ROTHERHAM (gets less BBC-NUJ reporting than Greenland).
Discredited Labour Political Commissariat and Deniers of Freedom to Foster Children expected to achieve ‘donkey with red rosette’ retention of seat, but-
Only half way down the article do we discover that – surprise, surprise – the BBC has a hand in this alleged bias:
‘The Welsh government has written to S4C and BBC Wales, which makes the programme that has run for 38 years, claiming it breaches editorial guidelines and that the government has been denied a right of reply.#
The BBC makes it clear from the talking heads they quote what they think of the claim of bias…
That is a silly story. May as well try to get the BBC to apologize to Margaret Thatcher and pull repeats of that Dr. Who episode where they re-enacted the sinking of the Belgrano, and David Tennant’s nostrils ranted at the Mrs. Thatcher proxy, and the act predicates her downfall.
Did anyone notice the subtle way Dimbleby pulled the old trick of bracketing UKIP with the BNP. Of course there was no one on the panel to refute the smear -so each then opined on whether it would be OK to allow supporters of BNP or UKIP to foster children. The general opinion was they should be allowed – but the net effect was to smear UKIP with the racist brush – job done. Triples all round.
I see the UN have recognised Palestine….. Surely that must mean that the Palestinians will now have to formally recognise Israel??? I`m wondering how the BBC will try and brush over thier refusal to do so….
back to AL BBC, …..
for all its bbc trumpeting, More -si 😀 sh-t hits the fan in Egypt, as after making himself absolute ruler the other week …. now the ahem 😀 “constitution” ? talks? are being rushed through and flooded with (surprise surprise), islamists! … the christian/other minorities have withdrew in disgust.
… “carnival atmosphere” anyone?
Al BBC had a Al Quds Society twat droning on for balance? last night, and muslim pressure group “Friends of Al Aqsa” this morning on 5live … over that deceitful Pally bid at the UN?
So the BBC were all geared up for reporting cataclysmic inundation. Anoraks and wellies issued all round. National disaster scale coverage. Bangaldesh about to send foreign aid to Bangor. Then it stopped raining.
Must be all this global climate we keep hearing about.
‘One of Scotland’s five ski resorts hopes to have enough snow to start its snowsports season this weekend’
Have a look. There’s a nice photo of reindeer. Season’s greetings!
Do check those reindeer now because I hear Rudolf’s BBC taxi-sleigh is waiting to ferry him into a BBC studio to tell what a bad press he got from the tabloids and how David Cameron is a coward for not implementing statutory regulation.
After all of the al bbc trumpeting.
mor mor mor–si! how do you like it, how do you like it?
after making himself “ruler absolute” only the other week,
their rushing through a constitution, in egypt made up by a group full of islamists! – so much so, christian and other groups have withdrawn in absolute disgust … hmmm
“carnival atmosphere” anyone?
bbc also reports hilariously, that egyptian tv has shown ahem!
“inconsistency” in its reporting! … ha ha ha ROFL.
bbc – egypt struggles to shake off old habits.,(how about the bbc?)
While they themselves, have a constant drip drip from whining muslims over the Pallies at the UN, and muslim pressure groups on, just to give
erm … balance? –
this morning its the deceptively named “friends of Al Aqsa”(but not anyone else)
I looked through Kirsty Wark’s tweets to see if there was anything of interest, but it was mainly plugs for what was on that night’s ‘NN’ and a kind of exhibitionist flaunting of her sunday supplement lifestyle. Perhaps it was because she had only just started tweeting then, but here are a lot of slightly euphoric tweets about the situation in Egypt at the start of the Arab spring,showing how glad so many Beeboids were, that dawn to be alive. Some people knock the number of links to the site given here but the truth is that any reader of Jihadwatch could have predicted the exact trajectory of ensuing events.
I just watched the 2 o’clock News in the News Channel with mounting anger.
There is no longer any pretence of balance, whatsoever in their coverage of the Leveson story. It’s all about ‘mounting pressure on Cameron’, coalition splits, abandoning the victims. A passing reference of Cameron’s support from the press is basically presented as an opportunity for him to act cynically and kick things into the long grass.
This appalling behaviour of the press, which took place on Labour’s watch, which Labour knew about, did nothing about; that created the climate which produced the real victims and Labour’s culpability at the time is not put to Miliband, who gets a ‘free kick’ at Cameron’s ‘betrayal’.
Neither is Miliband challenged on the emerging Labour divisions and back-tracking that is being reported this morning by everyone else. Yesterday,in the House, he fully supported Ofcom’s regulation of the press, now he has changed his mind. If Cameron had have done that, his ‘U-turn’ would have been the top story.
Another Rubicon crossed by the BBC today. It’s totally unacceptable
The heroic criminal Pvt. Bradley Manning seems to be having success with his phony mental breakdown act. The BBC report features the usual bias. We get stuff from the defense lawyers, but not a word from the prosecution, and, contrary to how the BBC reported the CRU emails, the documents in this case were “leaked”, not “stolen”. Yet we have complete proof that Manning got hold of documents for which he did not have permission, while there is still zero proof about how the CRU emails came out. Unless I just don’t understand the meaning of “leaked” or “stolen”.
Since this is the internet and not printed paper, there are no space constraints preventing a nice long coda of sympathy for St. Julian.
‘The heroic criminal Pvt. Bradley Manning seems to be having success with his phony mental breakdown act.’
Well, beats getting a tinpot banana republic’s ambassador to go all ENT and try and warn the world with a sick note.
Unleash… the Bianca!
Mitch Benn – he who is ‘Proud Of The BBC’ in song, still knows how to do their bidding – with our favourite phrase too…
I’m reading roughly equal no’s of tweets complaining the BBC favours Israel over Gaza as vice versa. Probably getting it about right then.— Mitch Benn (@MitchBenn) November 19, 2012
At 220, kiss of death I know, but this chap is back on form… ‘CFO Zarin Patel has announced an intention to leave’
Isn’t this yet another one of the bevvy of market rates who couldn’t get laid if a prison ship to Australia docked on her front lawn?
One might also wonder if announcing an intention to leave is yet further code to being handed a massive wadge to go quietly.
Deputy Chair of C4 and head of the Opera? Patten is Chair of this and on the board of that, Helen Boaden was on the Trust in charge of pensions as well as being Head of News, and on and on. Are all these people superhuman or is there something not quite right about this scenario?
Hurry up Harry blog now down for last 5 days, Twitter feed stopped too, anyone any the wiser? Usually when blogs go down the whole blogosphere is talking about it…
The only referenc e to it being down that I can find is on a grotesquely named site: ‘Jews sans frontieres: an ant-Zionist blog.’
“Harry’s Place is down at the moment. It could be one of those DDOS thingies or it could just be a technical glitch, I’m not sure. Just before they were zapped they came up with a post that would have many decent folk reaching for the DDOS file……..”
I stopped visiting the site when it became plain they were not going to discuss grooming in any shape or form. Their raising of anti-wacism to the level of a religious cult ( with gays and muslims thrown in, as honorary racial groups) was not enough to make up for the fact that they were the major British left wing site standing up for Israel. They also had an insider (probably an anti-Jamati Bangladeshi) called Habibi who was up to speed on all the latest Muslim hate-preachers in town and the machinations going on in Tower Hamlets. The number and the ferocity of the enemies this made them, both on the left and among Muslims is grimly impressive. Perhaps the latest Gaza business has made hem even madder than usual, mad enough to take the site down..
Not only is the BBC disgusting for avoiding real scientific debate on this contentious issue, but to bring somebody in who is supposed to represent the Church on their daily programme at 05:45 ‘Prayer for the Day’, and used it to further the BBC agenda on the subject, pushes it beyond parody.
The woman, who is an Elder from the Church of Scotland is named Alison Twaddle.
The perfect antidote to all that Leveson crap!
Listening to The Beach Boys night on BBC4…I need nothing more.
Can we send the £145.50 to Brian Wilson?
As the great Van Morrison says( “Coney Island” is it?…”why can`t it be like this all the time?”).
This report is from Beeboids’ political chums at ‘Guardian’-
“Ukip row: multiple reasons children taken from Rotherham foster parents.
“Children’s Roma parents deny allegations of abuse in background to case that has raised community tensions.”
By Helen Pidd.
“There was also tension between the council and Rotherham’s 3,500-strong Roma population, almost all of whom moved to the South Yorkshire town since EU enlargement in 2004.”
“Immigration officer comes home to find family of Romanian gypsies squatting in her house, wearing her clothes and drinking her wine (after telling neighbours she’d died) .”
What high-cost Beeboid greenie propagandists are deviously doing, is politically lining up with the publicly subsidised, undemocratic activists and occupiers, their political chums at ‘Greenpeace’.
Beeboids’ timing of piece is obviously to coincide with current anti-shale gas demo which Beeboids are frantically trying to publicise in their own political interests.
Beeboids Harrabin and co propagandise for ‘Greenpeace’ and for unrepresentative miniscule outfits,
such as ‘Campaign against Climate Change’ which are prominently plugged in the biased, alarmist Beeboid piece. As usual, Harrabin and co allow no equivalent space for shale gas exploration company Cuadrilla to put its case; but that’s not what Harrabin and co are about.
Expect to see alarmist, biased, concocted report of miniscule demo later on BBC TV.
“‘Yes to Islamic law’: Egypt’s Islamic supremacists hurriedly approve Sharia constitution as Muslim Brotherhood holds huge rally.”
“Clearly there are many in Egypt who don’t want to see it become another Saudi Arabia or Iran. But it remains doubtful that they actually have the power to dislodge Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. ”
Comparing the BBC’s wiping off Banksy’s stencil of a child dropping their Jim’ll fix it badge down a drain, with the Taliban destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas: perhaps a trifle over-stated, but how will they explain it on the Culture Show/ Newsnight Review?
the bbc is so busy “pally pandering” – trying to cover up
their inane, proclamations about Egypt – deliberately turning a blind eye, to extreme persecution in that very same country … have they forgotten to turn their “reverse Midas touch” ( everything they touch turns to sh-t) … back to climate change? … well here s 2 absolute crackers 😀
Terminal MoraineJan 22, 12:39 Midweek 22nd January 2025 The Guardian’s Nick Cohen on Rudakubana’s case: “… this feeds into a conspiracy theory pumped by Musk, the UK’s native…
moggiemooJan 22, 12:36 Midweek 22nd January 2025 I wouldn’t bother taking them back, just sink the boat where I found it, then piss off, the French can…
moggiemooJan 22, 12:31 Midweek 22nd January 2025 I was clearly too young at the time to appreciate the filth.
MarkyMarkJan 22, 12:29 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Not one – can’t see Tulip in the benches – is she in Bangladesh? HA HA HAHAHAH AH HA! Tories…
Fedup2Jan 22, 12:25 Midweek 22nd January 2025 PMQs No one congratulating President Trump on the inauguration ….no one at all ….
Fedup2Jan 22, 12:24 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Yes – read this earlier – mr Kennedy is always good value …
Lefty WrightJan 22, 12:20 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Deborah I’ve got 2 artificial knees. Perhaps I could get a lucrative job in TV ads. Not. I am a…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 12:03 Midweek 22nd January 2025 STARMER IS UP! House of Commons Wednesday 22 January 2025 Meeting started at 11.33am “One of the penalties of…
Fedup2Jan 22, 11:57 Midweek 22nd January 2025 DT – reports on a BBC’ journo ‘ who told us trump got elected on a theme of ‘hate ‘…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 11:55 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “650 MP Expense fraudsters Benefit cheats could be stripped of driving licences”
QT kicks off as expected with Leveson. Sodding hell they’ve let Dimblebore into Wales?
Journalists listen to Celebs voicemail, HUGE problem.
BBC shits on Lord macalpine, pays him £185,000, will be ignored?
i bet they wished they had Hugh Grant on QT, but i don’t think, at the moment, he has a film to promote on public transport
Who knows where Hugh is at the moment. Seeking ladies of the night perhaps?
i expect he’s drinking champagne somewhere
Miss Church looks serious, i bet she wishes she was holiday in the Bahamas in a skimpy bikini, with the paps taking photos
ROTHERHAM (gets less BBC-NUJ reporting than Greenland).
Discredited Labour Political Commissariat and Deniers of Freedom to Foster Children expected to achieve ‘donkey with red rosette’ retention of seat, but-
“Labour Haemorrhaging Votes to UKIP in Rotherham”
“Mac on…
the Rotherham UKIP row.”–Rotherham-UKIP-row.html
For Anti-Shale Gas Beeboids, e.g. Harrabin.
High-cost Beeboid ‘greenies, extending their anti-freedom of expression, censor out this report on shale gas development and UK:-
“The Impacts of Shale Gas on Energy Prices and the Achievement of Renewables Targets in GB”
Badger story balanced, says S4C –
Only half way down the article do we discover that – surprise, surprise – the BBC has a hand in this alleged bias:
‘The Welsh government has written to S4C and BBC Wales, which makes the programme that has run for 38 years, claiming it breaches editorial guidelines and that the government has been denied a right of reply.#
The BBC makes it clear from the talking heads they quote what they think of the claim of bias…
That is a silly story. May as well try to get the BBC to apologize to Margaret Thatcher and pull repeats of that Dr. Who episode where they re-enacted the sinking of the Belgrano, and David Tennant’s nostrils ranted at the Mrs. Thatcher proxy, and the act predicates her downfall.
i’m looking forward to work tomorrow, i’m sure everyone’s going to say ‘did you watch Question Time last night?’
BBC reports that sea levels are rising and that’s ‘FINAL’.
“Sea-level rise from polar ice melt finally quantified”
By David Shukman.
So more secret Beeboid meetings to ban all those people who want the freedom to question whether it is ‘final’.
Maybe Beeboids are considering banning articles such as the following, as we speak:-
Is it just me? I sense a lot more enthusiasm in the BBC for the Leveson enquiry than for the Saville enquiry …
They’re fundamentally different inquiries about different issues. And no, I haven’t.
Did anyone notice the subtle way Dimbleby pulled the old trick of bracketing UKIP with the BNP. Of course there was no one on the panel to refute the smear -so each then opined on whether it would be OK to allow supporters of BNP or UKIP to foster children. The general opinion was they should be allowed – but the net effect was to smear UKIP with the racist brush – job done. Triples all round.
No. Link?
I see the UN have recognised Palestine….. Surely that must mean that the Palestinians will now have to formally recognise Israel??? I`m wondering how the BBC will try and brush over thier refusal to do so….
back to AL BBC, …..
for all its bbc trumpeting, More -si 😀 sh-t hits the fan in Egypt, as after making himself absolute ruler the other week …. now the ahem 😀 “constitution” ? talks? are being rushed through and flooded with (surprise surprise), islamists! … the christian/other minorities have withdrew in disgust.
… “carnival atmosphere” anyone?
Al BBC had a Al Quds Society twat droning on for balance? last night, and muslim pressure group “Friends of Al Aqsa” this morning on 5live … over that deceitful Pally bid at the UN?
beneath contempt.
So the BBC were all geared up for reporting cataclysmic inundation. Anoraks and wellies issued all round. National disaster scale coverage. Bangaldesh about to send foreign aid to Bangor. Then it stopped raining.
Must be all this global climate we keep hearing about.
And what do you know…?
‘One of Scotland’s five ski resorts hopes to have enough snow to start its snowsports season this weekend’
Have a look. There’s a nice photo of reindeer. Season’s greetings!
Do check those reindeer now because I hear Rudolf’s BBC taxi-sleigh is waiting to ferry him into a BBC studio to tell what a bad press he got from the tabloids and how David Cameron is a coward for not implementing statutory regulation.
After all of the al bbc trumpeting.
mor mor mor–si! how do you like it, how do you like it?
after making himself “ruler absolute” only the other week,
their rushing through a constitution, in egypt made up by a group full of islamists! – so much so, christian and other groups have withdrawn in absolute disgust … hmmm
“carnival atmosphere” anyone?
bbc also reports hilariously, that egyptian tv has shown ahem!
“inconsistency” in its reporting! … ha ha ha ROFL.
bbc – egypt struggles to shake off old habits.,(how about the bbc?)
While they themselves, have a constant drip drip from whining muslims over the Pallies at the UN, and muslim pressure groups on, just to give
erm … balance? –
this morning its the deceptively named “friends of Al Aqsa”(but not anyone else)
not biased at all then
beneath contempt.
I looked through Kirsty Wark’s tweets to see if there was anything of interest, but it was mainly plugs for what was on that night’s ‘NN’ and a kind of exhibitionist flaunting of her sunday supplement lifestyle. Perhaps it was because she had only just started tweeting then, but here are a lot of slightly euphoric tweets about the situation in Egypt at the start of the Arab spring,showing how glad so many Beeboids were, that dawn to be alive. Some people knock the number of links to the site given here but the truth is that any reader of Jihadwatch could have predicted the exact trajectory of ensuing events.
INBBC, mentions what must be taught in Christian free schools, but not Muslim free schools.
INBBC: ‘impartial’ report on imposition of teaching evolution, Darwin, etc:-
“Teaching evolution key to free school funding deal”
By Judith Burns
BBC News education reporter.
Equivalently, what will State force Muslim free schools like the following to teach? INBBC doesn’t say.
“Tauheedul to open Muslim boys’ free school in Blackburn”
“UN votes to create new jihad base against Israel”
“Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is the most dangerous Sharia-jihadi group.”
(5 min video).
INBBC never criticises the activities of the OIC, and only rarely mentions its existence.
“Palestinians win upgraded UN status by wide margin”
I just watched the 2 o’clock News in the News Channel with mounting anger.
There is no longer any pretence of balance, whatsoever in their coverage of the Leveson story. It’s all about ‘mounting pressure on Cameron’, coalition splits, abandoning the victims. A passing reference of Cameron’s support from the press is basically presented as an opportunity for him to act cynically and kick things into the long grass.
This appalling behaviour of the press, which took place on Labour’s watch, which Labour knew about, did nothing about; that created the climate which produced the real victims and Labour’s culpability at the time is not put to Miliband, who gets a ‘free kick’ at Cameron’s ‘betrayal’.
Neither is Miliband challenged on the emerging Labour divisions and back-tracking that is being reported this morning by everyone else. Yesterday,in the House, he fully supported Ofcom’s regulation of the press, now he has changed his mind. If Cameron had have done that, his ‘U-turn’ would have been the top story.
Another Rubicon crossed by the BBC today. It’s totally unacceptable
The heroic criminal Pvt. Bradley Manning seems to be having success with his phony mental breakdown act. The BBC report features the usual bias. We get stuff from the defense lawyers, but not a word from the prosecution, and, contrary to how the BBC reported the CRU emails, the documents in this case were “leaked”, not “stolen”. Yet we have complete proof that Manning got hold of documents for which he did not have permission, while there is still zero proof about how the CRU emails came out. Unless I just don’t understand the meaning of “leaked” or “stolen”.
Since this is the internet and not printed paper, there are no space constraints preventing a nice long coda of sympathy for St. Julian.
‘The heroic criminal Pvt. Bradley Manning seems to be having success with his phony mental breakdown act.’
Well, beats getting a tinpot banana republic’s ambassador to go all ENT and try and warn the world with a sick note.
Unleash… the Bianca!
‘Not a word from the prosecutors’
“Prosecutors have alleged that Pte Manning was in email contact with Wikileaks’ Australian-born founder, Julian Assange.”
That’s not what I meant, Jim. That’s just the charge. We get statements from the defense, but not from the prosecution.
Mitch Benn – he who is ‘Proud Of The BBC’ in song, still knows how to do their bidding – with our favourite phrase too…
‘Probably getting it about right then.
Make a hell of a difficult second ditty… oh god, what have I done!
At 220, kiss of death I know, but this chap is back on form…
‘CFO Zarin Patel has announced an intention to leave’
Isn’t this yet another one of the bevvy of market rates who couldn’t get laid if a prison ship to Australia docked on her front lawn?
One might also wonder if announcing an intention to leave is yet further code to being handed a massive wadge to go quietly.
Deputy Chair of C4 and head of the Opera? Patten is Chair of this and on the board of that, Helen Boaden was on the Trust in charge of pensions as well as being Head of News, and on and on. Are all these people superhuman or is there something not quite right about this scenario?
Hurry up Harry blog now down for last 5 days, Twitter feed stopped too, anyone any the wiser? Usually when blogs go down the whole blogosphere is talking about it…
Tweets by hurryupharry
Not sure if my other comment appeared or not, anyway, popped back to the ‘Some Jews did die…” thread to check:
The only referenc e to it being down that I can find is on a grotesquely named site: ‘Jews sans frontieres: an ant-Zionist blog.’
“Harry’s Place is down at the moment. It could be one of those DDOS thingies or it could just be a technical glitch, I’m not sure. Just before they were zapped they came up with a post that would have many decent folk reaching for the DDOS file……..”
I stopped visiting the site when it became plain they were not going to discuss grooming in any shape or form. Their raising of anti-wacism to the level of a religious cult ( with gays and muslims thrown in, as honorary racial groups) was not enough to make up for the fact that they were the major British left wing site standing up for Israel. They also had an insider (probably an anti-Jamati Bangladeshi) called Habibi who was up to speed on all the latest Muslim hate-preachers in town and the machinations going on in Tower Hamlets. The number and the ferocity of the enemies this made them, both on the left and among Muslims is grimly impressive. Perhaps the latest Gaza business has made hem even madder than usual, mad enough to take the site down..
2nd sentence, second para should have conveyed the idea that their standing up for Israel was not enough to compensate for their obsessive anti-wacism
Cheers Wally, The Old Bloke mentioned something about the Jihad Masharawi’s baby death story…
Re the site, yes it a s a bit weird, my last few comments (this month) were deleted/zapped. I got the feeling it was being cleansed.
BBC uses Prayer of the Day to preach AGW (Can be heard here for the next 4 days)
Not only is the BBC disgusting for avoiding real scientific debate on this contentious issue, but to bring somebody in who is supposed to represent the Church on their daily programme at 05:45 ‘Prayer for the Day’, and used it to further the BBC agenda on the subject, pushes it beyond parody.
The woman, who is an Elder from the Church of Scotland is named Alison Twaddle.
twaddle [ˈtwɒdəl]
n – silly, trivial, or pretentious talk or writing; nonsense
vb – to talk or write (something) in a silly or pretentious way
[C16 twattle, variant of twittle or tittle; see tittle-tattle]
Says it all really!
The Commentator has more on this and similar BBC output on that day.
The BBC in overdrive for global warming theory and the EU
The perfect antidote to all that Leveson crap!
Listening to The Beach Boys night on BBC4…I need nothing more.
Can we send the £145.50 to Brian Wilson?
As the great Van Morrison says( “Coney Island” is it?…”why can`t it be like this all the time?”).
‘Multicultural’ Rotherham.
This report is from Beeboids’ political chums at ‘Guardian’-
“Ukip row: multiple reasons children taken from Rotherham foster parents.
“Children’s Roma parents deny allegations of abuse in background to case that has raised community tensions.”
By Helen Pidd.
“There was also tension between the council and Rotherham’s 3,500-strong Roma population, almost all of whom moved to the South Yorkshire town since EU enlargement in 2004.”
“Immigration officer comes home to find family of Romanian gypsies squatting in her house, wearing her clothes and drinking her wine (after telling neighbours she’d died) .”
(Aug, 2011).
“Romania’s population falls by 12% as three million flock to richer European countries including Britain.
(April, 2012.)
Not BBC’s kind of report.
Newsnight…..waffle, waffle, conservative bashing, waffle, waffle
The Review Show….the ‘guests’, where do they get these wankers from?
The Review Show…bollocks
I’m getting the feeling most commentators don’t use/see/know about the “newer comments” link for when threads go over 150 or so comments….
Very true – it is not very obvious and I only noticed it the other day. That would explain why the comments seem to dry up after a while.
bbc – islamophobia – a word so discredited- an insult to the intelligence
better tell panto campbell, drearybyshire, foglegity etc etc etc
Any chance we could have a new open thread please?
Pro-E.U Beeboids still politically tout for pro-E.U Labour BLAIR-
“Euroscepticism like a virus, warns Blair”
By Iain Watson
Political correspondent, pro-E.U, BBC News.
In contrast:-
“373,000 SAY NO TO THE EU” (2011)
“The shattering of Europe”
By Dominic Sandbrook.
Beeboids increase their devious anti-fracking campaigning.
Beeboids are determined to stop, by fair means or foul apparently, the development of shale gas in Britain.
I suspect the hand of Harrabin and co in this:-
“Fracking ‘exploitation’ report dismissed by energy department”
What high-cost Beeboid greenie propagandists are deviously doing, is politically lining up with the publicly subsidised, undemocratic activists and occupiers, their political chums at ‘Greenpeace’.
Beeboids’ timing of piece is obviously to coincide with current anti-shale gas demo which Beeboids are frantically trying to publicise in their own political interests.
Beeboids Harrabin and co propagandise for ‘Greenpeace’ and for unrepresentative miniscule outfits,
such as ‘Campaign against Climate Change’ which are prominently plugged in the biased, alarmist Beeboid piece. As usual, Harrabin and co allow no equivalent space for shale gas exploration company Cuadrilla to put its case; but that’s not what Harrabin and co are about.
Expect to see alarmist, biased, concocted report of miniscule demo later on BBC TV.
For the record, this is what Cuadrilla does:-
Frack ’em… lets get this stuff out the ground pronto
‘Fox Business’ reports on shale gas development more fairly than does alarmist, high-cost greenie Beeboid propagandists:-
“UK Shale Explorer Must Wait Months to Resume Fracking”
Islamising, undemocratic EGYPT.
INBBC still can’t see elephant in the room:-
“‘Yes to Islamic law’: Egypt’s Islamic supremacists hurriedly approve Sharia constitution as Muslim Brotherhood holds huge rally.”
“Clearly there are many in Egypt who don’t want to see it become another Saudi Arabia or Iran. But it remains doubtful that they actually have the power to dislodge Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. ”
“Egypt crisis: Islamists rally for President Morsi”
Comparing the BBC’s wiping off Banksy’s stencil of a child dropping their Jim’ll fix it badge down a drain, with the Taliban destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas: perhaps a trifle over-stated, but how will they explain it on the Culture Show/ Newsnight Review?
the bbc is so busy “pally pandering” – trying to cover up
their inane, proclamations about Egypt – deliberately turning a blind eye, to extreme persecution in that very same country … have they forgotten to turn their “reverse Midas touch” ( everything they touch turns to sh-t) … back to climate change? … well here s 2 absolute crackers 😀
check out 12 mins 45 😀
oops! did i mention “pally pandering” at all
29 mins
16 mins