Here’s a classic piece of BBC propaganda eulogising the benefits of the BBC defined multi-culturalism and ‘diversity’ in ‘From Our Own Correspondent’.
It starts off with a tale of Italians of Austrian descent wanting to break away from Italy….and you might think ‘That’s odd, the BBC illustrating that multi-culturalism doesn’t work!’….but you’d be jumping the gun…of course. Read on and you soon realise that it is just an excuse to blame such ‘tensions’ on the Nazis and Fascists who want you to ‘integrate’ and speak the national language and join in with the rest of society…..however good Europeans (in this case Barbara in ‘PR’…a media job…as she sat drinking cappuccino in a medieval courtyard in Bolzano. ) love being European, diverse and multi-lingual…it enhances their life so much……and relations can improve if only you compromise….and see how they did that… granting ‘autonomy’ to those who didn’t want to integrate……
That’s the solution that you can guarantee will be ‘floated’ here soon in regard to certain ethnic or religious minorities…set up your own ‘state‘….in fact it already has been….one suggestion being that London, with 1 million Muslims, be turned into an ‘Islamic’ city…..that’s of course what we really need….lots of mini-Pakistans, divisive blots on the British national landscape.
That does seem the likely result of the BBC’s ‘enlightened’ approach…any other…such as expecting people to ‘integrate’… is to be reviled and maligned as only something the Nazis would do.
‘Nestled in the mountains of the Alps, it’s Italy’s richest province, and has been part of the country for almost 100 years – but some in South Tyrol just don’t feel fully Italian.
Tension increased sharply in 1939, when Hitler and Mussolini agreed to give the German speakers a choice – stay in South Tyrol and become forcibly integrated into Italian language and culture, or emigrate to the German Reich and give up their ancestral homeland.
“It was hugely divisive,” one woman from the provincial capital Bolzano told me. “If you stayed, you were called a traitor, and if you left, you were seen as a Nazi. Even now, you can see splits in families, in my own family, over who decided to stay or to go.”
Today, however, South Tyrol is thriving. It is the wealthiest province in Italy – and being bilingual is a fact of life.
“My boyfriend’s first language is Italian – and mine is German,” Barbara, a young public relations consultant, told me as we sat drinking cappuccino in a medieval courtyard in Bolzano.
“It gives us a huge advantage in business,” she said. “We have intimate knowledge of both the northern and the southern European markets.”
Relations between the German and Italian speakers eventually started to improve in the 1970s, when South Tyrol was granted autonomy.’
The break-up of the Eurozone and then the EU should improve diversity.
I am not sure the BBC is advocating anything here. A fairly harmless article .
However what you say is also interesting. That area of Europe has a complex history and identity has always been somewhat fluid.
That certainly does not apply to England despite the best efforts of our liberal commentators to distort history . They do it all the time. This has always been a nation of immigrants blah blah blah.
Easily refuted rubbish of course but they do not want to listen .
So your point remains valid. Sooner or later the liberal apologists for the unreal will advocate some form of seperatism to deal with the inevitable failure of multiculturalism. London is my bet for early Balkanisation which is a very good reason for having little or nothing to do with the place.
‘I am not sure the BBC is advocating anything here. A fairly harmless article .’
Fair enough…it is difficult of course to ‘prove’ any such bias in an article…but my default position (based on the BBC’s own admissions) is that the BBC is pro-Europe, pro Multi-culturalism….in the sense of highly individualistic and separate communities…and that their comments naturally gravitate towards supporting that position…whether by design or unconscious tendency.
And FOOC is by its very nature inclined to be pro ‘one world’ type evocation.
Tower Hamlets is already there, it’s own little Islamic republic, it is only a matter of time before the tentacles spread to other areas.
“relations can improve if only you compromise. by granting ‘autonomy’ to those who don’t want to integrate”
what if the compromise is only one way?
and …….
YOU the host have to then integrate? …. or? ……. 😀
that would be soooo! offensive
……. wacist!
The two groups in South Tyrol have a lot in common ,like religion , ethinicity and cultures which are similar. And of course religious leaders from one group doesn’t keep preaching hatred of the other and sending its young folks off to learn how to blow people up.
SO I think that conditions in South Tyrol and very different from those we have here in the UK. But of course the BBC et al are determined to ensure that multiculturalism succeeds no matter what the cost is to the British people in terms of their history, culture and freedom.
Britain must be the only country where the State Broadcaster actually seem to dislike its own people?!
It’s reverse nazi-ism. The original nazis persecuted minorities, this one persecutes the majority, even disgustedly saying “the British” rather than “us”.
(It hasn’t got much time for Jews either, but apparently that doesn’t matter.)
” lots of mini-Pakistans, divisive blots on the British national landscape.”
Just so long as the folk of weybridge are happy with all those katushya rockets coming over?
The BBC must be really torn on this one. On the one hand they are Internationalists, wanting to see the harmonisation of peoples and the breaking down of national borders. On the other hand they hate our (the English) culture so much they want to see it swamped asap – especially if it means some payback for our evil colonialist ways, so preferably via a reverse colonisation by a culture that couldn’t be more alien to our own.
The big question then is: where do these Islam-hugging lefties think they will fit in to this new order, or are they unable to think that far ahead?
The big question then is: where do these Islam-hugging lefties think they will fit in to this new order,
At the wall. That is where Leftists end up every time Islam takes over. Islam may just about tolerate Christians or Jews as “people of the Book”, they may even tolerate Hindus and Buddhists, but they simply detest Atheists. No mercy to atheists/leftists.
Islam Can’t be all that bad then.
The point is that the South Tyrol is actually part of Austria. It is Italian because it was annexed by the Italians in 1919 after they were on the winning side of WW1. It is a concrete demonstration of the persistence of nationalist values and the profound attachment people have to them, despite the massive ‘Italianisation’ programmes conducted there – it is not an illustration of internationalism, but does demonstrate ‘multi multiculturalism (ie a society made up ofcantonisedmorally equivalent cultures) fairly well.
The BBC, as always, follow the lefts’ approved ‘fit the evidence to the theory’ approach to narrative development.
Quite true. And bearing in mind how much Allied help the Italians needed to be put on the winning side, the fact that they ended up with any sort of territorial “prizes” is more than a little ironic. Not to mention their stroppiness at not being additionally given Dalmatia and more or less as much of the Adriatic coast southward as they could bag, nor their delay in entering the war whilst they negotiated what they would receive as a reward.
(Not that they’re alone, bearing in mind that Romania’s haphazard entry into the war and subsequent rapid defeat (providing Germany with oil enough to prolong the war) garnered them Transylvania).
Anyhow, it’s always entertaining when watching the Winter Olympics or any sort of skiing to note how many Italian sportsmen seem to be called Manfred or Hans or Klaus.
It is interesting to see how the BBC varies in its approach to national aspiration. As with everything else, its support depends on whether the nationality can be seen as a victim. Palestinian, Irish and Scottish are good nationals, while English and (horror!)anything Germanic, all of a sudden ‘far right’ ‘fascist’ appear in the text.