the bbc is so busy “pally pandering” – trying to cover up
their inane, proclamations about Egypt – deliberately turning a blind eye, to extreme persecution in that very same country … have they forgotten to turn their “reverse Midas touch” ( everything they touch turns to sh-t) … back to climate change? … well here s two absolute crackers oh … check out 12 mins 45 😀
If what he says isn’t true, Harrabin should already be suing him for libel. Is this case? If not, defenders of the indefensible have some explaining to do. I won’t hold my breath.
“oh that idiot Monkton” 😀 (shakes head)
from R Harribin? a man who had never questioned any of the info before?
not very scientific … is it 😀
sheeesh! only at the bbc
Monckton graduated from Cambridge’s Churchill College, and Cardiff University. Among other contributions, he was among the first to advise the Prime Minister Thatcher that the prospect of “global warming” caused by CO2 should be investigated. his lecture to undergraduates at the Cambridge Union Society on climate change has been released as in a video entitled Apocalypse? NO! He has testified twice before the US Congress on this topic. After leaving 10 Downing Street, he established a successful specialist consultancy company, giving technical advice to corporations and governments. Among many other activities – speeches, lectures, and university seminars all over the world; newspaper editor, a classical architect, trained public orator, and an autodidact mathematician. the inventor of the million-selling Eternity puzzles, and the very successful Sudoku X puzzles amongst many other pursuits ….
OR ….
BBC s R Harribin
“We’ll slash your bills – but it will cost you more, says Ed Davey.
“Why does the Energy Secretary ignore the shale gas revolution which in America has already more than halved gas prices in four years?”
‘We’ll slash your bills – but it will cost you more’
Part of the new maths curriculum, no doubt, like the BBC one taking a 100:1 trashing of 10:10 in the Graun as a ‘split’ (semantically still accurate)to a new level, being basically saying black is indeed, white.
Or, in this case, freezing is actually a comfy 21 degrees all winter long.
Mr. Davey represents an aspect of the politico-media estate that goes beyond lack of trust to active threat to safety.
This article from Jihad Watch shows the mindset of the BBC regarding how they view the society that is forced to pay for them.
Passion for Freedom: Artists are worried about Islam
They have no problem reporting on this exhibition in Iran, to show just how emancipated our society is in contrast to many of the practices still going on in Islam.
But in their hypocritical arrogance they don’t trust us enough to make this exhibition public knowledge here.
I have a lot of pride that this exhibition is part of our society, I have only contempt for the BBC.
Does anyone else get irate at the BBC’s arrogant assumption that it represents the majority view on Europe, immigration and multiculturalism? Every interview, every report, topical debate and analysis carries this smug air of ‘if you are opposed to immigration, multiculturalism and state intervention then you’re at odds with public opinion’.
Having to pay for this Orwellian tripe in the 21st century is a disgrace. The disgusting Rotherham communist crackdown on thought-crimes is a worrying example of how socialism, fostered by the BBC, has grown like a cancerous tumor in every community in Britain.
A boo hoo. Poor old petty. Oxford is notoriously short of Tories. Heaven knows how Cameron, Osbourne and Johnson managed to get through in the eighties. No thanks to the Beeb for sure.
The 80s was a while ago. Nowadays most universities default to the left. One of the left ‘s greatest achievments is to have successfully taken over these institutions.
Which is why contrary views of the world find it so hard to get a hearing.
Supporters of a balanced view on Israel, for example, are very thin on the ground and silent in Exeter.
Oh for Gods sake Jim.
You think it`s OK to hound a kid, on account of her fathers politics then?
Despicable comment…you`d make a fine Fair Access Co-ordinator for Pyongyang Uni!
Let`s hope your kids don`t get hounded out of a university education, because you seem not to care what happens once you go down this path…
When I was at University, both as an under and postgraduate, I too had to endure these unbearable but highly opinionated left-wingers (usually due to the fact that we had to pick at least one cross-curricular crappy arts/social theory module during our science degree) who, to be honest, simply weren’t up to the academic standards compared to scientists, engineers and mathematicians.
I remember one fat grotesque social theory lecturer who was an arrogant but utterly useless creep, who used to spend his time chatting up the young female students whilst forgetting about the rest of the poor blokes in the lecture theatre. It was a disgrace, but these social worker/cultural theorists were becoming ever more numerous when I was near graduation; but they simply had nothing to teach, in my humble mathematical opinion – perhaps I’m wrong, who knows? And they brainwashed through left-wing cultural theory, which as you all know, is about as much use to society as a pair of glasses on a man with one ear. Compared to the level we were working at scientifically, the sociology under and postgrads were an utter joke. But, it seems that these liberal arts students have been given the keys to the kingdom, as it were… hence the scum who removed those poor children from what seemed like a loving foster couple. Be afraid, be very afraid!
When I was at university/college the same one John Prescott the place was full of lefty/progressive ‘teachers’.
Most had the social skills and maturity of a 12 year old.
Most had never done a proper days work in their life’s or done anything productive with their life’s.
Something really creepy about people being left-wing when they are over 25.
When I was at university/college the same one John Prescott the place was full of lefty/progressive ‘teachers’.
Most had the social skills and maturity of a 12 year old.
Most had never done a proper days work in their life’s or done anything productive with their life’s.
Something really creepy about people being left-wing when they are over 25.
Well said, Alex. Some of the most acute observations of the sociology dept. culture in our unis, are contained within Malcolm Bradbury’s novel, ‘The History Man’. In the repellent main protagonist, the immoral lecturer/lecherer, Howard Kirk, we have just the kind of twisted, self-serving, posturing egotist who would describe homicidal, nihilistic looters as ‘political trailblazers’. As did the BBC’s very own Paul Maoson, during the 2011 riots.
In the novel, Kirk sets out to destroy a conservative-minded student who has the audacity to think outside the Marxist box of received opinion. A man, no doubt, close to Jim Dandy’s tolerant heart.
Quite agree Alex, far too many ‘Howard Kirk’ wasters in Higher Education, and it is correct, sociologists are full of shite, it is a fourth rate qualification.
‘A boo hoo. Poor old petty.’
A Sunday miracle, but in defence of JD, is this really him?
Because placing both size nines in mouth here and below, then pulling a Kurt Cobain with a Purdey seems to lack the normal high ground attempts attempted. Plus the use of English makes Prole seem like a BBC Producer on Newswatch.
On matters University, it was a different time of course, but I was at Kings in the 70s.
Despite being a college dominated by professions such as Law, Engineering, Medicine, etc, the Student Uni was rather the preserve those who voted themselves in year on year by having courses that involved one lecture a month, and hence could call an election when the rest of us were going to lose a unit by not being in the lecture halls.
Hence they managed to get the multi-purpose theatre renamed the Nelson Mandela Theatre, etc. That kept them off the streets, so OK.
However, one day they went too far and diverted union funds (like the BBC ‘supporting’ its favoured causes, guests, etc) to some African group that was not, as such helping anyone but Alfred Nobel’s other little line.
They may even have got away with that, but they did it from a subsidy to the student bar.
Suffice to say there was a brief moment of uncivil disobedience and the whole sorry democracy-rigging shambles was out on their ears.
How long will it be before the Rotherham Labour issues its socialist report justifying the ban on UKIP foster parents for not advocating ‘multiculturalism’?
Can the investigative arm of the BBC find out?
(Is there one? Or does it just propagandise for its favoured political causes?)
“Ukip row: multiple reasons children taken from Rotherham foster parents.
“Children’s Roma parents deny allegations of abuse in background to case that has raised community tensions.”
This will be another case (like a pet cat constituting family life or an unfamiliarity with alcohol excusing racism) that will become apocryphal, after the event. Still it keeps Winston Smith in a job.
“There was also tension between the council and Rotherham’s 3,500-strong Roma population, almost all of whom moved to the South Yorkshire town since EU enlargement in 2004.”
“I was subject to a searching “expose” by the nutty Biased BBC blog. Proof, as if it were needed, that the hard right have a difficult time handling facts.”
you can be sure when they start using words like “nutty” as if they didn’t really care what was said,that they could only type the remarks once the flecks of foam had been wiped from the computer screen
Perhaps it’s someone who unlike our Marxist friend, with the double barrelled name, would not use inverted commas when talking about ‘UKIP’s foster care “scandal.” ‘
BBC calling. All Prolatrons to be recalled as their propaganda circuits are showing major malfunctions. Artificial brain has caught fire causing Prole Mk. 1 to repeatedly argue in junior school manner. Needs major overhaul as now continually embarrassing fellow Beebatrons like the Jim Dandy prototype.
Double barrelled names are more often than not, a handed down piece of Victorian snobbery – it’s a little bit funny that a right on, trendy, Marxist sociologist should have one as his moniker.
“Phil said…
Perhaps I’ll do that MM when I literally have nothing better to do. Sad to say this post took a fair few hours to put together. I think a proper Newsnight job could take weeks. ”
So this was a couple of hours work posted on a student union web site
god help me for thinking that anyone
took it seriously when it is no more than a Hampstead parlour game.
Yep, Clarkson is a licensed jester. He’s there both for the enormous amount of cash he brings to the BBC, and so people can point at him and say he’s the embodiment of all that is wrong with Conservatives. Mostly for the enormous amount of cash, though.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) presents what is currently going on in Egypt as some kind of effete Oxford University Union debate, with ‘jolly hockey sticks’ Beeboids such as Bethany Bell hanging around Tahrir Square in Cairo virtually voicing platitudes such as the following on BBC News:
-‘on the one hand there are plenty of people who want an Islamic state under Morsi, on the other hand there are plenty of people who don’t. ‘
Bethany Bell is a total idiot. She truly has not got a clue. Morsi is seeking dictatorial power – which will be used to push the Islamist agenda. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood will crush minorities such as the Coptic Christians, will relegate women in Egypt to an even lower status, and will suppress any dissent from believers in true democracy rooted in individual freedoms and the rule of law. The liberal values behind the initial revolution against Mubarak are being betrayed.
All this is plain as a pikestaff. Except to useful idiots like Bethany Bell. Her reporting is a disgrace.
Given the Tahrir Square mob’s reputation for assaulting female journalists, especially blond females Ms. Bell is either very brave, very well protected or very trusting. Or, given she works for the BBC, has failed to do her basic research.
“It is more dangerous for a woman than a man to cover the demonstrations in Tahrir Square. That is the reality and the media must face it. It is the first time that there have been repeated sexual assaults against women reporters in the same place. The media must keep this in mind when sending staff there and must take special safety measures.Reporters without borders
‘On Wednesday it is 90 years since the first ever BBC broadcast and to mark the anniversary, every BBC radio station across the UK and the globe will be coming together for the first time in the BBC’s history.’
‘Damon was born on March 23, 1968 to Keith and Hazel Albarn. Keith was an Art College headteacher, BBC presenter and the manager of jazz-rock outfit Soft Machine, while Hazel was a theatre set designer’
Sound arty BBC and indeed aunty BBC credentials (well his Dad was BBC) .
‘Damon had the opportunity to meet then Labour leader Tony Blair for a chinwag in 1997. Oasis’s Noel Gallagher went along, but Damon declined, citing his disillusionment with Blair’s political shift. “I sent him [Blair] a note to the House of Commons saying, ‘I’m sorry, I won’t be attending as I am no longer a New Labour supporter. I am now a Communist. Enjoy the schmooze, Comrade. Love, Damon’
I wish Tony Robinson was buried treasure. Just been listening to him preach that our cannibalistic (!) forebears were more pagan than Christian really, and that the crusaders bloodily imposed their religion on the middle east (unlike the ROP mob of course).
He wasn’t even funny as Baldrick – it was Rowan Atkinson’s responses to him that were funny. Bring Atkinson back so he can carry on taking the mick out of this little commie wanker.
God, Robinson is an annoying tit, isn’t he? Although if I remember rightly, the bit about our ancestors being pagan was with reference to 2nd cent. AD Scotland, so that much is true. His comment on the Crusades, though, was disgustingly ignorant.
And as for is acting ‘talent’, well, on that showing, I can’t see anyone queuing up to cast him as Richard III.
The final word on Robinson comes from one of Humph’s preambles from ISIHAC a few years ago:
“He is probably best known as the idiot sidekick . . . on Time Team.”
Robinson’s intellecual calibre was summed up in an exchange with Phil Harding in one Time Team programme. Contemplating a feature on the surface Harding said: “Well it could be a fogou.”
“What’s a fogou?” replied our Tony.
“We dug one up last year, remember?”
Came the reply.
Yes, but he kept hinting that cannibalism and fear of the dead rising from their graves lingered on until the 19th century. (hint – not like the mussies, eh?)
I like the way he associated the Christian mass with cannibalism too, never even mentioning the reformation view of communion.
Since when was liking Soft Machine a sign of bias? What then does liking a bit of classical music, ballet or theatre mean? Are we going to decide that everyone wearing square specs on the BEEB is a commie, liberal islamic loving hypocrite wanting to destroy some imaginary England that never existed?
Deep impression from this post is of a little boy staring into a shop from the outside that he wants to enter but finds the door closed.
‘Since when was liking Soft Machine a sign of bias?’
So you merrily side-step (nice BBC phrase there) the charge of nepotism and the exposure of the BBC’s tendency to prefer their art ‘art-for-politics-sake’. Some typical BBC mentality there. Anything to the right of Nick Clegg must be a philistine?
‘Greece bailout: How the crisis fuels the arts in Athens’
For as the financial crisis has transformed parts of the city for the worse – once-affluent areas now beset by crime and prostitution – it has also inspired a flourishing community of graffiti artists, brightening up the capital with their acerbic and colourful creations
Among them is the mysteriously named Bleeps.
Often compared to the British artist Banksy, he keeps his identity secret.
On a driving tour of his work, he points out an image that shows a woman holding a sign that reads “hopeless”, next to words such as “monetary system”, “capitalism” and “corruption”.
Another depicts a banker clutching a safe, pursued by a figure representing death. A third, entitled “Greece’s economic model” shows a girl with an amputated leg.
“I was in a sense lucky to live in this difficult era, although it’s difficult for me as well,” he says.’
I’ve noticed that, in the wake of the UN vote on Palestine, Al-Beeb is using (with ill-disguised relish) the phrase “occupied East Jerusalem” in bulletins on News 24.
“Opposition to what are so tendentiously called ‘the settlements’ is not about the ‘settlements’ at all. It is about whether Israel is going to be allowed to decide for itself the minimum conditions of its own survival, or whether others — apparently to include an Administration so deeply unlearned in the history of the area, and in the claims, and rights, of the Jews to build these ‘settlements’ (simply Jewish villages and towns) on land that was always intended for Jewish settlement by the League of Nations in its Mandate for Palestine. ”
The BBC’s explanation of the ‘fiscal cliff’ debate remains suitably obtuse. I guess they like it that way. It’s a turn-off. Keeps the public ignorant. Perfect.
Quote: “Republican House Speaker John Boehner said talks with the White House had gone “almost nowhere”. He said President Obama’s plan to raise $1.6tn (£1tn) of revenue over 10 years was not a “serious proposal”.
But has anyone asked why Boenhner thinks this?
Let’s try this one: This deeply unserious US administration “borrows $188 million every hour.” The much vaunted “sequestration” of military spending would save, they claim, one hundred and fifty three billion dollars. That’s what the US government currently borrows every month.
Now U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has said on Bloomberg TV, “We ought to just eliminate the debt ceiling.” Infinite debt equals infinite spending.
Someone at the BBC – even a talking head – express the other side of this debate. This is not about republican intransigence (the current narrative) but about mathematics. But criminal Democrats, inarticulate Republicans and cowardly press seem unable (or unwilling) to state the opposing case. In the case of the BBC, one can only imagine, apart from having their heads up you know who’s arse, Beeboids would be left having to admit that it is spending and not taxing that is the problem. And that indirectly reflects on the UK political scene.
Never any hint from the BBC that Obama WANTS the US to go over the fiscal cliff – indeed he has already driven it over the cliff of indebtedness.
He demands big tax increases that will lose up to a million jobs. In return he offers no tangible cuts. Her wants the tax increases so that he can have even higher spending.
“I can’t help thinking of George Entwistle, ex-director general of the BBC, angling for even more than the £450,000 he was given to go quietly after blundering over Savile and Newsnight. Entwistle wasn’t especially avaricious; he simply reflected the mindset of an organisation in which the number of managers earning more than £100,000 runs into three figures.”
“he simply reflected the mindset of an organisation in which the number of managers earning more than £100,000 runs into three figures”
Needless to add every single one of them thinks they are worth every single penny (you are forced to pay them).
In 2009 Alan Yentob (a man responsible for such dire BBC crap as Arena and The Late Show and who faked his interviews on his Arts show Imagine) was revealed to have accumulated a BBC pension pot of £6.3m, giving him an annual retirement income of £216,667 for the rest of his life.
Anybody out there able to tell me why the BBC reckon that the election of Police Commissioners on something like a 16% turn out means that they are not legitimate; whereas the election of Labour cutpurses on something like a 24% turnout in by elections recently is a mandate for Labour, and a triumph for Miliband ?
Does the BBC have a guidebook available, so we can meekly go along with their “analyses”…would save us worrying about things, if they did!
‘Does the BBC have a guidebook available,’
Turn to the page headed ‘Unique’, which extends from the Introduction to Index.
Plus the front and back cover.
The BBC won’t like ordinary people having a say on something as local as Police Commissioners because their usual liberal/left propaganda won’t have been sufficiently local to have promoted the good guys and done down the bad guys .
I mean if they allow people to make choices without having been able to indoctrinate them first, people might start to wonder why they are forced to pay the License Fee and why Labour always wreck the economy and is multiculturalism and a country full of immigrants such a good thing? Indeed the whole project could unravel. Just not on!
Guess you missed this from two days ago? Christine Jorgensen: 60 years of sex change ops Although to be fair to Miss Jorgensen she always saw herself as a straight female rather than a homosexual male.
(of the estimated 96,000 people with HIV in the UK, about 41,000 are homosexuals and 30,000 are black Africans – I didn’t get these figures from the BBC):
American comedian Adam Corolla says that Mexican “culture” is undermining the US – more specifically California. Many Mexicans refuse to adjust to the US work ethic and particularly to the emphasis on education.
Corolla asks – “if your culture is so great – how come you came here – or were forced to come here ?”
The same applies to newcomers to Britain who persist in sticking to the culture of the countries they left behind.
Multiculturalism is a busted flush. Even Labour politicians recognise this. But has anyone heard the BBC saying that multiculturism has failed ? Not me. Day after day the BBC peddles the multi-culti myth across its entire broadcast output.
Actually, what Carolla, who is America’s Jeremy Clarkson analogue, is referring to is that the ever-renewing second generations of Mexican-Americans who grew up in the United States in the Southwest have been led to believe that their parents, who came either legally or illegally, and busted their hump so these kids would have something better than what was on offer in Mexico, were “peons” to be used by the Yanqui bosses (possibly true but to a far lesser extent than is bruited about), and, since California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas were all taken by force from Mexico (true) , it is necessary for the Reconquista (a la El Cid et al.) to take place. Outside the Southwest, in areas where Mexicans are just another ethnicity of Latins, this view is not as widely propounded. Those areas, correspondingly, see a much better participation of the born-local Mexican-American population in the civic life of their communities. Put simply, if you live in the Los Angeles metropolis, over 50% Mexican, you will be ghettoised far more, and drift into gangs and other anti-social behaviour to which a blind eye is turned by the Left as being part of the Reconquista, whereas if you are in, say, Charlotte, North Carolina, where your element of the population is far lower and far less politically powerful, you are far less likely to be socially- and societally-indulged in your “Lazy Pedro”-ness. ‘Did you know that the BBC refuses to answer half of the Freedom of Information Act requests it receives? Are those the actions of an organisation with nothing to hide? That performs its public function under the legitimate scrutiny of the licence fee payer? We think not.’
For balance…
I am wondering if Ms. Chakrabarti might be off a few QT guest, and indeed BBC producer Christmas card lists having at last been shami’d to acknowledge the civil liberty aspects of Leveson?
On the Andrew Marr show this morning(during the paper review) she seemed unsure of what her position was on Leveson.
In fact I’m not sure what it is now, something like
‘Freedom of speech-but only if you say the right thing’
‘The BBC has seen a report ..
How does the BBC come ‘to see’ such a report?
Were they meant to?
Was it leaked?
Did they hack it?
Labour MP David Lammy, the committee’s chairman, says the situation is “deeply worrying”.
What is not at all worrying is how such a person got to head such a committee… on merit, one is sure.
One woman said she changed her Muslim-sounding name after using a different one secured her more job interviews.
I am thinking of changing my white male-sounding name to see if the BBC would fancy giving me a shot.
‘Black and minority ethnic women have been traditionally employed in the public sector and are losing their jobs in droves at this time.’
Mr. Lammy may like to ponder if that was the wisest thing to highlight, as it rather points at 13 years of Labour moving a voter base onto the public purse as a rather rigged way of nobbling democracy and ‘adjusting’ unemployment figures.
I of course despise the current mob is as high esteem in this regard as their predecessors.
“There is, though, one big difference. While under Labour the number of jobs in both the state and the private sector increased, with John Major in charge the recovery was powered by business not government. Between 1991 and 1997, around 800,000 public sector jobs disappeared, while around 1.7 million private sector jobs were created.”
Either Cameron just doesn’t have the stomach to make these kinds of changes in the balance of public/private sector, or Blair was a master at stuffing the civil service with his own kind so that dismantling the insatiable beast of state bureaucracy would be impossible in the future.
Probably a combination of both. No wonder the BBC still have a fondness for all things New Labour – statists to the core.
As the morning shift are still deicing their bicycle clips, before they kick in..
‘I of course despise the current mob and hold them in as high esteem…’
Plus: ‘The BBC and Channel 4 are also classed as adding to the public sector workforce’
Also the costs of them leaving.
One wonders how much the generous pay-offs to old white guys could have gone to offsetting the travails of any younger, culturally-diverse ladies exiting ‘public service’.
Maybe the lady mentioned in Mr. Lammy’s piece could get gainful employ as a seventh FoI brief to accompany Hugs on here next outing to blow yet more money fruitlessly… when she gets off here sidestepping garden duties on… how much?
BBC moderating policy is… erratic… at best… and what they refer to what they prefer is always unique.
Of course there are few places now to even chip in. This one is a last bastion of more than 140 characters, while it lasts…
Biased BBC doesn’t seem to have a Facebook page. I think it would be good if it did:
– It would help us to reach a wider audience.
– It would enable people to informed of new topics whilst they are on Facebook. That would mean we’d get contributions from people who might otherwise forget to check for new posts.
– It would allow people to share posts on particular topics with their friends.
– If a Biased BBC page can get thousands of followers (ideally including some high profile followers), it would send out a message that BBC bias is a topic that many people feel strong about.
Looking at the BBC Newsnight page, where they retreated to from an interactive (if censored) blog, along with blocking-prone twitter feed, FB does tend to bring out a whole new bunch on DOTIs, but hey… why not? At some stage the budget for hiring all these loons must escape the petty cash books, or if actually motivated to haunt such a page by having nothing else in their lives to do, they tend to simply make the BBC look like the last refuge of the deluded and desperate anyway.
I’d say a win-win.
If we get some of the Newsnight group’s resident lefties, we might have the opportunity to win them around, once they have finished with the obligatory calling everyone who disagrees with them a racist and/or a sexist! LOL!
‘attitude and lack of answers’
He could be a perfect candidate to run the rebuttal team for the BBC if BBBC takes up Jeff’s suggestion. ‘Frothing at the mouth and shouting…’
Ed… I saw this and thought of you…
And at night, mate… watch out for long knives.
Seems he liked his partners to be ‘boyish’ too.
Don’t tell Santa, but the BBC boys and girls have been rather naughty this year.
Thursday was, or so they told us, Leveson Report Day.
The BBC pushed all the Labour Party talking points. Coalition splits. LOL. Andy Coulson. State Regulation. Cameron a coward.
Unfortunately for the opposition (I mean the BBC – sorry, I get the two confused) they were caught red-handed opening most of their presents too early.
Don’t take my word for it. Read the left leaning press.
‘Leveson rejected the suggestion that the Conservatives agreed a deal with News Corp on its bid for BSkyB’
‘The Leveson report found there was no “credible evidence” that Hunt was biased in his handling of the BSkyB bid which was “commendably handled”‘
‘(Alex) Salmond was willing to breach the Scottish ministerial code by lobbying on behalf of Rupert Murdoch’
‘Leveson found “evidence of unethical or unlawful publication based on the calculation of legal risk versus potential profits”, during (Piers) Morgan’s Mirror editorship’
I recall a catch phrase from an old BBC show that we don’t see these days: ‘Oh dear, how sad, never mind’.
Now I know that the BBC wants us all to go on believing that the worst thing that ever befell the Dowler family was the appearence of their phone number on a list that wasn’t the Thompson Local Directory – but come on everyone….remember the details of the case!
I keep a careful watch on my own advent calender and although I’m getting impatient I know that I must wait a tad longer before I can open the little door marked Pollard Report Day.
It’s worth the wait because then I get to have the treat marked ‘who was it who spiked the Newsnight report on Jimmy Savile?’
I’m clearing my corridors so there’s plenty of space for all the champagne bottles.
“Now I know that the BBC wants us all to go on believing that the worst thing that ever befell the Dowler family was the appearance of their phone number on a list that wasn’t the Thompson Local Directory”
The cynicism (not to mention the greed) of the BBC is truly disgusting. It makes me ashamed that “British” is in their title.
Not even as a joke.
The BBC refuses to disclose information which is held for the purposes of journalism, art or literatureBBC v Sugar has allowed them to refuse to provide information even if held for other purposes provided there is a significant element of journalism (as in the case) and presumably art or literature.
The BBC doesn’t just give the answer wanted. it refuses to discuss in cases where it claims exemption from the act.
I would be very surprised if only half the requests were refused.
Just catching up with the news and I read that the bBC can find a few facts (like the balen report perhaps?) which substantiates that the worlds water level has risen by 10mm these past 20 years. But here’s a few snippets they don’t tell you:
1) if the North pole ice were to totally melt away the level of the sea would remain exactly the same.
2) The rise in sea levels has more to do with the pumping of deep fresh water from centuries old aquifers which drains into the the sea than global warming.
3) What melted the last ice age?
That question has not been solved yet, due to a great deal of ignorance about Cosmoclimatology outside of the Oxford/Mensa academic circle.
But this is what is needed to solve this question.
Ice ages are also caused by changes in the Earths planetary axis and orbit, producing Ice ages that peak every 100,000 years, the last one peaked 20,000 years ago, but no one knows why it is 100,000 years. As the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the barycentre of the Solar System determines the length of the solar cycle, calculating changes in these movements over time may well produce a future solution to the 100,000 year ice age problem, as the inclination of the Earth’s orbit has a 100,000 year cycle relative to the plane passing through the barycentre.
Scientists such as Ed Fix and Nicola Scafetta use the Planetary movements to predict the length of the Solar Cycle.
Something useful for computer modellers to do for a change.
“The British press is still trapped in a fight for survival”
By Fraser Nelson.
“Some newspapers are even arguing against press freedom: The Guardian wants state regulation which would no doubt create an environment better suited to its own style of journalism. The BBC, which had signed an anti-Murdoch petition when the Dirty Digger looked like he wanted to apply rocket boosters on BSkyB, was leading last night’s news bulletins on a spurious ‘petition’from Hacked Off with 25,000 signatures demanding (as Ed Miliband does) the full implementation of the Leveson Report.
“A friend told me he put ‘Donald Duck’ down ten times on the Hacked Off petition, and watched its system register click up ten times – so I’m not sure how real this petition is. Or how much they (or the BBC) care how real the names are. ”
‘Or how much they (or the BBC) care how real the names are. ‘
It’s the kind of commitment to accuracy that the BBC is now renowned for, especially post-Newsnightmidden and any time there’s a postal vote in Bradford.
I also imagine the ranks of the BBC are at any one time well staffed by Ducks. D, first off hired, then fired at 2 x annual, then rehired on double that, followed by a side-stepping to a new role in the garden, again on a whole new wadge of wonga, like a disgraced Labour Minister on the pay-off merry-go-round, only without the ethics or charm. With a nice tax dodge on the side.
With the BBC able to deploy at least 20,000 online to sign whatever they are told, such petitions are rarely worth the ether the signal passes through.
One is sure if Neil Turner’s, or any of the others that are sadly divided and diluting in complement, gets to that level, the whole notion of e-polling will lose its appeal in hypocrite central.
The petition to bring back capital punishment attained more signatures than the Hacked-Off one (26,000), but I’ll bet it was received with much less enthusiasm by the BBC.
The BBC is predictably showing bovine support of Leveson’s recommendations as it postures and positions itself once again as the opponent of the print media, in particular News International. It promotes Hacked Off as truly representative of opinion, it gives unfair weight to the supporters of statutory regulation, and it fails to highlight the elements of Leveson criticising Labour’s relationships with the press in the past while highlighting the Conservative relationships.
I am unclear how any of the BBC journalists can square the BBC reporting with their own union’s code of conduct. They are either under orders to toe the BBC line under threat of disciplinary action, or they signed up to a code of conduct and choose to ignore it. I cannot see how else the NUJ members at the BBC are following their consciences.
From the NUJ website…
The NUJ’s Code of Conduct has set out the main principles of British and Irish journalism since 1936. The code is part of the rules and all journalists joining the union must sign that they will strive to adhere to the it. (sic)
Members of the National Union of Journalists are expected to abide by the following professional principles:
A journalist:
1. At all times upholds and defends the principle of media freedom, the right of freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed
2. Strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair
3. Does her/his utmost to correct harmful inaccuracies
4. Differentiates between fact and opinion
5. Obtains material by honest, straightforward and open means, with the exception of investigations that are both overwhelmingly in the public interest and which involve evidence that cannot be obtained by straightforward means
6. Does nothing to intrude into anybody’s private life, grief or distress unless justified by overriding consideration of the public interest
7. Protects the identity of sources who supply information in confidence and material gathered in the course of her/his work
8. Resists threats or any other inducements to influence, distort or suppress information and takes no unfair personal advantage of information gained in the course of her/his duties before the information is public knowledge
9. Produces no material likely to lead to hatred or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age, gender, race, colour, creed, legal status, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation
10. Does not by way of statement, voice or appearance endorse by advertisement any commercial product or service save for the promotion of her/his own work or of the medium by which she/he is employed
11. A journalist shall normally seek the consent of an appropriate adult when interviewing or photographing a child for a story about her/his welfare.
12. Avoids plagiarism.
The NUJ believes a journalist has the right to refuse an assignment or be identified as the author of editorial that would break the letter or spirit of the code. The NUJ will fully support any journalist disciplined for asserting her/his right to act according to the code.
Now the Tories complain to the BBC over Leveson coverage…
‘ Tensions between Downing Street and the BBC have erupted again over its coverage of the Leveson Report after No 10 accused the Corporation of ‘burying’ findings favourable to the Prime Minister.
David Cameron’s communications chief Craig Oliver fired off a furious letter to the BBC accusing it of peddling ‘conspiracy theories’ about links between the Government and Rupert Murdoch’s executives at News International…’
Of course the self regulating BBC say (altogether now)….’we got (this complex story) it just about right.
Nothing of the sort is true. Their coverage on Leveson Day was highly partial and biased towards Miliband, Hacked Off, their shadowy backers, to the Guardian and the anti-Murdoch coalition.
It’s time Patten did his job. Rather than sneering at those who are right to hold him to account. He should re-read the BBC charter himself; stop cheerleading and start regulating.
Patten is a shot bolt.
His every utterance digs a deeper hole, like some bloated bottom-feeder squirming its way into the silt.
Meanwhile, in happier news.. ‘Journalism, she added, must never become a ‘state-licensed profession’.
Funny then that in one, unique case, buying a particular form of it has become a mandatory cost enforced by law. ‘But driving a car isn’t a fundamental human right,’ she said. ‘Freedom of speech is.’
Watching EastEnders isn’t a live or die service either, but being served propaganda backed by censorship is heading that way.
To port a comment from below.. ‘The BBC is not a commercial broadcaster it is a lobby organisation.’
And not meant to be either. That they seem to believe Leveson is their last best shot, like Hitler’s Ardennes offensive, is pretty clear by the amount of armour they are pouring in to break out of the bulge.
Thing is, in a neat twist of history, they also appear to be running low on fuel and the resistance is stiffer and more coordinated than they have come to expect.
Could be interesting yet.
Dressing up in others’ uniforms and sneaking around turning signs the wrong way is still a good way to end up in front of a firing squad, especially if you are doing so to betray your own side.
“BBC calling; BBC calling..”
Lord Hall Hall has his work cut out even more.
I find myself puzzled by the BBC’s visceral hatred for Sky News. Surely, it can only be based on commercial rivalry? Politically, you couldn’t get a cigarette paper between them.
I watched it yesterday for the first time in weeks and was treated to a display of exactly the same left-liberal bias as the Beeb dishes-up daily.
Bang on Sir!
How long is Brave Sir Rupert going to continue in his afternoon nap then?…we NEED a bit of venom and oomph to stick the BBC back in its box.
Yet all we get is Beeb lite!
This is war Rupert-we your willing foot soldiers need the fight…and you bloody snooze.
Thought you were an Aussie with some US courage thrown in!
As things stand, I was rather hoping that the BBC would have been shut down by Christmas…yet, I fear the usual BBC Christmas self-congratulatory crap to finish they year…bloody Hootenanny, bloody Cliff, bloody Jimmy Savile tribute show…
Come on Rupert…let us be your “Champeens” quote Sir James of Savilon!
Leveson-Retun to Sender!
I think the reason for this in comparison to the US’s fox news, which is quite right wing (is that an understatement), is that in the US there are leftards and righttards in the media, on campus and in schools so the bias is less prevalent, or rather more spread over both views.
In the UK there is a pool of leftards, teaching left principles, and promoting a common purpose principle, therefore media luvies, reporters, investigators,; in the uk are already well indoctrinated with left inclined views by the very nature of having been taught by leftards, except of cause where their money is concerned; ching ching, what what.
More like, in the academic sphere, there are SOME token righties (very few, but prominent enough so they can be pointed to), while all the while the Left view predominates. What America has, which accounts for the phenomenon of FOX, is an innate sense that some refer to as “anti-intellectualism,” but which is more properly thought of as an antinomianism when it comes to “Received Thought,” one which comes from the religious-freedom seekers (who, admittedly, turned into Cromwells later) who settled there. That is to say, Americans are far less likely to take anything a Left professor says as being the final word on any subject, and many Americans like to see the piss being taken out of such people. When these people vehemently protest their absence of bias, most Americans snicker; too few, however, give enough of a good rip to do anything about addressing it, since they trust to the good sense of all the others to believe like themselves and similarly not to give any credence. But ol’ Eddie Burke’s condition for evil’s triumph comes into play here. Enough people do find FOX a refreshing change from what Orwell called “smelly little orthodoxies,” daytime AM radio is chockful of successful right-leaning shows (how many are sincere is open to question, however), and, frankly, Barack Obama can’t get a majority of voters to show up and still can’t win by a margin greater than just less than a handful of percentage points. Enough ingrained scepticism of Leftie solutions exists in America, even if not to any (expressed) great extent on campus.
Anybody inclined to see just how a Beeboid can be grown like a crystal in a garden, could do worse than to look at yesterdays Daily Mail.
Someone whose name I`ve heard-Alice Arnold-but nobody that you`d recognise…is holding forth on her love life with another favourite Beeboid( the one with the running shoes, the bike and a “fellow” lesbian…does horse racing too!).
Well this Arnold is a marvel-she went to an all gels school, boarded and did ever so well-and was most unlike her racist, intolerant and ignorant peers…she says so herself in so many words(and not just presented on her autocue, as is usual).
No sirree-Alice was so much a Beeboid as the rest of the bluestockings were working for SAVAK, who sank the Rainbow Warrior and who did rather well out of Union Carbide and Distillers at that time.
Wow-what a right-on virtuous dorm mate SHE must have been!
Lesbian, self-righteous, virtuous and living on …well a few quid I`d bet…yet still passionate enough to care about the poor and the despised…Qatada, Chindamo, Venables, Sutcliffe…the usual cast of angels yet to receive their wings from the BBC.
Alice Arnold-let no one say that all BBC primped-up privileged nomarks are ALL there due to mummy and daddy…some just seem to have been BORN this way…embryonic Beeboids.
We`ll be getting no kids from her I guess-but well worth a DNA swab, so we can clone that all-pervasive BBC sanctimony…who`d ever need “self-esteem BCT” again, if we could insert the Beeb gene, as exhibited in Alice Arnold.
Yet-she chooses to live among us..woop-di-doo!
The BBC is not a commercial broadcaster it is a lobby organisation. So who decides for whom or for what it is going to lobby? Not the people who pay for it that is for sure.
Do a list of the sort of [right of centre] issues the Daily Telegraph or The Spectator (the purchase of which is a free choice) lobby on behalf.
Then do a list of the sort of [left of centre] issues the Guardian or The New Statesman (the purchase of which is a free choice) lobby on behalf.
Now compares those two lists and come back and tell me that the BBC is not biased to the Left.
When was the last time the BBC lobbied on behalf of low taxation or reduced government spending or a decrease in the amount of legislation or withdrawal from the EU or broadcast a programme which condemned the public sector unions, the politicisation of schools, or discussed in a balanced way (or even mentioned) the considerable body of work produced by right wing thinkers and writers over the last 30 years?
Now go to a similar list for the Left. What issue which is of interest to the Left (from global warming to gender politics) has not been endlessly promoted by the BBC in the last 30 years?
When was the last time you heard the BBC expressing concern about the fact that necessary [if you believe in democracy] changes in constituency size is being cynically ignored because no change benefits the Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party, as opposed to the BBC drawing attention to say the bonus culture in the City of London?
When was the last time the BBC did an “Open Door” type programme where one of the 30,000 or so who visit this blog ever day challenged the overall political balance of the BBC?
“without even having read the full report, he called for its implementation in its entirety”
It beggars belief he may one day get to push buttons & stuff of the back of a £4Bpa PR budget everyone has to fund.
And if he does stuff up and get booted, with managerial oversight skills like the one quoted above, he could always go for BBC DG #3inaseries
I know the BBC doesn’t ‘do’ answers, but this is a question they might take an unprecedented stab at asking too.
Or, maybe, recall Richard Black and his chicken bones.
The science is settled……
There is an overwhelming consensus amongst scientists…
Well here’s an open letter from….. 125 scientists. Addressed to Ban Ki-Moon, subject ‘extreme weather events’. Don’t wait up expecting to hear it covered by the BBC:
Note the UN’s IPCC disagrees – fundamentally – with the UN’s Secretary General. So if Banky doesn’t get his scientific advice from the IPCC, his very own group of the world’s topmost scientists (irony alert), where is he getting it from? (clue: who did the BBC meet with in 2006, in secret, to formulate their broadcasting policy for ‘climate change’?)
I picked up on this during Question Time on Thursday. Listen from 45 min 40 seconds. Audience member “I was asked my political agenda before appearing on this show.”
Neutral, balanced broadcasting from the BBC? I wonder what her answer was to get her admitted.
To apply to attend Question Time one must fill out a detailed questionaire about political attitudes.
The explanation is that will enable us (BBC) to invite a balanced cross-section of people. I’ll leave it to regular QT viewers to say how successful they have been in that aim.
‘will enable us (BBC) to invite a balanced cross-section of people.’ ‘The key aim is to ensure the voter records a sincere choice by forestalling attempts to influence the voter by intimidation or bribery.’
Of course the BBC prefers an ‘enhanced’ version, to ensure the influence is as correct as they can make it.
As all the Mr. D.Ducks apparently on the petition they are trumpeting…
Take a note of way BBC presenters offer rapid fire defence of the corporation and the speed with which they then shut down any criticism, particularly when it links Leveson to Newsnight. It is so pervasive I think they actually have written guidance to follow or the producers shouting down their earphones have.
That or all they see is their pensions being (fractionally) reduced if they fail.
‘the speed with which they then shut down any criticism, particularly when it links Leveson to Newsnight. ‘
Different.. uniquely.
OFCOM ensures what Newsnight did with McAlpine couldn’t happen, and therefore did not… ask Lord Patten or Lord Hall Hall.
1) Mr. Lammy. One presumes he ended up heading this committee purely on merit and no other reason (or at least half of one… if the ‘fit’ is based on matching those one emotes over, why male?)
2) ‘a group of MPs has warned’ – this ‘group’… of ‘MPs’… wouldn’t be just a bit self select in their own right?
3)’The report will be published on Friday’ – so what is meant by ‘the BBC has seen’? It could not be a leak they approve of, just to them?
4)’One woman said she changed her Muslim-sounding name ‘ – was this source also abused by a bloke who looked like someone the BBC doesn’t like?
5)’offered the job when the women were sacked for incompetence’ – what, like the new DG?
6)’ Black and minority ethnic women have been traditionally employed in the public sector ‘ – doesn’t that rather suggest then that the ‘public sector’ is institutionally racist?
A few questions the BBC don’t seem to feel the need to ask, or hold such a power as Mr. Lammy to account for.
In the late 80’s it was openly stated by mandarins that they would not be promoting men from the EO to HEO band until there were sufficient women in the HEO band. This policy continues so that women are given preference over men in promotions.
No doubt this policy has been spread to other groups.
At one time there were 4 types of people who worked for the Civil Service.
1. Those who did not want to work in commerce.
2. Those who commerce did not want.
3. The disabled ( There was a time when the Civil Service was rightly known as good employer for disabled people. )
4. Those who fell into it and were trying to get out. Not an easy job – would you hire an ex-civil servant?
Since Labour slunk into power in ’97 there was a fifth category.
5. Those employed to ensure Labour’s policies were enacted come what may. The ex-beeboids and fellow travellers – many of whom are still there leaking away …
Oh, and if you couldn’t get a job in the Civil Service there was always the public sector …
Have to love this, near inevitable intro… ‘an analysis by experts suggests.’
As served to you, dear reader, via the uncritical ‘analysis’ of the BBC ‘reporting’ cut & paste machine.
Why football and politics do sometimes mix
By Rodrigo Pinto BBC Brasil
Guessed this might be the BBC. What’s this BBC Brasil? I thought that wouldn’t get going until the 2016 Rio Olympics.
‘It is 1983. Corinthians enter the Morumbi Stadium, where they are to play in the final of the local Championship against powerful rivals Sao Paulo.’
‘In the hands of the players, a huge banner says: “Win Or Lose, But Always With Democracy”, a reference to the dwindling strength of Brazil’s then military dictatorship. ‘
Ah here we go. It is the BBC bringing class consciousness to soccer.
‘The story is told in a Pedro Asbeg-directed documentary, Democracy in Black and White, which is due to be released next year.’
Watch out for the Kirsty Wark/Mark Kermode reviews of that one.
“The period from 1982 to 1984, the so-called Corinthians Democracy, is unique, there is nothing like this in football history,” Pedro Asbeg told BBC Brasil. ‘
There’s that BBC Brasil again. I wonder how much of my TV licence goes south to pay for BBC Brasil?
“Starting with the return of Socrates from the World Cup in Spain and up until mid-1984, when the amendment of the ‘Direct Elections Now’ campaign was overturned by congress and Socrates, disappointed, leaves Brazil to play in Italy.”
Oh so that must be why there are so many foreign players in the Premier League – they must all be disappointed with the progress of constitutional campaigns in their home nations.
‘The film highlights songs from that period such as “Inutil” (Useless), by the band Ultraje a Rigor’
Useless? Actually I think I’ve heard England fans singing a version of that.
“The film shows how this combination of football, politics and rock and roll changed the history of the country”, adds Asbeg.’
Yep, Frankfurt School.
‘Gradually, Pires gave way to the growing militancy of players.’
‘Later that year, the team went on tour in Central America, and the players decided that two of their number – the star Paulo Cesar Caju and goalkeeper Rafael – did not share the spirit of the group, and should leave. ‘
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We’ll keep the red flag flying here.
‘However Kifouri does not see a legacy from that period for current players. For him there is currently less participation and democracy, and football remains a reactionary area.’
The call to arms.
‘Nowadays, he says, “the players are puppets, pop stars, who worship money – superfluous and superficial culturally.”‘
Football of the NFL variety got a dose of politicisation Sunday evening:
The irony is that the murder-suicide of Mr Belcher was hot on the heels of a murder-suicide in Wyoming that was committed with a knife and a crossbow, nationally publicised due to its unusual nature and heroism of the victim, and one which seems to fly in the face of Mr Costas’s “logic.” But of course, NBC is the same network that put Keith (Uberleft) Olbermann on as an NFL commentator, a line of work he was qualified for by virtue of having once been a sportscaster. One has to marvel at the Asperger’s syndrome-like behaviour of broadcast outlets in their singlemindedness and obliviousness to their effect on others and their own failure to recognise their own problems. Listening, BBC?
As Autonomous Mind summarises the Hodge sermonette so well by winding up his post as below :
This is the contemptible establishment at work. Whipping up discord, hysteria and resentment among sections of society over perfectly legal behaviour, but in cowardly fashion carefully evading scrutiny of their own identical behaviour by simply omitting any mention of it. Yes, scum.
The odious Hodge has been given lots of bBBC coverage this morning to point out that the tax code is too complicated and that this government hasn’t kept its promise of simplifying it.
Not one of the dim bBBC ‘reporters’ bothered to ask who made it so complicated.
Considering the state of the market rate leadership at the BBC, raising the topic of ‘revolving doors’ now seems… brave. ‘One complaint was received from project technologist Rob Pobjoy, who said he either hurt his toes or his heel, depending on how fast he walked through the spinning doors.’
No comment also on whether BBC arses or elbows are affected.
Automatic revolving doors? Don’t these use energy and therefore contribute to production of deadly CO2? One would think the warmingcrazed BBC would take this into consideration given their already huge carbon footprint.
Meanwhile children, here are some tips on how you can reduce your carbon footprint. Get your parents to sell the car, turn vegan and give up flying.
Who was in charge when the most significant crime reduction programs were put in place, Kate? Whose decision was it to clean out all the porno shops and adult movie theaters from Times Square and turn it over to Disney and other brand names? Who was mayor in the 1990s, which you keep referring to as the time when the improvements took hold?
Hint: it’s not the Republican-for-a-minute Nanny Bloomberg, nor was it the Democrat African-American David Dinkins. Gosh, I wonder why the man largely responsible for all of it was left out of Ms. Dailey’s magazine article?
“Whose decision was it to clean out all the porno shops and adult movie theaters…”
Or…removing all the vibrant and diverse culture…as Bonnie Greer claimed on Question Time a good few years ago. The culturally superior left seem to possess a zero tolerance attitude towards decency and ‘gentrification’ – except on their own precious patch, of course. The excitement and danger of their vibrant underworld is purely for others to ‘enjoy’, whilst they celebrate it from a safe distance.
Congrats to the good lady. ‘most of her maternity leave will take in Parliament’s summer recess.’
One presumes the constituency cover for the rest will be from, who now… Gordon Brown?
But, but? Shouldn’t her child be taken into care? After all she is a lefty and therefore believes in the sociopathic & genocidal philosophy of socialism.
News of the Royal pregnancy breaks mid-Leveson debate in the Commons. BBC News 24 interupts for the news. David Cameron Tweets his best wishes.
Wonder what is on the minds of the Beeboids? Norman Smith (remember him? He was the pink tie wearing reporter accosted by a Downing Street aid for his bias over the BBC’s anti-Cameron Leveson reporting. ‘Cough cough…but Labour say…..’ That’s right, you’ve got him)
Well our Norman is all in a quiver that Ed Miliband hasn’t made his Royal congrats Tweet. ‘Poor old Ed Miliband is stuck in the chamber’
Tell you what Norman, why don’t you speak up for the Labour leader? You know you want to.
Mullen sums it up clearly. Most people who post here were very sceptical of the so called Arab Spring. A pity our politicians were not ,so keen were they to appear “progressive” . That our idiot media went along with them goes without saying.
Democracy in the Arab world does not mean what we think it means here. It means the dominance of one grouping, ethnic or religous , at the expense of the rest. The ballot box is the means to this end . Nothing more,.
A corrective to INBBC false history of India (e.g. Michael Wood’s recent TV series ‘Story of India’) in which Islamic jihad violence is glossed over in the name of some presumed’ multiculturalism’, and in which British in India are portrayed as the villains.
(9 min video).
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
the bbc is so busy “pally pandering” – trying to cover up
their inane, proclamations about Egypt – deliberately turning a blind eye, to extreme persecution in that very same country … have they forgotten to turn their “reverse Midas touch” ( everything they touch turns to sh-t) … back to climate change? … well here s two absolute crackers oh … check out 12 mins 45 😀
oops! did i mention “pally pandering” at all
29 mins
16 mins
If what he says isn’t true, Harrabin should already be suing him for libel. Is this case? If not, defenders of the indefensible have some explaining to do. I won’t hold my breath.
“oh that idiot Monkton” 😀 (shakes head)
from R Harribin? a man who had never questioned any of the info before?
not very scientific … is it 😀
sheeesh! only at the bbc
ps on “that idiot Monkton” 😀
Monckton graduated from Cambridge’s Churchill College, and Cardiff University. Among other contributions, he was among the first to advise the Prime Minister Thatcher that the prospect of “global warming” caused by CO2 should be investigated. his lecture to undergraduates at the Cambridge Union Society on climate change has been released as in a video entitled Apocalypse? NO! He has testified twice before the US Congress on this topic. After leaving 10 Downing Street, he established a successful specialist consultancy company, giving technical advice to corporations and governments. Among many other activities – speeches, lectures, and university seminars all over the world; newspaper editor, a classical architect, trained public orator, and an autodidact mathematician. the inventor of the million-selling Eternity puzzles, and the very successful Sudoku X puzzles amongst many other pursuits ….
OR ….
BBC s R Harribin
Thank You!
Great piece of agitprop…never knew we had a Lord with some guts still left!
Beeboids ban climate debate, and aim to stop shale gas development, as indicated in today’s agitprop, artlessly disguised as ‘BBC News’.
“We’ll slash your bills – but it will cost you more, says Ed Davey.
“Why does the Energy Secretary ignore the shale gas revolution which in America has already more than halved gas prices in four years?”
By Christopher Booker.
‘We’ll slash your bills – but it will cost you more’
Part of the new maths curriculum, no doubt, like the BBC one taking a 100:1 trashing of 10:10 in the Graun as a ‘split’ (semantically still accurate)to a new level, being basically saying black is indeed, white.
Or, in this case, freezing is actually a comfy 21 degrees all winter long.
Mr. Davey represents an aspect of the politico-media estate that goes beyond lack of trust to active threat to safety.
BTW, has Ms. “The Importance of Being Ed’ Flanders ever had a chance to make his acquaintance?
“How will
Lancashire shale
gas impact the
GB energy
Click to access shale_gas_point_of_view_small.pdf
This article from Jihad Watch shows the mindset of the BBC regarding how they view the society that is forced to pay for them.
Passion for Freedom: Artists are worried about Islam
They have no problem reporting on this exhibition in Iran, to show just how emancipated our society is in contrast to many of the practices still going on in Islam.
But in their hypocritical arrogance they don’t trust us enough to make this exhibition public knowledge here.
I have a lot of pride that this exhibition is part of our society, I have only contempt for the BBC.
Does anyone else get irate at the BBC’s arrogant assumption that it represents the majority view on Europe, immigration and multiculturalism? Every interview, every report, topical debate and analysis carries this smug air of ‘if you are opposed to immigration, multiculturalism and state intervention then you’re at odds with public opinion’.
Having to pay for this Orwellian tripe in the 21st century is a disgrace. The disgusting Rotherham communist crackdown on thought-crimes is a worrying example of how socialism, fostered by the BBC, has grown like a cancerous tumor in every community in Britain.
I think this woman’s explanation of what happened to her is indicative of how many are becoming victims of what you are describing.
Petronella Wyatt: I was bullied out of Oxford for being a Tory
A boo hoo. Poor old petty. Oxford is notoriously short of Tories. Heaven knows how Cameron, Osbourne and Johnson managed to get through in the eighties. No thanks to the Beeb for sure.
No, but Oxford is full of right-on Socialists and Greens in local government !
The 80s was a while ago. Nowadays most universities default to the left. One of the left ‘s greatest achievments is to have successfully taken over these institutions.
Which is why contrary views of the world find it so hard to get a hearing.
Supporters of a balanced view on Israel, for example, are very thin on the ground and silent in Exeter.
Jewish students are often assaulted at university.
At Oxford?
BY who?
And this is just at Manchester –
The ‘academics’ and students who agitate and harass jewish students are little more than Nazis, start labeling them as such, watch them squeal.
Oh for Gods sake Jim.
You think it`s OK to hound a kid, on account of her fathers politics then?
Despicable comment…you`d make a fine Fair Access Co-ordinator for Pyongyang Uni!
Let`s hope your kids don`t get hounded out of a university education, because you seem not to care what happens once you go down this path…
Your reply right now displays the lack of thought, or even basic understanding inherent in those of your mindset.
The good thing about your posts is you help expose the ignorance that the BBC preys on and sustains.
Boo Hoo? Jim I’ll sumarise my response to your obnoxious comment., ad hom admitted, you are a worthless little shit.
When I was at University, both as an under and postgraduate, I too had to endure these unbearable but highly opinionated left-wingers (usually due to the fact that we had to pick at least one cross-curricular crappy arts/social theory module during our science degree) who, to be honest, simply weren’t up to the academic standards compared to scientists, engineers and mathematicians.
I remember one fat grotesque social theory lecturer who was an arrogant but utterly useless creep, who used to spend his time chatting up the young female students whilst forgetting about the rest of the poor blokes in the lecture theatre. It was a disgrace, but these social worker/cultural theorists were becoming ever more numerous when I was near graduation; but they simply had nothing to teach, in my humble mathematical opinion – perhaps I’m wrong, who knows? And they brainwashed through left-wing cultural theory, which as you all know, is about as much use to society as a pair of glasses on a man with one ear. Compared to the level we were working at scientifically, the sociology under and postgrads were an utter joke. But, it seems that these liberal arts students have been given the keys to the kingdom, as it were… hence the scum who removed those poor children from what seemed like a loving foster couple. Be afraid, be very afraid!
When I was at university/college the same one John Prescott the place was full of lefty/progressive ‘teachers’.
Most had the social skills and maturity of a 12 year old.
Most had never done a proper days work in their life’s or done anything productive with their life’s.
Something really creepy about people being left-wing when they are over 25.
When I was at university/college the same one John Prescott the place was full of lefty/progressive ‘teachers’.
Most had the social skills and maturity of a 12 year old.
Most had never done a proper days work in their life’s or done anything productive with their life’s.
Something really creepy about people being left-wing when they are over 25.
This is worth a look…
From –
Truly scary. Does anyone truly believe that matters are much better at UCL or Oxford, let alone SOAS?
So is this – scroll to 6 minutes in for the most relevant part…and beware the ridiculous but loathsome victim pimp in the beret…[language warning]
Part 2 here –
Reed ,great find. Thank you.
a lotta lotta insensitive racism, sexism, a plantation of evil, sick sick sick! ….
why doesn t he just .. . ahem chuck 😀 beret and
maybe he s just peeved, that he didn t win the wolfie smiff lookalike competition …
is it becuz, i is black?
Well said, Alex. Some of the most acute observations of the sociology dept. culture in our unis, are contained within Malcolm Bradbury’s novel, ‘The History Man’. In the repellent main protagonist, the immoral lecturer/lecherer, Howard Kirk, we have just the kind of twisted, self-serving, posturing egotist who would describe homicidal, nihilistic looters as ‘political trailblazers’. As did the BBC’s very own Paul Maoson, during the 2011 riots.
In the novel, Kirk sets out to destroy a conservative-minded student who has the audacity to think outside the Marxist box of received opinion. A man, no doubt, close to Jim Dandy’s tolerant heart.
Quite agree Alex, far too many ‘Howard Kirk’ wasters in Higher Education, and it is correct, sociologists are full of shite, it is a fourth rate qualification.
If Jim’s worthless what does your reply say about your value?
You must be a nothing.
‘You must be a nothing’
I saw this and thought of the next wave of DOTI Jugend, who are without doubt, ‘big ones’.
‘A boo hoo. Poor old petty.’
A Sunday miracle, but in defence of JD, is this really him?
Because placing both size nines in mouth here and below, then pulling a Kurt Cobain with a Purdey seems to lack the normal high ground attempts attempted. Plus the use of English makes Prole seem like a BBC Producer on Newswatch.
On matters University, it was a different time of course, but I was at Kings in the 70s.
Despite being a college dominated by professions such as Law, Engineering, Medicine, etc, the Student Uni was rather the preserve those who voted themselves in year on year by having courses that involved one lecture a month, and hence could call an election when the rest of us were going to lose a unit by not being in the lecture halls.
Hence they managed to get the multi-purpose theatre renamed the Nelson Mandela Theatre, etc. That kept them off the streets, so OK.
However, one day they went too far and diverted union funds (like the BBC ‘supporting’ its favoured causes, guests, etc) to some African group that was not, as such helping anyone but Alfred Nobel’s other little line.
They may even have got away with that, but they did it from a subsidy to the student bar.
Suffice to say there was a brief moment of uncivil disobedience and the whole sorry democracy-rigging shambles was out on their ears.
Jim – Are you always that sensitive when someone claims to have been a victim of bullying?
‘A boo hoo. Poor old petty’.
You’re a supporter of this particular brand of fascism then, Jim?
How long will it be before the Rotherham Labour issues its socialist report justifying the ban on UKIP foster parents for not advocating ‘multiculturalism’?
Can the investigative arm of the BBC find out?
(Is there one? Or does it just propagandise for its favoured political causes?)
“Ukip row: multiple reasons children taken from Rotherham foster parents.
“Children’s Roma parents deny allegations of abuse in background to case that has raised community tensions.”
By Helen Pidd
This will be another case (like a pet cat constituting family life or an unfamiliarity with alcohol excusing racism) that will become apocryphal, after the event. Still it keeps Winston Smith in a job.
“There was also tension between the council and Rotherham’s 3,500-strong Roma population, almost all of whom moved to the South Yorkshire town since EU enlargement in 2004.”
Jeez. How much is that costing in benefits etc?
” How much is that costing in benefits etc? ” I shudder to think and then extrapolate onto a national scale: Phew!
“I was subject to a searching “expose” by the nutty Biased BBC blog. Proof, as if it were needed, that the hard right have a difficult time handling facts.”
the arrogance of the leftards never fails to amuse
you can be sure when they start using words like “nutty” as if they didn’t really care what was said,that they could only type the remarks once the flecks of foam had been wiped from the computer screen
It starts with “Nutty”, “Looney”….sometimes, “Crazy” or even “Out of touch”….until folk begin to sit up, and take notice…
Then we become “Unstable” and “Dangerous”
Next thing you know, your kids are marched out of your home for a little political re-programming.
I f*king hate leftie Marxist sh*tballs.
” I f*king hate leftie Marxist sh*tballs. ”
It’s off to the gulag for you mate!
You need a little re-education.
Perhaps you could give us a few examples of what consider ‘Hard Right’.
Sorry “What you consider”
anything to the right of stalin is usually the standard employed
Perhaps it’s someone who unlike our Marxist friend, with the double barrelled name, would not use inverted commas when talking about ‘UKIP’s foster care “scandal.” ‘
So we’ll condemn someone because of their name? Nutty surely to do so!
BBC calling. All Prolatrons to be recalled as their propaganda circuits are showing major malfunctions. Artificial brain has caught fire causing Prole Mk. 1 to repeatedly argue in junior school manner. Needs major overhaul as now continually embarrassing fellow Beebatrons like the Jim Dandy prototype.
Double barrelled names are more often than not, a handed down piece of Victorian snobbery – it’s a little bit funny that a right on, trendy, Marxist sociologist should have one as his moniker.
That reminds me of the SWP’s old Etonian boss, Charlie Kimber.
(or Sir Charles when he inherits the baronetcy)
Where is this from?
“Sociology with a Socialist Spin”
I notice an absolute deluge of comments on those articles.
Such an enticing tag line…I’m baffled.
…also a tad tautological.
“Phil said…
Perhaps I’ll do that MM when I literally have nothing better to do. Sad to say this post took a fair few hours to put together. I think a proper Newsnight job could take weeks. ”
So this was a couple of hours work posted on a student union web site
god help me for thinking that anyone
took it seriously when it is no more than a Hampstead parlour game.
Left wing beeboid tweet alert
“@jcrclarksonesq: Unfortunately, I can’t say what I’ve been doing or where I’m going because it would “spark fury” in the Maily Dail.”
However, due to the unique way the BBC funds things, that one will get a double bonus.
Clarkson gets away with being politically incorrect because of the money Top Gear brings into the BBC. He is the exception, not the rule…
Yep, Clarkson is a licensed jester. He’s there both for the enormous amount of cash he brings to the BBC, and so people can point at him and say he’s the embodiment of all that is wrong with Conservatives. Mostly for the enormous amount of cash, though.
Beeboid attitude towards Green Belt:-
-‘save the Green Belt, unless it’s for houses for immigrants’.
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Migrants fuel need for Green Belt homes: Minister’s candid admission on housing crisis”
By Jason Groves.
” The minister added: ‘We can’t go on like this.”
Well then about time they did something about the influx then and honoured a manifesto commitment.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) presents what is currently going on in Egypt as some kind of effete Oxford University Union debate, with ‘jolly hockey sticks’ Beeboids such as Bethany Bell hanging around Tahrir Square in Cairo virtually voicing platitudes such as the following on BBC News:
-‘on the one hand there are plenty of people who want an Islamic state under Morsi, on the other hand there are plenty of people who don’t. ‘
Good, Morsi’s got it about right then 😉
Bethany Bell is a total idiot. She truly has not got a clue. Morsi is seeking dictatorial power – which will be used to push the Islamist agenda. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood will crush minorities such as the Coptic Christians, will relegate women in Egypt to an even lower status, and will suppress any dissent from believers in true democracy rooted in individual freedoms and the rule of law. The liberal values behind the initial revolution against Mubarak are being betrayed.
All this is plain as a pikestaff. Except to useful idiots like Bethany Bell. Her reporting is a disgrace.
Given the Tahrir Square mob’s reputation for assaulting female journalists, especially blond females Ms. Bell is either very brave, very well protected or very trusting. Or, given she works for the BBC, has failed to do her basic research.
“It is more dangerous for a woman than a man to cover the demonstrations in Tahrir Square. That is the reality and the media must face it. It is the first time that there have been repeated sexual assaults against women reporters in the same place. The media must keep this in mind when sending staff there and must take special safety measures. Reporters without borders
Did she actually go to Tahir Square?
‘On Wednesday it is 90 years since the first ever BBC broadcast and to mark the anniversary, every BBC radio station across the UK and the globe will be coming together for the first time in the BBC’s history.’
‘Damon Albarn’s Radio Reunited broadcast ‘
Damon Albarn is of course that bloke from Blur.
‘Here are 10 facts about Damon Albarn’
Here are just a couple….
‘Damon was born on March 23, 1968 to Keith and Hazel Albarn. Keith was an Art College headteacher, BBC presenter and the manager of jazz-rock outfit Soft Machine, while Hazel was a theatre set designer’
Sound arty BBC and indeed aunty BBC credentials (well his Dad was BBC) .
‘Damon had the opportunity to meet then Labour leader Tony Blair for a chinwag in 1997. Oasis’s Noel Gallagher went along, but Damon declined, citing his disillusionment with Blair’s political shift. “I sent him [Blair] a note to the House of Commons saying, ‘I’m sorry, I won’t be attending as I am no longer a New Labour supporter. I am now a Communist. Enjoy the schmooze, Comrade. Love, Damon’
I sense “National Treasure” status coming on.
I wish Tony Robinson was buried treasure. Just been listening to him preach that our cannibalistic (!) forebears were more pagan than Christian really, and that the crusaders bloodily imposed their religion on the middle east (unlike the ROP mob of course).
He wasn’t even funny as Baldrick – it was Rowan Atkinson’s responses to him that were funny. Bring Atkinson back so he can carry on taking the mick out of this little commie wanker.
God, Robinson is an annoying tit, isn’t he? Although if I remember rightly, the bit about our ancestors being pagan was with reference to 2nd cent. AD Scotland, so that much is true. His comment on the Crusades, though, was disgustingly ignorant.
And as for is acting ‘talent’, well, on that showing, I can’t see anyone queuing up to cast him as Richard III.
The final word on Robinson comes from one of Humph’s preambles from ISIHAC a few years ago:
“He is probably best known as the idiot sidekick . . . on Time Team.”
Richard III ? He already is a ‘richardhead’ and a bit of a t*rd !
Robinson’s intellecual calibre was summed up in an exchange with Phil Harding in one Time Team programme. Contemplating a feature on the surface Harding said: “Well it could be a fogou.”
“What’s a fogou?” replied our Tony.
“We dug one up last year, remember?”
Came the reply.
Yes, but he kept hinting that cannibalism and fear of the dead rising from their graves lingered on until the 19th century. (hint – not like the mussies, eh?)
I like the way he associated the Christian mass with cannibalism too, never even mentioning the reformation view of communion.
Since when was liking Soft Machine a sign of bias? What then does liking a bit of classical music, ballet or theatre mean? Are we going to decide that everyone wearing square specs on the BEEB is a commie, liberal islamic loving hypocrite wanting to destroy some imaginary England that never existed?
Deep impression from this post is of a little boy staring into a shop from the outside that he wants to enter but finds the door closed.
your comments are particularly rubbish today
don’t waste any more electricity
‘Since when was liking Soft Machine a sign of bias?’
So you merrily side-step (nice BBC phrase there) the charge of nepotism and the exposure of the BBC’s tendency to prefer their art ‘art-for-politics-sake’. Some typical BBC mentality there. Anything to the right of Nick Clegg must be a philistine?
Check out this bit of agit prop…
‘Greece bailout: How the crisis fuels the arts in Athens’
For as the financial crisis has transformed parts of the city for the worse – once-affluent areas now beset by crime and prostitution – it has also inspired a flourishing community of graffiti artists, brightening up the capital with their acerbic and colourful creations
Among them is the mysteriously named Bleeps.
Often compared to the British artist Banksy, he keeps his identity secret.
On a driving tour of his work, he points out an image that shows a woman holding a sign that reads “hopeless”, next to words such as “monetary system”, “capitalism” and “corruption”.
Another depicts a banker clutching a safe, pursued by a figure representing death. A third, entitled “Greece’s economic model” shows a girl with an amputated leg.
“I was in a sense lucky to live in this difficult era, although it’s difficult for me as well,” he says.’
There’s lots more where that came from.
Right on, man!
His father was a BBC presenter, now this posing Communist is doing a broadcast for the BBC. Must be in his DNA.
I’ve noticed that, in the wake of the UN vote on Palestine, Al-Beeb is using (with ill-disguised relish) the phrase “occupied East Jerusalem” in bulletins on News 24.
Yes; INBBC censors out the history:-
“What’s behind opposition to the ‘settlements’?”
By Hugh Fitzgerald (2009).
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Opposition to what are so tendentiously called ‘the settlements’ is not about the ‘settlements’ at all. It is about whether Israel is going to be allowed to decide for itself the minimum conditions of its own survival, or whether others — apparently to include an Administration so deeply unlearned in the history of the area, and in the claims, and rights, of the Jews to build these ‘settlements’ (simply Jewish villages and towns) on land that was always intended for Jewish settlement by the League of Nations in its Mandate for Palestine. ”
The BBC’s explanation of the ‘fiscal cliff’ debate remains suitably obtuse. I guess they like it that way. It’s a turn-off. Keeps the public ignorant. Perfect.
Quote: “Republican House Speaker John Boehner said talks with the White House had gone “almost nowhere”. He said President Obama’s plan to raise $1.6tn (£1tn) of revenue over 10 years was not a “serious proposal”.
But has anyone asked why Boenhner thinks this?
Let’s try this one: This deeply unserious US administration “borrows $188 million every hour.” The much vaunted “sequestration” of military spending would save, they claim, one hundred and fifty three billion dollars. That’s what the US government currently borrows every month.
Simple, direct, irrefutable.
Now U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has said on Bloomberg TV, “We ought to just eliminate the debt ceiling.” Infinite debt equals infinite spending.
Someone at the BBC – even a talking head – express the other side of this debate. This is not about republican intransigence (the current narrative) but about mathematics. But criminal Democrats, inarticulate Republicans and cowardly press seem unable (or unwilling) to state the opposing case. In the case of the BBC, one can only imagine, apart from having their heads up you know who’s arse, Beeboids would be left having to admit that it is spending and not taxing that is the problem. And that indirectly reflects on the UK political scene.
Never any hint from the BBC that Obama WANTS the US to go over the fiscal cliff – indeed he has already driven it over the cliff of indebtedness.
He demands big tax increases that will lose up to a million jobs. In return he offers no tangible cuts. Her wants the tax increases so that he can have even higher spending.
Watch out for the dollar to tank.
“Doomsday for the greedy freeloaders of the Left”
By Damian Thompson.
“I can’t help thinking of George Entwistle, ex-director general of the BBC, angling for even more than the £450,000 he was given to go quietly after blundering over Savile and Newsnight. Entwistle wasn’t especially avaricious; he simply reflected the mindset of an organisation in which the number of managers earning more than £100,000 runs into three figures.”
“he simply reflected the mindset of an organisation in which the number of managers earning more than £100,000 runs into three figures”
Needless to add every single one of them thinks they are worth every single penny (you are forced to pay them).
In 2009 Alan Yentob (a man responsible for such dire BBC crap as Arena and The Late Show and who faked his interviews on his Arts show Imagine) was revealed to have accumulated a BBC pension pot of £6.3m, giving him an annual retirement income of £216,667 for the rest of his life.
Is that the same Alan Yentob who makes another fortune selling his own programmes to the beeb? Apparently several of them are at it.
‘“he simply reflected the mindset of an organisation in which the number of managers earning more than £100,000 runs into three figures”
SKY news just now ‘reports’ a lot of lovely Sunday ‘anger’ on the economy from critics who ‘will say’ Mr. Osbourne is rich.
These being… OFCOM-approved TV luvvies, Opposition MPs, Union bosses, NGO/Charity CEOs on how much?
Anybody out there able to tell me why the BBC reckon that the election of Police Commissioners on something like a 16% turn out means that they are not legitimate; whereas the election of Labour cutpurses on something like a 24% turnout in by elections recently is a mandate for Labour, and a triumph for Miliband ?
Does the BBC have a guidebook available, so we can meekly go along with their “analyses”…would save us worrying about things, if they did!
‘Does the BBC have a guidebook available,’
Turn to the page headed ‘Unique’, which extends from the Introduction to Index.
Plus the front and back cover.
“Does the BBC have a guidebook available”
Click to access TheLabourPartyManifesto-2010.pdf
The BBC won’t like ordinary people having a say on something as local as Police Commissioners because their usual liberal/left propaganda won’t have been sufficiently local to have promoted the good guys and done down the bad guys .
I mean if they allow people to make choices without having been able to indoctrinate them first, people might start to wonder why they are forced to pay the License Fee and why Labour always wreck the economy and is multiculturalism and a country full of immigrants such a good thing? Indeed the whole project could unravel. Just not on!
there’s been a distinct lack of homosexual news items on BBC News lately, why is that?
Guess you missed this from two days ago?
Christine Jorgensen: 60 years of sex change ops Although to be fair to Miss Jorgensen she always saw herself as a straight female rather than a homosexual male.
There has been a a fair amount from the Beeb on this topic in the last few days;
(of the estimated 96,000 people with HIV in the UK, about 41,000 are homosexuals and 30,000 are black Africans – I didn’t get these figures from the BBC):
American comedian Adam Corolla says that Mexican “culture” is undermining the US – more specifically California. Many Mexicans refuse to adjust to the US work ethic and particularly to the emphasis on education.
Corolla asks – “if your culture is so great – how come you came here – or were forced to come here ?”
The same applies to newcomers to Britain who persist in sticking to the culture of the countries they left behind.
Multiculturalism is a busted flush. Even Labour politicians recognise this. But has anyone heard the BBC saying that multiculturism has failed ? Not me. Day after day the BBC peddles the multi-culti myth across its entire broadcast output.
Actually, what Carolla, who is America’s Jeremy Clarkson analogue, is referring to is that the ever-renewing second generations of Mexican-Americans who grew up in the United States in the Southwest have been led to believe that their parents, who came either legally or illegally, and busted their hump so these kids would have something better than what was on offer in Mexico, were “peons” to be used by the Yanqui bosses (possibly true but to a far lesser extent than is bruited about), and, since California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas were all taken by force from Mexico (true) , it is necessary for the Reconquista (a la El Cid et al.) to take place. Outside the Southwest, in areas where Mexicans are just another ethnicity of Latins, this view is not as widely propounded. Those areas, correspondingly, see a much better participation of the born-local Mexican-American population in the civic life of their communities. Put simply, if you live in the Los Angeles metropolis, over 50% Mexican, you will be ghettoised far more, and drift into gangs and other anti-social behaviour to which a blind eye is turned by the Left as being part of the Reconquista, whereas if you are in, say, Charlotte, North Carolina, where your element of the population is far lower and far less politically powerful, you are far less likely to be socially- and societally-indulged in your “Lazy Pedro”-ness.
‘Did you know that the BBC refuses to answer half of the Freedom of Information Act requests it receives? Are those the actions of an organisation with nothing to hide? That performs its public function under the legitimate scrutiny of the licence fee payer? We think not.’
For balance…
I am wondering if Ms. Chakrabarti might be off a few QT guest, and indeed BBC producer Christmas card lists having at last been shami’d to acknowledge the civil liberty aspects of Leveson?
Liberty for some.
Anyone heard her speaking against Rotherham Labour Council’s banning of UKIP foster parents?
Neither have I.
Maybe Gareth Pierce will offer her services in any legal action?
Nah, Ms Peirce is too busy helping Islamonutjobs spread their poison and leech off the state !
apologies for my mis-spelling there of her name.
On the Andrew Marr show this morning(during the paper review) she seemed unsure of what her position was on Leveson.
In fact I’m not sure what it is now, something like
‘Freedom of speech-but only if you say the right thing’
The paper review was done by the liberal-left Chakrabarti and an ex-speech writer for the Labour Party – so the usual BBC balanced discussion.
The BBC are fit for no purpose other than promoting the views and interests of the middle class Left.
That is nothing to having a name like Gareth, and being a woman, very odd.
This is an interesting ‘report’…
‘The BBC has seen a report ..
How does the BBC come ‘to see’ such a report?
Were they meant to?
Was it leaked?
Did they hack it?
Labour MP David Lammy, the committee’s chairman, says the situation is “deeply worrying”.
What is not at all worrying is how such a person got to head such a committee… on merit, one is sure.
One woman said she changed her Muslim-sounding name after using a different one secured her more job interviews.
I am thinking of changing my white male-sounding name to see if the BBC would fancy giving me a shot.
‘Black and minority ethnic women have been traditionally employed in the public sector and are losing their jobs in droves at this time.’
Mr. Lammy may like to ponder if that was the wisest thing to highlight, as it rather points at 13 years of Labour moving a voter base onto the public purse as a rather rigged way of nobbling democracy and ‘adjusting’ unemployment figures.
I of course despise the current mob is as high esteem in this regard as their predecessors.
The most interesting part of that Ch4 article…
“There is, though, one big difference. While under Labour the number of jobs in both the state and the private sector increased, with John Major in charge the recovery was powered by business not government. Between 1991 and 1997, around 800,000 public sector jobs disappeared, while around 1.7 million private sector jobs were created.”
Either Cameron just doesn’t have the stomach to make these kinds of changes in the balance of public/private sector, or Blair was a master at stuffing the civil service with his own kind so that dismantling the insatiable beast of state bureaucracy would be impossible in the future.
Probably a combination of both. No wonder the BBC still have a fondness for all things New Labour – statists to the core.
As the morning shift are still deicing their bicycle clips, before they kick in..
‘I of course despise the current mob and hold them in as high esteem…’
‘The BBC and Channel 4 are also classed as adding to the public sector workforce’
Also the costs of them leaving.
One wonders how much the generous pay-offs to old white guys could have gone to offsetting the travails of any younger, culturally-diverse ladies exiting ‘public service’.
Maybe the lady mentioned in Mr. Lammy’s piece could get gainful employ as a seventh FoI brief to accompany Hugs on here next outing to blow yet more money fruitlessly… when she gets off here sidestepping garden duties on… how much?
Look at the kind of comments BBC moderators are allowing re Israel, as exposed by BBCWatch:
Incitement to Jew-hatred.
BBC moderating policy is… erratic… at best… and what they refer to what they prefer is always unique.
Of course there are few places now to even chip in. This one is a last bastion of more than 140 characters, while it lasts…
Biased BBC doesn’t seem to have a Facebook page. I think it would be good if it did:
– It would help us to reach a wider audience.
– It would enable people to informed of new topics whilst they are on Facebook. That would mean we’d get contributions from people who might otherwise forget to check for new posts.
– It would allow people to share posts on particular topics with their friends.
– If a Biased BBC page can get thousands of followers (ideally including some high profile followers), it would send out a message that BBC bias is a topic that many people feel strong about.
Any thoughts?
Looking at the BBC Newsnight page, where they retreated to from an interactive (if censored) blog, along with blocking-prone twitter feed, FB does tend to bring out a whole new bunch on DOTIs, but hey… why not? At some stage the budget for hiring all these loons must escape the petty cash books, or if actually motivated to haunt such a page by having nothing else in their lives to do, they tend to simply make the BBC look like the last refuge of the deluded and desperate anyway.
I’d say a win-win.
If we get some of the Newsnight group’s resident lefties, we might have the opportunity to win them around, once they have finished with the obligatory calling everyone who disagrees with them a racist and/or a sexist! LOL!
Just watched Ed Balls on Marr..
Frothing at the mouth and shouting… without answering any questions… even lefty Marr was getting annoyed by his attitude and lack of answers.
‘attitude and lack of answers’
He could be a perfect candidate to run the rebuttal team for the BBC if BBBC takes up Jeff’s suggestion.
‘Frothing at the mouth and shouting…’
Ed… I saw this and thought of you…
And at night, mate… watch out for long knives.
Seems he liked his partners to be ‘boyish’ too.
Don’t tell Santa, but the BBC boys and girls have been rather naughty this year.
Thursday was, or so they told us, Leveson Report Day.
The BBC pushed all the Labour Party talking points. Coalition splits. LOL. Andy Coulson. State Regulation. Cameron a coward.
Unfortunately for the opposition (I mean the BBC – sorry, I get the two confused) they were caught red-handed opening most of their presents too early.
Don’t take my word for it. Read the left leaning press.
‘Liberty director sides with PM and rejects legislation to regulate the press’
‘Leveson Report: David Cameron And Jeremy Hunt In The Clear Over News International Ties’
‘Leveson report: the winners and losers’
‘Leveson rejected the suggestion that the Conservatives agreed a deal with News Corp on its bid for BSkyB’
‘The Leveson report found there was no “credible evidence” that Hunt was biased in his handling of the BSkyB bid which was “commendably handled”‘
‘(Alex) Salmond was willing to breach the Scottish ministerial code by lobbying on behalf of Rupert Murdoch’
‘Leveson found “evidence of unethical or unlawful publication based on the calculation of legal risk versus potential profits”, during (Piers) Morgan’s Mirror editorship’
I recall a catch phrase from an old BBC show that we don’t see these days: ‘Oh dear, how sad, never mind’.
Now I know that the BBC wants us all to go on believing that the worst thing that ever befell the Dowler family was the appearence of their phone number on a list that wasn’t the Thompson Local Directory – but come on everyone….remember the details of the case!
I keep a careful watch on my own advent calender and although I’m getting impatient I know that I must wait a tad longer before I can open the little door marked Pollard Report Day.
It’s worth the wait because then I get to have the treat marked ‘who was it who spiked the Newsnight report on Jimmy Savile?’
I’m clearing my corridors so there’s plenty of space for all the champagne bottles.
beeboids announcing the number of munters who have signed some online pro-Leveson petion with much fanfare in every R3 news bulletin.
Can’t wait for Webb or Humphrys to ask Shami if she’s in too cozy with Rupert Murdoch. It’s got to be the only explanation, right, BBC?
“Now I know that the BBC wants us all to go on believing that the worst thing that ever befell the Dowler family was the appearance of their phone number on a list that wasn’t the Thompson Local Directory”
The cynicism (not to mention the greed) of the BBC is truly disgusting. It makes me ashamed that “British” is in their title.
i thought it stood for “bollocks”
‘Did you know that the BBC refuses to answer half of the Freedom of Information Act requests it receives?
Not true. They answer 100% of them. It’s just not necessarily the answer wanted.
I have a couple on appeal regarding pension scheme and opinion poll costs.
Not even as a joke.
The BBC refuses to disclose information which is held for the purposes of journalism, art or literature BBC v Sugar has allowed them to refuse to provide information even if held for other purposes provided there is a significant element of journalism (as in the case) and presumably art or literature.
The BBC doesn’t just give the answer wanted. it refuses to discuss in cases where it claims exemption from the act.
I would be very surprised if only half the requests were refused.
Just catching up with the news and I read that the bBC can find a few facts (like the balen report perhaps?) which substantiates that the worlds water level has risen by 10mm these past 20 years. But here’s a few snippets they don’t tell you:
1) if the North pole ice were to totally melt away the level of the sea would remain exactly the same.
2) The rise in sea levels has more to do with the pumping of deep fresh water from centuries old aquifers which drains into the the sea than global warming.
3) What melted the last ice age?
3) What melted the last ice age?
That question has not been solved yet, due to a great deal of ignorance about Cosmoclimatology outside of the Oxford/Mensa academic circle.
But this is what is needed to solve this question.
Ice ages are also caused by changes in the Earths planetary axis and orbit, producing Ice ages that peak every 100,000 years, the last one peaked 20,000 years ago, but no one knows why it is 100,000 years. As the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the barycentre of the Solar System determines the length of the solar cycle, calculating changes in these movements over time may well produce a future solution to the 100,000 year ice age problem, as the inclination of the Earth’s orbit has a 100,000 year cycle relative to the plane passing through the barycentre.
Scientists such as Ed Fix and Nicola Scafetta use the Planetary movements to predict the length of the Solar Cycle.
Something useful for computer modellers to do for a change.
“The British press is still trapped in a fight for survival”
By Fraser Nelson.
“Some newspapers are even arguing against press freedom: The Guardian wants state regulation which would no doubt create an environment better suited to its own style of journalism. The BBC, which had signed an anti-Murdoch petition when the Dirty Digger looked like he wanted to apply rocket boosters on BSkyB, was leading last night’s news bulletins on a spurious ‘petition’from Hacked Off with 25,000 signatures demanding (as Ed Miliband does) the full implementation of the Leveson Report.
“A friend told me he put ‘Donald Duck’ down ten times on the Hacked Off petition, and watched its system register click up ten times – so I’m not sure how real this petition is. Or how much they (or the BBC) care how real the names are. ”
Beeboids’ explicit political support in one day (Saturday ) for two specific campaigns, namely –
1.) pro- ‘Frack-Off’,
2.) pro-‘Hacked-Off.’
‘Or how much they (or the BBC) care how real the names are. ‘
It’s the kind of commitment to accuracy that the BBC is now renowned for, especially post-Newsnightmidden and any time there’s a postal vote in Bradford.
I also imagine the ranks of the BBC are at any one time well staffed by Ducks. D, first off hired, then fired at 2 x annual, then rehired on double that, followed by a side-stepping to a new role in the garden, again on a whole new wadge of wonga, like a disgraced Labour Minister on the pay-off merry-go-round, only without the ethics or charm. With a nice tax dodge on the side.
With the BBC able to deploy at least 20,000 online to sign whatever they are told, such petitions are rarely worth the ether the signal passes through.
One is sure if Neil Turner’s, or any of the others that are sadly divided and diluting in complement, gets to that level, the whole notion of e-polling will lose its appeal in hypocrite central.
5Live is including an up to date total of petition signatures in almost every news bulletin.
pity the beeb didnt tell us about the petition for the removal of the telly tax
The petition to bring back capital punishment attained more signatures than the Hacked-Off one (26,000), but I’ll bet it was received with much less enthusiasm by the BBC.
The BBC is predictably showing bovine support of Leveson’s recommendations as it postures and positions itself once again as the opponent of the print media, in particular News International. It promotes Hacked Off as truly representative of opinion, it gives unfair weight to the supporters of statutory regulation, and it fails to highlight the elements of Leveson criticising Labour’s relationships with the press in the past while highlighting the Conservative relationships.
I am unclear how any of the BBC journalists can square the BBC reporting with their own union’s code of conduct. They are either under orders to toe the BBC line under threat of disciplinary action, or they signed up to a code of conduct and choose to ignore it. I cannot see how else the NUJ members at the BBC are following their consciences.
From the NUJ website…
The NUJ’s Code of Conduct has set out the main principles of British and Irish journalism since 1936. The code is part of the rules and all journalists joining the union must sign that they will strive to adhere to the it. (sic)
Members of the National Union of Journalists are expected to abide by the following professional principles:
A journalist:
1. At all times upholds and defends the principle of media freedom, the right of freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed
2. Strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair
3. Does her/his utmost to correct harmful inaccuracies
4. Differentiates between fact and opinion
5. Obtains material by honest, straightforward and open means, with the exception of investigations that are both overwhelmingly in the public interest and which involve evidence that cannot be obtained by straightforward means
6. Does nothing to intrude into anybody’s private life, grief or distress unless justified by overriding consideration of the public interest
7. Protects the identity of sources who supply information in confidence and material gathered in the course of her/his work
8. Resists threats or any other inducements to influence, distort or suppress information and takes no unfair personal advantage of information gained in the course of her/his duties before the information is public knowledge
9. Produces no material likely to lead to hatred or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age, gender, race, colour, creed, legal status, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation
10. Does not by way of statement, voice or appearance endorse by advertisement any commercial product or service save for the promotion of her/his own work or of the medium by which she/he is employed
11. A journalist shall normally seek the consent of an appropriate adult when interviewing or photographing a child for a story about her/his welfare.
12. Avoids plagiarism.
The NUJ believes a journalist has the right to refuse an assignment or be identified as the author of editorial that would break the letter or spirit of the code. The NUJ will fully support any journalist disciplined for asserting her/his right to act according to the code.
Now the Tories complain to the BBC over Leveson coverage…
‘ Tensions between Downing Street and the BBC have erupted again over its coverage of the Leveson Report after No 10 accused the Corporation of ‘burying’ findings favourable to the Prime Minister.
David Cameron’s communications chief Craig Oliver fired off a furious letter to the BBC accusing it of peddling ‘conspiracy theories’ about links between the Government and Rupert Murdoch’s executives at News International…’
Of course the self regulating BBC say (altogether now)….’we got (this complex story) it just about right.
Nothing of the sort is true. Their coverage on Leveson Day was highly partial and biased towards Miliband, Hacked Off, their shadowy backers, to the Guardian and the anti-Murdoch coalition.
It’s time Patten did his job. Rather than sneering at those who are right to hold him to account. He should re-read the BBC charter himself; stop cheerleading and start regulating.
Patten is a shot bolt.
His every utterance digs a deeper hole, like some bloated bottom-feeder squirming its way into the silt.
Meanwhile, in happier news..
‘Journalism, she added, must never become a ‘state-licensed profession’.
Funny then that in one, unique case, buying a particular form of it has become a mandatory cost enforced by law.
‘But driving a car isn’t a fundamental human right,’ she said. ‘Freedom of speech is.’
Watching EastEnders isn’t a live or die service either, but being served propaganda backed by censorship is heading that way.
To port a comment from below..
‘The BBC is not a commercial broadcaster it is a lobby organisation.’
And not meant to be either. That they seem to believe Leveson is their last best shot, like Hitler’s Ardennes offensive, is pretty clear by the amount of armour they are pouring in to break out of the bulge.
Thing is, in a neat twist of history, they also appear to be running low on fuel and the resistance is stiffer and more coordinated than they have come to expect.
Could be interesting yet.
Dressing up in others’ uniforms and sneaking around turning signs the wrong way is still a good way to end up in front of a firing squad, especially if you are doing so to betray your own side.
“BBC calling; BBC calling..”
Lord Hall Hall has his work cut out even more.
I find myself puzzled by the BBC’s visceral hatred for Sky News. Surely, it can only be based on commercial rivalry? Politically, you couldn’t get a cigarette paper between them.
I watched it yesterday for the first time in weeks and was treated to a display of exactly the same left-liberal bias as the Beeb dishes-up daily.
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee spring to mind!
Bang on Sir!
How long is Brave Sir Rupert going to continue in his afternoon nap then?…we NEED a bit of venom and oomph to stick the BBC back in its box.
Yet all we get is Beeb lite!
This is war Rupert-we your willing foot soldiers need the fight…and you bloody snooze.
Thought you were an Aussie with some US courage thrown in!
As things stand, I was rather hoping that the BBC would have been shut down by Christmas…yet, I fear the usual BBC Christmas self-congratulatory crap to finish they year…bloody Hootenanny, bloody Cliff, bloody Jimmy Savile tribute show…
Come on Rupert…let us be your “Champeens” quote Sir James of Savilon!
Leveson-Retun to Sender!
And both cater for interests of Arabs/Muslims, with BBC Arabic TV, and with Sky News Arabia.
I think the reason for this in comparison to the US’s fox news, which is quite right wing (is that an understatement), is that in the US there are leftards and righttards in the media, on campus and in schools so the bias is less prevalent, or rather more spread over both views.
In the UK there is a pool of leftards, teaching left principles, and promoting a common purpose principle, therefore media luvies, reporters, investigators,; in the uk are already well indoctrinated with left inclined views by the very nature of having been taught by leftards, except of cause where their money is concerned; ching ching, what what.
More like, in the academic sphere, there are SOME token righties (very few, but prominent enough so they can be pointed to), while all the while the Left view predominates. What America has, which accounts for the phenomenon of FOX, is an innate sense that some refer to as “anti-intellectualism,” but which is more properly thought of as an antinomianism when it comes to “Received Thought,” one which comes from the religious-freedom seekers (who, admittedly, turned into Cromwells later) who settled there. That is to say, Americans are far less likely to take anything a Left professor says as being the final word on any subject, and many Americans like to see the piss being taken out of such people. When these people vehemently protest their absence of bias, most Americans snicker; too few, however, give enough of a good rip to do anything about addressing it, since they trust to the good sense of all the others to believe like themselves and similarly not to give any credence. But ol’ Eddie Burke’s condition for evil’s triumph comes into play here. Enough people do find FOX a refreshing change from what Orwell called “smelly little orthodoxies,” daytime AM radio is chockful of successful right-leaning shows (how many are sincere is open to question, however), and, frankly, Barack Obama can’t get a majority of voters to show up and still can’t win by a margin greater than just less than a handful of percentage points. Enough ingrained scepticism of Leftie solutions exists in America, even if not to any (expressed) great extent on campus.
Anybody inclined to see just how a Beeboid can be grown like a crystal in a garden, could do worse than to look at yesterdays Daily Mail.
Someone whose name I`ve heard-Alice Arnold-but nobody that you`d recognise…is holding forth on her love life with another favourite Beeboid( the one with the running shoes, the bike and a “fellow” lesbian…does horse racing too!).
Well this Arnold is a marvel-she went to an all gels school, boarded and did ever so well-and was most unlike her racist, intolerant and ignorant peers…she says so herself in so many words(and not just presented on her autocue, as is usual).
No sirree-Alice was so much a Beeboid as the rest of the bluestockings were working for SAVAK, who sank the Rainbow Warrior and who did rather well out of Union Carbide and Distillers at that time.
Wow-what a right-on virtuous dorm mate SHE must have been!
Lesbian, self-righteous, virtuous and living on …well a few quid I`d bet…yet still passionate enough to care about the poor and the despised…Qatada, Chindamo, Venables, Sutcliffe…the usual cast of angels yet to receive their wings from the BBC.
Alice Arnold-let no one say that all BBC primped-up privileged nomarks are ALL there due to mummy and daddy…some just seem to have been BORN this way…embryonic Beeboids.
We`ll be getting no kids from her I guess-but well worth a DNA swab, so we can clone that all-pervasive BBC sanctimony…who`d ever need “self-esteem BCT” again, if we could insert the Beeb gene, as exhibited in Alice Arnold.
Yet-she chooses to live among us..woop-di-doo!
I might be wrong, but didn’t I read somewhere that Ms Arnold has at least one offspring?
Shame about her banal politics as she has a wonderful voice.
You are probably thinking of her ex-partner Sandy Toksvig, who has three children.
The BBC is not a commercial broadcaster it is a lobby organisation. So who decides for whom or for what it is going to lobby? Not the people who pay for it that is for sure.
Do a list of the sort of [right of centre] issues the Daily Telegraph or The Spectator (the purchase of which is a free choice) lobby on behalf.
Then do a list of the sort of [left of centre] issues the Guardian or The New Statesman (the purchase of which is a free choice) lobby on behalf.
Now compares those two lists and come back and tell me that the BBC is not biased to the Left.
When was the last time the BBC lobbied on behalf of low taxation or reduced government spending or a decrease in the amount of legislation or withdrawal from the EU or broadcast a programme which condemned the public sector unions, the politicisation of schools, or discussed in a balanced way (or even mentioned) the considerable body of work produced by right wing thinkers and writers over the last 30 years?
Now go to a similar list for the Left. What issue which is of interest to the Left (from global warming to gender politics) has not been endlessly promoted by the BBC in the last 30 years?
When was the last time you heard the BBC expressing concern about the fact that necessary [if you believe in democracy] changes in constituency size is being cynically ignored because no change benefits the Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party, as opposed to the BBC drawing attention to say the bonus culture in the City of London?
When was the last time the BBC did an “Open Door” type programme where one of the 30,000 or so who visit this blog ever day challenged the overall political balance of the BBC?
Interesting that this is a piece by a left-leaning author in a right-leaning paper.
“without even having read the full report, he called for its implementation in its entirety”
It beggars belief he may one day get to push buttons & stuff of the back of a £4Bpa PR budget everyone has to fund.
And if he does stuff up and get booted, with managerial oversight skills like the one quoted above, he could always go for BBC DG #3inaseries
I know the BBC doesn’t ‘do’ answers, but this is a question they might take an unprecedented stab at asking too.
Or, maybe, recall Richard Black and his chicken bones.
The science is settled……
There is an overwhelming consensus amongst scientists…
Well here’s an open letter from….. 125 scientists. Addressed to Ban Ki-Moon, subject ‘extreme weather events’. Don’t wait up expecting to hear it covered by the BBC:
Note the UN’s IPCC disagrees – fundamentally – with the UN’s Secretary General. So if Banky doesn’t get his scientific advice from the IPCC, his very own group of the world’s topmost scientists (irony alert), where is he getting it from? (clue: who did the BBC meet with in 2006, in secret, to formulate their broadcasting policy for ‘climate change’?)
You’d need a heart of stone…
“In particular, Marcus noted that Mark was leaving the BBC in a strong position, with trust levels at
their highest…”
Yup. The bubble is indeed impenetrable.
How could you miss this anti-Christian programme with soulless Harriett Gilbert and C.K.Stead? The Grinch is coming…
looks like he missed out auditioning for this 😀
I picked up on this during Question Time on Thursday. Listen from 45 min 40 seconds. Audience member “I was asked my political agenda before appearing on this show.”
Neutral, balanced broadcasting from the BBC? I wonder what her answer was to get her admitted.
To apply to attend Question Time one must fill out a detailed questionaire about political attitudes.
The explanation is that will enable us (BBC) to invite a balanced cross-section of people. I’ll leave it to regular QT viewers to say how successful they have been in that aim.
” balanced cross-section of people.”
As balanced as that post 9/11 shameful disgraceful episode of QT?
not regular anymore as it has become like that other teatime spam – “pointless”
‘will enable us (BBC) to invite a balanced cross-section of people.’
‘The key aim is to ensure the voter records a sincere choice by forestalling attempts to influence the voter by intimidation or bribery.’
Of course the BBC prefers an ‘enhanced’ version, to ensure the influence is as correct as they can make it.
As all the Mr. D.Ducks apparently on the petition they are trumpeting…
In the political world which BBC propagandises for, it is virtually forbidden to advocate, e.g.
-criticism of climate change,
-support for shale gas development,
-support for foster parents who are UKIP members,
-opposition to multiculturalism,
-opposition to mass immigration,
-opposition to Shariah law and Islam.
Or the BBC?
Take a note of way BBC presenters offer rapid fire defence of the corporation and the speed with which they then shut down any criticism, particularly when it links Leveson to Newsnight. It is so pervasive I think they actually have written guidance to follow or the producers shouting down their earphones have.
That or all they see is their pensions being (fractionally) reduced if they fail.
‘the speed with which they then shut down any criticism, particularly when it links Leveson to Newsnight. ‘
Different.. uniquely.
OFCOM ensures what Newsnight did with McAlpine couldn’t happen, and therefore did not… ask Lord Patten or Lord Hall Hall.
A humdinger of a non-story from the PC brigade….
Why this even made ‘news’ is beyond me.
Other countries with vacancies are available for application.
1) Mr. Lammy. One presumes he ended up heading this committee purely on merit and no other reason (or at least half of one… if the ‘fit’ is based on matching those one emotes over, why male?)
2) ‘a group of MPs has warned’ – this ‘group’… of ‘MPs’… wouldn’t be just a bit self select in their own right?
3)’The report will be published on Friday’ – so what is meant by ‘the BBC has seen’? It could not be a leak they approve of, just to them?
4)’One woman said she changed her Muslim-sounding name ‘ – was this source also abused by a bloke who looked like someone the BBC doesn’t like?
5)’offered the job when the women were sacked for incompetence’ – what, like the new DG?
6)’ Black and minority ethnic women have been traditionally employed in the public sector ‘ – doesn’t that rather suggest then that the ‘public sector’ is institutionally racist?
A few questions the BBC don’t seem to feel the need to ask, or hold such a power as Mr. Lammy to account for.
In the late 80’s it was openly stated by mandarins that they would not be promoting men from the EO to HEO band until there were sufficient women in the HEO band. This policy continues so that women are given preference over men in promotions.
No doubt this policy has been spread to other groups.
At one time there were 4 types of people who worked for the Civil Service.
1. Those who did not want to work in commerce.
2. Those who commerce did not want.
3. The disabled ( There was a time when the Civil Service was rightly known as good employer for disabled people. )
4. Those who fell into it and were trying to get out. Not an easy job – would you hire an ex-civil servant?
Since Labour slunk into power in ’97 there was a fifth category.
5. Those employed to ensure Labour’s policies were enacted come what may. The ex-beeboids and fellow travellers – many of whom are still there leaking away …
Oh, and if you couldn’t get a job in the Civil Service there was always the public sector …
Hmm, as always the BBC sidestep the real reasons WHY the NHS is running over capacity…
Have to love this, near inevitable intro…
‘an analysis by experts suggests.’
As served to you, dear reader, via the uncritical ‘analysis’ of the BBC ‘reporting’ cut & paste machine.
Why football and politics do sometimes mix
Is this some tenent of Frankfurt School theoretical Marxism?
Are BBC Five Live Broadcasting?
Why football and politics do sometimes mix
By Rodrigo Pinto BBC Brasil
Guessed this might be the BBC. What’s this BBC Brasil? I thought that wouldn’t get going until the 2016 Rio Olympics.
‘It is 1983. Corinthians enter the Morumbi Stadium, where they are to play in the final of the local Championship against powerful rivals Sao Paulo.’
‘In the hands of the players, a huge banner says: “Win Or Lose, But Always With Democracy”, a reference to the dwindling strength of Brazil’s then military dictatorship. ‘
Ah here we go. It is the BBC bringing class consciousness to soccer.
‘The story is told in a Pedro Asbeg-directed documentary, Democracy in Black and White, which is due to be released next year.’
Watch out for the Kirsty Wark/Mark Kermode reviews of that one.
“The period from 1982 to 1984, the so-called Corinthians Democracy, is unique, there is nothing like this in football history,” Pedro Asbeg told BBC Brasil. ‘
There’s that BBC Brasil again. I wonder how much of my TV licence goes south to pay for BBC Brasil?
“Starting with the return of Socrates from the World Cup in Spain and up until mid-1984, when the amendment of the ‘Direct Elections Now’ campaign was overturned by congress and Socrates, disappointed, leaves Brazil to play in Italy.”
Oh so that must be why there are so many foreign players in the Premier League – they must all be disappointed with the progress of constitutional campaigns in their home nations.
‘The film highlights songs from that period such as “Inutil” (Useless), by the band Ultraje a Rigor’
Useless? Actually I think I’ve heard England fans singing a version of that.
“The film shows how this combination of football, politics and rock and roll changed the history of the country”, adds Asbeg.’
Yep, Frankfurt School.
‘Gradually, Pires gave way to the growing militancy of players.’
‘Later that year, the team went on tour in Central America, and the players decided that two of their number – the star Paulo Cesar Caju and goalkeeper Rafael – did not share the spirit of the group, and should leave. ‘
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We’ll keep the red flag flying here.
‘However Kifouri does not see a legacy from that period for current players. For him there is currently less participation and democracy, and football remains a reactionary area.’
The call to arms.
‘Nowadays, he says, “the players are puppets, pop stars, who worship money – superfluous and superficial culturally.”‘
I’ve noticed that.
Football of the NFL variety got a dose of politicisation Sunday evening:
The irony is that the murder-suicide of Mr Belcher was hot on the heels of a murder-suicide in Wyoming that was committed with a knife and a crossbow, nationally publicised due to its unusual nature and heroism of the victim, and one which seems to fly in the face of Mr Costas’s “logic.” But of course, NBC is the same network that put Keith (Uberleft) Olbermann on as an NFL commentator, a line of work he was qualified for by virtue of having once been a sportscaster. One has to marvel at the Asperger’s syndrome-like behaviour of broadcast outlets in their singlemindedness and obliviousness to their effect on others and their own failure to recognise their own problems. Listening, BBC?
It’s Monday. It’s breakfast BBc I want to punch the telly already. We are falling out of love with our cars. Tax – companies are using the law to their advantage!!!!!!! But I didn’t see anything about this whilst I was watching.
Arse kissing establishment BBC scum –
As Autonomous Mind summarises the Hodge sermonette so well by winding up his post as below :
This is the contemptible establishment at work. Whipping up discord, hysteria and resentment among sections of society over perfectly legal behaviour, but in cowardly fashion carefully evading scrutiny of their own identical behaviour by simply omitting any mention of it. Yes, scum.
The odious Hodge has been given lots of bBBC coverage this morning to point out that the tax code is too complicated and that this government hasn’t kept its promise of simplifying it.
Not one of the dim bBBC ‘reporters’ bothered to ask who made it so complicated.
Because that would have been a question from a right-wing point of view – you know, the sort jim n’ dez struggle to find examples of.
Non-austerity problems for Beeboids:-
“BBC staff ‘injured’ by revolving doors after £1bn revamp.”
Considering the state of the market rate leadership at the BBC, raising the topic of ‘revolving doors’ now seems… brave.
‘One complaint was received from project technologist Rob Pobjoy, who said he either hurt his toes or his heel, depending on how fast he walked through the spinning doors.’
No comment also on whether BBC arses or elbows are affected.
Automatic revolving doors? Don’t these use energy and therefore contribute to production of deadly CO2? One would think the warmingcrazed BBC would take this into consideration given their already huge carbon footprint.
Meanwhile children, here are some tips on how you can reduce your carbon footprint. Get your parents to sell the car, turn vegan and give up flying.
Spot the missing Republican mayor in this article about why crime has been dropping in New York City:
Who, What, Why: What happened to crime in New York City?
Who was in charge when the most significant crime reduction programs were put in place, Kate? Whose decision was it to clean out all the porno shops and adult movie theaters from Times Square and turn it over to Disney and other brand names? Who was mayor in the 1990s, which you keep referring to as the time when the improvements took hold?
Hint: it’s not the Republican-for-a-minute Nanny Bloomberg, nor was it the Democrat African-American David Dinkins. Gosh, I wonder why the man largely responsible for all of it was left out of Ms. Dailey’s magazine article?
“Whose decision was it to clean out all the porno shops and adult movie theaters…”
Or…removing all the vibrant and diverse culture…as Bonnie Greer claimed on Question Time a good few years ago. The culturally superior left seem to possess a zero tolerance attitude towards decency and ‘gentrification’ – except on their own precious patch, of course. The excitement and danger of their vibrant underworld is purely for others to ‘enjoy’, whilst they celebrate it from a safe distance.
Similar lack in this article from last week…
The only mention of the mayor primarily responsible is in the top comment.
Big political news for BBC-NUJ:-
“Lucy Powell: Newly-elected” [Labour] “MP announces pregnancy” {her own].
Congrats to the good lady.
‘most of her maternity leave will take in Parliament’s summer recess.’
One presumes the constituency cover for the rest will be from, who now… Gordon Brown?
But, but? Shouldn’t her child be taken into care? After all she is a lefty and therefore believes in the sociopathic & genocidal philosophy of socialism.
Will someone not think of the children?
News of the Royal pregnancy breaks mid-Leveson debate in the Commons. BBC News 24 interupts for the news. David Cameron Tweets his best wishes.
Wonder what is on the minds of the Beeboids? Norman Smith (remember him? He was the pink tie wearing reporter accosted by a Downing Street aid for his bias over the BBC’s anti-Cameron Leveson reporting. ‘Cough cough…but Labour say…..’ That’s right, you’ve got him)
Well our Norman is all in a quiver that Ed Miliband hasn’t made his Royal congrats Tweet. ‘Poor old Ed Miliband is stuck in the chamber’
Tell you what Norman, why don’t you speak up for the Labour leader? You know you want to.
Applicable to INBBC?:-
“Paralysed by political correctness, the West looks on as Egypt and Syria follow Iran into Islamofascism”
By Peter Mullen .
Mullen sums it up clearly. Most people who post here were very sceptical of the so called Arab Spring. A pity our politicians were not ,so keen were they to appear “progressive” . That our idiot media went along with them goes without saying.
Democracy in the Arab world does not mean what we think it means here. It means the dominance of one grouping, ethnic or religous , at the expense of the rest. The ballot box is the means to this end . Nothing more,.
Islamic jihad invasion of India.
A corrective to INBBC false history of India (e.g. Michael Wood’s recent TV series ‘Story of India’) in which Islamic jihad violence is glossed over in the name of some presumed’ multiculturalism’, and in which British in India are portrayed as the villains.
(9 min video).
Episode 7: