Some of the legal “arguments” of the resident and his friend were idiotic. He doesn’t have to obey the law if he doesn’t vote? And the moron policeman then admitted he didn’t either, but still…
What a waste of public money in which to enforce the money grabbing ways of the bBC. while the bBc reports from around the world about how evil the British are , it transpires the most evil people on the planet are..people who work for the bBC. that video should be aired to all and sundry in which to bankrupt the money grabbing bBC
Part of me thinks: You can talk your way out of anything, if you have the inclination and time.
The other part of me (from previous experience) thinks: in my time, I’d take none of that flannel from anyone – it irritates me. The door would be pushed open (with “reasonable” force if necessary) and the TV licence man afforded access. An arrest for obstruction could well have followed, and bugger the consequences (which, in those days, would have been minimal and probably non-existent, ‘cos in THOSE days, there was considerable public respect for The Job and officers within it).
However, yet another part of me says: I hate the BBC, they are a bunch of conniving, biased, licence-tax grabbing, lying bastards, and ANY obstruction is well worth the bother.
That’s what I can’t understand Old Goat. The Policeman has a search warrant so if that says search 123 Arcadia Avenue then he searches 123 Arcadia Avenue. The legal whys and why nots occur at a higher level then he is at.
He also he shouldn’t engage the people who live in the house in conversation either. Politely tell them he has a search warrant , let them see it and if they don’t get out of the way then nick them for obstruction.
That said of course I don’t agree with the Beeb and their Crapita boot boys but this video doesn’t show the Police in a very professional light.
Agreed, but I think it’s a great video to demonstrate the way that bot Crapita and the police waste public money.
I wish they had that much time to spare when your property gets broken in to.
Media training day at Conservative Central HQ
OK, ok, can we stop there, please? Minister, I’m afraid you’re coming over as too sure of your views. Can we try this training exercise again with less certainty…. but with more…. humility? Do remember this is supposed to be an interview with the BBC. And can you please say all the words that we agreed? Great…BBC reporter….from the top…..first question….
Minister, you say that three quarters of the British electorate agree with your policy – but the Trades Unions have come against it…..the Labour Party, the Lib-Dems, the charity sector, pressure groups, the EU and the UN….they have all raised grave concerns… the face of this strong, unanimous – indeed international – opposition, how can you possibly justify your position?
Well, before I answer any matters of policy….and I should add a thank you for asking me on your show….and mention that the BBC is a unique and wonderful organisation…. first of all …right at the outset….I must say something that the BBC would expect of me…..I’d like to apologise to your audience, in the most unequivocal of terms, I do apologise for being a conservative.
At last, Minister! Now you’re striking just the right tone there! Keep it going….
The report on Newsnight and the McAlpine programme signally failed to explain why an ageing story about Welsh boys homes was recycled (without the original judicial enquiry report even being inspected by the editor.)
Obviously the BIJ was playing to its own and the BBC’s prejudices, and the agenda of Witchfinder-General Labour MP Tom Watson, by offering Newsnight a cheap rehabilitation with the bonus of rubbishing Thatcher and the Tories.
That is the core problem with the BBC. Metropolitan pc values. That and the money-no-object culture that led them to discreetly shift a billion pounds of licence fee payers’ money to their own staff pension fund last year.
And this is the same corporation that took 170,502 people to court in 2011 for not paying their licence fee clogging up all our magistrates’ courts, yet giving Caroline Thompson £600,000 for not getting the DG’s job.
And why did the Pollard report cost £2,000,000? Was it his fee or what?
I expect that the advice will no you can’t get any of the public’s money back. Of course getting the advice will cost the public several £10k . The BBC , concerned that even some Labour MPs are unhappy with them , are just going through the motions to be seen to respond the ‘unfair and shabby criticism’.
A bit like that other Labour Party luvvie Tony Robinson – every time I turn to one of the Discovery / History channels on Sky I have to endure his annoying face. I swear that one day I will put my foot through the screen!
Not as long as you remember Orwell’s adage about about controlling the future by controlling the past.
Or chairman Mao,s pithier
‘the past must be made to serve the future’
It’s not wrong, or right particularly. It’s your choice and yours alone. It’s the BBC and their fellow travellers who try to tell everyone the right and wrong things to do and watch.
All one can say is that Robinson seems to have an agenda (an evil one at that) whatever he does. That is worth remembering when you are watching one of his “history” programmes.
Watced ‘Flog It’ on Thursday, Paul Martin was in Liverpool and we had a brief tour of the excellent museum.
I waited and waited, but all in vain! There was not a single mention of Slavery! I thought it was mandatory whenever the BBC is in Liverpool or Bristol.
Was this the Museum of Liverpool that has just been awarded the Council of Europe’s prize for political correctness? The Council of Europe said it had “an exemplary recognition of human rights in museum practice”.
“It promotes mutual respect between ethnically and socially diverse parts of the society, addresses human rights through contemporary debates and dialogue and maintains an open and inclusive policy aimed at bridging cultures in every aspect of its work.”
Arab slave trade from 7th Cent to 1905 when the British Navy put a stop it; total of some 18 million slaves according to my printed Encyclopedia Brittanica.
I’m sure that figure is prominent on all BBC websites and school history books where it is taught as a terrible condemnation of Arab Muslims.
I made that last bit up as well
Under the Mediterranean centric Roman Empire, North Africa was Economically Culturally and Racially homogeneous with Europe. The result of those 18 million slaves is evident. A people, half way between Black Africa and Europe both economically, culturally and racially. In the eyes of the left, they now see them as Black. The Berber/ Arab Moor in Shakespeare Othello, has to be played by a Black actor nowadays. The Blacks have stolen the identity of the Berber/Arabs as well as the fact that the Berber/Arabs do not look alien enough for modern eyes. A similar future awaits the prospects and the identity of Londoners and other English cities if not England itself.
To narrow, that will never do my lad, try this:-
Association of Chief Police Officers
Association of European Police Colleges
Association of Police Authorities
Crimestoppers UK
National Centre for Applied Learning Technologies
National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit
National Policing Improvement Agency
Police Federation of England and Wales
Police National Legal Database
Police Superintendents’ Association of England and Wales
Numerous Masonic Lodges
Police Clubs/Canteens
I’m still grateful though, for the real thin blue line that is all there is between us and some very very bad people. Respect to all honest hard working police officers of whatever rank. Thanks and have a happy and a safe Christmas.
Does any one know who or what the ’23-year-old not a member of police staff’ is?
There seems to be some mystery surrounding him.
But then Ive been on late shift all week so maybe Ive just missed the relevant bulletin.
I actually got blocked by Owen Jones on Twitter the other day.
I’m not sure which of my tweets caused it. It might have been the one where he asked an MP how much of his salary he spends on luxuries, and I asked Mr Jones how much of the money that the BBC pays him he spends on luxuries…
It’s tax money in all but name, so I thought it was a fair question…
It would be interesting to know what percentage of his income he pays in tax and NI as well.
I suspect ,like most journos, a lot less
than than someone earning the same
Given that this week is the one that the Pollard report was published, and its findings revealing the ‘chaos and confusion’ found to be endemic within the BBC.
Anybody recalling the way the BBC used every available programme to regurgitate the hacking scandal and Leveson enquiry, as if by besmirching Murdoch they were making themselves look better, one has to wonder why Any Answers today, the programme which allows viewers to comment on questions posed in Any Questions, had no mention of the Pollard report.
But as we saw recently, while there is still many questions to be answered on just how it came about that the BBC shelved the Newsnight report on Savile, but were all too quick to run the one that mistakenly accused ‘a Senior Tory’, they have ‘shelved’ questions and answers related to their own behaviour, but chose instead to focus on that of a Tory MP.
Except there seems to be some doubt that what this MP is supposed to have done and said is indeed true. Yet the BBC allowed some of those callers it had selected to voice their opinions on the subject, to carry on insinuating that it was. Without any attempt to correct or balance their statements or views.
I suggest listening to the first part of Any Answers on the link above, and available for the next 7 days, then read the article below from The Telegraph, and then ask yourself what was the point of the programme.
I notice the first line of the article says: The Andrew Mitchell affair is to the police what the McAlpine scandal was to the BBC
It looks to me like the Andrew Mitchell affair is to the BBC exactly what the McAlpine scandal was – a way to divert attention from itself for its other failings, and using a Tory to do it.
Whereas Julian Clary’s ‘comedy’ act, screened by the bBBC straight after Reginald Hunter’s, contained no humour but was entirely about his perverted sexual practices, culminating in his apparently choosing an Olympic athlete from the audience on the basis of what Clary would like to do to him.
My daughter was at the filming.
Believe you me-the edit took an age, due to the complete death of Clary.
He accused the audience of being homophobes, for not laughing at his 1987 schtick…all those at the Hammersmith Apollo were embarrassed for him.
Yet the edit cut out the funny bloke, and only gave us a few minutes of Clary.
Djalili had to redo his Worrall Thompson bit…too nasty, and hideously unfunny to all involved.
The BBC truly are crap-the likes of Djalili and Clary will always get a gig at the useless BBC…no matter how unfunny.
It`s called a Hardy Sinecure, I believe.
The toxic smears… ha.. an odious little creep who admitted swearing at police, and releases footage that could have been issued months ago, that with its editing wouldn’t stand up in a court of law, produced by a C$ bloke who is a friend of mitchel, mitchel is having a larf!
Although I do agree that if it turns out that an officer of the law pretended to be there then it looks bad, but if that officer was privy to the information in the so called log and decided to make it public then its still a whistle blow, and as for him pretending to be a MOP, FFS cops are mops and as such make the same mistakes as you and I sometimes…
Perhaps we should tarnish all doctors as murdering scum because Harold Shipman was
a doctor?
Or all school caretakers as child murderers, as… etc.
Presumably you are going to substantiate that with some revelations of your own. Or are you judging him by appearance, accent, background and the fact he is a Conservative?
All of the above, with the exception of him being a Conservative.
It would be rather disingenuous of me to hold him to account over being a conservative when I have voted for them for years.
“Back at the end of September, I defended Andrew Mitchell, though I am no fan of his and disapprove of his swearing.
“I said the police seemed to have got above themselves, and that the Chief Whip was mainly in trouble because he rode a bicycle instead of sprawling in a chauffeured car.
“I added: ‘This episode will, I hope, rebound hard on those who seem to me to have abused their positions to make trouble for a Minister. They should remember who employs them, and who pays their wages.
“‘They are not paid to leak such matters to the papers. This is lawless personal spite, not law enforcement.’
It’s something of a litmus test to see how people are responding to this; people who care about our democracy and real justice are appalled at the allegations. Lefties, with no where else to go, are ferreting around trying to justify their bigotry. Their narrative now is, ‘well he did swear’ and that would justify his sacking. Well no it doesn’t (but according to them it’s OK if you thump a demonstrator or shag your PA over your desk – in lefty world that is not misconduct in public office, ‘That’s just John, ha ha, ho ho’
The discredited Newsnight brigade are so defined by their response. Remember! week after week they kept up the pressure on Mitchell and now it’s fallen down around their ears, their response is perfunctory – they report briefly on the issue, in passing, avoiding any consideration about the serious implications…but choose to ask why it is that the Tories have such a bad relationship with the police.
And I have no doubt whatsoever that if Cameron was caught with egg on his face, as Miliband has over this, he would have been dragged into a studio and ridiculed for making the wrong call. Has the ‘worlds most trusted news broadcaster’ challenged Miliband? Will it? Don’t hold your breath.
I, like Hitchens, am no fan of Mitchell but this incident has been a scandal since the very start. And that was an excellent post #88, which hit a number of nails right on their heads.,
Really? So we can expect the legions of BBC ‘comedians’ to be chipping in as before, can we? Not to mention the Radio 5 presenters with their invaluable asides?
It’s not just ‘news’ Jim. Or what the BBC deems to be news.
They’ve REPORTED it on most platforms, but Newsnight haven’t given it anything like the prominence or analysis they gave the initial allegations, slithering off topic to twist the discussion onto Tory relationships with the police. As I say, perfunctory. Even Andrew Neil remarked on this, witness his twitter spat with Comrade Mason.
And on Thursday evening, on the ‘Five Live’ platform as you call it, a BBC reporter told the audience, ‘There is no question about the official log’, when that was completely untrue.
She wasn’t his PA. She was the office junior who wasn’t too keen on what she was expected to do. But power was exciting. Her civil service career did not prosper. His did, with entry to the Lords.
No lefty saw anything to criticise in his appalling behaviour.
The balen report….
I was wondering, as I’m not one to use a foi or have any idea how to go about it….
But has anyone issued a foi as to how the balen report has been used as “news, documentary, or art” or what ever the wiggle room to get out of publishing it is worded.
I think it would be quite funny if the response was the exact same “news, documentary, or art.”
Then once they have issued that statement, issue another foi on how the response was… and how that response was used as…. ad infinitum.
Surely if they can’t show the report was, blar de blar, then by definition its not being used as blar de blar, therefor it has to be released?
By the way, welcome back, he says while having consumed a nice bottle of wine 🙂
BBC: ‘….It can not have escaped your notice that we as a nation are currently drifting up a certain well known creek, economically, politically, socially… er …totally. So where are the great ideas, theories and visions to help us in our hour of need?
‘Comedian activist, Mark Thomas is trying to create a People’s Manifesto and wants your help. In this hit BBC Radio 4 show each audience gets to come up with their own policies, which Mark will include in the final manifesto. ‘
Any suggestions? I’ve already thought about one – exit the EU. I have an slight intuition that my idea won’t make the show.
Firstly, can I take this opportunity to wish Mr Vance and all at a merry and peaceful Christmas! I sincerely hope you all have a chance to enjoy yourselves in what is fast becoming an unhappy Britain to live in; and I really hope you and your families make the most of a sacred tradition which the Left are doing their best to make disappear.
Secondly, I would just like to say that I, too, woke up early this morning with a jovial festive spirit though, this frivolous exuberance, alas, soon faded after turning on the TV and seeing BBC Breakfast glaring at my tired eyes like a leering turd that refuses to ride the surf of the flush. Not a minute passed before I was confronted with an utterly infantile story about a Pakistani immigrant who has become a sensation in the East End market places because of his ‘Gangnam’ style market rap, which he, presumably uses to entice potential customers. My issue wasn’t with this seemingly nice chap BUT with the BBC’s subtle multicultural undertone which pervaded the whole piece. They don’t seem to have problem with the East End nowadays resembling parts of Lahore; even with such a trivial little report the BBC pushes its revolting multicultural agenda down our throats with puerile flapdoodle about immigrants doing silly songs in a market place. Bah HUMBUG!
‘He then shamelessly pocketed the Murdoch shilling for five years as a reporter for Sky News, two years of which were spent as the station’s Los Angeles Correspondent. ‘
Obviously. Anyone with a brain would see that it was 100% the evil Republicans’ fault, and that the president was merely a powerless innocent bystander.
‘A compromise that looks like a no-brainer to outsiders – and even, apparently, Mr Boehner – does not necessarily look like that to Congressional Republicans who have signed a pledge not to raise tax rates on anyone, ever. ‘
Mr. Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last week, he told Mr. Boehner that if the sides didn’t reach agreement, he would use his inaugural address and his State of the Union speech to tell the country the Republicans were at fault.
At one point, according to notes taken by a participant, Mr. Boehner told the president, “I put $800 billion [in tax revenue] on the table. What do I get for that?”
“You get nothing,” the president said. “I get that for free.”
It’s President “I won” all over again. A compromise involves both parties ceding real ground. That’s not what’s happening here.
Flanders is pushing the same White House lie – yes, it’s a lie, because she knows the truth and reports something else – that the BBC’s US President editor, Mark Mardell was the other day. Only Republican intransigence and “posturing” is blocking a real deal to save the world. The Obamessiah can do no wrong. As Mardell and Jim Dandy say, we must bow down to His wishes. He, being a superior being to Bill Clinton and George Bush, even though with less of a “mandate” after being re-elected, does not need to compromise.
Basically, don’t trust the BBC on US issues. They’ll mislead you every time.
I am convinced that Obama WANTS the US to go over the fiscal cliff. Nothing he has said or done suggests compromise – he is just playing a political game, aiming to besmirch the Republicans. The fact that going over the cliff would be deeply damaging is of little consequence to him if he believes he can persuade the American people that it is all Boehner’s fault.
This view is widely held on the Republican side. It is an appalling indictment of Obama. So it nevber gets mentioned on the BBC.
By Matthew Davis.
[Opening excerpt]:
“CUSHY contracts at the BBC mean it would cost more than £600,000 to fire the four most senior people at the centre of the Jimmy Savile and McAlpine debacles.”
Star of Bethlehem: The astronomical explanations
By Victoria Gill BBC reporter
‘It might seem churlish to dissect such an enduring image of Christmas as the star of Bethlehem…’
Oh go on Victoria, you know you want to.
And of course your next BBC report is bound to be providing us with scientific explanations that debunk other world religions.
Anyway Victoria, how’s the Twitter going?
Victoria Gill
‘I’m a BBC website producer/reporter who will write about anything (as long as it’s science). Opinions are mine, all mine.
@paulmannion A colleague on Breakfast is looking for expert 2 chat abt climate change tmrw Prof Ian Woodward sprang 2 mind. Can u reach him?
Ah, climate science…interesting.
Paul Mannion @paulmannion
@Vic_Gill will chase, Edward Hanna is our best climate change expert, from Geography. Very good with media too.
8 Dec Victoria Gill Victoria Gill @Vic_Gill
@paulmannion Fab. Wld u chase him too and pass on details if thy’r happy with that. Can I give your mobile no to my colleague pls? DM me pls
‘After all, some scientists are involved to some extent in the creation of dramatic stories about the melting of ice and the peddling of alarm in the media. Following the NASA story, Edward Hannah, reader in climate change at the University of Sheffield, wrote in the Guardian that ‘the Greenland ice sheet is living on borrowed time’, and that ‘tens of centimetres’ of sea-level rise ‘would make many coastal communities more vulnerable to flooding and storm surges’. Such a conclusion had nothing to do with the story at hand and presupposed that it was beyond the means and minds of ‘coastal communities’ a century hence to move themselves away from the shore or build coastal protection.’
To understand the ease at which it is possible to fool the morons employed at the BBC. The assumption is that the recent warming of the Arctic was caused by a decrease in Albedo. The observations show that there was an increase in Albedo or in other words, cloud cover over the Arctic. Reflected solar radiation in the Arctic in July 2012 was considerably higher than July 2011 according to the CERES instrument on the Modis satellites. An increase in cloud cover in the Arctic would increase temperatures as clouds trap heat. Also the greenhouse effect is weakest at the poles and non-existent in the polar winter. As well as the fact that the Arctic has far more heat input than the Antarctic region, due to the jet stream. Edward Hannah is one of those third rate students who find they can make a living by providing the morons at the Guardian/BBC with what they want to see, rather than spoiling a lucrative career by testing the assumptions with observations.
‘Can the [public sector outfit here] be trusted to investigate itself?’
Good question, Andrew.
Lucky some get to hold others to account.
And some don’t ever get held to the same.
Now, a musical interlude. It’s already here lads…
The irony of the two sets of hapless, hopeless or downright sinister establishment figures at the public’s door at the beginning of this thread is not lost.
Pretty clear that Desert Island Discs is as good a barometer of BBC cultural canary mindset ,as any other vehicle that they use to tell we ,the civilians who is “in” and who is “out”!
Now I personally don`t mind Dawn French, except for the fact that she has not made anybody laugh since 1987…that apart, I`ve no problem with her.
Yet there she was -pony, gymkhanas and boarding school…but not…repeat NOT a toff, comprendez?
Now Eric Pickles-Toryboy…silver spoon questions abounded and slurs thrown about, when HE was on.
Wendy Beckett got a pasting over women bishops and the pope not letting Geldof through with those condoms…but Dawn is BBC royalty…if she says she was an East End girls dredging for whelks…then that`ll be all Kirsty needs.
The Beeb have this ability to turn anybody into a hate figure…except those the BBC hate, who I now tend to love!
I turned it off after a few minutes of her trying to establish her ‘working class’ credentials but perhaps it wasn’t convincing enough for the bBBC because they don’t mention it in their ‘news’ item.
But it does seem to have been quite faithfully reported by the bBBC.
Must be difficult for the lefties, though: a black man (good) in the Church of England (bad) attacking the Tory cuts (good) but also mentioning the 2009 government’s failing as well (difficult, how can we treat this?).
Semantu is a useful cudgel here, so the BBC happily uses him. His views on homosexual issues are temporarily forgiven. But what’s this?
Dr Sentamu has previously questioned whether British troops are being cared for properly by the government.
In 2009, he challenged whether troops serving in Afghanistan were getting the treatment they deserved from Whitehall under the terms of the military covenant.
The generic “government”, eh? Who was in charge in 2009, BBC? Which Prime Minister got a kicking about defense funding?
An unbiased report would have mentioned that Semantu was an equal-opportunity critic. Instead, the BBC saw a good opportunity to avoid tarnishing Gordon Brown’s legacy. Even using the word “Labour” there would have required another line or two of uncomfortable background, so they left it out.
Note the bBBC’s none-too-subtle attempt to link the present Health Secretary to the failings of Worcestershire NHS under the Labour government. Compare and contrast the first line of the reports:
bBBC ( Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said he is “disgusted and appalled” at accounts of patient neglect at a hospital in Worcestershire.
ITV News ( A hospital trust will apologise to the families of 38 people who suffered what human rights lawyers have called “appalling” failures of care, following successful legal action.
Even the Grauniad ( didn’t stoop as low as the bBBC: A hospital trust will apologise to the families of 38 people who suffered what human rights lawyers have called “appalling” failures of care, following successful legal action.
You might wonder after reading this how the BBC can give its unequivocal support to the AGW theory, or at least not assign one or two of its world-beating investigative journalists to finding out what the hell is going on within the IPCC:
The BBC gives unequivocal support to Warmsim for religious reasons. Asking them to investigate this would be like asking the average Mohammedan to investigate whether or not their Prophet actually did fly to Jerusalem on a winged horse, where he ascended to heaven.
As an Astronomer with an interest in the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Mars and Venus.
Copernicus is for a round world, as Charles Darwin is for Evolution, as Albert Einstein is for Relativity, and so will Ned Nikolov be for Climate.
But history shows that it takes time for the truth to win over the opposition of the Church to the first two theories, the Nazis to relativity, the BBC to facts that challenge the assumptions and the IPCC to covering up any mention of the terrifying Unified Theory of Climate, because it explains the temperatures within all parts of the atmospheres of all the planetary atmospheres of the solar system. Conclusion: Man-made warming is far far too small to be detected. Also points to the Cosmoclimatology theory for any warming and cooling.
“We’re on our way to Britain: In a year up to 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians will have the right to settle in Britain and claim benefits. And many from the gipsy community can hardly wait to get here.”
Well, some at least work..ish.
There’s a cheerful bundle of ethnic attire that is a lady Roma currently wishing one and all a Merry Xmas on the High St at present.
Rather oddly, one supposes for H&S reasons, she also sports a hi-vis jacket, it appears sponsored by wine retailer.
Moved by another spirit of the season, I was tempted to purchase the magazine she sells, but As I headed across she told another hapless supporter to hold on as she took a call on her iPhone, possibly from her bookie or broker.
Such cultural enrichment seemed less than worthy of further financial support… Well, at least where the option is afforded. Our government and certain media of course are less keen on such a thing.
Oo, lookee, the ‘chief executive’ of Crisis is on SKY withering away about ‘the cuts’ and lack of affordable (aka a person gets to live in a house paid for by others) housing. I bet she has an iPhone too, and a nice pension… And….
A bit of adverse weather, our over-stretched transport system thoroughly embued with ‘elf and safety cuture and then of course BBC apocalyptic reporting combine today to bring us a perfect storm. Blimey ,is anyone still alive down there in Exeter?
‘BBC forecaster Laura Gilchrist said the fresh band of rain was not “welcome news” for flood-hit areas of the UK.’
Insights like that are priceless, aren’t they?
I wonder if those Chinese walls are still up at the BBC? Is the new DG breaking down that ‘silo mentality’? You know, the way George Entwistle didn’t want to hear about what was going out on Newsnight. Oh I can see it now…..Secretary to stand-in DG: ‘You might need your umbrella, Sir, it’s raining out’. [fingers in ears] ‘Now how many times have I told you, I can’t be seen to interfere with BBC weather forcasting – so I can’t know what they are saying!’
And talking of the Arab Spring one does notice that the BBC is no hurry to decry the “democracy” now being entrenched in Egypt.
No Bowen crying about the brutality or Morsi’s ill treatment of the masses.
BBC right there supporting the dark ages where violent dictators rule and everyone ensures that they reduce their emissions and live in darkness (literally and figuratively) to save the planet.
That railway junction outside Exeter at Cowley Bridge. It has always been a weak point of the system. The old Great Western was always aware of it.
Mid you putting a hut filled with electronic signalling on the same level as the junction itself displays a lack of forethought.
I doubt the old signalling engineers of the GWR and early BR would have made that mistake.
We are, as the BBC demonstrates only too well, gradually becoming a technologically advanced but institutionally incompetent society.
‘technologically advanced but institutionally incompetent’
As George R’s post about the new, hi-tech R4 shows, the BBC rather uniquely manages to reduce this to a whole sorrier level.
Amazing what a market rate doesn’t get you when there is not accountability .
OT, but… sound familiar? ‘With its dictatorial monitoring, editing and censorship of posts, the AS only allows words to be used if they match those chosen by the AS. Anything that doesn’t conform to the AS’s desired point of view is amended, edited or deleted by the AS. Without discussion.
And I used to joke about the BBC having an outbreak of Alzheimers of late.
Seems it was more an exchange programme.
Is there a public sector or NGO outfit not run now by market rates who don’t seem to use Goebbels’ Greatest Hits as a template?
Search Biased BBC
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One of the BBC’s mercenaries, looks like a psychopath. Now I understand why the BBC thought it normal to employ people like Jimmy Savile.
Some of the legal “arguments” of the resident and his friend were idiotic. He doesn’t have to obey the law if he doesn’t vote? And the moron policeman then admitted he didn’t either, but still…
What a waste of public money in which to enforce the money grabbing ways of the bBC. while the bBc reports from around the world about how evil the British are , it transpires the most evil people on the planet are..people who work for the bBC. that video should be aired to all and sundry in which to bankrupt the money grabbing bBC
Part of me thinks: You can talk your way out of anything, if you have the inclination and time.
The other part of me (from previous experience) thinks: in my time, I’d take none of that flannel from anyone – it irritates me. The door would be pushed open (with “reasonable” force if necessary) and the TV licence man afforded access. An arrest for obstruction could well have followed, and bugger the consequences (which, in those days, would have been minimal and probably non-existent, ‘cos in THOSE days, there was considerable public respect for The Job and officers within it).
However, yet another part of me says: I hate the BBC, they are a bunch of conniving, biased, licence-tax grabbing, lying bastards, and ANY obstruction is well worth the bother.
That’s what I can’t understand Old Goat. The Policeman has a search warrant so if that says search 123 Arcadia Avenue then he searches 123 Arcadia Avenue. The legal whys and why nots occur at a higher level then he is at.
He also he shouldn’t engage the people who live in the house in conversation either. Politely tell them he has a search warrant , let them see it and if they don’t get out of the way then nick them for obstruction.
That said of course I don’t agree with the Beeb and their Crapita boot boys but this video doesn’t show the Police in a very professional light.
Agreed, but I think it’s a great video to demonstrate the way that bot Crapita and the police waste public money.
I wish they had that much time to spare when your property gets broken in to.
Media training day at Conservative Central HQ
OK, ok, can we stop there, please? Minister, I’m afraid you’re coming over as too sure of your views. Can we try this training exercise again with less certainty…. but with more…. humility? Do remember this is supposed to be an interview with the BBC. And can you please say all the words that we agreed? Great…BBC reporter….from the top…..first question….
Minister, you say that three quarters of the British electorate agree with your policy – but the Trades Unions have come against it…..the Labour Party, the Lib-Dems, the charity sector, pressure groups, the EU and the UN….they have all raised grave concerns… the face of this strong, unanimous – indeed international – opposition, how can you possibly justify your position?
Well, before I answer any matters of policy….and I should add a thank you for asking me on your show….and mention that the BBC is a unique and wonderful organisation…. first of all …right at the outset….I must say something that the BBC would expect of me…..I’d like to apologise to your audience, in the most unequivocal of terms, I do apologise for being a conservative.
At last, Minister! Now you’re striking just the right tone there! Keep it going….
The report on Newsnight and the McAlpine programme signally failed to explain why an ageing story about Welsh boys homes was recycled (without the original judicial enquiry report even being inspected by the editor.)
Obviously the BIJ was playing to its own and the BBC’s prejudices, and the agenda of Witchfinder-General Labour MP Tom Watson, by offering Newsnight a cheap rehabilitation with the bonus of rubbishing Thatcher and the Tories.
That is the core problem with the BBC. Metropolitan pc values. That and the money-no-object culture that led them to discreetly shift a billion pounds of licence fee payers’ money to their own staff pension fund last year.
And this is the same corporation that took 170,502 people to court in 2011 for not paying their licence fee clogging up all our magistrates’ courts, yet giving Caroline Thompson £600,000 for not getting the DG’s job.
And why did the Pollard report cost £2,000,000? Was it his fee or what?
“BBC Takes Advice On Slashing Entwistle Pay-Off”
(3 min video)
I expect that the advice will no you can’t get any of the public’s money back. Of course getting the advice will cost the public several £10k . The BBC , concerned that even some Labour MPs are unhappy with them , are just going through the motions to be seen to respond the ‘unfair and shabby criticism’.
While I think about it, I’d just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, even the leftwing dissemblers who visit this site.
Thank you John. What a lovely sentiment!
“Is there NO escaping him? Already sick of Stephen Fry? Bad luck. He appears in 189 TV shows in the next two weeks.”
A bit like that other Labour Party luvvie Tony Robinson – every time I turn to one of the Discovery / History channels on Sky I have to endure his annoying face. I swear that one day I will put my foot through the screen!
He’s been on Radio 4 in the mornings, lately, too.
Actually, I like many of Tony Robinson’s history programmes. Is that wrong?
Not as long as you remember Orwell’s adage about about controlling the future by controlling the past.
Or chairman Mao,s pithier
‘the past must be made to serve the future’
Not if you check out other people’s views of history afterwards.
It’s not wrong, or right particularly. It’s your choice and yours alone. It’s the BBC and their fellow travellers who try to tell everyone the right and wrong things to do and watch.
All one can say is that Robinson seems to have an agenda (an evil one at that) whatever he does. That is worth remembering when you are watching one of his “history” programmes.
That article will make Stevie love The Daily Mail all the more !!!! 🙂
Noel Edmonds too, the big freak.
You can judge a person of a certain age by whether they watched Swap Shop or Tiswas. The former is the BBC’s abiding shame.
‘You can judge a person of a certain age by whether they watched Swap Shop or Tiswas.‘
Saturday morning programmes. Tiswas (Today Is Saturday Watch And Smile) was “cool”. Swap Shop most definitely was not.
I was trying to understand the principle of judging the adult by the programmes he or she watched as a kid.
As it happens, my kids watched both (and Jim’ll Fix It…..)
Ah yes. #We’ll sing the song, the bucket of water song…#
Watced ‘Flog It’ on Thursday, Paul Martin was in Liverpool and we had a brief tour of the excellent museum.
I waited and waited, but all in vain! There was not a single mention of Slavery! I thought it was mandatory whenever the BBC is in Liverpool or Bristol.
Was this the Museum of Liverpool that has just been awarded the Council of Europe’s prize for political correctness?
The Council of Europe said it had “an exemplary recognition of human rights in museum practice”.
“It promotes mutual respect between ethnically and socially diverse parts of the society, addresses human rights through contemporary debates and dialogue and maintains an open and inclusive policy aimed at bridging cultures in every aspect of its work.”
‘…and drawing comparisons of the contemporaneous slave trades of the Arabs and the British/Americans‘.
Actually, just made that up.
Arab slave trade from 7th Cent to 1905 when the British Navy put a stop it; total of some 18 million slaves according to my printed Encyclopedia Brittanica.
I’m sure that figure is prominent on all BBC websites and school history books where it is taught as a terrible condemnation of Arab Muslims.
I made that last bit up as well
Under the Mediterranean centric Roman Empire, North Africa was Economically Culturally and Racially homogeneous with Europe. The result of those 18 million slaves is evident. A people, half way between Black Africa and Europe both economically, culturally and racially. In the eyes of the left, they now see them as Black. The Berber/ Arab Moor in Shakespeare Othello, has to be played by a Black actor nowadays. The Blacks have stolen the identity of the Berber/Arabs as well as the fact that the Berber/Arabs do not look alien enough for modern eyes. A similar future awaits the prospects and the identity of Londoners and other English cities if not England itself.
“an exemplary recognition of human rights in museum practice”
i.e. it’s not a museum then, it’s a whitewash…
‘Oi, did you just say ‘white’?
Sometimes the omissions are more important.
Nobody relying on the blinkered BBC will have any idea of the real import of the shale gas revolution..
American CO2 emissions are down 14% since 2008 because of gas replacing coal.
See: “Frack Off” for a humoursly serious take on this at:
“Have the men in blue crossed the line?
In the eyes of its natural supporters, the police force is beginning to look and act like a law unto itself”
By Andrew Gilligan.
To narrow, that will never do my lad, try this:-
Association of Chief Police Officers
Association of European Police Colleges
Association of Police Authorities
Crimestoppers UK
National Centre for Applied Learning Technologies
National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit
National Policing Improvement Agency
Police Federation of England and Wales
Police National Legal Database
Police Superintendents’ Association of England and Wales
Numerous Masonic Lodges
Police Clubs/Canteens
I’m still grateful though, for the real thin blue line that is all there is between us and some very very bad people. Respect to all honest hard working police officers of whatever rank. Thanks and have a happy and a safe Christmas.
BBC-NUJ pro-Police Federation political propaganda-
Does any one know who or what the ’23-year-old not a member of police staff’ is?
There seems to be some mystery surrounding him.
But then Ive been on late shift all week so maybe Ive just missed the relevant bulletin.
Owen Jones.
Not this Owen Jones?
“Owen Jones is a columnist for The Independent.”
He apparently is 28
My mistake, Stewart. I thought 23 was pushing it for ‘Shouty’. Merry Christmas to all commenters on this site, and a Chakrabarti in a pear tree!
I actually got blocked by Owen Jones on Twitter the other day.
I’m not sure which of my tweets caused it. It might have been the one where he asked an MP how much of his salary he spends on luxuries, and I asked Mr Jones how much of the money that the BBC pays him he spends on luxuries…
It’s tax money in all but name, so I thought it was a fair question…
It would be interesting to know what percentage of his income he pays in tax and NI as well.
I suspect ,like most journos, a lot less
than than someone earning the same
Given that this week is the one that the Pollard report was published, and its findings revealing the ‘chaos and confusion’ found to be endemic within the BBC.
Anybody recalling the way the BBC used every available programme to regurgitate the hacking scandal and Leveson enquiry, as if by besmirching Murdoch they were making themselves look better, one has to wonder why Any Answers today, the programme which allows viewers to comment on questions posed in Any Questions, had no mention of the Pollard report.
But as we saw recently, while there is still many questions to be answered on just how it came about that the BBC shelved the Newsnight report on Savile, but were all too quick to run the one that mistakenly accused ‘a Senior Tory’, they have ‘shelved’ questions and answers related to their own behaviour, but chose instead to focus on that of a Tory MP.
Except there seems to be some doubt that what this MP is supposed to have done and said is indeed true. Yet the BBC allowed some of those callers it had selected to voice their opinions on the subject, to carry on insinuating that it was. Without any attempt to correct or balance their statements or views.
I suggest listening to the first part of Any Answers on the link above, and available for the next 7 days, then read the article below from The Telegraph, and then ask yourself what was the point of the programme.
