BBC have been bigging up Heseltine’s attack on Cameron’s alleged desire to negotiate new relationship with EU. They have kept this narrative going all week. First, US criticism of putative changes in EU relationship, then German, now Hezza. I suppose anyone who stabs Thatcher in back is assured BBC gratitude?
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The guy should stick to his business and butt out. He was wrong before and can be partly to blame for he rise of the New labour project.
The Britain in Europe crowd was wrong on the most fundamental public policy issue of our time. They need to be reminded of this fact every time they enter the Europe debate.
Funny how foreign policy advice from the Obama White House is A-OK and foreign policy advice from the Bush White House was to be scorned.
Like on Iraq, for example.
The future does not belong to those who insult Barack Hussein Obama, the great prophet of Progressivism.
A serious case of BBC Bias:
…well at least Bernard Jenkins was right to insist on the BBCs bias. That is what should happen EVERY TIME on ALL subjects.
When you compare Greece and Spain with Norway and Switzerland, you really have to be a seriously knuckle headed BBC/Guardianista moron, to think leaving the EU would be a disaster.
I’d heard of this exchange, but had not realised until now just how the BBC interviewer fell back so totally on bluster in face of fact.
To add to the BBC bias debate, last night’s audience, impartially selected we are told, voted overwhelmingly in stating they would vote to stay in the EU while all recent polls state a majority would vote to leave! A result within statistical error perhaps, or biased audience selection?
…selected audience and selected debaters. Public service broadcasting as we know it.
I switched off the Today this morning when hearing their lead story was ‘Europe’. I thought they had acknowledged that ‘in the past they had brought too many pro-EU stories’ – so having acknowledged it why do they keep on doing it. They could do stories on how Switzerland and Norway manage their economies from outside of the EU for example – or as programmes like Today can only produce stories for which there is a press release, is this impossible?
Not a surprise that the BBC (and other establishment mouthpieces) are getting worked up over the EU out campaign. They are scared its gaining momentum. When they do they have Tarzan on speed dial to come into the studio and deliver his old 1973 speaches and try and embarrass the Conservative party.
Time Heseltine took down the sign.
Of course the BBC loves Hesseltine. He never was a proper Conservative anyway.
Jim Dandy (formerly of this parish until he got proper pwned) once linked to some site or other that did the stats for QT showing Ken Clarke to be the politician with most appearances over the last few years, and suggested this was proof of pro-Tory bias.
Doubtless there will be complaints going in to the Beeb that say a lead item about Hezza is the same.
did jim D get creamed and stomped off with his ball then?
Oh aye.
Something wasn’t reported on the BBC and therefore everyone else ‘made it up’.
Pity though; he was evolutionary stages ahead of the others.
Jim pretty much pissed in his own pot when he admitted that he wanted opinions in his journalism on issues he approved of, and felt that is was fine for Evan Davis to display pro-UKIP bias. No, really.
Plus at around that time he never quite managed to defend his beloved BBC’s secret meeting with global warming activists. In fact, from what I remember, he never even started.
How does Heseltine wanting “none of that referendum nonsense round `ere thank you very much” possibly be classified as “news”…i.e something that is news because it is different or unexpected?
What next-Ken Clarke? Peter Mandelson? Glenys Kinnock?
Only the BBC would possibly lead with this steaming bowl of crap….Heseltine wants us in the Euro as well…is this news?
Heseltine represents everything that is wrong with modern politics…unprincipled, gofer of Cameron and lives pretty damn well thank you very much.
His only achievement was to choose Venice to have his heart attack …that old arriviste Heath only managed stuffy old Salzburg.
Still-his legacy of lime trees along riot strewn barricades of streets in Toxteh was “de rigeur” at that time…such style!
“Ken Clarke? Peter Mandelson? Glenys Kinnock?”
Yes; Yes; And probably No, as Glenys hasn’t been seen lately: I reckon Ol’ Pillock’s dun ‘er in, the swine.
How do her appearances compare with Macdoom?
Many are earning great sums of money from Europe including Hesletine, the Kinnocks and Mandleson It should be made clear whenever someone is interviewed on BBC They are getting money from the Euro coffers ireland was persuaded to vote to stay in with the help of EU propgander.
O/T but this is urgent.
I just happened on BBC’s Britain’s Brightest!
You remember how Mastermind was hideously male and white? No me neither, but it is the sort of thing that bothers the Beeb.
So we have Britian’s Brightest. Clare Balding, bless her, with a straight face, introduces the contestants (for brevity let’s just call them Emily Pankhurst and Bob Marley).
‘The first one who’s vulcano errupts is the winner’ (snigger)
‘Would you like to give names to your vulcanoes?’ (Magnus Magnussen was never like this)
‘And if you answer a question incorrectly, you have to give your some of lava to your opponent’
(Pinch me. Is this really happening?)
We watched it last week.
Correction: We watched half an hour of it last week before Mrs Bug started rolling her eyes at me (and not in a “Wa-Hey! It’s your lucky night !” manner,either: more like Helen Daniels from ‘Neighbours’ famously hilarious stroke 🙁 ).
Fortunately for Auntie, the fact that “Splash!” on the other side has been universally pronounced the true crapola has diverted attention from their own mouldering Saturday night offering here. Maybe it gets reviewed this week, if only to stop La Balding’s suddenly manic empire building project in its tracks.
The BBC just love to have their G(G for Green) Spot thttivated by a bit of toffish totty!
The likes of Gummer, Yeo, Heseltine-indeed all repenting Tories, who stood by and let Thatcher be hung out to dry so unceremonially.
Whereas the true Conservatives of the time…basically Norman Tebbit is all that remains..are not given their time in front of the mic, unless it moves a Labour re-election forward -in their sad little world anyway, if not ours.
If only Lawson had not tanked the economy just before he resigned…one of the few Tory intellectuals worth a listen.
Tebbit-last man standing, and he turns out to be my hero…was I a dickwit to be so bilious towards him in the 80s or what?….and, unlike the idiot media and lefties…I learned that things were not as Foot, Kinnock, Livingston had told me…how come the f***in clowns at the BBC and Guardian chose to learn nothing since he left ?
BBC News ‘Dateline London’ (lunchtime today) provided an instance of the organisation’s narrow idea of holding a debate on the ‘Europe Question’. We were shown a group of European Union enthusiasts exchanging thoughts on why a referendum would be foolish, how loosening the bonds with Brussels would be impossible and destructive of the British economy and (of course) how the Euro-sceptics and Europhobes were naive foolish deluded and even insane to suggest that Britain could prosper outside the EU. The idea of including any Eurosceptics in the debate and allowing them to state their case in their own words so that viewers could make up their own minds seemed not even worth considering.
‘the organisation’s narrow idea of holding a debate’
Dateline London is about as unashamedly rigged as the BBC can feel comfortable with.
It had a Falklands debate where all four journos discussing were unanimous that the UK was a beligerent colonial power, and Gavin Esler provided balance as chair by laughing off the whole thing as a big fuss about a bunch of penguins.
I don’t think the producer’s iPhone actually has any buttons other than on the left side.
Dateline London was followed by (of all things) an interview with leading Eurosceptic Bill Cash. All very fair and balanced you might think – but not so fast – after Cash had said his piece (stating some rather good, coherent reasons for leaving the European Union) the interviewer responded with: “Yes, I let you say all that because I knew you would but…” and followed with a question. The “… I let you say all that…” sounds exceptionally imperious.
The BBC staff must by now be well aware of the accusations of lib/left bias levelled against them yet they seem to be operating with an attitude of “Wotcha gonna do about it?”
Why is Polly Toynbee on the BBC so often, and Janet Daley hardly ever appears?
Lest we forget … (
Session: 2007-08
Date tabled: 28.01.2008
Primary sponsor: Spink, Bob
Campbell, Gregory
Davies, Philip
Evans, Nigel
Winterton, Ann
Winterton, Nicholas
That this House notes that soft loans and payments amounting to 258 million euros over the last five years were paid by the EU to the BBC; believes that such payments compromise the independence and objectivity of the BBC on EU issues; further notes that the BBC benefited by a cash-equivalent of approximately 39 million euros which is made up of 20.4 million actual saved interest on loan facilities of 240 million, 2.5 million in grants, 14.6 million to BBC World and 1.7 million euros in indirect payments; further notes that there are, in addition, undisclosed sums in respect of joint projects; further believes that these substantial benefits may offend against the BBC’s Royal Charter, which demands independence, and also its editorial guidelines which state that the BBC should not `accept funds from any organisation whose interests or actions could raise doubts about the objectivity of programming’; and cites, as continuing evidence of BBC bias in its coverage of EU affairs, the BBC’s refusal to broadcast coverage of the National Pro-Referendum Rally at Westminster on 27th October 2007; therefore calls on the Government to establish an independent inquiry into EU funding of the BBC and its impact on the BBC’s objectivity on European matters and current debate over a referendum on the EU Constitution; and congratulates the Campaign for an Independent Britain for its initiative in uncovering this information.
Can you imagine if a Paxo or Humph had a hapless market rate across the table on matters of conflict of interest were it any other entity bar the always unique, impartial, professional BBC.
What was Humph’s latest sneery dismissal? ‘Let’s get serious’ I believe. Yes, what they do vs. what they say (or cover up) really inspires serious consideration.
Failing which, maybe simply demand no one goes there as only they get to hold other powers to account?
Or failing that, an FoI exclusion can often serve.
Bent as a 9 bob note and worth as much.
How many of those invited onto the BBC to shout for Britain to be Europe were also shouting a few years ago for Britain to be in the Euro? The whole bleedin lot, I would guess.
Hezza still thinks we’re destined to join, to our obvious and very great benefit. And really, why wouldn’t we ? What could possibly go wrong ? ;-0
Move along, nothing to see here eh?
Poor Jim Dandy should really get a right of reply. I could say I recall the time when everyone agreed I was right, and several inmates accepted they were insane.
Oh, and how did that early day motion get on?
Wondering here, if or when we leave the EU, how are we going to take back control of OUR fishing grounds. Remember the so called cod wars? Well you aint seen nothing yet! Just imagine, a properly managed fisheries policy for our benefit could actually produce a sustainable system. We have that now? Thats a joke, the brits are the only ones who apply the rules. The ” project” took the fishing grounds like taking candy from a baby! Will we get it back?