I see that the BBC’s print version – The Guardian – has been happy enough to take the money from the Argentinian government and run an Open Letter advertisement from Argentinian President Kirchner claiming sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. When the BBC reports that “British Newspapers” have carried the ad …they should clarify that it was LEFT WING British Newspaper – (Graniard and Indie) …that were happy enough to take the blood money. With the BBC and Guardian ideologically aligned, BBC must be gutted they could not take advertising.
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Why wasn’t the BBC paid to report the ads as it did enthusiastically given its mates got the Argentine silver?
You may even find that the Argies deal with the Guardian included BBC news coverage of the advert on radio and TV – why not help their print wing before they go down the pan??
The web article and coverage on Radio 4 and 5 are both clear which papers have published this. I assume you’re not seriously suggesting the bbc should have specified the political leanings of the newspapers.
It never seems to be a problem when demonising the DM or Murdoch.
I certainly wouldn’t expect the BBC to specify the political leanings of the papers concerned. I would have expected them to invite someone on to do it for them, had the papers been right wing.
I’d be interested to know if the other papers were asked to take the advertisement but refused to carry it. As I haven’t listened to coverage of this, perhaps that question has already been asked?
That’s a side issue. The story is the Kirchner letter and what’s in it.
Just for the likes of Jim lad who gets his History from Horrible histories.
IN 1982 during a time of Political unrest in Argentina, the military junta in an attempt to galvanise the public invaded the Falklands in an attempt to get back on the right side of the people they oppressed.
In 2013 during a time of political unrest in Argentina , the political dictator in an attempt to galvanise the public rabbits on about the Falklands in an attempt to get back on the right side of the people she oppresses.
No sh1t.
Jim, not sure popping a numeral in there really gets you off the rampant hypocrite step if you are hoping to pursue a 2013 ‘of courteous discourse and debate’.
Far from being the smart person you seem to regard yourself as, you actually come across as a prize clown time after time. Keep it up, it amuses us.
I’d prefer “prize arse.”
Now, Jim, that schizophrenic side is coming out again, and it only ends in tears.
‘I’d prefer “prize arse.”’
And comments like that are really tempting providence on a site concerned with BBC obsessions.
Can we compromise on smart arse?
RD, can you and I in turn compromise?
I’m suggesting drop just one word of two, which would qualify.
If so, I have a visual image to conjure with all future pronouncements from our wise sage of few, but always so telling words…
‘That’s a side issue.’
If you… say so. Again.
Sure it’s not more a ‘stepping aside’ one?
Which, so far, you seem to be proving adept at to market rate levels when stepping in on opinion, getting pwned on fact and suddenly seeking to pursue other interests.
I’m obliged to you for telling me what the story isn’t, Jim. I shall try not to do it again.
You’re right Jim, and they never do: I have never heard or seen the phrase ‘right wing press’ on the BBC, NEVER.
or even repeatedly making the point that Pakistani mutilators and murders are `conservatives `
That’s right, Jim, nobody at the BBC ever refers to “the Tory Press”, either. Why start specifying the political leanings of newspapers now, eh?
But all things considered, the start of the year is going so very well for him still, mind.
Can somebody explain why the bBC are using a picture of Pete Burns who used to front the band ‘Dead and Alive as the leader of Argentina.
I used this one:
LOL!!! Again!
Seems over at the BBC’s pet rag they are really loosing it today lol !http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/damianthompson/100196502/guardian-paedophiles-are-ordinary-members-of-society-who-need-moral-support/
‘over at the BBC’s pet rag’
As the BBC seems obliged to tread wherever the Guardian leads, this could get funny as the Newsnight team (when they get back from school hols) have one of those odd meetings with Hugs, DG Hall Hall and Lord Patten where the latter don’t want to hear, see or say anything as the production team demands they run a full special on Argentinian nonces.
I seem to recall the BBC got in a spot of bother over The Falklands almost a year ago, when Gavin Esler marshalled a collection of journos for his quaint ‘What the papers we like say’ gathering called Dateline Wor.. Great Br… Lon… Notting Hill to all agree that the UK was a belligerent colonialist and The Malvinas should be handed back forthwith.
A national broadcaster acting as a propaganda organ is not unusual, but the British one acting for the nation who killed so many of its sons so recently… is… uniquely so.
This is why the licence fee should be stopped – remember in 1939, until the bombs actually started falling in London, the BBC was the biggest supporter of Hitler and Chamberlain, and criticised Churchill relentlessly.
