Thirteen years of Labour mis-government have been airbrushed from history by the BBC just like the Medieval Warm Period.
We once had a Labour Prime Minister called Tony Blair and a Chancellor named Gordon Brown, who went on to become Prime Minister himself.
If you only get your news from the BBC that all might come as a bit of a shock.
Today all that changed. The archives have been rifled and dusted down, the story fixed and the tone set right.
We are now offically allowed to hear about Blair and Brown and even that they made the odd mistake….all in the best possible interest of the country naturally.
How so? What has changed?
Well for a start the BBC has a new/old recruit dragged in through the BBC’s revolving door that connects it directly to Labour Party HQ as ex Labour MP James Purnell is given the job of Director of Strategy at the BBC….but it’s OK….he quit his Labour government job in disgust at Gordon Brown’s policies.
What’s the strategy? Get the Labour Party elected naturally. I joke.
The BBC clearly have to now mention Brown and his misdemeanours and Purnell’s antipathy towards Brown so that their ‘new boy’ is cleared of any likely charge of bias….a good try…unlikely to succeed.
Secondly Ed Miliband has relaunched, rebranded and rebooted his Party with a little ‘mea culpa’…..Brown got it wrong on taxes and abandoned the working class.
“We would put right the mistake made by Gordon Brown and the last Labour government.”
The BBC has to again mention Brown and his little errors of judgement, just enough for Miliband to apologise and then promise it will all be so different under a new Labour…no that’s been done hasn’t it? It’s good old Old Labour under Red Ed. Back to the future, with lessons learned, fingers burned.
Two mentions of Gordon Brown in one day on the BBC….with the BBC you know you really are history once they start airbrushing you back into the picture.
Gordon Brown was amongst the 38 Labour MP’s who failed to vote for Gay Marriage, which also included Labour MP’s Khalid Mahmood, Yasmin Qureshi and Virendra Sharma.
“Gordon Brown was amongst the 38 Labour MP’s who failed to vote for Gay Marriage, ”
ironic,perhaps? 🙂
…and, of course, Ed Balls claims that he and Ed Miliband had it right all along, and opposed Mr Brown’s deletion of the 10p tax rate.
Unfortunately for Labour’s attempt to be on the right side of history, neither of the Eds gave any indication, at the time, of having the slightest doubt that Mr Brown was doing the right thing, and Mr Miliband is reported as supporting Mr Brown’s move regarding the abolition of the 10% band as follows…
““When you make a big set of changes in the tax system, some people do lose out. That is a matter of regret. Of course it is. But overall these changes make the tax system fairer.”
These people would have you believe that the 13 years of Labour mis-management are a figment of the imagination…… and perhaps they are winning, because so many people now wish they had been.
And now Mr Miliband is trying to go even further – by attempting to airbrush himself out of that history….
“We would put right the mistake made by Gordon Brown and the last Labour government. ”
Delusional or what ? You and Mr Balls, Mr Milliband, along with Mr Brown, WERE that last Labour Government, or at least a significant part of it, and specifically when it came to the country’s finances.
Comment from somebody called Operation Crossbow at Guido’s (felt I had to redact his ugly imagery at one point):
“Nice to see Sky News pointing out that Red Ed’s about turn on the 10p tax rate is a “slap in the face for Gordon Brown”
Also nice that Sky News get an expert to point out that the proposed plan by mong face would cost 7 billion and mean everyone owning a 2 million pound house and above would all have to cough up £100,000 EACH.
Meanwhile over at the BBC, Nick Robinson and co are still too busy suck*** Red Ed’s **** *** to have bothered to check up on the facts. Perhaps Toenails and co should tune into Sky News?”
Yep….listening this afternoon and BBC give Miliband an easy ride….no thought that this is merely the Labour Party treating some people as their own Party piggy bank to be smashed open at will and the money essentially stolen to fund Labour’s election…Labour bankrupt morally, bankrupt of ideas and almost literally bankrupt.
Who needs public funding of political parties when they can fund themselves with a bit of daylight robbery?
I miss Martin.
Would that be the same Gordon Brown who pretends to be an MP so that we have to pay for his travel from Scotland to London whilst he jets around the world making millions from lecturing other countries on how to ru(i)n their economies?
Let’s not forget that compulsive taxer, Gordon Brown, now channels ALL his income through “The Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown” so he pays only 20% Corporation Tax. Just like David Miliband!
When is someone going to question the Miliband brothers how they managed to dodge paying Inheritance Tax or Capital Gains Tax on the value of the big house and estate left to them by their Marxist father Ralph?
I suggest Stephanie Flanders for the job of interviewing the Milibands.
Oh my aching sides.
All paid for by a “mansion tax” on properties over £1m?
And, like all attempts to “squeeze the rich until the pips squeak”, it will generate relatively little revenue and, before we know where we are, the threshold will be less than £1m in no time.
Sorry, should be props over £2m.
All that will happen is that the rich (actually rich, not property rich by accident of owning a home for the past 40 years in london) will just set up a trust outside of the UK then sell the property to themselves via that trust… bingo its no longer a home its a “business” and so exempt from not only this tax but also inheritance, and I’m sure a whole host of others.
