The BBC were trailing this programme last week, ‘In Search of The British Dream’ (Tonight (28th) at 20:00 hr)…it is of course about immigration.
Yes, really, the BBC investigating immigration and its effects on British culture, society and infrastructure such as housing, the NHS and schools.
If that’s what you thought, you’d have been far from the truth. Needless to say.
What we actually get is a pro-immigration piece of propaganda…the sole purpose to persuade you that immigrants are not a drain on any of the social services and that they have no intention of coming here just for the easy life provided courtesy of British tax payers.
‘Foreigners are settling in the UK in record numbers. Mukul Devichand seeks to see the country through the eyes of those who have recently arrived.’
The BBC man, Mukul Devichand, who fronts the piece is one of the BBC’s ‘go to’ people when it comes to ethnic storylines.
He has been set on the trail of Nick Griffin and has produced a programme presented by that other BBC stalwart of the left, Michael Sandel…again on immigration….all about those ‘undocumented’ immigrants to America.
Devichand has been allowed to pre-air his propaganda in the Guardian, the BBC’s outhouse, as opposed to inhouse, journal.
Remarkable that there is such a close working relationship between those two media organisations.
Any chance that they are working in concert to promote a certain view point?……It has to be said that Devichand’s piece has got widespread attention already on the ‘net’…which is undoubtedly why it was allowed to go into print.
Here is some of what he tries to pass off as impartial journalism:
‘What if we were told that thousands of people from Africa we’ve seen arriving here are not, in fact, fleeing poverty at all? Or that, legally speaking, they’re not even Africans, but rather nationals of such generous welfare utopias as Sweden, Denmark and Holland?
For BBC Radio 4, I’ve been searching for some idea of what the modern “British Dream” could be, through a series of frank interviews with some of the almost 3 million new arrivals to England and Wales since 2001 (the first of three programmes is broadcast at 8pm starting tonight). Time and again, our team uncovered Africans who were not any longer from Africa. They were EU citizens and actually giving up welfare rights in places like Scandinavia to come to the UK.
With all of western Europe at their feet, they are drawn to Britain – even if they are, at least as first, poorer as a consequence. Stories like theirs are a powerful corrective against the tendency to over-simplify when it comes to describing the “influx” of newcomers to Britain.
Their admiration of our society does seem to indicate some kind of “British dream” that has drawn in many millions.’
Funny how tolerant and welcoming the ‘British’ are when it suits the BBC…at all other time we are racist little Englanders….as an example today on Victoria Derbyshire…..a programme devoted to telling us how unacceptable it is to have too many white police officers as Black and ethnic minority people do not want to be ‘policed’ by people who do not reflect their own community or race…..Muslims must police Muslim areas, Blacks police Black areas, women majority women’s areas, Leeds United football matches by officers who only support Leeds United, no middle class officers to patrol in social housing estates and so on.
It all makes sense to me….No police officer can possibly be expected to understand the little chaps’ problems unless they too have ‘lived them’ also….the police are of course social workers now….they’re not there to enforce Britsh Law.
So ….all these immigrants just love and admire our Society…they just don’t want to actually take part in it or have anything to do with ‘whitey’….’just show me the money!’
Seems kind of racist an attitude to me…but it went unremarked of course by Derbyshire.
What is usually missing from all these BBC ‘exposes’ on immigration is the White voice…..we did get a series on the white working class….only to be told that their attitudes sprang from a deep ignorance, a lack of education, and essentially, racial prejudice…..which is why the BBC provides them with programmes like Devichand’s…to educate and enlighten….so they too can enjoy and celebrate the new diverse, multi-cultural society that has been forced upon them.
Just a shame all those white kids are all too busy out inter-marrying with their local ‘immigrants’, out eating their fast food, taking on their style, fashion and speech patterns, and dancing to the ethnic beat to listen to some R4 bloke preaching at them on how to relate to the Black and ethnic minorities living around them.
