Sorry, I posted this in the “Make me a Muslim” thread, but thought perhaps it should be here too, as I have not, as yet seen this, that happened A MONTH AGO on the BBC massive news network:
The BBC report says: ‘A police spokesman said officers “retain an open mind as to the motive at this early stage”‘
Not too open I hope: acid attacks of this kind are more likely to have been carried out by members of a certain community. Even if it turns out that the attackers did not hail from such a community, it is wise for the police to look in that direction first.
No mention of suspicions that this is a false flag op by clever racists intent on starting a backlash of Islamophobia. Oh, sorry, that would mean quoting the victim about what the attacker was wearing. Irrelevant to police inquiries, I guess, as the BBC reports they’re keeping “an open mind as to the motive”.
With the post about the recent Big Questions show about torture (on which David Vance appeared, and did a pretty good job, considering the stacked deck and a middle-aged man named Nicky openly laughing at one of his statements) having long vanished from the main page, I thought I’d post this here instead:
What really happened in the CIA’s “enhanced” interrogations? Three former officials tell their stories.
This is from the Left-wing, owned by the very Left-wing and Obamessiah-supporting Washington Post, not Fox News, not Breitbart.
The experts – more expert than any of the guests Nicky and his producers provided, although perhaps less self-righteous – are a former CIA Director, the CIA’s former chief legal officer, and the former boss of the agency’s National Clandestine Service. Well worth your time to read, and important details to keep in mind next time this subject comes up.
Or you could watch the ‘debate’ it’s self:
And see what a disgusting spectacle it really was. Crammed full of useful euphemisms, self-justifications and nervous little chuckles.
‘watch the ‘debate’ it’s self’
With an intro like that, churlish not to.
Great contribution BTW, after a long period on none.
Best to ease back in slow?
the unwarrated attack, ending in the sad death of that 10yr old boy … apparently a “hit” … the al bbc has to add he was waiting for his koran teacher/lesson,?
narrative the “deeply religious” muslim? … why?
does that mean he was expecting burkhas? & not balaclavas
I know that Britain covers a small part of this earth – but sometimes I would just like to have a day when Radio 4 is about my Britain. Today was not going to be that day.
9.00 Desert Island Discs – -Aung Sang Suu Kyi
9.45 Book of the Week – Battle for Afghanistan
11.00 am – Bridging the Gulf – Razia Iqbal visits the women architects of the gulf
14.14. Afternoon Drama – Stone Investigates the death of a British Asian girl
Of course I could listen to Today, Any Questions and The News Quiz – does anybody wonder why I no longer think I am the target audience for Radio 4.
Isn’t it nice that a BBC crew got to go to Myanmar, or Burma, or whatever they’re calling it these days, to make a vital Desert Island Discs programme. Not that anyone would have used such an opportunity to turn it into a jolly on our licence fees, of course – but no-one will ever find out since the BBC has decided that Freedom of Information enquiries are for the ‘plebs’ – anything can be declared ‘journalism’ by the BBC and therefore not subject to such unwelcome intrusions.
Desert Island Discs – where the crew gets to go to real ones to help someone pick a few music tracks !
Oh, Deborah, how I agree with you. To have just one of their excruciatingly pc stations for us white people, talking about things that we white people know and are concerned about, listening to white English voices; listening to white English plays, discussions and other entertainment. Now, wouldn’t that be a refreshing change? After all, we’re paying the whole damn thing.
You are mistaken. If you are white and British then you are the target audience of the BBC propaganda machine in favour of mass immigration and mutricultralism.
They are filling their programme slots with as stuff designed to make you feel that
a) white Brits have been and still are being unfair and even nasty to immigrants
b) that it is a good thing to have as many different cultures sharing the country as possible and that to oppose it is racist and despicable
c) that the Brits and particularly the English have a history which they should feel guilty about and should go around apologising to just about everyone on the planet for all sorts of awful things that they did centuries ago.
On their news and current affairs output they also censor the stories so as not to cast any of the immigrants groups in a bad light. They will occasionally allow a little discussion about East European immigration, because these white folks are not as untouchable as non white folks in the BBC’s strange view.
do you know what is getting my gripe this week,,lindsay sandiford a uk citixen and a 56 year old granmother is going to be took out in the street and shot to death by a firing squad in the muslim sharia law state of bali indonesia very soon.yes she should be punished severely and given a long prison sentence for drug smuggling,,, but shot to death is just wrong and barbaric,,i ask this,..where are all these human rights lawyers and army of doo gooders coming to this poor womans aid,,,why is the goverment not helping her and funding her legal aid,,,contrast that to henchman of al qaeda abu quatada who we cant deport from this country and has cost us £6 MILLION so far in legal aid to fight his deportation..not to mention the nice 6 bedroomed house and incapacity benefits that the goverment are providing him with while he stays in a country he hates and despises,,we have plenty of foreign criminals including drug dealers and rapists and murderers who roam arong this country at free will…we all know that…..bring lindsay sandiford back to the uk to serve a prison sentence lets say 10 years to 15 years and kick out all these foreign criminals to serve there sentences in there own country..i am not softy liberal socalist leftie on law order,,far from it… i believe in tough hard sentences,,,but shooting a 56 year old grandmother to death by firing squad is just totally may dissagree…..
while were at it, whenever you fill out your entry forms for Indonesia, it tells you DRUG SMUGGLING CARRIES THE DEATH PENALTY. In large letters, so that you all know the risks before hand.
Let me get this straight – we should get on a high horse and tell all these nasty foreigners how to run their country and their legal system, and let’s ante-up the fees to bring a convicted drug-runner back to the UK to serve a sentence that’ll cost us another fortune….. meanwhile forgetting what misery and death would be caused by the cocaine she was smuggling for sheer profit. A woman who now lives in India, but whose former neighbours rhink she is ‘the neighbour from hell’, and she and her family have been little but trouble for years ? Really ?
Pedro, while there is much in your post that rings true, you are not likely to find people on any forum defending convicted drug dealers.
It’s not really possible to leave aside the drugs issue given the way you have linked everything in your post.
I commend you for expressing many of the same opinions as i do. Keep posting, please don’t give up the fight.
Pedro, I have lived in 5 countries and visited at least 50; in all of them I strive to obey the law; if I were to break the law I would not expect to be treated any differently because I was a foreigner. Some laws are hard to understand or even know about and breaking one of them could produce some sympathy; unfortunately drug smuggling is a very obvious and well known crime and as has been pointed out, penalties are harsh and clear. If she is shot she will at least have a quick death: imagine if she were stoned?
It is impossible and wrong to compare this with the situation in the UK although I agree that many more should get deported and they most certainly shouldn’t receive a penny in benefits.
Chop – not sure if anyone knows that it was actually a woman in this garb….. just in case some nits get picked by some individuals whose style tends towards deflecting from the main issue…. but that points to the fact that it’s even more difficult for the police that such garments are becoming more commonplace in ‘our’ culture.
The great thing about this game, though, is that we can all play.
Now, where is the nearest niqab stockist? Can you buy them by mail order? In a shop they might be a bit suspicious of a white, middle aged male like me.
Yes, we can, but as stated by Ms Oni, in this case it was not….get it?…it’s about this story you numpty, not any other story you fancy making up!
Deflecting this to who it “could” have been, when it wasn’t, is just as dishonest as what the BBC left out, it is just as dishonest as describing child groomers in Rochdale, Derby & Oxford as “Men”
At the heart of this story, is a poor, beautiful young woman who has been disfigured for life by a barbarian, using traditional barbaric practices, imported from 3rd world shitholes, yet the beeb hide the most key pieces of evidence as to who committed this crime for “social cohesion”…it’s disgusting, and has gotten my back right up.
I completely get your point Rich, but the point does not apply in this case.
Nobody can know for sure if who was under there. That’s why the BBC is holding off on reporting it until more information becomes available. Wouldn’t want to demonize an entire group of people without confirming facts first. Just like the BBC waited for the Toulouse shootings and that guy in Tucson and….oh, wait……
‘Tell me the BBC isn’t manipulating information !’
Their finest semanticists will give it a hell of a go.
I have decided that errors of omission are so hard to get through CECUTT it’s not worth it, but I can imagine the result.
They will deem leaving out the mode of dress of the attacker and the place of work of the victim could in no way have any relevance to explaining this crime.
Along with the police, their minds seem open to the point of being bereft of actual content of any sort.
Is this a man with a skinhead, and a union jack t-shirt on, who the beeb would have a thorough background on, or a “Man” who grooms underage non-Muslim girls, and tends to be named after a quite popular 7th century barbarian?
My guess is that the police will arrest someone in the EDL or ‘far right’ in order to appease the muslim community leaders into limiting the number of acid attacks. Meanwhile, Warsi can appear once again on the BBC to relive the horrendous moment when eggs were thrown at her by bad muslims, thus endorsing the point that we are all victims of extremism.
No surprise at the relevant bits the BBC chose to omit, but shocked that they think they can get away with mis-reporting of the incident (for the cherry vultures – omission of important facts is a form of misreporting). Even more shocked that they WILL get away with this mireporting and they know it!
Maybe they will get Charlie Stayt to interview the victim and ask her ” tell me what did [the attacker] look like? “As he did after the brevik shootings. Funny that, And if she has been asked that Q on the inbbc, one of the vultures will tell us?
Clearly somebody at the BBC decided not to include that relevant piece of information.
How is this impartial reporting, let alone a public service?
As you can see at the end of the Standard article, police want anybody with information to contact them. So somebody who might have seen somebody wearing a Niqab at that time of night might remember that.
They wouldn’t know it from the useless BBC article. One can say, they are helping the perpetrator of this vile crime with their reporting.
Surely the answer is not to ban colonialist clothing but to make it mandatory? That way there will be a level playing field so all can commit crime with equal anonymity (sorry, I mean “express their religious and cultural preferences in a diverse society”). Once again, the BBC is leading the way:
I don’t care whether the perpetrators are white,black Asian or orange either way they deserve to swing on a rope. These incompetent bastards killed an innocent 17 year old boy and have caused untold grief to his parents. The lowlife that sent them on this errand should also swing.