I notice the first line of the article says: The Andrew Mitchell affair is to the police what the McAlpine scandal was to the BBC
It looks to me like the Andrew Mitchell affair is to the BBC exactly what the McAlpine scandal was – a way to divert attention from itself for its other failings, and using a Tory to do it.
Andrew Mitchell: a lie gone round the world before the truth had its bicycle clips on
“A shameless lack of blame at Patten’s BBC.”
By Christopher Booker.
Sorry.. repetition on my part… for effect:)
Captured on film, footage of a comedian ending his BBC career…. (click play – it’s just Iplayer)
A BBC comedian NOT sneering at ‘Fatcha’ or wishing her an early demise! Quite the opposite – actually showing the former PM some respect!
That might actually be a first.
I quite like Reginald, but perhaps he just hasn’t learned the rules of the BBC Comedy Club yet. Let’s hope he never accepts membership.
Thanks for the link.
Whereas Julian Clary’s ‘comedy’ act, screened by the bBBC straight after Reginald Hunter’s, contained no humour but was entirely about his perverted sexual practices, culminating in his apparently choosing an Olympic athlete from the audience on the basis of what Clary would like to do to him.
I watched it as well and had the sense to stop watching after R D Hunter:)
My daughter was at the filming.
Believe you me-the edit took an age, due to the complete death of Clary.
He accused the audience of being homophobes, for not laughing at his 1987 schtick…all those at the Hammersmith Apollo were embarrassed for him.
Yet the edit cut out the funny bloke, and only gave us a few minutes of Clary.
Djalili had to redo his Worrall Thompson bit…too nasty, and hideously unfunny to all involved.
The BBC truly are crap-the likes of Djalili and Clary will always get a gig at the useless BBC…no matter how unfunny.
It`s called a Hardy Sinecure, I believe.
I thought it was known as “The Lenny Effect”
-not a report BBC-NUJ wants to run:-
“Andrew Mitchell: the ‘toxic’ smears aimed at destroying my party and me”
The toxic smears… ha.. an odious little creep who admitted swearing at police, and releases footage that could have been issued months ago, that with its editing wouldn’t stand up in a court of law, produced by a C$ bloke who is a friend of mitchel, mitchel is having a larf!
Although I do agree that if it turns out that an officer of the law pretended to be there then it looks bad, but if that officer was privy to the information in the so called log and decided to make it public then its still a whistle blow, and as for him pretending to be a MOP, FFS cops are mops and as such make the same mistakes as you and I sometimes…
Perhaps we should tarnish all doctors as murdering scum because Harold Shipman was
a doctor?
Or all school caretakers as child murderers, as… etc.
‘…an odious little creep’.
Presumably you are going to substantiate that with some revelations of your own. Or are you judging him by appearance, accent, background and the fact he is a Conservative?
All of the above, with the exception of him being a Conservative.
It would be rather disingenuous of me to hold him to account over being a conservative when I have voted for them for years.
He has not admitted swearing at the police. He has admitted swearing in the presence of the police.
Something that would be recognised in your imagined ‘court of law’.
Peter Hitchens:
(Scroll down).
“Vindicated for defending Andrew Mitchell.
“Back at the end of September, I defended Andrew Mitchell, though I am no fan of his and disapprove of his swearing.
“I said the police seemed to have got above themselves, and that the Chief Whip was mainly in trouble because he rode a bicycle instead of sprawling in a chauffeured car.
“I added: ‘This episode will, I hope, rebound hard on those who seem to me to have abused their positions to make trouble for a Minister. They should remember who employs them, and who pays their wages.
“‘They are not paid to leak such matters to the papers. This is lawless personal spite, not law enforcement.’
“I feel vindicated.”–realise-banning-guns-waste-time.html
…and another thing!
It’s something of a litmus test to see how people are responding to this; people who care about our democracy and real justice are appalled at the allegations. Lefties, with no where else to go, are ferreting around trying to justify their bigotry. Their narrative now is, ‘well he did swear’ and that would justify his sacking. Well no it doesn’t (but according to them it’s OK if you thump a demonstrator or shag your PA over your desk – in lefty world that is not misconduct in public office, ‘That’s just John, ha ha, ho ho’
The discredited Newsnight brigade are so defined by their response. Remember! week after week they kept up the pressure on Mitchell and now it’s fallen down around their ears, their response is perfunctory – they report briefly on the issue, in passing, avoiding any consideration about the serious implications…but choose to ask why it is that the Tories have such a bad relationship with the police.
And I have no doubt whatsoever that if Cameron was caught with egg on his face, as Miliband has over this, he would have been dragged into a studio and ridiculed for making the wrong call. Has the ‘worlds most trusted news broadcaster’ challenged Miliband? Will it? Don’t hold your breath.
I, like Hitchens, am no fan of Mitchell but this incident has been a scandal since the very start. And that was an excellent post #88, which hit a number of nails right on their heads.,
The BBC have given this blanket coverage on all platforms.
The “leftie” Sun is the media organisation that’s been pushing this the hardest and continues to hide behind the ” well he swore” argument.
Really? So we can expect the legions of BBC ‘comedians’ to be chipping in as before, can we? Not to mention the Radio 5 presenters with their invaluable asides?
It’s not just ‘news’ Jim. Or what the BBC deems to be news.
They’ve REPORTED it on most platforms, but Newsnight haven’t given it anything like the prominence or analysis they gave the initial allegations, slithering off topic to twist the discussion onto Tory relationships with the police. As I say, perfunctory. Even Andrew Neil remarked on this, witness his twitter spat with Comrade Mason.
And on Thursday evening, on the ‘Five Live’ platform as you call it, a BBC reporter told the audience, ‘There is no question about the official log’, when that was completely untrue.
PS: Completely untrue = a lie.
She wasn’t his PA. She was the office junior who wasn’t too keen on what she was expected to do. But power was exciting. Her civil service career did not prosper. His did, with entry to the Lords.
No lefty saw anything to criticise in his appalling behaviour.
The balen report….
I was wondering, as I’m not one to use a foi or have any idea how to go about it….
But has anyone issued a foi as to how the balen report has been used as “news, documentary, or art” or what ever the wiggle room to get out of publishing it is worded.
I think it would be quite funny if the response was the exact same “news, documentary, or art.”
Then once they have issued that statement, issue another foi on how the response was… and how that response was used as…. ad infinitum.
Surely if they can’t show the report was, blar de blar, then by definition its not being used as blar de blar, therefor it has to be released?
By the way, welcome back, he says while having consumed a nice bottle of wine 🙂
They hold power to account, you know.
Maybe Lord Patten could add a Worcester Hospital to his long list of duties of care?
He seems to have all the qualities necessary… well.. bar the patronising faux apology.
BBC: ‘….It can not have escaped your notice that we as a nation are currently drifting up a certain well known creek, economically, politically, socially… er …totally. So where are the great ideas, theories and visions to help us in our hour of need?
‘Comedian activist, Mark Thomas is trying to create a People’s Manifesto and wants your help. In this hit BBC Radio 4 show each audience gets to come up with their own policies, which Mark will include in the final manifesto. ‘
Any suggestions? I’ve already thought about one – exit the EU. I have an slight intuition that my idea won’t make the show.
‘…..As a condition of entry we will be contacting you before the recording asking for your suggestions, which Mark will then build the show around…..’
Ah, that’s where my exit the EU idea will be filtered out.
“Any suggestions?”
Forcible transport of Mark Thomas to somewhere with no means of communicating with the outside world. Or means of escape.