Anyone thinking of voting Labour should go to BBC iplayer and watch Thursday’s Daily Politics. Ed Balls, Wan Nation Labour’s Chancellor, questioned by Andrew Brillo Neil in Bedford. Lying bullying Balls had an absolute car-crash interview and list the plot. Watch it and realise what awaits us if those crooks get back in in 2015. It is frightening.
One Nation Labour: ‘Soak the rich!’ – or their idea of ‘rich’, at any rate.
What were the stats put up on this site the other day – the top 14% pay 60% of the tax and the top 1% pay 25%?
Labour have always punished the wealth creators, and always will.
The Daily Politics is a great programme, giving all shades of the political spectrum a good grilling. It must be living on borrowed time – Ed will certainly be barking down Purnell’s ear after that interview.
Whilst usually highly critical of the BBC I must again give credit to Andrew Neil who is always fair and impartial and always keeps on asking difficult questions of those he interviews from which ever party they come from. If all BBC presenters were like this I would be much less angry about the BBC’s monopoly status and unique funding arrangements.
Yesterday he again showed Ed Balls up as an evasisve , lying, empty wind bag when he had Balls tying himself in knots about the proposed mansion tax yielding as much as £2 per week to the the less well off.
The BBC should be employing as many like Neil as it can find if it wants to gain the trust of the British people. When he is on we hear the truth, not the airbrushed sound bites that the politicians and the rest of the BBC want us to hear.
Instead they go and employ James Purnell former labour cabinet minister, as director of strategy on a gross of £295k (yes £295k).
And no helpful, leading questions, no attempts to bail out the guest or gently nudge them back on message. Unlike nearly every other BBC presenter/interviewer.
To consolidate BBC-NUJ- political alliance with Labour Party under new director general, TONY HALL:-
“Former Labour minister lands £300,000 BBC job: James Purnell faces accusations of bias.
“Ex-Culture and Work and Pensions Secretary resigns party membership.
“He will be a key figure in BBC charter renewal negotiations
Purnell will become one of the Corporation’s most powerful executives.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The appointment of a former Labour cabinet minister to a senior BBC job on a salary of almost £300,000 a year last night re-ignited concerns over the corporation’s links with the Left.
“James Purnell, who served as both Culture and Work and Pensions Secretary under Gordon Brown, has been handed the job as the corporation’s strategy chief.
“MPs claimed it was ‘unprecedented’ to have someone with such a politically active past become a senior BBC executive, while others said having a ‘partisan political figure’ would do little to reassure people that the corporation is impartial.
“Even insiders admitted it did little to dispel the impression there was ‘a revolving door between the Left and the BBC’.”
“BBC accused of ‘leftist bias’ after hiring former Labour minister.
“The BBC has been accused of ‘leftist bias’ after giving James Purnell, the former Labour culture secretary, a £295,000 a year job at the corporation.”
“James Purnell’s new BBC job is good news for the women in his life.
“James Purnell landed a £295,000-a-year job at the BBC just a little too late to be reunited with Thea Rogers, his former lover.”
It’s okay: Patton was a Tory, as defenders of the indefensible are so fond of telling us. The bias trump card. You can bet that even the Beeboids who’ve expressed concern internally about how this looks bad will claim that it actually doesn’t matter because the BBC is truly impartial and the top management never passes down orders on what to report and how. Even though we know they do just that, it will be the stock response. Like Savile/McAlpine, they also know it will just blow over after a while if they pay public lip-service for a few days, then ignore it and carry on as usual.
This appointment shows just how brazen and unaccountable and untouchable they actually are.
As a minister Purnell had responsibility for the BBC and now he’s left parliament he’s going to work for them. Not a reward for services provided I’m sure.
As with the 28gate scandal and Balen it is yet more proof that the BBC does just as it wants without fear of censure. It is out of control with its blatant political agenda and someone needs to get a grip.
From a corporate point of we ought not to be surprised by Purnell’s new BBC job.
The BBC’s prime directive is get the Licence Fee increased.
The TV Poll Tax is the filthy lucre that oils the wheels of the BBC gravy train.
The rail timetables tell us that the next stops are General Election in 2015 and BBC Charter renewal 2016.
Given that the BBC are plugging for Labour and a go for growth plan ‘B’, is it not obvious that an increase in Licence Fee will be portrayed as an ‘investment’ in the ecomony.
What corporation would turn up the chance of having a Labour insidered on the Board prior to such crucial negotiations with the Government?
Friggin’ and the riggin’..
‘The archives have been rifled and dusted down, the story fixed and the tone set right
By sheer coincidence, the guy BBC overseeing the archives (in, out and never happened) seems to have been paid off too.
The BBC aren’t biased in favour of the Left are they?
Rachel Burden hosts BBC 5 Live’s phone-in this morning:
Street Protests – Is There A Point To Them?
‘Let’s start with talking to Ken Livingstone’
OK, but come on where’s the evidence that the BBC is biased to the Left?
