A bit of sneering yesterday on BBC World. They were talking about Gerard Depardieu moving from France to Belgium to escape the 75% tax rate recently imposed. How damaging is this? Hugh Schofield’s answer was that it is damaging if the really rich (leftists) leave, but as for Depardieu, he’s a well known grumpy right-winger, could have been expected from the likes of him, so his move is not really significant.
Typically distain for any viewpoint that is not Left.
He was also asked what the people in France thought. Clearly he had not asked any, he just quoted from what other reporters and writers had been saying, ‘hard to tell’ he said. Clearly he hasn’t asked any real people. Perhaps he knows if he did he’ll be told what he doesn’t want to hear.
A bit of sneering, from the BBC?
Choqué, I tell you… choqué! ‘he just quoted from what other reporters and writers had been saying, ‘hard to tell’ he said.’
A lucrative career as the horse’s derriere end of an R5 footynumptie duo thus gets lain before him like a Moet-strewn corridor.
With most news items the BBC likes to roll up its sleeves and really get to grips.
Other items it only approaches with very long handled tongs.
What do we reckon about the release of the ethnic make up of England and Wales as found in the 2011 Census?
I quote Peter Allen on BBC 5 Live just after 4pm today :
‘I suppose we have talk about this because it will top the headlines’.
Let me translate for Peter and his BBC news editors.
We would rather not refer to this massive shift in the nature of this country. We would be much more comfortable discussing the number of people describing themselves as Jedi. And Richard Dawkins will be on later. However, the tabloid press (much to our chagrin) will bang on about immigration so unless we put the story near or at the top of the news in some shape or form we will expose ourselves as being wildly out of step with the priorities of the people of the country. But fear not, my hesitancy in approaching this issue is a signal that will reassure that nothing off-message that could possibly make a liberal blush will ever get through the BBC edit.
5live – panto dame … in full christian bashing, verbal contortion mode this morning … your call – on opposition to gay marriage … somebody almost got away with bringing the up unfortunate facts of islam into it before he got ridiculed, and shut up. http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/b01p6twk/
Looks like the CoE won’t be carrying out solemn religious ceremonies in celebration of buggery in the near future, after all. Nice to see that at least some instinct not to behave ludicrously, has asserted itself:
“Gay marriage to be illegal in the Church of England”
Notice how, on the BBC webpage the ‘related stories’ are:
Senior Tories back gay marriage
Q&A: Gay marriage
‘Why I back gay marriage in church’
While the top editors pick comment ends with capital letters: “I am a gay man, and guess what? One day, I will be MARRIED”
So the Beeb giving off the message that it’s sitting on the fence with this, then.
“solemn religious ceremonies in celebration of buggery”
Nice to see Biased BBC is keeping its usual standard of treating adult sexuality with all the maturity of a schoolboy that’s been hit on the head with a nine-iron.
Or do you think that existing marriage ceremonies are a celebration of vaginal intercourse?
Adult sexuality – so that’s what it’s called now. Existing marriage ceremonies are a celebration of behaviour patterns that are natural and essential for procreation and the creation of families as a basis of society: if anybody around here possesses the arrested mental processes of schoolboys it’s the members of an active, well organised, affluent, seemingly ubiquitous, and extremely vocal community of homosexuals. By all means carry on happily and unmolested in your own distorted mirror world but stop telling everyone else what they should think.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but gay people have families too. And as for procreation – if that were the case, should infertile couples be prohibited from marrying? Should infertility be grounds for divorce?
Many women like to have the last word but, when it comes to comment threads, all homosexuals seem to: at risk of committing that cardinal sin -stereotyping – reply. retort, riposte, counter reply and then just wear down the opposition by sheer refusal to speak and then have done seems to be a characteristic. I’ll therefore say that I think your arguments are rationalised quibbling and leave that as my last word.
So, ducking out of a discussion without justifying your points, and blaming it on the other guy? Bless.
Maybe while you’re away you can spend a little bit of time trying to come up with a cogent argument for your opposition to same-sex marriage.
Although there is another point – by your reference to “buggery”, its clear you haven’t entertained the reality that many women couples want to get married too. Is there a reason why you’re so fixated on two men having sex?
On Five drive, theyre interviewing three immigrants. The first was a Jamaican woman who came in the fifties. She was highly critical of her early experiences, the weather , the architecture (London disappointed her) and the people who were ‘horrible’ to her! The obvious question to ask was: why did she stay if it was so unpleasant?
Theyre banging on about how immigarnst are coming to Boston to fill jobs which cannot be filled.
More myth peddaling.
Theyre describing London excitedly as a ‘truly global city’ and claimign its ‘different’ to the rest of Britain. Yet more lies, London today is the whole of Britain tomorrow.
Its inevitable. the rest of Britain now, medium and large towns are just like London was twenty years ago, even villages are home to Poles and the occasional black or Asian family.
In another twenty years all these towns will be like London is now, but poorer I suspect, people living in smaller homes withpout cars and with far less food , not hungry, but not the affordable abundance we enjoy now.
