The BBC finally got around to reporting the ‘Muslim Patrol’…or the ‘Homophobic vigilantes’ as the BBC prefer…..a key identifier of the ‘Vigilantes’, both personally and to explain the reason for their actions is that they are Muslim…..and therefore an acknowedgement of that should have been in the report’s title.
The BBC had to admit that the vigilantes claimed to be acting in the name of Islam but as with 7/7 such claims are dismissed…..strangely, you might think, one of the voices used by the BBC to defend Islam’s innocence in all things homophobic or otherwise was the East London Mosque…a well known centre of moderation, common sense and tolerance.
…or perhaps not.
The BBC, either from wilful blindness or laziness, do no background check on the ELM….strange when you think how keen the BBC are to reveal the political leanings of right wing think tanks. Wouldn’t it be wise to delve into the real beliefs and policies of a Mosque which is claiming to represent the Muslim community? After all the ELM claiming the beliefs of the ‘Muslim Patrol’ had nothing to do with Islam is a bit like Hitler claiming the Brown Shirts had absolutely nothing to do with the Nazi Party.
The ELM has a long held reputation for radicalism and support for extreme, or should that be fundamentalist Islam. A lot has been written about it.
Look at Harry’s Place…. which gives you the primer on the ELM which it tells us has ‘a pitiful record in promoting hate preachers’.
‘It is pretty clear that promoting hatred is part of the ELM/LMC’s core mission.’
‘The ELM/LMC is lying when they say that they’ve banned hate preachers. They love hate preachers, and they hate gay people.
And then, we’re surprised when gay people are bullied and abused in the streets around their institution.’
If the BBC are genuinely eager to see the end of discrimination and harassment then perhaps they should be investigating the source, the intellectual source, which feeds the beliefs of anyone acting upon them….rather than just accepting a convenient, for both parties, press release that exonerates the real culprit here….religion….not of course just one religion in regard to homosexuality.
The BBC of course have no intention of looking closely at Islam preferring to give us a gilded version of it and its history in an attempt to persuade us that if Islam once led to a great civilisation then surely everyone must come to realise that Islam is a force for good and anyone claiming to be acting in the name of Islam who does ‘evil’ is distorting or perverting the wonderful religion of Islam.
very good … homophobic – anti women, anti infidel – AND!this is a MUSLIM AREA vigilantes … might not hear that on the al bbc!.
Of course we also have holocaust memorial day, is the muslim council of britain still boycotting it?
better add – homophobic – anti women – antisemitic –
anti infidel – AND! … this is a MUSLIM AREA vigilantes 😀
Should we just call them activists or militants?
Why are they only concerned about the homophobic angle?
Ahhh…of course, well over half of INBBC’s staff is of the pink persuasion.
Nothing else matters, unless it affects members of INBBC directly.
BBC editorial policy really is utterly despicable. Ask anyone, anyone, what the most pertinent fact is in this case – is it the homophobia or the fact that a (small) gang or nutters want to enforce (yes enforce with violence) alien religious laws in the United Kingdom? Isn’t that the absolute core of this story?
Not a whiff of it in the headline. I assumed that skinheads were at work.
These muslim ‘men’ are not just homophobes, they are fundamentally antipathetic to every aspect of British civil society, women, music, alcohol, dress, infidel religious practices because of their extreme adherence to their religion. This is the defining element of the story; and they are confinement enough to go out on the streets to claim that part of London is a muslim colony where everybody must behave in the way they decree.
Isn’t that news worthy? Shouldn’t we be concerned? Why do they have such little respect for civil society and the law that they know that they can get away with it?
Apparently not according to the BBC. No inkling of a connection with islamist strategy – French muslim no-go-zones par example – all we get is denial, literal an metaphorical from the ELM.
Come on BBC, this is important. Just pretend that a bunch (or a ‘tiny minority’ if you will) of BNP nut-jobs went round intimidating people they didn’t like in Whitechapel saying that this is a ‘British nationalist zone. I imagine that the BBC would soon be able to identify the salient points in that situation and point out the underlying threat of incipient racism and intolerance even though there were only a few wackos involved.
Your point is reinforced by the fact that the BBC censored news of the group’s previous video, and didn’t consider it newsworthy until they added the anti-homosexual angle.
Lies by omission : most listeners would have been mislead: Lord Reith would have been concerned at this lack of professionalism and failure to serve listeners …
I do love these moments though where the Beeb having ignored a story for ages finally has to accept it exists and says something. Those of us who have been on this forum a while will remember just how long it took them to report the Climategate emails had been leaked. Then when the story just wouldn’t die had to go into damage control mode.
The Beeb is just starting to understand that they no longer control the national news narrative (I hate that word but there you go) but they hate that fact.
By the way now the story is out expect damage control. No doubt Evan will be out with Muslim patrol next week to explain that they are really on patrol to look out for lost fluffy kittens and that sort of thing.
Wait until these Muslim getting a good kicking then the BBC will be all over it like the freaks they are.
Who is going to do that?
The EDL coaches get stopped on the M25.
They could take the train.
I mean the locals its coming, soon.
Sorry Herbert. They tried taking the train some time ago and the unions responded to Cameron’s pals in the UAF and they were held up, and the police kettled them near the rail station. Any attempts to demonstrate, however peaceful, will be met by organised resistance from the UAF, Interfaith organizations and the unions who can help organise bus loads of anti-fascist fascists to provide a violent confrontation. And all the BBC will do is report on alleged infringments of public order by the EDL.
UAF are the real Nazi’s.
Everyone knows what their leader Martin Smith is like.
Muslim patrols is a subject of widespread concern. There are many accounts of dog poisoning incidences in muslim areas and consideration is given by local councils to muslim sensitivities when formulating rules on dog walking. Perhaps Spain is a warning for what might happen here.
If the Muslims aren’t careful they will end up like the Jews did in Nazi Germany.
Except there will be no one to save them.
Bad analogy, the Jews did nothing to deserve their fate. Before the Beeboids say that it is only a minority of Muslims committing these acts, I agree. But none/very few in their communities appear to be trying to stop these excesses – not even to publicly condemn these activities.
Don’t blame the moderate Muslims, they’re probably sh1t-scared. Blame the architects of this mess – The Left.
Recommended reading: A Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam, by Robert Spencer.
There is no moderate Islam, there is no Radical Islam. There is only Islam.
That is it, period, end of, fini, totally.
Islam just IS in all it’s. barbaric 7th century savagery. It is not available for cherry picking by moderates. Apostates get buthchered, gays likewise. Women are subserviant. Jews are the equivalent of pigs or monkeys.
Let me repeat ad nausiam : there is no moderate islam!
Demon; “Bad analogy, the Jews did nothing to deserve their fate.”
What an unbelievably disgusting remark.
“But none/very few in their communities appear to be trying to stop these excesses – not even to publicly condemn these activities.”
From the very same BBC report linked to above;
“These actions are utterly unacceptable and clearly designed to stoke tensions and sow discord. We wholly condemn them… The actions of this tiny minority have no place in our faith nor on our streets.”
Who said that dez, ?
Dez, do you really believe that the Jews deserved their fate? You are a f****** Nazi! I imagine you spend all your weekends dressed in a mock SS uniform imagining all the murders of innocent Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals etc. You are an evil, wicked person and exemplify the worst excess of the Left.
Don’t be fucking ridiculous. Of course the Jews didn’t deserve their fate, but neither would “the Muslims” which is the clear implication of your remark.
If that’s how you read my remark, then I was clumsy. I was actually disagreeing with the one I was replying to; but picking out the remark that tried to imply that Jews had been doing what the extreme Muslims are doing.
If you’d bothered to read further I mentioned the moderate Muslims, but was saying that they need to be louder to condemn their brethren committing these crimes.
At no part did I imply that they deserve the fate. That is your deliberate misinterpreting (deliberately?) of what I wrote. Clumsy, I may have been if you are able, even in your own sick mind, to interpret it the way you did. But your remark appeared to imply that you thought the Jews deserved their fate.
The fact you’re a Beeboid, or at least a Beeboid supporter, also implies that you would like to see the destruction of Israel and all the deaths that would entail. You are a nasty piece of work.
There is no such thing as a moderate muslim.
Yes, there are. You just like to think that there aren’t any.
Are you really telling me that every single Muslim is a ‘barbaric savage’? All 1.5 billion of them?
You can prove to me that all of them hate Jews? Just because the Koran tells them to, doesn’t mean they all do it.
To be clear, I do not deny that there are lots of Muslims who do, and who are evil. But to believe that this is true of ALL Muslims is nonsense. This site is better than that.
So you agree that the Koran instructs Muslims to hate Jews? The BBC would and do deny this.
Chris, Islam simply does not allow moderates to cherry pick the bits they wish to apply. Moderates, however well intentioned are always trumped by the instructions laid down and central to their faith, in the q’ran, Haditha and sura.
The so called moderates end up looking down the wrong end of an ak47, or a big sharp knife.
Look around you at the evidence of the effects of islam and if you think it is so wonderful, go try living in Iran.
Where are the moderates in Iran when they string up homosexual young men?
Where are the moderates when women get stoned to death for adultery?
I’ll tell you where they are, filming the events on their i phones, that’s where.
Moderates? Utter nonsense.
Talk is cheap.
I’d like to see the mosque take serious action in the form of a counter-Muslim patrol Muslim patrol.
(This is a reply to Dysgwr_Cymraeg’s last comment, sorry, the site wouldn’t let me reply directly to it)
I know it’s a cliche, but one of my friends is a Muslim who does exactly what you say he cannot, that is, cherry pick from the Koran. He does not hate Jews. Neither is he going to be killed by any other Muslim for not doing so. So you are plain wrong. (Incidentally, he regularly goes with us to the pub, although of course he does not drink alcohol)
That is in this country. I agree that the situation is different in Iran, where moderates are trumped and unable to speak out by the disgusting extremists who attack and frequently murder everybody who does not conform. I agree also that the BBC does not do enough to highlight this intolerance, or (as NotaSheep rightly points out) that the Koran tells them to. I do not think that Islam is ‘wonderful’, and I wish that the BBC would point out the malign elements of it more. But what we are debating is whether or not there exist moderate Muslims. I know from personal experience that they do exist.
I can concede a point to you Chris, in this country, right now yes they exist.
Does that mean you are happy about Islam?
The reason they exist is simple. There is, as yet, not enough of a critical mass of believers here.
Once they reach that critical mass, the situation becomes one as in Iran.
Answer me, when gays get hung there where are these so called moderates?
I expected someone to push out the argument that some of my best friends are muslims, therefore its ok. And of course I’m sure there ate hundreds of them working as doctors eyc,saving lives and doing nothing but good.
But when the chips are down and some imam says that a downs syndrome girl desecrated the .holy book, the moderates become a pack of hyenas baying for her blood.
Is that what you really want for us?
Forgive me if I have misunderstood, but your critical mass comments seem to imply that as more and more Muslims immigrate to this country, the moderate voices will be drowned out by the sea of extremist views the new arrivals will bring with them. I do not think that will be the case. The extremist views exist, and are so tragically prevalent, in Iran because the government allows them to and actively encourages them, which would not happen here.
I am not happy about many aspects of Islam and its culture. Its treatment of non-believers, apostates, homosexuals and women is frequently disgusting. Those who practice and encourage these things should not be tolerated, and the BBC should highlight them more. But they do not represent the whole of Islam.
Chris, you haven’t misunderstood at all.
The critical mass concept is exactly how it will go. At the first democratic election that produces an islamic government, it’s all over. Democracy gets overtaken by a theocracy. Mullahs rule by decree.
The ideology produced for the 7th century can not be translated onwards to now. None can cherry pick the bits they wish to apply, all must abide by the q’ran etc or suffer the penalties. And those penalties are barbaric and savage. Whether anyone chooses to be disgusted by the effects on women or homosexuals is irrelevant to Islam. It is not subject to modern revision. It doe s not allow for it.
If you believe that islam will become modified by adoption in a country such as ours you are very much mistaken. Yes, that is just my opinion and all on here are free to disagree if they so wish and tell me so. Why should this country GAMBLE with what may or may not happen.
I think you’re rather overstating the influence Islam is ever going to have in this country. I do not believe that a community who currently number only 3% of the population will ever grow enough to form a political party and win an election. Furthermore, of that 3%, I think the majority of them are not extremists, or else we would see the likes of 7/7 much more often, and are more receptive to Western culture than you think. Whatever influx of Muslims we get in the coming years won’t change that, for the reason I gave above. That’s where we will have to agree to disagree.
If I’m wrong, of course, the consequences are indeed severe. But I highly doubt Islam will ever be anything more than a minority religion in this country.
I will move my reply to the latest open thread when time permits.
And it won’t happen. Maybe you and a few friends might go out into the streets looking for a fight, but you won’t have the kind of race riots you’re hoping for.
I should hope not. It seems that there are people on here who are after all, as Hippiepooter claimed, linked with extreme racist parties. And Dez above has joined them.
Demon, either you are completely pissed out of your skull [which is forgivable] or you actually are as thick as you sound right now [which isn’t].
I really hope for your sake that it’s the former.
Fuck off nazi.
Ok, so you are completely pissed out of your skull. Thanks for clearing that up.
Good luck in the morning.
Don’t forget your swastika armband when you goose-step out this morning. You know it completes the uniform.
Native Europeans are the Jewsthis time. Muslims are the Nazis.
As exemplified by these patrols.
This comment is the most forthright and sensible view that has been expressed in this site for many a long month.
I just wish it could be headlined somewhere as a perms ent marker for the future!
Just saying!
Alas I can’t claim it as my own; I first came accross it in this article by Mark Steyn:
He’s the go-to-guy for forthright and sensible.
A mosque is not just a place of worship, it’s a bridgehead, a community centre, and if you’re lucky, an Al Queda training school.
Since Comet, Jessops, HMV and Blockbusters are closing down, these vacant sites on our high street could be turned into mosques, don’t knock the idea, islam is the fastest growing and only industry we’ve got left.
Allah Akbar !
…and Jihadists are now one of our major exports.
A Rational Study of Radical Islam by Dr Bill Warner
Part 2, The 1400 Year Islamic war on Christian Europe.
Dr Bill Warner ” Liberals extent of knowledge on islam is this, ” My local corner shop is owned by a muslim and he seems a nice man !! ”
Personal comment – I don’t like the tone and implications of some of the comments on this thread. This blog is supposed to be about BBC bias, leave out the foaming rivers of blood stuff – it’s irrelevant to the debate and very unsavoury.
A reaction of which you don’t approve does not negate the thrust of this thread. This issue is one of the most serious I have seen on here for some time, and it definitely involves inbbc bias. Perhaps you would care to identify those posters of which you disapprove ?
The inbbc will continue to treat this as merely homphobic!
The fact is now the BBC admits it should be even more biased against Israel !!! – quite unbelievable and scary. It shows the power of the Islamists over the BBC. as they are getting apologies from the BBC Read
I wonder if this chap has complained to the BBC on anything else, and what the result was?
For a start I though the findings were anonymous, but I guess he could have claimed to be the complainant in question in PR? Are the details on a BBC site yet?
Also, his strike record to this success would be interesting, because if he had 5 1/2 out of seven blown off he could be up for an expediting.
And if the BBC did that to him as they do others, I wonder what the reaction would be?
Sounds like the BBC backed this fascist’s selective view of history. But as it seems to fit their own, the result was inevitable.
No wonder the liberal elite want Tommy Robinson behind bars at the moment.
If I were him I`d get my “Mein Kampf” equivalent all written and ready for when the Quislings of Guardianville release him from Landsburg in effect..
History shows that the fearless jailers of Robinson will always wave a white flag of surrender, but call it a “peace agreement”…like in Belfast or Munich.
Best they reach an agreement with the likes of the EDL than with what the running alternative to the EDL actually is at the minute…I for one am sick of the BBC etc throwing themselves at rows of Muslim sandals outside any Mosque, and baring their throats in some masochist strategy.
Islam despises the BBC mcuh as we are now learing to do…they will not despise anyone willing to stand up for their faith or culture…for they`ll not win.
As long as the BBC are neutered, before they make eunuchs of us all.
chrisH; “No wonder the liberal elite want Tommy Robinson behind bars at the moment.”
Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka Paul Harris is in jail for using a false passport; has a history of convictions for assault; and has recently been charged with multiple counts of mortgage fraud.
This is a man you admire?
Dez opined:
Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka Paul Harris is in jail for using a false passport; has a history of convictions for assault; and has recently been charged with multiple counts of mortgage fraud.
But Binyam Mohammed did almost the same and according to the left he is a f-ing victim.
Oh by the way Dez, The hero of the EDL contacted my blog in which to try and get our support, I refused. So please don’t even think about saying I am a right wing bigot. I’m a packy according to people like you I can never be accused of a being a bigot.
God you`re dumb…and so prone to leap to lazy conclusions aren`t you pal?
Did I say I admired Mr Robinson?
No…but I do know when a hated figure gets the laws bent round his throat like some old Meccano.
Robinson is the symptom ,not the cause, His willingness to go to the wire in Luton is far more that we`d ever do Dez dear boy.
He has courage ,and I myself have never heard of such a strange case. Given how much of a painRobinson is to the liberal elite-and its gadflies like yourself Dezzie-it`s no surprise that his case is not an issue to the likes of you.
He`ll be regarded as one of the outriders of the coming storm if the likes of yourself don`t wake up-and I rather fear your rush to cartoons when you`re banged to rights as a nitpicking hypocrite will keep you sleeping for a while yet!
Duh…for Gods sake?
chrisH; “Did I say I admired Mr Robinson?”
No you didn’t. Hence my use of what is commonly known as a ‘question mark’. Duh!
Notable how you avoided answering the question though; and then went on to describe the very same man jailed for kicking an off-duty policeman in the head as having ‘courage’.
You certainly appear to be yet another spineless blancmange too cowardly to say what you really think for fear of upsetting a couple of your imaginary friends.
Or am I wrong? (question mark)
Click to access 8_nov.pdf
Hello Dez.
We might have expected Evan Davis to touch on this … today he was happy to bat on about Tantric Sex and Peter Pan during the PM’s 0800 speech – why not about islamic hate on London streets ? And lack of Police concern …
what worrys me is this,,,these far right quiet racist sunni muslim extremists and other muslim converts in this country inside the pakistani community seem to be becoming more aggressive and in your face in the last few years and i have a idea why,,the same way as hitler and his sick cromies worshipped mein kampf as a holy book in its own to carry out there sick agenda of hatred and fascism,,these far right muslims are doing the same with the koran to justify there own sick agenda and hatred to carry out terrorism and atrocitys all in the name of defending there religion,,, but dare you question the koran if your a journalist in this country with out the fear of having death threats and going into hiding from these religious hate filled psychos.,,we are in a dangerous place in this country mainly in the big citys and i see alot of white flight in the next few years to excape the kind of incidents that have been happening in whitechappel and the east end of london.when they say these are muslim areas only,these guys are deadly seriuos..where are these so called moderate muslims condemming this behaviour by there fellow muslim brothers,,i am deafeaned by the silence from these self appointed muslim leaders.
Pedro, me ole china, you are not going to hear from these self appointed “moderates”.
Islam has no alternative views allowed for the basic principles.
There is only one Islam, whatever the differences between sunni and shia.
The whole of the west folded and surrendered to Islam in 1988 when Salman Rushdie published his Satanic Verses. Naturally, most of the so called offended had never read it, nor would ever be able to.
But that didn’t stop a majority of PC indoctrinated commentators siding with those who were threatening the violence.
It followed with the same manufactured offence due to the muhammed cartoons, and even the disgusting vilification of a schoolteacher who named a teddybear muhammed!
It won’t be long before someone tells me that of course there are moderates, as shown by the fact that many of their friends are muslim, and are such wonderful people. Some will even turn out to be doctors and the like.
Case proved? Of course not.
ISLAM is the problem, a code for the barbaric savage 7th century, that simply cannot be moved to the present day.
Read up Robert Spencers excellent books about Islam and go often to Jihadwatch!
Ever reliable britishBroadcastingCowardice at its best!
INBBC, Islamic Cairo and Islamic London.
One can envisage BBC Arabic blandly reporting such developments in London soon.
“Inside Egypt’s first ‘Islamic cafe’”
(inc video clip).
Such developments would complement the Islamic-only areas of London.
“Fifth person held by police in ‘Muslim patrol’ probe”
Detective chief inspector Wendy Morgan: “The Met takes such homophobic behaviour very seriously.
This just about sums up why this country is doomed. The reaction to homophobia, instant. If it was GBH ? Nothing to see here move along!