The BBC used to mock Prince Charles for talking to his plants…now they have recruited him to chat to us, to persuade us that we are doomed by global warming unless we change our behaviour….we all know his views….and if you don’t here’s a clue:
Mankind must go green or die, says Prince Charles
The BBC presumably thinks we are rather plantlike…mushrooms maybe?
The BBC’s Countryfile has 7 million viewers allegedly…so a vast potential recruiting pool for green propagandists that is not to be wasted. Prince Charles has agreed to be guest editor for the 25th anniversary show.
The Prince of Wales is to guest edit a special edition of the BBC One flagship Countryfile programme as part of its 25th anniversary celebrations.
Charles will talk about his passion for the countryside in interviews with Countryfile presenters Julia Bradbury and Matt Baker and will also explain his choices for the special edition of the weekly rural affairs programme.
The final shot? An earnest Charlie leaning on his stick telling us how important the environment is and that we must become ‘one’ with the environment to save the Planet from certain catastrophy.
OK…obviously the show hasn’t gone out yet…but any bets I’m wrong about the content and the final ‘wrap’? …and the BBC’s reasons for having him front their show piece propaganda?
On the subject of country file am I the only person who thinks that Matt Baker is an intensely annoying, pointless, smug, self satisfied, lefty gob shite?
He actually comes out quite favorably, when compared to John ‘the jam making son of a bitch’ Craven and Adam ‘puts the count into Countryfile’ Henson. Of course, everything is relative.
People on the bbc confirm the old saying : ‘familiarity breeds contempt’. The likes of Julia Bradbury and Brian Cox start out as appearing to be normal people who have some information to impart in an interesting way. But it doesn’t seem to take much time while in contact with the bbc before they go native and become part of the problem. for examples : Attenborough, Bradbury, Cox. Brand (both of them), Skinner, Toksvig, the abysmal Hardy. Bragg. Grant, Robinson (Tony the timeteam – yes I know). They all seem to inhale the bbc atmosphere and turn into intellectually vacuous, humourless zombies completely devoid of whatever it was that brought them to our attention in the first place. Mr Windsor has been a vacuum for decades, sucking up whatever latest fad blows into his vision; defender of faiths (what an ar**hole), go green he says (but don’t expect him to lead by example), duchy foods (over-priced and unexceptional but bringing in the dosh, no doubt), Royal homeopathic remedies (ha!, what a joke).
The day I start to believe Charles’ pronouncements on the environment, is the day he gives up his Bentley and catches the bus.
Before the apostrophe police zoom in, I think that should read Charles’s.
To be fair he does have an Aston that runs on waste. So it should have an ample supply on most measures, literal and figurative.
I bet the propaganda comes at the end of the program.
I think the staff at the BBC are in a vice, between being sacked and appearing as ignorant fools in front of the nation.
The only way they can fight back is by giving people like David Attenborough ridiculously exaggerated and unsupported facts.
False and embarrassingly exaggerated facts that the biased people at the BBC cannot resist putting at the end of a documentary.
Africa warming by 3.5 Kelvin in the last 20 years, is a new one that I have not heard of in science, not even from the most ardent warmists, and these people would not have wanted to keep a fact like that secret if it had been true.
But don’t blame the Royal family. Prince Philip has invited David Bellamy to Buckingham Palace to give a talk, I do not think that Prince Charles is pleased, but I do hope Prince William has been invited to the talk by his grandfather.
I wonder how much money has been spent in Europe on green energy etc? I can’t help but think, that all the money would be better spend on research into Nuclear Fusion. God forbid that they might actually give substantial money to proper scientists………..
The assumption the AGW fanatics seem to make is that for the first time in mankind’s history, science will now stand still.
The corporation’s internal censors would have harsh words to say if it was proposed to let the Pakistani inmates of our special schools drool and gibber about how they would save the planet. So why take the mickey out of this victim of cousinly inbreeding?
(Not that Charles is completely stupid – he preferred my looks to Di’s, even if mine were sponsored by Findus. )
Oh yeah I will take enviro-mental advice from the great mind that gave us the pit of Poundbury
“that Thomas hardy theme park for slow learners.”
Or a Man who chooses as his architectural adviser and designer of the Prince of Wales’ Poundbury estate Leon Krier’s who has a worrying admiration for Nazi architecture!
The BBC, don’t forget, are smarting from the bad press the ageing (and of unsound mind) David Attenborough is garnering for them, not to mention the oily Brian Cox, so they are on the defensive, now with all guns blazing in attempt to repair the damage. All things climate are GO – especially if their ideology is supported. HRH prince Numpty has previous for, well, being a numpty and ecogreenie twat, and if previous comments here, or in the press are to be believed nobody has much time for him, either. If carbon dioxide was ever a problem, and we could ever benefit from having less of it a round (which, of course, we can’t), he should be one of the first to be carted away in the hypocrisy tumbril, and his head subsequently removed.
Hold the presses. There has been a murder by shooting in South Africa. They have arrested the culprit.
Funny you should raise the spectre of the Royal Numpty and Brian Cox. Numpty does’t like carbon and there was Cox on Sunday I think telling us all that carbon was the very begetter of life on the planet.. I thought Cox had gone native a while ago but he actually acted as a proper scientist showing the basis of all organic chemistry, the carbon and its ease of joining with nitrogen, hydrogen , oxygen and hydroxil ions. The very neccesities of all life on earth!
Maybe prince Numpty should study a few graphs before singing the praises of wind, er, “power”…