The BBC are always slow to bring us stories about climate change that do not support the ‘consensus’.
They sat on the CRU emails for a month, they were silent about Tim Yeo’s conflict of interests, they haven’t mentioned the story below at all when normally anything that shows ‘Big Business’ ripping off the ‘poor’ is headline news…..
Doha: UK climate finance pledge conceals pro-corporate agenda
By Miriam Ross, 4 December 2012
The World Development Movement has warned that the climate finance the UK government has announced it will provide to developing countries risks putting money meant to help the poor into the hands of multinational companies.
And this story is nowhere to be seen…despite coming out 3 days ago…..surely an important bit of ‘good news’ for the planet…..
Guido Fawkes brings us the glad tidings:
‘Good news. It seems the glaciers are not melting. Eco-loons had predicted glaciers in the Himalayas would be gone by 2035, but with 100cm of fresh snowfall in November, the Times of India reports that “the abundance of snow on the mountains has rejuvenated nearly one thousand glaciers in the Himalayas and has ensured uninterrupted supply of water for drinking, irrigation and hydel projects.
“While scanty snowfall and rising temperature in last decade had sparked the possibilities of fast shrinking of glaciers, good spells of snowfall in last three years have changed the trend with glaciers almost growing to their original size.”
It’s over! Rejoice!
or is it?..The snow is apparently in the wrong place…..
‘ “Snowfall is good but heavy snowfall in lower and new areas and scanty snowfall on higher areas is sign of global warming…..Global warming is a contentious issue but it’s a reality,” said J C Kuniyal, senior scientist with GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, who is studying the behaviour of Himalayan environment for many years.’
This is an interesting point…‘The 11-km-long Bara Shigri is the largest glacier in Himachal, but is shrinking very fast. The Dhaka glacier in Chandrabhaga mountain ranges is also losing its length, width and height. This was proved beyond doubt when wreckage of an AN-12 aircraft which remained beneath the glacier since 1968 recently surfaced due to melting of snow. ‘
Hang on…think about that… a plane crashed in 1968 on the surface of a glacier…..and became buried… was then uncovered as the ice melted…….back to 1968 levels.
Was there global warming in 1968…..or was it ‘global cooling’ as the big panic was then?
What goes up must come down, and what goes down………the climate is always changing. Apart from the last 14 or so years when it has remained static……with no warming despite record levels of CO2 emissions…..whch is why the climate lobby are desperately trying to ‘communicate’ the ‘science’ to us….
Science: A New Mission to Explain
‘Too many who profess to practice journalism are the product of fashionable science communication courses that have sprung up in the past fifteen years…..It’s my view that this has resulted in many journalists being supporters of, and not reporters of, science. There is a big difference. Many have become advocates for science that are too close to the scientists they report on.’
Christopher Booker has his view of the BBC:
‘His report, The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal, shows that the BBC has not only failed in its professional duty to report fully and accurately: it has betrayed its own principles.’
The BBC is of course a big player in the promotion of man-made climate change….it was an enormous coup for the green lobby to get the BBC ‘onside’. The BBC has tremendous authority, respect and trust and can use that to give credibility to any pronouncement it makes…..even with the BBC plugging away the Public remain either mostly scpetical or undecided…..but it allows the politicians to accept AGW and introduce policies based on that theory that suit their own political agendas.
Without the ‘backing’ of the BBC, who should be always rigorously questioning any such policies but doesn’t, the politicians would have a much harder life than they do already selling us energy policies that seem mostly to provide excess profits for big businesses, many foreign, and those in a position to benefit such as already rich landowners like Cameron’s father-in-law….
‘This lip service is not good enough, and editors should wise up that science journalism has lost its edge and demand reform. It has also become uncritical and therefore not journalism.
Journalism is about not taking sides, or about being a cheerleader. It’s about shaking the tree, about asking award questions, about standing in the place of those who can’t ask such questions, and being persistent, unpopular and dogged. It’s about moral authority, something science in BBC News has lost, and it’s about old-fashioned scoops. It’s not about being part of the spectrum of communicating science…..It is a vital aspect of democracy. It is neither an extension of the scientific establishment, nor even its friend or on its side, and it is fundamentally different from science communication. That some active and contentious scientific topics, like climate science with all its unknowns, complexities and implications, are placed beyond debate because they are deemed “settled” is wrong.’
Poor , poor Roger!
As close to tears, as he is likely to be…must be global warming of those eyeballs of his.
He is distraught..Obama has binned the Kyoto agenda…oh, and he promises so much…and the world is now in freefall.
Camel for Mr Harrabin at tent 101 please…he should be with us within the next month or so!
Note the continual peppering of the USA-I`m now all too clear about what the USA saya and think…yet less so about what China and India why`s that?
Still-Rog now has plenty cucumbers to have fun with on the way home, I`d expect based on his last reports.
And this passes for BBC reporting?…just as well we didn`t have Harrabins grandad telling us all about his first impressions of Belsen…this being the consequences of Churchill wilfully refusing to join the emerging consensus between Germany, Japan and …oh, go on then…Italy.