According to Dominic Casciani (Home affairs correspondent) The 2011 census shows beyond any doubt that the UK is now in the midst of an astonishing era of demographic change due to globalisation.
Not because of the loony Labour liars, deciding to change our country into a foreign land (without ever mentioning it to the electorate), but ‘globalisation’.
And the bBBC rapidly closed the comments when they realised that most people wanted to tell the truth, not the socialist fiction.
I wonder if Dominic will be equally astonished when asymmetric civil war starts breaking out in the most unexpected of places? At least it’s going to be decidedly multicultural in its sectarian ferocity. That, surely, will be of some comfort to the upper echelons of the BBC, when their nuanced opinions spontaneously combust.
Syrian Islamic groveling aplenty tonight from Jeremy Shawadi Wadi Babu Bowen. I am sick of BBC bias on the side of the rebels. Never any attempt to provide balance, whatsoever, on both sides. They showed the same toadyish bum licking with the Arab Islamic fundamentalist) Spring which is now making them look just a tad stupid considering we now see rioting every week because of the Muslim Brotherhood’s tyranny.
No wonder most of the population have been brainwashed into believing multiculturalism is beautiful when you have inane woman, Fiona Bruce, grinning through news that our country under Liebour has been and continues to swamped by unskilled immigrants. It’s truly unbearable!
yep as the f-ckwit UK Gov, continue to help these
islamist, rebel, freedom fighters, oppressed minions etc … ya da! ya da!
AND chastise Assad with don t you dare rhetoric …
the small issue of these erm heroes? getting little children to behead captured prisoners?
youtube – syrian rebels make child behead unarmed prisoner
youtube soon removed for shocking/disgusting content, which it definitely was.
maybe just …
WARNING: This video is extremely Muslim.
would have sufficed though
i mean ……. what could go wrong 😀
(tired of saying that about Egypt now)
BBC News – Syria: Defiance and resolve
as our jezzer bowen talks to syrian blah de blah de blah
oh and the helpful bbc guide to the syrian opposition
That video will, by now, be celebrated with millions of hits around the Islam ic world. Only in the West will it be censored, removed, redacted, denied, expurgated, on the basis it may upset some folk. Not to mention showing them the REAL truth of these barbarian savages and the ways they want to bring here.
Time for my medication: Nurse!
Simon Reeves lovingly presents the hardships of life under the communist Castro. Everything associated with the state and its pervasive control has failed in the country, but the presenter is doing his best to place blame for Cuba’s problems at the door of the US and their trade embargo.
It’s not communism that is a failed political dogma, no, it is the evil capitalists that will not trade with them that is at fault.
I despise this sort of biased programming that is nothing short of a propaganda message for the failed systematic poverty inducing communist state that is Cuba.
Ooh-oooh Cuba-love, our Cuba-love
We need you, oh how we need you
When we know the US treats you bad
Blockades you and leaves us sad
Tell us, where did communism go wrong?
Fidel, to make you stay alive so long?
‘Cause Cuba-love, our Cuba-love
Been missing ya, miss kissing ya (ass)
We love your every orchestra
Every drama and ballet school
Every arts initiative
Your health service, bureaucracy, your State security
Instead of swimming away
Getting in little boats and heading Miami way
Need ya, need ya
Cuba-love, ooh, Cuba-love
For those who claim this site is out of kilter with public opinion regarding Islam, and the BBC provides a fair reflection of what people think, they would do well to look at the comments left by readers of a piously liberal and utterly wrongheaded article about Muslims in today’s Standard.
deliberately ignorant of the facts, shysters, with eyes tightly shut to reality like birrell, are as much a danger as islam itself, it is their abject cowardice, that could sink us all.
a despicable politically correct piece of sh-t, who let situations like rochdale, oldham and bradford just “happen”
shame on him, the likes of the bbc
beneath contempt.
On 21 January 2009, Russian businessman and former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev and son Evgeny Lebedev, now the newspaper’s chairman, agreed to purchase 75.1%
OT but I dont care: I’m bloody fed up with hearing rohit cashroo describing Mandela as THE most respected man on the planet. FFS what world do these knobs live in?
i see the bbc reporting of the census report is particularly bias, ie immigration is not that bad compared to sweden,also ,interviewd some typical idiots on the local news,if they actually asked some real people they wouldnt like the answers,but then its probably :about right:!
hilarious? … discussing at length polish? immigrants? far too many i agree but
at least they have a euro-christian ethic
b greer – “hey people are just livin their lives
doesn t or shouldn t matter to anyone” …
“arhm callin for the obama effect”
what is this horse/pony show crap?
… off switch
In the rural idyll I live that is Herefordshire, there is indeed a fair share of immigration, though predominantly of the Eastern European variety. No one seems to notice, or care, as they appear to have integrated into the community well, and made no demands. The only visible difference is a few of the grocer shops have a nifty aisle of pickles and cooked meats.
