I know it’s been a challenging year and the domain change imposed on me has not helped BUT nonetheless it has been also a good year here on the site and I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for coming here and venting your spleen! A very Happy Christmas to you all!
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Thx David. I hope you get some nice presents.
Many thanks, merry christmas to all whether they share my views or not! Thanks for the hard work David, appreciated! Chris
Merry Christmas to all readers of this site. Let’s hope for a freer and more honest 2013.
Thanks to David, Alan etc. for keeping this site going as we all need a safety valve.
Here’s to ” Biasedbbc.org” going from strength to strength in 2013.
I’m only a recent visitor but really appreciate the opportunity to share information on the dreadful bias that we are forced to pay for.
I think biased-BBC gets it ‘about right’, if I’m allowed to use that toxic phrase.
I’d like to wish a very happy Christmas to our host and the contributors for their entertaining and informative posts and I’d like to wish Jim, Dez, Scottie, RW&B, Prole, Whitman, Gregory etc a very happy Winterval.
Merry Christmas to all involved with B BBC and please keep up the good work.
Many happy ones to all on the B-BBC site wish the other BBC had been as informative , honest and as open in it’s work !
Good work. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Merry Christmas, and a top new year to all, including Dez…The site wouldn’t be what it is without each and every one of the contributors and our gracious hosts, who I would like to extend a special thanks to.
I shall raise a triple JD to you all tomorrow.
Happy Christmas to all and a special thanks to David and co. for their persistence in the face of technological and ‘other’ challenges.
Keep fighting for a balanced, well-managed and value-for-money BBC – it ain’t rocket science.
And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, from the Old Goat.
Merry christmas and waes hael to all
Phew! Only just found you guys again!
Anyhoo, Merry Christmas to everyone and thanks to the proprietors for providing this valuable forum.
A merry Christmas to everybody involved with giving us this platform – I hope you all get what you wish for… and if the license fee isn’t cancelled then may you get the next best thing!
Very Best Wishes of the Season to all contributors here, and may the New Year bring us closer to realising the fruits of our labours.
…our Tories???
And a big Happy Christmas from me to you Mr Vance, as well as all my friends on this site.
Been a good year to see the BBC mortar of consensual leftie slime begin to corrode..anybody with more than two cells to rub together must surely link Savile to MacAlpine to Mitchell to Leveson to Muslim massaging, to EUphilia and to global warming…and know now that the BBC are on borrowed time.
I predict the licence will go the way of the archaic tax on owning a dog as it used to be….good times!
ChrisH ………hits the nail on the head.
Thank you David and all of your site helpers. You doing a valuable job and it is much appreciated.
May I also wish everyone at BiasedBBC and all the readers a Very Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
I think ChrisH is a poet, a man who can wrap interesting words, phrases & feelings around what the BBC are, many a time I have wanted to openly applaud what he has written on this site, but I thought that might be a little bit gaye, so I held back.
Here’s to a non gaye Christmas, and New Year to all, and Chris….Keep on doing what you do, it runs rings around the lefties, they NEVER have an answer to your poetry…They aint that smart to get it.
Most kind sir!
Been a vintage year for Beeb baiters hasn`t it?
Still-the John Suchet two-parter on Paul the apostle that was on 23/24th December gives me some hope that it may yet get better.
Let`s see how the BBC covers its Savile/MacAlpine stuff in its end of year reviews…
A big Merry Christmas to our great hosts whose efforts keep this place going, and to the community of commenters in all their ‘diversity’ (sorry 👿 ).
Best wishes, all you little Englanders! 🙂
(and Scots and Welsh and…)
Have a good un.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all.
Better late than never.
A Merry Christmas and a peaceful 2013 to all at BBBC and their readers.
I am late to the party. Lost the site just before Christmas. Were you attacked? Just want to add my Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all who host the site and all those who post comments on the site, for keeping the old gray matter alive.
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