My opinion is this…. All the posts being made by those who saw the article as a good thing and stated that there is a need for `understanding` and a new way of thinking and and that not all peadophiles are the same… are as far as i am concerned are by thier statements enabling potential sexual predators and actively encouraging a child rapist to feel that what he is going to do is not so bad after all…. I swear…. if I ever saw the guy who wrote that filth I will not be able to hold myself in check…. As for the people in charge at that paper…. they are just as bad, in fact they are worse as they have given the deviant minds the platform on which they can openly offer false opinions and further the cause of forgiveness for the most hienous and unforgiveable acts carried out by people who have nothing in common with the rest of the human race…. How dare they publish suchj an article?? How dare they do such a dispicable thing? I actually feel sick…. If anyone ever attempted harmed a single hair on a childs head in my presence I would happily cut thier fucking throats…. I hope the UK public becomes aware of the vile content of that article and sees it for what it is…. An attempt to strip our society of morality using pseudo intellectual philosophies as a mask to sanitise what can only be described as pure f*cking evil!!!
The joke is that the paedo champion in the Guardian seems to be saying that if you tell child molesters that their desires are okay, they will then somehow refrain from abusing children. I guess all those edgy comedians on the BBC gravy train owe the Catholic Church an apology.
Sorry about the expletives in my last post guys….. I was just so angry…
OT, except for the law of unintended consequences looking like offering a rich seam this year…
How the BBC/Graun/PR clients axis of weevils get their heads round this one will be a treat.
Pesky Mother Nature complicating matters for the proponents of pick and mix sexuality aka My New Family. Back to the test tubes lads, and do try to properly eliminate the male element next time. Quick, better sign up Clare Balding for presenting BBC Genderless Sports Personality of the Year 2020. Nicky Campbell to vet the shortlist as produced by Common Purpose. And this time could we not take the voting in-house? asks the diversity section at the BBC. This Wiggins chappie was far too blokey – he had sideburns for goodness sake! Clare….get onto that!
The bBC have opened up an HYS on this subject here are the top three editors picks:
264. Imatroll99
2 Hours ago
I can see from the comments submitted so far that contributors still seem to think that Britain is at the centre of an empire. Sorry folks. The game is up. Britain no longer has an empire nor the gun boat diplomacy that was associated with it. We now live in a world of science where sense and logic prevail. As for what remains of Britain and its few outposts, Viva La revolution!
234. Russell
2 Hours ago
I reckon 90% of British Citizens could not even point these islands out on a map. Imagine the uproar if Argentina settled on the Isle of man or Channel islands! The UK are using bully tactics here. Happily handed HK back to China no problem didn’t they. The days of ‘Great Britain’ were numbered a long time ago. If Scotland get their independence next year then what will really be left of the UK.
226. Michael Lloyd
2 Hours ago
Northern Ireland, the Falklands, just two places the British want to hang on to at all costs for no benefit whatsoever. The true costs of “owning” both will never be revealed. Give them back – we have no money, we have no prospects, yet we cling to these outposts of a non-existent Empire. Time to stop pretending we have proprietory rights over the rest of the world. We don’t.
Bias, what bias?
the link;
This article has been superseded by one wit the headline `UK prime minister rebuffs Argentina over Falklands`. Get the sub-text `aggressive, colonial Cameron bullingdoning poor south american peasants`
One more opportunity for the inbbc to insert their favourite word “Malvinas” into the article, just as they did on the news bulletins today. I couldn’t give a toss if that’s what the Argies say or not. Having to finance this bunch of traitors pisses me right off. I can only hope that one day these bastards get their just desserts.
‘the BBC tends to close out such things to keep it within the daytime-access-to-internet fraternity’
Posted: 3 January 2013 Last updated at 10:21
1st Comment: 1. 1. HaveIGotThatWrong
3RD JANUARY 2013 – 10:28
Closed: 3RD JANUARY 2013 – 17:11
They really don’t care to conceal how they rig ‘speaking for… with… at the nation’ any more.
Nearly the entire working population without daytime internet access excluded.
Editors’ Picks snag Lowest Rated 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th slots.
Of Highest rated… 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th
Out of 10 choices.
One merely notes the one topping the BBC editors’ list is from Imatroll99
Company kept & all.
On a speaking for… to… at the nation basis, it would be interesting (in the spirit of benefit of doubt being given) to discover what motivated the noble Editor(s) to so select what do indeed seem less than UK or Falklandophilic comments.
Sadly, there is no facility for this.
Rather more interesting is the ratings these choices have been accorded, especially if these get ported, as Aunty is known to do, into ‘representative’ vox pops on the main news.
It’s one thing to pass on wot some bozo thinks as the word of God; rather another to discover how the vast majority actually reacted on seeing them.
Just because it’s on the BBC or even if the BBC pushes it, doesn’t mean it’s right.
Eh, Jim?
Out of the 10 editor’s picks 6 are for the UK position.
‘Out of the 10 editor’s picks 6 are for the UK position.’
That’s almost an actual split, vs. a BBC notion of one, out of a 600+ total.
Thing is, is this their desperate desire to see balance in all things or to merely have their views supported any way they can rig?
