TB was wiped out in the UK……it is now on the rise again…brought in by immigrants mostly from Africa or the Sub-Continent.
The UK has had the highest incidence in the Western World over the last 5 years….mostly in London…due to immigration.
The BBC thinks the problem is not the uncontrolled immigration of high risk people but the failure to test properly (26 mins 40 secs)….the presenter doesn’t mention immigration at all in this report…despite the ‘expert’ interviewees repeatedly saying this was a problem of immigration policy.…in fact he several times cuts off the experts when they start to suggest immigration is a problem….. ‘..it’s not a problem of identifying the population involved’.
Remarkable that he can get through a whole interview without mentioning the ‘I’ word himself or asking what is the cause of this TB outbreak….purely seeking to find a ‘solution’…but if you don’t know the cause how can you identify the solution?
The BBC’s solution to the TB outbreak is apparently merely a blood test, not checking immigration, just as the the housing problem caused by mass immigration is not actually caused by immigration but by the lack of houses…..so the answer is, not reducing immigration, but building 250,000 houses a year, every year, for our new Britons to live in…though not sure who will pay for those houses.…hang on…I was forgetting Keynes and Flanders.…building houses employs builders….whom we pay and they pay taxes from that pay which go towards paying for the houses. Simple…a virtuous circle.
Is there a blood test that detects all the rapists, credit card scammers, robbers, murderers and drug gangs that cross our borders importing their criminal habits?
Just think of all the people that would still be alive or untraumatised by crime now if Labour hadn’t allowed uncontrolled mass immigration into this country….just think if we had had a Public Broadcaster which held government to account and had actually challenged the legitimacy of Labour’s secret policy.
Labour has a lot to answer for….but the BBC has just as much as it allowed Labour to get away with it….and still does.
Back in the 60s immigrants from the the Sub-Continent were tested for TB and if infected were quarantined in a sanatorium for six months.
Now the government just doesn’t care.
The sanatoriums were closed, they no longer keep track of immigrants, and even if they did there wouldnt be enough sanatoria places for all the diseased newcomers.
Its pretty clear that any Third Worlder who is diseased is going to be MORE not less motivated than the average man in the Lagos market to try his luck breaking into Britain – it could mean repreive fromna death sentence.
I of course take pounces excellent point below, and has there been any mention
of the latest, hospital super infection now in two of my nearest hospitals,(causing enormous problems).
You know the rampant diahorrea/vomiting one … stated in muted terms by al bbc, after collating the relevant information, as coming only from ahem … certain? “outside”? communities?
Aha, noggin,
Would this perhaps be the “Norwalk” or “Winter Vomiting” outbreaks so frequently referred to in local BBC news broadcasts?
Obviously no connection whatsoever with immigrants because it is a “Nor…” thingy and also a “Winter” virus. Therefore immigrants from sunny places simply cannot be involved.
“Move along there, please … nothing to see here … “
Alan wrote:
“TB was wiped out in the UK……it is now on the rise again…brought in by immigrants mostly from Africa or the Sub-Continent.”
Alan, while you are somewhat correct in stating the above, you leave out the Eastern European element. In fact the most drug resistant version of TB is found from Eastern Europeans and not from coloured people. I quote from the official report in TB
A greater proportion of MDR strains from cases born in Eastern Europe had resistance to an injectable
(78.6%; 11/14) compared to those from South Asia (7.1%, 3/42) (Figure 2.2). Fluroquinolone resistance
was similar in both regions (28.6%; 4/14 and 24.3%, 10/41 respectively). Fifty percent (7/14) of the
Eastern European MDR patients had MDR with resistance to either an injectable or a fluoroquinolone,
compared to 26.8% (11/41) of patients who were born in South Asia.
You may wish to edit your post to include all the facts and not the selective spectacular snippets you use.
Hence the ‘mostly’.
‘Colour’, as you put it, is irrelevant…..but immigration from places that have a high incidence of TB is relevant…..‘it is estimated that about 40% of the Indian population is infected with TB bacteria’.
and here are the real figures:
Bangladesh 223 cases per 100,000
India 190 cases per 100,000
Pakistan 231 cases per 100,000
Nigeria 136 cases per 100,000
Malawi 245 cases per 100,000
Poland 23 cases per 100,000
‘As in previous years, London accounted for the highest proportion of cases in the UK….. 74% of these were born outside the UK and mainly originated from South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa’
No good Googling randomly and selecting what you believe suits you.
