The BBC has been caught once again peddling Hamas propaganda. If they cannot be certain of the origin of a photo then should they be so ready to use it…especially of such an emotive subject?
The BBC knows, just as Hamas does, that the ‘tears of a child say more than words ever can’. A picture of an injured or dead child is ‘currency’ in the world of Hamas propaganda and will be ruthlessly exploited.
The first time was as shown here:
We’ve had Hollywood, Bollywood and now Pallywood….and the BBC Loves All Of Them.
and here’s Hamas at it themselves:
and now (thanks to George R in the comments for pointing this out) here’s the BBC’s Jon Donnison:
via ‘Harry’s Place
BBC’s Jon Donnison Tweets malicious fauxtography
Donnison admits mistake later:
Come on, everybody at the bBC is guilty of pro-Islamic terrorist propaganda put them all out of work by refusing to pay your TV tax.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst
too true …
remember “any questions” this week,
“does israel deserve a future”? – (shakes head)
does the bloody bbc deserve a future? more like…
to exist? eh!
Grand Mufti of jerusalem, Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini … remember that guy, put it most clearly …
Our Fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world”
then you have the hypocrisy to scream “far right” … bbc eh!
when this is what you re supporting?
biased and traitorous to the last man
beneath contempt – bbc shame on you
AND then has the rank cowardice ….
to dish it out in spades,(via its totally orchestrated “Your Call”-ers), on bbc 5live s phone in, to … yep! , you guessed it – Christians agains, (regular bad habit that), under the guise of “women bishops”
…… so i can assume tomorrow, muslims
and their hate manual, will have a right verbal going over, with an orchestrated line up, of educated detractors, asking ALL the difficult questions? putting them right on the spot eh? ….
what do you think?
as an adage …
hamas hamas – jews to the gas
And Mr Donnison knowingly or unknowingly re-tweeted the pic, from Syria. Having admitted the misleading implications, is he just as heartbroken; or is it only arabs in palestine who break his heart?
I just don’t get the beeboids…what is so hard about doing a bit of checking of the image source before going on a full blown weepy crusade about it…surely, they know all about “Pallywood”…it’s the first thing I would do if my profession was journalism.
bigotry at the beeb! … surely not 😀
That’s a very important point: the unwillingness of the BBC to correct lies, ignorance, unfounded bigotry – call it what you will – because it fits their own narrative.
Pallywood – putting the ham into Hamas
I have just finished watching CBS news on Sky. Wow what a revelation, they report from Gaza and not only lay out both sides of the story they ask questions the bBC doesn’t. How refreshing to be actually given all the facts (not conjecture, hype or opinions) Just the news. Why can’t the bBC do like wise. On that note I switched over to watch Abu Bowen spreading his anti-Semitic hatred at the tax payers expense.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism
I saw CBS news late last night. The anchor asked “is it true that Hamas are launching rockets from schools, hospitals and civilian areas?” Reporter “yes, that’s exactly what they’re doing”.
Probability of seeing this on the BBC? Zero.
he BBC issued an apology to British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks after a presenter asked him about the Gaza operation while he thought he was off the air.
Sacks presented the “Thought for the Day” on BBC Radio 4 Today on Friday. After the segment, presenter Evan Davies asked the rabbi’s opinion on the conflict between Gaza and Israel.
Sacks responded, “I think it’s got to do with Iran, actually,” and then issued a call for “a continued prayer for peace, not only in Gaza but for the whole region. No one gains from violence.” He then was told he was still on the air.
Sacks was said to be angry about the incident, the Guardian reported, citing BBC sources.
“The Chief Rabbi hadn’t realized he was still on-air and as soon as this became apparent, we interjected,” the BBC said via a spokesman. “Evan likes to be spontaneous with guests, but he accepts that in this case it was inappropriate and he has apologized to Lord Sacks. The BBC would reiterate that apology.”
Evan Davis Jr. likes to be ‘spontaneous’ with a certain category of guests, with others he makes Uriah Heep look downright combative. I recall a lengthy stroking session between Mandelson & Davis earlier in the year, a retrospective on Mandy’s political career that managed to skate over every misdemeanour in this political fixer’s repellent career. It was an interview crying out for an Andrew Neil, at the very least. The Mandelson defence was ripe for ripping apart, but, as one of the BBC’s top strikers, Evan conveniently missed every open goal. Unprofessional, wilfully amnesiac, & gutless. Perhaps the lad just couldn’t help himself: the ties that bind/blind.
Has Davis asked the most recent Mohammedan TFTD presenter the same question? Would it even have occurred to him to do so? Or is the dual-loyalty thing only for Jews now?
If he did, I do not think he’d leave the mic open….there is a “slight” chance that his interviewee might say the wrong thing that the Beeb don’t want us to hear.
Jews, sea…all that Shi’ite.
‘Evan likes to be spontaneous with guests, but he accepts that in this case it was inappropriate.’
So spontaneous = leaving the mic on without telling the interviewee, hopefully to get a controversial quote? And in this case it was ‘inappropriate’? In what cases might it be ‘appropriate’, and how much different is it to phone hacking?
I hope I have misunderstood that otherwise that is the slimiest, underhand trick imagineable from the world’s ‘most envied and trusted broadcaster’.
Apols if repeated, but here’s another duplicate to bear in mind…
Triples all round, eh, Aunty?
I don’t know what the the corridors are strewn with, but it sure isn’t integrity or competence.
What next for Gaza’s PR men? A picture from Syria that is Iraq that is from Iran that is from…Masada?
The man who took its says:
‘“Someone is using someone else’s picture for propaganda on purpose.”’
The BBC says… ‘well, we said it wasn’t verified, so we’re golden’
And that, dear reader, tells one all you need to know about our mots devious national broadcaster ‘at work’.
Speaking of the BBC, and its wonderful way with responses, via the BBC Watch here’s a comment that suggest they really are not ‘getting it’, and the standard blow off is actually now making what was awful, corporate melt-down material…
Jon Donnison, a BBC reporter posted a photo of Syrian dead children, and claimed it’s Gaza and it was done by Israel. Not your standard BBC selective “truth”. Well he got caught, and got many people mad and sending complains to the BBC demanding them to fire him.Read more here:
Below is my letter and their pathetic excuse of a reply.
Dear BBC,
Over the years you’ve reported one sided news to all that regards the Arabian-Israeli conflicts. But this time you’ve gone too far.
Jon Donnison, a BBC reporter, is spreading official lies! Your reporter, posts lies under the BBC name, claiming that Israel is killing children in Gaza.
Jon Donnison posted photos of children killed in Syria, as if they were killed by Israel in Gaza:
A BBC reporter, exploited, without shame, the death of poor children in Syria to promote his own personal agenda of lies, with a clear intention to attack the state of Israel.
I demand Jon Donnison is fired immediately!
I demand the BBC posts an official, prime time apology! From the state of Israel and the BBC viewers.
And here is the official reply from the BBC:
I should add, given its evident speed, unverified…
Dear Mr xx
Thank you for contacting us.
Jon Donnison mistakenly tweeted a photograph attributed as being from Gaza when it was taken elsewhere. He has since apologised for this.
Please be assured your concerns were raised with the relevant editorial staff at BBC News.
Thank you again for getting in touch.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints
Seems this did not act in atonement in the way they obviously expected….
Well… It’s not even nearly enough. So I replied.
As if they care…
Dear BBC,
Jon Donnison’s “apology” is nothing more than “oops I got caught with my lies”. It is unacceptable.
As a BBC reporter, everything he says carries the “credibility” of the network.
The damage that photo has done is still there, and so far the BBC failed to take responsibility and officially apologize for that damage.
How’s that ‘trust’ in informing and educating going for ya, Aunty?
And how’s about we pop back in Archive to see how well the BBC treats an apology as closing the matter if it’s not you in the spotlight, and rather a member of the BBC’s naughty list.
What… you’re different? Maybe…. unique?
Not sure even £4Bpa will buy enough airtime or FoI lawyers to cover up or dig you out of this hole.
Oh Jon Donnison knows what is genuine footage and what is fake alright, he simply does not care. It must frustrate the BBC no end that the new media has become so powerful and influential and expert that it can so quickly discover what kind of dirty tricks the BBC gets up to.
Without the pesky new media looking over the BBCs shoulder they would be able to peddle their lies and pro hamas propaganda freely as in times past. The BBC no longer has the freedom to pimp lies and falsehoods as the truth, it can no longer play the ‘trust’ card when so much of its output is open to scrutiny as never before.
It must be so frustrating for the BBC that after having sabotaged the BBC trust and filled it with compliant stooges they find out that the BBC trust has been bypassed by the new media which has become the de facto new BBC trust and there is no way to sabotage the new media and fill it with bought off stooges.
The BBCs anguish is palpable, its frustration is plain to see, and its wonderful to witness. The BBC villain thought it had all the angles figured out, and if it wasnt for those pesky kids of the new media they would have gotten away with it! I would just like to say…hahahahahahahah.
and where are all the DOTI contributors to biased bbc?
all I see is tumbleweed……….
Jon Donnison and his hamas crew along with his hamas minders, he can do nothing and see nothing and report on nothing inside Gaza without the express permission of hamas. In effect the BBC works for hamas in Gaza, the restrictions placed on the BBC in Gaza is not made known to the public who are deliberately conned into believing that the BBC is able to operate freely as they do in civilised nations. This is the basis of the BBCs dishonesty, it goes to the heart of the problem in Gaza and why the BBC is prey to gangsters like hamas, the BBC has become a willing hamas accomplice. The BBC has sunk into the depths of wickedness and moral depravity.
BBC journalists, Jon Donnison’s and Paul Danahar’s hysterical tweets from Gaza have lacked any context or understanding of warfare.
These two men have provided a shalllow and pathetically simplistic narrative which has wholly identified with Hamas and failed to have any objective analysis.
The constant reference to shells and misssiles being fired and regurgitaing Hamas casualty statistics should cause the BBC cause for concern and show a complete lack of context.
In WW2 American and Britain firebombed Japan and Germany, killing up to 100,000 civilians in a single night.
Since 2008 Obama has authorised drone strikes in Pakistan which have caused the death of hundreds of civilians.
In Grozny in 1999/2000 Russian forces surrounded the city and pummelled it was unguided ballistic rockets and fuel air weapons for 6 weeks. Figures are not clear but up to 30,000 Chechen fighters and civilians died. Russian forces sat outside the city and bombarded it , WW2 with unguided weaponry including fuel air munitions. There was of course minimal coverage of this action by the BBC as Russia’s tactics made it simply to dagerous for the Health and Safety bods at the BBC to authorise anyone to go into Grozny. It would have meant certain death, despite the wearing of a flak jacket with “Press” written in small letters on the front.
In Falluja in 2005 the US army retook the city again by using an initial artillery assualt, air strikes and then a ground offensive.
In Sri Lanka in 2009 again unguided artillery was used against Tamils who were used as human shields by Tamil fighters.
BBC journalists were not based in Tamil population centres or insurgent held territory as it was
In the past 6 days over 500 people have died in Syria. That has received coverage of perhaps a hundredth of the BBC Gaza output.
A further statistic for you, 44 people a day are murdered in South Africa. Therefore, in the last 6 days 264 South Africans have been killed. But this is not news. If 264 South Africans had been killed by Jews then it would be news, I guarantee it.
In the context of the above figures, the Gaza death toll of 100 as compared to over 1000 sorties flown proves the case that Israel is doing ( unlike any other Army in the history of warfare) it’s absolute utmost to keep civilian casualties to a minimum.
The relentless focus on civilian casualties by BBC journalists based in Gaza is a deliberate attempt to skew public opinion against Israel. They have failed in their duty to be objective reporters and have become mouthpieces for Hamas, an Iranian backed , extreme right wing group with a track record of extra judicial killing of political enemies and who have constantly attackedthe human rights of women and gay people since they came to power.
The only thing disproportionate about Israel’s limited military action is the amount of coverage that it is receiving from the BBC.
The only thing I disagree with you on is your claim that Hamas is “right-wing”. It is nothing of the sort, nor arguably is it left-wing, although the extreme left regard them as brothers. Hamas is a religious-based revolutionary organisation.
The rest Jimbob are some extremely good points, and you totally prove the BBC anti-Israel bias for what it is.
Obviously the BBC regard the importance of victims in relation to those accused of killing them – a Palestinian killed by an Israeli is a far greater tragedy than one of their Syrian brothers killed by their own. The racism in the BBC is so blatant.
Demon, i stand corrected and agree with you. “right wing /left wing ” definitions are not appropriate in the context of Jihadis such as Hamas. i was trying to make the point that liberals such as donnison/ danahar are supporters of a very reactionary organisation that is vehemently opposed to western liberal thinking entirely.
Heartbreaking indeed …
ie that this clown is permitted to continue his ‘career’ at our expense.
‘Is your tweet indicative of BBC standards in reporting on Gaza?’
News for you Adam, mate, his tweet is indicative of BBC standards of reporting on everything.
I mean, you ever heard of Nikki ‘Yerve Just Gorra Google Thatcher And Paedophile’ Campbell for example.
The BBC has time and time again distributed graphic material of dubious provinance. Israel/Palestine is my particular field of interest so I see it more. The Donnison story is far from exceptional.
I complained about their use of a International Solidarity Movement supplied photograph to illustrate a Rachel Corrie story. It was on examination photoshopped and badly, at that.
The BBC reply:
The image was supplied by Getty photo agency and is originally from the ISM. Our picture desk has examined the image in high resolution and is not convinced it is fake. If we discover the picture was doctored we will obviously take action but until such a time there are no grounds to remove it from the story.
What a low standard for an organisation that markets itself as the world’s most respected news organisation.
Innocent until proved guilty is hardly the standard we should expect. But we should expect that when the origin is known the BBC should let the reader know that the source is not a ‘neutral’ picture agency but a participant.
That someone else provided the photograph does not excuse the BBC from a duty to check it. For the record Google and Tin Eye provide free reverse picture source. Donnison could have taken five minutes to check before tweeting.
Has the BBC shown even one photograph of a rocket fired from Gaza? Their correspondents say they are being fired although the Israel says X number of rockets were fired nonsense still surfaces. Must be habit. They even show maps of where the rockets have landed.
I did the standard Google search without success. Surely with over a thousand fired in five days of fighting (not to mention the hundreds before the BBC decided that the death of Jabiri started the violence) an alert BBC journalist with a smart phone would have captured the image of one? if not the news agencies certainly have.
Excellent piece by Danny Ayalon in the Guardian Hamas leaves Israel no choice
“so Hamas’s military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, has been busy sending out pictures of massacres in Syria, claiming they were taken in Gaza.”
Hopefully the BBC have noted the activity of their journalist Jon Donnison, so naively kotowing the al-Qassam Brigades line. On a news level it’s almost as embarrassing as having Jimmy Savile on their books! But at least he’s said sorry. Oh the pathos!
You know you are in trouble if your best pal, the Guardian is giving you a kicking while you are down.
