170 Responses to MONDAY OPEN THREAD

  1. Reed says:

    Oh gawd – Question Time looks like it will be another Leveson borefest.

    David Dimbleby presents Question Time from Swansea on the day Lord Justice Leveson’s report on press standards is published. On the panel are singer and phone hacking campaigner Charlotte Church, former News of the World executive editor Neil Wallis, columnist Simon Jenkins, transport secretary Patrick McLoughlin MP and shadow immigration minister Chris Bryant MP


    I fully expect the UKIP/adoption scandal to be significantly relegated, but they might surprise me (if I was watching, which I won’t be – feels good to be free of it).


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Maybe they will trail the programme with that awful picture of Bryant posing in his undergarments ?
      Perhaps he will get round to commenting on it ?


  2. Dave666 says:

    God I hate them with inevitable predicability BBc S**tefast pick up on the NICE recomendations to stop us using our cars.
    Oh here they are with Kam a “walker” who lost almost 4 stone and “saves” ÂŁ100 a month by not using her car and it only takes her the same amount of time to get to work due to the traffic after she went to her Doctor “like – or something”. All because using our cars could be a big a killer as smoking.
    So lets get all thoses women walking home from work on their own in the dark shall we. It might save the NHS a couple of quid. This being of course the free NHS that most of us have paid out massive amounts of tax and NI for – well most of us. Absolute crap and where did they get Kam from.Will she really be walking around in the dark when the Artic weather hits- really I believe.
    Oh and then minimum price on alcohol . Gabba gabba we accept you one of us.


  3. Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

    BBC Breakfast this morning repeating the lies about the Dowler phone hacking, by showing prominent Grauniad front page claiming it as fact.


  4. Span Ows says:

    Is it just me or are the first 145 or so messages not showing?


  5. As I See It says:

    Leveson is a win-win-win for the BBC. Our learned Brian wasn’t inclined to look into all media empires so the untouchable BBC can relax and enjoy the ride.

    It is all about the celebrities. All about the saintly Guardian versus the evil Tory Rupert Murdoch (well, Blair supporting for a decade – but that’s hush-hush).

    So Cameron rejects m’lud’s recommendations and he is damned. Cameron accepts press gagging and the entire left chorus will be signing along to the tune of the laughing policeman (as played by Cyril Smith?).


    • Reed says:

      Yes – for most of those obsessed with this inquiry and it’s outcome it’s always been about vested interests, whether it’s leftist politicians wanting to neutralise right-wing media outlets or media outlets (BBC/Guardian) wishing to hobble their competition…with a great deal of cooperation between both camps.

      I’m sure there are also a few genuine voices in there aswell.


  6. Guest Who says:

    Pity to consign this to the BBBC graveyard section, but to stay onT:
    Marr’s History of World: BBC accused of falsifying history http://bit.ly/TrREzf
    Considering our horny host’s outdoor social preferences, rather ironic.


    • As I See It says:

      Really trying not to imagine Red Handy sticking his paw down the back of a loin cloth during a post bronze age clinch.

      But is this the only problem with his The History of The World, what I wrote?


      • Reed says:

        I saw a bit of one episode. He was explaining how Japan closed itself off from the rest of the world for 250 years, to avoid contamination from those horrid westerners with their rampant expansionism at gunpoint. This, according to Mr. Marr, allowed Japanese culture to become consolidated and distilled, developing the strongly unified society we still see in modern Japan today.

        Sounds quite like an argument against multiculturalism and for cultural purity. Tut tut – but I guess this kind of nationalism is OK for non-western nations, particularly if they’re fending off the corrupting influence of western, capitalist exploiters.

        Japan – celebrate that lack of diversity.

        I wonder – do they have superior, metropolitan intellectuals in Japan that decry the lack of diversity within their institutions. Do they have an equivalent of the BBC, which is described as still ‘hideously Asian’ ?


        • As I See It says:

          From the pieces of Marr’s HOTW (what I wrote) that I saw he seemed to celebrate most world cultures, Arab, Chinese, African, Indian etc etc – in fact all except the western one. Of course the world may buy his show – whereas we have no choice but to pay for it.


  7. Guest Who says:

    Paul Mason heads North of the border as we speak.
    ‘BBC Scotland is set to shed up to 120 jobs by 2017 as part of a drive to cut its budget by 16 per cent. The job losses equate to nearly 10 per cent of BBC Scotland’s staff.
    Given the BBC’s twitter addiction as ‘news’ can I suggest a headline?:
    ‘140 characters or less’


  8. Guest Who says:

    Maybe better posted under ‘Have I Not Got News (or many surprises) For You’, but..
    The BBC does not plan to publish the evidence it has collected for its inquiry into the Jimmy Savile scandal, even though licence fee payers are picking up the bill, The Times reports. The decision raises questions about the corporation’s pledge to be transparent over its inquiry into why a Newsnight programme about the abusive DJ was mysteriously dropped.

    One presumes the FoI exclusion effort to this in turn will be plus plus?


  9. Framer says:

    I see Rotherham council are sitting on the report into the foster children snatch that they got on Monday until after Thursday’s by-election.
    Has the BBC fearlessly asked for a sight of it?