The tenants in my Mum’s old cottage are a Polish couple with a young baby. They have been there 3 years now. I have not raised the rent in that time, despite rising costs, because they keep the place and garden spotless. He works as a mechanic and she at home on a PC as she looks after the child they dote on.
What folk are noticing are the increased numbers of young men who appear not to be at school or work during daylight hours, and have a fondness for training pants, Nikes, hoodies, mobile-texting, fags, Stella (for some) and attack dogs.
They do not appear to have been born in these parts.
I imagine it is for the mothers of their children that the demands for ‘affordable housing’ are crippling the local council budget as elder care spirals further into oblivion.
Nice one Tony, Gordon, Eds, Dave, Nick and Alice… nice one.
And those to whose tune you feel you only need to dance.
Just remember, karma is an equal opportunity minx.
one has to ask … after dvd daves “multiculturalism has failed”
just one of his many renta-soundbites …
Well … WHAT is being done about it?
he s split the gruesome twosome of pickles and warsi and? … given her an even better gravy train? and made her a lakky for the OIC?… boris to go pandering around another mosque?
not the slightest bloody clue any of them.
thank your stars you live in Herefordshire …… for now anyway
‘thank your stars you live in Herefordshire …… for now anyway’
Trust me, even with this weather, the odd flood & the prospect of the M5 & 6 to Brum tomorrow, I do… daily.
Something about typing whilst looking at green hills framing a river with swans cruising past can do that, even if the HK stutter from the SAS range can intrude on occasion.
Beeboids endorse the mass colonisation of Britain.
A smiling Mr EASTON stands in the street in Newham, East London proclaiming in that area only ‘1 in 6 people are white British’, and that now London is truly an ‘international city’ (as we have become the colonised in what used to be our own land).
And these demographic trends will continue as British society becomes increasingly colonised through mass immigration policies of the British political class.
Two relevant books:-
1.) ‘Reflections on the Revolution in Europe’ by Christopher Caldwell;
gay marriage….can you imagine being married to any of the ‘straight’ acting professional male dancers on SCD or the gay judges or the gay guests on It takes Two…
Just watched the programme looking back at Sir Patrick Moore’s life. All very positive.
Except once. Following a picture of him wearing a UKIP rosette, one of the commenters remarked “I’m sorry to say he was also slightly anti-foreigner in some of the things he said”. Nicely tying UKIP to racism in the subconscious, with Sir Patrick no longer around to put his side.
No, but it showed him holding a “ban hunting” banner. Which I have no objection to, as it was a reflection of his life. No one commented on whether this was good or bad, and that is how his support for UKIP should have been dealt with.
Think, if the Beeb actually mentioned that a British woman married to a man from a Muslim background is eight times more likely to be murdered by her spouse than any other woman in the country they might end up contributing to a life-saving decision by someone.
Another BBC unique appears to be their ability to adhere to deadlines.
What’s the betting, when… IF it does appear, one gets a weasel equivalent of ‘We’re sorry not to have got back when we are charter bound to do so, but it’s taking us longer to fix the archive than we anticipated. Thanks for your patience at our difficult time. This insincere template response has been logged where no one will ever read it, and will self destruct in 4 seconds leaving us still unaccountable and you even worse off.’
What’s odd is that deadline as reported here… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20039602 0921: The first is led by Nick Pollard, a former head of Sky News, which is already looking into why the Newsnight report into Savile was dropped late last year and the BBC’s handling of the matter. It is expected to report back by the beginning of December.
As AsISeeIt suggests, the beginning of December is hard to credit as being at the middle of the month. There is then this.. ‘1234: On the Pollard Review, Mr Entwistle says: “I will do everything inside the BBC that I can do to make sure it happens as soon as possible… the faster the better.”‘
(Surely they are not going to try and use the excuse that because they are so messed up at the top they lost a DG, they cannot be held to timings on an external review deadline?).
…is not evident on the search function of the world’s most trusted news media broadcaster. What is reported (via Pollard Report on BBC Search) appears to be this… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20024074
There is mention of the Pollard review in the DG ‘interview’ box.
Then this… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-20024904
With only reference time being this.. ’13 Oct: BBC director general George Entwistle announces two inquiries surrounding the Savile claims
– Former Sky News head Nick Pollard is leading an inquiry into the decision to drop Newsnight’s report – with results expected in December
Then.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20294283 ‘The BBC said once the Pollard Review reports, Ms Boaden and Mr Mitchell “expect to then return to their positions”.’
Timing still… vague to absent. In fact Pollard appears to have hit very long grass on content or timings.
We do get.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-20304621 ‘The BBC has published a summary of the MacQuarry Report,…It says the failings of the programme were unacceptable – basic journalistic checks were not completed and it was not clear who had ultimate editorial responsibility for the report.
So they basically only know what they don’t know, and FoI will cover what they don’t want anyone else to know.
And that… would appear to be, since 13 November… a month ago… that.
