This item on Today about smog in Iran illustrates the BBC’s easy going attitude towards Iran’s nuclear ambitions (2 hrs 53 mins)…..apparently the smog is all the fault of sanctions imposed upon Iran…..and just as the BBC endorsed the campaign to end sanctions on Saddam Hussein they rarely miss an opportunity to undermine those on Iran or any possibility of a military strike against Iran to stop its nuclear ambitions….a plane crashes a couple of years ago and it’s the fault of sanctions…never mind that it is a Russian built aircraft not supplied by the US.
Sarah Montague was straight in today with the accusation that sanctions were to blame for the smog…however no such excuses were made in 2005 or 2007 (or indeed for the smog in Beijing…do we impose sanctions on China?)….
2005 More than 1,600 people have been taken to hospitals in Tehran as pollution in the Iranian capital reaches critical levels, health officials have said.
Authorities have blamed the severe smog on emissions from the capital’s three million cars, many of which lack modern exhaust filters.
It is estimated that up to 5,000 people die every year from air pollution in the city.
2007 Iran smog ‘kills 3,600 in month’
Cheap fuel encourages car use in Iran, correspondents say, and many vehicles do not meet global emissions standards.
“It is a very serious and lethal crisis, a collective suicide,” the director of Tehran’s clean air committee, Mohammad Hadi Heydarzadeh, told an Iranian newspaper.
So cheap fuel encouraging extensive use by massive numbers of cars which do not meet modern emission standards. Collective suicide? or Sanctions? Some one forgot to mention them.
Islamic Republic of Iran (for INBBC):-
“Iranian Jew is murdered, investigators tell suspect: ‘If you were involved in killing a Jew, you did a good deed.'”
Have you been on the roads in Iran? If there are 4 lanes then they’ll be 6 to 8 lines of cars; 2 lanes 3 or 4 lines of cars. Most of Tehran is in an almost permanent state of gridlock. Also you can get any type of car you want so low-emission/green cars would be available (not that they’d want them, as we don’t) if the import tax weren’t so crippling for all but the super rich. Nothing to do with sanctions.
Slightly ,but not completely,off topic, is there any truth in the Clinton injured in secret Iran trip rumour?
Re the Clinton rumour. Here is a link, but I have been told the source is not reliable.
Thanks I wondered if any one else had come across it.
Originally became aware of through comments section on Guido Fawkes’
Widely reported but so far only on near ‘tinfoil conspiracy’ sites.But seems to have more substance than the usual ‘martians built the pyramids’ guff.
If true don’t know whether to be relieved or scared.
Hillary never left home. No secret trip to Iran. These people also think some other mysterious entity killed all those kids in Sandy Hook and dumped the lunatic boy’s body there to frame him and mislead the police investigation. They probably think the ATF did it to create yet another tragedy they can exploit and take all our guns away. Which, actually, is about to happen in Illinois, but that’s really about Chicagoland, not what happened in Connecticut.
I’ve been thinking that Hillary is trying to avoid testifying on Benghazi, and all these health issues are bogus (she and her supporters have form in avoiding facing the music). But then I remembered that she had a dizzy spell last year where she fell and broke her arm. There might have been another incident as well. A second bout of this suggests an actual health problem.
I still don’t trust her or her supporters, although a serious health issue would hamper her Presidential ambitions. So maybe it’s legit after all.
Thanks -now I dont know whether to be
relieved or disappointed.
Now just why aren’t the BBC chastising Iran for not developing wind farms?
Shows they have different agendas depending on who it’s for.
These entities have been on this earth for as long as we have, so why haven’t they evolved as much as we have? I know what I think, but to blame me for the stupidity of other people’s behaviour, well, I know who I think are the enemy. bbc, you are not supporting the team that pays your wages.
Or the Nation that spawned them.
Lemmings sping to mind.
“It is a very serious and lethal crisis, a collective suicide,”
The acronym MAD has always had a further warning to the principle.
Sadly, if those with fingers on the button are literally that way inclined, or at least of a mind where their corporeal existence is not a great issue, the whole concept rather falls apart.
The HYS section is very often an interesting guide to BBC thinking. It is not the ‘evenly balanced’ editor’s favourites that gives the game away, but the comments which avoid moderation. Mention Iran, and we get the unchallenged, unmoderated, notes about them having no nuclear intentions, but only fair if they had them, and how it would be for the best if they used them to wipe Israel off the map, and how the Zionists (Jews) control the US Government and are encouraging them to attack Iran. Almost any topic mentioning Iran will carry much of this.
Obviously the BBC think that Armoured-Dinner-Jacket is a musunderstood man of peace !
According to the defense offered to complainers, the moderators don’t do anything until someone flags a comment. The fact that certain comments remain and certain ones get flagged and removed almost immediately says more about the regular HYS inhabitants than it does about the moderators. If it’s not flagged, they say, it’s not their responsibility.
It’s very much like their excuse for not being concerned about Savile’s history when they ran those tributes and spiked the Newsnight story: no official complaint was ever filed, ergo the problem didn’t exist and Mark Thompson and the dope to whom he handed the poisoned chalice could claim ignorance.
Of course, that’s all assuming that the BBC doesn’t lie about how the moderation process works. Seeing as how they lie about so much else (that Warmist conclave, Newsnight/Savile/McAlpine, the majority of “independent” vox pops), I’m not sure what to believe anymore.
‘that’s all assuming that the BBC doesn’t lie’
“Lie” is such a strong word. The BBC much prefers to be thought of as ‘terminally truth challenged’.
Just try proving it. Those FoI lawyers are just itching to set the timeclock ticking.
Another option the BBC could suggest to its Iranian listeners is this one that they reported on 9 months ago:
Estonian capital to offer free public transport
‘Sky News’:-
“British Aid ‘Funding Iranian Executions'”