Yes, I can see they’ve got a lot to learn from the BBC Race Commissars.
Derbyshires programme was about as exceptionally bad even by BBC standards, all three of the interviewees pro discrimination against the ethnic majority – just varying in the extent to which they wished to do it! The gahstly Peter Fahy, who having got to the top himself now wants to pull the ladder up on his fellow ethnic Brits by bringing in foreigners, even from other countries , to senior posts in order to pander to the racism of our foreign ethnic communities.
Soryr Mr Fahy but your claims that ethnic minorites are needed for ‘operational reasons’ for surveillance and so on , just doesnt wahs when it comes to promotion. While we might need some minority ethnics to ‘blend in’ at the local Mosque and so on, its hardly senior police officers required for that kind of work, its more lowly ethnic coppers on the beat.
And how can we possibly have ethnics “representing” the Babel of racist “communities” which apparently cannot tolerate policing by the indigenous force in a city like Manchester? The answer is we can’t, which is precisely why we should not have allowed an unpoliceable society to grow there, like a cancer, which has now metastasised through the body of Britain.
Just listening to Panorama s guff about “welfare” problems in getting the disability lobby off our screens and BBC studios…and into some kind of work where griping, blaming the Tories for being able-bodied white boys etc are NOT prerequisites….so unlike the BBCs “interview base”.
Yet funnily enough-the BBC blonde biddy mopping the brows of Camerons misjudged victims…seems to be “able-bodied” herself.
No prospect, I suppose of the BBC actually giving any of the disabled whingers( for these are the ones the BBC likes), a job in THEIR organisation.
So, not only are they sexist re News affairs, anti-Semitic as a matter of course…but they don`t even give a disabled person a job to front up anti-disability puff pieces like Panoramas.
Hypocrisy-what of it?
I as a dark skinned English man am sick to the back of my teeth with so many immigrants in the UK. I have to pay to see a dentist, the last time i went this oldish couple came in after me, the receptionist handed them a couple of forms and told them in the manner that only British people have when speaking to people who can’t speak English to sit over there and fill them. I asked what was all that about . She said that they are Polish and had applied to be treated on the NHS. Hang on. I pay over £100 a year for 2 check ups and 2 visits to the hygienist. Not only was I born here, I have served Queen and country. Yet people who haven’t put into the system can claim everything under the Sun.
That bBC is what the British people are angry about, That Mr right dishonourable keith Vaz is what the British Public want changing. Instead you lightweight wankers keep on telling me I have a racist viewpoint for complaining about paying for immigrants to use the NHS, to rape , murder and pillage and laugh in my face when pricks like you play the human rights card for them. But the best part, those liberals who keep on telling me unbridled immigration is a good thing, will face the wrath of the British people.
The liberals have used the goodness of the British people in which to ruin the country. Think I am kidding. A muslim child was murdered in broad daylight in London yesterday. The way he was murdered is what you would expect to see in a third world country, yet instead of revulsion in the media, they keep quiet. Can you imagine the outcry if the murderers had been entirely white. i say if you know anybody who works for the bbC, give them a good mouthful in which to show your displeasure how they and their ilk have ruined the country.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst
Oh and Dez, don’t even start.
Pounce, I don’t like this post, I LOVE it, but theres no button for me to push!
You would have loved even more the x-rated original which somebody edited.
For BBC Radio 4, I’ve been searching for some idea of what the modern “British Dream” could be, through a series of frank interviews with some of the almost 3 million new arrivals to England and Wales since 2001 (the first of three programmes is broadcast at 8pm starting tonight). Time and again, our team uncovered Africans who were not any longer from Africa. They were EU citizens and actually giving up welfare rights in places like Scandinavia to come to the UK.
I read that article as well. What dick splash conveniently left out was how all those
SomalianEuropeans had left the countries they gained their asylum inbecasue those countries have said you have to work for your benefits. Unlike the Uk
The bBC and half the story
Its not just about benefits, there are two other very important reasons people prefer to come here, the first is the English language, most foreigners speak at least a little English, no German, French, and certainly no Dutch or Swedish.
The other problem is that we have become the victims of our own kindness and lack of racism. There isnt a country in Europe where people bend over backwards to help immigrants as the British do, eespecially offically with friendly obliging bureaucrats, free translators, welcoming pamphlets and brochures, a soft forgiving police, willing to let people off on the excuse of ignroance.
Who said we were a tolerant people? Sometimes I think that assertion is just politicians’ hype – but the more that people believe it, the more atrocities they will put up with.
Still at least the bBC achieves “balance” by often criticising us for being intolerant.
Every European country is getting it in the neck, each one is being invaded and colonised by Third Worlders.
Switzerland, Austria is 20% black / muslim. There is 6 million blacks / muslims in France. Berlin looks like Istanbul.
Even in Iceland, muslim immigrants want to build a mosque.
There is no escape.
Oh but there IS!
Dysgwr ” Oh but there is.”
Where is this mythical, fabled monocultural land you speak of ?
I had evil unspeakable dark thoughts in my head when I writ that. Oops!
The mythical, fabled monocultural land – I can only think of one, and a far-from-ideal one at that – North Korea !
I wonder how many East African Musims have moved to North Korea “for a better life”?
That bloody “better life “phrase ,loved by leftie-journalists like it justified and legitimated moving, I say they forgot to finish the sentence: “and a worse one for us”
There are 800 million people in Sub-saharan Africa who would enjoy a better life moving to the UK. Stll waiting for a bBC journalist to offer to put them up in their house.
True, but Britain is suffering more than anywhere.
The Low Countries have it worse in some cases, I think.
Go to Brussels minutes from the bars in the stadt centrum you find yourself in a middle eastern enclave. I kid you not.
I’m well aware of it. It’s been awhile, but the last few times I walked down the main street from the Grand Place to the Midi Station (passing a Preiser shoe store, no less), or took the #231 bus north of the city to Grimbergen, sections had been completely transformed. I also know someone who works with disadvantaged youths in the south of the country and it’s become a real problem.
Iceland ? It could be a bit tricky being a Muslim there over there, with Ramadan falling in July, and then June, over the next few years. What would happen when there is midnight sun ?
Mo never thought of that when he was having his cosy chats in his cave with the Archangel Gabriel. Weird or what?
Someone should have given Allah geography lessons but the wily old bird did insert a clause that you were allowed to break the fast if your health was in danger.
Ha! Good point.
Or what would happen during the long winter nights when there is no sunrise?
“There isnt a country in Europe where people bend over backwards to help immigrants as the British do”
Sooner or later it will all kick off. “Beware the fury of a patient man”, as the saying goes.
“most foreigners speak at least a little English, no German, French, and certainly no Dutch or Swedish.”
In my part of Birmingham (Small Heath) there is a “Dutch Drop-in centre” for Dutch-speaking Somali immigrants.
I have heard Dutch being spoken in the waiting room of my medical centre by immigrants.
I have lived in the Netherlands and know Dutch when I hear it.
Sorry, that was a reply t;
” aerfen says:
January 28, 2013 at 9:35 pm”
Don’t know how it ended up this far down the page.
Yes of course because we are getting Somalis over here who are Dutch citizens, born in the Netherlands too. What I meant was that people not born in Sweden or the Netherlands do not learn those languages as a second language the way they do English, so those countries are not as attractive to Africans, Phillipinos, Brazilians, Romanians, Russians etc
The sooner the SHTF the better.
Where does one start ? The BBC ( The Bolshevik Brainwashing Commissariat ) is, as we all know, for full scale Third World mass immigration / colonisation.
Yet, do you think African and muslim immigrants who’ve just arrived here, are immediately going to go straight down to the post office and pay the BBC television license ?
This is just a hunch on my part but I’m going to take a wild guess, that they don’t.
The BBC head staff are very intelligent people, they’ve all been to public school, but as we all know, intelligence doesn’t equate to wisdom. I don’t think they’ve thought this ” pro mass immigration policy” through.
David you are missing the point here.
The BBC head staff as you call them, couldn’t give a tuppenny toss if the immigrants pay up. They only have to chase the indigenous law abiding fools to get their money.
By the way, i love ur description of bolshevik b……etc
This example may serve some purpose:
Remember those tv ads that were supposed to strike fear into benefit cheats?
The truth is they were not for benefit cheats. They were targeted at the silent law abiding majority, to make you THINK something was being done. The cheats couldnt give a toss about shit like that.
David B. to put your point more accurately – ” Education is no substitute for intelligence”. Cameron is Eton educated but he hasn’t got the intelligence to see where his “right-on” liberalism is taking his own party, never mind the people of this country.
A worthless programme. The real aim is deny us our nationality and heritage as Englishmen and women. To deny the concept of nationhood. We do not exist have never existed and, they hope, will be a forgotten footnote in history.
They parade our alleged tolerance but forget our stubbornness and our unspoken love of our country. They are fools and deserve the contempt of us all.
Those Englishmen who locked their shields at Senlac Ridge knew that their land was everything. What would they think of us, their descendants. that we should give away our country and for so little.
But Dave, those saxons on Senlac Ridge were beaten, and a new order made itself at home, Normans. They ushered in the feudal system and dominated for hundreds of years, formulated our, ass like legal system. We are now disarmed, helpless in the face of stealthy invasion by races that hate us. We need an underground, guerilla type army, stealthy, secretive, ready to act against the State and immigrant enclaves. Better than meekly rolling over.
”thousands of people from Africa we’ve seen arriving here are not, in fact, fleeing poverty at all? Or that, legally speaking, they’re not even Africans.”
”our team uncovered Africans who were not any longer from Africa. They were EU citizens and actually giving up welfare rights in places like Scandinavia to come to the UK.”
Where these Africans miraculously transformed into blonde blue eyed Nordics ? I love Cultural Marxism, don’t you ?
Black is White, White is Black, Left is Right, Right is Left, Up is Down, Down is Up, etc etc, everything is subverted.
Ex KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov ” How to brainwash a nation.”
Why were they giving up welfare ‘rights’ in Sweden to come to the UK?
To work or to obtain lower welfare rights?
It is BBC nonsense though probably what attracts tens of thousands of Dutch Somalis.
One big difference, in Sweden, is that it is nigh on impossible to defraud the system with multiple identities. While it is easy to confuse the DHSS (or whatever they are called now) when everyone is called Mohammed, you can’t do anything in Sweden without your “personnummer” (NI number) and that is interlinked to everything, including your “official” address. Having multiple identities would require a complete “life” for each ID and any duplication such as address, car registration, utility bills or bank accounts, would show up straight away. Oh…and all the lovely kids have a personnummer too. I can’t say that fraud is impossible, it is not my area of expertise, but it looks like it would be a lot more tricky here… you can see why the UK is so attractive.
Thats very interesting to hear!
I suspect that two other reasons make them leave Sweden to come here too, They can’t speak Swedish (at least not very well) but they speak at least a reasonable amount of English and the climate is even more inhospitable than ours.
Actually, Sweden is quite successful at teaching Swedish to immigrants (like me!) as free classes are available to everyone (who has that magic personnumer) and, perhaps more importantly, benefits claimants lose part of their payments if they don’t turn up at the classes.
Even though many immigrants are supposedly moving to the UK, we still have plenty available! An enriching walk around Gothenburg town centre can leave you wondering if there is anyone left in Somalia.
The BBC produces a pro-immigration puff piece under the guise of impartial journalism: there’s a surprise, never saw that one coming.
Whenever the BBC trail a programme promising some sort of debate about immigration you know that any questions that they intend asking have been well and truly beggared even before they’ve been asked. I’ve yet to hear or see a BBC programme on the immigration issue that doesn’t start with the a priori assumption that immigration is a good thing.
It’s not just the BBC, they’re all at it, on SKY news last night, they review the newspapers at 10.30pm and 11.30pm. A woman journalist, cant remember her name, said
” Romanian immigrants will not come to Britain next year, when the borders open up, cos I’m married to a Romanian man, and he told me so ! ”
Well, that’s that cleared up, I’m glad we’ve got a cast iron guarantee. The stupidity and naivety of liberals never ceases to amaze me, it’s a mental illness.
They are comparable only to the victims of mind control as practised by cults. Their Globalist beliefs and self righteous certainty of their moral superiority are an article of faith. I really wonder how its broken. They need deprogramming.
Effects of brainwashing. There is so much here comparable with the mindset of the Globalist;
“Thought reform bears witness to its more malignant consequences: for by defining and manipulating the criteria of purity, and then by conducting an all-out war upon impurity, the ideological totalists create a narrow world of guilt and shame. This is perpetuated by an ethos of continuous reform, a demand that one strive permanently and painfully for something which not only does not exist but is in fact alien to the human condition.
At the level of the relationship between individual and environment, the demand for purity creates what we may term a guilty milieu and a shaming milieu. Since each man’s impurities are deemed sinful and potentially harmful to himself and to others, he is, so to speak, expected to expect punishment – which results in a relationship of guilt and his environment. Similarly, when he fails to meet the prevailing standards in casting out such impurities, he is expected to expect humiliation and ostracism – thus establishing a relationship of shame with his milieu.”
This is reflected in the goal of being ‘anti- racist’. All kinds of ‘new’ forms of racism have been invented, which the cult member must try to purge from himself and the world. He carries with him a guilt not only for his own possible ‘racism’ but even that of his ancestors, as well as everyone in his own ethnic group. He is thus prepared to tolerate discrimination even against his own children, to wreck his own children’s future, rather than live with the guilt.
“Closely related to the demand for absolute purity is an obsession with personal confession. Confession is carried beyond its ordinary religious, legal, and therapeutic expressions to the point of becoming a cult in itself. There is the demand that one confess to crimes one has not committed, to sinfulness that is artificially induced, in the name of a cure that is arbitrarily imposed. Such demands are made possible not only by the ubiquitous human tendencies toward guilt and shame but also by the need to give expression to these tendencies. In totalist hands, confession becomes a means of exploiting, rather than offering solace for, these vulnerabilities. “
Apologies on our behalf for slavery?
Not in my name! I was not responsible, nor almost certainly, were my ancestors personally, and even if they were, I feel no shame for horrors carried out in what was a brutal age for everybody.
Sounds like BBC rules for staff behavior. Carol Thatcher found out the hard way about that obsession with personal confession, and an artificially induced sinfulness.
That female journalist on Sky was described as a historian and broadcaster. She also admitted to being married to a Rumanian so there’s no conflict of interest there, then.
If she is a historian then she’s obviously of the Mary Beard multiculturalist revisionist type.
;Just a shame all those white kids are all too busy out inter-marrying with their local ‘immigrants’, out eating their fast food,’
Bring back racial purity and close all kebab shops!
If folk are dumb enough to buy at kebab shops well thats their problem.
Anyone notice the 3rd most important story on BBC UK web page – stealth edited from the original [I wish I knew how to screen grab these things] but still saying
EU migrant curb policy ‘farcical’
The idea the government may be able to discourage workers from Romania and Bulgaria from coming to the UK “border on the farcical,” MPs say
Notice Plural there MPs. You know, more than one. Not “Keith Vaz”, or “a [singular] Labour MP whom we have on speed dial”.
I wonder which side of the ‘debate’ the BBC is on. Any guesses?
One opposition MP gets to set the news agenda and is allowed a full article to attack the government.
News Sniffer is a useful tool, although they don’t capture anywhere near everything since they also follow other media outlets. For this one, News Sniffer does show a couple of significant changes (removing details of the options the Conservatives are considering, and deleting mention of a Tory MP’s threat to introduce a bill, for example), but both versions have it as “says an MP”, singular.
For screen grabs, if you have a Windows system, there’s usually a Print Screen button on your keyboard which will copy/capture the whole page. You then need to paste it into an image editing app (MS Paint, Photoshop, etc.) or just paste it straight into Word if you don’t want to crop it or edit it. There are also a few free or cheap shareware apps for it. Also, you can tell The WayBack Machine to capture and archive it right then, if they haven’t already.
The extract above was a cut and paste from the news article as it stood when I posted, so it has been edited between 11:47 and 12:09.
I didn’t add the “s”,
the previous headline was much stronger stuff something like ‘Immigration policy farcical says MPs”
Can anybody help me with wayback to the original headline version?
C&P the url into the “Take Me Back” window at the link. If they’ve archived it, you’ll see it. If not, it’s too late.
Way Back doesn’t have a record as far as I can see, but I found this transcription of the headline as it stood at 11:07am
EU migrant curb policy ‘farcical’
From: BBC News – UK – 11:07am – January 28, 2013
Suggestions that workers from Romania and Bulgaria might be discouraged from coming to the UK “border on the farcical”, MPs claim.
The policy id Farcical – MP (s) say so
If you have a “Save as PDF” feature in your printer software, you can simply right-click the web page, select “print” and save as a PDF.
Britons flee cities to the countryside in White Flight.
I feel like a stranger – worth reading.
This is a really good piece of writing. Thanks for sharing it. It certainly got me thinking about my own part of London, Bethnal Green where my family have lived for over 150 years. I’m the last one of my family left in the area and it seems such a shame that the old Cockney London has disappeared forever. True, most people left voluntarily in search of better housing etc. and yes, London has always welcomed immigrants but it is a disconcerting feeling to be the only cockney on the bus, in the supermarket queue, at the bank etc. It’s a very strange feeling to be waiting at an absolutely crowded bus stop and be the only person at that bus stop who was born in the city. It’s also odd to be in the city where Shakespeare made his name, where Chaucer and Dickens wrote (where the BBC broadcast to the world, for that matter) and not to hear English spoken at all in vast swathes of the city. The author of the piece has lived in her part of London for a mere 16 years. How must people who have lived there all their lives feel? Have such people ever been given a voice on the BBC?
I agree with everything you say about Bethnal Green. I’m not from there but I do know the area. Its tragic, so much history lost and though you say people moved out voluntarily it wasnt entirely the caes was it, the newcomers putting pressure on schools and housing, changing the face of the community (just as the woman in the article describes), pushed people to leave, as well as direct council policy such as ending the ‘sons and daughters’ scheme which they described as ‘racist’ because it favoured locals over Bangladeshis (who want to bring it back now so that their own kids arent squeezed out by Poles Africans and Somalis).
Funny how tolerant and welcoming the ‘British’ are when it suits the BBC…at all other time we are racist little Englanders….as an example today on Victoria Derbyshire…..a programme devoted to telling us how unacceptable it is to have too many white police officers as Black and ethnic minority people do not want to be ‘policed’ by people who do not reflect their own community or race…..Muslims must police Muslim areas, Blacks police Black areas, women majority women’s areas, Leeds United football matches by officers who only support Leeds United, no middle class officers to patrol in social housing estates and so on.
This is the base description of apartheid. Devised by the South African Government so that people could live within their own defined homeland, amongst people of their own culture, governed and policed by people of their own culture.
Problem was that the white folk had such a good standard of living that the others wanted to live there and not amongst their own culture.
Sound familiar? Then they came and when they have screwed it up they will blame the white people and demand compensation and sit and wait.