There are certain things that we should be angry about as a priority and the utterly contemptible behaviour of the libdems in voting against boundary changes and the reduction in the number of MPs is of that order. In fact, because it hasn’t had any great public showing by the MSM, it is frankly heartbreaking to me that we allow this socialist scum (sorry, I can’t think if a more appropriate term for them) to manipulate the voting system in this country for purely nasty, vindictive purposes. The libdems (a more unpleasant stratum of our national society as can ever be contemplated) are so unutterably vile in their intent that they don’t deserve to be spoken of in polite society. Now, where is the bbc on this issue; where is this much vaunted impartiality, when reporting that the leftwing parties are conspiring to deprive the vast majority of our nation of a fair and level playing field at the next elections. Well, as we all know, the sodding bbc’s attitude is that if it harms the conservative party then it must be good. If they had any sense of decency and fair play they would be explaining to their viewers what has happened and why it is the most disgusting of political deceits. But no, they ignore it as an issue and look forward to their warped socialist utopia as enacted by the next socialist coalition; labour and libdems. What the utterly useless libdems don’t realise is that their best grasp of political power is now because, as with the labour party in the past, they will be betrayed by their socialist cousins. And who loses out in all of this? We, the poor cannon fodder who pay for it all. Socialists; everything they do makes you hate them.
The mothers of gang members always think they are angels who “wouldn’t hurt anybody”.
I remember a few years ago a young man who was killed when he was riding his bike through a park. Then it turned out that this was at 2am. All ordinary, reasonable people then start to wonder what a young man was doing riding his bike in a park at 2am and put two and two together.
Funny thing is, they never seem to be able to find a father to come forward and say that his lad was an angel, only the mother, or the “aunt”. Now why would that be? Connect the dots – career single mother in denial, no father in sight, son into gang (where there are strong male figures: gang leaders). Still the weak as dishwater journalists indulge the mother eulogising “he was an angel, planned to be a human rights lawyer or doctor”not ” he was working his way up from being just a lookout boy to a delivery boy and then may be one day he hoped to be the main man, maybe run a string of hoes”
Sarkozy got a lot of stick for banning face-covering in public in France. Pretty brave for a country with 5 million Muslims, 95% of who vote Socialist (point not lost on anyone here?)
I recall at the time some journalists buttonholed the Home Sec – pretty sure it was May, and asked if Britain should follow suite, and I recall her saying word like “We don’t do banning” (apart from smoking in pubs, hate speech blah blah)
Theresa May (“Red Tess”) said words to the effect that we don’t ban or control clothing. Utter nonsense. The Public Order Act 1936 specifically outlaws the “wearing of uniforms in connection with political objectives”. So what is the difference between men dressed all in black shouting offensive statements against Jews (Mosley’s Blackshirts), as opposed to say, women dressed all in black burquas shouting offensive statements against Jews, Christians, homosexuals etc etc?
Yes, prisoners may be being fed ‘contaminated meat’ – yes contaminated with vile, non-halal meat.
Heads must roll (and throats must be cut more frequently!) and every follower of Mohammed, not just those incarcerated, must be compensated…….
Clearly this is just a continuation of the underhand British policy of adulterating the fat used to grease the Enfield rifle cartridges that started the Indian war of independence in 1857. Expect conspiracy theories to abound and keep your eyes peeled for mullahs passing chapattis round coffee shops.
1. Now why would there be a demand for halal food in Britain’s prisons?
2. Are non-Muslims in Britain’s prisons being fed halal food without any say in the matter (if you can’t bear the suspense – the answer is generally yes).
3. Food and farming minister David Heath said people “have a right to expect that the food they are eating is correctly described”. Not ordinary people of course. There is no legal requirement to label halal meat in this country. Nearly half of the chicken and lamb sold in UK supermarkets is halal but not actually labelled as such. If you’ve ever eaten in an ‘Indian’ restaurant (90% of which are Bangladeshi owned) or eaten New Zealand lamb then you’ve also had it. In fact about the only way you can guarantee NOT to eat halal meat is if you only buy pork or become vegetarian.
What’s that saying? Oh yes, “You are what you eat”.
In NZ the meat has the relevant prayer said over it but it is always stunned before it is killed. The muslim guys brought over here to provide the prayer sessions and kill the meat sent millions of emails to their coreligionists worldwide instructing them not to buy NZ meat because of the stunning (which was an agrreement made with the NZ Islamic society).
Doesn’t seem to have affected our muslim markets much – we have huge exports to Iran.
However we do not, unlike Australia, send live animals to muslim countries once we found out what was happening to them – the videos that were sent back were so vile that Australia stopped live exports for a while but I see they have started again.
Is the meat served in the House of Commons Halal? Its not labelled or identified. Meat served in our universities is not labelled and the authorities are very reluctant to inform the community of scholars.
I see that the Victoria’s secret shop worker ,Naomi Oni, worked in Westfield.
Fairly likely she was followed home on the bus and then attacked when few witnesses were around/ could intervene.
Fits a pattern of behaviour by a section of the UK population who assault gays in East London, attack people drinking beer in the street, rip down H&M bikini adverts and abuse children in organised gangs.
Attacks on gays, women and children would normally be news but they are just collateral victims in the BBC’s rush to whitewash the ROP and play down cultural differences.
However, we seem to have a group of jihadi stormtroopers in our midst.
How much longer before we have a vigilant groups of non muslims patrolling their neighbourhoods to stop “masked” women with vials of acid or islamic paedophiles from ttacking our daughters ?
`by the way,,lindsay sandiford smuggled only 6 bags of cocaine which is in fact a middle class pastime at there dinner partys in the west,,,no more a dangerous drug than nicotine,,heroin is a different story, and i conceed that those who deal in that death drug deserve life in prison,no parole ….but remember this,,,those who are supporting the death sentence for mrs sandiford in bali are endorsing sharia law.,,,less hypocrisy please.
If a country wants to operate Sharia Law then they have every right to do so – and anyone entering a country undertakes to obey that country’s rules. There is no way that one culture can defend the statement ‘My laws are universally correct’. or, to put it another way ‘one man’s religion is another man’s belly laugh’.
However the vast majority, despite the BBC, in this country do not accept the logic of Sharia Law.
Whoa – only six bags of Cocaine – wow, thats one more than five, and even only two more than four! Slap on wrist.
This is a woman in her mid fifties (gotta love the kneejerk “Grandmother” tag no doubt put out by the Defence lawyers)
She took her chance, she stood to make millions, she gave not a seconds thought for anyone, now she pays the price on the ticket.
“Sharia” is distraction. I would have no problem with all drug smugglers and drug users (BBC journalists take note) being executed. But not until we have dealt similarly with the likes of Ian Huntley, Robert Napper, The Yorkshire Ripper, Myra Hindley, Rosemary West.. why are they living in comfort?
and whoa just a tad further…. this wasn’t 6 ‘baggies’ she was carrying here – it was six packs of cocaine, weighing 10.6 lbs or 4.8 kilos, with a street value of £1.6 million of a banned substance. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t turn up at your everyday local middle-class dinner party and expect to see a couple of million spread out for your delectation. This is just a deflection.
Her age, original nartionality, religion, colour, creed or sexual orientation have nothing to do with this – she was a drugs courier who knew precisely what she was doing, and what the outcome would be if she was caught – she gambled here – upside £1.6 million, downside – potentially the loss of her life…her call. The only issue here is whether she is guilty or not. She clearly is, and the judge has simply invoked the appropriate sentence according to the guidelines set out in the law he is duty-bound to uphold.
No-one here is supporting Sharia – most of us want our country to impose our own laws on visitors to our country (and a little less interference from outsiders would help here as well) and expect other countries to have the same rights. Raising the issue of Sharia is just another a deflection.
‘only 6 bags of cocaine which is in fact a middle class pastime at there dinner partys in the west’
In which case the Islington Coroner’s Office may need a new wing.
One can see why that got 4 more likes.
Singapore does not have sharia I believe.
A Dutch tourist was nabbed with drugs at Changi. Despite a personal appeal from Queen Beatrix he was an ex- recreational drug transporter within a few months.
A few Western media dispatched some climate offsets to garner the sense of anger and outrage (Down Mason, down) in the expat community.
They left sadly disabused.
After the seemingly endless stream of BBC coverage of Newtown and the supposed massive demand for strict gun controls, and especially how the BBC gave a platform to the voices of the victims’ parents, things like snide tweets from condescending Beeboids in the US like Daniel Nasaw, and the disgust expressed in certain quarters about having armed guards at schools to prevent shootings, I fully expect the BBC to now make sure at least one programme on every BBC radio channel and at least three different TV news/current affairs shows to give the following the full BBC treatment:
The reason for the delay in the BBC reporting the following is that they have to run it by Michael Mann, Richard Black (yes, I know he’s no longer at the BBC, but of course he’ll still have influence on how to report it), and Phil Jones. Harrabin must be scrambling like mad trying to figure out how to spin this.
Bet they won’t be mentioning the distinguished scientific bodies which contributed to this report –
the Alliance of Small Island States, the Centre for Global Change, Conservation International, GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice, Germanwatch, International Rivers, the Norwegian Refugee Council, Nourishing the Planet, the SeaTrust Institute, the Third World Network and WWF.
I advise people to think for themselves, ask questions, and look for the answer on Google Scholar.
Remember that the IPCC report is science that has been filtered for the political process of a political ideology. Similar to how science was perverted for the National Socialist and Soviet Socialist ideologies.
True science is produced by individuals such as Nicolaus Copernicus for Astronomy, Charles Darwin for Biology, Albert Einstein for Physics and I suggest Ned Nikolov for Climate.
These people give you the answers that explain the observations, without the need for a belief in false assumptions.
Shock Horror – BBC asks ‘Where’s the money coming from’. Mind you it was a report on infrastructure spending.