‘Professor Davies and his peers recommend that people from the Indian subcontinent and sub-Saharan Africa, where rates are highest, should be given the blood test when registering with a GP. ‘
Why the anger. I pointed out the fact that there are white people included in the survey , a fact you overlooked. If you wish to get this blog a name as a bigoted blog continue down that path. The thing is I hate Muslims more than you ever will and for that reason alone I saw my first blog censored by the PC crowd becasue they deemed me a racist. You mission statement isn’t to impress the people who come on this blog, its to impress the people who don’t. Now anybody can look up the facts and find you sideline a serious angle. Not of those with TB, but those with the drug resistance version. Which as I pointed out, is borne mainly by East Europeans. Now I have no truck with you, I am trying to help you from my own experience. But if you are going to apes the idiots who shout out “there ain’t no black in the union jack” crowd then don’t be surprised when the do gooders start calling to this blog as a racist one.
Now before you go all ballistic, you don’t hold a candle to me when it comes to hating wogs,pakis,niggers and white bigots. Unlike you, very few people know who I am. Be careful what you sprout. It can come round to biting you on your bum.
Er, excuse me, I’m reading this thread quite closely and wondering just what “anger” YOU Mr. Pounce are referring to?
An explanation, please, as to why a pointed reference to “mostly” equals anger in YOUR book?
Without such an explanation you could maybe pee off – or would that be angry?
I’m sure there is about 1000 x more in common between Alan’s and pounce’s opinions than differences. Both here have a point, pounce is merely reading more ‘anger’ into Alan’s phrases such as “No good Googling randomly and selecting what you believe suits you” as perhaps Alan intended; easy to do.
“Somewhat correct” = BBC speak for don’t you try and get the better of us, sunshine!
We have ways of making you “totally correct” and don’t you forget it, right!
One of the first things new labour did after may ’97 was to downgrade the penalties for acts of treason. There are not many ‘conspiracy theories’ that I go along with, fairly sure that dr kelly didn’t commit suicide and that adhd is basically bad behaviour/poor parenting- you certainly can’t do a blood test for it, along with dyslexia. It seems clear, given the unguarded remarks of Andrew Neather , that there was indeed a clear policy of allowing mass immigration to import a new tranche of labour voters(immigrants have a high historical rate of voting for the party that allowed them in) and of course ‘rubbing the rights nose in diversity’, whilst changing forever the ‘hideously white’ nature of the UK. Was it really that urgent to reform the treason laws which had stood for so long? That would depend on your agenda……
” fairly sure that dr kelly didn’t commit suicide ”
If David Kelly took his own life, my c&*%s a bloater!
See you in court when Lord Leveson gets back from Oz. How dare you imply that I ordered Dr Kelly’s murder. Just because I did doesn’t mean I can’t sue you for libel.
Good point Ballard, but Conservatives are proving little better. Boris actually wanted to give an amnesty to illegals in London – every bloody illegal in Britain would be heading right down there!
I am sure if the BBC could blame man made global warming AKA dangerous climate change they most certainly would, maybe the green taliban are working on a model based pack of pseudo science right now. But this highlights the BBC perfectly, a major problem arises that undermines their core theology or narrative and it becomes a 1984 style prohibited information. Immigrants are great, multiculturalism is great, immigrants and their culture must be protected at all costs from any and all negative associations.
The overriding principle is to lie by withholding of what is essential public health information, smokers are to be persecuted to the ends of the earth but carriers of a terrible disease are immune, not only that but the public is deliberately kept in the dark as their children with unformed immune systems are forced to sit close to infected immigrant children. No checks and no chance of the public beign informed of the dangers because it conflicts with the BBCs political theology.
So much for the precautionary principle of safety above all other considerations, the protection of immigrants even trumps public health dangers, a BBC that has peddled the made up dangers of passive smoking with research based on flawed and fiddled statistical analysis will not allow the dangers of TB and drug resistant TB to become known in case it upsets the fanatical storm troopers of multiculturalism and unchecked mass immigration.
But then again the ruling elite do not send their children to schools where infected carriers will go do they? You will find that the ruling and rich elite have effectively withdrawn themselves and their families from any chance of contact with the plebs, the BBC top brass enjoy BUPA and private schools the same as the political elite.
The plebs do not matter at all, the mass infection of ordinary people is a small price to pay for the new wonderful world of multiculturalism and mass immigration and native population displacement. No checks at the border like the Australians do, no clearance papers from accredited hospitals needed before entry visa is stamped. Welcome to the new world order, we can be forced to stop smoking in our car but its alright for a TB riddled immigrant child to infect your child. I think immigration is a good thing but FFS its only common sense to screen for dangerous diseases before letting them come in, its almost as if the bastards who rule over us take pleasure in doing the dirty on us.
