I suggested in my last post that the BBC has given up on promoting Labour’s Plan B as its main line of attack and has now targeted unemployment, long term youth unemployment in particular as a government weak point on which it can be undermined.
Just clicked on ‘People Like Us’ on the iPlayer only for a different programme to appear… one called ‘Freespeech’ presented by a bearded Nicky Campbell apprentice. (Probably disappear by the time you read this but no doubt ‘Freespeech’ will have its own spot on the iPlayer later…yep….here’s actual programme link)
First subject of this first programme….youth unemployment….‘call them shirkers call them strivers….long term youth unemployment is continuing to cause concern…tripling since 2010.’
We get the message.
A trendy yoof version of Question time…nothing to do with free speech….the panellists are what you would expect the BBC to round up…a Muslim woman (a Tory candidate and knicker entrepreneur…but she never herself admits, see here also, to being Muslim…but she is…BBC subtly trying to alter your perceptions of what being ‘Muslim’ means?), a socialist, a yoof journalist and to be fair, the trendiest Tory MP they could find, David Morris ex musician and hairdresser (Straight).
If it was truly freespeech it would be on absolutely any subject and the only voices we would hear would be the Public’s and not a panel chosen by the BBC for their very obvious political or social/cultural adopted positions.
A film made by a non-political, non professional person, given time to expand their ideas and thoughts and explore all the issues from their point of view would be freespeech…to have everything stage managed and choreographed in the usual BBC manner is anything but freespeech.
The BBC sets the boundaries for what can be said…limiting the subject, choosing the panel of people to speak and then having the power to edit anything they don’t think ‘fits’ with the narrative.
As Chomsky said:
‘The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.’
You think they’re listening and taking note….they’re not.
Nicky Campbell apprentice: “Next up is a Welsh Assembly minister and leader of Plaid Cymru. She’s socialist, republican, enviromentalist, anti-racist, feminist – I think you’re gonna like her- she’s Leanne Wood”.
And that’s as far as I’m going with the new biased Beeboid on the block.
” Anti Racist.”
Ah yes, the magic R word, where would Liberals be without it ?
“the magic R word”
Not including comments, used 232 times on Biased BBC in the last 16 months.
where would B-BBC be without it ?
You seem to be suffering from an adolescent petulance, calm down and chill out.
Is she anti racist when it is black on white racism?
Oh, sorry, I forgot, that’s not racism, is it?
When a bunch of enrichers kick the living sh*t out of a white girl, screaming “Kill the white bitch”, that’s just because they are not used to drinking, not racist at all…I wonder if Leanne Wood jumped up and down screaming about that little incident?
Somehow, I doubt it.
Racism is only a one way street in multi-culti, huggy-feely liberal Britain.
pah … only get bouncer work twice a week – n oi ive tried everfink to find work YEA! … drawls our neck tatooed, bright blue mohawked, jackbooted cherub
… off switch
An anti-racist Welsh nationalist? Surely a contradiction in terms?
“First subject of this first programme….youth unemployment….”
This is the 10th episode of “Free Speech”, the first was in March 2012. Other subjects have included crime, drugs, education and immigration.
“…a Muslim woman, a socialist, a yoof journalist and to be fair, the trendiest Tory MP they could find, David Morris ex musician and hairdresser (Straight).”
How does this sound;
“The guests on Question Time tonight featured a Socialist , a Tory MP, and a Jew.”
Not so good huh?
That you dismiss Shazia Awan as nothing more than “a Muslim” speaks volumes about your ignorant religious bigotry.
Oh but wait, someone gave you a bit more info, so you made a STEALTH EDIT (isn’t that what it’s called on B-BBC?) and inserted the following:
“a Tory candidate and knicker entrepreneur…but she never herself admits, see here also, to being Muslim…but she is…BBC subtly trying to alter your perceptions of what being ‘Muslim’ means?”