Hope I win ! ‘Twill make Christmas extra special.
Firstly, can I take this opportunity to wish Mr Vance and all at a merry and peaceful Christmas! I sincerely hope you all have a chance to enjoy yourselves in what is fast becoming an unhappy Britain to live in; and I really hope you and your families make the most of a sacred tradition which the Left are doing their best to make disappear.
Secondly, I would just like to say that I, too, woke up early this morning with a jovial festive spirit though, this frivolous exuberance, alas, soon faded after turning on the TV and seeing BBC Breakfast glaring at my tired eyes like a leering turd that refuses to ride the surf of the flush. Not a minute passed before I was confronted with an utterly infantile story about a Pakistani immigrant who has become a sensation in the East End market places because of his ‘Gangnam’ style market rap, which he, presumably uses to entice potential customers. My issue wasn’t with this seemingly nice chap BUT with the BBC’s subtle multicultural undertone which pervaded the whole piece. They don’t seem to have problem with the East End nowadays resembling parts of Lahore; even with such a trivial little report the BBC pushes its revolting multicultural agenda down our throats with puerile flapdoodle about immigrants doing silly songs in a market place. Bah HUMBUG!
Little BBC pen pic of their reporter Tim Muffatt:
‘He then shamelessly pocketed the Murdoch shilling for five years as a reporter for Sky News, two years of which were spent as the station’s Los Angeles Correspondent. ‘
The impartiality simply shines through.
‘The only good news for President Obama is that he is not going to get the blame [if the US hits a fiscal cliff].’
Obviously. Anyone with a brain would see that it was 100% the evil Republicans’ fault, and that the president was merely a powerless innocent bystander.
From the same article:
‘A compromise that looks like a no-brainer to outsiders – and even, apparently, Mr Boehner – does not necessarily look like that to Congressional Republicans who have signed a pledge not to raise tax rates on anyone, ever. ‘
Here’s what “Two Eds” doesn’t want you to know about the “compromise”:
Too Much Of Nothing
Mr. Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last week, he told Mr. Boehner that if the sides didn’t reach agreement, he would use his inaugural address and his State of the Union speech to tell the country the Republicans were at fault.
At one point, according to notes taken by a participant, Mr. Boehner told the president, “I put $800 billion [in tax revenue] on the table. What do I get for that?”
“You get nothing,” the president said. “I get that for free.”
It’s President “I won” all over again. A compromise involves both parties ceding real ground. That’s not what’s happening here.
Flanders is pushing the same White House lie – yes, it’s a lie, because she knows the truth and reports something else – that the BBC’s US President editor, Mark Mardell was the other day. Only Republican intransigence and “posturing” is blocking a real deal to save the world. The Obamessiah can do no wrong. As Mardell and Jim Dandy say, we must bow down to His wishes. He, being a superior being to Bill Clinton and George Bush, even though with less of a “mandate” after being re-elected, does not need to compromise.
Basically, don’t trust the BBC on US issues. They’ll mislead you every time.
I am convinced that Obama WANTS the US to go over the fiscal cliff. Nothing he has said or done suggests compromise – he is just playing a political game, aiming to besmirch the Republicans. The fact that going over the cliff would be deeply damaging is of little consequence to him if he believes he can persuade the American people that it is all Boehner’s fault.
This view is widely held on the Republican side. It is an appalling indictment of Obama. So it nevber gets mentioned on the BBC.
By Matthew Davis.
[Opening excerpt]:
“CUSHY contracts at the BBC mean it would cost more than £600,000 to fire the four most senior people at the centre of the Jimmy Savile and McAlpine debacles.”
Too ‘unique’ to fail?
The BBC in festive mood?
Star of Bethlehem: The astronomical explanations
By Victoria Gill BBC reporter
‘It might seem churlish to dissect such an enduring image of Christmas as the star of Bethlehem…’
Oh go on Victoria, you know you want to.
And of course your next BBC report is bound to be providing us with scientific explanations that debunk other world religions.
Anyway Victoria, how’s the Twitter going?
Victoria Gill
‘I’m a BBC website producer/reporter who will write about anything (as long as it’s science). Opinions are mine, all mine.
Lancashire, UK ·‘
Ok then, give us some science Victoria.
Victoria Gill @Vic_Gill
Should’ve tweeted this yesterday – nice story on Salford vicar who invented British veggie movement: … by @ohlittlechief
No, no, I asked about science.
Victoria Gill @Vic_Gill
@paulmannion A colleague on Breakfast is looking for expert 2 chat abt climate change tmrw Prof Ian Woodward sprang 2 mind. Can u reach him?
Ah, climate science…interesting.
Paul Mannion @paulmannion
@Vic_Gill will chase, Edward Hanna is our best climate change expert, from Geography. Very good with media too.
8 Dec Victoria Gill Victoria Gill @Vic_Gill
@paulmannion Fab. Wld u chase him too and pass on details if thy’r happy with that. Can I give your mobile no to my colleague pls? DM me pls
Re: Edward Hanna
‘After all, some scientists are involved to some extent in the creation of dramatic stories about the melting of ice and the peddling of alarm in the media. Following the NASA story, Edward Hannah, reader in climate change at the University of Sheffield, wrote in the Guardian that ‘the Greenland ice sheet is living on borrowed time’, and that ‘tens of centimetres’ of sea-level rise ‘would make many coastal communities more vulnerable to flooding and storm surges’. Such a conclusion had nothing to do with the story at hand and presupposed that it was beyond the means and minds of ‘coastal communities’ a century hence to move themselves away from the shore or build coastal protection.’
To understand the ease at which it is possible to fool the morons employed at the BBC. The assumption is that the recent warming of the Arctic was caused by a decrease in Albedo. The observations show that there was an increase in Albedo or in other words, cloud cover over the Arctic. Reflected solar radiation in the Arctic in July 2012 was considerably higher than July 2011 according to the CERES instrument on the Modis satellites. An increase in cloud cover in the Arctic would increase temperatures as clouds trap heat. Also the greenhouse effect is weakest at the poles and non-existent in the polar winter. As well as the fact that the Arctic has far more heat input than the Antarctic region, due to the jet stream. Edward Hannah is one of those third rate students who find they can make a living by providing the morons at the Guardian/BBC with what they want to see, rather than spoiling a lucrative career by testing the assumptions with observations.
At 15 seconds in…what you write.
The BBC seems to have decided to stay with a ‘gate’ based on what wasn’t said, for some reason.
‘Can the [public sector outfit here] be trusted to investigate itself?’
Good question, Andrew.
Lucky some get to hold others to account.
And some don’t ever get held to the same.
Now, a musical interlude. It’s already here lads…
The irony of the two sets of hapless, hopeless or downright sinister establishment figures at the public’s door at the beginning of this thread is not lost.
Pretty clear that Desert Island Discs is as good a barometer of BBC cultural canary mindset ,as any other vehicle that they use to tell we ,the civilians who is “in” and who is “out”!
Now I personally don`t mind Dawn French, except for the fact that she has not made anybody laugh since 1987…that apart, I`ve no problem with her.
Yet there she was -pony, gymkhanas and boarding school…but not…repeat NOT a toff, comprendez?
Now Eric Pickles-Toryboy…silver spoon questions abounded and slurs thrown about, when HE was on.
Wendy Beckett got a pasting over women bishops and the pope not letting Geldof through with those condoms…but Dawn is BBC royalty…if she says she was an East End girls dredging for whelks…then that`ll be all Kirsty needs.
