Here is a great instance of how the BBC wilfully distorts the truth in order to feed its anti-Israel agenda and openly breaches the BBC’s own editorial guidelines.
Certainly a published correction, official apology (& perhaps even sacking of the journalist & editor responsible for this propaganda piece) are in order. Don’t you think?
As the last Open Thread is @ 200+ I’m hijacking this as it’s on wilful distortions.
Sky News has a squad of designer peroxide sinks in schools the length of the land, all based on an NGO/union ‘research’ that 2/3 of teachers are dipping into pockets to feed poor moppets whose parents cannot scrape an apparent £4 together for a sarnie.
This after a luvvie guest opines folk who blow gambling winnings should give to charity, but thinks houses sucking juice for Xmas lights are ‘great’.
The UK ‘news’ industry has truly jumped all sharks in credulity.
I only watch now to laugh at rich bubblehead bubble dwellers thinking they really have any credibility outside the sofa slobs they are flogging Payday (ie: benefits pissed away) loans to.
Oh those poor schools!
Newsnight last night achieved the consensus we all neede.
Basically Free Schools may well be worth trying if the place is a hole in a sink estate…and the Labour LEA would rather not risk dropping leaflets past the rottweillers.
Free Schools are NOT wanted where crap schools are able to coast along and have spare places…this embarrasses Labour< and Fiona Millar in
And speaking of which-was this the FIRST Newsnight programme about Free Schhols that did nor have Fiona sneering lying and blowing her partners bagpipes over all manner of reasoned critique of the soul abbatoirs that are nothing but-until AllStar Campbell says they`re "bog standard"…a good thing I believe in OFSTED terms.
BBC seems to have steered clear of this daft PR stunt so far, which I give them credit for.
One SKy peroxide sink just claimed that she and a bunch of Santa Claus teachers with pockets bulging with food from their own tables were awaiting ‘hordes of hungry kids’ to turn up any moment now.
Is this a spoof?
” with pockets bulging with food”
as seen on this blog few days back (hat tip to whoever it was), just provide an app for their i-phones to point the way to a foodbank.
Anyone hear that claptrap about people “not liking Mondays” when it comes to making their doctors appointments?
Research from the famed “Institute of Studies” in a Shepherds Bush disused phone booth,tells us so…and this makes the Radio 4 news bulletins for two hours running.
Little did I know that Professor Morrissey of Rusholme had summed up the whole topic…and surely a better “Professor of Contemporary Thought in regard of Science”…than crack/skaghead William Self.
“Does the body rule the mind..or the mind rule the body?…I dunno!”
How unlike those saps and quislings trying to get excuses for victims of Tory policy who can`t get out of their pyjamas for long enough to hail a disability scooter to get their methadone, long-term sick note, DWP check…
Maybe you can start the ball rolling and begin by aplogising for repeating the The Daily Telegraph slur on Margaret Hodge which they have now aplogised for.
I’m sure you can do the decent thing.
lol the short tax dodging lady hasn’t swindled her way out of that one prolapse !
So No !
‘begin by aplogising for repeating the The Daily Telegraph slur on Margaret Hodge which they have now aplogised for.’
This, presumably, being the product of ‘Contemporary Thought’ that Perfesser Self ‘teaches’?
Prole, a cracked record is still cracked no matter how often you attempt to spin it.
Ah Hodge, the abused children’s protector.
When Hodge the Dodge answers several questions Guido has for her.
And Margret Moran the moron couldn’t make court today, feeling a little depressed. £53K+type depressed.
I nominate her for best actress at the next Oscars.
Got away without a custodial sentence.
Blair Babes ! See what you get when it’s tokenism. What ever happened to a meritocracy ?
Aren’t you forgetting the occupier/occupied part?
Nothing like a bit of bias is there. 🙂
I feel so sorry for this BBC journalist. Anyone can make a mistake. Mind you, in its reporting of Israel, it does seem to make an awful lot of them. Never mind, I’m sure they’re doing all they can to put things right, reviewing their procedures, and all those other things that unkind people describe as ‘going into waffle-mode’.
As the story has clarified, the piece has been updated. Nothing wrong with it. Israeli account now distracted the tone, presumably having been verified