‘Modern methods of printing and advertising make it enormously cheaper to produce and distribute one newspaper with a large circulation than many with small circulations; consequently, in so far as the Press controls opinion, there is uniformity, and, in particular, there is uniformity of news.
Broadcasting is a new method likely to acquire great potency as soon as people are satisfied that it is not a method of propaganda.’ Bertrand Russell 1924
We are being fed a diet of Green pap by the BBC in programmes which masquerade as being on subjects entirely disconnected with climate but when you look closer are entirely shaped and aimed at pushing the climate change message. The BBC has become the ‘Soylent Corporation’ pushing dead theories rather than dead bodies.
Thanks to Wallygreenthinker who pointed this out.
Biologist Richard Mabey is given a BBC slot (perhaps fortunately on R3) to air his thoughts on weather…his thoughts on climate change are incidental but of vital importance…and they are his own…but conveniently reflect the BBC view …and as he says on his web site: ‘He writes for the Guardian, New Statesman and Granta, and contributes frequently to BBC radio.’ And yes, he is a constant contributor to the BBC.
Make of this what you will…but I can’t imagine someone with highly critical views on the climate change consensus being given such a platform to air their views:
‘This series hasn’t been about climate or its changes. It’s been a personal look at how we live with the weather that is our daily intimately experienced embodiment of climate….but if the climate itself is on the move then it becomes part of the story.
Only those with ideological blinkers or vested interests deny global warming is happening and that human activity has a major role in it…but I wonder if a similar kind of denial, a refusal to accept extremely uncomfortable likelihoods is blinkering those who believe we maybe able to halt it.
My own view, if I may be forgiven one last metaphor, is that we have a snowball’s chance in Hell of stopping it, at least in the short term.
The last 20 years have seen nothing but missed targets and repeatedly postponed agreements, politicians are so self interested, corporations too greedy, scientists barely able to grasp the complexity of what is happening and the rest of us, the buck passing public, too irrevocably wedded to our high consumption life styles.
But that doesn’t mean we should stop trying.
It would be good to think we could be mature enough as a species to pull this off. Yet I wonder if we could tolerate the authoritarian governance and the high risk engineering that would be necessary if we were to find a solution.‘
‘Only those with ideological blinkers or vested interests deny global warming is happening and that human activity has a major role in it’…that’s straight out of the ‘Harrabin Handbook of Green Propaganda’….. I’m sure there really is such a thing in existence which is handed over to anyone recruited by the BBC to talk in any way what so ever on subjects related to climate change….it will of course relay to them the essential ‘facts’ on climate…things to keep in mind as they write their scripts.
I like the part about the ‘believers’ also being in denial…but then he doubles back…it was all a cunning plan….he criticises the ‘believers‘ so the impression is that he must be ‘reasonable‘ and fair minded…so we can safely listen to him as he continues….we must keep trying to rein in CO2 and consumerism and indeed our sceptic natures…..or long term we’re all doomed.
So no change to the message then at all.
‘This series hasn’t been about climate change’….er…yes it was……This is just another of the BBC’s propaganda efforts inventing a programme theme that inevitably has some connection to climate change…which must be addressed.
I had the misfortune to tune in to a few minutes of Countryfile earlier on today….
The subject matter revolved around appalling, cold, wet, British weather for the past few years, but guess who they wheeled out, and guess what was blamed?……A BBC weatherman to educate the farmer of the piece on the evils of global warming, of which the farmer of course totally lapped up…..
Another thing that struck my thoughts before I turned off pretty pronto, was that the farmer doing fronting the piece was incredibly professional in his delivery style, and his overall comfort in addressing the television camera.
Almost like a genuine BBC actor, perish that evil thought.
‘..the farmer of course totally lapped up…..’
It is my experience that, when the cow pat hits the windmill on matters countryside, and especially livestock, if the vagaries of the weather year to year affect the profits for any reason, if the hint of compo is in the air, rural pragmatism gives way to a deep appreciation of anything that sees them not bearing the risks of their professional choices.
No idea where the rest comes from. Quite interesting too, mind, as social commentary.
The truth… the whole truth.. nothing but the truth.
Or… enhanced narratives?
It was a different time.
The propaganda is subtly introduced in many bbc programmes; listen to radio 4 extra and one can detect it in comedy programmes and dramas. Not in your face, more the throw-away lines and knowing comments that get the audience laughing; sometimes they appear to be in opposition to climate change alarmism but on examination one can see that the words are usually uttered by a character who has been established as a buffoon, so implying that anyone who isn’t infected with the climate change virus, is to be regarded as an idiot and to be laughed at.
Yes, subtle indoctrination is found right across BBC ouput (and in fairness many other liberal media institutions) promoting the tenets of “progressive” thought – climate change, multiculturalism, redistribution of wealth, equality and diversity legislation, internationalism and the EU, the expansion of the welfare culture and entitlement, etc.
Far beyond news and current affairs it almost casually drops into “comedy”, magazine style shows, sports shows.
No show is out of bounds
The BBC is very good at getting their propaganda across in all sorts of subtle ways such as comedy programmes and drama.and this is just as effective. Apologies for going completely off subject but this example of how fiction is used to reinforce their viewpoint is a classic example.
Watched the latest Silent Witness last week. It involved the killing of a British soldier several years earlier in Afghanistan. The whole Silent Witness team went out to investigate. Absurd plot.
After fifteen minutes I had a bet with my wife that the killer wouldn’t be an Afghan. Guess what? I won.
Just got a brief bit of “The Food Programme” on Radio 4 this lunchtime.
Yes folks…it`s not the E.U or anybody else to blame for horsemeat being found in our burgers….the E.U are powerless pawns in the game…yes sirree!
No-it`s the Tory cuts to the Food Standard Agency-why, it took the paddies across the Irish Sea to find it for us…and you know THEIR standards of science don`t you?
If only we had a Labour Government eh, with Joan Bakewell to mince a few old folk in a subtle piquant sauce eh?…the Food Programme clearly believes that Foot and Mouth, sending out all manner of microbes out of Guildfords research farms and the like are all behind us…send for Margaret Beckett or Michael Meacher, Nick Brown or -well anybody who ran such a tight ship as the good ship Labour from 1997-2010.
Desperate slurry from the BBC…but past resetting now…
Quote from BBC website: The BBC’s Paris correspondent Hugh Schofield said the scandal had cast light on the bewildering complexity of the food business in the EU. He said: “A Swedish brand – Findus – supplying British supermarkets employed a French company, Comigel, to make its ready meals. To get meat for its factory in Luxembourg, Comigel called on the services of another French firm Spanghero. It used an agent in Cyprus, who in turn used an agent in the Netherlands, who placed the order at an abattoir in Romania.”
Nice use of the word “complexity”. As opposed to, say, “corruption”, “madness”, “stupidity” or “criminal”.
‘Nice use of the word “complexity”’
Also missed out ‘European’ which, when extolling the virtues of this open-bordered market, the BBC is usually keen to shout from the rooftops.
Maybe he could have gone with ‘unique’?
Andrew Neill saves Beeb from disgrace.
From the Sunday Politics programme.
Andrew Neill : Mary Creagh, you’ve been scathing in your attacks on the government for not doing enough, but it turns out Labour stopped testing for horse meat in 2003. Would you like to apologise for that?
Mary Creagh : Well, Foods Standards Authority tests for the presence of adulteration on the basis of intelligence and the last test was done in 2003. And since then as far as I’m aware, there hasn’t been any intelligence of horse meat being passed off as beef…..
Andrew Neill : You also ended daily government inspection of meat cutting plants in 2006. Would you like to apologise for that?
Mary Creagh : Well, er, let’s keep it focused on where we are now…
So nothing to do with Toricutz then, but Labour MP and former Beeboid, Ben Bradshaw, prefers The Food Programmes version.
Ben Bradshaw @BenPBradshaw
@BBCr4’s ever excellent Food Programme reveals testing on composition and authenticity of food has been cut by more than 40% #horsemeat
‘Mary Creagh : Well, er, let’s keep it focused on where we are now…’
Guessing Mr. Neil missed the memo on ‘different times’ vs. ‘where we are now’ in Beebworld?
So that’s one out of 20,000 actually doing his job.
I make that I should see my next DD at 73p per annum then.
Please let there be a YouTube edit of this.
Andrew Neill would make a fine editor of Today.
Chances of it happening? Zilcherooney.
‘Only those with ideological blinkers or vested interests deny’
But it takes a special kind of censorious delusion to ensure a squad of FoI exclusion lawyers is on standby.
Not optimal in a balanced educator and informer, really.
Old news (Novemeber 2010) and I’m going o/t and to add to my sins I am reposting a thing I just refered to elsewhere – but come on…isn’t this just the funniest thing you’ve heard today?
It concerns Beeboid Ian Jolly (BBC Style Editor no less)
“He spent his very first day as a professional journalist on strike”
“Only those with ideological blinkers or vested interests deny”… Moral inversion.
Ideological blinkers – eco-facist green marxist climate justice blinkers?
vested interests: grant funding, renewable energy rent seekers, recipients of hedge-fund millionaires indulgences?
Who are the deniers here? Those that deny that the climate is always changing, naturally, and not catastrophically, outwith our control, and above all, denying uncertainty.
London Calling, you put you finger on the nub of the issue. The BBC cultural Marxists see anyone who might be at odds with their own proscribed and approved world view as somehow in need of ‘re-education’; someone who is unable to see ‘the facts’; ‘the truth’. This is, as others here have clearly said, totally apparent across the entire breadth of the wretched Corporations’ output in all genres – from natural history, to current affairs, dramas and even comedy. Sly and subtle, this CAGW propaganda is endless and wholly pernicious.,
‘Man-made climate change’ (which is absolutely not the same as naturally-occurring climate change, despite the way the BBC in particular willfully misrepresents it) has proven to be, for the BBC and its fellow travelers, a very capable and powerful meme with which to shape its political intentions. It’s a rallying call; a new religion; a joyous socialist manifesto, urging us all to approve draconian new laws and restrictions in the name of bogus ‘sustainability’, the raising of £billions in fraudulent ‘green’ taxes – all of which goes directly to fund the EU/UN Agenda 21 and its front organizations such as the thoroughly discredited IPCC (which dutifully produces its laughable ‘policy-makers reports’ at great expense to hapless taxpayers). CAGW scare-mongering is nothing less than a clear manifestation of socialist political intent, able to usurp democratic process in the name of The Holy Consensus – all on the road to its ultimate aim of global governance.
The BBC is a powerful ally, as are many other public service broadcasters around the world, all willingly complicit in propagandizing the ‘climate revolution’ they hope one day to herald. Because they know best; because fossil fuels are ‘evil’; because selfish, wicked gas-guzzling proles need ‘re-educating’ to see things the ‘correct’ way. Because only ‘they’, our ‘betters’, our more ‘enlightened’ cultural masters, properly understand the promise of the new agrarian, ‘sustainable’ future they have planned for us all.
And this is why the BBC, being the intellectual and scientific cowards they clearly are, will not allow those who dissent a fair hearing; instead they censor out, belittle and sneer at those who dare to take issue with The Grand Climate Project.
Bill Giles tells Lord Smith: it’s not a new kind of rain. It’s completely normal http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/weather/9859579/Forecaster-Bill-Giles-tells-Lord-Smith-its-not-a-new-kind-of-rain.-Its-completely-normal.html
Hope his BBC pension is watertight
Lovable old Bill Giles put’s an idiot in his place:
Sorry – got beaten to it!
Only those with ideological blinkers or vested interests deny global warming is happening It hard to take a statement like this seriously when up to one’s arse in snow but didn’t I read somewhere that the Earth’s temperature has remained stable for a decade?
Must admit I`m enjoying all this.
The climate change numpties were rumbled in December 2009, as they could not get home from Copenhagen…but still wondered about the snow that was not meant to happen.
The likes of Robin Horbury shot their fox…or is that polar bear?…out of the ice floes…yet the BBC persist.
Clinging to the wreakage, hoping for some kind of vindication-thankfully, they`re as thick and as “unironic” as can be hoped for.
The bonfires of the vanities surely are warming their arses…or at least the marshmallows of their civil partnerships at least.
As Elvis C said…”i used to be disgusted-now I try to be amused”…lucky bugger scooted to Vancouver didn`t he?
This is the only part of Mabey’s wittering that’s important:
Yet I wonder if we could tolerate the authoritarian governance and the high risk engineering that would be necessary if we were to find a solution.‘
The eternal cry of the wannabe oppressor. This is the ideology behind Warmism and environmentalism. Combine the energy of our media and politicians for Warmist goals with the equal energy being spent by our media and politicians on the fraudulent concept of “income inequality” and “fairness”, and all roads lead to a totalitarian state. And the BBC is one of its biggest cheerleaders.
Telescreen subliminal message – “if your parents are warming deniers, ring us up and we’ll try to help them”, ie book them in for a gassing at Stafford Hospital.
“BBC backs down on David Attenborough’s climate change statistics.
“The BBC has backed down over Sir David Attenborough’s widely contested claim that parts of the world have warmed by 3.5C over the last two decades.”
But the BBC initially defended it. They said it was drawn from a report by Oxfam and the New Economics Foundation., but in turn this report suggested the figure had come from a report by Christian Aid.
In a footnote that report suggested the claim had been made at a climate change conference in Dakar in 2004.
A claim once made at a conference makes it onto a BBC
documentary. Shocking, shocking stuff.
So the BBC defended it by claiming it had come from those most respected of scientific institutions Oxfam, Christian Aid and the New Economics Foundation?
Do they ever listen to themselves or are they beyond giving a flying fig tree?