Thats the reality of modern government and the BBC for you as they bleat and whine and chivvy and bully us about drinking and smoking and drugs and junk food but its fine for immigrants with no health checks to prepare our ready made meals. How would you feel if your child became infected with drug resistant TB after sitting next to an immigrant allowed to roam freely with no checks? Worse still you have no choice because if you dared to complain you would be persecuted to the ends of the earth by the new order.
Not to the Ends of the Earth. Unlike the UK EotE require a visa, points, etc. etc.
Well said that woman!
I’d have ‘liked’ your post Cassandra King, IF you hadn’t said that ‘immigration is a good thing’. Britain is way way too overcrowded already. Immigration, for us, is anything but ‘a good thing’. In an ideal world it should be halted totally for five years, many people repatriated, and then put onto an exceedingly restricted basis for evermore – world class academics and the like only.
I was a student of a world class academic, an expert on the Global South, who would throw the West’s borders wide open and allow women to have as many children as they liked. So you may want to rethink world class academics…..
Ha! Yes, there are a few of those around. I meant more those in technical and scientific fields, not lawyers, philosophers and sociologists.
So that’s 1/3 of the doctors and nurses in the NHS you are waving good bye to.
And it took you how long to come up with this brilliant idea?
And how did that situation come about?
And 1/3 of the patients.
Cassandra, you are, sadly, well named.
It’s not just TB; it is at least as bad for HIV/AIDS. The Health Protection Agency figures show that Black Africans living in the UK are 40 times more likely to have HIV/AIDS than the British population as a whole.
But you wouldn’t know that from the bBBC ‘news’ last week. The bBBC does helpfully emphasise the Prime Minister’s comment that ‘diagnosed early, the outlook for most people with HIV in the UK today is a good one, thanks to the availability of effective treatment and the excellent care provided by the NHS’.
Great encouragement for even more sick Africans to come here and get free treatment at our expense.
Funny how the BBC never link an overstretched NHS with the influx of several million third world immigrants.
“diagnosed early” 😀 … about as absurd as, the
NHS must fund, doctors MUST do all the relevant checks etc, etc … (remember that laughable/sad panorama episode), to assist.
you know all those incestuous first cousin marriages from muslims to help with their deformed/disabled offspring issues …
utterly, utterly absurd.
I do like the posts from Cassandra King. This poster tells it as it is.
Given that they postponed the Badger cull, the resources must be available . . . .
Alan, I am so glad you picked up this subject. I, too, heard this interview when it was first transmitted but somehow couldn’t trace it. Thanks for the link. Listening to the interview again it confirmed my initial impression.
It is an amazing example of two interviews being carried on at the same time. The first was the interview the BBC’s Shaun Lay wanted it to be about (bloodtests) and the second is what the two experts Prof Peter Davis and Dr Graham Bickler insisted it was about (migration).
But thanks to these two, Ley kept being faced with the REAL story, not the version the PC brigade had decided upon. As Dr Bickler insisted it was “less about the blood tests and more about identifying the population concerned.”
Ley continually came back to a purely mechanistic solution to the problem. Both interviewees rejected his premise.
I strongly advise anyone who is about to be interviewed on the media to listen to this interview and learn from these two men, who stuck to their guns and refused to buy into the BBC version of events. A text book case!
The word “no” and “enough” don’t seem to exist in the BBC liberal mind. To use them might suggest you are nasty – something you call other people, which you are scared to be called yourself. What next? Britain welcomes Ebola sufferers? Leprosy? HIV welcome.
I think everyone in the world should be entitled to live wherever they can afford. That means “afford” from their own resources, not from the resources of the British taxpayer, to fund the Socialist gerrymandering of Britain with the world’s poor.
‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country’.
No way, London Calling, even rich people should not be allowed to settle here automatically.
We dont want a load of Asian and Saudi millionaires migrtaing here – there are too many already.. Their presence in large numbers threatens our autonomy as an ethnic group, and occupies our homes, land and living space, as well as feeding in different culutral norms – mostly degrading.
Absolutely agree. The corporation especially has it in for the English – probably because the celtic fringes have already been eu-regionalised.
Do you take issue with Brits moving to France, Spain and Australia?
That is the business of those countries, London Calling – it’s not for me to tell them who they should allow to settle in their lands.
