And before you say, that is only one; “Graduates” of Common Purpose have learned to be coy since her course in 2004/5 about their involvement.
Not blame new labour?
But my socialists friends still blame thatcher for everything.
We should blame new labour for everything including global warming.
It just goes on, and on, and on, and the BBC’s Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen still keeps his job. Even British Prime Minister David Cameron has said that Hamas “bears the principal responsibility” for the current round of hostilities.
But here, right now on the BBC website, is how the notoriously anti-Israel BBC MidEast editor Jeremy Bowen is quoted in a keynote sidebar to a story on rocket attacks on Tel Aviv:
“The danger of the kind of operation Israel has started is that rising casualties on both sides cause a violent escalation that neither side can control. If that happens it could cause a much bigger crisis across the Middle East.” (My italics)
“Israel started”? And please, don’t even tell me that that weasel word “operation” is some sort of get out clause so he can say he was only referring to the strategic, operational response to Hamas’s rocket attacks.
Topped a day when we heard David Milibands views on China, Chales Clarkes views on the Police votes, and some pollster spouting off about the triumph of Ed Milibands candidate in Corby.
Remind me again-are Labour still in power?…for, sure as hell I only ever seem to hear from hasbeen/neverwas Labour stools being tapered and polished by the BBC for future approval.
Mairs interview-if you can call it that-was a disgrace. Mensch ought to have smeared him all over the walls, but she`s just a show pony.
Speaking of which.
Thursdays Today had two articles at least about “Child Poverty” and its definition.
How many time that day did the BBC trot this one round the ring, so we could sigh-then send money to Children In Need.
Love these instant bake stories that the BBC save just for regular “Trotting” round the ring-always to hand aren`t they?
Well…two days now since the last Children In Perverty” story…any sweepstake available for when the BBC will bring it out for best again?..I`ll say eight days!
Oh-one more thing-any chance of any accounts to prove that the BBC did raise all that Children In Need money-I work in a school…and none of us were promoting Pudseys Porn for Saviles Travels this year.
Look what happened to Pete Townshend?
Not a great bookkeeper, but on p27, it appears that of £40.3M in, £100,000 appears to have gone on training the grantees.
That would be the 12 above?
What takes £8k+pp?
Would not hiring persons already qualified have made more sense than ‘training’ money dolers out? Including, presumably ‘try hard not to fund rocket launchers.. or at least get accused of it… or get caught’. Though one can see how the BBC staff may need refreshers on the latter.
Even if is for lower rankers, where most dosh seems to go on job creation over actual results.
Then there are the monies that don’t go to the kids (and one presumes a lot that does goes to those who ‘look after’ them?). That appears to be just over 10%. Of £40M.
Now, this gets into other areas…
I merely wonder if all ‘involved’ contributed their time for free or ‘market rates’?. I’m sure that’s in the detail but, well, as others have suggested, detail is for wimps. And it’s a long, boring document.
I have been concerned about the phrase “Every penny from the money you raise or donate will go towards helping disadvantaged children and young people right here in the UK. ” for some time now.
A cursory examination of the accounts reveals that this is not the case.
Some of the money raised does not go to the children, despite claims that the BBC “investments” + Gift Aid mean this doesn’t happen.
Some money is held back, and some money is used for training and cost of disbursing the grants.
So not every penny is going to the children in need.
Guess what. They have administrative costs just like any other charity, in this case around 10%.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “And am I the only one who struggles with the fact that we have just taken winter fuel payments off…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Deport all americans to make it fair – democrates as well.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “nuclear missiles based in Ukraine” – with Moscow in control of them.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Sickening, As is the ability to wilfully ignore their sheer murderous brutality and genocidal instincts.
Guest WhoFeb 23, 07:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bet that image inspired tears in the eyes of the lads and lasses of JezBo’s unit.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Some sense at last: “Ukraine war : Like the equally bird-brained Iraq invasion, it was the desire of a militant…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
So in light of how the bBC is more than happy to promote this view that the situation inside Gaza (what 15 dead) is much more demanding of attention than Syria (20,000 dead?) they continue with their POV that the Jews are evil
Egypt PM decries Gaza ‘disaster’
Gaza crisis: Israel steps up aerial attack
and my fav this video interview inside Gaza with one of the locals whom I keep on been told by the bBC are scared, weary due to a lack of sleep and apparently dropping like flies . Here have a look
Gaza Israeli violence: ‘Everybody fears another war’
Ok, in light of how the bBC informs the world the Pals are scared of walking outside, that they fear getting hit from above. Can somebody explain why that square is packed with smiley happy people, why isn’t the bBC reporter wearing body armour (like the bBC love to do) and why is there no sound of conflict during the entire video.
Remember people according to the bBC not all Muslims are evil due to the actions of Millions but all Jews are for the actions of a few.
The bBC, the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK
‘Can somebody explain why that square is packed with smiley happy people
Maybe they were taking 5 between scenes as set, makeup & costumes were touched up?
Lastly, without bunkers, an air-raid system or even an anti-missile screen like the Israelis have. With over 160 airstrikes carried out by the IDF on one of the most densely populated areas of the world and they have only managed to kill 20 people.
Either the IDF aren’t as good as the bBC makes out or they are actually targeting the terrorists who are launching rocket attacks against Israel.
So with those facts on the ground the bBC promotes this view that Gaza has been knocked into the stone age.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst
Yes, and those pesky joooos only ever kill women and children too, according to the Pallys.
Funny that.
The IDF is very good at not targeting civilians.
Hamas targets civilians, but isn’t very good at hitting them.
Nice use of leading questions.
The Beeboids mates at the Graun have stirred up a storm.
I know it’s the season of goodwill but this did amuse me:-
I always found Steve Bell’s cartoons worthy of Stalinist propaganda in terms of their socialist bias.
Left wing graphics have wandered desperately close to der Sturmer territory before:
I wonder what SKY’s excuse is…
A Libertarian Rebel @A_Liberty_Rebel
@SkyNews presenter: “How do you know it’s #Hamas firing the rockets from #Gaza?” Nothing to do with the fact they run the place, obviously
Though a person here recently did mention a certain amount of funding that may have a unique bearing on their ME ‘views’.