First supposed caller…. ‘I’m a member of UK Uncut…..’
‘Daily Mail’ report:-
“The rioters we can’t kick out: 18 months after mayhem that shocked Britain, just 15 out of 200 convicted foreigners have been deported.
“Ministers had promised to get tough after violence tore cities apart.
“EU law and human rights rules have blocked deportation efforts.
“More than 30 offenders have been told they are allowed to stay in the UK.
“Many are behind bars still, but 80 are at large after being released.
Radio 5 is taking its political lead from ‘militant’ Comrade MASON, Father of the Chapel of BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ who is currently politically embedded with the ‘militant’ Greek left party, SYRIZA.
“‘Blackmail, terrorism and tension’ – Greek left turns up rhetoric”
(-supported by ‘militant’ Comrade Mason).
Street Protests – Is There A Point To Them? Yes, but that depends on which side of the political spectrum one is on. With this in mind, here’s BBC technology correspondent (and husband of a BBC Trustee) Rory Cellan-Jones chairing a forum on what the best social media apps are for protesters and “citizen journalists” (like Mason’s darling Laurie Penny, not evil right-wing bloggers supporting the Tea Party movement). No, I do not exaggerate.
Join us at the Frontline Club for a lively debate about the latest technology for protesters and citizen journalists and how far technology could go in making protest safer and smarter.
The bias is institutional.
“At last Gordon Brown decided to throw the towel in and resign. His cabinet colleagues decided it would be a worthy gesture to name a railway locomotive after him. So a senior Sir Humphrey went from Whitehall to the National Railway Museum at York, to investigate the possibilities.
“We have a number of locomotives at the NRM without names,” a specially-sought NRM consultant told the top civil servant. “Mostly freight locomotives though.”
“Oh dear, that’s not very fitting for a prime minister,” said Sir Humphrey. “How about that big green one, over there?” he said, pointing to no.4472.
“That’s already got a name” said the consultant. “It’s called Flying Scotsman”
“Oh. Couldn’t it be renamed?” asked Sir Humphrey. “This is a national museum after all, funded by the taxpayer.”
“I suppose it might be considered,” said the NRM consultant. “After all the LNER renamed a number of their locomotives after directors of the company, and even renamed one of them Dwight D Eisenhower.”
“That’s excellent”, said Sir Humphrey, “So that’s settled then . let’s look at renaming 4472. But how much will it cost? We can’t spend too much, given the expenses scandal!”.
Well, said the consultant, “We could always just paint out the ‘F'”.
Brilliant. I will have to remember that one.
Gordon Brown was lying on his political deathbed and he called in Ed Milliband.
“I have two letters for you – the first is to be read and acted upon when you feel the Labour party needs a boost in the opinion polls and the second when it is obvious that our policies have bankrupted the country yet again”
Several years later (in 2013) Ed Milliband felt that the time had come to boost the Labour party and red the first letter. It said “Blame everything on me”. Ed Milliband immediately denounced Gordon Brown as a Chancellor who had robbed the poor to make a political point.
Five years later, with the economy in ruins as the wealthy had left to escape the mansion tax, the tobin tax and the new 75% income tax rate, in the throws of despair Ed Milliband opened the second letter.
It said “Prepare two letters.”
Nicky Campbell Tweets….
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
BBC News – Lab chimps successfully treated with anti-depressants …
No it’s not what you think! The BBC haven’t turned on Gordon Brown.
After plenty of pro- fowy-woxy propaganda from the BBC this week our Nicky is concerned about the diddle-monkey-wonkeys.
I like the name “Crash Gordon” but I also like “Flush Gordon” as he was round the bend and the whole country went down the pan in his time.
Milliband hopes to raise around £2 billion from the mansion tax. That figure reminds me of the average lost through fraud and error in each year from its inception by the tax credits scheme. Of course, the tax credit scheme was another gift to the nation from Crash (or Flush if you prefer). But you were there too, Balls up.
Just came across James Purnell’s 2009 resignation letter and I thought I’d share.
Dear Gordon,
We both love the Labour Party. I have worked for it for 20 years and you for far longer. We know we owe it everything and it owes us nothing. I owe it to our party to say what I believe no matter how hard that may be. I now believe your continued leadership makes a Conservative victory more, not less likely.
That would be disastrous for our country. This moment calls for stronger regulation, an active state, better public services, an open democracy.
It calls for a government that measures itself by how it treats the poorest in society. Those are our values, not David Cameron’s.
We therefore owe it to our country to give it a real choice. We need to show that we are prepared to fight to be a credible government and have the courage to offer an alternative future.
I am therefore calling on you to stand aside to give our party a fighting chance of winning. As such I am resigning from government. The party was here long before us, and we want it to be here long after we have gone. We must do the right thing by it.
I am not seeking the leadership, nor acting with anyone else. My actions are my own considered view, nothing more.
If the consensus is that you should continue, then I will support the government loyally from the backbenches. But I do believe that this question now needs to be put.
Thank you for giving me the privilege of serving.
Rt Hon James Purnell MP