However I would willingly sacrifice the right to settle in those countries as the price of not having immigrants here.
Immigration must only ever be seen as making a positive contribution as far as the BBC are concerned. Of course that’s nonsense. It’s not only TB, AIDS and an assortment of other health problems brought about by mass immigration; it’s also housing. The Beeb keep reminding us that the government haven’t built sufficient houses, not mentioning that had we not deliberately increased our population by over three million (legal) immigrants we would have no housing problem at all. Likewise it impacts on working class people finding employment.
I notice there aren’t too many Polish people on the Today prog’.
I think they intend to solve the housing crisis by ‘killing off’ 3 million of our elderly using the Liverpool (no) care pathway.
Frighteningly I think you are right.
I read the other day the Government’s debt mountain includes £59 Billion owing from social housing, yet my better half, who is a bit of the Left, tells me Housing Association rents are set to cover the cost of housing.
Its just I see an awful lot of head-scarved and pidgin-speaking women pushing their buggies into “Council Estates” aka baby-farms. We are not being told by the BBC or the government of the day what the cost of housing immigration is.
What is this £59 billion about?
Just think of all the people that would still be alive or untraumatised by crime now if Labour hadn’t allowed uncontrolled mass immigration into this country….
That’s exactly what I rant to my wife (long suffering) every time I read about another vicious crime committed by an immigrant so I’m glad to see it’s not just me thinking it.
Definitely not just you, my friend. Anyone who reads the news and has two brain cells knows it.
” if Labour hadn’t allowed uncontrolled mass immigration into this country….”
And what pray, has the next bunch on useless Tories done about it? sweet FA that’s what.
They havent donea great deal its true, but under Labour it would have been even worse, more discrimination in favour of foreigners (schemes to help them get the few jobs available etc), more money going to foreign scroungers (housing benefit ), probably the Romanians and Bulgarians allowed in by now, no attempt to get horrible Muslim terrorists extradited, even more brainwashing of children in schools and guilt loading of indigenous children,
No DOTIs on this thread, I notice.
What’s a DHOTI ?
Defender(s) Of The Indefensible.
Not sure who came up with it.
And say what?
It’s would be like snorting the droppings from the bottom of a mad parrot’s cage
That experience exists to make that analogy explains much.. but still fails to excuse the ongoing result.
Even given the new Jar-jar Binks grammatical style.
Or like spending the day fashioning a paper mâché mallet out of old copies of the Daily Mail before inviting that strange old man from no. 34 who swears at pigeons to come round and smack you lightly about the head with it until it breaks.
I’ve no idea what you’re on about.
‘And say what?’
Well, you – or the others – could try and refute Alan’s post.
We know that you know how it works.
Ok, move over Percy.
If you listen to the piece and read Alan’s commentary you have immediate refutation. Alan’s piece is laced with in accuracy and assertion. The piece is on the narrow issue of better testing. It is not a piece about the impact of migration on TB levels. And yet at the end of the piece you are left in no doubt that the problem is one brought in by migrants. There is no attempt by the interviewer to suppress this fact.
So Alan’s piece is a a big pile of parrot pooh. My head hurts.
‘The piece is on the narrow issue of better testing.’
Next week, a piece on the sinking of the Titanic that looks at the narrow issue of deckchair arrangements.
‘The BBC thinks the problem is not the uncontrolled immigration of high risk people but the failure to test properly
Given an apparent trend of going off radar as soon as reaching these fair shores, testing would seem tricky if there’s no one to test or they vanish before much else can happen.
Seems yet another headless chicken run by the authorities and media where they again decide vast sums are needed for daft cures when simple prevention would prevent the problem in the first place.
Karma would be fickle if the ranks of the BBC got devastated by anything sweeping through their number, especially if ‘simple tests’ suddenly ran into other rights-based concerns.
Another important topic. most of any points raised have already been mentioned. I have been going on about it for years.
The fact that there aren’t health controls on immigrants is another criminal act of government: it’s not a sif they don’t know:
“A small proportion of the non-UK born bear the greatest burden of infectious disease reported in the UK. In 2010, 73% of TB cases reported in the UK, almost 60% of newly diagnosed cases of HIV, and 80% of hepatitis B infected UK blood donors were born abroad (of those with country of birth information available).”
And added to that:
(a) 77% of TB cases are diagnosed 2 or more years after entry to UK: surely a case for tests BEFORE entry.