By, “she never herself admits“, you mean it’s not mentioned – just like the religious views of David Morris or the other two panelists aren’t mentioned.
Because it’s totally irrelevant; except in the minds of ignorant religious bigots (such as yourself).
Just as (“yoof journalist”) Kieran Yates’ skin colour is totally irrelevant; except in the minds of ignorant racist bigots.
“…BBC subtly trying to alter your perceptions of what being ‘Muslim’ means?”
Yeah, because being a Christian and an ignorant religious bigot makes you fully qualified to know what “being a Muslim means”?
Shazia Awan (via twitter);
“Now I’m not religious at all BUT I do wear a kalma (Islamic) & a religious symbol necklace given to me at the Gurdwara (sikhism) and a cross!… Am SO glad the Christian woman won her case on wearing cross to work! Nobody has right to tell you no on these things!!!!!”
“…a panel chosen by the BBC for their very obvious political or social/cultural adopted positions.”
Ah yes such a very obvious social/cultural adopted position, you didn’t even notice Shazia Awan was a Tory business-woman because all you could see was “Muslim”.
One has to wonder how thoughtful will view these bold claims (the rest placed in worth to peruse accordingly) given what was recently deemed by him as ’emotive’.
dear dear … looks like the dummies out 😀
… wrong side of the bed this morning? 😀
I take it alan didn t get the valentines card then?
well … never mind dez
at least you don t have to sign it … “guess who?”
Probably has been a long nightshift for him at his beeb desk.
Certainly anger driven! & I could refute all the points one at a time, but I can’t be bothered.
BTW it’s ‘she’ not ‘he’ !
Insult and other disrespectful comments are so very easy on annonymous blogs, people type things they would never dream of saying in public. It’s nice to remind people that they are not just typing words on a screen, they are replying to someone, and good manners cost nothing.
This is puzzling, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a demented nutty rant on this site before.
I have to disagree.
k9 came up with a wonderful “up the workers, up Che, up Fidel” rant the other day.
You might recall – it was about an acid attack on a poor woman in East London which naturally led him to draw parallels with the Gaza Strip etc.
One for the scrap book that one..
He forgot to renew his lithium prescription.
The means and opportunity to indoctrinate the young into their Psuedo-Religion ,is the most vital weapon in the ‘liberal inquisitions’ deconstructionist arsenal.
To challenge that is to attack them at the most fundamental level.
Hence the hysterical outburst.
I’ve read yours so I wouldn’t draw attention to nuts.
Owen, how many times have I told you not to go on the internet, this late at night.
Now put your pyjamas on and get into bed, you shouldn’t sit up like that with nothing on – Why are you calling yourself Dez now – Last week you were calling yourself Colditz!
It is Dez (and the BBC) who is being racist.
The day Dex realises this his head will explode.
P.S. Dez is not Colditz.
To be fair, though the BBC does have its mission to inform, educate and explain…or was that TVa.m?
No matter-if anyone wants to hear how the political class of the 90s turned out?…just have a listen to Stephen Dorrell on the Today show this morning.
Humphries didn`t even have to get out of his slanket…this Major puncture repair kit called Dorrell is and was the very epitome of the Tory dream, according to May, Cameron and Maude.
If I were Farage, Robinson/Lennon…or even Griffin…I`d be pretty encouraged… only the Labour Party surely wants the Tories to keep on with their quisling cringing, ignorance and complacency.
Now then-given whistleblowers Humph…any news on Savile then boyo?
Well said Dez. All you get back is abuse from the knuckle scrapers ! In real life they are all sad liitle men left behind…
Left behind what?
“Knuckle scrapers”?
“Sad little men”?
Is that abuse? Yes it is.
If it upsets you simply do not come on this site.
I think what Dez,Colditz Scott etc don’t realise is, if their Lefty pals have their way, they and us will all be living in a ‘Tower Hamlets’ way before this Century is done. Now obviously they would be extremely happy to live in a balticultural mini Pakistan or Bangladesh but they need to realise that most of us would be appalled at the idea and can see that if things don’t change in our institutions (like the BBC) the process will carry on apace.
Admin, why does spell check try to make me spell American and not British? It was flagging realise as realize
Silly me it’s probably my browsers spellcheck! (embarrassed icon)
Aren’t we lucky that “the left” is one big homogenous entity whose supposedly secret agenda is known to everyone who disagrees with it?
Think of all the straw men that saves!
The BBC agenda is not secret, it is just they cannot admit it without undermining the justification they give for taxpayer funding i.e. impartiality.
Yes indeed the Daily readers know more about leftists than leftists know about themselves.
Daily Mail readers.
Quite right Gramscian,it is often impossible for cultists to see the hypocrisy’s and contradictions of their faith.Even when demonstrated to them from people viewing from outside.They usually respond by becoming ‘aggressively defencive’
‘one big homogenous entity’
Or a small one, like the often coined, if poorly thought out ‘you lot’?
Kinnock-Hattersley, Bono-The Edge, Brown- Blair, Hope and Keen?…and “now Dez-Colditz ladees n gen`lmen”.Two rickety rickshaw wheels in need of a float( Notting Hill 2013) or chassis( to convey Patten up to his other home-Salford)
Apply to Compliance Unit, BBC.
Now then-are they a tag team or The Dream Ticket of Beeboid fantasy?..vote now, Ant n Dec will count the votes and take a drink out of your mobile bill.
P.S News update-Scott is here, make that a tricycle…now which is the funny little wheel at the front of the Reliant Robin?
Unfortunately, if you give an emotive response to Alan’s ridiculous attitudes, it just gives his fellow idiots a way out – they can attack Dez, and therefore ignore just how lunatic Alan’s posts are.
I’m beginning to think the only reason he’s kept around is so that Davids Vance and Preiser can look intellectual by comparison.
Owen, Now you’re calling yourself Scott!
Now put your winkie away and stop playing with it like that; You know it will fall off and you’ll turn into a girl if you shake it so vigourously – And No! Allegra won’t babysit again and tell you socialist stories after she caught you doing what you are doing now.
Now get into bed and stop bothering people!
Scott, it’s a shame you waste your time on nobodies like us. Surely bigger, more important sites are worthy of your superior intellect. I know you’re not really interested in defending the BBC but are really here to fight with right-wingers, so what’s the point, really?
All the little left-wing nutjob loony-tunes are here now; a full set. Well done Alan you managed to flush them out, we needed a good laugh at their pathetic outbursts.
I love it when Alan & co are made to look stupid. And it happens just about every day.
Flushing out?
More like the disappointing outcome that remains from repeated attempts with an eco-cistern.
Not a single piece of substance amongst you. Pure denial of service attempts.
Can’t you Flokkers just get a room or something?
You certainly have enough to start your own forum.
Mitch Benn could do a jingle.
Oh my the Craven BBC coven are here and in force ? odd didn’t know it was bring your over wrought halfwitted end of the bell big daughters blouse to work day at the ministry of poof!
Dear Mr Vance
I’m sorry that Owen has been bothering your site with his pseudonyms (Scott, Dez etc.).
I’m afraid his ADHD has got worse lately, and no amount of Ritalin seems to help.
Between you and me, I’m getting a little worried about his behaviour in the bedroom; He keeps being “beastly”, and doesn’t care who sees him.
Our regular babysitter Allegra, refuses to come after last time (semen stains are so persistent, and it was her best pullover). She was reading “Das Kapital” to him when the accident happened.
Please let me know if he adopts any more pseudonyms, and please ignore his rudeness, you know, calling people knuckle draggers and the like. He’s going through an identity crisis and can’t decide whether to be trans-gender or just a cross dresser.
I’ve given him an old pair of his sisters knickers to play with, and hopefully, it will keep him out of mischief for a while.
Regards to everyone on the site.
Owen’s Mum
Can Owen come round my Islington mansion on Friday for tea?
I’ve grounded him for a week.
Why are being so homophobic to Comrade Owen?
All you right-wing people on this site are going the way of the Dodo.
Us left-wing people are taking over.
We control all the institutions in the West.
We are breeding you out of existence with our Muslim comrades.
The revolution has already started.
We know who all of you are.
Ropes and lamposts will be your fate in the near future.
Ropes and lamposts, come away.
In this street let’s rape and kill,
For this is Stalin’s birthday,
Sacred to hate and unsavoury thrill,
To marching, to music and to excrable poetry;
Your mobs may now securely riot
Whilst you express your hate and lies.
Ropes and lamposts, come away.
With apologies to Thomas Shadwell.
Indeed you are the one and only Earls Court or I’m a Labour voting Gramscian a**eh**e!
Ropes, cranes, lamposts, lake of fire
The notion that there is anything resembling ‘free speech’ on the BBC is a joke. The BBC only reports the news it wants us to hear , only gives us historical interpretations it thinks suit its own liberal left narrative , gives free reign to those it agrees with , denigrates any views that oppose it its narrative , supports any lefty cause , opposes any Conservative policy, broadcasts only drama which fits its narrative, employs only those who fit in with the BBC way of thinking, etc etc etc.
Free speech died many years ago in Britain but went unreported by the BBC.
Free speech should only be allowed if it follows Gramscian and Frankfurt School policies.
There’s some poetic irony that a thread headed ‘Free Speech’ is being so clogged by multiple human wave denial of service attempts.
If the funding for the sponsoring of these ever becomes public it will be an eye-opener.
By 2030 you will be praying to Mecca 5 times a day Comrade.
Could you put it back to 9pm please? I’ll’ve had me tea then …
One of he things that’s decided me in going over to R4’s world at ten instead of listening to Radio 3’s Nightwaves was a discussion they had last week about the cultural influence of Paris. It was decided that the unstoppable advance of English speaking, led by America, was the chief cause of its decline into something almost of a provincial city. An academic scouser, specialising in modernist literature, who had lived in Paris for 9 years took a more positive, exciting view of its future, which had nothing to do with America, or even Europe. It would become the centre and focus of the Maghreb – a hub of North African culture and art. La ville lumiere! Did the bubblehead have any idea what a restricted, squalid and debased future he was outlining for the city? The absence of any voices to express reservations about this fate, from the others, has decided me that these intellectuals just aren’t worth the candle.
“How can the BBC censor angry Archers fans when it gives Stephen Fry free rein to offend?”
Of course, Stephen Fry is an ‘Archers’ fan, so expect a pronouncement from him soon.
It’s the circle, the circle of life…………
‘He is, of course, the Corporation’s favoured son, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to turn on a BBC channel without hearing his self-satisfied voice. Whatever he does, he is pampered and given some new programme to play with.’
He is in so many ways a perfect personification of the modern BBC.
Haughty, self-important, public school and yet down with the kids. Right on, politically correct and yet at heart little more than a gigglingly saucy knob-gagger gayer.
Your Homphobic
Hooray ! Please could you give me deatails as to how I can claim my free Nelson Mandela ?
Many thanks,
Interesting how no-one on this thread has been able to refute what Dez and Scott say…
They’ve not said anything worth refuting. No point wasting time on ridiculous hysterical outbursts.
That’s a cop-out and you know it.
Dez used strong language, but he made some good points that no-one has answered.
…. Alan’s ridiculous attitudes….gives his fellow idiots a way out….how lunatic Alan’s posts are.
How to refute a selection of Scott’s ad-homs?
…. Scott’s ridiculous attitudes….gives Scott’s fellow idiots a way out….how lunatic Scott’s posts are.
I know it’s not very articulate but it’s a start.
Soon this country will be like North Korea.
Not soon enough comrade.