The Beeb have this ability to turn anybody into a hate figure…except those the BBC hate, who I now tend to love!
I turned it off after a few minutes of her trying to establish her ‘working class’ credentials but perhaps it wasn’t convincing enough for the bBBC because they don’t mention it in their ‘news’ item.
‘..turn it down… because she did not think it was funny enough.
Imagine the rest of us having that option on not unrelated matters?
This is what the bBBC regards as funny: foul-mouthed rants from a transvestite actor.
“Archbishop of York warns defence cuts ‘risk the safety of the nation'”
-Not a political view to be expressed by BBC-NUJ.
But it does seem to have been quite faithfully reported by the bBBC.
Must be difficult for the lefties, though: a black man (good) in the Church of England (bad) attacking the Tory cuts (good) but also mentioning the 2009 government’s failing as well (difficult, how can we treat this?).
Semantu is a useful cudgel here, so the BBC happily uses him. His views on homosexual issues are temporarily forgiven. But what’s this?
Dr Sentamu has previously questioned whether British troops are being cared for properly by the government.
In 2009, he challenged whether troops serving in Afghanistan were getting the treatment they deserved from Whitehall under the terms of the military covenant.
The generic “government”, eh? Who was in charge in 2009, BBC? Which Prime Minister got a kicking about defense funding?
An unbiased report would have mentioned that Semantu was an equal-opportunity critic. Instead, the BBC saw a good opportunity to avoid tarnishing Gordon Brown’s legacy. Even using the word “Labour” there would have required another line or two of uncomfortable background, so they left it out.
Will BBC-NUJ now take Labour’s Miliband to task for saying that Mitchell ‘was toast’?
This young man has talent. Can he do a Cameron?
Straight onto The Now Show if he does.
Otherwise the BBC not interested, I’d guess.
Note the bBBC’s none-too-subtle attempt to link the present Health Secretary to the failings of Worcestershire NHS under the Labour government. Compare and contrast the first line of the reports:
bBBC ( Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said he is “disgusted and appalled” at accounts of patient neglect at a hospital in Worcestershire.
ITV News ( A hospital trust will apologise to the families of 38 people who suffered what human rights lawyers have called “appalling” failures of care, following successful legal action.
Even the Grauniad ( didn’t stoop as low as the bBBC: A hospital trust will apologise to the families of 38 people who suffered what human rights lawyers have called “appalling” failures of care, following successful legal action.
You might wonder after reading this how the BBC can give its unequivocal support to the AGW theory, or at least not assign one or two of its world-beating investigative journalists to finding out what the hell is going on within the IPCC:
But then, maybe it’s not about the ‘science’, eh?
The BBC gives unequivocal support to Warmsim for religious reasons. Asking them to investigate this would be like asking the average Mohammedan to investigate whether or not their Prophet actually did fly to Jerusalem on a winged horse, where he ascended to heaven.
As an Astronomer with an interest in the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Mars and Venus.
Copernicus is for a round world, as Charles Darwin is for Evolution, as Albert Einstein is for Relativity, and so will Ned Nikolov be for Climate.
But history shows that it takes time for the truth to win over the opposition of the Church to the first two theories, the Nazis to relativity, the BBC to facts that challenge the assumptions and the IPCC to covering up any mention of the terrifying Unified Theory of Climate, because it explains the temperatures within all parts of the atmospheres of all the planetary atmospheres of the solar system. Conclusion: Man-made warming is far far too small to be detected. Also points to the Cosmoclimatology theory for any warming and cooling.
The NRA has gone too far now. Never mind its support for gunmen in every school. It has now sponsored a petition to the White House for Piers Morgan to be sent back here. What have we done to deserve that?
Mass Immigration to Britain, continued:-
“We’re on our way to Britain: In a year up to 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians will have the right to settle in Britain and claim benefits. And many from the gipsy community can hardly wait to get here.”
By Sue Reid.
[For BBC-NUJ-Labour to relegate.]
Well, some at least work..ish.
There’s a cheerful bundle of ethnic attire that is a lady Roma currently wishing one and all a Merry Xmas on the High St at present.
Rather oddly, one supposes for H&S reasons, she also sports a hi-vis jacket, it appears sponsored by wine retailer.
Moved by another spirit of the season, I was tempted to purchase the magazine she sells, but As I headed across she told another hapless supporter to hold on as she took a call on her iPhone, possibly from her bookie or broker.
Such cultural enrichment seemed less than worthy of further financial support… Well, at least where the option is afforded. Our government and certain media of course are less keen on such a thing.
Oo, lookee, the ‘chief executive’ of Crisis is on SKY withering away about ‘the cuts’ and lack of affordable (aka a person gets to live in a house paid for by others) housing. I bet she has an iPhone too, and a nice pension… And….
A bit of adverse weather, our over-stretched transport system thoroughly embued with ‘elf and safety cuture and then of course BBC apocalyptic reporting combine today to bring us a perfect storm. Blimey ,is anyone still alive down there in Exeter?
Undaunted by having given us so much misdirection at the dawn of the Arab Spring, the BBC continue fearlessly to predict the weather….
‘A new band of rain sweeping the UK could bring fresh flooding to south-west England and Scotland, BBC forecasters warn. ‘
‘BBC forecaster Laura Gilchrist said the fresh band of rain was not “welcome news” for flood-hit areas of the UK.’
Insights like that are priceless, aren’t they?
I wonder if those Chinese walls are still up at the BBC? Is the new DG breaking down that ‘silo mentality’? You know, the way George Entwistle didn’t want to hear about what was going out on Newsnight. Oh I can see it now…..Secretary to stand-in DG: ‘You might need your umbrella, Sir, it’s raining out’. [fingers in ears] ‘Now how many times have I told you, I can’t be seen to interfere with BBC weather forcasting – so I can’t know what they are saying!’
And talking of the Arab Spring one does notice that the BBC is no hurry to decry the “democracy” now being entrenched in Egypt.
No Bowen crying about the brutality or Morsi’s ill treatment of the masses.
BBC right there supporting the dark ages where violent dictators rule and everyone ensures that they reduce their emissions and live in darkness (literally and figuratively) to save the planet.
That railway junction outside Exeter at Cowley Bridge. It has always been a weak point of the system. The old Great Western was always aware of it.
Mid you putting a hut filled with electronic signalling on the same level as the junction itself displays a lack of forethought.
I doubt the old signalling engineers of the GWR and early BR would have made that mistake.
We are, as the BBC demonstrates only too well, gradually becoming a technologically advanced but institutionally incompetent society.
‘technologically advanced but institutionally incompetent’
As George R’s post about the new, hi-tech R4 shows, the BBC rather uniquely manages to reduce this to a whole sorrier level.
Amazing what a market rate doesn’t get you when there is not accountability .
“BBC Today programme descends into chaos after ‘gremlins’ hit new studio”
OT, but… sound familiar?
‘With its dictatorial monitoring, editing and censorship of posts, the AS only allows words to be used if they match those chosen by the AS. Anything that doesn’t conform to the AS’s desired point of view is amended, edited or deleted by the AS. Without discussion.
And I used to joke about the BBC having an outbreak of Alzheimers of late.
Seems it was more an exchange programme.
Is there a public sector or NGO outfit not run now by market rates who don’t seem to use Goebbels’ Greatest Hits as a template?