How very… ‘uncurious’ of the BBC. Reticent even. Meanwhile, outside… http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/dec/06/jimmy-savile-bbc-pollard-report ‘Jimmy Savile scandal: Pollard inquiry to report in week of 17 December
…likely to be completed on 17, 18 or 19 December.’
The BBC house journal Likely Lads seem to have moved the goalposts since, but I can’t locate at what point this was advised as a change, and explained…. especially by the BBC… other than: ‘..The inquiry was due to report in mid-November but has been overwhelmed by the vast amount of evidence being assessed.
There is also this: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2240121/Jimmy-Savile-report-BBC-refuses-release-evidence.html ‘lawyers acting for the review said that while Mr Pollard would examine all submissions in compiling his report, only directly relevant interview transcripts and emails will be included in the appendix to the publicly available report
So little time, so much to cover up… and fund, as always, so uniquely… ‘Acting director general Tim Davie has confirmed that the BBC has already paid £200,000 for legal costs of employees questioned by the Pollard Review to date.”
So, post 28gate, the licence fee payer pays for the BBC to protect itself from being held to proper account, and ever later as the extent of its own mess overwhelms the clean up kapos already on OT sucking the public dry?
Are there two version of truthiness abounding again chez Aunty? A bit beyond a determination not to show an undue interest in long political chains. Pull the other one.
Not hard to keep a lid on a bubbling pot when you have full, unaccountable control over it still
If this was a story on Newsnight, Paxman’s eyebrow would be in orbit and his sneer heard in New Zealand.
But it’s about them, so currently their ‘news’ focus is, currently, David Walliams’ love of Quentin Blake’s drawings.
Funny if not pathetic.
Lots of ways to prompt the need for a new Open Thread.
Wishful thinking beyond your wildest dreams probably not the best.
By the way, check out the BBC The Editors blog… cutting edge. I teased them about missing any news for a month (covering what period one wonders?) and lo… they have come up trumps with… http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/theeditors/2012/12/marking_15_years_of_the_bbc_on.html ‘the BBC’s Director of Future Media Ralph Rivera has blogged about the significance of BBC Online today and the continuing importance of innovation to the BBC.’ Be the first to comment
Go on, I am sure you’ll get extra points if you do.
For real.
You also seem to like the BBC.
For what, who can know?
A bad case of masochism is therefore suggested given a few posts, which would just be engaging.
But then there’s that nasty streak that creeps in. Very Jeckyll or Hyde. Moods, or shifts, or mood shifts?
Sado-masochism with a dash of psychopathic schizophrenia is a worry mind.
Yes, yes, yes – facts are one thing, but caring is more important, and we all know that Labour CARES about the poor while the Tories just run them over in their Rolls-Royces.
So the nasty party taxed the poor less and the wealthy more…but, but…bankers and rich toffs and country estates and duck houses and all that. So there.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCCsDXCmgusoKmOKAV8J8hzqUthA2tS31S5g&s[/img]
tomoMar 6, 09:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 Free Buckfast Tonic Wine has to be next? [img]https://i.ibb.co/twQXv1rg/Free-Crack-pipes-NHS-jockland.jpg[/img]
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’m thinking his parents were/are quite wealthy with connections, he committed offences in China and ended up in the U.K.…
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 So good I keep rewatching it. Especially the sucked lemon lips.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Doughboy – if Ukraine embraces diversity it can win? ……………… “About us The first duty of the government is to…
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/2022857/Channel-migrants-Labour-asylum-smugglers-boats Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 I look at the front page of the Guardian every so often – today they’ve got a headline ‘Trump turning…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 The Gangs are having a busy March . . https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 Surprised the Muslim convert William wasn’t down the mosque with his dad – he seems to be a worshipper of…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 I guess the UK/London needs the money to fund Ukraine? “A PhD student from China, he had been studying at…
A bit of sneering yesterday on BBC World. They were talking about Gerard Depardieu moving from France to Belgium to escape the 75% tax rate recently imposed. How damaging is this? Hugh Schofield’s answer was that it is damaging if the really rich (leftists) leave, but as for Depardieu, he’s a well known grumpy right-winger, could have been expected from the likes of him, so his move is not really significant.
Typically distain for any viewpoint that is not Left.
He was also asked what the people in France thought. Clearly he had not asked any, he just quoted from what other reporters and writers had been saying, ‘hard to tell’ he said. Clearly he hasn’t asked any real people. Perhaps he knows if he did he’ll be told what he doesn’t want to hear.
A bit of sneering, from the BBC?
Choqué, I tell you… choqué!
‘he just quoted from what other reporters and writers had been saying, ‘hard to tell’ he said.’
A lucrative career as the horse’s derriere end of an R5 footynumptie duo thus gets lain before him like a Moet-strewn corridor.
With most news items the BBC likes to roll up its sleeves and really get to grips.
Other items it only approaches with very long handled tongs.
What do we reckon about the release of the ethnic make up of England and Wales as found in the 2011 Census?
I quote Peter Allen on BBC 5 Live just after 4pm today :
‘I suppose we have talk about this because it will top the headlines’.
Let me translate for Peter and his BBC news editors.
We would rather not refer to this massive shift in the nature of this country. We would be much more comfortable discussing the number of people describing themselves as Jedi. And Richard Dawkins will be on later. However, the tabloid press (much to our chagrin) will bang on about immigration so unless we put the story near or at the top of the news in some shape or form we will expose ourselves as being wildly out of step with the priorities of the people of the country. But fear not, my hesitancy in approaching this issue is a signal that will reassure that nothing off-message that could possibly make a liberal blush will ever get through the BBC edit.
5live – panto dame … in full christian bashing, verbal contortion mode this morning … your call – on opposition to gay marriage … somebody almost got away with bringing the up unfortunate facts of islam into it before he got ridiculed, and shut up.
Looks like the CoE won’t be carrying out solemn religious ceremonies in celebration of buggery in the near future, after all. Nice to see that at least some instinct not to behave ludicrously, has asserted itself:
“Gay marriage to be illegal in the Church of England”
Notice how, on the BBC webpage the ‘related stories’ are:
Senior Tories back gay marriage
Q&A: Gay marriage
‘Why I back gay marriage in church’
While the top editors pick comment ends with capital letters: “I am a gay man, and guess what? One day, I will be MARRIED”
So the Beeb giving off the message that it’s sitting on the fence with this, then.
“solemn religious ceremonies in celebration of buggery”
Nice to see Biased BBC is keeping its usual standard of treating adult sexuality with all the maturity of a schoolboy that’s been hit on the head with a nine-iron.
Or do you think that existing marriage ceremonies are a celebration of vaginal intercourse?
Adult sexuality – so that’s what it’s called now. Existing marriage ceremonies are a celebration of behaviour patterns that are natural and essential for procreation and the creation of families as a basis of society: if anybody around here possesses the arrested mental processes of schoolboys it’s the members of an active, well organised, affluent, seemingly ubiquitous, and extremely vocal community of homosexuals. By all means carry on happily and unmolested in your own distorted mirror world but stop telling everyone else what they should think.
The creation of families?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but gay people have families too. And as for procreation – if that were the case, should infertile couples be prohibited from marrying? Should infertility be grounds for divorce?
Many women like to have the last word but, when it comes to comment threads, all homosexuals seem to: at risk of committing that cardinal sin -stereotyping – reply. retort, riposte, counter reply and then just wear down the opposition by sheer refusal to speak and then have done seems to be a characteristic. I’ll therefore say that I think your arguments are rationalised quibbling and leave that as my last word.
So, ducking out of a discussion without justifying your points, and blaming it on the other guy? Bless.
Maybe while you’re away you can spend a little bit of time trying to come up with a cogent argument for your opposition to same-sex marriage.
Although there is another point – by your reference to “buggery”, its clear you haven’t entertained the reality that many women couples want to get married too. Is there a reason why you’re so fixated on two men having sex?
it’s not buggery
it’s sodomy
On Five drive, theyre interviewing three immigrants. The first was a Jamaican woman who came in the fifties. She was highly critical of her early experiences, the weather , the architecture (London disappointed her) and the people who were ‘horrible’ to her! The obvious question to ask was: why did she stay if it was so unpleasant?
Other Jamaicans are rather more positive about ‘perfidious Albion’…
Theyre banging on about how immigarnst are coming to Boston to fill jobs which cannot be filled.
More myth peddaling.
Theyre describing London excitedly as a ‘truly global city’ and claimign its ‘different’ to the rest of Britain. Yet more lies, London today is the whole of Britain tomorrow.
…that’s what I’m afraid of!
Its inevitable. the rest of Britain now, medium and large towns are just like London was twenty years ago, even villages are home to Poles and the occasional black or Asian family.
In another twenty years all these towns will be like London is now, but poorer I suspect, people living in smaller homes withpout cars and with far less food , not hungry, but not the affordable abundance we enjoy now.
The latest census details – 1 in 8 of people in England and Wales was born abroad. It’s shocking, the rate of change.
And bear in mind that that is on top of the many second generation ethnic minority people who were born in this country.
According to Dominic Casciani (Home affairs correspondent) The 2011 census shows beyond any doubt that the UK is now in the midst of an astonishing era of demographic change due to globalisation.
Not because of the loony Labour liars, deciding to change our country into a foreign land (without ever mentioning it to the electorate), but ‘globalisation’.
And the bBBC rapidly closed the comments when they realised that most people wanted to tell the truth, not the socialist fiction.
I wonder if Dominic will be equally astonished when asymmetric civil war starts breaking out in the most unexpected of places? At least it’s going to be decidedly multicultural in its sectarian ferocity. That, surely, will be of some comfort to the upper echelons of the BBC, when their nuanced opinions spontaneously combust.
you reap what you sow
Syrian Islamic groveling aplenty tonight from Jeremy Shawadi Wadi Babu Bowen. I am sick of BBC bias on the side of the rebels. Never any attempt to provide balance, whatsoever, on both sides. They showed the same toadyish bum licking with the Arab Islamic fundamentalist) Spring which is now making them look just a tad stupid considering we now see rioting every week because of the Muslim Brotherhood’s tyranny.
