The BBC are pretty insistent that rockets from Gaza are a reaction to Israel’s blockade on Gaza… could choose to believe that except that the rocket fire started a long time before the blockade and evidence shows that the mindset of the rocketeers is not effected by anything the Israelis actually do…it is their very presence in ‘Palestine’, ALL of Palestine, that is the cause of the rockets.
katya adler ?@BBCkatyaadler
Not clear if/when #Israel will lift #Gaza blockade. If daily life doesn’t improve in Gaza, pop support for rocket fire will likely return
BBC Watch shows the timeline for rocket fire into Israel and Wyre Davies also blaming the Jews….
Next, at 01:03, we hear Wyre Davies telling us: [emphasis added]
“If there’s to be a lasting truce, this destructive cycle has to be broken. At the end of a conflict, Gaza is allowed to rebuild its institutions and infrastructure but – increasingly frustrated with the Israeli blockade and all of its restrictions – Palestinian militants fire more and more rockets into Israel. Then there’s an overwhelming Israeli military response and much of what has been built up is destroyed.”
BBC Watch’s timeline:
‘As is well documented, the first rocket attack carried out by terrorists from the Gaza Strip took place on January 30th, 2001 when the village of Netzarim was targeted. For the next couple of months, it was Israeli villages inside the Gaza Strip which bore the brunt of attacks with this new weapon, but in March 2001 the first rocket was fired over the ‘green line’ at Kibbutz Nachal Oz. In the almost twelve years since then, the capabilities of the rockets have extended and the numbers fired now run into the tens of thousands.
In other words, Davies is telling viewers that the rockets are a result of the blockade, rather than citing the historical facts which prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that the rockets began to be used by Hamas and its affiliates as a means of terrorizing the Israeli civilian population a whole six and a half years before the blockade came into being.‘
Hamas’s Alqassam Brigade suggests any truce, regardless of the blockade being lifted, is wishful thinking, a delusion……
Good post again Alan.
Apparently the ceasefire is working well. About 20 rockets have been fired into Israel, but that doesn’t rate a mention in Beebland. If the Israelis respond the Beeb will say Israeli aggression.
When is a ceasefire not a ceasefire? Nothing from the BBC about hamas violations, it aint news until Israel defends itself and then all of a sudden the BBC wakes up and out comes the bleeding heart useful idiots full of outrage.
The forces of islamofascism will find a series of excuses each more tenuous than the last, heres how it goes. Its the blockade, its the occupation, its the restrictions, its the right of return, its the occupation, its about Jerusalem, its about the security fence.
Any and every excuse to keep the flame of Jihad alive and burning, there can be no peace with the Arabs because for every concession there will be another demand, for every step back Israel makes another excuse will be made up.
Decent civilised people are willing to make sacrifices for peace, we try to come to give and take compromise, but this is impossible with islamofascism. The BBC knows full well that for every concession another demand will come, for every compromise yet another excuse will be forthcoming.
The BBC knows full well that peace talks for the forces of islamofascism are not an end but a rolling method of stripping your enemies will to resist, it served islamofascism well in the past expansions. Peace with islam is temporary and serves only to embolden them to demand more. The BBC is not stupid, it knows the truth, that alone makes it the most evil and morally degenerate media outlet the world has yet seen, they are stoking the fires for a war that could kill millions.
All these points – along with pounce’s highlighting of the pitifully poor lies about south Gaza being cut off because the coastal bridge was destroyed – add to SERIOUS misreporting, meaning verging on the criminal when you look at the BBC’s power (coverage) and Charter. What is needed is a friendly billionaire willing to take them on…any offers?
I’ve said it before,and I make no apology for restating it here
stop subsidising them via the tv tax
money-or the lack of it-is the only thing the scum will understand
Join the refusniks.
It’s the only way.
The political establishment will never tackle the BBC problem because of the amount of dirt the BBC would rake up if any moves were taken to reduce their power.
It’s up to you, “”The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Getting there.
But the negotiations are proving tricky and we currently have a ceasefire.
Missus & kids could care less about BBC so the DD for programming is a no brainer.
Kids happy but Missus not so keen on us getting fined or me banged up.
Hence the sticking point is SKY.
Missus more than happy to get £30/m back in the pot (on top of £145.50pa)… kids still a bit addicted to such as The Finder & Archer, etc..
I posted this on a previous b-BBC thread, but have lost track of them all. ITV News reporting from Sderot, Israel, where (1:13 on) ‘For more than a decade, Palestinian rockets have been part of life here’.
If ITV can do it, why not the BBC? OK, silly question, I know, sorry.
‘pop support for rocket fire will likely return’
Presumably this means the entire Radio 1 Newsbeat team of 700 en route back from the Glory of O celebrations?
Interesting military analysis of Hamas tactics compared to Russian tactics. Grads and Katyushas are of Russian origin, originally.
For the Russians rockets are to provide cover for advancing ground troops. For Hamas rockets are the main weapon. Ground troops remain in reserve to defend (however unsuccessfully in Operation Cast Lead) against an Israeli ground attack.
The Hamas rockets are militarily useless, being inaccurate and due to Israel’s quick response and Hamas inability to accurately pinpoint where they landed impossible to correct the aim with further rockets. They are a terrorist weapon whose one purpose is to set off alarms and disrupt civilian life.