The notion that ‘supporting the UK position’ is not really the BBC’s thing is quaint enough, but might one ask how you think…
a) Most in the UK actual public (currently at work and hence unlikely to get a look in as the BBC tends to close out such things to keep it within the daytime-access-to-internet fraternity) would fall on this, and..
b) Of those actually responding here, how many are pro or con the UK position to get picked, or not, by the British Broadcasting Corporation’s unique bunch of selectors of what should be over what is?
A quick look at the list of highest rated suggest the Editors have a very odd set of parameters at play in their picking.
Lord Hall Hall may well have a few more things to explain soon.
The bBC and its strange inability to quote factual History:
UK prime minister rebuffs Argentina over Falklands
The future of the Falkland Islands is up to its inhabitants – not Argentina, Prime Minister David Cameron has said.…
1) Last year marked 30 years since the Falklands War, when the islands were occupied by Argentine forces for 74 days.
2)The historical account provided by Ms Fernandez differs from the one provided by the Foreign Office on its website.
So can anybody from the ranks of the Argentine propaganda unit based at the bBC please explain how :
1) The bBC is more than happy to point out that Argentina occupied the Islands in 1982 but not mention that they were kicked off. (Yes we might know what happened, but what about the young who don’t have a clue about history?)
2) The bBC, while reporting that the Argentine account differs from the foreign office one can’t step up to the plate and explain just who is correct. I mean they have no problem telling me on a virtually daily basis that Britain had an empire that it ruled with an Iron jack boot all around the world and even how it lost so many battles be they in Afganstan, Africa, Russia or even in America. So why not about the history of the Falklands.
Don`t the Argies still owe us some money…that Pete Burns tribute act that runs the shambles that is Argentina must have had plenty plastic surgery-are we to just pay for it and shut up?
Maybe if we tell Crapita/BBC License Goons that Kircher hasn`t paid for her license, we might get a coup….those fearless Beeboids would brave the South Atlantic swell to get that license fee that they so responsibly divert to Jimmy Carrs offshore account!
Best gewt on with it early lads and lassies there at the Beeb….our boys had it choppy back in April 82, so let` see you learn to get over there early!
Pedalo for Thomson and Fry at berth 666…
A non-BBC viewpoint:-
“Cristina Kirchner’s Falklands demands are delusional and insulting”
By Nile Gardiner.
I think its a safe bet that should another Task Force set sail there will be no BBC reporters embedded within the forces sent over…. Let us not forget that thier behaviour as rabble rousers and propagandists for the enemy during Operation Iraqi Freedom undermined the troops moral to such an extent they were removed from all front line deployments and the RN even banned the watching of the BBC News 24 channel as well…… However the BBC will happily accept an offer from Kirchners Minister of Propaganda (also probably a descendant of an Odessa refugee…. The fact that Argentina and its Political Administration is so Germanic and touts Peron and his agenda as being the Golden Era says it all…. When the rest of the world knows that he encouraged Nazis to settle in Argentina and shared the Jewish Gold they had stolen as well…… As for his wife, well… she was nothing more than a prostitute who was there at the right time… And she turned out to be more of a Nazi than the lot of them put together!!! I expect to see another `Stacey Dooley Investigates` program very soon where she aimlessly wanders around with that stupid frown and sympathetic noise she makes interviewing Argentinians blaming the state of Argentinas lack of stability on the greedy Falkland Islanders refusal to align themselves with Argentinian National Socialism…. They will insist that the sheep farmers living there are only there to strip the Islands of thier resources…. Even though the only stripping going on is that being done by the grazing sheep…. If Argentina had thier way, Penguin would be the new national dish….. If they want oil why don`t they find a way to harvest it from thier own bodies the slimy oily f*ckers….
It’s interesting to see how in the latest incarnation of this story here the previous article has been forgotten. Normally the BBC are SO good at referencing previous stories. I wonder in this case if it’s because the comments in the first story were so anti Argentinian and contrary to the tone of the BBC’s spin.
Never forget “the BBC, the enemy within our midst”
Glad to see “The Sun” standing up for the Islanders (yet again) by taking out an advert in an Argentine newspaper putting our South American friends right on the issues of sovereignty.
“Until the people of the Falkland Islands choose to become Argentinian, they remain resolutely British.”, and that Argentine journalist Celina Andreassi says “the Sun’s advert was quite provocative. ” – and exactly what was the original Argie ad in the Grandian??
Interesting to see on the BBC news site the article is ranked lower than “Haim, a trio of Californian sisters who have been compared to Fleetwood Mac, come top of the BBC Sound of 2013 new music list.”
You couldn’t make it up could you?
So far the Guardian’s story on this has attracted 773 comments. I guess the BBC’s dilemma was running the story without comments – because with comments it would have upset to many Brit haters.
Riots and riot deaths in the Argentine pre Christmas – BBC coverage was “” weak “” …