No wonder most of the population have been brainwashed into believing multiculturalism is beautiful when you have inane woman, Fiona Bruce, grinning through news that our country under Liebour has been and continues to swamped by unskilled immigrants. It’s truly unbearable!
yep as the f-ckwit UK Gov, continue to help these
islamist, rebel, freedom fighters, oppressed minions etc … ya da! ya da!
AND chastise Assad with don t you dare rhetoric …
the small issue of these erm heroes? getting little children to behead captured prisoners?
youtube – syrian rebels make child behead unarmed prisoner
youtube soon removed for shocking/disgusting content, which it definitely was.
maybe just …
WARNING: This video is extremely Muslim.
would have sufficed though
i mean ……. what could go wrong 😀
(tired of saying that about Egypt now)
BBC News – Syria: Defiance and resolve
as our jezzer bowen talks to syrian blah de blah de blah
oh and the helpful bbc guide to the syrian opposition
That video will, by now, be celebrated with millions of hits around the Islam ic world. Only in the West will it be censored, removed, redacted, denied, expurgated, on the basis it may upset some folk. Not to mention showing them the REAL truth of these barbarian savages and the ways they want to bring here.
Time for my medication: Nurse!
Cuba with Simon Reeves
Simon Reeves lovingly presents the hardships of life under the communist Castro. Everything associated with the state and its pervasive control has failed in the country, but the presenter is doing his best to place blame for Cuba’s problems at the door of the US and their trade embargo.
It’s not communism that is a failed political dogma, no, it is the evil capitalists that will not trade with them that is at fault.
I despise this sort of biased programming that is nothing short of a propaganda message for the failed systematic poverty inducing communist state that is Cuba.
All together now….
Ooh-oooh Cuba-love, our Cuba-love
We need you, oh how we need you
When we know the US treats you bad
Blockades you and leaves us sad
Tell us, where did communism go wrong?
Fidel, to make you stay alive so long?
‘Cause Cuba-love, our Cuba-love
Been missing ya, miss kissing ya (ass)
We love your every orchestra
Every drama and ballet school
Every arts initiative
Your health service, bureaucracy, your State security
Instead of swimming away
Getting in little boats and heading Miami way
Need ya, need ya
Cuba-love, ooh, Cuba-love
A one-party dictatorship with free healthcare and free education is still a one-party dictartorship.
Don’t the lefties just hate it when their wonderful system fails. It just HAS to be someone elses fault huh?
For those who claim this site is out of kilter with public opinion regarding Islam, and the BBC provides a fair reflection of what people think, they would do well to look at the comments left by readers of a piously liberal and utterly wrongheaded article about Muslims in today’s Standard.
What kind of cupid stunt could write such a load of tripe as that? Talk about head in the sand? Holy Moses.
deliberately ignorant of the facts, shysters, with eyes tightly shut to reality like birrell, are as much a danger as islam itself, it is their abject cowardice, that could sink us all.
a despicable politically correct piece of sh-t, who let situations like rochdale, oldham and bradford just “happen”
shame on him, the likes of the bbc
beneath contempt.
Evening Standard: Lebedev takeover
On 21 January 2009, Russian businessman and former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev and son Evgeny Lebedev, now the newspaper’s chairman, agreed to purchase 75.1%
When you see this head-in-the-sand cr8p, one is pleased to see newspaper circulations and journalists’ pay and influence.shrinking.
The Evening Standard, London’s free evening newspaper, and the Metro which is the morning giveaway, are now very left-wing.
On the day the Census figures showed that whites are now a minority in London – the Standard front page led on a totally different story.
Just watching BBC’s ‘dark ages’. This one’s all about how brilliant Islam is. Supposedly, “islam isn’t a religion that flaunts itself in the streets”.
eh? EH?!!
From the BBC’s own webpage.
If it wasn’t so bloody tragic I’d Laugh!
UK Anti-Semitism ‘doubled’ following Israel/Gaza conflict
The BBC must be rejoicing at how their propaganda is working. Filled with the spirit of Christmas.
OT but I dont care: I’m bloody fed up with hearing rohit cashroo describing Mandela as THE most respected man on the planet. FFS what world do these knobs live in?
i see the bbc reporting of the census report is particularly bias, ie immigration is not that bad compared to sweden,also ,interviewd some typical idiots on the local news,if they actually asked some real people they wouldnt like the answers,but then its probably :about right:!
goodness, i bet panto n campbell, is rushing to prepare a census report re-immigration –
your call -5live special, as we speak …
😀 look forward to it
Newsnight…..what a load of bollocks
hilarious? … discussing at length polish? immigrants? far too many i agree but
at least they have a euro-christian ethic
b greer – “hey people are just livin their lives
doesn t or shouldn t matter to anyone” …
“arhm callin for the obama effect”
what is this horse/pony show crap?