(b) 84% are from only two regions: 57% South Asia (almost entirely India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) and 27% from sub Saharan Africa (mainly Zimbabwe and Nigeria)
does this mean that my boy who is nearing school age could end up being sat with an infectee? i live in northampton dangerousley close to tony clarke (failed labour mp) ward ,and even though i , nor anybody else for that matter was given the chance to say yey or ney, we have an overwealming amount of immigrants in the town. crime is up,housing is overflowing ,local hospital continually failing, and yet whenever this is pointed out on my local newspaper forum, i am denounced as a xenophobic racist. help me by comenting, its the chronicle and echo.just read any story of late, ie local mp phillip hollibone,complains about latest bunch of eatsern europeans given a free ride here. i am just glad im not on my own,this site has given me hope.
There are many more of us than you’d think – we’ve just allowed ourselves to be cowed into silence by the vociferous minority for too long. Hopefully, that is changing.
thank you for letting me get that off my chest, im new to this so dont pick on my grammer!
reed, chers for the reply, i am at my wits end i n this fuckin disaster of a country. i lived in virginia usa for six years i split my time between delaplane va and arlington va, now as much as i love england , they are hampered by liberals as much as us. when u live abroad and realise its the same all over what do or can you do?
“i am at my wits end i n this fuckin disaster of a country”
I know SO MANY people who feel exactly the same, dustonfats. Even when there’s a change of government, very little seems to change in the country for the better. All the issues that the majority (outside of the London-style right-on clique) are deeply concerned about remain unaddressed – immigration, the EU, bogus ‘human rights’ BS…on and on…
What to do??? Personally, I’m increasing drawn to UKIP – and sod all 3 main parties. To think I once had faith in Cameron to deal with the legacy of New Labour – should have paid more attention to the ‘heir to Blair’ refrain at the time.
…but we’re up against a monumental propaganda machine that seeks to guide public opinion rather than inform it’s viewers – and attempts to taint those who disagree with the ‘correct thoughts’ with all manner of derogatory labels that define us as pariahs and our views as socially unacceptable. The Gillian Duffy incident was indicative of this mentality. If only we had a few more Douglas Murrays to voice our concerns for us – some more public commentators with that kind of eloquence and gravitas regularly on public view might embolden the rest of us. Sometimes the polite but silent majority need coaxing in order to speak up and drown out the usual obnoxious suspects. I’d love to see a future where the phrase ‘silent minority’ was as commonly used as it’s current opposite.
“So please, let’s adjust our f*cking values…”
Douglas at his best…
…fucking excellent.
Hell yeah! It’s great when you only have to listen to one side of an argument.
I recently came across the following. I wonder if you agree:
“What, then, is the East End like under the sway of the immigrant, and what is its future to be if it is to remain an asylum open to all without condition or restriction?
Many English people living in the neighbourhood have summed up the situation to me in a phrase : ‘We are living in a foreign country.’
East of Aldgate one walks into a foreign town. In the by-streets north and south of the main thoroughfares it is an exception to hear the English language spoken…
…The English working man asks, with un-deniable justice, why he should be turned out of the most convenient neighbourhood to make room for a foreign population, and why his rent should be raised from 50 to 100 per cent, in consequence of the demand for house accommodation which foreigners have created.”
Sound familiar?
Would it change your opinion if you knew it was written in 1903 and the subject of the author’s complaint was Jews?
There were several differences between the Jews of 1903 and some of today’s immigrants. The Jews, in the main, fled pogroms in Tsarist Russia and had to start up business the instant they arrived on British soil (like Michael Marks of M&S), as there was no welfare state at the time. The Jews also had a work ethic and became wealth creators within a few years of arrival. Finally, there were no attempts by radical rabbis to enforce the Yiddish language or kosher laws on the non-Jewish community – or even worse, to engage in treasonable or terrorist activity.
That’s another piece of worthless leftist moral equivalence put in its place. Nice one.
‘It’s great when you only have to listen to one side of an argument.’
Rather less great if you are compelled by legal threat to pay for only one.
Anyone who uses ruddy and gets away with it in this day and age is OK by me.
And his ‘Gays For Palestine’ line was well worth it.
Not, one suspects, with those who claim to listen but aren’t equipped or willing to deal with what they hear.
“It’s great when you only have to listen to one side of an argument.”
If you’d payed attention to the content of the clip, you would have heard Mr. Murray making the exact opposite of the facile point you made above – the point that it is predominantly the left that tries to load the debate in its favour by silencing those it disagrees with and continually framing the issues in terms with which it finds acceptable.
His argument is precisely the OPPOSITE of the conclusion to which you came – that we should hear BOTH sides, not just the one that the left feels comfortable with.
Failed again, I’m afraid.
I’d agree and it wouldnt change. The workign class had every reason to complain then, but they have far far more reason to complain now.
The scale of Jewish immigration into Aldgate was nowhere near the scale of immigration now. Of course it was a disruption and a negative for the communites affected, but not to the point that the local indigenous were totally squeezed out.
LOL, I wish I was here to have added a reply before the half dozen very good replies above. I know a lot about UK immigration but most points have been made already!
Dez is the gift that keeps on giving.
Indeed UKIP seems to be the last chance we’ve got. I think many people voted for Cameron hoping he would do something about immigration, and I do think Teresa May has her heart in the right place as do many back benchers, but Cameron seems to be fully on board with the Globalist agenda.
Tragically voting UKIP will only mean that Torie swill lose seats and Milliban dwill get in. We will never see anything buta Labour Government or lib Lab coalition ever again then. 80% of immigrants vote Labour, and I suspect the EU immigrants will be given full voting rights under Milliband too.
Yep – depressing.
There are three main depressing facts to consider here: a) the hopeless split in the non-socialist vote which would allow Labour to win a GE on under 35% of the poll; b) the tribal mentality of Labour voters who would vote for Harold Shipman or Fred West if they donned red rosettes; c) the fact that all the main parties have become zombified by the Brussels bloodsucker so that Westminster is little more than a glorified town hall. Now THAT’s depressing…
Just curious *Dustonfats* but what bought you here?
With me, it was the constant *I will tell you what I think* on the News rather than actually reporting what the news was! Of course, after a lengthy period of time, it became obvious that a left wing agenda was in full throttle, and having had enough of the one sided reporting tapped into Google *BBC Bias*..and here I am. I though I was alone in my thinking but not so.
And whilst I’m talking of such things, a question to Jim Dandy, why do you think this site exists?
sorry it took so long to reply but i was pretty much the same as you, i think i googled bbc bias and was then led on to this site. i dont normally bother with the internet, but as my other half insists on watching eastenders etc i find i have a good couple of hours each night to play on the laptop! and what bothers me the most is that it seems so obvious that the bbc is biased, and yet people i know dont seem to notice or even care. i despair of what this country is becoming, i honestly would get out in a heartbeat if i could think of somewhere, and ,iwould then assimulate to that country. i like the realisation from reading this site that i am not alone,busting a gut as a self employed taxpayer for what? the worlds dirt to come and take as a given, and then the liberal scum at the bbc to report this as beneficial,and if you dare disagree then you are a racist.sorry to ramble on but thats why im on here.
“TB was wiped out in the UK…”
No it wasn’t.
The number of cases a year has never fallen below 5,000. When you start a post with a lie like that it doesn’t bode too well for the rest…
Ten years ago there were about 7,000 cases of TB a year. Last year there were about 9,000 cases.
Ten years ago there were 2,236 cases of TB amongst UK-born citizens. Last Year there were 2,226 cases of TB amongst UK-born citizens.
Or in other words (despite your desperate little scare mongering post), the number of UK-born people with TB hasn’t changed at all in the last ten years.
Oh but what about the 6,000 foreigners with TB in the UK last year?…
Well I suppose you forgot to mention that amounts to a grand total of 0.08% of the total immigrant population.
Never mind the other 99.92% huh?
Really Alan, as an argument against immigration this is your most pathetic effort so far. You’ve surpassed yourself. Congratulations!
Statistic by Dez are incorrect. Comparing today with just a decade ago is misleading as we were already in a period of hyper-immigration during the Blair regime. According to the Health Protection Agency (hpa.org.uk) there were 4659 cases in the UK reported in the 1988 TB survey. In 2010 there were 8963 cases. There was therefore a doubling in a period of just over 20 years, and it is incorrect to say that the number of cases has never dropped below 5000.
According to a report in the Guardian on 4th November 2010, citing the HPA, infection cases were at their highest for 30 years. According to Paul Sommerfeld of UK-based charity TB Alert (speaking at a parliamentary briefing), some London boroughs have Third World levels of TB.
We may not have a TB endemic in this country, but it is certainly not the case that it is ‘business as usual’ with the numbers.
And there are an awful lot of unreported, undetected cases of TB.
A further point is that while cases have been rising in Britain they have been declining in Western Europe. The reason for this is the far higher rate of immigration which we are suffering.