Yes I heard poor Roger on Toady this morning – very weary and downhearted. I’m not a fan of Twitter – find it difficult to work out who is saying what to whom – but I’m amazed at how much time these politicians and media types must spend on it. In fact this could be another contender for ‘By their tweets ye shall know them’ – a brief scan of Harrabin tweets show where his bias lies and we are expected to believe his ‘interpretation’ of events. I know he is no longer BBC but Richard Back is still tweeting about the same old things to his former colleague and even praising some thing call the Arab Youth Climate Movement – there’s a surprise!! Check out@enviroblack.
Back to Black as it were – sorry about my typo.
‘his ‘interpretation’ of events.’
Plug that into ‘enhancing the narrative’ and you have education and information only the most trusted propaganda monopoly can compel us all to uniquely fund.
Still-Roger may well have a new case to sink his teeth into.
I note that UEFA will be having some footie jamboree that will involve players, fans and all the “footballing community”…Gary, Alans, Bonnets and Richardsons…criss-crossing Europe.
Now I don`t imagine any of them will be cycling over the Dolomites for charity throughout, so can only assume that there`ll be a hellof a lot of carbon emissions going to waste-and the poor of Somalia will be so sad, if it has unfortunate consequences…surely!
Come on Roger-all that carbon wasted and being slung out in skips every night outside football grounds…all those blinding floodlights that cause turtle doves to crash into pylons…won`t somebody PLEASE think of the birds, the poor of Africa…and (of course) Mother Gaia herself?
We all know that Roger does-so let`s hope he smashes Gary Richardson in the face with one of his cucumbers once he gets home…Gaia will have a happy face then!
I`m sure the BBCs worship of the Great God Sport is a mere figment…F1 cars run only on Beebs after shave, so Im` told…
Yet another mendacious post. The article you and Guido quote continues:
“Global warming is a contentious issue but it’s a reality,” said J C Kuniyal, senior scientist with GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, who is studying the behaviour of Himalayan environment for many years. “It’s good that our receding glaciers are receiving good amount of snow. Glaciers not only play an important role in balancing life of flora and fauna, but presence of snow on mountains also helps in balancing the temperature. Snowfall would give new life to underground water sources,” he said.
The 11-km-long Bara Shigri is the largest glacier in Himachal, but is shrinking very fast. The Dhaka glacier in Chandrabhaga mountain ranges is also losing its length, width and height. This was proved beyond doubt when wreckage of an AN-12 aircraft which remained beneath the glacier since 1968 recently surfaced due to melting of snow. However, the thick layer of fresh snowfall has again built a safety wall on all the glaciers. The extreme cold temperature is another advantage as melting of snow has stopped almost completely. According to Kuniyal, changing pattern of weather, which is causing extreme weather conditions and shifting of the seasons, is a matter of concern. “Snowfall is good but heavy snowfall in lower and new areas and scanty snowfall on higher areas is sign of global warming. For now, regular spells of snowfall are good for vegetation and hydel projects as there would be enough moisture and water in summer months.”
So, to summarise: global warming is real, and the glaciers are shrinking. How about that for an inconvenient truth, Alan?
‘Yet another mendacious post.’
Are you accusing Alan of not telling the truth, or taking issue with what he has shared?
There is a difference.
And all that you follow your initial statement with suggests you don’t know what it is.
It is important in precedent, because if you were to approach the BBC, and its often oddly incomplete reports, by accusing them of lying, I’d hazard that the reception, reaction and conclusion you got from mods up through CECUTT would be markedly different to here.
@redwhiteandblue, what is your point? That cimate change is “reality”? No one has ever denied that., it happened for eons and will happen in the future. What is mendacious and sneaky is to push the unproven notion that antropogenic CO2 emissions are the cause for any climate change (hey, btw, what happened to “global warming” term?) and that these changes will be catastrophic.
Coincidence is not a proof or causality, or is it, redwhite?
To summarise, R,W & B, global warming isn’t real at all – it’s dead, dead, dead, and has been of fifteen or sixteen years. Time to take the blinkers off, I think, don’t you? Glaciers shrink and extend, shrink and extend – they always have, and will continue to do so despite what global warmists think (and wrongly predict).
How’s the chant go
’16years 16years
sod all heat for 16 years ‘
..and a mini-ice age on the way, with skating on the Thames. Yippee!
The GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development is an Indian Government Qwango and is reliant on that Government for it’s existance and one of it’s remits involves that envitonmentalist’s favourite buzz-word, sustainability, so beloved of all ecofreaks to frighten the children. It is in the Institutes own financial interest to spread alarm and dispondency over the Himalayan Glaciers to help justify it’s continued existence.
Funny thing about glaciers; they are in fact a form of liquid (like glass). Despite being apparently very solid they behave like a liquid in slow motion. Slowly moving downward with the pull of gravity until they reach an altitude where they melt and turning from ice to water.
So one would expect a body, like the aircraft, to eventually emerge from the glacier. Its taken 54 years and in all likelihood that would be consistent with the place in the glacier it crashed.
i.e. some of the information some of the time dependent on what you want the reader to deduce.