Compare the difference. Israel-Gaza violence in maps
Areas hit in Gaza by Israel uses a Google terrain map with the adjoining Israel areas faded out. Highly emotive red (blood?) is used to show areas targeted but the equally battered kibbutzim around the border have no names and no red stains. Conveniently Sderot, arguably the rocket capital of the world is just off map.
By comparison Areas in Israel and the West Bank hit by Gaza militants is just a map. If it had also been a terrain version the heavily settled areas would also stand out. The human element has been edited out as has the actual area of attacks. A single non emotive tiny square rather than a spreading red stain.
Small settlements apparently don’t exist in the BBC universe although those close to the border have been hit frequently as the time between lauch and landing is too short for Iron Dome to react.
What is it with the Gaza militants? This is not a militant versus terrorist discussion. Militants implies that they are working independently of the (moderate? responsible? civilian?) Hamas government when they are under Hamas’s direct orders and the BBC has acknowledged it.
To be fair the Gaza side should be labeled Area in Gaza hit by Israeli soldiers or the Israel side labeled Area in Israel and the West Bank hit by Gaza Preferably Area in Israel as Ma’ale Amos is under complete Israeli control.
Actually, I am more concerned about being sucke… oh, no..that’s legally compelled by law to fund the ‘suckers’ who are making a sucker out of me.
That’s what… er… really sucks.
“The Israel-Hamas War and the Suicide Strategy: How Arab Forces Expect to be Weak, Start Losing Wars and Still Hope to Win”
By Barry Rubin.
apologies if this has already been covered, but I wonder what the reaction to this might be…
One thing that was never mentioned. Despite massive publicity, including the BBC doing everything it could short of broadcasting it to spread the message, of which the Tony Benn clip was only one example, the results of the appeal were so poor that to my knowledge they were never officially announced.
A word about Tony Benn.
This odious individual never once missed a trick to grandstand about how he fought the Nazis in WWII. Once in a spat with John Bolton when Bolton famously put him down with “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response, Benn became somewhat hysterical and claimed that he had fought the Nazis over the skies of Germany.
The truth is that, having had strings pulled, he was sent to South Africa when he joined the RAF in late 1943, In early 1945 he got his pilots wings and spent the last few months flying over South Africa and Rhodesia.
Apart from himself, it was highly unlikely that he’d meet any other Fockers there.
In a nutshell – put up job, gets BBC message across nicely.
The British?journalist Harry Fear states clearly on Facebook: “Will do freelance reports for RT for its 2m viewership to try to get the Gazan message to the world”. This well spoken young man, and his TV reports on Russia Today, in my opinion are similar in tone to so much BBC reporting, but at least he is honest and states that his intention is “to get out the Gazan message”. What we see on the BBC is merely the fig-leaf of impartiality. Worth watching to see what the ‘orthodox’ BBC are actually doing in the name of being impartial and how bad they are actually doing it. Master Fear does not hold back, he always sounds honest, whereas the BBC just appear like well paid journalist snobs grunting dissatisfaction with the attempt to stay “impartial” and inwardly wanting to spread “the Gazan message”. That they are caught out doing so should not be underestimated, this is the true sinister style of BBC journalism.
Just saw an interview on BBC World News by Michelle Hussein with an Israeli representative. Absolutely unbelievable – she wouldn’t let the guy speak, kept haranguing him about how many Israelis had been killed ( presumably she would be happier if more Israelis were killed ) and tried to insinuate that the Hamas rockets were only home made things ( so, nothing to worry about then ). Why are we required to pay the licence fee to pay for biased rubbish like this ?
With a surname like “Hussein” what can you really expect?
I’m not sure where I am going with this but remember that child of the bBC worker killed in Gaza. Have a look at these two photos spot anything strange:
and the second one:
Is it normal for people carrying their murdered children through the streets to stop to change clothing?
Perhaps they change them at the same time they change their entourage? Those surrounding him seem different as well, with the possible exception of the chap in the black top, and even his neckline changes between shots.
Giving all due consideration to the sensitivities surrounding the victim’s tragic loss of life, it’s worth treading carefully around in search of the facts whilst appreciating some facts can get lost using distractions when they are looking unfortunate.
Hence, this having been a cause celebre when it first happened, and since, it would be of value now to have an account that would clarify this rather odd wardrobe change.
And as it seems the cultural trend is to head for the nearest public place and cameras with a corpse of a loved one, any verifiable time stamps would of course help with the when to the where, etc.
There may well be a highly plausible reason yet to emerge.
Well having a look at another photo of the same man shows that the bindings on the body have changed as well from beige to white.
The photographs are creditec to 3 different agencies, AP, Reuters and Carters respectively. The 3 photographs have also been taken at 3 different locations (you can tell by the background) and most likely at 3 different times. This would account for the change of clothes. The photographs were, like most professional shots, most likely shot in RAW format and processed using photoshop or another photo editing package. This would have adjusted the white balance accounting for the bindings appearing to change colour.
Albaman, I own 2 digital SLRs, (Sony A65 being one of them) I own a Panasonic G3 and a Nikon . My computer is one I built myself using a I7 chip with my OS loaded onto an SSD. I use Paintshop Pro, Adobe Photoshop and my current Fav Lightroom and I shoot in RAW all the time . I can assure you that the bindings are different.
Don’t want to get into a “my cameras bigger than your camera” debate but I stand by my comments. It seems obvious that the only opinion you ever accept as valid is your own – perhaps that is your definition of “free speech” but it is not mine.
You’re welcome to disagree with me. As for only accepting my opinion, well colour me sceptical when it comes to Gaza. I ask questions all day, I even question my actions and I ensure I avail myself to all the options before I comment.
But thank you for your time.
‘obvious that the only opinion you ever accept as valid is your own’
One to treasure.
At least Albaman got it “about” right.
(Wonder how big that pudding in a cloth is now? It keeps getting bigger….)
There are perhaps some cultural aspects I’m not aware of, but why would there be 3 different times for carrying a dead child around?
It’s not meant to sound insensitive, but in view of the history in that part of the world of using available dead bodies for maximum effect (and possibly creating them for the purpose), I think it’s reasonable to be suspicious. And since questions appear never to be asked in some quarters, others have to do it for them.
‘most likely’
So… that would be an opinion of yours, of which you are clearly unsure… that you require others to accept as valid vs. any other.
As, for now, it is still being discussed because no one knows.
I also think it looks like an older child – if indeed it is a child inside the bindings.
I’m not sure, but it does look like the body with the beige bindings is bigger than the one with the white ones.
At first I was very dubious of these photos, and also the apparent time he had been carrying the child around as some photos are clearly in mid-day daylight and others at night.
However, in some other footage of him carrying a child at night he is interviewd by a native language reporter, and during this report he stated that others, also children, in his family had died.
Its just possible that might account for some of the discrepancies and the seemingly odd behavior of carrying “a child” around for hours.
The sad thing is, if it were not for pallywood and the bbc we wouldn’t be pulling pictures apart and questioning everything, including the potential sad deaths of children.
‘The sad thing is, if it were not for pallywood and the bbc’
A point also made, well, by Wally elsewhere, and gaining traction.
The BBC is part of the problem by its inept and/or deliberately false actions.
“Israel’s hospitals continue to treat Gazan patients”
(5 min video)
Hamas is starting to butcher its own people accusing six of being ‘collaborators’ what they really mean is they are cleaning house, taking the opportunity to murder its political enemies. Did they get a fair trial? No bleeding heart liberal gives a flying f*ck.
The BBC and amnesty international are all over the case like a rash…or not, perhaps a way can be found to pin the blame on Israel. Jon Donnison is nowhere, he is not about to get involved himself, hamas murdering its own is not news. And why has Syria simply vanished from the BBC news?
The BBC bringing you half the news when it suits their agenda only, back to hamas approved Pallywood produced propaganda, the BBCs comfort zone. Syria has been bumped off the BBC as if the hundreds dying every week do not exist.
And there is a good reason why Syria has become invisible for the BBC, their islamist friends have decided they dont want the outside world to be shown the butchery of muslims by muslims, it confuses the simple minds of the viewer who can see the far greater body count in women and children in Syria that makes the Gaza conflict a tiny almost bloodless sideshow.
The comparative body count between Syria where muslims slaughters muslims has been taken off the air by the BBC at the orders of their islamofascist censors, in favour of Jew killing muslim. That is the reality of the BBC for you. Dozens of women and children killed with gleeful abandon simply disappears from the BBC, it does not exist.
Gaza –
Hamas commits mass murder in the street:-
“Hamas kills suspected collaborators with Israel in busy Gaza City intersection.
“Witnesses said the six men were pulled out of a van Tuesday, forced to lie face down on the street and then shot dead.”
“Gaza conflict: Hamas militants kill 6 suspected informers for Israel: Reports.”–gaza-conflict-hamas-militants-kill-6-suspected-informers-for-israel-reports?
Listened to the 7am news on Radio 4 this morning.
Caroline Brown tells me that only a handful of missiles were sent over to Israel last night.
Don`t suppose that you`d like to tell me what a “handful” of missiles might be Caroline dear would you?
Don`t ask her-she`s only paid to READ the stuff, and not to think on it!
So then. Amazed and thinking that I misheard it, I listened in to the 8am bulletin by the same lady.
She not only repeats the “handful of missiles” phrase…but-even worse..I discover that she doesn`t even mention Hamas as being the perps behind the missiles being “gently lobbed” into Israel with a bouquet of flowers.
Not at all-it was “Palestinian groups” that were trying to get Netenyahus attention…oh, do tell Caroline…which “Palestinian groups” might these be?….not Hamas then…surely not!
THIS is the quality of news bulletins we`re getting to shaft Israel and to puff up Hamas and their “partners in peace” who rain bobs down on Israeli citizens.
This use of language is DISGUSTING…all the worse for being slipped in slyly, by Saviles Travellers up in the editing suite.
Orwell had them banged to rights…language is key, and Goebbels would be delighted at the BBCs long-running tribute to his black art of propaganda!
Oh dear-…fifth line from the end…”raining BOMBS”…not bobs!
Mind you, reckon there`s a surreal notion in here somewhere…
Raheem Kasaam:
” How Israel is winning the media war this time round – thanks to Twitter”
Now BBC Jeremy Bowen laments he can’t fix it, and has taken to tweeting photos of dead Gazan children. What is it with BBC journalists that they think they need to report this?
Jeremy Bowen @BowenBBC
#Gaza childhood. Lama 6, Dina 8 in wreck of neighbour’s house where 3 killed yday. Their brother killed in 2009 at 16
not dead, but clearly a snap to say they could have been killed?
I actually think that despite all their “smear the jew” tactics of the msm in general,and of course our beloved BBC(BARF)
the general public aren’t falling for their crap this time
the bbc have shown themselves up to the world as the scum they really are with “hide-the-paedogate” scandal,and people are going to treat anything they come out with with a very large bucket of salt
apart from the imbeciles of the SWP,amnesty and the rest of the great leftard unwashed of course
Meanwhile, Islamic jihadist and mass murderer, Qasab, is executed in Muimbai.
Of course, BBC is opposed to the death penalty, even for mass murder, and is inclined to be politically sympathetic to Islamic jihad organisations such as Hezbollah and Hamas. And to Lashkar-e-Taiba of Pakistan?
Anyway, it’s not surprising to find this ‘understanding’ and somewhat empathetic BBC-NUJ profile of mass-murdering, Islamic jihadist, Qasab:
“Profile: Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab”
“India executes last Mumbai jihad mass murdering savage.”