… off switch
In the rural idyll I live that is Herefordshire, there is indeed a fair share of immigration, though predominantly of the Eastern European variety. No one seems to notice, or care, as they appear to have integrated into the community well, and made no demands. The only visible difference is a few of the grocer shops have a nifty aisle of pickles and cooked meats.
The tenants in my Mum’s old cottage are a Polish couple with a young baby. They have been there 3 years now. I have not raised the rent in that time, despite rising costs, because they keep the place and garden spotless. He works as a mechanic and she at home on a PC as she looks after the child they dote on.
What folk are noticing are the increased numbers of young men who appear not to be at school or work during daylight hours, and have a fondness for training pants, Nikes, hoodies, mobile-texting, fags, Stella (for some) and attack dogs.
They do not appear to have been born in these parts.
I imagine it is for the mothers of their children that the demands for ‘affordable housing’ are crippling the local council budget as elder care spirals further into oblivion.
Nice one Tony, Gordon, Eds, Dave, Nick and Alice… nice one.
And those to whose tune you feel you only need to dance.
Just remember, karma is an equal opportunity minx.
one has to ask … after dvd daves “multiculturalism has failed”
just one of his many renta-soundbites …
Well … WHAT is being done about it?
he s split the gruesome twosome of pickles and warsi and? … given her an even better gravy train? and made her a lakky for the OIC?… boris to go pandering around another mosque?
not the slightest bloody clue any of them.
thank your stars you live in Herefordshire …… for now anyway
‘thank your stars you live in Herefordshire …… for now anyway’
Trust me, even with this weather, the odd flood & the prospect of the M5 & 6 to Brum tomorrow, I do… daily.
Something about typing whilst looking at green hills framing a river with swans cruising past can do that, even if the HK stutter from the SAS range can intrude on occasion.
Beeboids endorse the mass colonisation of Britain.
A smiling Mr EASTON stands in the street in Newham, East London proclaiming in that area only ‘1 in 6 people are white British’, and that now London is truly an ‘international city’ (as we have become the colonised in what used to be our own land).
( 1 min video)
And these demographic trends will continue as British society becomes increasingly colonised through mass immigration policies of the British political class.
Two relevant books:-
1.) ‘Reflections on the Revolution in Europe’ by Christopher Caldwell;
2.) ‘America Alone’ by Mark Steyn.
gay marriage….can you imagine being married to any of the ‘straight’ acting professional male dancers on SCD or the gay judges or the gay guests on It takes Two…
Just watched the programme looking back at Sir Patrick Moore’s life. All very positive.
Except once. Following a picture of him wearing a UKIP rosette, one of the commenters remarked “I’m sorry to say he was also slightly anti-foreigner in some of the things he said”. Nicely tying UKIP to racism in the subconscious, with Sir Patrick no longer around to put his side.
did mention him being a member of greenpeace …
before he left in disgust, as it was taken over by
al bbc loving militants
did IT mention him … apologies
No, but it showed him holding a “ban hunting” banner. Which I have no objection to, as it was a reflection of his life. No one commented on whether this was good or bad, and that is how his support for UKIP should have been dealt with.
Patrick Moore (Greenpeace activist, born 1947) is not the same person as the late astronomer.
Yes – different PM altogether…
Full circle. The whites are now the ethnic minority group in London.
Will BBC-NUJ report the following?
It happened about a mile or two from BBC Media City:-
‘Daily Mail’ –
“Devout Christian murdered by Muslim ex-boyfriend after row over converting their daughter to Islam”
Think, if the Beeb actually mentioned that a British woman married to a man from a Muslim background is eight times more likely to be murdered by her spouse than any other woman in the country they might end up contributing to a life-saving decision by someone.
(see page 6 of PDF)
Click to access Nine%20Parts%20of%20Desire.pdf
Will we have any stories in the MSM about people converting away from Islam, even if it means using false names to protect such people ?
BBC DG George Entwistle to MPs 23rd October 2012:
Nick Pollard report will take ‘4 to 6 weeks’
Pollard! Pollard! Come out…..come out….. wherever you are?!
Another BBC unique appears to be their ability to adhere to deadlines.
What’s the betting, when… IF it does appear, one gets a weasel equivalent of ‘We’re sorry not to have got back when we are charter bound to do so, but it’s taking us longer to fix the archive than we anticipated. Thanks for your patience at our difficult time. This insincere template response has been logged where no one will ever read it, and will self destruct in 4 seconds leaving us still unaccountable and you even worse off.’
Speaking of the BBC an odd silences..
‘Maria Miller, the Culture Secretary, whose adviser told the Daily Telegraph to be careful about exposing her expenses because the minister now has power over press regulation.’
Go on BBC, ask questions of a Tory Minister. I am keen to see where they lead.
itdoesntaddup −
The odd thing is that Miller has said absolutely nothing about the BBC, yet it’s her main departmental responsibility.