“now Giles Coren has retracted his “Nazi” accusation”
presumably he still thinks he’s a cunt though 🙂
I am already fed-up with hearing the Labour/bBBC line ‘low turnout in PCC elections’. They have been talking it down for weeks, but now that the elections have been held, their ‘news’ stories are more about the turnout than the results.
There is no bBBC headline ‘low turnout in Manchester Central by-election’ because the 18% turnout there resulted in a Labour win.
Rapidly followed by Mark Easton’s opinion-dressed-up-as-news ‘PCCs and the democratic deficit‘.
This. 13:10 BBC News 24 just going on and on AND ON about the low turn out and lack of legitimacy. The BBC really don’t like democracy do they? It’s clear they would prefer all decisions to be made by an unelected politburo of EU commissioners – hence their respectful fact-free reporting of the recent Chinese leadership handover charade. Sickening.
But it is OK with the BBC when public sector strikes are called on 18-20% turnouts because that is democratic.
And people at least GOT a vote!…used or not.
As opposed to the EU…the BBC…and all manner of other beloved “progressive causes”…which we`re not really “fit to judge”.
newsscape @newsscape
@BBCPropaganda @johnprescott the golden moment at
I noticed there was a low turnout at their secret CMEP meeting – of ‘sceptical’ climate scientists, that is.
Still, doesn’t stop them from setting a certain ‘tone’ on global warming throughout every facet of their broadcasting.
And again on tonight’s ‘News’ at Ten, they took eight minutes telling us how low the turnout was before bothering to mention the results.
on bbc station bbc 5live
yesterday all day … the pallywood appreciation society with drip drip guest appearances, always appearing to be “activists” right up until the afternoon resident chimp bacon and the Hamas! press conference? … charming.
AND – al bbc continues, this mornings phone in 5live your call has an attempt at the world speaking without drawing breath record, as panto nikki has abbas s right hand man, and his 10min rant,
oh the calls … well 20 mins in i think they may start … hmmm let the bias begin eh! …
the phone calls ruthlessly impartial?, no sorry folks …
this is the bbc after all.
on into the afternoon the drone of bias continues as bowen turns up on sheeeela foglegity … with interspersed bulletins of more israelli strikes 😀
they are asking for your views 😀 … but ………
don t bother, as the inquisition will probably be just like mine, where you can give 3 salient points straight off … not interested, and you then hear someone who can hardly string a sentence together put straight on air.
(ah! the power of the mic fairy eh!) …
couldn t have anything to do with support for israells position? and genuine knowledge of the situation …. could it? 😀
Would that be panto nikki who now really really wishes he’d never said two week ago to his three million listeners…
‘yerve only gorragoogle ‘thatcher and paedophile’.
I mean Sally From The Alley’s in deep doodoo for tweeting innuendo and she’s only got 58,608 followers.
Bit of a difference there between 58,608 and three million – 2,941,392 to be exact.
Be afraid, son, be very afraid.
Oh I do hope so!
i m afraid the parade of pallywood celebs continues on 5live, as some incomprehensible dr from somewhereistan shouts something about aggressors, followed only about 15 mins later with a rep from the LSE, (london school of extremists) .and a drone about angering the wider region – the whole “muslim” ?? world, and (cue dr evil stylee) – one point yada yada billion mohamheads etc .
just verbal diahorrea – they call this news?
I don’t know if this is just me looking back with rose tinted specs but didn’t Pallywood propaganda used to be better than what we are seeing now ? You know 10 years ago they used to put a bit of effort and a bit of showbiz into it but now it all seems to be organised by a 16 year old with ADHD and its not like they have anything else to do 🙂
That’s the bloody Tories fault. It’s the cuts, you see!
Tory Cutz(tm) if you don’t mind Sir.
INBBC reporting widely today that dear danny Boyle is launching a huge campaign to have these dreaded cutz to his precious arts causes stopped!
How very dare they starve the arts? If they want arts events let the buggers pay for them all, dont spend my taxes!
Just been to the following link showing that HAMAS has setup missile sites near to children’s playground. I’m sure this’ll be reported by BBC soon……
Donisson reported from the smoking ruins of the Hamas Interior Ministry building, on Today, this morning, remarked that there was a United Nations school nearby – luckily unhit. Of course, he did not add “What a coincidence!”
If the BBC and all their socialist comrades are so bothered about Gaza why don’t they all go over there and all be human shields?
I keep hoping for some form of a socialist international brigade to recruit our BBC and leftwing terrorist sympathisers.
If there was any sort of BBC/Socialist international brigade they would do all their fighting from their mansions in Islington and Hampstead.
It would be safer for most of them seeing they are gay and being gay in Palestine will get you killed.
‘They are gay…’
Oh boy.
That really is an excellent pun. Well done.
Being a BBC fan he didn’t say “oh, man”….
Ah you see, the libby-wibbies say, it’s all about ‘proportionality’. The IDF versus at the very worst a few hundred hopeless ragheads with katyusha missileswhichlandharmlesslyinfields.
Of course they conveniently forget the ‘proportionality’ argument when it’s katyusha missileswhichlandharmlesslyinfields versus a man, his wife, a couple of kids, and perhaps a crowbar under dad’s bed, ye know, in case of need.
And was it proportionality that was employed by the arab muslims who massacred the Fogle family in their beds? I don’t recall the impartiality gene of the sodding bbc kicking in to report on that atrocity by muslims.
QT last night. Q –should we boycott stores and businesses that do use tax aviodance devices to avoid paying UK tax? I texted… BBC should boycott Guardian and stop all G journalists from appearing any BBC programme or discussions as G uses offshore coys for tax avoidance. Didn’t get aired, I wonder why not?
Farage gave both parties a swift kick to the doodahs on that one though didn’t he? Harman whittled on about her principled standpoint only to have Farage snigger and point out that these firms had only taken advantage of an EU wide agreement that allows them to choose in which EU nation they pay their tax in. As Farage pointed out that’s why so many of them have holed up in in Luxembourg and Ireland.
Cue the disningenuous bit from the Lib Dem who then talked about us lowering our corporation tax rate in 2 years that would give us the lowest corporation tax in the G7 as though that was going to solve the issue. Shame Farage didn’t point out that neither Luxemburg or Ireland where in the G7.
Farage was hardly allowed a voice c/f Harman. When he was given the chance his views were informed and concise; unlike the lady on the right of the screen who was incoherent at times but still got more air time than Nigel
Anyone else notice how Lord Sacks was asked about the Gazza situation this morning, (after thought for the day). As soon as he said the word “Iran” he was cut off and told he still was on air. Some thoughts must be better than others as he changed tack hoping for peace.
No, it didn’t work like that.
They announced they had made an apology, on the R4 6 o’clock news tonight, for asking his opinion without telling him he was still on air.
LEVESON: an excellent, extensive ‘Daily Mail’ investigation today.
Of course, investigative journalism is not BBC-NUJ’s strong point, to say the least, but ‘Daily Mail’ does an effective job in exposing the composition and interests (inc political ) of Leveson Inquiry today.
“What a very small world: Why are so many figures in the Leveson Inquiry connected to New Labour’s favourite media quango Ofcom?”
‘Daily Mail’ exposes nature of Leveson Inquiry in today’s print edition on pages: 1,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 &18.
George R is correct – this Mail investigation probably won’t come as news to citizens of the blogosphere but it is, at last, sunlight being shone on the evil influence of Common Purpose and other organisations set-up by the Left to subvert democracy.
It is very specifically relevant to BBC in the light of Saville and 28Gate.
Naturally, the Mail’s comments section has been hijacked by outraged leftists, whose squirming reminds you of what happens when stones are lifted in a dank, airless thicket.
The Mail deserves our support for this, however awful a rag it may be at times.
Don’t play to the left wing agenda. The Mail isn’t an “awful rag” and it’s read by a lot of people. It’s also often the only paper that promotes a right of centre point of view. Nothing to be ashamed of.
It’s also got the “sidebar of shame” which is always worth a look.
The only thing consistent with the DM is its inconsistency. This is the “newspaper” which hates all things European but has a readership that slags off Tesco and loves Aldi and Lidl!!!
‘hates all things European‘
Grow up.
Hardly a rebuttal of my argument which is well supported by the number of anti-European articles that have appeared in the DM.
No, anti-EU articles – you know, along the lines of an unelected socialist bureaucracy whose bloated accounts have not been approved by its own auditors for 14 years.
But then I suspect the EU and Europe are one and the same to you.
Evan Davies then said it wasn’t worth covering.
Which, of course, means it’s the biggest story around.
Stangely a number the comments on the Mail site have a wiff of “so what” “not important” blah blah. Could there be moles on the loose?
or Emus
Apologies to ‘Daily Mail; I omitted to mention Page 2 as well.
Common Purpose has been known about and warned about on the web for several years; and consequently ignored. The Mail has now brought this sinister organisation to the attention of a larger proportion of the general public. I just hope that now it has been taken up in the newspapers those who are in a position to do so wake up to the insidious nature of the Common Purpose indoctrination. One only needs to google Common Purpose, and its connections with all levers of power in our country including the bbc to gain an understanding of communists/marxists who are behind it and the socialist/communist/fascist principles they are using. How can the term ‘Leading beyond Authority’ be anything other than seditious. If I employ a bin collector that’s all he is authorised to do; I don’t want him spying on my lifestyle too. Minor example but that’s what the Common Purpose entity is training people to do on a grand scale.
We used to have comments from ‘Atlas Shrugged’ on this site warning of Common Purpose – trouble was it sounded so far fetched that he used to receive flack from other posters – but if you read through his long comments there was always a degree of Common Sense.
Yes, it’s sad that the subject of CP has been tainted by the tin foil hat brigade. I was taken in for some time by that smearing until I started to do some of my own research.
It is clearly a subversive organisation, far more dangerous than the obvious likes of the Masons, SWP and dear old Mlitant Tendency.. It needs exposing for the creepy, anti-democratic, authoritarian conspiracy that it is.
Others also mentioned CP, but more coherently and without mixing in the Bilderbergs and lizard people or whatever the hell he was on about half the time, and without CAPS LOCK.
The Common Purpose conspiracy is a classic conspiracy theory whichever way you look at it. And utterly bonkers.
From the way some people on here look at it, which is differently to yourself, it obviously isn’t.
It’s Children in Need tonight ( groan ) a lot of Z list celebrities doing ” zany and whacky ” things for ” charidee”. ( yawn )
Shouldn’t the BBC give the money raised to the abused victims of BBC star Jimmy Savile ?
Ps. Terry Wogan gets £60,000 for hosting it, nice work if you can get it.
The African Merc’ BMW & Lear jet dealers will be rubbing their hands.
The African political class are called the ” whabenzi ” tribe because of their love of Mercedes Benz cars
It would be sad for the children who would otherwise benefit, but wouldn’t it be nice if there were a massive drop in support for Children in Need, just to let the bBBC know what the public think of its hypocrisy?
I heard a short piece they did the other day on how charitable donations were falling in these hard times – no doubt, it was in part to prepare us for news of a disappointing total – but nothing to do with Savile, of course.
It’s all because of the evil Tory cutz ™ doncha know dharling.
Don’t forget the acting DG, Tim Davie is currently Trustee and Vice Chairman of Children in Need.
I’ll think about giving £10 if George Entwistle pledges £450,000.
‘However, Terry has said that he never sought a fee for presenting BBC Children in Need’
Nice Blairite use of language there.
‘Sought’ not quite the same as ‘received’.
Eh, Terry, eh, eh, eh.
But to be fair to Wogan at least his dressing room rider isn’t as complicated to arrange as Savile’s.
‘Ah… never… knowingly… diverted funds from that kids’ fund… to my.. that already bloated pot.’
Just as Jezza was forced… forced we tell you, to embrace a tax regime that paid him more?
Maybe they should rename it the BBC College of Semanticists?
*The potentially awkward complement between aspects of these last two posts in response is purely… apt.
In fairness to Terry, we don’t know whether he quietly donates all his fee to charity or not.
It wouldn’t surprise me if he did.
Nope, he’d say if he did. Donors are effectively contributing towards Wogan’s fees.
No they are not.
In true panto mood here:
Instead of a “pantomime” response why don’t you consider the factual evidence which refutes your argument. Is stating something founded on fact considered as “bias” here?
Click to access annual_report1011.pdf
Seems no one is taking any fees (except the lawyers.. by all accounts).
However ‘staff costs’ are £887,000?
Now, given the BBC’s often interesting ways with staff, 3rd party costs, people as companies, there may be more detail?
p46 of course shows a bit more on how much but not who, other than the CEO, on £100k.
Just asking.
More from ‘Daily Mail’ investigation into Leveson Inquiry:-
“A coup by the Left’s old boy network: The Leveson Inquiry has momentous implications for free speech. But this Mail dossier raises disturbing questions about the influence of a quasi-masonic nexus of the ‘people who know best’.”
Special Investigation by RICHARD PENDLEBURY.
I honestly believe that anything that involves Human Rights ” lawyer ” Shami Chakrabatty is diabolical, demonic even, ok, satanic.
Plus I don’t remember electing her, do you?
More from ‘Daily Mail’ today on Leveson Inquiry’s politics:
“How the Left’s old boy network helps appoint the top mandarins.”
[Opening excerpt]:
“We have already revealed the discreet but powerful matrix that Common Purpose — an unaccountable body — has constructed in British public life.”
More excellent investigative work from ‘Daily Mail’ on Leveson, etc:-
“A nuclear bomb that dropped on the press – and the motley crew who seized their chance.
“Cameron’s appointment of Andy Coulson and Blair’s hatred of Fleet Street gave perfect forum for media regulation.
“Questionable ‘independent review group’ favoured those campaigning to loosen media grip.
“Unsubstantiated allegations about Milly Dowler’s phone being hacked pushed ‘Hacked Off’ into forefront.”
By RICHARD PENDLEBURY–motley-crew-seized-chance.html
There is much more excellent ‘Daily Mail’ material on Leveson, etc in today’s newspaper; expect BBC to ignore/censor it all.
Checking on the BBC world service news about the Gaza situation this morning from my home on the green line in Israel, I was intrigued to hear a BBC correspondent in Gaza commenting sadly about the destruction in Gaza of new apartment buildings that have gone up in recent years and how the increasing affluence as shown by new cars and supermarkets are being endangered by the Israeli rocket attacks. Whilst the destruction of property and loss of life in Gaza is very unfortunate indeed, I have to ask, has the BBC ever in the past few years run a programme on this increasing affluence- and if not why not. The standard BBC view that one hears is that Gaza is blockaded and under siege, so an alternative take might be of interest one would think.
Gaza is a cause dear to the heart of the liberal European left. About the only cause they have got left that excites them. Shopping and car showrooms hardly fit the narrative. It would make them too like the rest of us and not the permananently suffering masses of the Europeans’ desires.
One of the real driving forces of anti Israeli propaganda from our benighted left is the knowledge that Israel is a first world country created by brains and hard work. The example to the rest of the ME is something the liberal cannot stomach.
About the only time the Left can be racist and get away with it.
And don’t they just relish the chance to throw off the anti-racist shackles, re: Israel.
Positivity salivating at the chance to give a bunch of foreigners a moral tongue lashing.
If there were not any Jooo’s they would have to invent them.
Peter Hitchens refers to Gaza’s increasing affluence in this article- from a few years ago. The prison camp element of the headline should probably be in speech marks. He also mentions that the Christians of the West Bank prefer the rule of the Joos to the rule of the Pallys. That’s something you won’t hear on the BBC.
I read that the new iPhone 5 is going down a storm in the Gaza strip, and at very rich prices, even by our standards. No starving, dirt poor, downtrodden ‘palestinian’ – so called – refugee/jihadist should be seen without one….
The BBC gets £ 4 Billion a year.
Children in Need raises £ 20 million a year
George Bentwhistle gets £1.2 million pay off, including pension.
‘Champagne Socalists In Need’ may even be beyond the adoring public’s tolerance levels.
Though that is, essentially, what the licence fee seems now to be covering (in need of garden leave per diems, in need of hush money, in need of FoI lawyers… or… in Mr. Bowen’s latest epic… in need of help, fast).
I’m thinking of starting BeeboidBunkerCollection as a lot more will probably need some to retreat to as yet more unique examples of the professional, objective broadcaster’s art are unveiled.
I would be interested to know how much of the chilren in needs funds rasised is passed to ‘caridees’ who use to fund their media offensive to lobby the BBC to adopt a more socialist approach in ALL of its output. Just like 28 Gate.
Am I being too cynical?
Having recently visited Auschwitz I can understand why the modern Jewish nation robustly stands up for itself, perhaps sometimes more so than necessary. On the other hand I can’t understand why anti-Semitism is tolerated by the modern chattering classes while they disapprove so strongly of other forms of racism.
Antisemitism is not racism. Antisemitism is a conspiracy theory.
Some of the most virulent Antisemities are Jewish.
Speaking as one the funniest definition of antisemitsm I ever heard is “Hating Jews more than is necessary”.
Not Funny
Never hear that one! I’m so stealing it.
That’s a good one; heard it before, but it is a classic.
Because on the victim totem pole, Jews are near the bottom, just above the white working class (I say this because Jews can criticise the white working class, but not the other way around).
In fact the white working class is so low, it’s probably below ground level.
Not difficult to figure out which victim groups occupy the top two or three places.
I’m a white Jewish working class hetrosexual, where the hell does that leave me ?
Probably not having the first dance with Yvonne Ridley at the Respect Christmas Disco. Never mind.
Dancing with Mr Ridley might help though.
Oh dear oh dear oh dear
Cosmo – you need to get yourself some handy victim status pretty damn quick.
Are you SURE you’re heterosexual, couldn’t you find a bit of bisexuality, say, Mondays to Fridays?
Have you checked your family tree?
This needs attending to – now!
Some things you just know you won’t like !
Alison let me tell you, the definition of Jewish foreplay…….2 hours of pleading and begging !
No reason.
1) On BBC news Jon Donnison is reporting what “Hamas health officials” are saying, I’m astonished that a terror organisation is credited by the BBC with such an ‘impartial’ sounding title, it’s as if they were talking about the NHS.
2) According to the Guardian story about Dave Lee Travis
“Ex-BBC Radio 1 presenter says ‘this is nothing to do with kids’ following arrest and bailing on suspicion of sexual offences” They report:
“The BBC responded swiftly to the arrest by pulling a Top of the Pops repeat from 1977, hosted by Travis, from its BBC4 schedule on Thursday night.”
I wonder if the BBC said that they were actually “pulling it” because of his arrest? ‘Pulling’, this is now BBC newspeak:
”… to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed…” (1984, Pt 2, ch.9)
More from ‘Daily Mail’ on Leveson, etc:-
“Disturbing questions over Leveson’s key adviser: Special Investigation into a central figure in the McAlpine scandal and judicial inquiry into the press.
“Sir David Bell’s suitability as senior adviser to Leveson Inquiry under scrutiny.
“Sir David is a trustee of the tarnished Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
“BIJ behind the disgraced Newsnight probe that implicated Lord McAlpine.”
It’s about time fingers started pointing at the BoIJ. Can’t blame BBC management structure for that.
More from excellent ‘Daily Mail investigation into Leveson, BIJ, Bell, Hari, BBC, etc.
“A prestige award for a liar and the McAlpine debacle: Offences against the integrity of the British Press.
“Independent journalist Johann Hari received the Orwell Prize for his writing.
“It then emerged he had fabricated ‘eyewitness’ accounts, and he returned it.
“The Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s managing editor, Iain Overton, leaked details of classified documents while preparing a WikiLeaks release.
“He later tweeted about the paedophile scandal and ‘helped to feed inaccurate speculation about the identity of a political figure.’”
By Richard Pendlebury.
There is more excellent material in ‘Daily Mail’ on Leveson, etc., in today’s edition.
Where’s the Beeboid bargepole?
“NUJ to ballot BBC members over strike action in response to job cuts”
Of couse, the fallacious argument a la Paxman is that ‘Newsnight’ journalism would not be so atrocious were it not for spending cuts; the inconceivable counter-argument to Beeboids, is that if there were no public spending on BBC, there would be no atrociously biased Beeboid journalism.
BBC-NUJ strike banners being written already:
‘Save Apartheid BBC Asian Network’.
Few could argue that, despite it being the Telegraph, Mr. Hodges is ‘of the right’.
So this is interesting.
One also notes he appears to be conflating Britain with the British, in word, deed and, perhaps, attitude?
Odd then that an outfit that purports to represent the nation, albeit uniquely, has more than a few staff erring on the ‘individual’ in their reporting.
funnily enough, Dan Hodges, has always struck me as being to the right of the Telegraph.
Could be why he is so despised by his own party. (ie he gives them a hard dose of the truth now and again}
Got to this via a link on the BBC FaceBook page:
‘Joe Lynam reports on the growing problem of unwanted Capita* calls and house visits* and what can be done.’
*I may have changed some words to fit my notion of accuracy. There is a precedent for that.
Reading this piece the author asks a lot of questions, but also seems to join his colleagues in, if not answering them, assisting the reader to some conclusions…
‘He died eight years ago, and now they’re digging up his body to see if he was poisoned by the Israelis.
While factually hard to argue with, if on a ‘critics are claiming’ basis, I do wonder in the febrile atmosphere pervading, it is really wise for an Editor of a most trusted worldwide ‘news’ broadcaster to state what is currently no more than supposition in such terms?
Barbara Plett is gonna need some industrial strength kleenex when they dig that murderous old dog up
Is here an interview with an Israeli about how it feels to be pounded day after day with rockets from Hamas/Gaza?.
More ‘Daily Mail’ on Leveson, BIJ, BBC, etc:-
“Sir David Bell and the public’s right to know.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Yesterday Lord McAlpine, his frail voice crackling with anguish, described how BBC Newsnight’s false child abuse allegations against him had created a ‘legacy that can’t be repaired’.
“‘It gets into your bones,’ the Tory peer said. ‘It makes you angry … and it gets into your soul and you just think there’s something wrong with the world.’
“Unsurprisingly, this terrible slur – based on misinformation supplied to the BBC by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism – has had tumultuous consequences.”
Brendan O’Neill:-
“‘Serious journalists’ are the most tabloidesque of all.”
“David Bell: there is a real story here”
By Andrew Gilligan
[Opening section]:-
“The Daily Mail has gone to town this morning on Sir David Bell, one of Lord Justice Leveson’s assessors.
“For all the fun some have had today mocking the paper’s conspiracist tone, there is a real story here – some of it first exposed by me more than a year ago. As I revealed, and the Mail repeats today, Bell – the high-minded defender of privacy – was at that time chairman of a charity which was itself censured by the regulator under the Data Protection Act for multiple probable breaches of individuals’ privacy.
“The charity concerned, Common Purpose, is the subject of far too much conspiracist chatter on the Internet. But its essential aim is to train a network of “future leaders” – to help create a new, broadly left-liberal, establishment, if you like – and it has done this with vast amounts of public funding.”
“Common Purpose Exposed.”
The BBC made complete and utter fools of themselves over their pathetically incompetent and cynical Newsnight ‘investigation’ wrongly accusing the Tory peer of child abuse… and yet they choose to cover-up and ignore the real sex abuse which we all know is happening up and down the land. The following article leads me to believe that there is, at least, still one reason left for voting Tory over Ukip:
Just think of all those young white children who are being enriched by multiculturalism.
They actually reported his in their politics section a couple of days ago (along with a couple of denunciations for encouraging prejudice). I was surprised as they usually bury these things in the local pages – even when a Conservative Dewsbury MP asked questions in the house about voter fraud and intimidation in a neighbouring constituency, earlier this year, they reported it on the South Yorkshire webpage.
More from ‘Daily Mail’ on Leveson, Bell, etc:-
“Solved, the mystery of the money chest: How David Bell sits on the charity bankrolling his own campaign”
I know that I refer to Craig every so often, whenever I see the need for a quantitative basis to assess bias at the BBC.
Compare and contrast Tim Whewell and Gavin Esler talking about the “Hamas crisis” on Newsnight (Wed) with Sarah Montagues ignorant shrewing at William Hague this morning(Today ,Fri).
How come Whewell seemed relatively fair and informed; whereas Montague had merely skimmed her Guardian before talking tosh, and displaying her reflex anti-Israel stance. Visceral lefty unthinking drivel.
Sacks should have stayed on air-and not to puff up Children In Need when his own country needs him!
Hague handled it well enough-but surely the likes of Montague need telling of their fatuous comparisons and lazy double standards.
Who`ll do it?…
Gives me little pleasure to kid Pudsey in the nads but…
‘Remember ever penny you give goes to one of our supported charities.’
Well apart from the fifteen pence in the pound or so in admin costs we hoover up. All of which could have been saved had the BBC not set up its own charity but just wrote a cheque out to an existing charity.
And the Chief Executive’s salary?
Oh the public sector bog standard six figures + pension + sundry other perks.
They don’t stint themselves do they.
Dear Uncle Bup, don’t you remember Grandad telling us that “money is power”.
Never to be on BBC again?:-
“Two Fat Ladies chef embroiled in race row after claiming visit to Muslim area of Leicester was ‘the most frightening experience of her life'”
Newsround Bigs Up shite4c a channel that even shite 4c admits that sometimes nobody is watching.
Before anyone thinks I’m anti Welsh my partner is Welsh and her parents are Welsh speakers and they don’t watch shite4c either.
Hello Dave, I know some folk who are Welsh speakers who watch nothing but S4C.
I’m sure there are many who only watch English channel programmes too.
It is nice to have the choice. I spent 58 years in Wales thinking their language was a waste of time.
Then I began to learn it. Eyes opened, I strongly recommend your partner begins to learn.
I promise you that partner will love it.
pob hwyl i chi!
Never to be on BBC again?:-
“Tory MP Kris Hopkins claims ‘gangs of Muslim men are going round and raping white kids'”
Deputy children’s commissioner, Sue Berelowitz, publishes her report on grooming next week. Guess which vulnerable minority will be considered much more in need of protection than early adolescent females in care homes?
I am struck by the BBC report on the 11 month old son of a BBC employee having been killed in a Israeli Gaza air attack. The BBC reporter spoke of how the death of any child is distressing, but more so when you know the ‘father’. Now there was no such concern about the Fogel family. One can only assume that it is because BBC journal list have no relationships with Israeli’s? There is a kind of obscenity in the BBC’s interest in the death of Palestinian children as a result of the Israeli’s defensive action and total lack of concern about the Israeli children who have to live in constant fear of rockets fired from Gaza day in day out. They did not focus on the baby hurt by the Hamas rocket attack on a building in a small Israeli town near the Gaza border.
The piece about the 11 moth old, and I must state that harm suffered by any child is abhorrent to me, emphasised that the BBC World Service employs Arab journalist for is Arab section and that the BBC has an ‘Arab’ television service. Nothing about the BBC having an Israeli section of the World Service or an Israeli TV service employing Israeli journalist. Once again it is clear where this organisation spends our licence fee.
I watch BBC world in Israel not once has tel-aviv or Jerusalem ever been shown in its weather reports for the region and i have never see one program about Israel its society and innovations it has acheived for such a small country,lots about all the other ME countrys.
How come I had to find out on Guido Fawkes that Prescott failed in his bid to be Police Commisioner? Tim Iredale the local BBC politics editor (and Labour luvvie) slow to report.
“Paul Waugh, editor of News tweets: It’s official: @johnprescott has been beaten in Humberside #PCC by Matthew Grove. Prezza looks like he’s swallowed a wasp”
“A punch in the nose for Prezza: Prescott loses police commissioner poll in his own back yard of Hull to a TORY.
“Former Deputy Prime Minister fails in bid for one last big political job.
“Conservative Matthew Grove beat his Labour rival by 42,164 to 39,933.
“74-year-old earlier told reporters to ‘b***** off’ when they asked if he was feeling confident.”
“Labour peer vows not to stand for election again.”
“Labour peer vows not to stand for election again.”
We can only hope this is true.
He was too busy eating pies!
Or porking his employees.
Deborah, I reported that Matthew Grove had beaten John Prescott before any other journalist. Please do not describe me as a “Labour luvvie”. Whatever you may think of the BBC – you will find my reporting is always fair and balanced to all parties concerned. Tim Iredale
It just never ends. Here’s the titles to two video reports on the main page of the BBC website.
Gaza ‘fear and panic’.
Israel ‘has right to defend itself’.
‘Jon Donnison, BBC News, Gaza City’
‘The missile that Hamas says targeted Jerusalem was launched just 500 metres from the BBC’s office in the centre of Gaza City.’
They must be so proud.
Someone needs to remind the BBC about what treason is.
Which would imply the launch sites are in built up areas. Thus making Israeli counter measures that much more likely to involve civilian casualties.
So that’s why the license fee keeps going up. Bombs cost money.
Did anyone hear Edward Stourton interviewing the three main party chairmen over the police commissioner and by-election results on The World at One? It’s about 25 minutes in:
Prime example of impartiality-free, we’re-only-hear-to-facilitate-the-Labour-message BBC ‘journalism’ (you know, the envy of the world and all that.)
But then, if you’ve just spent a week giving yourself a massive vote of confidence, why should you be denied a little bit of party political indulgence?
‘The upsurge follows Israel’s killing of Hamas’s military chief on Wednesday and its continued air strikes on Gaza.’
Yeah, in the same way that:
‘Riots spread across England after police shot Mark Duggan in Tottenham, north London, on 4 August last year.’
The BBC: We put the cart before the horse.
BBC…seminar….alarm bells?
Stephanie Flanders:
‘I spent most of last weekend thinking about the future of Europe with economists, politicians and senior policy makers at a two-day seminar organised by the Centre for European Reform’
CER? Let’s see what the Guardian says…..
‘The Centre for European Reform (CER) is a thinktank devoted to improving the quality of the debate on the future of the European Union. The CER aims to promote new ideas and policies for reforming the EU. As an independent organisation, the CER has published work by contributors from all the main political parties*. Those involved in its activities are well placed to ensure that its ideas are fed into the policy-making process. The CER also provides advice to governments in several European countries, as well as to EU institutions.The CER organises seminars, conferences and speaker meetings with figures such as Kenneth Clarke, Jacques Delors, Patricia Hewitt, Neil Kinnock, Pascal Lamy, Anna Lindh, Mario Monti, Gerhard Schröder, Javier Solana, Jack Straw and Margot Wallström. The CER publishes pamphlets, essays, working papers and the bi-monthly CER Bulletin. Its website offers access to its publications and up-to-date news on CER meetings and research. ‘
* all the main political parties – but not, I would imagine, the one that polled 3rd place in yesterday’s by election.
The BBC’s Thea Rogers appointed Osbourne’s spad. So that’s the two top comms people in the Government ex BBC.
I thought the BBC were irretrievably left wing? Gutu Hari, Nick Robinson, Lansdale; hardly a nest of left wing vipers.
The top echelons of the Tory party bear littlle relationship to the grass roots. The same managerial patronising attitude common to all our politicians. It has been like this for a long time now in all parties. Which is probably why politicians today are so insipid and so disliked.
If the “top echelons of the Tory party bear littlle relationship to the grass roots” perhaps you could explain who voted for them and who appointed them into the “top echelons”.
No: keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and bring in Beeboids to help you fight them.
yawnarama – not the old Nick Robinson chestnut again.
Next you’ll be telling us that the BBC gets as many complaints from the left about bias as it does from the right therefore it must be (fanfare)
‘getting it just about right’.
… bee tee dubs, that one ‘like’ you got for that post, that was me. I hit it by accident when I tried to hit reply.
“The BBC’s Thea Rogers appointed Osbourne’s spad. So that’s the two top comms people in the Government ex BBC”.
Yes, strange how no one on this blog ever wants to talk about Craig Oliver or Ruth Davidson.
It’s the other direction of flow that is the problem – people who’ve previously been (or are still) involved in party politics joining the BBC.
If these two return to the BBC in years to come, after stints with the Tory party, then we should concern ourselves with whether or not their previous loyalties are being carried over into their media careers.
A few people heading of to work for the nasty Toriez doesn’t detract from the fact that the BBC seems to be permanently stocked full of former Labour types.
I’ve mostly had quite a bit of respect for Nigel Farage until now. But on last night’s Question Time, I’m afraid he lost it with me.
Appears he’s now willing to get more into line with the desired BBC view to perhaps get more appearances and mention.
On the question at 51:07 Who’s wrong – Hamas or Israel
NF – In all arguments there’s faults on both sides, isn’t there?
I’ve always tried to defend Israel, to defend their right to have their nation, and I sympathize with them because they’re surrounded by countries, in some cases, that want to obliterate them off the face of the earth.
But if they respond to whatever pro…(splutter)..provocation they get, effectively assassinating a leading figure on the other side, they simply can’t be surprised if rockets appear on their territory.
RD – So you differ from the Foreign Secretary who says Hamas bears principle responsibility?
NF – I do on this, I do on this, and there’s always fault on both sides in a fight like this – (then a little dig on Tony Blair)
Even Harriet Harman knew enough to tell that Hamas were firing rockets before Israel targeted this terrorist.
If you want to get on in this country – sacrifice the Jews, we’ve seen it throughout history.
I turned it on, unusually, but then turned it off again deciding that suffering ten minutes of drivel just to get a decent zinger from Farage was not ‘proportionate’. I mean was the LibDum granny on drugs or what. She kept answering questions that no-one had asked, least no-one on this planet.
Still the Farage zinger gave us when it eventually turned up was a doozy as he bitch-slapped the programme’s Chair, Harriet Harman, with,
Doubly hilarious because she is of course a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON and accustomed to being taken VERY VERY SERIOUSLY.
yup! really noticed of late … old farage … getting a little too comfortable …………..
watch this space
BBC News coverage is so narrow and limited. Thanks to the BBC’s obsession with a narrow list of pet subjects, you will not know that Russia has sent aid to New York after hurricane Sandy.
I hate “Children In Need”so much. There is so much propaganda in Schools that I’m forced to have it on by my kids.
Are these people being paid to make this TV? The make-up artists, Cameramen, Producers, Presenters? To beg money from my Children?
Brucie just came on and my mask slipped – I made them turn it off saying that it was all BBC propaganda.
Much gnashing of teeth and an intervention by the Mrs means that its back on and I’m banished to the office.
Think of me when I’m denounced to the Thought Police first thing Monday morning BY ALL 5 of my kids.
Oh God I hate it so fucking much!
There used to be a website you could go to which showed where the Children in Need money was being spent, region by region.
I had a look a couple of years ago after the CEO of the charity had appeared on Jeremy Vine and been challenged by a woman running a charity which helped with the education of ‘traveller’ children which, for the first time in some years, had failed in their bid for some of the dosh.
The CEO expressed great surprise as the ‘traveller community’, apparently, was one of their biggest causes.
So…….visit to aforementioned website and everything becomes clear. It was obvious that, to get an award, your charity would have to jump through every PC hoop imaginable. I lost count of the number of successful bids for video and sound equipment ‘to help young people come to terms with their sexual identity through the creative medium of music and film’ (paraphrased).
And there was I thinking it was all about helping starving kids in Africa.
It is not, and never has been about ” helping starving kids in Africa.” If you managed to research where the money raised was being spent it should have been obvious that all money raised is spent in the UK.
Possibly. But the definition of ‘helping kids’ is as elastic as the waistband of the late Cyril Smith’s drawers.
It can run to helping future Islamic suicide bombers indoctrinate them.
‘where the money raised was being spent’
Sir Terry Wogan KBE – inaugurated as Life President in November 2010
Chairman: Stevie Spring
Danny Cohen was appointed Controller of BBC One
Tim Davie is Director of BBC Audio and Music.
Susan is now a freelance consultant,
Phil Hodkinson is a non-executive director of HM Revenue & Customs, BT, Resolution and Travelex.
Professor Peter McBride is the Chief Executive of NIAMH (The Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health). Niamh is the largest specialist mental health and wellbeing charity in Northern Ireland
Donalda MacKinnon is Head of Programmes and Services, BBC Scotland.
Luke Mayhew has worked in customer service businesses for over 30 years. He is currently a Non Executive Director of InterContinental Hotel Group
Ralph Rivera is the Director of BBC Future Media.
Bob Shennan is Controller of BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 6Music and the BBC Asian Network.
Beverley Tew is the BBC’s Group Finance Director.
It may be somewhere, but how the money is dispersed I could not easily locate, nor what proportion of that donated reaches the children and what (Money spent in the UK) is used getting it to them.
As with many things BBC now, there interesting parts may be in areas they prefer to slap FoI exclusions upon, or at the very least get all coy about editting in.
What We Do:
We provide grants to projects in the UK which focus on children and young people who are disadvantaged. We are local to people in all corners of the UK and support small and large organisations which empower children and extend their life choices.
Where Your Money Goes:
Every penny from the money you raise or donate will go towards helping disadvantaged children and young people right here in the UK. We are able to make this promise because we use investment income and Gift Aid to cover all running costs, meaning that you can be sure your money makes a real difference.
If you want more detail you should read the annual report:
Click to access annual_report1011.pdf
It also goes to pay for Common Purpose “Matrix” courses at £5,000+ a pop, as for Harriet Stranks, a children in need Regional Co ordinator in Manchester.
And before you say, that is only one; “Graduates” of Common Purpose have learned to be coy since her course in 2004/5 about their involvement.
‘…………….which empower children and extend their life choices.
This is children ‘in need’?
I rest my case. New Labour meaningless twaddle.
You can hardly blame New Labour for an Appeal that started in 1927 and has been in its present format since 1980.
Not blame new labour?
But my socialists friends still blame thatcher for everything.
We should blame new labour for everything including global warming.
You have a comprehension shortfall, my friend, read it again.
At The Commentator…
It just goes on, and on, and on, and the BBC’s Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen still keeps his job. Even British Prime Minister David Cameron has said that Hamas “bears the principal responsibility” for the current round of hostilities.
But here, right now on the BBC website, is how the notoriously anti-Israel BBC MidEast editor Jeremy Bowen is quoted in a keynote sidebar to a story on rocket attacks on Tel Aviv:
“The danger of the kind of operation Israel has started is that rising casualties on both sides cause a violent escalation that neither side can control. If that happens it could cause a much bigger crisis across the Middle East.” (My italics)
“Israel started”? And please, don’t even tell me that that weasel word “operation” is some sort of get out clause so he can say he was only referring to the strategic, operational response to Hamas’s rocket attacks.
…as ever, it all started when Israel retaliated.
the BBC love the Corby Labour win….
Bigging it up now on newsnight.
Has paxo crawled out from under his rock yet?
eddie mair fronting?
Did they have anyone on to question the wisdom of “A-listing” candidates from above?
Eddie maire tackles loiuse mensch:
many quotes from her husband, perhaps eddie was voyeuring in their bedroom?
beat phone hacking i suspect.
Topped a day when we heard David Milibands views on China, Chales Clarkes views on the Police votes, and some pollster spouting off about the triumph of Ed Milibands candidate in Corby.
Remind me again-are Labour still in power?…for, sure as hell I only ever seem to hear from hasbeen/neverwas Labour stools being tapered and polished by the BBC for future approval.
Mairs interview-if you can call it that-was a disgrace. Mensch ought to have smeared him all over the walls, but she`s just a show pony.
Speaking of which.
Thursdays Today had two articles at least about “Child Poverty” and its definition.
How many time that day did the BBC trot this one round the ring, so we could sigh-then send money to Children In Need.
Love these instant bake stories that the BBC save just for regular “Trotting” round the ring-always to hand aren`t they?
Well…two days now since the last Children In Perverty” story…any sweepstake available for when the BBC will bring it out for best again?..I`ll say eight days!
Oh-one more thing-any chance of any accounts to prove that the BBC did raise all that Children In Need money-I work in a school…and none of us were promoting Pudseys Porn for Saviles Travels this year.
Look what happened to Pete Townshend?
The Annual Report for Children In Need is really not that hard to find.
Click to access annual_report1011.pdf
Not a great bookkeeper, but on p27, it appears that of £40.3M in, £100,000 appears to have gone on training the grantees.
That would be the 12 above?
What takes £8k+pp?
Would not hiring persons already qualified have made more sense than ‘training’ money dolers out? Including, presumably ‘try hard not to fund rocket launchers.. or at least get accused of it… or get caught’. Though one can see how the BBC staff may need refreshers on the latter.
Even if is for lower rankers, where most dosh seems to go on job creation over actual results.
Then there are the monies that don’t go to the kids (and one presumes a lot that does goes to those who ‘look after’ them?). That appears to be just over 10%. Of £40M.
Now, this gets into other areas…
I merely wonder if all ‘involved’ contributed their time for free or ‘market rates’?. I’m sure that’s in the detail but, well, as others have suggested, detail is for wimps. And it’s a long, boring document.
“detail is for wimps” ……. guess that really means that any details that do not agree with your bias will be ignored!
I have been concerned about the phrase “Every penny from the money you raise or donate will go towards helping disadvantaged children and young people right here in the UK. ” for some time now.
A cursory examination of the accounts reveals that this is not the case.
Some of the money raised does not go to the children, despite claims that the BBC “investments” + Gift Aid mean this doesn’t happen.
Some money is held back, and some money is used for training and cost of disbursing the grants.
So not every penny is going to the children in need.
Guess what. They have administrative costs just like any other charity, in this case around 10%.