The BBC showed a distinct reluctance to report the emergence of these racist ‘Muslim Patrols’….and when eventually getting around to it they emphasised how the perpetrators, and especially their beliefs, were not representative of the Muslim community or religion.
Many people might dispute that….whilst most Muslims would not ‘patrol’ the streets they would endorse the beliefs….as they are integral to Islam….as one Muslim woman said on the Asian Network in response to the below…‘We cannot sacrifice our religion to integrate.’
(It is hardly impartial of the BBC to have an Asian, a Hindu not a Muslim, Nihal, ask on the Asian Network whether Asians should integrate more…you can guess the general drift of the programme)
Here Jane Kelly reports her experiences with a neighbourhood becoming ever more Islamic:
‘I feel like a stranger where I live…As new figures show ‘white flight’ from cities is rising, one Londoner writes a provocative personal piece about how immigration has drastically changed the borough where she has lived for 17 years:
‘Worryingly, I feel that public spaces are becoming contested. One food store has recently installed a sign banning alcohol on the premises. Fair enough. But it also says: “No alcohol allowed on the streets near this shop.”
No alcohol allowed on the public street outside a Muslim shop?….that is no different from the Muslim Patrols in intention and effect….is that shop keeper not ‘representative of the community’?
And here you see the effect of Labour’s immigration policy…the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of whites, especially working class ones who don’t vote Labour, as intended:
‘I see London turning into a place almost exclusively for poor immigrants and the very rich.’
Here is what a Muslim seeking reform says of the Muslim Patrols:
“The Muslim patrols could become a lot more dangerous and, perhaps willing to maim or kill if they are joined by battle-hardened jihadis,” he wrote.
He compared the Islamist vigilantes to extremists like the far-right Golden Dawn supporters in Greece and right-wing vigilantes in France who ran Roma families out of a Marseilles estate and burnt down their camp.
Countries such as Denmark and Spain have also seen Islamist extremists trying to enforce their own sharia law, he noted.
All were imitating Hitler’s Brownshirts by “enforcing with threats and violence their version of the law in neighbourhoods,” said Mr Nawaz, who spent years in his youth as a leadership member of a global Islamist group.‘
Mr Nawaz is now a leading critic of his former Islamist ideological dogma, while remaining a Muslim.
So the result of multi-culturalism is in effect that we have an ideology loose on the streets of Britain similar to that which gave rise to Hitler.
The BBC, as I have mentioned before, is hyper-active in its efforts to issue ‘warnings from history’ about the possible rise of the Far Right, in other words another Hitler, in the midst of Europe, due to Austerity economics….clearly they will never issue such a warning about the rise of an ideology that even Churchill thought Fascist…they don’t even do so for the ‘Far Left’ which is on the march once more.
Many programmes and articles have been broadcast and published by the BBC solely to link the hated ‘Austerity’ to the rise of the Far Right in a highly political smear….senior BBC journalists such as Stephanie Flanders and Paul Mason have eagerly pushed this black propaganda benefitting the Labour Party by readily maligning the Tories, the BBC’s scaremongering out to spread fear and anger…even digging out decades old documentaries to back up their legend.
But no such ‘warnings from history’ for the Stalinists rising again in Europe.
Amusingly the BBC do warn us that UKIP’s Nigel Farage has Stalinist tendencies:
Nigel Farage a Stalinist dictator, says UKIP MEP
Never mind the real Stalinists roaming the streets of Greece…or indeed the Islamist Fascists on British streets.
They are at it again –
In the latest film, they can be heard saying: “Islam is here in London, Mr. David Cameron, Mr.
police officer, whether you like it or not.”
you only have to peruse “allah” salmons islamic sidekick
given lots of airtime on the propaganda arms flagship QT
with his concerned placations over the issue of bloody gay marriage … stating his was a devout muslim …
but hilariously no one in the hand picked pink audience, could consider to ask him what islam dictates as a priority for their erm “community”…… “owww queer” eh!
because believe me, “gay marriage” 😀 is way, way back on the list …
‘The BBC showed a distinct reluctance to report..
There’s a lot of it about.
Presidential hits.
All instances of astounding uncuriosity. Until pressed. And then full bluster and cover up mainly thereafter.
You’d be forgiven for thinking they are less a news organisation and more a cheap propaganda outfit with an overdeveloped censorship department.
Sorry, I take that back.
£145.50pa is not cheap.
Don’t tell me you actually for it. I don’t and never have. When I do get a letter to pay, it goes straight in the bin.
Sadly, so far, yes.
My wife is do far unprepared for a stand to be taken and is reluctant to be taken though the few precautions necessary even if we did cancel the DD and keep on watching.
Which we would not. She lives on FaceBook or movies and the kids on FB or Youtube, so it has been pointed out the idiot box is really only one for me to get irate about SKY news plumbing newer, dumber depths or a raft of US cop, SF, history or comedy shows (sadly all pretty good, so I’ll miss ’em).
Looking now at online alternatives.
And if they do still come round the missus may be more sympathetic after the travesty that has been their non-reporting or deflections on Stafford/NHS/Labour. Sent her this:
Don`t you just love the BBCs/liberal elites ability to give us Islamic jurisprudence on the hoof( haram, though that might be!)
The BBCs/Liberal elites presumption to mediate between Atta, Khomeini, Al Zarquawi, Hamza, Qatada…and we the white trash prone to Islamophobia is a joy to behold.
Any chance of some Muslim scholar issuing the hideously white, gay, metrosexual, secular, liberal elite at the BBC with a seriously stiff latter expressing regret or concern at the arrogance and ongoing ignorance of Islam as shown by the patronising smug and stupid BBC?
Off topic, but the pro-Huhne BBC make no reference in their report of the Vicky Pryce trial of CH forcing her to have an abortion unlike Sky News, Daily Mail etc
What a surprise – mustn’t tarnish the reputations of left of centre politicians further!
Mind you, I heard some of the tapes broadcast this evening on BBC. Jeez – what a harpy that woman comes across as – and have you ever heard such a fishing expedition for evidence she can tape to try and incriminate him ?
Just looked her up on Wiki – take a look at her career – and she’s trying to tell the world that she was an innocent victim of her husband… other leg – that’s the one the bells are on !
Can’t stand Chris Huhne, but I do feel a bit of sympathy for him in his choices of ‘life partners’.
Wikipedia – “She is currently in a relationship with the ex-minister and former MP Denis MacShane”
Police are still investigating MacShane, who was MP for Rotherham. The BNP found out about his expense fiddles, so the council took revenge on “racists” by banning a UKIP couple from fostering. Labour councillors (including Shaun Wright, latterly mayor and now the elected police and crime commissioner – actively covered up for moslem paedo gangs –
Are you listening, Hugs?
Here an example of Labour’s enrichment policy
Maybe Muslim patrol could sort out the ‘yoof ‘ problem for us.
Love the ‘enrichment.’
The comparison with “imitating Hitler’s Brownshirts” is historically spot on. The BBC hardly reported this, although Sky did. Watched BBCs Stephen Sackur’s (he who upset D. Rumsfeld and was promptly kicked out of US), so called, “hardtalk”, with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal this afternoon. Talk about giving a platform for terrorists, but thats something the BBC likes doing…
Stephen Sacker is married to a Iraqi muslim. You should see his interview with Geert Wilders.
Sacker went nuts, screaming and interrupting, bit like Roland Friesler.
Plenty of interruptions and attempts to demonize, but no screaming.
Ronald Freisler was the judge at the Hitler bomb plot, and I always thought John Cleese could capture his raving tone for comic effect, as in the ‘Pining for the Fjords !’ interjection in the Parrot Sketch, or as Basil Fawlty in the final section of ‘Waldorf Salad’ when he turns on the guests for complaining about the hotel !
Is there a name for Jews who hate their own kind – sch something, perhaps?
I prefer to think of the prefix “schm” in the following statement:
Oedipus, schmeodipus, what does it matter so long as he loves his momma!
The Jewish prefix “schm-” does the same job as Jim Royle’s “my arse !”
What is happening in east London is only a taste of things to come. These appalling, racist, intolerant, third world Islamo-nazis have to be taken down a peg or two. Don’t expect Dave Cameron to do anything other than to make the usual soothing sounds about the wonderful benefits of immigration. After all he openly supports the violent, ultra left wing thugs of the UAF. The UAF and the Islamo-nazis make very strange bed-fellows, but they both detest our culture and way of life and are determined to destroy it. Perhaps the BBC could do an in depth, under cover job on some of these militant oiks and their friends in the mosques.
Don’t hold your breath.
It’s just part of a bigger picture although the BBC only reports the odd bit or piece when it can’t avoid doing so. A visual account of the Islamisation of Tower hamlets, with accounts of incidents of Muslim aggression, written in September 2011 (from an EDL sympathiser, it has to be admitted – but everyone else seems too inhibited – to show what’s going on):
Alan, since you support the EDL and oppose integration I’m surprised you don’t find the idea of more unrepresentative nuts parading around as vigilanties supposedly representing the majority very appealing.
Kettle calling the pot black!
Alan does not oppose integration, you plumb, his concerns stem from the LACK of integration, and force of an alien culture onto our own….what part of that can you not wrap your pathetic, liberal dhimmified mind around?
Are you actually, as I suspect, Islamic “Colditz”, you seem to pop up on any story posted here pointing out the reality of “Islam at home”
Well said, Chop. The opposite of society-splintering multiculturalism IS integration. Multiculti is the leftoid wolf scantily dressed in sheep’s clothing. More & more people, those at the sharp end of, especially, muslim colonisation, know this all too well. Too many muslims don’t want to integrate: they want to stifle, then dominate. That statement may be unpalatable to the BBC elite, but on the increasingly divided streets of east London it is an irrefutable fact. And it’s bleak.
So does that mean your for or against the BBCs obfuscation and outright censorship of domestic islamist crimes?
It wasn’t clear from your incisive post.
Come on, don’t beat about the bush
Dear colditz,
Posting again so I assume you were feeling a bit sad and lonely. However, are you aware that you comment is essentially reactionary. You don’t defend the BBC’s clear inability to deal with the Muslim Patrol, but try to negate the observation by a bit of deflection. So you are simply reacting to something you know is true but emotionally cannot accept.
Apologies for not quite keeping company with your sad and lonely posts, I am trying to be supportive.
Best regards
Kyoto your generosity of spirit is an example to us all.
One does one’s best. However, work commitments mean that over the weekend and beyond I won’t be able to offer the same levels of support to colditz as I desperately try to offer.
Perhaps we need the government to step in with an appropriate programme of support.
Best regards
I think his islamist friends are giving him a lot of support.
how come these muslim patrols never seem to make it to stamford bridge or millwall on a saturday afternoon, surely thats where their target audience is. oh yeah, they have to go in gangs, and only target women or vulnerable people.
Its about time the Muslim patrols went round Islington and Hampstead.
Plenty of self-loathing freaks who need to be removed from the gene pool.
The BBC only have one small brain cell between them – they keep warning of the “far-right, like Nazis”. Someone should break the news to them that the Nazis are “national socialists” – ie. left wing. As was Stalin. As was Pol Pot. As was Mao Tse-Tsung.
In other words, 100% of the world’s worst dictators were left-wingers.
Of course, the BBC supported Hitler and Chamberlain’s policy of ‘appeasement’ right up until hostilities broke out, and constantly undermined Churchill before and after the war, you won’t find that admitted on the BBC!
Nothing has changed, but still Cameron won’t break them up!
This isn’t exactly a new thing with Muslims.
In the 90s as I was walking through a town centre a man i did know came up to me and ripped off my neck the cross i was wearing. As you can imagine within seconds he was on the floor sporting a very sore head (Well i was in the boxing team) and as I administered a kick to his head (To all you wet liberals, I play to win) I asked why he had done so and he replied
“You should not be wearing such a thing”
and the silly thing about this story. I had never met the bloke in my life before. He presumed he had the right to do as he please.
A few years later while waiting in a German bank in Uniform, this turk walked up to me, snatched my bank book out of my hand and started looking through it. Put it this way within 30 seconds he was on the floor also sporting a very sore head. When I went to get served, the lady apologised in English and said “He is not one of us”
What is it with bloody Muslims and their self proclaimed right (As endorsed by the bBC) to try and rule all over us.
Sorry that above should read didn’t know.
“I was walking through a town centre a man I didn’t know came up to me and ripped off my neck the cross i was wearing.”
Shocking. He thought he could get away with it because of your ethnicity – in other words he was racist as well anti-Christian.
If he was unemployed you should have suggested that he go and work for the BBC.
Dez is on record for calling Pounce a liar concerning the first case of the man who tore the cross from his neck. I suppose he could plead innocence of slander, on the grounds of being the village idiot.
I am surprised a singular Muzbot would do that sort of thing, in a gang, yeah, absolutely, they act like tw*ts, but I have always found ones on their own, who are normally gobby, tend to be cowardly little sh*ts when caught one on one.
The Islamic mind set is that of moral and relgious superiority. Lucky for Allah’s little Bigots, their aim to rule over everybody is helped by the likes of the left (You know like that prat Thatchell did with his bBC video report about Islamic hate gangs , where he made out that actually Muslims are the victims just like gays…please) The bBC has for years now sanitised anything in which the true colours of Islam have been shown. Be it Kris Donald in Scotland, Kiddy fiddling in England (how many gangs now) or even terrorism around the world, the thing that links all of the above (And the rest) is a devotion to emulate a paedophilic mass murderer of a warlord called Mohammed. Yet while the bBC has no problems calling the British bad for having an Empire that lasted all of around 150 years. The Islamic one not only lasted 10 times as long but they subjugated many more people and each and every country which has won its freedom from Islamic rule is a basket case to this day, those that are still under Islam are piss poor. (Oil is a relative newcomer and yet even those countries which have it have done with it expect purchase weapons and build even higher skyscrapers than the one before)
The biggest export from Islamic lands is its people who seek shelter from the ingrained bigotry found within the unholy Koran. Isn’t it ironic that idiots like the bBC, have allowed such bigotry to surface on our streets (remember how the bbC bitched when CH4 aired that mosque program and it turned out everything in that program was true) and instead of blaming the guilty party- Followers of Islam- they instead point the finger at anybody and everybody. Oh look UKIP they are racist bigots, Oh look tories they are racist bigots, Oh look Jews, they are evil racist bigots. Oh look Muslims they are peaceful people who can only be victims.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
You fought in the British army. You pulled yourself up by your boot straps after a very difficult childhood – with the help of your Christian [foster] parents. You are proud and independent. You say what you think. You believe in a free society.
In short in the eyes of the BBC you are the scum of the Earth.
I salute you.
the asian network is just the brown version of bnp radio.,,,from time to time i have listened to the asian network,,,,i was not very impressed,,,,it just seems to be a platform for any brown racist to express there racist and bigoted views against white english people,,,never do i hear the presenters on the asian network challenge these racist views that are expressed by many of there callers…another thing about the biased asian network i have noticed,,,i have never heard so many people from abroad mainly muslim countrys who come on them phone ins on that station and complain about what a rotten and disgusting country england is,,,talk about ungreatfull or what,,,,they should of closed down the asian network last year and the bbc did want to close it down,,,but what happened…the bbc caved into bullying by the asian lobby who just like to get there own way….close down the asian network,,,its just a waste of the licence fee.
when are we getting a romanian network,does anybody know?
Isn’t that Radio 4?
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