What’s odd is that deadline as reported here…
0921: The first is led by Nick Pollard, a former head of Sky News, which is already looking into why the Newsnight report into Savile was dropped late last year and the BBC’s handling of the matter. It is expected to report back by the beginning of December.
As AsISeeIt suggests, the beginning of December is hard to credit as being at the middle of the month. There is then this..
‘1234: On the Pollard Review, Mr Entwistle says: “I will do everything inside the BBC that I can do to make sure it happens as soon as possible… the faster the better.”‘
(Surely they are not going to try and use the excuse that because they are so messed up at the top they lost a DG, they cannot be held to timings on an external review deadline?).
…is not evident on the search function of the world’s most trusted news media broadcaster. What is reported (via Pollard Report on BBC Search) appears to be this…
There is mention of the Pollard review in the DG ‘interview’ box.
Then this…
With only reference time being this..
’13 Oct: BBC director general George Entwistle announces two inquiries surrounding the Savile claims
– Former Sky News head Nick Pollard is leading an inquiry into the decision to drop Newsnight’s report – with results expected in December
‘The BBC said once the Pollard Review reports, Ms Boaden and Mr Mitchell “expect to then return to their positions”.’
Timing still… vague to absent. In fact Pollard appears to have hit very long grass on content or timings.
We do get..
‘The BBC has published a summary of the MacQuarry Report,…It says the failings of the programme were unacceptable – basic journalistic checks were not completed and it was not clear who had ultimate editorial responsibility for the report.
So they basically only know what they don’t know, and FoI will cover what they don’t want anyone else to know.
And that… would appear to be, since 13 November… a month ago… that.
How very… ‘uncurious’ of the BBC. Reticent even. Meanwhile, outside…
‘Jimmy Savile scandal: Pollard inquiry to report in week of 17 December
…likely to be completed on 17, 18 or 19 December.’
The BBC house journal Likely Lads seem to have moved the goalposts since, but I can’t locate at what point this was advised as a change, and explained…. especially by the BBC… other than:
‘..The inquiry was due to report in mid-November but has been overwhelmed by the vast amount of evidence being assessed.
There is also this:
‘lawyers acting for the review said that while Mr Pollard would examine all submissions in compiling his report, only directly relevant interview transcripts and emails will be included in the appendix to the publicly available report
So little time, so much to cover up… and fund, as always, so uniquely…
‘Acting director general Tim Davie has confirmed that the BBC has already paid £200,000 for legal costs of employees questioned by the Pollard Review to date.”
So, post 28gate, the licence fee payer pays for the BBC to protect itself from being held to proper account, and ever later as the extent of its own mess overwhelms the clean up kapos already on OT sucking the public dry?
Are there two version of truthiness abounding again chez Aunty? A bit beyond a determination not to show an undue interest in long political chains. Pull the other one.
Not hard to keep a lid on a bubbling pot when you have full, unaccountable control over it still
If this was a story on Newsnight, Paxman’s eyebrow would be in orbit and his sneer heard in New Zealand.
But it’s about them, so currently their ‘news’ focus is, currently, David Walliams’ love of Quentin Blake’s drawings.
Funny if not pathetic.
Is it just outside the UK or is the BBC selling advertising space on its website to outside companies, everywhere?
Is this blog becoming rather moribund?
Even Alan seems to have given up.
Lots of ways to prompt the need for a new Open Thread.
Wishful thinking beyond your wildest dreams probably not the best.
By the way, check out the BBC The Editors blog… cutting edge. I teased them about missing any news for a month (covering what period one wonders?) and lo… they have come up trumps with…
‘the BBC’s Director of Future Media Ralph Rivera has blogged about the significance of BBC Online today and the continuing importance of innovation to the BBC.’
Be the first to comment
Go on, I am sure you’ll get extra points if you do.
Wishful thinking?
I like it here.
For real.
I like it here.
For real.
You also seem to like the BBC.
For what, who can know?
A bad case of masochism is therefore suggested given a few posts, which would just be engaging.
But then there’s that nasty streak that creeps in. Very Jeckyll or Hyde. Moods, or shifts, or mood shifts?
Sado-masochism with a dash of psychopathic schizophrenia is a worry mind.
Check or bais
I am looking forward to seeing the BBC report this. I wonder how long I can hold my breath.
Yes, yes, yes – facts are one thing, but caring is more important, and we all know that Labour CARES about the poor while the Tories just run them over in their Rolls-Royces.
So the nasty party taxed the poor less and the wealthy more…but, but…bankers and rich toffs and country estates and duck houses and all that. So there.
Amazingly the Beeb reported the fact that 21% of our young offender community is now Muslim.
Of course, the presentation suggested that this fact was inexplicable.
For a humorous aside to this read: “Lies, Damned Lies…” at:
Profiling. Racist, racist profiling. Most of them innocent, I’m sure.
Institutional Islamophobia in 3…2…1…