But you’d be wrong. Could it be that the first report below about the high cost of wind farms reveals Labour to have made an enormous, expensive error…maybe an ‘omnishambles’…and that the green agenda is going to cost everyone an absolute fortune with no guarantee that we will see any elecricity at the end of it all…..two of the BBC’s pet projects…the Labour Party and the Green agenda…..both failing miserably.
From a different perspective the BBC should be showing interest in this story…they chase down ‘tax avoiding’ companies with great relish…and yet those companies bring in thousands of jobs……just as do the companies that get government tax breaks in ‘enterprise zones’…or as in this case massive subsidies to persuade them to bring jobs here……what’s the difference between these green companies and Starbucks? The BBC seems quite happy to accept the tax avoidance or subsidy of some companies but not others.
Here we are told of the high cost of wind but not by the BBC…..
Labour announced in 2010 that to meet its target of producing 15 per cent of Britain’s energy from renewable sources within a decade, a huge drive to build wind farms around the coast was being launched.
As part of the project, bids were invited from companies for licences to lay cables and set up transmission routes from the offshore wind farms to the National Grid on the mainland.
But when the first six licences granted were examined in detail by the Committee last October, one MP described them as ‘a licence to print money’. For while consumers could see their bills rise by about seven per cent – about £33 a year on average – the transmission companies’ revenue is not only guaranteed but protected against inflation.
And how about this….yet another politican with vested interests in stoking the climate change ‘crisis’…..and even if Gummer gave up his corporate positions, when he leaves the Committe on Climate Change he will without fail be back in the boardroom of those companies…benefitting from the legislation that he helped put in place.
The BBC have no interest in this it seems..nor in Tim Yeo.
Golden windfall of UK’s Green guru: Firm owned by ex-Tory Minister John Gummer connects up wind turbine power – and it paid him £1,750 PER HOUR
As Committee on Climate Change chief, Lord Deben issued a report last month claiming generating power from natural gas would in the long run prove much more expensive than wind farms – despite the multi-billion pound subsidies wind receives from consumers and taxpayers.
His committee advises the Government on energy levies and subsidies under the 2008 Climate Change Act. Thanks in part to its recommendations, the number of onshore wind farms like that at Dalswinton is set at least to double by 2020 – a potentially lucrative source of business.
Graham Stringer, Labour MP for Blackley and Broughton, said the whole field of energy and environmental policy seemed to be dominated by individuals who had commercial interests – for example, Tim Yeo, the Select Committee chairman, is a director of several renewable energy firms.
‘They all seem to have major interests in renewables and declaring them is not enough,’ said Mr Stringer. ‘Some of these people, such as Lord Deben, have more influence over policy than Ministers: either they should not have those jobs, or they should resign from those interests.
‘If Lord Deben is found to have misled the Select Committee, he should be sacked or forced to resign.’
Sounds pretty serious and news worthy to me.
The man should be in prison for the rest of his life. But of course Mr Gummer is of the protected class. And the bbc, knowing that, do nothing to bring this man, and those like him to account. Because those at the top of the bbc are also of the protected class. I just hope that there is someone out there keeping an account of who did what and when. One day, these miscreants will meet their maker and then they will know the consequences of their evil.
It’s no surprise to find the likes of Gummer and Yeo with their snouts stuck deep into the trough marked ‘CAGW’, greedily sucking up taxpayer’s ca$h as fast as they can – across the pond, that other snake-oil salesman, St Al Gore, has recently sold off his p*sspoor leftwing TV channel (Current TV) to none other than Al Jazeera, who just happen to be funded by Quatar’s $multibillionaire oil sheiks. Gore is reported to have personally pocketed between $20 to 100million (depending on which news story you read) of filthy oil lucre, making him probably the best-funded CAGW hypocrite of all time. Nice work if you can get it.
Of course, the BBC had nothing at all to say about the matter. Funny, that.
I heard this story on the Toady 7am bulletin. It only referred to “the Government”, and not a mention of the fact that this charging regime had been put in place by Labour or, more specifically, Ed Miliband.
Note to Beeboids – suppressio veri is every bit as much of a lie as suggestio falsi.
There is not always space for accuracy, or context, or…
That ‘s what makes the BBC so trusted.
Though the ‘stories’ highlighted today are rather backing up on the BBC’s reputation and it may be others might wonder just how often they can blow off not covering stuff as simply down to editorial choices or lack of funds.
Lord Deben says ‘As Committee on Climate Change chief, Lord Deben issued a report last month claiming generating power from natural gas would in the long run prove much more expensive than wind farms – despite the multi-billion pound subsidies wind receives from consumers and taxpayers.’
Do our politicians inhabit some kind of dream world? Has it not sunk in yet that we need gas stations permanently fired up on standby for when our fickle climate chooses not to blow us a wind? This is not an either/or, it’s a ‘must have gas – wind optional if we’re stupid enough to pay for it’.