During the highly successful Olympics last year Labour’s Tessa Jowell was a constant guest on the BBC being Labour’s ‘Olympics Minister’.
The BBC presumably keen to let the success of the Olympics rub off on Labour and for Tessa Jowell to take the plaudits.
From 2005-2009 possibly over 1000 patients died because of negligence and appalling lack of care at an NHS hospital.
From 2005-2009 Labour was in power and these were the Secretary’s of State For Health:
John Reid
Patricia Hewitt
Alan Johnson
Andy Burnham (Labour’s current Shadow Health Minister)
Have we heard much from any of them on the BBC?
The BBC not so keen to hand out the brickbats along with the plaudits to its favoured political party?
What does Labour man Dan Hodges think?
Where is the liberal outrage over Mid Staffs? The Left is killing the NHS by putting it on a pedestal
So now we know. Britain’s nurses and doctors are as bad as Britain’s bankers. Our angels in white are just as selfish, just as arrogant and manipulative and secretive, as the barrow-boys in pinstripes.
In fact, in many ways they’re worse. The bankers bled the country dry, but to my knowledge they didn’t kill anybody. The death toll at Mid Staffs is placed at 1,200 victims.
And what has been the response to this institutionalised carnage? Or more specifically, the response from the radical left, the self appointed guardians of the National Health Service? Nothing but deflection or silence.
This is where Colditz, Herman, whoever the Beeboid duty defender is, needs to come and explain how the BBC is reporting this, and is still not showing any bias. The evidence here is overwhelming but the cherry vultures will leave this alone, later claiming that there is no proof on this site about the systematic bias daily churned out by the BBC.
Right Colditz, over to you to try to spin this story into something it isn’t. Good luck as you will have your work cut out to justify the BBC here.
Well…up to a point. I doubt if any of these worthies would AGREE to turn up for an interview where they knew they were going to get castigated, unlike Tessa Jowell being invited to turn up and have her tummy tickled ( urgh..pass the mind bleach..)….
But I get your more general point….especially having listened to Evan Davis on the Today programme today. Sheesh…it is relentless.
I have yet to hear a single mention of “labour” in the same breath as stafford scandal on the inbbc. Cue dez to provide links?
It was mentioned on last night’s News at Ten. Not that I’m Dez, but I thought I should get there first.
I think they got away with it then.
A Colditz salad sounds nice.
No content, no taste and no escape.
But the BBC will tell you it is good for you and you must obey or be fined.
From 2005-2009 possibly over 1000 patients died because of negligence and appalling lack of care at an NHS hospital.
From 2005-2009 Labour was in power and these were the Secretary’s of State For Health:
John Reid
Patricia Hewitt
Alan Johnson
Andy Burnham (Labour’s current Shadow Health Minister)
Have we heard much from any of them on the BBC?
Certainly not many questions being asked or powers in actual charge at the time being held to account.
But of course you are using those fact things the Flokkers get quite pedantic about needing (albeit not having theirs to hand often, or a link)…when it suits.
Speaking of which, does FoI exclusion cover how many BBC employees and Labour Ministers are on private healthcare so they can avoid the world-envied meat grinders they created but are now so keen to lay at the door of their political opponents?
And, like the BBC, go rather mute around when they don’t.
If it comes to that I don’t suppose many Communist Party members (like John Reed?) suffered in the collectivisation famine. Afterwards they would have disclaimed all responsibility and blamed it on the kulaks.
The BBC’s Chief fundament spelunker seems to have his priorities straight:
No mention of the political background and ramifications of Stafford.
‘Tory divisions – Why gay marriage has exposed them’
and now…
‘how Labour describes what they’re calling the #EBacctrack’, and the BBC’s finest rush to turn from tribal PR soundbites to ‘news’ in the blink of a cut and paste.
Put simply, Nick, most with actual brains vs. the BBC versions know what is going on.
And it is not pretty, for democracy especially.
There will be an acoounting.
In Ronald D base-covering style…. that’s no mention… ‘yet’.
The BBC regrets the error has been clarified.
David Cameron’s apology ‘on behalf of the government’ was an error. The BBC are presenting it in such a way that it appears this government has something to apologise for over the mid-Staffs affair.
What he should have done was to invite Ed Miliband to make an apology, at the dispatch box, on behalf of the previous, Labour administration.
In political terms, totally.
I am still in a protracted bunfight with the ‘system’ up through MP and rotating Minister levels so I can testify that the current lot are as useless as any other (like CECUTT a vast letter cut and pasting back what I had said, an apology for the delay in reply, a load of patronising guff on how awful it all was and… I kid you not, the promise that lessons had been learned but stop asking for tangibles), but this egregious case was totally at the door of the sainted NHS and Labour Government of the time… and any who covered up for them all.
This apology for a PM deserves all he brings on his own head if he can’t even score an open goal on something then as serious as this but absolutely nothing to do with him or his party now other than to sort out.
Yes, he should have, but Brave Dave completely lacks the balls!! If he doesn’t leave soon, the Tories are history, the protest vote will go straight to UKIP.
… the protest vote will go straight to UKIP.
Doubt it. The Tory vote will do what it did in the 3 elections 1997-2005. It will stay at home.
All UKIP will manage is the removal of Tory MPs in marginal seats leaving that twat Milliband in charge.
If UKIP and its supporters really do want Labour out they should only stand in seats where the Tories will not win. Even then they will gain nothing.
The Tories have an uphill struggle, what with Labours gerrymandering the boundaries, without UKIP making it worse.
One more Labour government and this country is finished.
Compare and contrast….
The position of the Labour party (and by osmosis, the BBC) vis-a-vis news Corporation and its senior staff, and the baying for the blood of those at the top by such as Tom Watson, MP (conveniently forgetting, of course, that these activities were ongoing during Labour’s tenancy in power.)
The activities ongoing (also during Labour’s tenure in government) in the NHS, with its former Communist leader, David Nicholson – and in particular at Stafford Hospital, where the same person was head of the Strategic Health Authority which supervised Stafford General during the early years of its transformation to the equivalent of an abattoir for so many of its patients.
Now why can’t I hear the same blood-lust from the BBC and the Labour Party regarding, not just this guy, but every senior person involved ?
With days like this it makes you wonder what is the point of getting upset about any of it. The BBC and Guardian are already burying the Mid-Staffs death camp story. A leftist victory has forced yet another government U-Turn re the baccalaureate. Gay marriage…
There never seem to be any ‘wins’ from a right-leaning perspective. We might really just as well vote Labour to bring the apocalypse that little bit quicker.
And that is precisely what the BBC is attempting to achieve – and that is precisely the reason we shouldn’t !
It’s alright, the bBC on 5dead have their usual conveyor belt of representatives whose cure for the NHS is to chuck yet more money into the pot.
thats ok then
My dad always told me, go into a NHS hospital alive, and you come out dead. Plus, the majority of the work force, English is not their first language.
That reminds me, the Olympic Opening Ceremony, a Cultural Marxist Triumph of the Will directed by Danny Boyle in which the highlight of Britain’s 1000 years of history was the establishment of the NHS.
As if other countries don’t have hospitals.
The Tories are too stupid to even notice the damage being done to them by the BBC.
Unfortunately Llew, you are so not wrong!
Well it has disappeared from the BBC web page. Completely gone in 24 hours. Thousands dead as a direct result of ‘organisational behaviour’ where NHS staff prioritise meaningless bureaucratic success criteria (“Stars” and Foundation Status”) lying, manipulating data and bullying staff in a process where every check and balance fails. A process arising directly out of ‘gaming the system’ established by the Labour party who established a health management policy that fails to even acknowledge the problem at any point in the process where Boards, PCTs SHAs and the DoH do not to act and people are left to die in a hospital – some lingering for eight days with no medical attention.
This is a very real scandal, PEOPLE HAVE DIED as a direct result of office games aimed at achieving spurious Five Year Plan style targets for career gain.
Compare this with the wall-to-wall, no one coughs without being reported, level of BBC (as opposed to public) interest in the Leveson Inquiry. The BBC cannot amass the enthusiasm to co a forensic examination of the causes and effects of this scandal – why? The NHS and Labour are beyond criticism
you’re right, un-fucking-believable. hardly any mention or links to the stories about the NHS on the BBC webpages for News, UK news, England News, etc. The only link is the features sidebar with such heavyweight news issues as “How you can make lunch at your desk that bit nicer”.
Even their so-called ‘Health’ webpages http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health/ lead with a baby-boom, followed by the risks to older motorcyclists, then alcohol prices.
You have to dig a long way to discover that Labour’s policies killed thousands of people in the ‘Envy of the World’ Nationalised Health Service.
Obviously, no Gay’s or Muslims died….No story as far as Al Beebjezza are concerned.
Contrast with the story of dna level pork being found in halal prison pies.
I remember a BBC story that a ”German” doctor gave medicine to a patient, 100 times the dosage, of course it killed the man.
I did a little research, found out that the ”German” doctor was a Nigerian with a German passport.
I wonder why the BBC didn’t tell us he was Nigerian ? Hmm.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Mid-Staffs ‘management’ hasn’t been the norm in most of the country, thank God I haven’t ever required any hospital treatment! Of course the politicians would never have witnessed any of this first-hand, private room in a private hospital for them.
Ref my comment earlier about voting Labour – I guess my point was that if economic and societal breakdown is inevitable, is it futile in trying to apply the teeniest brake to a giant loco hurtling off the bridge at 100mph?
You never know, after the crap has hit the fan, the gulags up and running, people hanging from cranes… could be an even chance we end up with a Pinochet rather than a Castro.
You’ve been reading my blog Alan! 😉
and, as/per public sector Employment, it would take a JCB to pull out the scrotes from both the top and the bottom responsible for these miserable death camps.
B’Stards all
Yes, all the critics of Cameron’s attempts to reform the nhs that have been tweeting and demanding heads on platters from the top. Yes they are guilty, but so are the frontline staff, who managed to head for home at the end of their shift, leaving patients dying of thirst or starved to death. Are all front line staff Angels? Doubt it.
Re the Stafford death camp, Daily Mirror 2011
“Hospital whistle-blower Julie Bailey has become the target of hate mail and death threats…the Labour Party were forced to apologise to Ms Bailey after a video appeared on their website joking about her dying.”
If that had been on a Conservative Party website it would have made the top news item on the BBC for at least one whole week. They would be calling for sackings for the conservative Party chairman etc.
As it was a Labour Party website…..(tumbleweed gently rolls).
So that`s it then is it?
Over1000 people killed by “our NHS”…and it blows through the BBC like a small bird?
How many Harold Shipmans is that then?…3…4…5?
Yet it happened under both Brown and Blair-indeed the NHS was about the only thing they DID agree on…and it ends up in over 1000 dead…babies, kids….and especially parents, lots of old folk just like us….or OUR parents!
Any Labour Ministers got anything to say?….and BBC stiffies and shillers willing to ask a Dobson or Burnham, Hewitt or Johnson what the hell they were allowing, condoning or simply doing?
Oh look…forget that fluff…so yesterday….Gove isn`t going to do something that he thought that he might…U Turn, scaredy cat…weak I tells`ya!
Mid Staffs…wonder what THEY think of Goves reforms not being implemented then?
great post chris.
I’d have it tattooed, lisbeth salander style, with an unsterilised needle on the torsos of every bbc employee, ever labour party voter, and every person who’s ever described the NHS as ‘the envy of the world’,
Female Dr Shipman got away with it –
I still can seeno evidence of a DoTI, a Cherry Vulture, a Beeboid or any other from that extreme left wing cabal who attempt to try to divert debate, in this tnread.
Come on Colditz, where are you? The BBC is calling you to defend their actions.
Is any brave person going to volunteer to watch Question Time to see if the bBBC allows any audience question or comment about Labour’s ‘Envy of the World’ death camps?
A quote from someone on the Telegraph’s comments section on the subject…
“I must have missed the bit with the pensioners starving to death in their own poo during the Olympic opening ceremony. ”
Says it all, really, about the mis-placed worship of our glorious NHS.
I spent today in a large NHS general hospital- one of the good ones.
One got the distinct impression that the dismissal of the NHS boss is a necessity in order to make the necessary point and restore public confidence. Systems do not kill or neglect. People kill or neglect and must be made to pay the price.
Once again Cameron is out of touch. Sometimes I do wonder at his alleged political skills
The BBC has to let them blame the system for everything, except for one or two heads put on the spike for public viewing. If crap individuals are suddenly to blame for their own poor behavior, their whole Newsnight defense goes out the window. They already got their scapegoat on that one, although it wasn’t the one they wanted (okay, maybe one-and-a-half scapegoats, if you count Stephen Mitchell).
… nothing to do with the BBC but I have a relative who just spend two nights in a private hospital. A private room with benghazi en suite, hubby allowed there 24/7, a button to call the nurse, (the nurse station was a whole five yards away), a button above her head to call ‘the pantry’, one of her drugs cost a £1000 – no problem – one of her scans cost £1000, no problem. On the NHS you would never see that drug, and you would never get that scan. And, treated with dignity from the moment she turned up to the moment she left.
Do yissens a favour, work out what bupa would cost you a month and stick the amount in a bank account named ‘hospital cash, do not touch’.
Couldn’t agree more uncle bup. A few years ago I had to have a heart valve attended to, and was fortunate enough to be able to have it treated in a private hospital.
I had a two week stay in there, and at no time was the treatment anything less than faultless. If you needed a nurse for any reason, they were there in seconds (literally) and nothing was too much trouble for them. The food which was served would have put many fancy hotels to shame – there was even a wine list FFS!!!!
There is no way on this earth that I would ever go into any NHS abbatoir – even if I have to sell my soul to the devil to pay for it.
… and did I mention the telly/ dvd/ and wifi?
Probably not.
And to nights first question on QT?
Are the events at North Staffs due to Austerity – or very similar words.
Of course to be those 3000 deaths have to have occurred from September 2010 yet none of the oafs spot the gaping hole in this argument.
Please tell me you’re joking…
No I’m afraid I’m not. I can’t remember the precise wording (because I went straight into expletive mode) but the very first question related the scandal to the word “austerity”.
It could have been “symbolic of austerity Britain” or “an indication of austerity Britain” or something of that nature.
The inference was the same though – linking bad tories to people dead through neglect. Such a linkage has to ignore totally the timeline for this scandal.
I couldn’t stand it at that point and went to turn the TV off. The only bit I caught as I moved towards the box was to here the first responder suggest that the question was a good one.
Hopefully someone pointed out the starkly stupid connection.
Yes, I stopped watching years ago as it was bad for my health and new TVs were getting expensive.
Anyone here watch it and hear responses?
Not to worry, Restoring Britian. I made an error in a comment yesterday, ergo there is no bias at the BBC, ever.
The population of Stafford receive the same “weighted capitation” funding as every other health authority in NHS England. Exactly the same. There is no case for “cuts” or”financial targets” that does not apply equally to every single other NHS hospital in the land. All the stuff you get from the media and the silver tongued QC is another version of silver tongued “institutional racism” – blame the system.
Stafford enjoyed a level playing-field in funding. Its failures are the product of individual laziness in management and total personal failure of named individuals in positions of supervision of staff, including doctors and nurses.
The Establishment want you to believe it was a “system failure” Baloney. They just don’t want to put individuals on trial. They want an easy way out. Thats what you get with Nationalised Industries.
Believe it or not, I used to be quite sanguine about the BBC, I was even proud that we had something in this country that was a by-word for excellence. That was until, the time of the last election where, having personally been immersed and indoctrinated in a work culture that required me to deliver balance and fairness, It became obvious that the BBC was anything but. Politics wasn’t dealt with in an even handed way; political representatives weren’t treated equally.
Since then there has been a complete collapse of any balance, there isn’t even a pretence of impartiality, with the exception of a pitiful handful of shining lights who anytime soon will be dimmed.
Gone is the fairness and objectivity of serious journalism, replaced by a cadre of card carrying activists, on message, on a mission.
Yes – hold Government to account by all means but I defy anyone (with even the slightest understanding of what happened in Stafford) to look again at Wednesday night’s Newsnight and tell me that the two interviews by Emily Maitless, one with Alan Johnson, the other with a coalition Minister, were carried out impartially and objectively. Maitless’ gentle probing of Johnson was perfunctory; her questioning of the Minister was aggressive and unreasonable.
The BBC’s stock in trade now seems to be slur and innuendo. Turn to that question on QT, last night, the exact wording being, ‘Are the appalling standards found at Stafford Hospital a sign of things to come for our NHS due to austerity?’
I have no doubt that amongst the 200 + audience, (all of who had to supply a question that the BBC would select), many would have offered a question on Stafford. So why this one was this one chosen? Quite simply because it directly linked the 1200 deaths at Stafford to ‘Tory cuts’. Linked in the same way that Norman Smith tried to directly link David Cameron to phone hacking.
And by the way, if the viewer didn’t get the Tory cuts and Stafford link, Dimbleby, made sure ‘the NHS, austerity and what’s happened at Stafford….’, he said, solemnly as he handed the question over for discussion.
This bias is in breach of the BBC Charter. It cannot go on.
‘Turn to that question on QT, last night, the exact wording being, ‘Are the appalling standards found at Stafford Hospital a sign of things to come for our NHS due to austerity?’’
I hope that soon turns up as a sample (with any necessary pre and post context) on YouTube, so I can send it to me national treasure-loving DP-sofa addicted MP to point out that you don’t get invited on so much if you are not in power (well, if non-Labour) and almost never if not an MP.
It may just sink in that sucking up to those who despise you seldom ends well.
Aside from the fact that it is biased, I would have barred the question on account that between 1999/00 and 2009/10, the NHS budget increased in real terms by 88%. No, the Dimbleby, the panellists nor anyone in the audience made the nation aware of that fact.
Give Dimbleby a little bit of credit for saying, as he turned to Lord Falconer “it was under Labour that these things happened at Stafford” (2:45 at http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01qm2ff/Question_Time_07_02_2013/).
But this was only after he’d let Humza Yousaf (no, me neither) start with a 90-second commercial for socialism, completely ignoring the question.
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