Pity they never asked it from 2003 to 2010
I couldn’t give a flying toss about Muslim prisoners’ sensibilities… they can rot with bread and water as far as I’m concerned just like every other prisoner has to!
“under islamic law” ….. they and the bast-rds at the bbc might wish it to be so
the only problem is WE aren t, and THEY aren t, they re under Her Majesties Law – prison food is good enough
Hmm… Goodness knows why the BBC wasted Internet space with this trash? I winder why they would discuss the idea of a four day week with Fridays being a day of rest? Here’s a clue: prayer mats and sandals.
radio 5 live and the biased bbc stephen nolan show are making a bit fuss tonight and getting all excited about these poor muslims prisoners eating traces of pork in there meat,muslims are moaning and groaning about how there muslims brothers lives have been ruined in prison by eating pork, ;would 5 live and nolan have a big phone in if non muslim prisoners found traces of halal meat in there food,this non story sickens me and why are 5 live having a phone in about these muslim criminals finding pork in there food,what about the victims of these muslim prisners,who cares about them bbc radio 5 live.what the hell is wrong with pork.i love it
It’s official the BBC are on an all-out mission to spread Islam. It’s beyond all doubt. Stock up on pork pies, mate, as it could be your only line of defense in the future!
For the benefit of all the BBC staff who read this blog I’d just like to let you know that we (Mrs RCE and I) are being treated to our very own celebration of multicultural diversity tonight in the street outside.
Currently three police vans, three dogs and two-dozen coppers (all of whom are doubtless triggy-happy racists).
The EDL get cleverer all the time. Making fake videos of Mohammedans trying to oppress others, dressing up in a burka and throwing acid on some poor girl’s face, ginning up complaints about fake halal meat, and now this. I had no idea they were such shrewd operators who could pull off all these false flag ops. The Mossad could learn a thing or two, eh, BBC?
You missed the question mark off the end and which precedes ‘BBC sources claim…’ also rendering any accusation of bias illegitimate because it was a qualified question rather than statement.
mohammed shafique, the anti gay muslim bigot resident paper reviewer said on radio 5 live paper review last night at 12 am said that eating pork would make him feel physically sick and violated,as a pork eater i feel physically sick,insulted and violated at his this a english christian country or a islamic state in the coming,i am worried for the future generations.
yep! once again … the bbc is reverently talking about islamic law … prisoners are NOT under that, they are under Her Majesties law, in HMP, also letting slip that over 15% of prisoners are muslim – oh dear for 2% of the population :-D.
didn t see THAT on “make me a muslim” :-D.
hope they don t let the figures on organised child gang rape slip as well.
i smell a rat here,have not the edl campaigned against halal meat.i have no direct evidence or suffer from paranoia.but i suspect the edl are behind this contamination of this halal meat with pork in the prison system.
i sense a tidal wave of, “projectionism” here 😀
mentioning paranioa, suspecting, smelling “a rat” 😀
goodness, sounds like something, a muslim, or a socialist worker party chappie would say :-D.
believe me these insecure halal chompers don t need any more conspiracy theories 😀 …
ps. couldn t you fit blaming the jews in there somewhere. to get a full house
‘i have no direct evidence or suffer from paranoia’
Clearly. But the avoidance of capitals is a wise precaution.
Now, about rat meat getting into the food chain. Rings a bell…
Hackney Council’s complaints dept. seemingly well versed in how best to respond.
K9? I thought Muslims had a thing about dogs? Hes a pointless troll, ignore.
Mind you, you can have some fun with him too. He doesn’t read clever enough to be a really good troll. He reads like someone who actually believes what he writes.
‘david milliband describing her as a rock star’
To be fair, it may have been a reference to her frequency of car crashes whilst in office.
And the hazy grasp of reality when jumping in and out of so many copters.
This would be Janis Joplin a few months after her death, I take it.
Did they mention her pretending that she was shot at in Serbia?
A proven liar!
Like Blair and his Milburn stuff, the likes of Clinton are complete fantasists and wannebe Walter Mittys.
If you can`t trust them to tell the truth about their lives and backgrounds…their own personal history…how on earth can you trust them in anything else?
Did they mention any errors (I mean discussing them rather than saying something like, “she had her critics, who were critical), or was it all gushing praise?
all gushing praise of course. had to turn over when we got to the bit about traveling a million miles around the world and her skill for first letting people voice their concerns about the usa , so as to put them at ease. clintons,blairs,obamas. peas in a pod,bbc icons.
Of course we become accustomed to the BBC’s editorial stance on a range of issues.
But step back a moment and think about this. The Government is considering the reintroduction of what had been an accepted tax measure since Noah was a lad and which was scrapped (by Labour) in 2000.
So rather than explain the issue the BBC make a cheap reflex political jibe. Also notice the casual demonisation of the group the BBC refers to as ‘Tory backbenchers’. Where in the BBC Charter are these things allowed? How can people not taste the bias?
Gay Marriage = Good
Tories = Bad
Married Tax Allowance = Bad
Tax Cuts = Bad
Marriage = Bad
Gay Marriage = ????
You see the sums don’t add up but the BBC message is going out there to the left all the same.
I think that Stonewall should give Thames Water an Award for the strength of Gay Politics at the BBC.
I am sure this is proof that its not just inland fish that are turned Gay by the growth of chemicals in the water supply around London.
I don’t like the idea of horse meat in my food and Muslims in prison ( Jews are more law abiding) don’t like pork in the prison food, but I suppose Gay people would be unhappy to find out that they probably would not have been Gay if it wasn’t for Thames Water.
I hear reports of militants (mulslim jihadists) daily on radio 4 but lately they are starting to sy their views are “conservative”. Just wondering if it’s a new poison that they are trying to put into easily influenced minds.
The BBC has been using the term “conservative” for them for a long time. Once in a while, some dopey Beeboid even calls the Muslim Brotherhood “conservative” and “moderate” at the same time. They should really change that to something like “fundamentalist”, because the jihadis and the Islamists in the news these days are far beyond being merely conservative in their thinking.
To the BBC, the Tea Party movement is “extreme”, but a group of people who treat their women as chattel, commit untold acts of violence on innocent people, and are seeking to practically enslave entire populations are merely “conservative”.
Any one listen to Saturday live on radio 4? Painful in its upper middle class bias.
Richard Curtis banging on about how important Britains massive foreign aid is, a lesbian Jamaican migrant involved in charity work, Edward Adoo another migrant who likes buses.
Sometimes you just have to turn programs off they’re so biased.
I’m a political refugee who fled Radio 4 some years ago. The persecution there was institutional constant and relentless. I have sought asylum elsewhere within the BBC but am still subjected to spiteful intermittant hate attacks. The BBC’s domination of the British media leaves me few hiding places.
You would have thought everybody at the BBC and the Today programme in particular would be pro gay marriage. (Not sure where I really stand on it but had assumed that the government had more important things to do). But it is an opportunity to cause trouble for the Conservatives. So 8.09 a.m. – the excitement and glee in Justin’s Webb’s voice rather than what he said that shows the bias.
Some of the comments are evidence of the insurmountable obstacle facing those who want to really change the BBC. “Who cares about a little bias, the BBC is brilliant otherwise, I don’t want commercials, etc.”.
check this out 2hrs 13 mins in …
on this “fierce debate” program …
“ejector seat” mo shafique won t/can t
answer a simple question, and reverts back to
he spoke to a muslim scholar? …
everybody in the studio is shocked SHOCKED i
tell you …
the question … listen in
For Beeboids: more on Boston, Lincs, and immigration:-
“The town that’s had enough: We visit the place with the country’s biggest influx of East Europeans.
“Boston’s population has grown by more than 15 per cent in a decade.
“Most of that increase is from Eastern Europe.”
No it’s not nor has it been. It’s also part of a continuing stories about the crap end of the food chain which is not being regulated properly.
Everyone should be concerned that when they buy mince or whatever they are not engaging in some kind bush trail tucker. Just think Billy, you may be feasting on sheep testicles in your next burger. Or even the anus. Which of course would explain everything.
Don`t be daft!
It`s nothing to do with the “dodgy reclaimed crap” that comprises meat products at the bargain end of things.
It`s all to do with getting Muslims angry…and hopefully a riot or two in a prison…and then lots of compo for said prisoners.
Now then colditz…tell me what my chances would be of getting a pork buttie in Riyadh Prison…and would YOU or anybody from the E. or Matrix Chambers insist on my human right to get one?
It`s my religion you know…
‘Everyone should be concerned that when they buy mince’
And more so when penning critiques talking it, as a well known person once famously contributed here on these very pages.
He also was very firm on bringing the solemn integrity of the blog into disrepute. Beyond the hypocrisy, it was quaint from a trolling contrarian to see protests on conduct being voiced with no sense of irony on top of no sense at all.
Long gone, but I sometimes feel he’s still with us.
I can understand that my more orthodox Jewish friends would be horrified to find that there was the tiniest amount of pork in their food. But there again they are not in jail. If the people in jail want to be sure that the food fits their dietary needs perhaps they just need to take the vege option (or not do things that mean they end up in jail). However it is interesting that the BBC thought that this was the most important thing to happen in the world yesterday – a slow news day or a lets make trouble day?
If it was widely broadcast that being sent to jail meant the compulsory consumption of porky products on a daily basis, maybe we’d see the prison population from certain “demographics” taking a vertiginous drop. And since these apparently make up something north of 20% of the said convict community that’d clear up a lot of space for other criminal types. Not to mention the help for pig farmers given by the increased demand for yummy bacon, ham etc.
That’s solved that problem then. And I haven’t even had my lunch yet.
Listening to 5 Live during the week, I heard Nick Robinson reporting on David Cameron’s visit to Libya. Referring to the warm greeting Cameron received from the locals, Robinson made a sly remark about how these events might be staged and we never know for sure that it is a spontaneous reaction.
Today, 5 Live tells me Francois Hollande has received a rapturous reception in Mali. No suggestion from 5 Live that it is anything other than what it is.
‘Vive la différence, as they say in Salford.’
And ‘we are comfortable in our belief in the impartiality and competence of our commissioning editors’, as they write in every CECUTT blow off on issues pertaining to oddly varied coverage levels depending on BBC fealties.
I’d just like to highlight the BBC’s continued obstinance when it comes to transparency on the Jimmy Savile sex scandal.
At the beginning of October 2012 we placed a Freedom of Information Act request asking for all the information the BBC held about the ITV “Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile” programme. That’s all we wanted – information surrounding the broadcast of that particular programme. We did not seek any other information about Savile’s sordid antics during his time on the BBC payroll.
In what should be a new era of BBC transparency, the Corporation has done their utmost to avoid giving a simple response. It is clear there are many things they still do not want to public to know.
I think the BBC’s continued contempt for Freedom of Information would make a very good BBBC article in the future.
That’s very clever, dealing with your complaint about the delay as a new complaint, which they then don’t have to address for 30 more days. Groucho Marx would be proud. Must remember that one.
Best of luck with your FOI request. I don’t see how information they had about a show on another network which wasn’t part of their own newsgathering for their own reporting can be protected on grounds of “journalism”, but I’m sure they’ll find a way.
‘the BBC’s continued obstinance when it comes to transparency ‘
Never gone the FoI route, but the parallels with CECUTT stalling and diversion techniques are clearly the same. The 27 Dec Beware of the Leopard attempt is a hoot.
Maybe get TonyN and Andrew O at The Register on the line for any tips on dealing with Hugs as she makes her next escorted court appearance on holding power to account. Or not. Depending.
They really shouldn’t have removed that from the BBC website while she was under a cloud. It just looked bad.
You’re wrong. I refreshed my page, it was the top story, then I posted here. Is it the top story now? Probably not. I can’t help it if you’re not quick enough on the draw.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): celebrating (at our expense) its ‘INBBC Arabic’.
Note: Couri’s INBBC piece does not mention ISLAM once; nor does it mention Israel, in his ‘Arab world’.
We are simply fed the devious word ‘impartial’ to describe what is, in effect, INBBC and Arabic service support for e.g Hamas, and for the Muslim Brotherhood, although they go unmentioned.
“BBC Arabic and the complexities of the Arab world”
Their whole defense is basically that they’re the main news organization in the region which reports some misdeeds by Arab leaders. That’s what the BBC means. It’s all they’ve got. Considering what goes in Arab regimes, the bar is set too low for me to be particularly impressed.
I wonder if the Egyptians are thanking the BBC now for the wonderful world of Morsi?
Today’s Archbishop Cranmer attacking BBC constant pursuit of he transgressive and general bias in favour of the ‘progressive’.
“BBC Gay Pride and Prejudice ”
Thread included the following comment:
Mr Integrity said…
Brother Ivo,
I worked at the BBC television Centre in the late 70s & early 80s and it was obvious then that the up and coming staff were all young left wing arty crafty types who’s career plan reckoned that the more radical they were, the quicker they would get on.
I try and avoid watching BBC programmes and News if at all possible because I know I will get a biased view from them.
2 February 2013 16:55
(There are also an interesting comment from a poster called ‘office of inspector general’ who monitors Pink News, which may give a few clues about the attitudes of some of our resident goblins who seem to have a connection with that site.)
“Should the Police Service favour black candidates?” A hugely irresponsible and subtly indoctrinating question from the BBC’s ‘Big’ Questions. The fact that it airs this question is enough to further brainwash the ever burgeoning brigade of hard leftists who both follow and reside in the BBC.
‘A hugely irresponsible and subtly indoctrinating question from the BBC’
A quick scan of the entire BBC twitter estate reveals this is pretty much their default technique, like a shabby gizmo magazine trying to get around an idiot claim for some dire product. BBC Radio 5 live @bbc5live
Is sex surrogacy the way for disabled people to fulfill their needs? On #DoubleTake @TuppyOwens and Paralympian Anne Wafula Strike.
‘A’ way? Of course. ‘The’ way? Patronising, ill-considered tripe. ‘Could the BBC be the world’s most trusted media monopoly?’
Lefty WrightMar 14, 16:51 Midweek 12th March 2025 Mark My problem with British celebrities is that almost all are left wing, self important twats. How I long for…
RichMar 14, 16:37 Midweek 12th March 2025 Fed, Islam might be what unites Unionist and Nationalist in Northern Ireland.
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MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Take that shit out now” Black woman sees white woman with braids in her hair. Lefties Losing It: Whoopi…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 Flying in 1979 It Was a New Experience Bernie Sanders Interviews Mall Punks (1988) [FULL]
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Islamic terrorist motive for stabbing being investigated An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent to do…
moggiemooMar 14, 15:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did she need to make anything up? We all know that taxes go up when Labour get into power…
Square-EyedMar 14, 15:09 Midweek 12th March 2025 Correct me if I’m wrong, but when India achieved independence, and by virtue of partition Pakistan, wasn’t the assumption that…
Sorry, I posted this in the “Make me a Muslim” thread, but thought perhaps it should be here too, as I have not, as yet seen this, that happened A MONTH AGO on the BBC massive news network:
BBC have covered it now:
and I get to say the witty line I have been practising: looks like the MO of the RoP.
Strange how all other news reports on this issue contain a description of how the attacker was dressed yet he BBC accidentally omit it.
I didn’t realise the attacker wore a niqab when I read it, I just recalled that acid attacks are common in Muslim attacks.
The BBC report says: ‘A police spokesman said officers “retain an open mind as to the motive at this early stage”‘
Not too open I hope: acid attacks of this kind are more likely to have been carried out by members of a certain community. Even if it turns out that the attackers did not hail from such a community, it is wise for the police to look in that direction first.
No mention of suspicions that this is a false flag op by clever racists intent on starting a backlash of Islamophobia. Oh, sorry, that would mean quoting the victim about what the attacker was wearing. Irrelevant to police inquiries, I guess, as the BBC reports they’re keeping “an open mind as to the motive”.
But I can’t find anything about Britain’s highest profile political prisoner, despite the BBC’s interest in him generally.
More in,”Unacceptable Radical” at:
With the post about the recent Big Questions show about torture (on which David Vance appeared, and did a pretty good job, considering the stacked deck and a middle-aged man named Nicky openly laughing at one of his statements) having long vanished from the main page, I thought I’d post this here instead:
The Case for Torture
What really happened in the CIA’s “enhanced” interrogations? Three former officials tell their stories.
This is from the Left-wing, owned by the very Left-wing and Obamessiah-supporting Washington Post, not Fox News, not Breitbart.
The experts – more expert than any of the guests Nicky and his producers provided, although perhaps less self-righteous – are a former CIA Director, the CIA’s former chief legal officer, and the former boss of the agency’s National Clandestine Service. Well worth your time to read, and important details to keep in mind next time this subject comes up.
Link’s wrong David.
For those who cannot link just take the quotation mark off the end of the url.
Sorry, link fixed now, thank you.
Or you could watch the ‘debate’ it’s self:
And see what a disgusting spectacle it really was. Crammed full of useful euphemisms, self-justifications and nervous little chuckles.
‘watch the ‘debate’ it’s self’
With an intro like that, churlish not to.
Great contribution BTW, after a long period on none.
Best to ease back in slow?
Brilliant dissection of my argument, dez. Another drive-by sneer without substance.
P.S. btw, I had lunch with Jose Rodriguez today.
the unwarrated attack, ending in the sad death of that 10yr old boy … apparently a “hit” … the al bbc has to add he was waiting for his koran teacher/lesson,?
narrative the “deeply religious” muslim? … why?
does that mean he was expecting burkhas? & not balaclavas
I know that Britain covers a small part of this earth – but sometimes I would just like to have a day when Radio 4 is about my Britain. Today was not going to be that day.
9.00 Desert Island Discs – -Aung Sang Suu Kyi
9.45 Book of the Week – Battle for Afghanistan
11.00 am – Bridging the Gulf – Razia Iqbal visits the women architects of the gulf
14.14. Afternoon Drama – Stone Investigates the death of a British Asian girl
Of course I could listen to Today, Any Questions and The News Quiz – does anybody wonder why I no longer think I am the target audience for Radio 4.
Yes, large, and increasingly large chunks of our licence money goes to finance the Beeboids’ global broadcasting empire.
Beeboids which sees themselves as a political agency of the U.N, including being a political agency for the Organisation of Islamic Countries bloc.
How does INBBC policy on Islam differ from this?:-
Isn’t it nice that a BBC crew got to go to Myanmar, or Burma, or whatever they’re calling it these days, to make a vital Desert Island Discs programme. Not that anyone would have used such an opportunity to turn it into a jolly on our licence fees, of course – but no-one will ever find out since the BBC has decided that Freedom of Information enquiries are for the ‘plebs’ – anything can be declared ‘journalism’ by the BBC and therefore not subject to such unwelcome intrusions.
Desert Island Discs – where the crew gets to go to real ones to help someone pick a few music tracks !
Since they brought in Well Self to be their intellectual leader, I’d say they don’t want you in their audience at all.
Oh, Deborah, how I agree with you. To have just one of their excruciatingly pc stations for us white people, talking about things that we white people know and are concerned about, listening to white English voices; listening to white English plays, discussions and other entertainment. Now, wouldn’t that be a refreshing change? After all, we’re paying the whole damn thing.
You are mistaken. If you are white and British then you are the target audience of the BBC propaganda machine in favour of mass immigration and mutricultralism.
They are filling their programme slots with as stuff designed to make you feel that
a) white Brits have been and still are being unfair and even nasty to immigrants
b) that it is a good thing to have as many different cultures sharing the country as possible and that to oppose it is racist and despicable
c) that the Brits and particularly the English have a history which they should feel guilty about and should go around apologising to just about everyone on the planet for all sorts of awful things that they did centuries ago.
On their news and current affairs output they also censor the stories so as not to cast any of the immigrants groups in a bad light. They will occasionally allow a little discussion about East European immigration, because these white folks are not as untouchable as non white folks in the BBC’s strange view.
do you know what is getting my gripe this week,,lindsay sandiford a uk citixen and a 56 year old granmother is going to be took out in the street and shot to death by a firing squad in the muslim sharia law state of bali indonesia very soon.yes she should be punished severely and given a long prison sentence for drug smuggling,,, but shot to death is just wrong and barbaric,,i ask this,..where are all these human rights lawyers and army of doo gooders coming to this poor womans aid,,,why is the goverment not helping her and funding her legal aid,,,contrast that to henchman of al qaeda abu quatada who we cant deport from this country and has cost us £6 MILLION so far in legal aid to fight his deportation..not to mention the nice 6 bedroomed house and incapacity benefits that the goverment are providing him with while he stays in a country he hates and despises,,we have plenty of foreign criminals including drug dealers and rapists and murderers who roam arong this country at free will…we all know that…..bring lindsay sandiford back to the uk to serve a prison sentence lets say 10 years to 15 years and kick out all these foreign criminals to serve there sentences in there own country..i am not softy liberal socalist leftie on law order,,far from it… i believe in tough hard sentences,,,but shooting a 56 year old grandmother to death by firing squad is just totally may dissagree…..
drug smuggling scum
while were at it, whenever you fill out your entry forms for Indonesia, it tells you DRUG SMUGGLING CARRIES THE DEATH PENALTY. In large letters, so that you all know the risks before hand.
Let me get this straight – we should get on a high horse and tell all these nasty foreigners how to run their country and their legal system, and let’s ante-up the fees to bring a convicted drug-runner back to the UK to serve a sentence that’ll cost us another fortune….. meanwhile forgetting what misery and death would be caused by the cocaine she was smuggling for sheer profit. A woman who now lives in India, but whose former neighbours rhink she is ‘the neighbour from hell’, and she and her family have been little but trouble for years ? Really ?
I would charge the family for the bullet, as they do in China.
Pedro, while there is much in your post that rings true, you are not likely to find people on any forum defending convicted drug dealers.
It’s not really possible to leave aside the drugs issue given the way you have linked everything in your post.
I commend you for expressing many of the same opinions as i do. Keep posting, please don’t give up the fight.
Pedro, I have lived in 5 countries and visited at least 50; in all of them I strive to obey the law; if I were to break the law I would not expect to be treated any differently because I was a foreigner. Some laws are hard to understand or even know about and breaking one of them could produce some sympathy; unfortunately drug smuggling is a very obvious and well known crime and as has been pointed out, penalties are harsh and clear. If she is shot she will at least have a quick death: imagine if she were stoned?
It is impossible and wrong to compare this with the situation in the UK although I agree that many more should get deported and they most certainly shouldn’t receive a penny in benefits.
Compare and contrast two versions of this story…
Tell me the BBC isn’t manipulating information !
No mention of the attacker then, not that she was a female Muslim in a niquab there then…
Perhaps it was one of those cuddly converts they featured the other night? (more rolley eyes)
That’s one of those moderates then?
Ms Oni decided to speak out after police failed to
Islamificated (is that a word?) Police force….fantastic, just what this nation needs.
By the way, it took over 6 hours for the beeb to post that featherweight article, after poor Ms Oni decided to speak out….Unique.
Another BNP false flag op. They are very clever.
Ms. Oni seems to be struggling to find representation in most places, so if the BNP provided it that would be ironic in many ways.
Chop – not sure if anyone knows that it was actually a woman in this garb….. just in case some nits get picked by some individuals whose style tends towards deflecting from the main issue…. but that points to the fact that it’s even more difficult for the police that such garments are becoming more commonplace in ‘our’ culture.
Other than Ms Oni positivity I’ding her attacker as a Muslim woman in a Niquab?
Maybe it was a male EDL member under there, with his eye area blacked up?
The great thing about this game, though, is that we can all play.
Now, where is the nearest niqab stockist? Can you buy them by mail order? In a shop they might be a bit suspicious of a white, middle aged male like me.
What part of a positive identification from the lady who was attacked are you failing to grasp here Rich?
If Muslims can use the niqab to hide their identity to commit crimes then we can all do that.
Is that clearer?
Yes, we can, but as stated by Ms Oni, in this case it was not….get it?…it’s about this story you numpty, not any other story you fancy making up!
Deflecting this to who it “could” have been, when it wasn’t, is just as dishonest as what the BBC left out, it is just as dishonest as describing child groomers in Rochdale, Derby & Oxford as “Men”
At the heart of this story, is a poor, beautiful young woman who has been disfigured for life by a barbarian, using traditional barbaric practices, imported from 3rd world shitholes, yet the beeb hide the most key pieces of evidence as to who committed this crime for “social cohesion”…it’s disgusting, and has gotten my back right up.
I completely get your point Rich, but the point does not apply in this case.
The niqab does not ‘hide’ identity.
Quite the opposite. It is an aggressive, vigorous ASSERTION of identity.
Nobody can know for sure if who was under there. That’s why the BBC is holding off on reporting it until more information becomes available. Wouldn’t want to demonize an entire group of people without confirming facts first. Just like the BBC waited for the Toulouse shootings and that guy in Tucson and….oh, wait……
5 tiny little paragraphs, no quotes, no side bar ‘related stories’ no links to videos. Tucked away in the England > London section.
Compare that to these two stories on a bit of graffiti and a ham covered cross in the England > Nottingham section.
21 paragraphs. A link to their Asian Network website. 3 Related story links. Sidebar quotes.
Then this
21 paragraphs. More links to related stories. A link to the Nottinghamshire Police.
The BBC really want the ham/cross culprit to be caught and they clearly do not want any one to be caught over the acid throwing.
Utterly criminal bias.
‘Tell me the BBC isn’t manipulating information !’
Their finest semanticists will give it a hell of a go.
I have decided that errors of omission are so hard to get through CECUTT it’s not worth it, but I can imagine the result.
They will deem leaving out the mode of dress of the attacker and the place of work of the victim could in no way have any relevance to explaining this crime.
Along with the police, their minds seem open to the point of being bereft of actual content of any sort.
And as the attacker was in full, Muslim disguise mode, there is absolutely f*ck all chance of ever catching her…
And they wonder why a lot of folk feel uncomfortable with them?
Give me strength.
It could have been a man.
Define “Man”
Is this a man with a skinhead, and a union jack t-shirt on, who the beeb would have a thorough background on, or a “Man” who grooms underage non-Muslim girls, and tends to be named after a quite popular 7th century barbarian?
My guess is that the police will arrest someone in the EDL or ‘far right’ in order to appease the muslim community leaders into limiting the number of acid attacks. Meanwhile, Warsi can appear once again on the BBC to relive the horrendous moment when eggs were thrown at her by bad muslims, thus endorsing the point that we are all victims of extremism.
No surprise at the relevant bits the BBC chose to omit, but shocked that they think they can get away with mis-reporting of the incident (for the cherry vultures – omission of important facts is a form of misreporting). Even more shocked that they WILL get away with this mireporting and they know it!
Hmmmm…. what are the odds that if she’d had acid thrown in her face by a white guy in SS uniform, the BBC would describe him simply as ‘the attacker’?
The BBC: the news organisation that doesn’t actually like reporting the news.
Maybe they will get Charlie Stayt to interview the victim and ask her ” tell me what did [the attacker] look like? “As he did after the brevik shootings. Funny that, And if she has been asked that Q on the inbbc, one of the vultures will tell us?
The beeb have a link to the huffpuff on the story….this one is worse!!!
“A 20-year-old Victoria’s Secret shop worker was left disfigured after a masked attacker hurled acid into her face. ”
No mention of a Niquab.
Masked? How racist of them to refer to modest religious garb like that.
Clearly somebody at the BBC decided not to include that relevant piece of information.
How is this impartial reporting, let alone a public service?
As you can see at the end of the Standard article, police want anybody with information to contact them. So somebody who might have seen somebody wearing a Niqab at that time of night might remember that.
They wouldn’t know it from the useless BBC article. One can say, they are helping the perpetrator of this vile crime with their reporting.
Ban the NIQAB: don’t let INBBC censor the reporting of the threat it imposes in Britain.
INBBC does not want bad publicity for the wearing of the Muslim face-covering garb, the niqab.
The niqab is an intimidating, anti-social garb which should be banned in Britain, as it has been in France since 2011.
Surely the answer is not to ban colonialist clothing but to make it mandatory? That way there will be a level playing field so all can commit crime with equal anonymity (sorry, I mean “express their religious and cultural preferences in a diverse society”). Once again, the BBC is leading the way:
Thats has to be one of the worst examples lying by ommission I have seen recently.
I read that story from Al Shabeeb on my phone last night.
No mention of the full ninja outfit.
Shh, don’t mention the muslims.
Boxes of rocks required for key posts in government and media.
Radio Leeds, O.K. for road conditions when it snows.
They went big on the pork cross story, now they are going big on the murdered student:
Two incompetent whites murder an innocent ethnic minority – perfect for the Beeb.
How can you describe the murderers as white after seing the artists courtroom sketches? Inbbc have not posted any photos of them tho’.
I don’t care whether the perpetrators are white,black Asian or orange either way they deserve to swing on a rope. These incompetent bastards killed an innocent 17 year old boy and have caused untold grief to his parents. The lowlife that sent them on this errand should also swing.
So far I have been intrigued at the lack of information on the person who actually instigated, commissioned and paid for this crime.
Last night on BBC news
“who cant be named”
No explanation given
There are certain things that we should be angry about as a priority and the utterly contemptible behaviour of the libdems in voting against boundary changes and the reduction in the number of MPs is of that order. In fact, because it hasn’t had any great public showing by the MSM, it is frankly heartbreaking to me that we allow this socialist scum (sorry, I can’t think if a more appropriate term for them) to manipulate the voting system in this country for purely nasty, vindictive purposes. The libdems (a more unpleasant stratum of our national society as can ever be contemplated) are so unutterably vile in their intent that they don’t deserve to be spoken of in polite society. Now, where is the bbc on this issue; where is this much vaunted impartiality, when reporting that the leftwing parties are conspiring to deprive the vast majority of our nation of a fair and level playing field at the next elections. Well, as we all know, the sodding bbc’s attitude is that if it harms the conservative party then it must be good. If they had any sense of decency and fair play they would be explaining to their viewers what has happened and why it is the most disgusting of political deceits. But no, they ignore it as an issue and look forward to their warped socialist utopia as enacted by the next socialist coalition; labour and libdems. What the utterly useless libdems don’t realise is that their best grasp of political power is now because, as with the labour party in the past, they will be betrayed by their socialist cousins. And who loses out in all of this? We, the poor cannon fodder who pay for it all. Socialists; everything they do makes you hate them.
Well said!
Something for the weekend, Mr Harrabin? There you go, squire. Enjoy.
BBC-NUJ, police arrests and ‘plebgate’.
Beeboids and LONDON RIOTS, 2011.
Now they tell us: Duggan was armed with gun.
The mothers of gang members always think they are angels who “wouldn’t hurt anybody”.
I remember a few years ago a young man who was killed when he was riding his bike through a park. Then it turned out that this was at 2am. All ordinary, reasonable people then start to wonder what a young man was doing riding his bike in a park at 2am and put two and two together.
Funny thing is, they never seem to be able to find a father to come forward and say that his lad was an angel, only the mother, or the “aunt”. Now why would that be? Connect the dots – career single mother in denial, no father in sight, son into gang (where there are strong male figures: gang leaders). Still the weak as dishwater journalists indulge the mother eulogising “he was an angel, planned to be a human rights lawyer or doctor”not ” he was working his way up from being just a lookout boy to a delivery boy and then may be one day he hoped to be the main man, maybe run a string of hoes”
Beeboids and Plebgate.
Now they tell us: police arrested.
For Beeboids:
“Second Scotland Yard police officer arrested on suspicion of leaking information to the media over Plebgate affair”
Sarkozy got a lot of stick for banning face-covering in public in France. Pretty brave for a country with 5 million Muslims, 95% of who vote Socialist (point not lost on anyone here?)
I recall at the time some journalists buttonholed the Home Sec – pretty sure it was May, and asked if Britain should follow suite, and I recall her saying word like “We don’t do banning” (apart from smoking in pubs, hate speech blah blah)
So. Theresa May, the acid-throwers friend.
Theresa May (“Red Tess”) said words to the effect that we don’t ban or control clothing. Utter nonsense. The Public Order Act 1936 specifically outlaws the “wearing of uniforms in connection with political objectives”. So what is the difference between men dressed all in black shouting offensive statements against Jews (Mosley’s Blackshirts), as opposed to say, women dressed all in black burquas shouting offensive statements against Jews, Christians, homosexuals etc etc?
Didn’t Belgium get there first?
STOP THE PRESS, the single most important story of the decade has hit the top slot on the BBC web page
Yes, prisoners may be being fed ‘contaminated meat’ – yes contaminated with vile, non-halal meat.
Heads must roll (and throats must be cut more frequently!) and every follower of Mohammed, not just those incarcerated, must be compensated…….
Clearly this is just a continuation of the underhand British policy of adulterating the fat used to grease the Enfield rifle cartridges that started the Indian war of independence in 1857. Expect conspiracy theories to abound and keep your eyes peeled for mullahs passing chapattis round coffee shops.
1. Now why would there be a demand for halal food in Britain’s prisons?
2. Are non-Muslims in Britain’s prisons being fed halal food without any say in the matter (if you can’t bear the suspense – the answer is generally yes).
3. Food and farming minister David Heath said people “have a right to expect that the food they are eating is correctly described”. Not ordinary people of course. There is no legal requirement to label halal meat in this country. Nearly half of the chicken and lamb sold in UK supermarkets is halal but not actually labelled as such. If you’ve ever eaten in an ‘Indian’ restaurant (90% of which are Bangladeshi owned) or eaten New Zealand lamb then you’ve also had it. In fact about the only way you can guarantee NOT to eat halal meat is if you only buy pork or become vegetarian.
What’s that saying? Oh yes, “You are what you eat”.
check the bbc report … “under islamic law”
problem is they aren t, they re under her majesties ….
contaminated with pork … “heart of stone” 😀
In NZ the meat has the relevant prayer said over it but it is always stunned before it is killed. The muslim guys brought over here to provide the prayer sessions and kill the meat sent millions of emails to their coreligionists worldwide instructing them not to buy NZ meat because of the stunning (which was an agrreement made with the NZ Islamic society).
Doesn’t seem to have affected our muslim markets much – we have huge exports to Iran.
However we do not, unlike Australia, send live animals to muslim countries once we found out what was happening to them – the videos that were sent back were so vile that Australia stopped live exports for a while but I see they have started again.
Is the meat served in the House of Commons Halal? Its not labelled or identified. Meat served in our universities is not labelled and the authorities are very reluctant to inform the community of scholars.
No, the meat served in the House of Commons is not halal. See–but-what-about-the-rest-of-us. However, when it came to voting on correct food labelling, less than a quarter of the traitors turned up to vote – see Remember, one rule for them, one for everyone else.
I see that the Victoria’s secret shop worker ,Naomi Oni, worked in Westfield.
Fairly likely she was followed home on the bus and then attacked when few witnesses were around/ could intervene.
Fits a pattern of behaviour by a section of the UK population who assault gays in East London, attack people drinking beer in the street, rip down H&M bikini adverts and abuse children in organised gangs.
Attacks on gays, women and children would normally be news but they are just collateral victims in the BBC’s rush to whitewash the ROP and play down cultural differences.
However, we seem to have a group of jihadi stormtroopers in our midst.
How much longer before we have a vigilant groups of non muslims patrolling their neighbourhoods to stop “masked” women with vials of acid or islamic paedophiles from ttacking our daughters ?
“Did employee of sexy underwear shop provoke acid attack by working there? Polly Toynbee rages against demeaning clothes and blames Cameron.”
`by the way,,lindsay sandiford smuggled only 6 bags of cocaine which is in fact a middle class pastime at there dinner partys in the west,,,no more a dangerous drug than nicotine,,heroin is a different story, and i conceed that those who deal in that death drug deserve life in prison,no parole ….but remember this,,,those who are supporting the death sentence for mrs sandiford in bali are endorsing sharia law.,,,less hypocrisy please.
If a country wants to operate Sharia Law then they have every right to do so – and anyone entering a country undertakes to obey that country’s rules. There is no way that one culture can defend the statement ‘My laws are universally correct’. or, to put it another way ‘one man’s religion is another man’s belly laugh’.
However the vast majority, despite the BBC, in this country do not accept the logic of Sharia Law.
I see no hypocrisy here.
Whoa – only six bags of Cocaine – wow, thats one more than five, and even only two more than four! Slap on wrist.
This is a woman in her mid fifties (gotta love the kneejerk “Grandmother” tag no doubt put out by the Defence lawyers)
She took her chance, she stood to make millions, she gave not a seconds thought for anyone, now she pays the price on the ticket.
“Sharia” is distraction. I would have no problem with all drug smugglers and drug users (BBC journalists take note) being executed. But not until we have dealt similarly with the likes of Ian Huntley, Robert Napper, The Yorkshire Ripper, Myra Hindley, Rosemary West.. why are they living in comfort?
and whoa just a tad further…. this wasn’t 6 ‘baggies’ she was carrying here – it was six packs of cocaine, weighing 10.6 lbs or 4.8 kilos, with a street value of £1.6 million of a banned substance. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t turn up at your everyday local middle-class dinner party and expect to see a couple of million spread out for your delectation. This is just a deflection.
Her age, original nartionality, religion, colour, creed or sexual orientation have nothing to do with this – she was a drugs courier who knew precisely what she was doing, and what the outcome would be if she was caught – she gambled here – upside £1.6 million, downside – potentially the loss of her life…her call. The only issue here is whether she is guilty or not. She clearly is, and the judge has simply invoked the appropriate sentence according to the guidelines set out in the law he is duty-bound to uphold.
No-one here is supporting Sharia – most of us want our country to impose our own laws on visitors to our country (and a little less interference from outsiders would help here as well) and expect other countries to have the same rights. Raising the issue of Sharia is just another a deflection.
Sharia Law is a medieval abomination and if other people in other countries want to stick their heads in that noose then they are free to do so.
It is not hypocracy to want to prevent such barbaric notions being spread here. It’s common sense!
It’s the same sort of penalty in Singapore and Thailand I believe. It’s more a S.E. Asian than a sharia thing.
Indeed. But that is not what i was responding to.
Either way their barbarity is their own look out – provided they keep it in their own countries and don’t try to import it here.
‘only 6 bags of cocaine which is in fact a middle class pastime at there dinner partys in the west’
In which case the Islington Coroner’s Office may need a new wing.
One can see why that got 4 more likes.
Singapore does not have sharia I believe.
A Dutch tourist was nabbed with drugs at Changi. Despite a personal appeal from Queen Beatrix he was an ex- recreational drug transporter within a few months.
A few Western media dispatched some climate offsets to garner the sense of anger and outrage (Down Mason, down) in the expat community.
They left sadly disabused.
… and in singapore the muezzin calling the faithful to prayer has to do it over the radio.
Unlike here in say Oxford for example where you get the blare from the loudspeaker.
After the seemingly endless stream of BBC coverage of Newtown and the supposed massive demand for strict gun controls, and especially how the BBC gave a platform to the voices of the victims’ parents, things like snide tweets from condescending Beeboids in the US like Daniel Nasaw, and the disgust expressed in certain quarters about having armed guards at schools to prevent shootings, I fully expect the BBC to now make sure at least one programme on every BBC radio channel and at least three different TV news/current affairs shows to give the following the full BBC treatment:
Newtown Votes To Request Armed Police Officers In Elementary Schools
Come on, BBC. They’ve got absolute moral authority. Get busy.
The reason for the delay in the BBC reporting the following is that they have to run it by Michael Mann, Richard Black (yes, I know he’s no longer at the BBC, but of course he’ll still have influence on how to report it), and Phil Jones. Harrabin must be scrambling like mad trying to figure out how to spin this.
Full AR5 draft leaked here, contains game-changing admission of enhanced solar forcing
Bet they won’t be mentioning the distinguished scientific bodies which contributed to this report –
the Alliance of Small Island States, the Centre for Global Change, Conservation International, GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice, Germanwatch, International Rivers, the Norwegian Refugee Council, Nourishing the Planet, the SeaTrust Institute, the Third World Network and WWF.
I advise people to think for themselves, ask questions, and look for the answer on Google Scholar.
Remember that the IPCC report is science that has been filtered for the political process of a political ideology. Similar to how science was perverted for the National Socialist and Soviet Socialist ideologies.
True science is produced by individuals such as Nicolaus Copernicus for Astronomy, Charles Darwin for Biology, Albert Einstein for Physics and I suggest Ned Nikolov for Climate.
These people give you the answers that explain the observations, without the need for a belief in false assumptions.
Shock Horror – BBC asks ‘Where’s the money coming from’. Mind you it was a report on infrastructure spending.
Pity they never asked it from 2003 to 2010
Good God…
I am speechless….
I couldn’t give a flying toss about Muslim prisoners’ sensibilities… they can rot with bread and water as far as I’m concerned just like every other prisoner has to!
“under islamic law” ….. they and the bast-rds at the bbc might wish it to be so
the only problem is WE aren t, and THEY aren t, they re under Her Majesties Law – prison food is good enough
Absolutely. You read it here first. British prisons are now under Islamic law.
Hmm… Goodness knows why the BBC wasted Internet space with this trash? I winder why they would discuss the idea of a four day week with Fridays being a day of rest? Here’s a clue: prayer mats and sandals.
Watch the compo claims come flying in. Horse meat in burgers will soon be forgotten, but don’t expect this to go away.
radio 5 live and the biased bbc stephen nolan show are making a bit fuss tonight and getting all excited about these poor muslims prisoners eating traces of pork in there meat,muslims are moaning and groaning about how there muslims brothers lives have been ruined in prison by eating pork, ;would 5 live and nolan have a big phone in if non muslim prisoners found traces of halal meat in there food,this non story sickens me and why are 5 live having a phone in about these muslim criminals finding pork in there food,what about the victims of these muslim prisners,who cares about them bbc radio 5 live.what the hell is wrong with pork.i love it
It’s official the BBC are on an all-out mission to spread Islam. It’s beyond all doubt. Stock up on pork pies, mate, as it could be your only line of defense in the future!
For the benefit of all the BBC staff who read this blog I’d just like to let you know that we (Mrs RCE and I) are being treated to our very own celebration of multicultural diversity tonight in the street outside.
Currently three police vans, three dogs and two-dozen coppers (all of whom are doubtless triggy-happy racists).
“EDL racists black up to provoke rioting”
The EDL get cleverer all the time. Making fake videos of Mohammedans trying to oppress others, dressing up in a burka and throwing acid on some poor girl’s face, ginning up complaints about fake halal meat, and now this. I had no idea they were such shrewd operators who could pull off all these false flag ops. The Mossad could learn a thing or two, eh, BBC?
“Mossad behind EDL outrages”.
You missed the question mark off the end and which precedes ‘BBC sources claim…’ also rendering any accusation of bias illegitimate because it was a qualified question rather than statement.
mohammed shafique, the anti gay muslim bigot resident paper reviewer said on radio 5 live paper review last night at 12 am said that eating pork would make him feel physically sick and violated,as a pork eater i feel physically sick,insulted and violated at his this a english christian country or a islamic state in the coming,i am worried for the future generations.
yep! once again … the bbc is reverently talking about islamic law … prisoners are NOT under that, they are under Her Majesties law, in HMP, also letting slip that over 15% of prisoners are muslim – oh dear for 2% of the population :-D.
didn t see THAT on “make me a muslim” :-D.
hope they don t let the figures on organised child gang rape slip as well.
15% vs 2% –
you see now, that would be the toxic combination of a racist police force and judges more likely to jail bla blah blah.
i smell a rat here,have not the edl campaigned against halal meat.i have no direct evidence or suffer from paranoia.but i suspect the edl are behind this contamination of this halal meat with pork in the prison system.
your joking.. Right?
i sense a tidal wave of, “projectionism” here 😀
mentioning paranioa, suspecting, smelling “a rat” 😀
goodness, sounds like something, a muslim, or a socialist worker party chappie would say :-D.
believe me these insecure halal chompers don t need any more conspiracy theories 😀 …
ps. couldn t you fit blaming the jews in there somewhere. to get a full house
‘i have no direct evidence or suffer from paranoia’
Clearly. But the avoidance of capitals is a wise precaution.
Now, about rat meat getting into the food chain. Rings a bell…
Hackney Council’s complaints dept. seemingly well versed in how best to respond.
K9? I thought Muslims had a thing about dogs? Hes a pointless troll, ignore.
Mind you, you can have some fun with him too. He doesn’t read clever enough to be a really good troll. He reads like someone who actually believes what he writes.
It looks like faux stupidity to me.
Can’t even succeed in being stupid, like it. His parents must be first cousins.
just recovering from watching a tribute to hillary clionton on bbc1 news. david milliband describing her as a rock star…excuse me ,im gonna be sick
‘david milliband describing her as a rock star’
To be fair, it may have been a reference to her frequency of car crashes whilst in office.
And the hazy grasp of reality when jumping in and out of so many copters.
Not so much a rock, more a lump of ice – hence my affair with Monica. Her face sank the Titanic.
This would be Janis Joplin a few months after her death, I take it.
Did they mention her pretending that she was shot at in Serbia?
A proven liar!
Like Blair and his Milburn stuff, the likes of Clinton are complete fantasists and wannebe Walter Mittys.
If you can`t trust them to tell the truth about their lives and backgrounds…their own personal history…how on earth can you trust them in anything else?
“What difference, at this point, does it make?” Right, BBC?
Did they mention any errors (I mean discussing them rather than saying something like, “she had her critics, who were critical), or was it all gushing praise?
all gushing praise of course. had to turn over when we got to the bit about traveling a million miles around the world and her skill for first letting people voice their concerns about the usa , so as to put them at ease. clintons,blairs,obamas. peas in a pod,bbc icons.
Ah, so her greatest skill was appeasement. Classic.
Why wasn’t it mentioned that Jewish prisoners would have been affected?
Was it because they don’t matter or because there weren’t any?
No, it’s all part of the Zionist plot.
You have to admire the BBC’s brass neck on this one….
BBC 5 Live news reports explain the Married Person’s Tax Allowance as…..
wait for it….
‘a way to appease Tories who oppose Gay Marriage’
And here….
Bias bias bais.
Of course we become accustomed to the BBC’s editorial stance on a range of issues.
But step back a moment and think about this. The Government is considering the reintroduction of what had been an accepted tax measure since Noah was a lad and which was scrapped (by Labour) in 2000.
So rather than explain the issue the BBC make a cheap reflex political jibe. Also notice the casual demonisation of the group the BBC refers to as ‘Tory backbenchers’. Where in the BBC Charter are these things allowed? How can people not taste the bias?
Gay Marriage = Good
Tories = Bad
Married Tax Allowance = Bad
Tax Cuts = Bad
Marriage = Bad
Gay Marriage = ????
You see the sums don’t add up but the BBC message is going out there to the left all the same.
I think that Stonewall should give Thames Water an Award for the strength of Gay Politics at the BBC.
I am sure this is proof that its not just inland fish that are turned Gay by the growth of chemicals in the water supply around London.
I don’t like the idea of horse meat in my food and Muslims in prison ( Jews are more law abiding) don’t like pork in the prison food, but I suppose Gay people would be unhappy to find out that they probably would not have been Gay if it wasn’t for Thames Water.
I hear reports of militants (mulslim jihadists) daily on radio 4 but lately they are starting to sy their views are “conservative”. Just wondering if it’s a new poison that they are trying to put into easily influenced minds.
Not a new poison, they have been doing it for years. Just as one of their favourite expressions has become: too far, too fast.
I see Mali now has ‘extreme poverty’.
A term the droids/ the howlers/ the third sector have had to invent to distinguish it from the ‘poverty’ they bleat about in this country.
You know… the poverty that forces you to get very fat, invest in bookie fobt terminals, buy sky tv, and smoke drink and do drugs.
The BBC has been using the term “conservative” for them for a long time. Once in a while, some dopey Beeboid even calls the Muslim Brotherhood “conservative” and “moderate” at the same time. They should really change that to something like “fundamentalist”, because the jihadis and the Islamists in the news these days are far beyond being merely conservative in their thinking.
To the BBC, the Tea Party movement is “extreme”, but a group of people who treat their women as chattel, commit untold acts of violence on innocent people, and are seeking to practically enslave entire populations are merely “conservative”.
They should call them “Conservatives against gay marriage”, only without the usual sneer.
Any one listen to Saturday live on radio 4? Painful in its upper middle class bias.
Richard Curtis banging on about how important Britains massive foreign aid is, a lesbian Jamaican migrant involved in charity work, Edward Adoo another migrant who likes buses.
Sometimes you just have to turn programs off they’re so biased.
I’m a political refugee who fled Radio 4 some years ago. The persecution there was institutional constant and relentless. I have sought asylum elsewhere within the BBC but am still subjected to spiteful intermittant hate attacks. The BBC’s domination of the British media leaves me few hiding places.
Friend of Nick Griffin, I take it?
You would have thought everybody at the BBC and the Today programme in particular would be pro gay marriage. (Not sure where I really stand on it but had assumed that the government had more important things to do). But it is an opportunity to cause trouble for the Conservatives. So 8.09 a.m. – the excitement and glee in Justin’s Webb’s voice rather than what he said that shows the bias.
“BBC Gay Pride and Prejudice”
Some of the comments are evidence of the insurmountable obstacle facing those who want to really change the BBC. “Who cares about a little bias, the BBC is brilliant otherwise, I don’t want commercials, etc.”.
“BBC staff told: Don’t wash your feet in the sink!”
(Especially not on Fridays?)
Foot wash facilities available on fourth floor of Peel wing I see.
Home of INBBC Arabic.
check this out 2hrs 13 mins in …
on this “fierce debate” program …
“ejector seat” mo shafique won t/can t
answer a simple question, and reverts back to
he spoke to a muslim scholar? …
everybody in the studio is shocked SHOCKED i
tell you …
the question … listen in
the link
For Beeboids: more on Boston, Lincs, and immigration:-
“The town that’s had enough: We visit the place with the country’s biggest influx of East Europeans.
“Boston’s population has grown by more than 15 per cent in a decade.
“Most of that increase is from Eastern Europe.”
Even the DM is being careful not to highlight other towns where the locals “have had enough”.
Bradford, Luton, Rochdale, Oldham, Blackburn, Dewsbury to name a few.
It’s funny how we are only allowed to comment about immigration when the immigrants are not followers of the ROP.
living in northampton, you can add northampton,kettering,wellingborough,corby to the list too, and all the minor surounding towns.
The top story on the BBC’s mobile site currently is “pork found in prison halal food”.
Is there nothing more important happening in the world than inconveniences to Muslim criminals? Oops, silly me – no there isn’t…
No it’s not nor has it been. It’s also part of a continuing stories about the crap end of the food chain which is not being regulated properly.
Everyone should be concerned that when they buy mince or whatever they are not engaging in some kind bush trail tucker. Just think Billy, you may be feasting on sheep testicles in your next burger. Or even the anus. Which of course would explain everything.
Don`t be daft!
It`s nothing to do with the “dodgy reclaimed crap” that comprises meat products at the bargain end of things.
It`s all to do with getting Muslims angry…and hopefully a riot or two in a prison…and then lots of compo for said prisoners.
Now then colditz…tell me what my chances would be of getting a pork buttie in Riyadh Prison…and would YOU or anybody from the E. or Matrix Chambers insist on my human right to get one?
It`s my religion you know…
well said chris h
‘Everyone should be concerned that when they buy mince’
And more so when penning critiques talking it, as a well known person once famously contributed here on these very pages.
He also was very firm on bringing the solemn integrity of the blog into disrepute. Beyond the hypocrisy, it was quaint from a trolling contrarian to see protests on conduct being voiced with no sense of irony on top of no sense at all.
Long gone, but I sometimes feel he’s still with us.
Funny how the advocates of regulation never insist on a regulation that would see halal meat labelled as such.
Yes the shriekocracy on full howl on this one.
Can’t do the unhalal food.
Dont do the crime
I can understand that my more orthodox Jewish friends would be horrified to find that there was the tiniest amount of pork in their food. But there again they are not in jail. If the people in jail want to be sure that the food fits their dietary needs perhaps they just need to take the vege option (or not do things that mean they end up in jail). However it is interesting that the BBC thought that this was the most important thing to happen in the world yesterday – a slow news day or a lets make trouble day?
If it was widely broadcast that being sent to jail meant the compulsory consumption of porky products on a daily basis, maybe we’d see the prison population from certain “demographics” taking a vertiginous drop. And since these apparently make up something north of 20% of the said convict community that’d clear up a lot of space for other criminal types. Not to mention the help for pig farmers given by the increased demand for yummy bacon, ham etc.
That’s solved that problem then. And I haven’t even had my lunch yet.
BBC now thinks all women should wear a Hijab….It’s a day of unity……
“She assured me that I didn’t need to be Muslim, that it was just about modesty, although obviously linked to Islam, so I thought, ‘why not?'”
So what’s the problem with this pork in prison burgers then? Why not?
So, after years of encouraging immodesty and louch behaviour in the working classes (eg Eastenders et al) they now want them to cover up?
So, what is next? What’s the Islamic view of abortion I wonder? How will the BBC approach that ticking bomb?
Listening to 5 Live during the week, I heard Nick Robinson reporting on David Cameron’s visit to Libya. Referring to the warm greeting Cameron received from the locals, Robinson made a sly remark about how these events might be staged and we never know for sure that it is a spontaneous reaction.
Today, 5 Live tells me Francois Hollande has received a rapturous reception in Mali. No suggestion from 5 Live that it is anything other than what it is.
Vive la différence, as they say in Salford.
‘Vive la différence, as they say in Salford.’
And ‘we are comfortable in our belief in the impartiality and competence of our commissioning editors’, as they write in every CECUTT blow off on issues pertaining to oddly varied coverage levels depending on BBC fealties.
I’d just like to highlight the BBC’s continued obstinance when it comes to transparency on the Jimmy Savile sex scandal.
At the beginning of October 2012 we placed a Freedom of Information Act request asking for all the information the BBC held about the ITV “Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile” programme. That’s all we wanted – information surrounding the broadcast of that particular programme. We did not seek any other information about Savile’s sordid antics during his time on the BBC payroll.
In what should be a new era of BBC transparency, the Corporation has done their utmost to avoid giving a simple response. It is clear there are many things they still do not want to public to know.
I think the BBC’s continued contempt for Freedom of Information would make a very good BBBC article in the future.
Forgot to say. The link to our FOIA request is here:
That’s very clever, dealing with your complaint about the delay as a new complaint, which they then don’t have to address for 30 more days. Groucho Marx would be proud. Must remember that one.
Best of luck with your FOI request. I don’t see how information they had about a show on another network which wasn’t part of their own newsgathering for their own reporting can be protected on grounds of “journalism”, but I’m sure they’ll find a way.
‘the BBC’s continued obstinance when it comes to transparency ‘
Never gone the FoI route, but the parallels with CECUTT stalling and diversion techniques are clearly the same. The 27 Dec Beware of the Leopard attempt is a hoot.
Maybe get TonyN and Andrew O at The Register on the line for any tips on dealing with Hugs as she makes her next escorted court appearance on holding power to account. Or not. Depending.
They really shouldn’t have removed that from the BBC website while she was under a cloud. It just looked bad.
Keep us updated if you get any progress with your request, Peter.
It is rumoured that everything is going to be transparent by May, but this could be a surprise to the BBC.
You’re wrong. I refreshed my page, it was the top story, then I posted here. Is it the top story now? Probably not. I can’t help it if you’re not quick enough on the draw.
Lovely hagiography of Hilary Clinton here.
A true BBC hero.
INBBC, and INBBC Arabic TV, and their Cairo Bureau seem to have quietly dropped their descriptions of ‘Arab Spring’/ ‘Arab Uprisings’.
Instead they should, but won’t, use the more accurate – ‘Morsi-Muslim Brotherhood repressive regime.’
“Egypt: Free People Not Going Quietly Into the Sharia Night”
By Robert Spencer.
INBBC’s Aleem Maqbool, lately of Pakistan, now acts as Morsi’s and Muslim Brotherhood’s unofficial mouthpiece.
” Or even the anus. Which of course would explain everything.”
That’s so clever! Do you see what he/she did there, everyone? Wonderful…
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): celebrating (at our expense) its ‘INBBC Arabic’.
Note: Couri’s INBBC piece does not mention ISLAM once; nor does it mention Israel, in his ‘Arab world’.
We are simply fed the devious word ‘impartial’ to describe what is, in effect, INBBC and Arabic service support for e.g Hamas, and for the Muslim Brotherhood, although they go unmentioned.
“BBC Arabic and the complexities of the Arab world”
Close down INBBC Arabic.
Their whole defense is basically that they’re the main news organization in the region which reports some misdeeds by Arab leaders. That’s what the BBC means. It’s all they’ve got. Considering what goes in Arab regimes, the bar is set too low for me to be particularly impressed.
I wonder if the Egyptians are thanking the BBC now for the wonderful world of Morsi?
Christopher Booker re-BBC ‘Today,’ Humphrys and E.U, etc:-
-Scroll down to section:-
“EU debate: MPs plumb new depths of vacuity”
Today’s Archbishop Cranmer attacking BBC constant pursuit of he transgressive and general bias in favour of the ‘progressive’.
“BBC Gay Pride and Prejudice ”
Thread included the following comment:
Mr Integrity said…
Brother Ivo,
I worked at the BBC television Centre in the late 70s & early 80s and it was obvious then that the up and coming staff were all young left wing arty crafty types who’s career plan reckoned that the more radical they were, the quicker they would get on.
I try and avoid watching BBC programmes and News if at all possible because I know I will get a biased view from them.
2 February 2013 16:55
(There are also an interesting comment from a poster called ‘office of inspector general’ who monitors Pink News, which may give a few clues about the attitudes of some of our resident goblins who seem to have a connection with that site.)
Sorry for repetition – missed George R’s earlier link.
the BBC love Hollande
“Should the Police Service favour black candidates?” A hugely irresponsible and subtly indoctrinating question from the BBC’s ‘Big’ Questions. The fact that it airs this question is enough to further brainwash the ever burgeoning brigade of hard leftists who both follow and reside in the BBC.
‘A hugely irresponsible and subtly indoctrinating question from the BBC’
A quick scan of the entire BBC twitter estate reveals this is pretty much their default technique, like a shabby gizmo magazine trying to get around an idiot claim for some dire product.
BBC Radio 5 live @bbc5live
Is sex surrogacy the way for disabled people to fulfill their needs? On #DoubleTake @TuppyOwens and Paralympian Anne Wafula Strike.
‘A’ way? Of course. ‘The’ way? Patronising, ill-considered tripe.
‘Could the BBC be the world’s most trusted media monopoly?’
How about the question: “Should the police service favour the most qualified and suitable person for the post?”
What the identity politics fascists really want is equality of outcome.