Inconvenient truths go both ways…I would not be at all surprised if this very phrase is copyright of Al Gore and other bunny huggers with their heads up in the fluffy clouds of consensual progressive politics…but for some reason seem only to be mustard gas to the normals, plebs and civilians….many of who end up on sites like this( so thank you!)
And here`s another one for the likes of rwb etal…
BBC don`t seem to be saying too much about Scotland being in a bit of a pickle re EU membership-should they choose to split from the rest of Britan.
Naughtie was decidedly eggy about it in his review of the papers at 7.40 or so this morning..Daily Mail and Murdoch types raining on poor Alec Salmond etc…
Another Inconvenient Truth that the BBC and their SNP fellow travellers seem keen to cover with their fluffy clouds…damned climate change looks even worse through the BBCs rose-tinted Lennon specs doesn`t it?
The wreckage of aircraft tells you nothing. This has happened before, glaciers move and an aircraft that was subsumed at the top, many years later emerged at the bottom. It tells you nothing apart from the speed the glacier is moving. Clutching at straws, I think is the expression.
Good point Fred the well known effect of ‘glacial motion ‘has uncovered a few wrecks for many years now there is some melting as well but as far as can be proven neither catastrophic nor lasting !
Me, I always wondered how all those Iron Age settlements in the Alps and Viking settlements in Greenland managed to survive at all during those clearly catastrophic times. Must have been an absolute nightmare for the planet.
Any chance of a leftie alert warning thread being made available here.
I warn of Any Questions tonight elsewhere…high risk of smug…or is that smog…certainly a toxic cloud of self righteous pity, grievance and rank sweet hypocrisy will emanate from wherever the merry charabanc of quangocrats, Pollies, Chukkas and Token Tory Piers choose to tilt those turbines with hot air, and flatulence.
Can I also warn you that one Gary Younge( with an “e”, to set him out from the crowd…and he`s black I think I once heard him say!) is going to hit shores of sanity at 8pm on Monday?
He`s black, a Guardian hack and a friend of Dianne, Lee and all manner of race rustlers no doubt.
His programme is about “affirmative action”, and its ending as being a threat to the American dream…for the life of me , I cannot imagine what he`s going to tell us is HIS opinion…or that of the BBC that funded his tour of the States and his hotels …shall we wait then boys and girls?
Are we thinking what THEY`RE thinking…if not, they`ll recycle it until we do.
Cosy up there at Guardian Trustafarian Central isn`t it?…Polly on a Friday, Gary on a Monday with a bit of Martin Jacques just in case we`re not Commie enough for the moment.
Top and tail the weekend eh?
It is of course a well-known fact that global warming impacts most on blacks and wimmin 😉
By American Dream, we now mean no end of Mexicali drug barons offering introductory offers to Hollywood players and media types without The Man on their cases.
No guns, no threat to China or use to Israel and lots of windmills run by the Cherokee…
Ah, bisto!
Oh dear! Have you only just cottoned on, Alan?
Those of us with an old fashioned education smelt a rat when the hockey stick first appeared. Old fashioned education taught all about the settlements in Greenland, the eskimos visiting Scotland, the Thames freezing over etc etc. And as for those who said there was only a mediaeval; warming period in Europe – look at the evidence.
Science: A New Mission to Explain from the Space Special Interest group of Mensa.
Assumption: Warming of the Arctic was caused by a decrease in Albedo, due to a reduction in ice.
Observation: Albedo increased in the Arctic according to the CERES instrument on the Modis satellites.
Conclusion: (1) An increase in temperature in the Arctic was due to an increase in cloud cover as clouds trap heat.
Conclusion: (2) Although an increase in clouds is a precursor of a Global Cooling (see Cosmoclimatology), it also causes a warming were Solar Irradiance is very low, such as at night or in the Arctic region where outside heat input is high.
Because the Earth is at the perihelion of its orbit in January when solar irradiance is about 7 percent stronger, then all things being equal, the Antarctic region should be 7 percent warmer than the Arctic region due to direct solar input. But the Arctic has far more heat input than the Antarctic region, due to the jet stream. As well as the fact that the Arctic Ice Cape floats on the sea while Antarctica is Land locked.
Also the greenhouse effect is weakest at the poles and non-existent in the Polar winter.
I think the problem could be solved if the BBC had scientifically trained Scientific Investigative Journalist who think for themselves, seeking out the science for themselves instead of asking an environmental activist what the scientists think.
This issue is causing growing unease and mockery of the BBC and the poor intellectual abilities of its staff (Roger Harrabin), by Mensa members.
What people have to understand is that there is a difference between an assumption and a fact.
(1) The assumption that the increase in temperature caused the increase in CO2: Answer: No Proof.
(2) The assumption that the increase in CO2 caused an increase in temperature: Answer: No Proof
Conclusion: Historical evidence shows a random correlation, however it also shows that an increase in CO2 follows an increase in temperature about 800 years later, the medieval warm period peaked about 800 years ago.
Answer: Its Cloud Albedo stupid. Look to Cosmoclimatology.
Well, this just about sums it up really: