Lord Patten has been on the phone to me and he says that this new OPEN THREAD carries his full endorsement and enjoys his total confidence! Honest. DETAIL the bias here.
I am livid! As a Falkland veteran who played my part to continue to give the BBC the freedom to mandatory Tax me, they want to blatantly ignore their obligation to inform this country of the major news issues that affect this Nation and the world, like the Falklands conflict SECRET papers story and Thatcher.
I have just watched BBC News Channel (10.30 am) on Freeview and headlining is the distressful story regarding the little girl, Anjum-Wilkinson, who was abducted by her father to Pakistan, followed by an anti-smoking campaign advertising story, both items taking up the majority of the news:. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/
Important as the BBC headlining stories are, why they are so out of sync and scale of National importance, to the UK highly consequential historical story about National Secret papers released about the Falklands campaign?
Are the other 2 UK major online or TV UK national news contributors, (Sky and Google news), wrong with their unanimous agreement of the importance of headlining the Secret Thatcher Falklands papers released to the British nation? https://news.google.co.uk/nwshp?hl=en&tab=wn http://news.sky.com/
Or could it be that the BBC are playing politics again by possibly not wanting to highlight that Thatcher actually stood up to the US President in our National interest? Maybe this might remind the masses that Blair, lied and connived to deceive this Nation in illegal wars at enormous cost.
Sorry for butting in after George’s great post on this page but otherwise feel it might not got read as such a long open thread naturally due to Christmas oliday time I feel this story needs to be aired now
I suggest you look at the bottom of this thread where the prominence given to the story on the BBC is cited, presumably as evidence of bias. It has been leading the BBC’s news coverage all day, including as I type on the web page.
Point taken Jim. It was just I was watching Chanel 80 on free view when the Falklands item did not come up like on the other BBC channels so was not aware and getting steamed up like we all do sometimes.
To celebrate the festive season the Beeb has an HYS discussion on the Queen’s speech, which is bringing out the anti Monarchists. The moderators are usually sharp to remove comments deemed off topic but accusations of homicide in this discussion on the Queen’s Speech go unmoderated.
382. Northern1964
Tony if you really think the royals had nothing to do with Diana’s death then my friend your more gullible than than the two thick sons she had. The police questioned Charles about her death and many others in there little circle.The police wouldn’t do that if they didn’t have any doubt that there was something about it.They DID kill Diana and that is a FACT take off those roaylist blinkers
I don’t want to get involved in a private quarrel, but it has always bemused me this myth about the royals murdering Diana. WTF for? And how? She died in a car crash, in Paris, whilst being driven by a pisshead at break neck speed and being chased by the paparatzi. The only survivor was her bodyguard who was sensibly wearing a seatbelt. There was no conspiracy, it was an accident plain and simple…and very tragic.
I realise that we live in the age of the conspiracy theorists, man didn’t land on the moon, JFK was shot by the FBI, CIA, KGB etc, and poor Diana was taken out by that well known assassin, Prince Philip. Dear God!!
‘The moderators are usually sharp to remove comments deemed off topic’
Make that ‘comments contrary to BBC hive mind order’.
Stuff that they think they can mention once and get away with… may just slip by.
BBC censorship is, like the complaints system, a bad joke.
Yes, and as I write there’s a BBC News look at the diamond jubilee in which an inordinate amount of time was given to the anti-monarchist agitprop of this chum of theirs http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/mikesmall
Enjoying the World at One. It appears everything – simply everything – is caused by global warming and the answer is always more government spending. A happy non-specific and explicitly non-denominational mid-winter extravaganza to all.
I really appreciate links like this. Whereas some moaners on here will say it is irrelevant I say it goes to the heart of the issues namely the BBC’s utter groveling devotion to portraying Islam in a positive light. When, in fact, Islam has become an intolerant and fundamentalist faith that has one aim: world domination at all costs. The BBC is Islam’s main propaganda weapon in the UK. It is behind the naive views on Islam which the populace unfortunately hold. It’s amazing the effect of not watching the BBC has on your common sense and realization; I no longer watch it and it’s been like having an on-going epiphany – a sudden realization that everything the BBC reports has a subtle, Left-wing agenda. I feel like a recovering addict who’s kicked the habit of feeding off the BBC’s disgusting lies and deception.
I believe you thought you were trying to ridicule the point of this thread by posting the links you have, when in fact you highlighted it.
Every month Raymond Ibrahim relates the ongoing incidents of Islamic persecution of Christians. Just look at the most recent to see how few, if any, are reported by the BBC.
What you hold up is an article headlining Christians fleeing the conflict in Syria, and another about vandals in Israel spray painting a church.
Just LOOK you moron at the incidents going on against Christians that ARE NOT REPORTED, and then come back and tell us that an incident of vandals spray painting a Church balances it out, and is not evidence of GROSS BIAS!
I notice in the first of Dandy’s BBC links the Beeb had managed to get hold of a Lebanese cleric who was intent on playing down the hostility of Islam towards Christianity:
“We cannot say that Muslims are hostile towards Christians,” he told me. “There are some, but of course when you have a few people making troubles, they can affect the whole region. After those church attacks, the Christians of the region felt threatened even though it was in another country or far away. It’s an overall impression that we are not welcome anymore even if we have good relationships with our neighbours.” ( Murder, abductions and torture as well as attacks on churches, have played no small part in these persecutions, not to mention government / police action in countries like Egypt – the guy was being careful not stir up even more trouble.)
One spray can incident balancing what Christians are currently enduring under Islam – his (no doubt Beeb induced) ignorance is staggering.
Yeah, and notice how the Christians and BBC have no problem venting their wrath against a safe option like Israel in this paragraph:
Christian leaders condemned the attack by what they called “forces of hatred” and asked: “What is going on today that permits Christians to be scapegoated and targeted by these acts of violence?”
I took out the reference to Israel that is in the article just to let somebody think that what had been done was murder and torture, instead of spray painting a Church.
Imagine if Jews or Christians placed a banner declaring their religion to be ‘the one’ on what Muslims claim as their ‘third holiest site’. Despite there being no mention of it, or even the city, in their Koran, and which also happens to be the holiest site for Jews -Temple Mount.
Think the BBC would report it?
In a heartbeat!
Yet for a few years this banner has been hanging on the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, which is believed to mark the place where the Archangel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to Jesus.
Any guesses as to how come the BBC has so far not bothered to mention it?
No doubt it doesn’t help that Christians themselves don’t raise an outcry, and also no doubt if they did, the BBC would then blame Israel for not promoting freedom of worship for Christians, or some such spin.
It wouldn’t be the ‘religion of peace’ that could be to blame.
Like you I realised that the BBC was feeding us its own liberal/left view of world and domestic events and politics. Unfortunately the majority of the British people, many of my friends among them, still believe that the BBC can be trusted and they swallow the BBC propoganda unquestioningly.
Can you remember what it was that made you doubt the BBC’s integrity? If you can I may be able to use it to help convince some of my friends that the BBC should be got rid of.
Rafa Benitez made up this trend of finishing everything with FACT when he lost his marbles due to Sir Alex Ferguson out witting him time and again while he was manager of Liverpool FC.
Members of Parliament are a bit angry with the BBC Trust at the moment. Even Labour MPs are angry with the BBC over rewards for failure and the BBCs Climate Change policy of censorship of science and scientists. So I hope that I will be able to tell my colleagues in Mensa about whether we could provide a Parliamentary committee with Preisers collection of BBC staff tweets after the complaint to the BBC Trust on misleading Mensa members on the quality of the scientists on the BBCs Climate Change seminar.
b-BBC front page news: South Africa’s first black President Nelson Mandela will spend Christmas in hospital, a government statement has said.
There is growing concern in South Africa about his health.
On the other hand: Sorry, there are no results for ‘thatcher hospital christmas’ in the category ‘News’.
Well TBF there are quite a few mentions under ‘Baroness Thatcher’. I guess it’s a matter of how hard one looks and how much the BBC likes such things to be seen or found.
As one not known to be shy of dropping ’em a line when their unique slant on the news gets a wee bit too skewed to be credible, I tend to steer clear of comparatives as they are a Director of Semantics’ wet dream to dismiss, but if the second most awesome black man in the world and the good Lady pop at the same time the relative coverage volume, placings and tone will be worth noting.
And even if you get them bang to rights the only reply you’ll ever get is ‘The BBC is just about right because it says so, and weighs its coverage seriously. So if we deify a person we happen to love and near dismiss one we happen to loathe, well, tough… what can you or anyone do about it now? Lies. Peados. Lies about peados. Stich ups. Pay-offs. Not a thing. We are… immune!!!!’
Jim, I would have thought it would have been more polite to have referred to her as “Baroness Thatcher” or “Lady Thatcher”, or is that the BBC mindset at work?
Albaman, class would be respecting, appreciating and supporting Roland’s point with a like but then maintaining a dignified silence.
Or there’s scrabbling to jump publicly too late on a bandwagon that’s only now been brought to your attention, which seems your sole skill set.
Now… How long have you got?
One new one, only just confirmed, is the ability to get po-faced nags to fail to notice how they can brilliantly turn a small possible box-tick into an epic fail.
Which seems another you can add to your list, so I stand corrected on that.
I think you overstate your abilities. What makes you assume that I am a “po-faced nag”? As for “epic fails” one only has to read your posts here to see what an expert you are in that field!!
Ziiiiiing:) That one’s gonna leave a mark. No way any of that did not more eloquently make my point than anything I could further muster.
I am clearly vanquished… And retire from the field before respective sibling hefts get deployed, as this appears the only place you have left to head with, it appears, one at least in your ‘crew’.
Oo, goodie, down to the one character reply threads already. Like gold, the richest of seams. ‘..a master of strangulated English’
What can one say… other than the competition is still coming across as a wee bittie stiff, not to say harder to catch from down that hole still being dug… ‘Don’t want to get into a “my cameras bigger than your camera” debate … It seems obvious that the only opinion you ever accept as valid is your own”.
Still a favourite.
When censorship isn’t enough to silence the deniers, bring on the death penalty, says Richard Parncutt, Professor of Systematic Musicology at the University of Graz in Austria. Yes folks, the very lastest in eco-fascist thinking is here….
“I have always been opposed to the death penalty in all cases…”
“Even mass murderers [like Breivik] should not be executed, in my opinion.”
“GW deniers fall into a completely different category from Behring Breivik. They are already causing the deaths of hundreds of millions of future people. We could be speaking of billions, but I am making a conservative estimate.”
“I don’t think that mass murderers of the usual kind, such Breivik, should face the death penalty. Nor do I think tobacco denialists are guilty enough to warrant the death penalty, in spite of the enormous number of deaths that resulted more or less directly from tobacco denialism. GW is different. With high probability it will cause hundreds of millions of deaths. For this reason I propose that the death penalty is appropriate for influential GW deniers.”
‘Professor of Systematic Musicology’
Oooookkkkk…. Systematic musicology is an umbrella term, used mainly in Central Europe, for several subdisciplines and paradigms of musicology. These subdisciplines and paradigms tend to address questions about music in general, rather than specific manifestations of music.
Nope… still… me neither.
But I think the Goon Show had one in the 50’s.
An Austrian too, eh?
Nothing to worry about there either, at risk of getting this site URL banned as well.
Guessing Lords Patten and Hall Hall are tipping the former’s recruitment Company off on this bloke as the Night of the Long Extended Leaves and Contracts expands the staffing needs further.
Just had to endure the BBC’s Merlin/Excalibur. What a load of second-rate drivel; the actors looked like they were hastily borrowed from a French perfume advert. They had all the profundity of A-Level drama students.
I’d ask you if you have seen the BBC2 schedule this Christmas eve, but I best not, as you, I am sure have already seen it…
Morecambe and Wise & The 2 Ronnies.
Have we been uniquely time traveled, with the future people back to 1973?
That was £4Bn well spent in anyone’s books….re-runs from the 70’s.
That stuff was fairly shite when I was a kid…and the Beeb wanna hook the kids?…O really?…I actually don’t think they do, I think, with their announcement that no kids programs will be shown on BBC1 any more has just put that final nail in the coffin.
What they want is….themselves, their own channel for metro sexual, London centric, multi-culti piss…as they always have, only, they still want, nay, expect us to pay for it.
They are not the original programmes either, in many cases.
They are chopped up and interspersed with sentimantal clips from modern commentators in order to make them more “relevant”. In the process they make them unwatchable.
I think they these programmes are chopped up with modern bits so that the
BBC doesn’t have to count them as repeats – they are then ‘original programming’..
This is a bugbear of mine. Since we now have what seem like 100’s of channels mostly broadcasting 24 hours a day why can’t old shows be shown in their entirety ?
Is it that they show up the modern output of various channels to be the garbage that it is or are they just trying to put a little work out to the usual suspects the Beeb loves so much.
At least comedy shows do re emerge unlike old science & arts documentaries such as say Civilisation and Connections have vanished for ever.
To be fair though (money aside) I would much rather have that than the human misery peddled in Eastenders. ITV is significantly worse with its drivel offering of Coronation St & Emmerdale almost on continuous loop.
Doing these ancient reruns is the only way the BBC can make sure they don’t “accidentally” broadcast one of their current darlings doing another expletive-filled comedy skit when families are watching.
There’s a new three-parter afoot called ‘Dangerous Roads’ which, if the ad I’ve just seen is to be believed, features super-luvvies Frostrup, Jupitus AND Prickstocke (these last two in the same motor) driving on sundry perilous highways. Like Ice Road Truckers without The Polar Bear ‘twould seem.
Prickstocke + Jungle + Camera Crew = Guaranteed Climate Change Rant-a-rama. Cannot be allowed ! Therefore……..
Dear Santa,
I know it’s a bit late, but I’ve been a sickeningly good child this year, so could I forego the usual sugar mice and oranges and please ask for some landslides instead ?
The bBC and Not the Nine O’Clock News.
While the bBC is happy to promtoe this view that Islam is a religion of peace, that Black Terrorists are going to spend Christmas in Hospital and that the UK is nothing more than an excuse for Racism here is some news stories the bBC doesn’t want you to hear about:
Gazans fire rocket but fail to hit Israel; no injuries.
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket Sunday evening, causing no damages or injuries.The IDF would confirm only that the rocket did not make landfall in Israel. http://www.jpost.com/Headlines/Article.aspx?id=297068
One pound fish man told to return to Pakistan.
While the bBC sings a song about Aleem Maqbool and his one pound fish song they leave out that his Visa has run out and he has been told to bugger off to Allah;s country. The ‘One Pound Fish’ singer from Pakistan, who landed up with a recording deal after his song in the fish market went viral on the internet, has been asked to leave UK after it was found that his visa had run out.
I have been avoiding the BBC for the past year, so have not had the fortune to see fish man…..but I have heard about him….how does that happen?….I have avoided TELEVISION for a year, not because i don’t pay the fee, (me & Mrs Chop do)…so how have the BBC managed to soak fish man into my head…do they have that much control over what we see?….I’d suggest, they do, it is subliminal, it is planted, and to make something “go viral” it is not a bunch of spotty oiks clicking a link, it is manufactured, and to order.
Why do you think the bbc have so many internet moguls onside (as a tiny search for one person on linked in about a month ago proved)
These are not just nerds, geeks, masturbators…ect, as they were in the 80’s/90’s….these are professional fishers, with the line in just about everything, to fish, and bait what, and who they wish, whenever they want…..more dangerous than Hitler & Pol Pot.
The next time you hear someone criticise immigration just wait for the inevitable cries from the usual suspects – ‘but what about the fish man’ – he’s got a recording contract and everything, an asset to the country etc. In much the same way that Mo Farah has been rubbed in our faces since the Olympics. Oh, and fish man isn’t going anywhere either.
A Merry Twitter Christmas and goodwill to all men – except conservatives – from BBC lefties Mark Steel and Nicky -haha – Campbell…..
Mark Steel @mrmarksteel
Thatcher and Mandela both in hospital for Christmas. Get this one right, GOD, and I’ll join the Salvation Army for you.
Mark Steel @mrmarksteel
The NRA said ‘The way to deal with bad people with guns is to have good people with guns’ so can someone good shoot the NRA?
21 Dec Nicky Campbell Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
The dear ol’ Leftie athiest brigade do like to promise God that they’ll believe in Him in exchange for His smiting their enemies, don’t they ? Prickstocke has mucho form in this area, too.
Oh, and before the cherry vultures descend, I recognise that I’ve asked Santa for a similar smiting further up the thread. However, there are differences, viz:
1/ It’s Santa, and Santa is not God.
2/ I’m missing out, prid pro quo, onmy usual sugar mice and oranges in exchange for this favour. Steel on the other hand is asking for two, i.e. survival of St Nelson and deff of nastee Fatcha. He should be frankly smited mightily in the ‘nads for his presumption.
I am a “conservative”…in the older sense, not the new Labour lite sense.
I don’t wish either of them ill, nor death, I think both pronounced a message that was of hope and it sort of came to fruition, but I doubt in the same way as either wanted…Maggie had her hands on power, and did lots of good for us as a nation, but her party raped our own souls, for the want of a better, more imperial life, and Brittan.
We became as cold as we ever had been, Good/Bad….you decide….my thoughts are…Good, for the greater, I would lay me down an all that.
Mandela kind of did the same for his nation, don’t get me wrong, I know what he was before he was incarcerated….he was a terrorist, but I think he did what he did, not for an ideology, as the muzzies do, but, for equality….i am cool with equality, if it is deserved, and Nelson Mandela, himself, was/is, a good thinker, a positive, and good man…I think an awful lot of the party and his followers, are not quite in the same bracket as Nelson.
When he dies, it will be as big a loss as Maggie is to Tories, so, I believe he should be respected, and mourned in the same way….but not in the same way that the BBC mourned Micheal Foot, and all the other pillocks of the left wing they have dedication programs for.
A real hero of the people is just that, folk, in time, will see what Thatcher, Mandela was, but it will be in spite of, not because of what the revolting BBC say.
Why do the BBC have e nothing to do with Peter Kay?
He harks back to the 80’s…when times were hard, but, good to the hard working.
You will notice the same factor with Frankie Boyle.
There are not that many “Other” comedians left in lefty world…I can refer you to the 8 out of 10 cats Christmas special that was on telly tonight….I promise you, for 2 hours, you will not laugh once.
It is not just the beeb, but the msm, am i that wrong in my mind and my thoughts that i find everything they do wrong?….is it my fault?
Do I think wrong?
Perhaps, I should go to Londidistan, and have my self corrected…
Oh, hold on a sec, I was born and raised in Oldham, I saw “multiculurisim” in its infancy, way before most did….that’s why, to my shame, I left the town of my birth, and refuse to re-enter.
He lived here for a few years, never took citizenship, is a Saudi national and yet he is apparently British. Well, using that criteria everyone in the world is British.
The bBC reports on why there will be no Christmas cheer in Syria this week
In Syria, the real blood of civilians was mixed with real bread in Halfiya, the day before Christmas Eve, according to opposition activists. They say the civilians were bombed by a government warplane as they were queuing at a bakery, killing some 90 of them.
He points out to the outskirts of Damascus, where government shelling can be heard day and night.
According to the bBC, Christmas has been banned due to the Government, you know that government which while evil gives equality to..chrisitians
Which is why the bBC comes out with: She lost two of her sons, she said. One died in an attack at a checkpoint comprising locals who had been armed by the government.
Yup according to the bBC those who utter ‘Allah akba’ while slitting a throat cannot be held responsible for the peaceful acts they carry out for the religion of peace.
Yes, they thought they’d sneak that one under the radar on Christmas eve, didn’t they?
As a feature in its 10pm ‘news’ programme, R4 had just broadcast an ‘investigation’ into whether Britain should leave the EU.
Despite their own high-ups having openly admitted “past” bias on the EU, despite the promises of a more balanced view from now on, despite the mood in the country having considerably hardened against Brussels, still the feature was a textbook exercise in biased reporting. Still we had BBC ‘journalists’ chipping in with their own ‘corrections’ and opinions, on the rare occasions someone opposed to membership was allowed a few seconds airtime, followed by a rounding-up debate between two whiny Europhiles and a lukewarm Tory.
Time and again, Europhiles were allowed to shroud wave the ‘think of our export markets’ line yet not once did anyone point out that they need our market every bit as much as we need theirs.
So there we have it – the BBC formula unchanged. Hand pick weak representatives of the point of view you wish to undermine. Make sure even they are outnumbered. Make certain your reporters and presenters are on-message and ready to keep not so much a finger but an elbow on the scales.
The bBC, its Christmas message that only the West can be evil (albeit 40 years ago) North Vietnam, 1972: The Christmas bombing of Hanoi http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20719382
Reading the above do you get the impression that the US are evil incarnate, that they bomb innocent people just for the sake of it, well the bBC thinks so in yet another blatant example of its horrible histories
Here is what the bBC leave out. During December 1972 the Paris Peace talks were talking place. On the 11th of December the North Vietnamese walked outed out in an attempt to garner a bigger bargin. Nixon told them that if they didn’t return with 72 hours they would face severe measures. On the 18th of Decemeber after staying away the US launched Operation Linebacker. It s targets were :
North Vietnamese airfields at Kep, Phuc Yen, and Hoa Lac and a warehouse complex at Yen Vien .The Kinh No Railroad and storage area, the Thai Nguyen thermal power plant, and the Yen Vien complex. Yen Vien Railroad yards, the Ai Mo warehouse complex, the Thai Nguyen power plant, a transhipment point at Bac Giang, the Kinh No Railroad complex, and the Hanoi petroleum products storage area–all in or near Hanoi.
But the bBC don’t mention any of this they simply say: At the time the communist authorities said about 1,600 Vietnamese were killed, but many suspect the true figure is far higher.
While the bbC waxrs lyrical about how bad the US was 40 years ago they remain silent on the imperialist ambitions of the current Chinese government. You know that leftwing government which has decided that all of the South China sea belongs to it. (Look up 9 dotted line) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ce/9_dotted_line.png
And any ships found within the 9 dotted line after the 1st of Jan 2013 will be deemed persona non grata and will be boarded by the Chinese Navy., In fact he Chinese have got off to an early start by cutting the anchor cables of a Vietnamese ship last friday.
Have a look at the map, how the hell can China claim anything a few miles off the coast of Vietnam,Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia thousands of miles away from the Chinese mainland. But for some strange reason the bBC remains silent on all of the above, can you imagine if the US,Israel or the UK did likewise. Why there would be hell to pay. But when its a country which is actively intimidating all of its neighbours , then the left in the UL remain silent.
Further to my last here are some arms deals the bBC doesn’t want you to know about:
Vietnam to build Russian anti-ship missiles , purchase 6 kilo class submarines and 20 Su30s on top of the 24 it already owns.
Malaysia to purchase 2 Scorpène submarines (nice piece of kit) upgrade its anti-aircraft rapier system to Jernas standard. Purchase 6 Littoral Combat Ships and 6 offshore patrol vessels (Kedah class )
Philippines to purchase 3 submarines, 18 ASW helicopters,
Indonesia to purchase 3 submarines from South Korea, 24 missile boats.
All of the above are purchasing new fighter aircraft and all are building ties with the US,India and Australia.
And yet the bBC remains silent on all of this Just like it remains silent on how China has occupied Tibet since 1950.
The bBC , banning Christmas and half the story: Father Christmas off air in Uzbekistan http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/20701831
So reading the above why do you think celebrating Christmas is off the books in Uzbekistan. The bBC doesn’t inform you just why but it does point in the another direction in which to hoodwink the reader away from the real reason: It is the latest move to downgrade Soviet or Russian heritage in modern Uzbek culture.
But here’s a clue of two from that bBC article about why Santa is banned: And at a time when the influence of Islam is growing in all Central Asian countries, other Soviet or pre-Islamic Zoroastrian traditions are slowly disappearing as some people stop celebrating events considered incompatible with Muslim beliefs.
And Other Uzbeks have welcomed the decision. They want Grandfather Frost outlawed and all New Year celebrations banned.
The bBC, the mouth piece for radical Islam paid for by the British Public
“Newsnight researcher: ‘It felt like the BBC were trying to rewrite history.’
“As one of the people on the investigating team for the report on Jimmy Savile, I knew when the BBC wasn’t getting the story right.”
The following paragraph from Hannah Livingstone’s article will resonate with generations of the BBC’s former employees:
“I joined the BBC through the news trainee scheme in 2011 full of ideas and ideals. Most people I met there were fiercely capable, intelligent and supportive. But for a short period at least, I saw the fuzzy face of the auntie we all know morph into the incomprehensible hardened one of a broadcasting corporation.”
Once again blame is shifted to some amorphous, abstract management structure instead of the bad actors themselves. Everyone at the BBC is brilliant, apparently, except the very top management. However, nearly all of them used to work at Newsnight (Entwistle, Mitchell, Thompson) or other current affairs shows (Boaden). So were they brilliant, too, until their promotions? No wonder nothing ever changes except the number of compliance forms they have to fill out.
The real problem, David, is the structure and management system that dictates what happens to “brilliant” people. Absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely. Why couldn’t Hannah Livingston make her protests within the organization? Because there comes a point when in any large uncontrollable group of people, where the objectives have been forgotten in a scramble for self-advancement, “civil order” breaks down.
Example: I once asked a senior producer why we couldn’t make a long running TV quiz more efficiently by collapsing the shooting schedule and making all the episodes in a three month period rather than a year. His reply: “if we did that we’d loose out office space.” So self-interest trumped considerable cost savings and production time. The result was that we worked slower, kept the office space and got the job done more expensively.
None of the staff on that show were dumb – but the weight of bureaucracy and political game playing crushed our spirit.
We asked questions: Who is on charge? Who do I turn to with a problem? Is anyone listening? And most importantly, what are we all doing here anyway? The answers were couched in terms of promotion, maintaining the status quo, not rocking the boat, banking the pay check.
From outside in the real world the answers seems simple. Within the labyrinth its as clear as mud.
Now after 10 years of being “out” I know its the structure that has to change. It cannot remain a place which mixes despotism with dismissal.
‘It felt like the BBC were trying to rewrite history.’
From Ceebeebies to Dr. Who to… Newsnight… there was, and is, no ‘felt’ about it.
This education and information we are forced to pay for and apparently all still trust…. frankly, not so much. ‘Everyone at the BBC is brilliant, apparently, except the very top management.’
Who, equally uniquely, got paid double for a function that gets ordinary idiots fired.
“BBC faces official investigation after giving 200 managers £100,000 pay-offs”
Will that be an actual investigation or a ‘double yer money’ ‘independent’ one? The BBC- Too ‘unique’ to fail
Bring me sunshine in your…. anti-Thatcher rant ….
Four candles….? more like Clause Four compo-site motions Bruvvers….
I’ve just come from up the….up the….up the….
Up the what? Up the ladder? Up the road? Up the ante? Up the Arabs? Up the income scale? Up the tax bracket?
No, up the Doctors!
You know Ed Miliband has all the right policies….but not necessarily in the right order.
In this world where we live there should be more….gay marriage.
Gosh, we just can’t seem to be able to do good comedy these days.
Who’s for a re-run of some bleach blonde geezer charidee-ing it round the hospitals in the 1970s? Passing goodies from out of his sack to all the kiddies. No? I guess some nostalgia is best forgotten.
There’s always the new-style Dr Who.
Inept males, wall to wall feisty females. Evil capitalist villains, side swipes at Victorian values. If only they had all been properly and comprehensively educated to accept these foreign aliens at a young age. Same sex marriage? Well if we can now imagine the Daleks levitating upstairs then surely any new scientific-sounding bit must be possible….I’ll try to explain the awkward concepts to the kiddies later. Trouble is it has now all become as old hat as the Tardis and the sonic screwdriver. You do realise they have simply taken this street in Wales and made it look like Victorian London? That big blue box? It was a mobile phone for calling the police. I know that because I saw a Horrible Histories on the Egotistical Eighties.
Female Vicar of Dibley, female vicar thought for the day, female vicar morning service, female vicar sandwich, female vicar with pickles, still female vicar left overs to take to work come January…is there no end to this female vicar carcass? Remind us to get a smaller bird next year!
What’s making the news? Sounds as though it has been raining a bit. Over to our reporter Jason Anorak who says Cornwall is now an island. Well Mr Noah, you’re a local….tell me, is this the worst you have seen in your lifetime? There you have it folks …the worst he’s ever seen – and he’s 952! Positively antediluvian. My money’s on this global climate thing. Let me re-phrase that, I’d bet my pension…oh, you get the idea. Meanwhile news from the East, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about in Egypt. Next up, reinterpretation of the Archbishop’s reinterpretation of the Church of England’s reinterpretation of the Hebrew Bible. Well I say Bible…what I mean is this bookywook, what someone wrote – who just doesn’t know this is 2012. Now can we have something progressive?
‘Who’s for a re-run’
Dr. Who seems all they have left.
And that is only to go back in history and try and rewrite it.
Speaking of time travel; last night, having barely watched the BBC at all, all year, on the biggest night of said year, we decided that QI was worth a go.
However after a few minutes it became rather apparent that we had seen and heard it all before. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00x95tm
So, as we debate whether to pull the licence fee for next year, can we also ask for a refund on this one?
Or have things got so unique now it really is only a tax imposed to fund BBC pensions, payouts and buy offs?
Was forced to watch “Outnumbered” where the loud, obnoxious and slightly stupid character announced he was going to vote UKIP.
His wife then outs herself as a lesbian, embarrasses him in public whilst doing so and then runs off with a Russian woman.
The BBC war against UKIP continues – conform or suffer the consequences.
True, but they did also show the Indian chap as a nutter, and, when the policeman was asked if they normally invented stories, replied “one of the few perks of the job; that, and telling ministers to get off their bikes” (or words to that effect).
Two non-PC moments in a 40-minute slot, plus plenty of dry, understated, humour means that I nominate “Outnumbered” the best bBBC programme of the otherwise-dreary Christmas season. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p0118vbc/Outnumbered_Christmas_Special_2012/
“Statoil to develop £4.3bn North Sea oil field, creating 700 jobs.
“Norway’s Statoil is to lead the biggest investment in the UK North Sea in a decade, with the $7bn (£4.3bn) development of the Mariner oil field.”
Unmentioned online so far by BBC-NUJ, BUT this is some good news for British people which Hampstead Harrabin will want to rant against when he gets back off holiday.
Many on the unionist right would welcome the BBC publishing this story about North Sea oil in the Scottish section. It does rather contradict their repeated assertions that the oil reserves are running out and that the independence debate is stifling Scottish inward investment.
Yet another BBC news ‘item’ tucked away on their website, to be read by a very small number of people, taken by yourself (and one other on here) as proof of some kind of ‘balance’ for all the leftist guff that is broadcast to millions on radio and TV.
Interesting that posters on these pages can use articles from the BBC website as evidence of bias but I cannot use it as evidence that this story was covered by the BBC.
Interesting that posters on these pages can use articles from the BBC website as evidence of bias but I cannot use it as evidence that this story was covered by the BBC.
Interesting that you can’t figure out you can use whatever you like one these pages in support of whatever you want, self-evidently.
However, you rather confuse your having the right to post with people being compelled to pay attention or agree with you.
Given your belief in the BBC way of things understandable but still not under your control to enforce.
ps: Scott… be a love and bump your mate’s ‘likes’ up to two, would you.
“BBC under fire over Hitchcock drama.
“The portrayal of Alfred Hitchcock as a lecherous and sadistic sexual predator by the BBC has been criticised by leading ladies who worked with the iconic film director.”
The Beeboids know about it. They don’t care because they understand the sentiment behind it. I’m sure Scott and Prole and Nicked emus are all over the good prof’s blog condemning the violent rhetoric and demanding a retraction on penalty of dragging the university provost before the magistrates for promoting hate speech and incitement to violence. I’m sure Nicked emus has written an email to the university chancellor demanding the prof’s resignation, like he did to the BBC trying to get David Vance banned because of a comment here by an anonymous third party.
Right, lads? You are consistent with your righteous activism, aren’t you?
He seems to be an Australian.
At the end of modern liberalism is compulsion, witch hunting and force.
It is implicit in their idealised view of the world and reality.
Those who will not conform or stay silent are, by definition, touched by the liberal version of evil.
One can see this in the hysterical reaction to Israel as well as the warming controversy.
These are dangerous people in dangerous days.
These morons want to put us to death for denying the Warming.
I wonder if they would allow me to defend myself in court by informing the jury that I am only “denying the assumed cause” because of evidence that shows that the warming was caused by changes in Cloud Albedo.
For my defence, I would call Jasper Kirkby, head of the CLOUD experiment team at CERN. Kirkby has said “I’m an experimental particle physicist, okay? That somehow nature may have decided to connect the high-energy physics of the cosmos with the earth’s atmosphere—that’s what nature may have done, not what I HAVE DONE“.
I am sure that this is all caused by a misunderstanding between individuals who are more in touch with the science such as Mensa members and Biased BBC bloggers, and between organisations of collective thought, such as the BBC, which refuse to allow debate because of collective ignorance and a moronic misunderstanding of the above.
Here’s another bit of reality about the economic crisis the BBC will refuse to tell you, and a lesson the BBC steadfastly refuses to learn, while promoting the opposite viewpoint across the spectrum of their broadcasting:
’twas Wall Street greed what done it, some folks say, when it comes to explaining the spectacular housing meltdown of recent years, which had its roots in a great many astonishingly risky loans. Other folks suggest that the federal government just may have played something of a role in inducing, even strong-arming, banks to take risks they otherwise would have avoided. Specifically, the Community Reinvestment Act and related policy pressures are pointed to as culprits, part of a government effort to extend home-ownership in lower-income neighborhoods. Now comes a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research that says, quite bluntly. that the CRA played a major role.
Basically, Left-wing Democrat policies drove the sub-prime derivatives crisis, not the other way round. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – two government-guaranteed agencies – kept buying up bad mortgages, guaranteed them with taxpayer money, and drove the banks to lend and leverage themselves into near oblivion. Government policy, not greedy banks allowed to run around unchecked and steal all our money, which is how the BBC likes to tell it.
Remember this next time somebody on the BBC moans about greedy banks or allows a guest or audience member to scream unchallenged about how the banks are 100% to blame and only government policy telling them where and when to lend will save us. I’m looking at you as well, Robert Peston.
The genesis of all this was banks and estate agents being accused of racism because of red zoning. They argued that they did not grant mortgages on properties in certain areas because experience showed them that there was a high likelihood of debts going bad there – but critics accused them of covert racism because red outlined zones more often than not included black neighbourhoods. At least from a business point of view, the banks and estate agents turned out to be right and, in the long run, the liberals ended up losing a lot of black people a (personally owned) roof over their head. It’s all a bit vaguely reminiscent of the way Beeboids accused the Tea Party of being mainly motivated by racism despite their saying that their aims were smaller government and cutting taxes.
Indeed, Mark Mardell has stated uncategorically more than once that the Tea Party movement is based on racist thinking, that the true objection is to government redistributing wealth “to people not like them”. He made a similar declaration on his blog right before the last election:
Nearly all of the people I met were white and most middle-aged or older. But few were racist in the conventional sense.
The only time I have seen that in the raw, I was off duty, at a dinner party. A woman growing increasingly passionate as the wine flowed called Obama a “monkey” and said “he’s trying to give OUR money to THEM”.
Not the poor, not the shiftless, “them”.”They” are part of a different America, with a different history who want a different path for their country.
A millionaire in a designer chair in his plush Chicago home, surrounded by modern art, makes the same point as the broken-toothed men perched on smashed-up office furniture outside a beat-up shotgun house in Texas.
Next to me in the pew of a Florida church, the man with a trim grey beard and a “veterans for Obama badge” tells me the same thing.
These very different people all had one thing in common. They’re black
What’s more, the fact that Mardell shared his accusation of crypto-racism with the BBC College of Journalism means that he and Simon Wilson accept that as the truth, and expect their colleagues at the BBC to report accordingly.
Obama was a key activist in getting banks to lend to people who didn’t stand a cat in hell’s chance of paying it back. Not that you’ll hear anything like this from Mardell:
Too funny. It must be more than a handful of “rogue posts” for them to shut down the whole thing rather than just removing a few threads. Or is the stellar management just throwing the baby out with the bathwater again?
Just another BBC grab for filthy profits. It supplemented their travel reporting quite nicely, and even allowed them an angle to drive traffic from the BBC News website to the for-profit Lonely Planet site.
Watching a rather nostalgic programme on kids’ toys.
Brief moment to wish Gerry Anderson well as they featured Tracey Island.
Then board game ‘Risk’, featuring Marcus Brigstocke coyly confiding he and fellow Uni chums would feel uncomfy winning and throw the game in pursuit of further moral superiority, if with hint of hypocrisy, even then.
He must have been a hoot.
Truly he’s beyond parody. If Michael Wharton was still with us, I’d say that Prickstocke was a product of his imagination to go with Dr Heinz Kiosk, Alderman Foodbotham, Phantomsby et al.
But, tragically, he’s not.
So it’s back to my old cry : Prickstocke + meat suit + lead boots + hungry wolves. Much cheaper than sending the sod on a jolly to the jungle, and infinitely more entertaining for the rest of us.
I saw Brigstocke on some programme or other boldly assert (in that annoying way of his) that he knew global warming/climate change was happening because he’d been to the Arctic and seen the ice melting. Seriously. lol. You might wonder whether he has any relevant qualifications for these claims but typically he hasn’t, he did a degree in drama at Bristol university which he didn’t even finish. A uni dropout lecturing on climate change, I don’t know about you but I’m convinced.
I had much the same experience with some ice in a glass of whiskey on Christmas Day, so I guess the evidence is indeed incontrovertible.
In other news, the bizarre goose served up for our lunch had no feathers, so evidently they’re evolving to cope with global warming by dispensing with the things in order to keep cool. QED, by Prickstocke’s thinking.
Check this astounding parallel between the results of the BBC’s Savile/McAlpine inquiry and the Obamessiah’s own investigation into the Benghazi fiasco:
The four officials supposedly out of jobs because of their blunders in the run-up to the deadly Benghazi terror attack remain on the State Department payroll — and will all be back to work soon, The Post has learned.
The highest-ranking official caught up in the scandal, Assistant Secretary of State Eric Boswell, has not “resigned” from government service, as officials said last week. He is just switching desks. And the other three are simply on administrative leave and are expected back.
The four were made out to be sacrificial lambs in the wake of a scathing report issued last week that found that the US compound in Benghazi, Libya, was left vulnerable to attack because of “grossly inadequate” security.
State Department leaders “didn’t come clean about Benghazi and now they’re not coming clean about these staff changes,” a source close to the situation told The Post., adding, the “public would be outraged over this.”
So no penalty befalls Amb. Rice, other than not getting promoted for her mistakes, and now the people supposedly taking the fall, aren’t. Plus Sec. of State Clinton is ditching the hearings, coming up with excuses not to testify at all, ever.
It’s just like the BBC result. Entwistle got the can, but is now vindicated by the inquiry. It was announced that Stephen Mitchell would then be the fall guy, except we’ve since learned that he’ll be staying on for another six months – to train his replacement, apparently, which means the position of Deputy Director won’t be cut in any new management restructuring – after which he’ll be allowed to “retire” on full pension, probably finding a soft landing as a director at some other media organization. And all the other Beeboids directly responsible for the massive screw-ups are simply moved sideways to a different department. Helen Boaden escapes without even a slap on the wrist, and gets to keep her top job and position at the Trust as well.
All handled transparently, uh-huh. But nothing effectively changes. No real consequences for anyone involved. It’s amazing, and we sheep will simply roll over and take it.
I’m not at all shocked, but rather saddened that Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross both got kicked off the BBC, and got the Controller of Radio 2 fired for a single obscene outburst during a light entertainment broadcast, yet nobody gets punished for a succession of serious journalistic failures on a flagship news programme.
Twisted priorities as usual at the BBC, and twisted priorities as usual in The Obamessiah Administration and the US media who will continue to support and protect Him on this. As for the inquiries themselves, Sir Humphrey would be pleased.
Heard much of the “Belief” series on Radio 3 , these last few nights.
Depressingly banal in the main-Dannatt served his purpose only in terms of political spats with Brown and the MOD, Carter was the excuse for the human rights agenda and Carters well-known caving-in to Islam (and Iran in particular)…and now Julian Fellowes becomes the pretext to squauk on about…yes, you`ve guessed it…”Class” and “wealth distribution”..what else?
And there was me rather hoping that these peoples faith-why they believe the way they do, and how it shaped(and shapes) their lives-would be what mattered, not whether the homeless should get more and the toffs get less.
Hopeless-as if Bakewell could ever be a “champion of the little man”…hopeless!
Fellows put forward the quite interesting thesis that the last hundred years had taught us the futility of trying to abolish social hierarchy and that as soon as people had got rid of one old class system a new one had inevitably asserted itself with a different elite. Nothing much to do with religion, of course, but then Bakewell just talks a load of woolly, platitudinous flannel about that, anyway.
Illegal immigrant and daughter threatened with deportation, supporting Vicar comments on appalling, slow, unfair, unjust immigration system – how could they split a family up?
Another immigrant that refused benefits, wanted to integrate and build a business is portrayed as cold, heartless and cruel for relinquishing their heritage
Illegal immigrant daughter refuses to sing ‘God save the Queen’ as a sign of independence – cue British onlooker smiling in support.
Solicitors working on behalf of immigration cases are in offices overflowing and working extremely hard with little funding.
Eastern European chippie (doing the work a British person couldn’t) refuses cash in hand and is offended as ‘we are not all crooks’.
Many comments about how unfair the immigration system is and these poor people only want to better themselves.
These little things are, in isolation not great but together they put across a very strong political message – what piece of political programming was I watching?
Just another New Tricks re-run folks.
I gave up watching that series early on as it rapidly became a mouthpiece for just about every ‘progressive’ cliche..
I’ve long maintained that, for all the propaganda work done by the BBC’s news and current affairs programming, far more real damage is done by the ‘entertainment’ output, which relentlessly promotes the ‘liberal’ worldview.
Most people don’t realise they are being fed attitudes and ideas when they are wrapped-up in a story. It’s an invaluable technique for Gramscians.
A few years ago, I’d occasionally post a precis of the plotlines from R4 afternoon plays to illustrate the point. To the usual chorus of ‘paranoid’ from the Jim Dandy of the day.
Your concerns can no longer be dismissed as paranoia now that we know for a fact that the BBC brings in light entertainment mavens, people who have nothing to do with news or current affairs programming, like their Head of Comedy to forums on how to report specific news issues.
I’ve always said the same as you. The most effective brainwashing is in drama and comedy, and that is what the BBC use effectively and convincingly. Dr. Who Christmas Special had alien lesbians who were married and this was showing how progressive they were and any that don’t agree with it are clearly out of touch and probably stupid too. Then there was a series of attacks on “Victorian Values” by the Doctor himself. It didn’t make clear which Victorian Values were so bad, or even how they fitted in to the plot but rest assured Victorian Values were plain evil.
The evil character asked what was wrong with Victorian Values but there didn’t seem to be a coherent reply. But rest assured, the only person defending those values was the evil one.
At least they didn’t rerun that dopey Belgrano re-enactment with Tennant’s nostrils berating the Thatcher proxy. That was so obvious not even Jim could deny it.
Within five lines of the start of this report we have….
‘Labour criticised the delay in replacing a database shelved in 2010.’
‘But Labour claims the coalition undermined child protection when in 2010 it scrapped a much larger child database, introduced by the previous government.’
Oh the poor children – bah damn those evil Tories!
‘Some charities have also raised concerns’.
(See, it’s not just us BBC and our Labour chums, Guv!)
So inevitably, with Labour signaling their opposition, we have BBC New 24 taking a sniffy and suspicious line against this new development. Unfortunately the talking head in the studio is fairly open to a wait-and-see view of the initiatve. BBC autocue drone reliably delivers the editorial attack line.
And what a BBC humdinger…..’But wouldn’t it be a rather democratic thing if ALL children were to be on this database register?’
Ah the ghost of George Orwell’s Big Brother alive and well at the back end of 2012.
From the people who brought you the TV Tax here’s a nice big helping of Statism coming to a place near you in 2015 and the upcoming BBC-Lab-Lib pact.
‘Abuse alert system for hospitals’
When I first saw this I thought it was a rather unlikely new measure being introduced to our world-beating NHS ((c) Boyle. D) to give a heads up when those legions of ‘professional’, ‘caring’ angels of mercy need yet more ‘retraining’ on when it’s not great to leave an old dear in a pool of their own poo for a week, starve them to death or fail to budge from the station discussing the New Year’s plans in the isolation ward with the studly intern as another gasps from dehydration.
But no… it’s yet another STASI scheme to get the kapos who care ‘reporting’ errant parents whose doofus kids can’t ride a bike properly, whilst circling yet further public sector wagons of unaccountability on any inbound spotlights.
This has hardly got any real mention or analysis, but if there`s still anyone out there that thinks that the useless Tories are anything other that Blairs homeopathic specimen, then this ought to seal it.
Here are just a few of the “data trawls” employed by the Labour Government since 1997.
1. Quality Protects…1997
A State excuse to track all kids who might need the caring maw of the likes of Mandelson, Prescott and Blunkett. It consisted of
a)National Database on Obesity.
b)National Pupil Database
c) Cross-school/council tracking re targets…the PANDA Index
d)Common Assessment Framework(eCAF)…in case kids were not making state dictated developmental/attainment milestones, so needing intervention by “parental advisers”.
e)ASSET and ONSET…two Home Office efforts to predict youth offending and to tag those who do so.
f)National DNA database
g)Integrated Childrens System…to collate most of the above
h) Contact Point-to be the focus of where health, education and social services come into contact…has another name now I expect, but up and running alright, I`m sure
i) Connexions-careers advice database.
j)Social Exclusion Units data capture, even when it seemed to be no longer needed-think it`s still in the Cabinet office remit.
Since 2003, we`ve had-in addition-the Every Child Matters datatrawling, just in case there is more yet to be collated for the state. Another massive database.
And all this, as the likes of Climbie, Taylor, Connolly and countless other little tots were sacrificed, so that yet MORE lessons will be learned(as if)…so MORE social workers can learn how to avoid having to “challenge” a Barnsley kebab shop owner with a slew of white trash in the meat rack…and , of course MORE training, MORE money and MORE of the worthless buggers on the State payroll.
The Tories show themselves to be as useless and as dopey as Labour..and Labour will use this to snoop yet more into its kids if the Tories continue to set this up.
Tomorrow belongs to them at this rate…very creepy.
Thanks to Heather Brooke(The Silent State,Heinemann 2010) for much of the above!
It seems to me this is just like airport ‘security’ where, for the sake of political correctness, everyone is assumed to be guilty until checked and found to be clear.
In both cases (parents of injured children and air travellers), they should assume that the vast majority of people are well-intentioned and concentrate the prying eyes of the state on the few who give real cause for concern.
I noticed aul Nurse was “guest editor” of Toady this morning. He, the dimwitted leftie “scientist” who knows all about climate change and thinks it’s OUR fault.
When I switched on this morning, I heard, in one sentence, the words “Paul Nurse”, “Ian McEwan”, and “Climate Change”, thought, inwardly, ‘Oh, God’, and switched to Classic FM.
He’s a Nobel Prize winner you know.
I do, because the BBC said it or wrote it… a lot.
That his field seems somewhat different to his area of BBC-lauded expertise not so important.
At least to a sciencey-stuff department… stuffed to the gills with English and PPE Oxbridge drop-outs, and possibly two staff actually qualified in something other than the arts, one who specialises in rigging Presidential speeches to fit and the other who [sighs] a lot on twitter.
From memory, the only scientist I have seen with any qualifications relevant to the Climate, to present a documentary on Climate on the BBC was Paul Hudson.
He was the BBC weatherman who was given the University of East Anglia Emails.
He was also in touch with a member of the Space Special Interest group of Mensa, but seems to have gone to ground. He showed a withering faith in the competence of his former colleagues at the Met Office. And also could understand the basics of how Weatheraction does its long -term forecasts.
I think he has qualifications relevant to Planetary Atmospheres, so is probably the best qualified scientist relevant to Climate at the BBC, so it is a wonder that he has not been sacked. I think its because he is a popular Mayor of Wetwang in the Yorkshire region.
Ah, that would be the same Paul Nurse who is President of The Royal Society, whose motto is ‘nullius in verba’ – loosely translated as ‘on the word of no-one’. This motto held fast for some 350 years since the Society was founded – that is, until man-made global warming came along, the science for which, as we all know, rapidly became ‘settled’.
The news item about the wine industry in Hampshire was shameless. Apparently, due to increasingly cold, wet summers – a feature of the shifting jet stream, we were told – the viability of English vineyards is being questioned. But do not lose hope, as climate models will be improved thanks to bigger and better computers.
Soooo, what happened to the hot dry summers? Were they not predicted by the climate models, I hear you ask, when the science was already ‘settled’? And how come this shifting of the jet stream wasn’t predicted by the ‘settled’ science? And no matter how ‘big’ your computer, if the code contains assumptions about how much CO2 will warm the atmosphere, then the output will be the same i.e. as wrong as it has been so far, won’t it?
Of course, the BBC reporter could have asked these questions, but that would have meant challenging from a sceptic’s point of view.
Curious new item on R4. House prices in Southend have risen a great deal.
Now why do you suppose this is ?
The BBC will not tell us but it seems to be something to do with the schools.
The banned G word. That Cameron and all the lefties so hate.
Grammar Schools. There It has been said.
I doubt you willl find this on the BBC.
In Lala BBC land all parents can’t wait to get their children into the local comp.
Unless they are earning a bbc exec salary then the private school is no problem.
But best not mentioned in polite liberal circles.
Have to say the male version was interesting, given one apparent criterion of accolade being a funky hairdo.
All explained here: ‘ those whose fame is really something of the last 12 months.’
Me neither.
Oddly, Jimmy Savile’s mug didn’t make the cut.
I guess him being dead was wot dun in his chances.
It was a different time.
And modesty prevented most of the BBC front bench getting an outing too?
The biased-BBC has excelled itself with a US Democrat party-political-broadcast, masquerading as a ‘news’ item, about the ‘fiscal cliff’. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20853624
It’s all the fault of those nasty Republicans again, about to take the US economy over the edge.
Most here will remember the image circulated by the media that a 4 year old child had died as a result of an Israeli air strike while the visiting Egyptian PM was in a hospital with the Hamas leader in Gaza.
Because Israel denied launching any strikes at the time there was some suspicion about the nature of the child’s death, and it was believed that the death was actually due to a misfired terrorist rocket from Gaza.
It now turns out to be the case, and even Human Rights Watch themselves, no particular friends to Israel, have confirmed this as the cause of its death.
Human Rights Watch has acknowledged that terrorists killed civilians in Gaza during Operation Pillar of Defense when rockets being fired into Israel fell short.
“Rockets that fell short of their intended targets in Israel apparently killed at least two Palestinians in Gaza and wounded others,” Human Rights Watch said.
The specific case mentioned in the report involves the four year-old boy used as a political tool by Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil during his visit to Gaza.
It’s common for the BBC to report quotes from any organisation whose name conveys some air of respectability, whether deserved or not, when they are critical of Israel, I have strong doubts whether this HRW report will be made public by the BBC however, nor will they be amending their previous reports which allowed the Palestinian ‘official’ claim to continue to ‘be the truth’.
So just let’s see in detail the elements that the BBC allow to run as fact surrounding this incident, just from the part I highlighted in their article above.
‘Israel had said it would pause the offensive during Mr Qandil’s visit, if militants refrained from firing rockets.’
As the HRW report shows, the militants did NOT refrain from firing rockets, and it was one of these which killed this child.
‘But shortly after the prime minister arrived, Israeli and Palestinian officials accused each other of violating the temporary truce.’
Fact is it was the Palestinians which breached this truce.
‘While Mr Qandil was at the hospital in Gaza, medical workers brought in the bodies of a man and a boy who officials said had been killed in an Israeli air strike moments earlier.’
So not only do Palestinians hide the fact that they broke the truce, and continued to fire rockets towards Israel, still claiming that Israel was violating the truce, but one of their own rockets killed a child, and they were still prepared to use this child’s body as a publicity stunt intended to vilify Israel. Note too that Palestinian officials claimed that the child was killed by an Israeli strike, which should make an ethical media service reluctant to trust their claims again, or certainly to make the reader aware of their ‘inconsistencies’, or lies for a better word.
Think the BBC will?
I’ll bet they don’t!
it is sadly too late. The incident has gone down in liberal ( read anti Israeli) circles in academia and the media as yet another Israeli atrocity.
Which was the intention all along.
It is impossible now for Israel to be treated fairly. I hope they have realised this in Tel Aviv and behave accordingly. Expelling the BBC would be a start.
The president wants to ensure that taxes do not rise for Americans earning under $400,000 (£250,000), and insists on raising new tax revenue in any deal.
The truth is that He refuses to do a deal if taxes aren’t raised for those earning more than that amount. This line reverses His true goal to disguise it as protecting the little guy. Furthermore, the phrase “raising new tax revenue” is a general term, again disguising the real line He’s drawn in the sand on taxing the “rich”. Tax revenue is already going to be raised on businesses for all kinds of things. In fact, the BBC is being inaccurate even here: the President wants specifically taxes on those making more than $250,000, not 400K.
Everything is from the Democrat side, no point of view allowed from the Republicans about what the Dems really want. This is not balanced in the slightest.
Why do I say this is all White House propaganda? Well, beside the fact that the President has stated it over and over again (He even campaigned on that $250K threshold), just yesterday Sen. Cardin (D-MD), who is on both the Senate Finance Committee and the Budget Committee, said that the Republicans won’t do a deal, and refused to acknowledge any other possibility beside raising taxes. He even said this:
…“the easiest way to get the revenues is to [raise taxes on] the highest income brackets.”
Full video at the link. That’s straight from the Dems, yet the BBC protects them.
The notion that you can continue the government spending binge – in the US, UK, or any other industrilised economy that has lived beyond its means for years and is now being suffocated by a debt mountain – and that it can somehow be financed by raising taxes, is cynically deceiving the electorate big time.
In fact, the BBC is being inaccurate even here: the President wants specifically taxes on those making more than $250,000, not 400K.
In fact, Preiser is wrong. As anyone who’s actually been following the news, instead of just parroting what Fox and Breitbart report, would know.
But, hey, Preiser being Preiser, I’m sure he’ll come back with some explanation of how his attempt to pass of his own ignorance is a deficiency of the BBC.
And before anybody jumps on my grammar: that last sentence should have read “…I’m sure he’ll come back with some explanation of how his attempt to pass of his own ignorance is a deficiency of the BBC” should have read: “I’m sure he’ll come back with some explanation of how his attempt to pass off his own ignorance as fact is a deficiency of the BBC.”
Re: ‘Prieser being Prieser’ – Why not focus on the arguments rather than the man? Your views on Mr Prieser are neither here nor there, and making personal attacks might make you feel a bit better but it lowers the tone of the forum.
Scott, you really should know better that to criticise the good people who populate this forum. After all, it is unknown for you or others with a dissenting voice to be attacked in such a way.
The other person’s alleged form or the supposed bleating of other commentators is just offensive irrelevance. It’s noise that adds nothing to the forum.
Why not just stick to attacking points that you disagree with, and let your arguments stand or fall on their own strength, rather than engaging in playground tactics?
‘But, hey, Preiser being Preiser’
This new nomenclature system is a new tack.
Not sure I like it much.
But does it in turn make you one of the ‘M People’?
Movin’ on down….
You really are a fool, Scott. You link to one article – nearly 2 weeks old, whereas ALL the recent stuff suggests that Obama is sticking to his $250K threshold for raising taxes. There never was any real move by Obama to $400K. And that is a joint income of $250K. For a single earner the figure is £200K.
This is hugely damaging to small businesses, the main generator on new jobs. On top of the imminent disaster of Obamacare, where the costs to businesses kick in next month.
PLUS – Obama has never suggested any significant cuts in spending. His whole approach is always to tax and spend more. All his plans include further large increases in government spending – when the country is in debt to the tune of $16 billion and faces further credit downgrades.
Go away Scott until you learn what is really happening in the US. You are as ignorant of the realities as the BBC.
Clinton and before him Lyndon Johnson would have worked day and night to find a compromise. Obama just clears off to Hawaii and spends most of his time playing golf, in a time of national crisis. He WANTS the US to go over the fiscal cliff, it suits his political purposes.
Bless. The “ad hominem” canard being brought out yet again. One day, the site’s regulars will realise how hypocritical that argument is, and will appreciate how often they indulge in the style of argument that causes them to raise their handbags in horror at the merest thought of others ever doing the same.
Of course, there’s more chance of us all being in our graves long before that.
One day, the site’s regulars
Currently the most regular posters appear to be you and your BFF.
And in amongst all the ‘handbags’ and ‘bleatings’ and ‘hypocrisy’-accusations it remains funny how those who only come to disrupt are the same who are forever banging on about procedural matters or running to non-existent hall monitors to demand satisfaction or censure over perceived offences, albeit only when getting pwnd.
It’s like a kamikaze flight having a health & safety officer and compliance director bickering over the wording of a sexual health sign in Yamamoto’s Betty unisex lavvy as a squadron of P-38s bear down.
Except that was an unserious publicity stunt ten days ago, and this is reality now, Scott. I know you’re going to claim that this is me playing my ignorance as fact, but the fact is that this was a bogus offer. In other words, White House propaganda – which they BBC continues to dutifully reproduce – and nothing more. It was dead in the water the moment the House Republicans rejected Boehner’s plan to raise taxes on everyone earning over $1 million. Since the President then demanded the President demandedadditional taxes as well as a requirement for His pretend concession about raising that tax bar to $400K, it wasn’t a real offer. But of course, the BBC will always portray the President demanding 99% of what He wants with one percent of compromise as the most honorable bi-partisanship imaginable, and portray the Republicans for wanting 2% as partisan evil incarnate. Harry Reid is currently talking about the $250K threshold, nothing about any $400K concession. Oh, noes, has he gone rogue? Or maybe he knows that the President won’t really agree to the $400K cut-off point? If it had been a real offer, something other than a publicity stunt trumpeted by a compliant media, would Reid or Cardin or somebody in the House be mentioning the alleged concession? Actually, we never heard the President say anything about it Himself, as far as I know. All we know is that one of His minions told the press He was offering an olive twig. If it was a branch, I’d expect the Democrats to be shouting it from the rooftops. Instead, we get the BBC acting as if something from 10 days ago is current.
Instead, the BBC spins it as Him wanting to protect people earning less than $400K. They don’t need protection, of course, because certainly nobody else is trying to raise taxes on them. It’s a joke no matter how you slice it. Of course, you won’t bother defending the BBC on that one, because you’re going to continue your laser-like focus on an unserious offer which not even the Democrats have been trying to push since He flew off to Hawaii. Nor will you dare defend the BBC for the lack of balance in the news brief. You probably think they don’t need to provide any. Well done for dodging two out of three points.
As for your dismissal of ad hominem attacks being a “canard” now, I wish you had similarly scolded Nicked emus and Jim Dandy and dez and all your other fellow defenders of the indefensible when they last tried that one on. Or are we held to higher standards than professional journalists and the righteous?
I have form, do I? Chapter and verse, please. Links or it didn’t happen.
Exactly. Obama himself has never said anything about a $400k threshold. That was a rumour, a figure which was wafted around by anonymous spokesmen for a day or so – with NIL realistic spending cuts and also a requirement that Congress should abolish any debt limits. A shadowy “Offer” – which made a mockery of the word compromise.
This has been Obama;s approach all along. My way or the highway. As I keep saying – Obama actually wants the US to go over the fiscal cliff so he can blame the Republicans without any challenge from most of the US media..
The BBC continues on its course of failing to report in a balanced way on the crisis.
No, John, it was in a press release, which Scott read as part of his job in publicity. So he takes it as fact. He can’t touch the other two points about BBC bias in that report, because that might distract from the White House propaganda he’s defending.
You’ve gotta love how David Preiser believes everything he’s told by Fox News and its ilk, but anything which emerges that contradicts his own belief are lies and distortions.
Regular readers will recall how, just before the general election, Preiser came on here triumphantly trumpeting about a “previously unseen video” that would show just what sort of man Obama was. It turned out to be an old video which had been extensively reported on before – by the very same people whose words about it being new and damaging Preiser parroted here without any thought whatsoever.
So no, I won’t be believing Preiser’s interpretation of the fiscal negotiations. Because there’s more chance of David Vance getting elected to office than there is of David Preiser being reliable.
Scott, character assassination of the source proves nothing. You may not have noticed, but the vast majority of links I provide on this blog are to everything but Fox News or Breitbart. And I never link to their opinion pieces or analyses (as far as I’m aware). I link only to factual items, like direct quotes. If you’re going to claim that a direct quote published by either Fox News or Breitbart is always a lie, then you’ll have to actually do the work to prove it as such, each and every time.
It’s a fact that the President has wanted the $250K threshold (unless you’re claiming that all news reports for the last year or more are fake), a fact that the Dems have been using that ever since He flew off to Hawaii (unless you’re claiming Sen. Reid is lying, or that CNN is now lying about him saying that), a fact that the President is not serious about a $400K limit the way the BBC reports it. This isn’t interpretation, no matter how many times you type “Fox News” in anger.
And you still refuse to touch on the other two points about BBC bias. Can I assume that you accept those points? Or is that not important now since you believe you found a single cherry to pick?
As for your opinion of that video and my reliability, that’s all you have out of thousands of comments and posts? I’m truly flattered that you hold me to a higher standard than the BBC.
‘Republicans seem to be coming round to the need for high income earners to pay more taxes. However, most Republican members of Congress have publicly pledged not to raise taxes.’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20237056
The idea that high earners ‘need’ to pay more tax is a matter of opinion, whereas the BBC presents it as fact…
‘Mr Boehner’s lack of control over the more extreme members of the Republican party is seen by analysts as both a liability, because of the difficulty carrying their votes, and an asset, as a way of forcing more concessions from the president.’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20237056
Extreme?!? FFS! We are talking about the Republican Party equivalent of Thatcherites! The fact that someone wants to cut back on public spending to prevent their country becoming like Greece makes them a patriot, not an extremist!
The Republicans have already offered ways of better tax fairness – cutting out a lot of the loopholes that benefit higher tax brackets, a far better way of increasing the revenue by up to a trillion. But they also insist on spending reductions – now, not kicked away so far in the future that they don’t affect the debt problem.
The real intransigence is on Obama’s side. Utter refusal to make any meaningful spending cuts – he wants increases in spending. Brownanomics to the nth degree. The BBC never reports the refusal of the Democratic side to look at spending reductions.
Total debt $16 trillion and counting, a large proportion owed to the Chinese. REAL total of US liabilities including Medicare etc etc – $100 trillion ?
Utter madness. Only the Tea Party show any sign of real sanity. The BBC excoriates them, excoriates anyone who wants overblown government trimmed back – here as well as in the US.
To describe people who are in favour of massive cuts in public spending as ‘extreme’ paints them as dangerous nutters, when in fact they are only extreme compared to the ‘choice’ we have in British politics, ie a small amount of austerity with the Tories, and next to no austerity with Labour or the Lib Dems.
Sad but true. But to the Left, democracy = getting what they want. Negotiating = getting what they want. Working together = getting what they want. If the President doesn’t get what He wants, it’s intransigence. It was a different story when when Bush and Clinton compromised and negotiated and reached across the aisle, but they were mere mortals.
Instead, we have the Community Organizer-in-Chief, the Alinsky disciple who has the single goal of destroying the Republican Party. And the BBC will be right there to lap it up.
The BBC science department have really got this weather prediction lark down to a tee.
Mixed weather conditions in the UK in 2013 meant there were winners and losers amongst the country’s wildlife – … http://bbc.in/VfZOb0
Retweeted by Rebecca Morelle
Goodness me, 2013 weather already known and retweeted!
I see the central premise of the left that Maggie wanted a war with Argentina in 1982 has been blown out of the water. But hang on what rear guard action is this from the bBC. Why it’s only their version of how actually Maggie was guilty. Like the bloody left wing wankers they are the bBC invent an angle in which to continue spreading their hatred. the bBC , the traitors in our midst
I heard that the BBC had prepared a special report a few years back about how the Belgrano really was making a battle maneuver and wasn’t retreating, only they canned it because it coincided with the Dr. Who Christmas special where they demonized the Thatcher proxy for sinking the ship for reasons which aren’t clear, and ITV broadcast their own report instead.
New documents on the Falklands have just been released. The story has been running across all the major news organisations. Some fascinating coverage on Today this morning, particularly with the Lord Armstrong interview. Particularly interesting the different attitudes in support from elements of the US Government. Pentagon four square behind the UK. State Department Janus faced and even Reagan asking us to negotiate when we were about to take Stanley. Thatcher to her huge credit ignored him. Armstrong said it was her at her absolute peak.
Jim – It’s of interest to historians and doubtless to many members of the wider public, but surely there are pressing issues of the day to talk about, rather than revisiting what happened 30 years ago.
It’s looking increasingly likely that America will hit the fiscal cliff on Monday, possibly plunging the global economy into a far deeper recession. I’d say that’s more important than Mrs Thatcher feeling surprised 30 years ago…
Of equal interest in the same programme was the government’s involvement in some grant to one of the hospitals Savile did his charity work for, though I only caught the end of it.
I wonder if the BBC would have run with it had Savile’s misdemeanours not come to light? Or was the opportunity for them to make subliminal connections between Savile and the Thatcher government too much for them to resist?
JohnCMar 11, 10:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No sign Russians will compromise ahead of talks https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt I’ve come to the conclusion that Steve Rosenberg, the BBC’s Russia…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 10:19 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Like Hollywood – TV is not normal life – it is the life that producers want you to see.
taffmanMar 11, 10:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s about time that the ‘Government’ & The ‘Home Office’ looked after the people of Great Britain. Secure our borders…
BRISSLESMar 11, 10:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I do like the skill based reality shows like Pottery throw down (sorry, not BBC) This year there were 3…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 10:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 HA HA HA HA! HATE NOT HOPE RELEASE STATE OF HATE REPORT…. Reform is RACIST (C) BBC Verified .. Islam…
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MarkyMarkMar 11, 09:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Vlogger jumps off Tower Bridge – video https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/video/2015/jul/24/vlogger-jumps-off-tower-bridge-video “Vlogger Shah Faisal Shinwari jumps off London’s Tower Bridge after being challenged…
“Patten plugged own headhunting firm in job search advice to senior BBC executive”
To be fair, there appears to be few companies in the UK he is not some kind of ‘director’ for.
A man with infinite spare capacity for his talents.
Astonishing, if true:
Scandalous, but hardly astonishing my friend.
I am livid! As a Falkland veteran who played my part to continue to give the BBC the freedom to mandatory Tax me, they want to blatantly ignore their obligation to inform this country of the major news issues that affect this Nation and the world, like the Falklands conflict SECRET papers story and Thatcher.
I have just watched BBC News Channel (10.30 am) on Freeview and headlining is the distressful story regarding the little girl, Anjum-Wilkinson, who was abducted by her father to Pakistan, followed by an anti-smoking campaign advertising story, both items taking up the majority of the news:.
Important as the BBC headlining stories are, why they are so out of sync and scale of National importance, to the UK highly consequential historical story about National Secret papers released about the Falklands campaign?
Are the other 2 UK major online or TV UK national news contributors, (Sky and Google news), wrong with their unanimous agreement of the importance of headlining the Secret Thatcher Falklands papers released to the British nation?
Or could it be that the BBC are playing politics again by possibly not wanting to highlight that Thatcher actually stood up to the US President in our National interest? Maybe this might remind the masses that Blair, lied and connived to deceive this Nation in illegal wars at enormous cost.
Sorry for butting in after George’s great post on this page but otherwise feel it might not got read as such a long open thread naturally due to Christmas oliday time I feel this story needs to be aired now
I suggest you look at the bottom of this thread where the prominence given to the story on the BBC is cited, presumably as evidence of bias. It has been leading the BBC’s news coverage all day, including as I type on the web page.
R4 still holding out as I tip tap away here… Something to do with Nick Clegg more important it seems.
Point taken Jim. It was just I was watching Chanel 80 on free view when the Falklands item did not come up like on the other BBC channels so was not aware and getting steamed up like we all do sometimes.
Fair enough. And respect and thanks for what you did in the Falklands.
To celebrate the festive season the Beeb has an HYS discussion on the Queen’s speech, which is bringing out the anti Monarchists. The moderators are usually sharp to remove comments deemed off topic but accusations of homicide in this discussion on the Queen’s Speech go unmoderated.
382. Northern1964
Tony if you really think the royals had nothing to do with Diana’s death then my friend your more gullible than than the two thick sons she had. The police questioned Charles about her death and many others in there little circle.The police wouldn’t do that if they didn’t have any doubt that there was something about it.They DID kill Diana and that is a FACT take off those roaylist blinkers
I don’t want to get involved in a private quarrel, but it has always bemused me this myth about the royals murdering Diana. WTF for? And how? She died in a car crash, in Paris, whilst being driven by a pisshead at break neck speed and being chased by the paparatzi. The only survivor was her bodyguard who was sensibly wearing a seatbelt. There was no conspiracy, it was an accident plain and simple…and very tragic.
I realise that we live in the age of the conspiracy theorists, man didn’t land on the moon, JFK was shot by the FBI, CIA, KGB etc, and poor Diana was taken out by that well known assassin, Prince Philip. Dear God!!
Spot on Jeff.
‘The moderators are usually sharp to remove comments deemed off topic’
Make that ‘comments contrary to BBC hive mind order’.
Stuff that they think they can mention once and get away with… may just slip by.
BBC censorship is, like the complaints system, a bad joke.
Yes, and as I write there’s a BBC News look at the diamond jubilee in which an inordinate amount of time was given to the anti-monarchist agitprop of this chum of theirs
Enjoying the World at One. It appears everything – simply everything – is caused by global warming and the answer is always more government spending. A happy non-specific and explicitly non-denominational mid-winter extravaganza to all.
I can confirm that the Professor of Atmospheric Physics at Oxford has not been invited to any BBC climate change seminars.
too qualified?
Nothing on Al Beeb about this.
I really appreciate links like this. Whereas some moaners on here will say it is irrelevant I say it goes to the heart of the issues namely the BBC’s utter groveling devotion to portraying Islam in a positive light. When, in fact, Islam has become an intolerant and fundamentalist faith that has one aim: world domination at all costs. The BBC is Islam’s main propaganda weapon in the UK. It is behind the naive views on Islam which the populace unfortunately hold. It’s amazing the effect of not watching the BBC has on your common sense and realization; I no longer watch it and it’s been like having an on-going epiphany – a sudden realization that everything the BBC reports has a subtle, Left-wing agenda. I feel like a recovering addict who’s kicked the habit of feeding off the BBC’s disgusting lies and deception.
Here’s a bbc article a few days ago citing Christian decline in the Middle East.
And here’s one about the pressure they ‘re under from religious zealots in Israel.
I believe you thought you were trying to ridicule the point of this thread by posting the links you have, when in fact you highlighted it.
Every month Raymond Ibrahim relates the ongoing incidents of Islamic persecution of Christians. Just look at the most recent to see how few, if any, are reported by the BBC.
What you hold up is an article headlining Christians fleeing the conflict in Syria, and another about vandals in Israel spray painting a church.
Just LOOK you moron at the incidents going on against Christians that ARE NOT REPORTED, and then come back and tell us that an incident of vandals spray painting a Church balances it out, and is not evidence of GROSS BIAS!
I notice in the first of Dandy’s BBC links the Beeb had managed to get hold of a Lebanese cleric who was intent on playing down the hostility of Islam towards Christianity:
“We cannot say that Muslims are hostile towards Christians,” he told me. “There are some, but of course when you have a few people making troubles, they can affect the whole region. After those church attacks, the Christians of the region felt threatened even though it was in another country or far away. It’s an overall impression that we are not welcome anymore even if we have good relationships with our neighbours.” ( Murder, abductions and torture as well as attacks on churches, have played no small part in these persecutions, not to mention government / police action in countries like Egypt – the guy was being careful not stir up even more trouble.)
One spray can incident balancing what Christians are currently enduring under Islam – his (no doubt Beeb induced) ignorance is staggering.
Yeah, and notice how the Christians and BBC have no problem venting their wrath against a safe option like Israel in this paragraph:
Christian leaders condemned the attack by what they called “forces of hatred” and asked: “What is going on today that permits Christians to be scapegoated and targeted by these acts of violence?”
I took out the reference to Israel that is in the article just to let somebody think that what had been done was murder and torture, instead of spray painting a Church.
A reprise:-
“BBC’s Connolly reports on ME Christians: omits the one place they thrive”
Imagine if Jews or Christians placed a banner declaring their religion to be ‘the one’ on what Muslims claim as their ‘third holiest site’. Despite there being no mention of it, or even the city, in their Koran, and which also happens to be the holiest site for Jews -Temple Mount.
Think the BBC would report it?
In a heartbeat!
Yet for a few years this banner has been hanging on the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, which is believed to mark the place where the Archangel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to Jesus.
Any guesses as to how come the BBC has so far not bothered to mention it?
No doubt it doesn’t help that Christians themselves don’t raise an outcry, and also no doubt if they did, the BBC would then blame Israel for not promoting freedom of worship for Christians, or some such spin.
It wouldn’t be the ‘religion of peace’ that could be to blame.
Any readership figures for these website articles, Jim, compared to, say, the 6.5 million who listen to the Today programme?
Good night all, and enjoy your celebrations of Christmas..
Yes, that article does a really good job of describing the cleansing of non-Muslims from the ME.
Like you I realised that the BBC was feeding us its own liberal/left view of world and domestic events and politics. Unfortunately the majority of the British people, many of my friends among them, still believe that the BBC can be trusted and they swallow the BBC propoganda unquestioningly.
Can you remember what it was that made you doubt the BBC’s integrity? If you can I may be able to use it to help convince some of my friends that the BBC should be got rid of.
“They DID kill Diana and that is a FACT”
Caps lock always proves facts, FACT.
This is like the BBC policy on Climate Change.
A moronic confusion between the meaning of FACTS and ASSUMPTIONS.
The inferior mind of left-wing people produces a formula for thought where ASSUMPTION + WISHFULL THINKING = FACT.
Rafa Benitez made up this trend of finishing everything with FACT when he lost his marbles due to Sir Alex Ferguson out witting him time and again while he was manager of Liverpool FC.
FACT is the current replacement for old favourite “I rest my case”.
I rest my fact….FACT.
I hope we somehow could keep at the top David Preiser’s brilliant analysis of bBBC staff biased tweets, to be added to day by day.
Katty Kay has excelled herself lately with emotional trivia.
17:31 UK time, Tuesday, 18 December 2012
@KattyKayBBC via Twitter
Back in DC but thinking about Newtown.
She flatters herself that President Obama reads her drivel:
02:45 UK time, Monday, 17 December 2012
@KattyKayBBC via Twitter
POTUS: whatever portion of sadness that we can share to ease your load we will gladly bear.
Pass the sick-bag please.
Members of Parliament are a bit angry with the BBC Trust at the moment. Even Labour MPs are angry with the BBC over rewards for failure and the BBCs Climate Change policy of censorship of science and scientists. So I hope that I will be able to tell my colleagues in Mensa about whether we could provide a Parliamentary committee with Preisers collection of BBC staff tweets after the complaint to the BBC Trust on misleading Mensa members on the quality of the scientists on the BBCs Climate Change seminar.
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians VI:2
She’s expressing a lovely sympathy, I’m sure, but her choice of words is way OTT. More open support for the man than for the issue.
Maybe she needs a bit of “Collective Salvation” that Mr. POTUS believes in?
b-BBC front page news:
South Africa’s first black President Nelson Mandela will spend Christmas in hospital, a government statement has said.
There is growing concern in South Africa about his health.
On the other hand:
Sorry, there are no results for ‘thatcher hospital christmas’ in the category ‘News’.
Well TBF there are quite a few mentions under ‘Baroness Thatcher’. I guess it’s a matter of how hard one looks and how much the BBC likes such things to be seen or found.
As one not known to be shy of dropping ’em a line when their unique slant on the news gets a wee bit too skewed to be credible, I tend to steer clear of comparatives as they are a Director of Semantics’ wet dream to dismiss, but if the second most awesome black man in the world and the good Lady pop at the same time the relative coverage volume, placings and tone will be worth noting.
And even if you get them bang to rights the only reply you’ll ever get is ‘The BBC is just about right because it says so, and weighs its coverage seriously. So if we deify a person we happen to love and near dismiss one we happen to loathe, well, tough… what can you or anyone do about it now? Lies. Peados. Lies about peados. Stich ups. Pay-offs. Not a thing. We are… immune!!!!’
Thatcher’s medical state was mentioned in the headlines on this morning’s today programme
Jim, I would have thought it would have been more polite to have referred to her as “Baroness Thatcher” or “Lady Thatcher”, or is that the BBC mindset at work?
Lordy, see what I started.
I have every respect for the great woman. So let me belatedly add a Maggie or Mrs or Baroness.
And let my first post-Xmas action on Mr Vance’s vaunted organ be to ensure Pounce of the health of my bowel movements and the loyalty of my wife.
Or rather “assure”
Hey Jim I just want to wish you a merry Christmas and I hope your next shit is a hedgehog.
Say Hi to your wife with my kids.
That sort of remark is going to win no converts to your cause and I’m disappointed to see 12 people (so far) have seen fit to like it.
Classy individual – not!!
Albaman, class would be respecting, appreciating and supporting Roland’s point with a like but then maintaining a dignified silence.
Or there’s scrabbling to jump publicly too late on a bandwagon that’s only now been brought to your attention, which seems your sole skill set.
And your skill set is exactly what?
Now… How long have you got?
One new one, only just confirmed, is the ability to get po-faced nags to fail to notice how they can brilliantly turn a small possible box-tick into an epic fail.
Which seems another you can add to your list, so I stand corrected on that.
I think you overstate your abilities. What makes you assume that I am a “po-faced nag”? As for “epic fails” one only has to read your posts here to see what an expert you are in that field!!
Ziiiiiing:) That one’s gonna leave a mark. No way any of that did not more eloquently make my point than anything I could further muster.
I am clearly vanquished… And retire from the field before respective sibling hefts get deployed, as this appears the only place you have left to head with, it appears, one at least in your ‘crew’.
As a master of strangulated English you have truly surpassed yourself with the above post.
Oo, goodie, down to the one character reply threads already. Like gold, the richest of seams.
‘..a master of strangulated English’
What can one say… other than the competition is still coming across as a wee bittie stiff, not to say harder to catch from down that hole still being dug…
‘Don’t want to get into a “my cameras bigger than your camera” debate … It seems obvious that the only opinion you ever accept as valid is your own”.
Still a favourite.
When censorship isn’t enough to silence the deniers, bring on the death penalty, says Richard Parncutt, Professor of Systematic Musicology at the University of Graz in Austria. Yes folks, the very lastest in eco-fascist thinking is here….
“I have always been opposed to the death penalty in all cases…”
“Even mass murderers [like Breivik] should not be executed, in my opinion.”
“GW deniers fall into a completely different category from Behring Breivik. They are already causing the deaths of hundreds of millions of future people. We could be speaking of billions, but I am making a conservative estimate.”
“I don’t think that mass murderers of the usual kind, such Breivik, should face the death penalty. Nor do I think tobacco denialists are guilty enough to warrant the death penalty, in spite of the enormous number of deaths that resulted more or less directly from tobacco denialism. GW is different. With high probability it will cause hundreds of millions of deaths. For this reason I propose that the death penalty is appropriate for influential GW deniers.”
A news item, I would guess, which won’t be coming to a BBC programme near you.
‘Professor of Systematic Musicology’
Systematic musicology is an umbrella term, used mainly in Central Europe, for several subdisciplines and paradigms of musicology. These subdisciplines and paradigms tend to address questions about music in general, rather than specific manifestations of music.
Nope… still… me neither.
But I think the Goon Show had one in the 50’s.
Chilling and not that surprising given the part of Europe he comes from.
Yet another reason for us to cut ties with the EU.
An Austrian too, eh?
Nothing to worry about there either, at risk of getting this site URL banned as well.
Guessing Lords Patten and Hall Hall are tipping the former’s recruitment Company off on this bloke as the Night of the Long Extended Leaves and Contracts expands the staffing needs further.
According to Bishop-Hill commenters, he is actually Australian.
“Future People”
Love it.
Get Marty McFly on the case.
(yes, i am answering to my own post….and I aint started drinking….yet!)
Merry Christmas guys and gals!
Just had to endure the BBC’s Merlin/Excalibur. What a load of second-rate drivel; the actors looked like they were hastily borrowed from a French perfume advert. They had all the profundity of A-Level drama students.
I’d ask you if you have seen the BBC2 schedule this Christmas eve, but I best not, as you, I am sure have already seen it…
Morecambe and Wise & The 2 Ronnies.
Have we been uniquely time traveled, with the future people back to 1973?
That was £4Bn well spent in anyone’s books….re-runs from the 70’s.
That stuff was fairly shite when I was a kid…and the Beeb wanna hook the kids?…O really?…I actually don’t think they do, I think, with their announcement that no kids programs will be shown on BBC1 any more has just put that final nail in the coffin.
What they want is….themselves, their own channel for metro sexual, London centric, multi-culti piss…as they always have, only, they still want, nay, expect us to pay for it.
(rolley eyes)
Re: Morecambe and Wise and Two Ronnies
They are not the original programmes either, in many cases.
They are chopped up and interspersed with sentimantal clips from modern commentators in order to make them more “relevant”. In the process they make them unwatchable.
I think they these programmes are chopped up with modern bits so that the
BBC doesn’t have to count them as repeats – they are then ‘original programming’..
This is a bugbear of mine. Since we now have what seem like 100’s of channels mostly broadcasting 24 hours a day why can’t old shows be shown in their entirety ?
Is it that they show up the modern output of various channels to be the garbage that it is or are they just trying to put a little work out to the usual suspects the Beeb loves so much.
At least comedy shows do re emerge unlike old science & arts documentaries such as say Civilisation and Connections have vanished for ever.
To be fair though (money aside) I would much rather have that than the human misery peddled in Eastenders. ITV is significantly worse with its drivel offering of Coronation St & Emmerdale almost on continuous loop.
Doing these ancient reruns is the only way the BBC can make sure they don’t “accidentally” broadcast one of their current darlings doing another expletive-filled comedy skit when families are watching.
There’s a new three-parter afoot called ‘Dangerous Roads’ which, if the ad I’ve just seen is to be believed, features super-luvvies Frostrup, Jupitus AND Prickstocke (these last two in the same motor) driving on sundry perilous highways. Like Ice Road Truckers without The Polar Bear ‘twould seem.
Prickstocke + Jungle + Camera Crew = Guaranteed Climate Change Rant-a-rama. Cannot be allowed ! Therefore……..
Dear Santa,
I know it’s a bit late, but I’ve been a sickeningly good child this year, so could I forego the usual sugar mice and oranges and please ask for some landslides instead ?
Your little pal,
And all the best to Mrs Claus and the elves, too.
Oh, and Merry Christmas to all on this blog, too.
Can they at least be impartial, and let us have some Top Gear…I know it’s a little on the right wing, climate deny side, but, come on….for balance?
A year without Top Gear….Why the feck did they purchase the rights to it in the 1st place, other than to silence Clarkson?
The bBC and Not the Nine O’Clock News.
While the bBC is happy to promtoe this view that Islam is a religion of peace, that Black Terrorists are going to spend Christmas in Hospital and that the UK is nothing more than an excuse for Racism here is some news stories the bBC doesn’t want you to hear about:
<b< Hamas sends early Christmas present to..Gaza
Gazans fire rocket but fail to hit Israel; no injuries.
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket Sunday evening, causing no damages or injuries.The IDF would confirm only that the rocket did not make landfall in Israel.
China to implement forced boardings of ships inside China Sea after Jan 1st 2013.
As of next Tuesday any ships found inside the self imposed boundary changes of the ever imperialist Chinese government (You know that border which ends 12 miles off the Philippines,Brunei, Malaysia , Indonesia coast.
Christianity ‘close to extinction’ in Middle East
The biggest threat to Christianity in the world comes from…Islam.
One pound fish man told to return to Pakistan.
While the bBC sings a song about Aleem Maqbool and his one pound fish song they leave out that his Visa has run out and he has been told to bugger off to Allah;s country.
The ‘One Pound Fish’ singer from Pakistan, who landed up with a recording deal after his song in the fish market went viral on the internet, has been asked to leave UK after it was found that his visa had run out.
Immigration officials told the novelty artist Muhammad Nazir to get a flight back to his native country and not return until he has sorted out his paperwork.
Thank Christ for that!
The BBC have been jizzing over this talentless cretin for weeks.
I have been avoiding the BBC for the past year, so have not had the fortune to see fish man…..but I have heard about him….how does that happen?….I have avoided TELEVISION for a year, not because i don’t pay the fee, (me & Mrs Chop do)…so how have the BBC managed to soak fish man into my head…do they have that much control over what we see?….I’d suggest, they do, it is subliminal, it is planted, and to make something “go viral” it is not a bunch of spotty oiks clicking a link, it is manufactured, and to order.
Why do you think the bbc have so many internet moguls onside (as a tiny search for one person on linked in about a month ago proved)
These are not just nerds, geeks, masturbators…ect, as they were in the 80’s/90’s….these are professional fishers, with the line in just about everything, to fish, and bait what, and who they wish, whenever they want…..more dangerous than Hitler & Pol Pot.
The next time you hear someone criticise immigration just wait for the inevitable cries from the usual suspects – ‘but what about the fish man’ – he’s got a recording contract and everything, an asset to the country etc. In much the same way that Mo Farah has been rubbed in our faces since the Olympics. Oh, and fish man isn’t going anywhere either.
A Merry Twitter Christmas and goodwill to all men – except conservatives – from BBC lefties Mark Steel and Nicky -haha – Campbell…..
Mark Steel @mrmarksteel
Thatcher and Mandela both in hospital for Christmas. Get this one right, GOD, and I’ll join the Salvation Army for you.
Mark Steel @mrmarksteel
The NRA said ‘The way to deal with bad people with guns is to have good people with guns’ so can someone good shoot the NRA?
21 Dec Nicky Campbell Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
@mrmarksteel haha two wrongs
The dear ol’ Leftie athiest brigade do like to promise God that they’ll believe in Him in exchange for His smiting their enemies, don’t they ? Prickstocke has mucho form in this area, too.
Oh, and before the cherry vultures descend, I recognise that I’ve asked Santa for a similar smiting further up the thread. However, there are differences, viz:
1/ It’s Santa, and Santa is not God.
2/ I’m missing out, prid pro quo, onmy usual sugar mice and oranges in exchange for this favour. Steel on the other hand is asking for two, i.e. survival of St Nelson and deff of nastee Fatcha. He should be frankly smited mightily in the ‘nads for his presumption.
I am a “conservative”…in the older sense, not the new Labour lite sense.
I don’t wish either of them ill, nor death, I think both pronounced a message that was of hope and it sort of came to fruition, but I doubt in the same way as either wanted…Maggie had her hands on power, and did lots of good for us as a nation, but her party raped our own souls, for the want of a better, more imperial life, and Brittan.
We became as cold as we ever had been, Good/Bad….you decide….my thoughts are…Good, for the greater, I would lay me down an all that.
Mandela kind of did the same for his nation, don’t get me wrong, I know what he was before he was incarcerated….he was a terrorist, but I think he did what he did, not for an ideology, as the muzzies do, but, for equality….i am cool with equality, if it is deserved, and Nelson Mandela, himself, was/is, a good thinker, a positive, and good man…I think an awful lot of the party and his followers, are not quite in the same bracket as Nelson.
When he dies, it will be as big a loss as Maggie is to Tories, so, I believe he should be respected, and mourned in the same way….but not in the same way that the BBC mourned Micheal Foot, and all the other pillocks of the left wing they have dedication programs for.
A real hero of the people is just that, folk, in time, will see what Thatcher, Mandela was, but it will be in spite of, not because of what the revolting BBC say.
Why do the BBC have e nothing to do with Peter Kay?
He harks back to the 80’s…when times were hard, but, good to the hard working.
You will notice the same factor with Frankie Boyle.
There are not that many “Other” comedians left in lefty world…I can refer you to the 8 out of 10 cats Christmas special that was on telly tonight….I promise you, for 2 hours, you will not laugh once.
Case closed…fact, and I rest my case.
It is not just the beeb, but the msm, am i that wrong in my mind and my thoughts that i find everything they do wrong?….is it my fault?
Do I think wrong?
Perhaps, I should go to Londidistan, and have my self corrected…
Oh, hold on a sec, I was born and raised in Oldham, I saw “multiculurisim” in its infancy, way before most did….that’s why, to my shame, I left the town of my birth, and refuse to re-enter.
Frankie Boyle’s now campaigning for the release of a ‘British’ terrorist from Gitmo. That should guarantee him limitless BBC airtime.
He lived here for a few years, never took citizenship, is a Saudi national and yet he is apparently British. Well, using that criteria everyone in the world is British.
Who are these people? Are they devoid of normal human feelings or just morons?
I suppose our taxes keep them in luxury. The new ancien Regime.
The bBC reports on why there will be no Christmas cheer in Syria this week
In Syria, the real blood of civilians was mixed with real bread in Halfiya, the day before Christmas Eve, according to opposition activists. They say the civilians were bombed by a government warplane as they were queuing at a bakery, killing some 90 of them.
He points out to the outskirts of Damascus, where government shelling can be heard day and night.
According to the bBC, Christmas has been banned due to the Government, you know that government which while evil gives equality to..chrisitians
Which is why the bBC comes out with:
She lost two of her sons, she said. One died in an attack at a checkpoint comprising locals who had been armed by the government.
Yup according to the bBC those who utter ‘Allah akba’ while slitting a throat cannot be held responsible for the peaceful acts they carry out for the religion of peace.
The bBC, the trainers within our midst
Yes, they thought they’d sneak that one under the radar on Christmas eve, didn’t they?
As a feature in its 10pm ‘news’ programme, R4 had just broadcast an ‘investigation’ into whether Britain should leave the EU.
Despite their own high-ups having openly admitted “past” bias on the EU, despite the promises of a more balanced view from now on, despite the mood in the country having considerably hardened against Brussels, still the feature was a textbook exercise in biased reporting. Still we had BBC ‘journalists’ chipping in with their own ‘corrections’ and opinions, on the rare occasions someone opposed to membership was allowed a few seconds airtime, followed by a rounding-up debate between two whiny Europhiles and a lukewarm Tory.
Time and again, Europhiles were allowed to shroud wave the ‘think of our export markets’ line yet not once did anyone point out that they need our market every bit as much as we need theirs.
So there we have it – the BBC formula unchanged. Hand pick weak representatives of the point of view you wish to undermine. Make sure even they are outnumbered. Make certain your reporters and presenters are on-message and ready to keep not so much a finger but an elbow on the scales.
These people are beneath contempt.
The bBC, its Christmas message that only the West can be evil (albeit 40 years ago)
North Vietnam, 1972: The Christmas bombing of Hanoi
Reading the above do you get the impression that the US are evil incarnate, that they bomb innocent people just for the sake of it, well the bBC thinks so in yet another blatant example of its horrible histories
Here is what the bBC leave out. During December 1972 the Paris Peace talks were talking place. On the 11th of December the North Vietnamese walked outed out in an attempt to garner a bigger bargin. Nixon told them that if they didn’t return with 72 hours they would face severe measures. On the 18th of Decemeber after staying away the US launched Operation Linebacker. It s targets were :
North Vietnamese airfields at Kep, Phuc Yen, and Hoa Lac and a warehouse complex at Yen Vien .The Kinh No Railroad and storage area, the Thai Nguyen thermal power plant, and the Yen Vien complex. Yen Vien Railroad yards, the Ai Mo warehouse complex, the Thai Nguyen power plant, a transhipment point at Bac Giang, the Kinh No Railroad complex, and the Hanoi petroleum products storage area–all in or near Hanoi.
But the bBC don’t mention any of this they simply say:
At the time the communist authorities said about 1,600 Vietnamese were killed, but many suspect the true figure is far higher.
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst.
While the bbC waxrs lyrical about how bad the US was 40 years ago they remain silent on the imperialist ambitions of the current Chinese government. You know that leftwing government which has decided that all of the South China sea belongs to it. (Look up 9 dotted line)
And any ships found within the 9 dotted line after the 1st of Jan 2013 will be deemed persona non grata and will be boarded by the Chinese Navy., In fact he Chinese have got off to an early start by cutting the anchor cables of a Vietnamese ship last friday.
Have a look at the map, how the hell can China claim anything a few miles off the coast of Vietnam,Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia thousands of miles away from the Chinese mainland. But for some strange reason the bBC remains silent on all of the above, can you imagine if the US,Israel or the UK did likewise. Why there would be hell to pay. But when its a country which is actively intimidating all of its neighbours , then the left in the UL remain silent.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Further to my last here are some arms deals the bBC doesn’t want you to know about:
Vietnam to build Russian anti-ship missiles , purchase 6 kilo class submarines and 20 Su30s on top of the 24 it already owns.
Malaysia to purchase 2 Scorpène submarines (nice piece of kit) upgrade its anti-aircraft rapier system to Jernas standard. Purchase 6 Littoral Combat Ships and 6 offshore patrol vessels (Kedah class )
Philippines to purchase 3 submarines, 18 ASW helicopters,
Indonesia to purchase 3 submarines from South Korea, 24 missile boats.
All of the above are purchasing new fighter aircraft and all are building ties with the US,India and Australia.
And yet the bBC remains silent on all of this Just like it remains silent on how China has occupied Tibet since 1950.
The bBC the traitors in our midst
The bBC , banning Christmas and half the story:
Father Christmas off air in Uzbekistan
So reading the above why do you think celebrating Christmas is off the books in Uzbekistan. The bBC doesn’t inform you just why but it does point in the another direction in which to hoodwink the reader away from the real reason:
It is the latest move to downgrade Soviet or Russian heritage in modern Uzbek culture.
But here’s a clue of two from that bBC article about why Santa is banned:
And at a time when the influence of Islam is growing in all Central Asian countries, other Soviet or pre-Islamic Zoroastrian traditions are slowly disappearing as some people stop celebrating events considered incompatible with Muslim beliefs.
Other Uzbeks have welcomed the decision. They want Grandfather Frost outlawed and all New Year celebrations banned.
The bBC, the mouth piece for radical Islam paid for by the British Public
“Newsnight researcher: ‘It felt like the BBC were trying to rewrite history.’
“As one of the people on the investigating team for the report on Jimmy Savile, I knew when the BBC wasn’t getting the story right.”
By Hannah Livingston.
The following paragraph from Hannah Livingstone’s article will resonate with generations of the BBC’s former employees:
“I joined the BBC through the news trainee scheme in 2011 full of ideas and ideals. Most people I met there were fiercely capable, intelligent and supportive. But for a short period at least, I saw the fuzzy face of the auntie we all know morph into the incomprehensible hardened one of a broadcasting corporation.”
Incomprehensible? Not to us, dear Hannah.
Once again blame is shifted to some amorphous, abstract management structure instead of the bad actors themselves. Everyone at the BBC is brilliant, apparently, except the very top management. However, nearly all of them used to work at Newsnight (Entwistle, Mitchell, Thompson) or other current affairs shows (Boaden). So were they brilliant, too, until their promotions? No wonder nothing ever changes except the number of compliance forms they have to fill out.
The real problem, David, is the structure and management system that dictates what happens to “brilliant” people. Absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely. Why couldn’t Hannah Livingston make her protests within the organization? Because there comes a point when in any large uncontrollable group of people, where the objectives have been forgotten in a scramble for self-advancement, “civil order” breaks down.
Example: I once asked a senior producer why we couldn’t make a long running TV quiz more efficiently by collapsing the shooting schedule and making all the episodes in a three month period rather than a year. His reply: “if we did that we’d loose out office space.” So self-interest trumped considerable cost savings and production time. The result was that we worked slower, kept the office space and got the job done more expensively.
None of the staff on that show were dumb – but the weight of bureaucracy and political game playing crushed our spirit.
We asked questions: Who is on charge? Who do I turn to with a problem? Is anyone listening? And most importantly, what are we all doing here anyway? The answers were couched in terms of promotion, maintaining the status quo, not rocking the boat, banking the pay check.
From outside in the real world the answers seems simple. Within the labyrinth its as clear as mud.
Now after 10 years of being “out” I know its the structure that has to change. It cannot remain a place which mixes despotism with dismissal.
‘It felt like the BBC were trying to rewrite history.’
From Ceebeebies to Dr. Who to… Newsnight… there was, and is, no ‘felt’ about it.
This education and information we are forced to pay for and apparently all still trust…. frankly, not so much.
‘Everyone at the BBC is brilliant, apparently, except the very top management.’
Who, equally uniquely, got paid double for a function that gets ordinary idiots fired.
“The police union that turned into a wounded animal ”
Will BBC-NUJ maintain its political solidarity with Police Federation?
‘Adams’ cartoon:-
“BBC faces official investigation after giving 200 managers £100,000 pay-offs”
By Steven Swinford.
“BBC faces official investigation after giving 200 managers £100,000 pay-offs”
Will that be an actual investigation or a ‘double yer money’ ‘independent’ one?
The BBC- Too ‘unique’ to fail
Bring me sunshine in your…. anti-Thatcher rant ….
Four candles….? more like Clause Four compo-site motions Bruvvers….
I’ve just come from up the….up the….up the….
Up the what? Up the ladder? Up the road? Up the ante? Up the Arabs? Up the income scale? Up the tax bracket?
No, up the Doctors!
You know Ed Miliband has all the right policies….but not necessarily in the right order.
In this world where we live there should be more….gay marriage.
Gosh, we just can’t seem to be able to do good comedy these days.
Who’s for a re-run of some bleach blonde geezer charidee-ing it round the hospitals in the 1970s? Passing goodies from out of his sack to all the kiddies. No? I guess some nostalgia is best forgotten.
There’s always the new-style Dr Who.
Inept males, wall to wall feisty females. Evil capitalist villains, side swipes at Victorian values. If only they had all been properly and comprehensively educated to accept these foreign aliens at a young age. Same sex marriage? Well if we can now imagine the Daleks levitating upstairs then surely any new scientific-sounding bit must be possible….I’ll try to explain the awkward concepts to the kiddies later. Trouble is it has now all become as old hat as the Tardis and the sonic screwdriver. You do realise they have simply taken this street in Wales and made it look like Victorian London? That big blue box? It was a mobile phone for calling the police. I know that because I saw a Horrible Histories on the Egotistical Eighties.
Female Vicar of Dibley, female vicar thought for the day, female vicar morning service, female vicar sandwich, female vicar with pickles, still female vicar left overs to take to work come January…is there no end to this female vicar carcass? Remind us to get a smaller bird next year!
What’s making the news? Sounds as though it has been raining a bit. Over to our reporter Jason Anorak who says Cornwall is now an island. Well Mr Noah, you’re a local….tell me, is this the worst you have seen in your lifetime? There you have it folks …the worst he’s ever seen – and he’s 952! Positively antediluvian. My money’s on this global climate thing. Let me re-phrase that, I’d bet my pension…oh, you get the idea. Meanwhile news from the East, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about in Egypt. Next up, reinterpretation of the Archbishop’s reinterpretation of the Church of England’s reinterpretation of the Hebrew Bible. Well I say Bible…what I mean is this bookywook, what someone wrote – who just doesn’t know this is 2012. Now can we have something progressive?
Merry Christmas, BBC One and all!
‘Who’s for a re-run’
Dr. Who seems all they have left.
And that is only to go back in history and try and rewrite it.
Speaking of time travel; last night, having barely watched the BBC at all, all year, on the biggest night of said year, we decided that QI was worth a go.
However after a few minutes it became rather apparent that we had seen and heard it all before.
So, as we debate whether to pull the licence fee for next year, can we also ask for a refund on this one?
Or have things got so unique now it really is only a tax imposed to fund BBC pensions, payouts and buy offs?
Well done to Her Majesty for the strong Christian element in her otherwise pretty insipid (sorry, Ma’am) message to the Commonwealth.
Yah boo sucks to Witchell and the BBC who completely failed to mention it in the TV news report.
Was forced to watch “Outnumbered” where the loud, obnoxious and slightly stupid character announced he was going to vote UKIP.
His wife then outs herself as a lesbian, embarrasses him in public whilst doing so and then runs off with a Russian woman.
The BBC war against UKIP continues – conform or suffer the consequences.
True, but they did also show the Indian chap as a nutter, and, when the policeman was asked if they normally invented stories, replied “one of the few perks of the job; that, and telling ministers to get off their bikes” (or words to that effect).
Two non-PC moments in a 40-minute slot, plus plenty of dry, understated, humour means that I nominate “Outnumbered” the best bBBC programme of the otherwise-dreary Christmas season.
Certainly better than Doctor Who and it’s incessant attacks on ‘Victorian values’.
Hmmm, I wonder if that was written at the same time that Mitchell was assumed to be guilty?
Perhaps that little dig backfired..
“Statoil to develop £4.3bn North Sea oil field, creating 700 jobs.
“Norway’s Statoil is to lead the biggest investment in the UK North Sea in a decade, with the $7bn (£4.3bn) development of the Mariner oil field.”
Unmentioned online so far by BBC-NUJ, BUT this is some good news for British people which Hampstead Harrabin will want to rant against when he gets back off holiday.
Is this the “unmentioned” report?
Oh, it’s only a ‘Scottish’ story to BBC-NUJ.
Many on the unionist right would welcome the BBC publishing this story about North Sea oil in the Scottish section. It does rather contradict their repeated assertions that the oil reserves are running out and that the independence debate is stifling Scottish inward investment.
Yet another BBC news ‘item’ tucked away on their website, to be read by a very small number of people, taken by yourself (and one other on here) as proof of some kind of ‘balance’ for all the leftist guff that is broadcast to millions on radio and TV.
It’s not.
Interesting that posters on these pages can use articles from the BBC website as evidence of bias but I cannot use it as evidence that this story was covered by the BBC.
Interesting that posters on these pages can use articles from the BBC website as evidence of bias but I cannot use it as evidence that this story was covered by the BBC.
Interesting that you can’t figure out you can use whatever you like one these pages in support of whatever you want, self-evidently.
However, you rather confuse your having the right to post with people being compelled to pay attention or agree with you.
Given your belief in the BBC way of things understandable but still not under your control to enforce.
ps: Scott… be a love and bump your mate’s ‘likes’ up to two, would you.
“BBC under fire over Hitchcock drama.
“The portrayal of Alfred Hitchcock as a lecherous and sadistic sexual predator by the BBC has been criticised by leading ladies who worked with the iconic film director.”
Compare BBC’s treatment of Hitchcock with that of Savile.
So, a stitch-up based on broken promises and lies?
I think the next BBC Head of News is before us in the director of this gem.
Exactly what I was thinking Guest Who!
Wonder if the BBC have picked up on this? Global Warming Deiers should be sentenced to death : http://joannenova.com.au/2012/12/death-threats-anyone-austrian-prof-global-warming-deniers-should-be-sentenced-to-death/
The Beeboids know about it. They don’t care because they understand the sentiment behind it. I’m sure Scott and Prole and Nicked emus are all over the good prof’s blog condemning the violent rhetoric and demanding a retraction on penalty of dragging the university provost before the magistrates for promoting hate speech and incitement to violence. I’m sure Nicked emus has written an email to the university chancellor demanding the prof’s resignation, like he did to the BBC trying to get David Vance banned because of a comment here by an anonymous third party.
Right, lads? You are consistent with your righteous activism, aren’t you?
He seems to be an Australian.
At the end of modern liberalism is compulsion, witch hunting and force.
It is implicit in their idealised view of the world and reality.
Those who will not conform or stay silent are, by definition, touched by the liberal version of evil.
One can see this in the hysterical reaction to Israel as well as the warming controversy.
These are dangerous people in dangerous days.
These morons want to put us to death for denying the Warming.
I wonder if they would allow me to defend myself in court by informing the jury that I am only “denying the assumed cause” because of evidence that shows that the warming was caused by changes in Cloud Albedo.
For my defence, I would call Jasper Kirkby, head of the CLOUD experiment team at CERN. Kirkby has said “I’m an experimental particle physicist, okay? That somehow nature may have decided to connect the high-energy physics of the cosmos with the earth’s atmosphere—that’s what nature may have done, not what I HAVE DONE“.
I am sure that this is all caused by a misunderstanding between individuals who are more in touch with the science such as Mensa members and Biased BBC bloggers, and between organisations of collective thought, such as the BBC, which refuse to allow debate because of collective ignorance and a moronic misunderstanding of the above.
Here’s another bit of reality about the economic crisis the BBC will refuse to tell you, and a lesson the BBC steadfastly refuses to learn, while promoting the opposite viewpoint across the spectrum of their broadcasting:
Study Says Community Reinvestment Act Induced Banks To Take Bad Risks
’twas Wall Street greed what done it, some folks say, when it comes to explaining the spectacular housing meltdown of recent years, which had its roots in a great many astonishingly risky loans. Other folks suggest that the federal government just may have played something of a role in inducing, even strong-arming, banks to take risks they otherwise would have avoided. Specifically, the Community Reinvestment Act and related policy pressures are pointed to as culprits, part of a government effort to extend home-ownership in lower-income neighborhoods. Now comes a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research that says, quite bluntly. that the CRA played a major role.
Basically, Left-wing Democrat policies drove the sub-prime derivatives crisis, not the other way round. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – two government-guaranteed agencies – kept buying up bad mortgages, guaranteed them with taxpayer money, and drove the banks to lend and leverage themselves into near oblivion. Government policy, not greedy banks allowed to run around unchecked and steal all our money, which is how the BBC likes to tell it.
Remember this next time somebody on the BBC moans about greedy banks or allows a guest or audience member to scream unchallenged about how the banks are 100% to blame and only government policy telling them where and when to lend will save us. I’m looking at you as well, Robert Peston.
The genesis of all this was banks and estate agents being accused of racism because of red zoning. They argued that they did not grant mortgages on properties in certain areas because experience showed them that there was a high likelihood of debts going bad there – but critics accused them of covert racism because red outlined zones more often than not included black neighbourhoods. At least from a business point of view, the banks and estate agents turned out to be right and, in the long run, the liberals ended up losing a lot of black people a (personally owned) roof over their head. It’s all a bit vaguely reminiscent of the way Beeboids accused the Tea Party of being mainly motivated by racism despite their saying that their aims were smaller government and cutting taxes.
Indeed, Mark Mardell has stated uncategorically more than once that the Tea Party movement is based on racist thinking, that the true objection is to government redistributing wealth “to people not like them”. He made a similar declaration on his blog right before the last election:
Nearly all of the people I met were white and most middle-aged or older. But few were racist in the conventional sense.
The only time I have seen that in the raw, I was off duty, at a dinner party. A woman growing increasingly passionate as the wine flowed called Obama a “monkey” and said “he’s trying to give OUR money to THEM”.
Not the poor, not the shiftless, “them”.”They” are part of a different America, with a different history who want a different path for their country.
A millionaire in a designer chair in his plush Chicago home, surrounded by modern art, makes the same point as the broken-toothed men perched on smashed-up office furniture outside a beat-up shotgun house in Texas.
Next to me in the pew of a Florida church, the man with a trim grey beard and a “veterans for Obama badge” tells me the same thing.
These very different people all had one thing in common. They’re black
What’s more, the fact that Mardell shared his accusation of crypto-racism with the BBC College of Journalism means that he and Simon Wilson accept that as the truth, and expect their colleagues at the BBC to report accordingly.
Obama was a key activist in getting banks to lend to people who didn’t stand a cat in hell’s chance of paying it back. Not that you’ll hear anything like this from Mardell:
Sometimes, that heart of stone may not be enough
Too funny. It must be more than a handful of “rogue posts” for them to shut down the whole thing rather than just removing a few threads. Or is the stellar management just throwing the baby out with the bathwater again?
What the hell was our trusted state broadcaster doing buying up Lonely Planet anyway?
Apart from spreading its relentless left wing world view throughout the pages of the Lonely Planet guides, that is.
Just another BBC grab for filthy profits. It supplemented their travel reporting quite nicely, and even allowed them an angle to drive traffic from the BBC News website to the for-profit Lonely Planet site.
Watching a rather nostalgic programme on kids’ toys.
Brief moment to wish Gerry Anderson well as they featured Tracey Island.
Then board game ‘Risk’, featuring Marcus Brigstocke coyly confiding he and fellow Uni chums would feel uncomfy winning and throw the game in pursuit of further moral superiority, if with hint of hypocrisy, even then.
He must have been a hoot.
Truly he’s beyond parody. If Michael Wharton was still with us, I’d say that Prickstocke was a product of his imagination to go with Dr Heinz Kiosk, Alderman Foodbotham, Phantomsby et al.
But, tragically, he’s not.
So it’s back to my old cry : Prickstocke + meat suit + lead boots + hungry wolves. Much cheaper than sending the sod on a jolly to the jungle, and infinitely more entertaining for the rest of us.
I saw Brigstocke on some programme or other boldly assert (in that annoying way of his) that he knew global warming/climate change was happening because he’d been to the Arctic and seen the ice melting. Seriously. lol. You might wonder whether he has any relevant qualifications for these claims but typically he hasn’t, he did a degree in drama at Bristol university which he didn’t even finish. A uni dropout lecturing on climate change, I don’t know about you but I’m convinced.
I had much the same experience with some ice in a glass of whiskey on Christmas Day, so I guess the evidence is indeed incontrovertible.
In other news, the bizarre goose served up for our lunch had no feathers, so evidently they’re evolving to cope with global warming by dispensing with the things in order to keep cool. QED, by Prickstocke’s thinking.
INBBC’s reporting on NIGERIA, where:
a.) one person dead in firework fire, gets priority news
INBBC relegates, and misdescribes the following:-
‘Jihadwatch’ –
b.) Islamic jihadists murder twelve Christians.
“#MyJihad in Nigeria: Muslims attack second church on Christmas day, have now murdered at least 12 Christians”
Check this astounding parallel between the results of the BBC’s Savile/McAlpine inquiry and the Obamessiah’s own investigation into the Benghazi fiasco:
Benghazi penalties bogus
The four officials supposedly out of jobs because of their blunders in the run-up to the deadly Benghazi terror attack remain on the State Department payroll — and will all be back to work soon, The Post has learned.
The highest-ranking official caught up in the scandal, Assistant Secretary of State Eric Boswell, has not “resigned” from government service, as officials said last week. He is just switching desks. And the other three are simply on administrative leave and are expected back.
The four were made out to be sacrificial lambs in the wake of a scathing report issued last week that found that the US compound in Benghazi, Libya, was left vulnerable to attack because of “grossly inadequate” security.
State Department leaders “didn’t come clean about Benghazi and now they’re not coming clean about these staff changes,” a source close to the situation told The Post., adding, the “public would be outraged over this.”
So no penalty befalls Amb. Rice, other than not getting promoted for her mistakes, and now the people supposedly taking the fall, aren’t. Plus Sec. of State Clinton is ditching the hearings, coming up with excuses not to testify at all, ever.
It’s just like the BBC result. Entwistle got the can, but is now vindicated by the inquiry. It was announced that Stephen Mitchell would then be the fall guy, except we’ve since learned that he’ll be staying on for another six months – to train his replacement, apparently, which means the position of Deputy Director won’t be cut in any new management restructuring – after which he’ll be allowed to “retire” on full pension, probably finding a soft landing as a director at some other media organization. And all the other Beeboids directly responsible for the massive screw-ups are simply moved sideways to a different department. Helen Boaden escapes without even a slap on the wrist, and gets to keep her top job and position at the Trust as well.
All handled transparently, uh-huh. But nothing effectively changes. No real consequences for anyone involved. It’s amazing, and we sheep will simply roll over and take it.
I’m not at all shocked, but rather saddened that Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross both got kicked off the BBC, and got the Controller of Radio 2 fired for a single obscene outburst during a light entertainment broadcast, yet nobody gets punished for a succession of serious journalistic failures on a flagship news programme.
Twisted priorities as usual at the BBC, and twisted priorities as usual in The Obamessiah Administration and the US media who will continue to support and protect Him on this. As for the inquiries themselves, Sir Humphrey would be pleased.
Heard much of the “Belief” series on Radio 3 , these last few nights.
Depressingly banal in the main-Dannatt served his purpose only in terms of political spats with Brown and the MOD, Carter was the excuse for the human rights agenda and Carters well-known caving-in to Islam (and Iran in particular)…and now Julian Fellowes becomes the pretext to squauk on about…yes, you`ve guessed it…”Class” and “wealth distribution”..what else?
And there was me rather hoping that these peoples faith-why they believe the way they do, and how it shaped(and shapes) their lives-would be what mattered, not whether the homeless should get more and the toffs get less.
Hopeless-as if Bakewell could ever be a “champion of the little man”…hopeless!
Fellows put forward the quite interesting thesis that the last hundred years had taught us the futility of trying to abolish social hierarchy and that as soon as people had got rid of one old class system a new one had inevitably asserted itself with a different elite. Nothing much to do with religion, of course, but then Bakewell just talks a load of woolly, platitudinous flannel about that, anyway.
Illegal immigrant and daughter threatened with deportation, supporting Vicar comments on appalling, slow, unfair, unjust immigration system – how could they split a family up?
Another immigrant that refused benefits, wanted to integrate and build a business is portrayed as cold, heartless and cruel for relinquishing their heritage
Illegal immigrant daughter refuses to sing ‘God save the Queen’ as a sign of independence – cue British onlooker smiling in support.
Solicitors working on behalf of immigration cases are in offices overflowing and working extremely hard with little funding.
Eastern European chippie (doing the work a British person couldn’t) refuses cash in hand and is offended as ‘we are not all crooks’.
Many comments about how unfair the immigration system is and these poor people only want to better themselves.
These little things are, in isolation not great but together they put across a very strong political message – what piece of political programming was I watching?
Just another New Tricks re-run folks.
I gave up watching that series early on as it rapidly became a mouthpiece for just about every ‘progressive’ cliche..
I’ve long maintained that, for all the propaganda work done by the BBC’s news and current affairs programming, far more real damage is done by the ‘entertainment’ output, which relentlessly promotes the ‘liberal’ worldview.
Most people don’t realise they are being fed attitudes and ideas when they are wrapped-up in a story. It’s an invaluable technique for Gramscians.
A few years ago, I’d occasionally post a precis of the plotlines from R4 afternoon plays to illustrate the point. To the usual chorus of ‘paranoid’ from the Jim Dandy of the day.
Your concerns can no longer be dismissed as paranoia now that we know for a fact that the BBC brings in light entertainment mavens, people who have nothing to do with news or current affairs programming, like their Head of Comedy to forums on how to report specific news issues.
I’ve always said the same as you. The most effective brainwashing is in drama and comedy, and that is what the BBC use effectively and convincingly. Dr. Who Christmas Special had alien lesbians who were married and this was showing how progressive they were and any that don’t agree with it are clearly out of touch and probably stupid too. Then there was a series of attacks on “Victorian Values” by the Doctor himself. It didn’t make clear which Victorian Values were so bad, or even how they fitted in to the plot but rest assured Victorian Values were plain evil.
The evil character asked what was wrong with Victorian Values but there didn’t seem to be a coherent reply. But rest assured, the only person defending those values was the evil one.
Motherfeckers. Alien lesbians corrupting our kids.
Aye, and they probably had both their names on baby alien’s birth certificate. How does that one ‘feck’ with our kids’ minds, I wonder?
Slim pickings for you on here these days, Jim, but keep trying.
So you don’t think there was any ‘message’ involved at all, Jim?
At least they didn’t rerun that dopey Belgrano re-enactment with Tennant’s nostrils berating the Thatcher proxy. That was so obvious not even Jim could deny it.
‘An online system to identify children who may be in danger of abuse or neglect is being developed for use in hospitals across England.’
Within five lines of the start of this report we have….
‘Labour criticised the delay in replacing a database shelved in 2010.’
‘But Labour claims the coalition undermined child protection when in 2010 it scrapped a much larger child database, introduced by the previous government.’
Oh the poor children – bah damn those evil Tories!
‘Some charities have also raised concerns’.
(See, it’s not just us BBC and our Labour chums, Guv!)
So inevitably, with Labour signaling their opposition, we have BBC New 24 taking a sniffy and suspicious line against this new development. Unfortunately the talking head in the studio is fairly open to a wait-and-see view of the initiatve. BBC autocue drone reliably delivers the editorial attack line.
And what a BBC humdinger…..’But wouldn’t it be a rather democratic thing if ALL children were to be on this database register?’
Ah the ghost of George Orwell’s Big Brother alive and well at the back end of 2012.
From the people who brought you the TV Tax here’s a nice big helping of Statism coming to a place near you in 2015 and the upcoming BBC-Lab-Lib pact.
‘Abuse alert system for hospitals’
When I first saw this I thought it was a rather unlikely new measure being introduced to our world-beating NHS ((c) Boyle. D) to give a heads up when those legions of ‘professional’, ‘caring’ angels of mercy need yet more ‘retraining’ on when it’s not great to leave an old dear in a pool of their own poo for a week, starve them to death or fail to budge from the station discussing the New Year’s plans in the isolation ward with the studly intern as another gasps from dehydration.
But no… it’s yet another STASI scheme to get the kapos who care ‘reporting’ errant parents whose doofus kids can’t ride a bike properly, whilst circling yet further public sector wagons of unaccountability on any inbound spotlights.
This has hardly got any real mention or analysis, but if there`s still anyone out there that thinks that the useless Tories are anything other that Blairs homeopathic specimen, then this ought to seal it.
Here are just a few of the “data trawls” employed by the Labour Government since 1997.
1. Quality Protects…1997
A State excuse to track all kids who might need the caring maw of the likes of Mandelson, Prescott and Blunkett. It consisted of
a)National Database on Obesity.
b)National Pupil Database
c) Cross-school/council tracking re targets…the PANDA Index
d)Common Assessment Framework(eCAF)…in case kids were not making state dictated developmental/attainment milestones, so needing intervention by “parental advisers”.
e)ASSET and ONSET…two Home Office efforts to predict youth offending and to tag those who do so.
f)National DNA database
g)Integrated Childrens System…to collate most of the above
h) Contact Point-to be the focus of where health, education and social services come into contact…has another name now I expect, but up and running alright, I`m sure
i) Connexions-careers advice database.
j)Social Exclusion Units data capture, even when it seemed to be no longer needed-think it`s still in the Cabinet office remit.
Since 2003, we`ve had-in addition-the Every Child Matters datatrawling, just in case there is more yet to be collated for the state. Another massive database.
And all this, as the likes of Climbie, Taylor, Connolly and countless other little tots were sacrificed, so that yet MORE lessons will be learned(as if)…so MORE social workers can learn how to avoid having to “challenge” a Barnsley kebab shop owner with a slew of white trash in the meat rack…and , of course MORE training, MORE money and MORE of the worthless buggers on the State payroll.
The Tories show themselves to be as useless and as dopey as Labour..and Labour will use this to snoop yet more into its kids if the Tories continue to set this up.
Tomorrow belongs to them at this rate…very creepy.
Thanks to Heather Brooke(The Silent State,Heinemann 2010) for much of the above!
It seems to me this is just like airport ‘security’ where, for the sake of political correctness, everyone is assumed to be guilty until checked and found to be clear.
In both cases (parents of injured children and air travellers), they should assume that the vast majority of people are well-intentioned and concentrate the prying eyes of the state on the few who give real cause for concern.
I noticed aul Nurse was “guest editor” of Toady this morning. He, the dimwitted leftie “scientist” who knows all about climate change and thinks it’s OUR fault.
When I switched on this morning, I heard, in one sentence, the words “Paul Nurse”, “Ian McEwan”, and “Climate Change”, thought, inwardly, ‘Oh, God’, and switched to Classic FM.
That, of course, should have been ‘Paul’ Nurse – even my keyboard doesn’t like him…
He’s a Nobel Prize winner you know.
I do, because the BBC said it or wrote it… a lot.
That his field seems somewhat different to his area of BBC-lauded expertise not so important.
At least to a sciencey-stuff department… stuffed to the gills with English and PPE Oxbridge drop-outs, and possibly two staff actually qualified in something other than the arts, one who specialises in rigging Presidential speeches to fit and the other who [sighs] a lot on twitter.
From memory, the only scientist I have seen with any qualifications relevant to the Climate, to present a documentary on Climate on the BBC was Paul Hudson.
He was the BBC weatherman who was given the University of East Anglia Emails.
He was also in touch with a member of the Space Special Interest group of Mensa, but seems to have gone to ground. He showed a withering faith in the competence of his former colleagues at the Met Office. And also could understand the basics of how Weatheraction does its long -term forecasts.
I think he has qualifications relevant to Planetary Atmospheres, so is probably the best qualified scientist relevant to Climate at the BBC, so it is a wonder that he has not been sacked. I think its because he is a popular Mayor of Wetwang in the Yorkshire region.
Ah, that would be the same Paul Nurse who is President of The Royal Society, whose motto is ‘nullius in verba’ – loosely translated as ‘on the word of no-one’. This motto held fast for some 350 years since the Society was founded – that is, until man-made global warming came along, the science for which, as we all know, rapidly became ‘settled’.
The news item about the wine industry in Hampshire was shameless. Apparently, due to increasingly cold, wet summers – a feature of the shifting jet stream, we were told – the viability of English vineyards is being questioned. But do not lose hope, as climate models will be improved thanks to bigger and better computers.
Soooo, what happened to the hot dry summers? Were they not predicted by the climate models, I hear you ask, when the science was already ‘settled’? And how come this shifting of the jet stream wasn’t predicted by the ‘settled’ science? And no matter how ‘big’ your computer, if the code contains assumptions about how much CO2 will warm the atmosphere, then the output will be the same i.e. as wrong as it has been so far, won’t it?
Of course, the BBC reporter could have asked these questions, but that would have meant challenging from a sceptic’s point of view.
Curious new item on R4. House prices in Southend have risen a great deal.
Now why do you suppose this is ?
The BBC will not tell us but it seems to be something to do with the schools.
The banned G word. That Cameron and all the lefties so hate.
Grammar Schools. There It has been said.
I doubt you willl find this on the BBC.
In Lala BBC land all parents can’t wait to get their children into the local comp.
Unless they are earning a bbc exec salary then the private school is no problem.
But best not mentioned in polite liberal circles.
Get your sick-bag ready before reading about the bBBC’s Faces of the Year: reporter Marie Colvin, activist Malala Yousafzai, and boxer Nicola Adams.
Sick bag?
What are your objections?
Have to say the male version was interesting, given one apparent criterion of accolade being a funky hairdo.
All explained here:
‘ those whose fame is really something of the last 12 months.’
Me neither.
Oddly, Jimmy Savile’s mug didn’t make the cut.
I guess him being dead was wot dun in his chances.
It was a different time.
And modesty prevented most of the BBC front bench getting an outing too?
The biased-BBC has excelled itself with a US Democrat party-political-broadcast, masquerading as a ‘news’ item, about the ‘fiscal cliff’.
It’s all the fault of those nasty Republicans again, about to take the US economy over the edge.
Most here will remember the image circulated by the media that a 4 year old child had died as a result of an Israeli air strike while the visiting Egyptian PM was in a hospital with the Hamas leader in Gaza.

Though the BBC didn’t show the picture above they did report this part to it:
Because Israel denied launching any strikes at the time there was some suspicion about the nature of the child’s death, and it was believed that the death was actually due to a misfired terrorist rocket from Gaza.
It now turns out to be the case, and even Human Rights Watch themselves, no particular friends to Israel, have confirmed this as the cause of its death.
Human Rights Watch has acknowledged that terrorists killed civilians in Gaza during Operation Pillar of Defense when rockets being fired into Israel fell short.
“Rockets that fell short of their intended targets in Israel apparently killed at least two Palestinians in Gaza and wounded others,” Human Rights Watch said.
The specific case mentioned in the report involves the four year-old boy used as a political tool by Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil during his visit to Gaza.
It’s common for the BBC to report quotes from any organisation whose name conveys some air of respectability, whether deserved or not, when they are critical of Israel, I have strong doubts whether this HRW report will be made public by the BBC however, nor will they be amending their previous reports which allowed the Palestinian ‘official’ claim to continue to ‘be the truth’.
So just let’s see in detail the elements that the BBC allow to run as fact surrounding this incident, just from the part I highlighted in their article above.
‘Israel had said it would pause the offensive during Mr Qandil’s visit, if militants refrained from firing rockets.’
As the HRW report shows, the militants did NOT refrain from firing rockets, and it was one of these which killed this child.
‘But shortly after the prime minister arrived, Israeli and Palestinian officials accused each other of violating the temporary truce.’
Fact is it was the Palestinians which breached this truce.
‘While Mr Qandil was at the hospital in Gaza, medical workers brought in the bodies of a man and a boy who officials said had been killed in an Israeli air strike moments earlier.’
So not only do Palestinians hide the fact that they broke the truce, and continued to fire rockets towards Israel, still claiming that Israel was violating the truce, but one of their own rockets killed a child, and they were still prepared to use this child’s body as a publicity stunt intended to vilify Israel. Note too that Palestinian officials claimed that the child was killed by an Israeli strike, which should make an ethical media service reluctant to trust their claims again, or certainly to make the reader aware of their ‘inconsistencies’, or lies for a better word.
Think the BBC will?
I’ll bet they don’t!
The report you cite is fine and presciently caveated given how this turned out.
But here’s Wyre Davies being, at best, gullible.
Funny how he’s just as gullible as Donnison when it comes to sympathetic photos, eh, Jim? Any thoughts on why that would be?
One of the world’s greatest investigative reporters ‘gullible’? Or just biased?
‘Presciently caveated’? Where?
it is sadly too late. The incident has gone down in liberal ( read anti Israeli) circles in academia and the media as yet another Israeli atrocity.
Which was the intention all along.
It is impossible now for Israel to be treated fairly. I hope they have realised this in Tel Aviv and behave accordingly. Expelling the BBC would be a start.
This line is flat-out White House propaganda:
The president wants to ensure that taxes do not rise for Americans earning under $400,000 (£250,000), and insists on raising new tax revenue in any deal.
The truth is that He refuses to do a deal if taxes aren’t raised for those earning more than that amount. This line reverses His true goal to disguise it as protecting the little guy. Furthermore, the phrase “raising new tax revenue” is a general term, again disguising the real line He’s drawn in the sand on taxing the “rich”. Tax revenue is already going to be raised on businesses for all kinds of things. In fact, the BBC is being inaccurate even here: the President wants specifically taxes on those making more than $250,000, not 400K.
Everything is from the Democrat side, no point of view allowed from the Republicans about what the Dems really want. This is not balanced in the slightest.
Why do I say this is all White House propaganda? Well, beside the fact that the President has stated it over and over again (He even campaigned on that $250K threshold), just yesterday Sen. Cardin (D-MD), who is on both the Senate Finance Committee and the Budget Committee, said that the Republicans won’t do a deal, and refused to acknowledge any other possibility beside raising taxes. He even said this:
…“the easiest way to get the revenues is to [raise taxes on] the highest income brackets.”
Full video at the link. That’s straight from the Dems, yet the BBC protects them.
The notion that you can continue the government spending binge – in the US, UK, or any other industrilised economy that has lived beyond its means for years and is now being suffocated by a debt mountain – and that it can somehow be financed by raising taxes, is cynically deceiving the electorate big time.
Summed up neatly here by Janet Daley:
In fact, the BBC is being inaccurate even here: the President wants specifically taxes on those making more than $250,000, not 400K.
In fact, Preiser is wrong. As anyone who’s actually been following the news, instead of just parroting what Fox and Breitbart report, would know.
But, hey, Preiser being Preiser, I’m sure he’ll come back with some explanation of how his attempt to pass of his own ignorance is a deficiency of the BBC.
And before anybody jumps on my grammar: that last sentence should have read “…I’m sure he’ll come back with some explanation of how his attempt to pass of his own ignorance is a deficiency of the BBC” should have read: “I’m sure he’ll come back with some explanation of how his attempt to pass off his own ignorance as fact is a deficiency of the BBC.”
Re: ‘Prieser being Prieser’ – Why not focus on the arguments rather than the man? Your views on Mr Prieser are neither here nor there, and making personal attacks might make you feel a bit better but it lowers the tone of the forum.
Scott, you really should know better that to criticise the good people who populate this forum. After all, it is unknown for you or others with a dissenting voice to be attacked in such a way.
Albaman – Although there’s no need for the sarcasm, you make a valid point. There is too much flaming on all sides.
I’m not feeling the festive goodwill! 🙂
Why not focus on the arguments rather than the man?
I did focus on the argument. But the person making the argument has form.
As do commenters who ignore criticism and start bleating about personal attacks because they know they’re on a sticky wicket.
The other person’s alleged form or the supposed bleating of other commentators is just offensive irrelevance. It’s noise that adds nothing to the forum.
Why not just stick to attacking points that you disagree with, and let your arguments stand or fall on their own strength, rather than engaging in playground tactics?
‘But, hey, Preiser being Preiser’
This new nomenclature system is a new tack.
Not sure I like it much.
But does it in turn make you one of the ‘M People’?
Movin’ on down….
You really are a fool, Scott. You link to one article – nearly 2 weeks old, whereas ALL the recent stuff suggests that Obama is sticking to his $250K threshold for raising taxes. There never was any real move by Obama to $400K. And that is a joint income of $250K. For a single earner the figure is £200K.
This is hugely damaging to small businesses, the main generator on new jobs. On top of the imminent disaster of Obamacare, where the costs to businesses kick in next month.
PLUS – Obama has never suggested any significant cuts in spending. His whole approach is always to tax and spend more. All his plans include further large increases in government spending – when the country is in debt to the tune of $16 billion and faces further credit downgrades.
Go away Scott until you learn what is really happening in the US. You are as ignorant of the realities as the BBC.
Clinton and before him Lyndon Johnson would have worked day and night to find a compromise. Obama just clears off to Hawaii and spends most of his time playing golf, in a time of national crisis. He WANTS the US to go over the fiscal cliff, it suits his political purposes.
There never was any real move by Obama to $400K.
Well, if you’re the sort of person who believes that, Preiser’s monkey to Fox News’ organ grinder is the perfect news filter for you.
‘The sort of person who believes that’ – Enough with the ad hominem!
Play the ball, not the man, will you?
Bless. The “ad hominem” canard being brought out yet again. One day, the site’s regulars will realise how hypocritical that argument is, and will appreciate how often they indulge in the style of argument that causes them to raise their handbags in horror at the merest thought of others ever doing the same.
Of course, there’s more chance of us all being in our graves long before that.
It’s not hypocritical, as I don’t play the man!
And even if I did, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Why are you here? Do you want to engage in constructive discussion or to offend people you disagree with?
One day, the site’s regulars
Currently the most regular posters appear to be you and your BFF.
And in amongst all the ‘handbags’ and ‘bleatings’ and ‘hypocrisy’-accusations it remains funny how those who only come to disrupt are the same who are forever banging on about procedural matters or running to non-existent hall monitors to demand satisfaction or censure over perceived offences, albeit only when getting pwnd.
It’s like a kamikaze flight having a health & safety officer and compliance director bickering over the wording of a sexual health sign in Yamamoto’s Betty unisex lavvy as a squadron of P-38s bear down.
Except that was an unserious publicity stunt ten days ago, and this is reality now, Scott. I know you’re going to claim that this is me playing my ignorance as fact, but the fact is that this was a bogus offer. In other words, White House propaganda – which they BBC continues to dutifully reproduce – and nothing more. It was dead in the water the moment the House Republicans rejected Boehner’s plan to raise taxes on everyone earning over $1 million. Since the President then demanded the President demandedadditional taxes as well as a requirement for His pretend concession about raising that tax bar to $400K, it wasn’t a real offer. But of course, the BBC will always portray the President demanding 99% of what He wants with one percent of compromise as the most honorable bi-partisanship imaginable, and portray the Republicans for wanting 2% as partisan evil incarnate. Harry Reid is currently talking about the $250K threshold, nothing about any $400K concession. Oh, noes, has he gone rogue? Or maybe he knows that the President won’t really agree to the $400K cut-off point? If it had been a real offer, something other than a publicity stunt trumpeted by a compliant media, would Reid or Cardin or somebody in the House be mentioning the alleged concession? Actually, we never heard the President say anything about it Himself, as far as I know. All we know is that one of His minions told the press He was offering an olive twig. If it was a branch, I’d expect the Democrats to be shouting it from the rooftops. Instead, we get the BBC acting as if something from 10 days ago is current.
Instead, the BBC spins it as Him wanting to protect people earning less than $400K. They don’t need protection, of course, because certainly nobody else is trying to raise taxes on them. It’s a joke no matter how you slice it. Of course, you won’t bother defending the BBC on that one, because you’re going to continue your laser-like focus on an unserious offer which not even the Democrats have been trying to push since He flew off to Hawaii. Nor will you dare defend the BBC for the lack of balance in the news brief. You probably think they don’t need to provide any. Well done for dodging two out of three points.
As for your dismissal of ad hominem attacks being a “canard” now, I wish you had similarly scolded Nicked emus and Jim Dandy and dez and all your other fellow defenders of the indefensible when they last tried that one on. Or are we held to higher standards than professional journalists and the righteous?
I have form, do I? Chapter and verse, please. Links or it didn’t happen.
Exactly. Obama himself has never said anything about a $400k threshold. That was a rumour, a figure which was wafted around by anonymous spokesmen for a day or so – with NIL realistic spending cuts and also a requirement that Congress should abolish any debt limits. A shadowy “Offer” – which made a mockery of the word compromise.
This has been Obama;s approach all along. My way or the highway. As I keep saying – Obama actually wants the US to go over the fiscal cliff so he can blame the Republicans without any challenge from most of the US media..
The BBC continues on its course of failing to report in a balanced way on the crisis.
No, John, it was in a press release, which Scott read as part of his job in publicity. So he takes it as fact. He can’t touch the other two points about BBC bias in that report, because that might distract from the White House propaganda he’s defending.
You’ve gotta love how David Preiser believes everything he’s told by Fox News and its ilk, but anything which emerges that contradicts his own belief are lies and distortions.
Regular readers will recall how, just before the general election, Preiser came on here triumphantly trumpeting about a “previously unseen video” that would show just what sort of man Obama was. It turned out to be an old video which had been extensively reported on before – by the very same people whose words about it being new and damaging Preiser parroted here without any thought whatsoever.
So no, I won’t be believing Preiser’s interpretation of the fiscal negotiations. Because there’s more chance of David Vance getting elected to office than there is of David Preiser being reliable.
I’m sure both Davids will be inconsolable.
I’m sure both Davids will be inconsolable at that.
Scott, character assassination of the source proves nothing. You may not have noticed, but the vast majority of links I provide on this blog are to everything but Fox News or Breitbart. And I never link to their opinion pieces or analyses (as far as I’m aware). I link only to factual items, like direct quotes. If you’re going to claim that a direct quote published by either Fox News or Breitbart is always a lie, then you’ll have to actually do the work to prove it as such, each and every time.
It’s a fact that the President has wanted the $250K threshold (unless you’re claiming that all news reports for the last year or more are fake), a fact that the Dems have been using that ever since He flew off to Hawaii (unless you’re claiming Sen. Reid is lying, or that CNN is now lying about him saying that), a fact that the President is not serious about a $400K limit the way the BBC reports it. This isn’t interpretation, no matter how many times you type “Fox News” in anger.
And you still refuse to touch on the other two points about BBC bias. Can I assume that you accept those points? Or is that not important now since you believe you found a single cherry to pick?
As for your opinion of that video and my reliability, that’s all you have out of thousands of comments and posts? I’m truly flattered that you hold me to a higher standard than the BBC.
Excellent post, David, and more than Scott’s ignorant flailings deserve in terms of your time, patience and knowledge of the subject.
‘Republicans seem to be coming round to the need for high income earners to pay more taxes. However, most Republican members of Congress have publicly pledged not to raise taxes.’
The idea that high earners ‘need’ to pay more tax is a matter of opinion, whereas the BBC presents it as fact…
‘Mr Boehner’s lack of control over the more extreme members of the Republican party is seen by analysts as both a liability, because of the difficulty carrying their votes, and an asset, as a way of forcing more concessions from the president.’
Extreme?!? FFS! We are talking about the Republican Party equivalent of Thatcherites! The fact that someone wants to cut back on public spending to prevent their country becoming like Greece makes them a patriot, not an extremist!
The Republicans have already offered ways of better tax fairness – cutting out a lot of the loopholes that benefit higher tax brackets, a far better way of increasing the revenue by up to a trillion. But they also insist on spending reductions – now, not kicked away so far in the future that they don’t affect the debt problem.
The real intransigence is on Obama’s side. Utter refusal to make any meaningful spending cuts – he wants increases in spending. Brownanomics to the nth degree. The BBC never reports the refusal of the Democratic side to look at spending reductions.
Total debt $16 trillion and counting, a large proportion owed to the Chinese. REAL total of US liabilities including Medicare etc etc – $100 trillion ?
Utter madness. Only the Tea Party show any sign of real sanity. The BBC excoriates them, excoriates anyone who wants overblown government trimmed back – here as well as in the US.
I agree.
To describe people who are in favour of massive cuts in public spending as ‘extreme’ paints them as dangerous nutters, when in fact they are only extreme compared to the ‘choice’ we have in British politics, ie a small amount of austerity with the Tories, and next to no austerity with Labour or the Lib Dems.
The Left would like to see the western economies bankrupted – it’s the quickest way of achieving their aim of ‘social justice’ on a global scale.
Sad but true. But to the Left, democracy = getting what they want. Negotiating = getting what they want. Working together = getting what they want. If the President doesn’t get what He wants, it’s intransigence. It was a different story when when Bush and Clinton compromised and negotiated and reached across the aisle, but they were mere mortals.
Instead, we have the Community Organizer-in-Chief, the Alinsky disciple who has the single goal of destroying the Republican Party. And the BBC will be right there to lap it up.
The BBC science department have really got this weather prediction lark down to a tee.
Mixed weather conditions in the UK in 2013 meant there were winners and losers amongst the country’s wildlife – … http://bbc.in/VfZOb0
Retweeted by Rebecca Morelle
Goodness me, 2013 weather already known and retweeted!
Oh dear, the Beeb a bit quite about this one…
Atheist Peter Crawford in court for ripping up Koran at stall in Leicester
I see the central premise of the left that Maggie wanted a war with Argentina in 1982 has been blown out of the water. But hang on what rear guard action is this from the bBC. Why it’s only their version of how actually Maggie was guilty. Like the bloody left wing wankers they are the bBC invent an angle in which to continue spreading their hatred.
the bBC , the traitors in our midst
Interesting the Guardian gives us a totally different picture from that of the bBC
I heard that the BBC had prepared a special report a few years back about how the Belgrano really was making a battle maneuver and wasn’t retreating, only they canned it
because it coincided with the Dr. Who Christmas special where they demonized the Thatcher proxy for sinking the shipfor reasons which aren’t clear, and ITV broadcast their own report instead.>_>
Falklands invasion ‘surprised’ Thatcher
This is currently the lead story on the BBC news website. Why is her surprise 30 years ago considered newsworthy today?!?
New documents on the Falklands have just been released. The story has been running across all the major news organisations. Some fascinating coverage on Today this morning, particularly with the Lord Armstrong interview. Particularly interesting the different attitudes in support from elements of the US Government. Pentagon four square behind the UK. State Department Janus faced and even Reagan asking us to negotiate when we were about to take Stanley. Thatcher to her huge credit ignored him. Armstrong said it was her at her absolute peak.
Jim – It’s of interest to historians and doubtless to many members of the wider public, but surely there are pressing issues of the day to talk about, rather than revisiting what happened 30 years ago.
It’s looking increasingly likely that America will hit the fiscal cliff on Monday, possibly plunging the global economy into a far deeper recession. I’d say that’s more important than Mrs Thatcher feeling surprised 30 years ago…
Of equal interest in the same programme was the government’s involvement in some grant to one of the hospitals Savile did his charity work for, though I only caught the end of it.
I wonder if the BBC would have run with it had Savile’s misdemeanours not come to light? Or was the opportunity for them to make subliminal connections between Savile and the Thatcher government too much for them to resist?